Reclaiming lives 21

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I S S U E T W E N T Y- O N E | C E N T E R S TO N E . O RG


Learned Behavior How School-Based Therapists Make a Difference in Tennessee Classrooms

Supporting Sexual Trauma Victims | Psychosocial Recovery | Reclaiming Lives with Laurie Dhue

I S S U E T W E N T Y- O N E COVER FEATURE 2 | Learned Behavior: How School-Based Therapists Make a Difference in Tennessee Classrooms

HEALTH AND WELLNESS 7 | Spotlight on Centerstone School-Based Therapy 8 | Physician Spotlight: Allyson Witters Cundiff, MD

9 | A New Approach to Chronic Pain and Anxiety 10 | How to Support Sexual Trauma Victims IN THE COMMUNITY

11 | Philanthropy in Action 12 | Reclaiming Lives Luncheon Features Laurie Dhue 14 | News and Notes 1 6 | What Is Psychosocial Recovery?

17 | NOW OPEN: The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone

7 11





Editor in Chief Robert N. Vero, EdD, CEO Managing Editor David Schrader

Contributing Editors Elliot Pinsly Contributing Writers Rebecca Davis Mara Naylor Karen Rhea, MD

Graphic Design Alexandra Cope

Michael Rivera Centerstone Tennessee Board of Directors R. Parker Griffith, Chair Jim Sweeten, Vice Chair Dana Oman, Secretary Mark Faulkner, Immediate Past Chair Janet Ayers Kelly Crockett Crook Father Fred Dettwiller Vincent W. Durnan, Jr., EdD Tracy Frist Father Bill Midgett Jill Obremsky, MD Kate Satz Joan Sivley Sperry Bell Simmons Robert N. Vero, EdD, CEO

From the Editor in Chief Hello! Thanks for taking a look at Centerstone’s Reclaiming Lives magazine. I’m truly excited to share with you the great things happening inside this issue. What a compelling report we have from the front lines of Centerstone School-Based Therapy in our cover story. Each day, our therapists are serving students at hundreds of schools across Tennessee, an embedded model of therapy that administrators, parents and students say is especially convenient and really works. And there was surely something special at work during our annual Reclaiming Lives Luncheon. When originally planned speaker Jenna Bush Hager had to cancel due to the passing of her grandmother, former U.S. First Lady Barbara Bush, national news anchor Laurie Dhue stepped in. Her personal story of alcohol addiction and recovery deeply inspired a room full of new friends and longtime supporters alike. You’ll also get to read about the dedication of Centerstone staff and community partners—the lengths they go to provide integrated health care, foster parenting, military services and so much more. A principal from the cover story says, “Our school doesn’t survive without the collaboration with Centerstone. The success is because we’re all here working together.” That’s exactly how Centerstone feels about its clients, partners, staff and supporters. Centerstone survives in collaboration with the entire community. We’re honored to be working together with you, delivering care that changes people’s lives.

ABOUT CENTERSTONE Centerstone is a not-for-profit health care organization dedicated to delivering care that changes people’s lives. We are a nationally recognized leader, providing mental health and substance use treatment, related crisis care, education and support to people of all ages in communities in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. Nationally, we offer specialized care for service members, veterans and their loved ones, and develop employee assistance programs for businesses of all sizes. Our research institute improves behavioral health care through research, evaluation and technology, and our foundation secures philanthropic resources to support our work. For more information about Centerstone, please call (888) 291-4357 or visit

Robert N. Vero, EdD

Chief Executive Officer 5,500-0518




Murrell School principal Susan Siegel and Centerstone’s Melaton Bass Shelton

Learned Behavior

How School-Based Therapists Make a Difference in Tennessee Classrooms School is where many lessons are learned, friends are made, habits are formed and a child’s sense of purpose begins to take shape. But it isn’t always an easy experience year after year. Students must often juggle the challenges of gaining knowledge, growing up and fitting in along with additional pressures like behavioral issues, family matters and processing world events. Did you know Centerstone school-based therapists are embedded in nearly 300 campuses across Tennessee every day? From kindergarten classrooms to high school hallways, in lockstep with teachers and administrators, they serve with a true sense of calling to help make these places of learning—and these important years of development—safe, supportive and successful. All school-based therapists at Centerstone have master’s level credentials and work as part of the larger education team. As needs arise, students are referred for behavioral services by teachers, guidance counselors,

principals, parents or outside health providers. Funding options vary across counties, from state or federal grants to TennCare, private insurance and self-pay. In a recent visit to three schools partnering with Centerstone School-Based Therapy, the consistent message from administrators, parents, students and therapists is how well this model works. It gives kids direct access to treatment—often in the very moment it’s needed—without having to schedule therapy sessions and transportation outside of school. Further, addressing concerns that interfere with learning on-site (in a private setting) helps the struggling student, classmates impacted by disruptive behaviors and educators who must focus on learning. Nashville’s Murrell School principal Susan Siegel says, “Our school doesn’t survive without the collaboration with Centerstone. We’re teachers. We don’t have the mental health background that Centerstone brings to the table. The success is because we’re all here working together.” continues on page 4



A POSITIVE EFFECT At Rosebank Elementary, a magnet school focused on math, science and technology, Centerstone therapist Laurie Jackson serves around 25 students on a regular basis. She’s enthusiastic about the advantages of being “enmeshed” in campus life. “One thing that’s helpful is the kids are already familiar with your face,” she says. “All the students know me even if we don’t directly work together. I’m not a stranger because I’m seen in the halls.” Her steady presence makes the process of client assessment, diagnosis and treatment more comfortable and likely to yield quicker progress. Ms. Jackson sits in on classes to observe her students before one-on-one sessions begin. During early visits, they may sit at a table with art supplies or fidget toys, simply building rapport as she asks questions and determines a care plan. That’s how it happened with Rosebank kindergartener Johnathan, a shy kid who would disrupt class by acting out. Once unable to use his words effectively, he was nonetheless quite capable of doing dramatic things to get attention when he felt frustrated. His mom, Shaunqueen Leatherman, explains, “I don’t think anybody believed how bad his behaviors were

until one day he refused to get on the bus and he started throwing chairs. So we asked for extra help at school, and Johnathan has been in love with Ms. Laurie ever since. She gained his trust—and he really does not trust a whole lot of people with his feelings.” Laurie says, “He’s using his words more than his behaviors now. It’s different with every child because they’re individuals, but with Jonathan in particular he wants to know what’s expected of him and for things to be consistent. He has a tendency to experience anxiety, so we work on how to address anxious thoughts. I’ve taught him skills like deep breathing and cognitive techniques to change his behavior. He caught on pretty quick.” “Jonathan, he’s a whole new person,” says his mom. “And what he gets at school via Centerstone is definitely helping us at home. He thinks he’s a therapist now and tries to help his little brother!” Rosebank principal Kellee Akers is grateful for how school-based therapy “has a positive effect on the entire school. You can imagine 20 kids in a classroom, and using Johnathan’s example, if a child is throwing chairs then there’s an impact on everybody. Such externalized behaviors disrupt the learning environment. When we can settle those things in students here on-site it tends to lift the whole boat.” Centerstone’s Laurie Jackson, Rosebank principal Kellee Akers and parent Shaunqueen Leatherman read with Johnathan


he’s a whole new person.



A DEEPER SKILL SET In South Nashville, Lead Cameron is an especially diverse middle and high school where sixty percent of attendees are second language learners who primarily speak Spanish or Arabic. Among the 600+ middle school students, about 13 percent are Centerstone clients seen on-site by school-based team leader Amy Green or therapist Jeanine Tobolski. As these kids get older, the issues often escalate.

Lead Cameron school director Kate Ring and Centerstone’s Amy Green

“Our students have profound needs coming from traumatic situations or simply as middle schoolers who are trying to figure out their lives,” says school director Kate Ring. “At a basic capacity level it would be impossible for us to meet all the needs of our students, so having two full-time counselors from Centerstone is really helpful.”

Ms. Green agrees the challenges students face today have intensified. She says, “In the past it was more balanced with issues like testing anxiety and social anxiety or depression. Lately it’s more trauma based, so there’s the need for crisis intervention and maintaining safety. I’ve had kids who are actively using substances. Another kid is really gang involved but feels safe enough now to confide in us—that’s huge.” Regina Schumacher is Lead Cameron’s dean of culture. Her regular check-ins with students confirm they feel safe at school but maybe not always at home, on the bus or in their neighborhood. The data she collects often leads to a referral for school-based therapy. “We have a school counseling program that reaches a lot of students, but because of the depth of need we have here we really do need therapy,” she says. “Centerstone has a deeper skill set when it comes to working with students who’ve had traumatic experiences or generational mental illness within their families. We also handle a lot of neglect—a great deal of it isn’t intentional; it’s just a lack of resources.” Ms. Green adds, “The reality is that some parents aren’t home; they’re working multiple jobs and can’t afford to live any other way, so the kids are at home alone at night, taking care of things on their own, maybe not doing homework, or doing things they’re not supposed to be doing. The barriers go back to lack of skill set or availability.” Working to remedy that, Ms. Schumacher applauds the flexibility of Centerstone’s school-based therapists who are willing to meet with families almost whenever and wherever—whatever is needed to ensure these kids receive necessary services. She’s also quick to celebrate successes, like the fifth grade girl who has made friends after overcoming social phobias—“I directly link that to her work with Centerstone therapists at school”—or the eighth grade boy now getting along with teachers and showing more confidence. “His coping and social skills are just leaps and bounds from when he came to us at age 11.” continues on page 6



AN UNBELIEVABLE DIFFERENCE Back at Murrell School, the majority of kindergarten through eighth grade students are enrolled there due to certified emotional disturbances. When a child’s behaviors are so disruptive that their needs can’t be met in the general education setting, they are sent to this special day school where Centerstone always has a behavior coach present in every classroom, two full-time therapists on-site and a nurse practitioner to provide medication management. “The majority of our 75 kids come here because of physically acting out, sexually acting out or running away,” says Principal Siegel. “Among our students, 98 percent come from indigent single family homes; some live with grandparents or in foster homes. And we deal with homicidal and suicidal kids weekly, which is where we rely a lot on Centerstone’s expertise. It’s unbelievable the difference it makes having their staff be part of our team.” Melaton Bass Shelton is Centerstone’s school-based coordinator at Murrell and describes the school’s unique atmosphere. “We understand most of our kids are from traumatized backgrounds, so we have three professionals in the classroom at all times—the teacher, the teacher’s aide and a behavior coach. You should see these three professionals acting as one, able to engage the children and meet them where they are.” That means the staff is there to meet the kids coming off the bus each morning, ready to offer kind words and a pat on the back to start the day. “I have to know that these children have stuff going on—stories that most people wouldn’t be able to survive,” says Ms. Shelton. “But these kids have survived. They are strong. And now we have to train them to learn to survive in the real world.” Sometimes that means simply teaching a child that it’s okay to ask for a hug. Principal Siegel speaks of students who’ve intentionally acted out in order to be contained “because you’re basically hugging them. We have to train them to know we can do hugs every day if they need that!” As heart wrenching as that sounds, it’s all the more heartwarming to hear of the Murrell School success stories—of the parents who are delighted when Ms. Shelton calls them during a session to praise their child’s progress, or the multiple students who come back to visit years later with gratitude and pride. “Every year we have at least three or four kids who come back to visit,” says Siegel. “They can’t always say ‘thank you,’ but they will say, ‘Look what I’ve done with my life.’ And that’s the most important thing. That’s why we’re here.” And that’s why Centerstone School-Based Therapy is here, too. When students across Tennessee are in need of learning healthier behaviors, developing social skills or receiving other mental health treatment, we want to be there making a difference, delivering care that changes people’s lives. q 6


Centerstone Prevention Services In addition to School-Based Therapy, Centerstone also offers Prevention Services to schools in 85 counties throughout Tennessee— educating and empowering children, teens and their families to make positive decisions when faced with common real-life issues. Centerstone Prevention Services professionals enter classrooms to present evidence-based curricula focused on violence and bullying prevention, social skills enhancement, alcohol and substance use prevention, teen pregnancy prevention and other key issues. These services are funded by state, federal or private grants and are provided at no cost. To check out our comic books, toolkits and lots more, please visit


Centerstone School-Based Therapy Centerstone offers School-Based Therapy in more than 20 Tennessee counties. Providing integrated mental health treatment for children and adolescents, School-Based Therapists work within preschool, elementary, middle and high school facilities, helping students overcome behavioral, emotional or social problems that interfere with success at school and at home. Common issues may include: • Aggression • Poor social skills •







Our therapists help students reduce disruptive behavior and improve self-monitoring skills. Integrated as members of the school team, we can serve youth in a familiar setting, offering minimal interruption to their school day. Services School-Based Therapy includes: •

Individual therapy

Family and group counseling

Risk assessments (e.g., suicide – as needed)

Classroom observation and consultation

Specialized training and support services for parents and teachers

Collaboration with other community providers

Linkage to additional community resources

Referrals Teachers, guidance counselors, principals, providers or parents may refer students for these services. Students may also self-refer. To make a referral or sign up, call the child’s school and ask to speak with a Centerstone SchoolBased Therapist.

For a complete list of schools with a Centerstone therapist on-site, please visit

Funding Funding for Centerstone’s School-Based Therapy varies. Services may be funded by state or federal grants, TennCare, private insurance or self-pay. q




Allyson Witters Cundiff, MD

Dr. Allyson Witters Cundiff is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Centerstone in Clarksville. She completed her undergraduate work at Vanderbilt University, attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and completed her residency and fellowship at Vanderbilt where she was Chief Fellow. In addition to her role at Centerstone, Dr. Cundiff also works at The Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. She is board certified in both child and adolescent psychiatry and general adult psychiatry.

Why did you choose to work at Centerstone? I have a special place in my heart for the underserved population and especially love taking care of children. I enjoy meeting and working with the families, striving to help them as much as possible when a child is struggling. Because as we all know, a kid having a difficult time impacts the entire family. What future advances in the delivery of care excite you the most? I’ve often heard that in medicine, the brain is the final frontier. We know so much about other major organs in the body, but we still have a lot to learn about how the brain works, specifically with mental illness. I engage in research at Vanderbilt when I’m not at Centerstone. I’m excited about the discoveries being made to identify specific biomarkers that could eventually help us predict who may be more susceptible to certain illnesses, therefore allowing us to prevent on the front end. 8


Tell us about your family. I have a fantastic husband, an amazing stepdaughter who is about to leave for college (where she will play soccer and run track), and we were blessed this past year with the birth of my first child. She is such a sweet girl with a big personality and we are amazed every day by how much she is growing and learning. It has been a really great reminder to slow down, put the phone away, turn the TV off and enjoy each minute as much as possible. What made you interested in psychiatry? I find it sad that mental illness is still so stigmatized. I believe every person in the world has a friend or family member that has been affected by some form of mental illness (if not affected himself or herself). I hope that by proudly serving in this field, we can continue to help people become more aware of how prevalent mental illness is, and can save the lives of the individuals who were too ashamed to seek treatment.

What might you have done if you had not chosen this line of work? I am pretty much weatherobsessed. The first thing I do when I wake up is check the weather and radar. When I was younger, I really thought about becoming a meteorologist. I saved up money, and the first book I ever purchased was one about weather and meteorology. What advice have you found useful over the years? Do your best. My dad (also a physician) taught me this one day when I was nine years old and apparently doing a fairly poor, sloppy job of helping him wash a car. He showed me where I had carelessly washed and told me “a job worth doing is a job worth doing right.” That particular moment has carried forward with me. I try to approach all situations with my best foot forward, whether it’s taking care of a patient, studying for a test, or something less important such as cleaning up my kitchen. q

A New Approach to Chronic Pain and Anxiety Opioid addiction continues to grow nationwide and kills three people in Tennessee each day. At a Centerstone clinic in Nashville, Dr. Alicia Batson offers clients an alternative to prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines in the treatment of chronic pain and anxiety—based on her personal experience. Having always believed there was no separation between the mind and body, Dr. Batson received dual training in psychiatry and internal medicine. But it wasn’t until Dr. Batson had chronic pain herself—and spent ten years searching for successful treatment— that she really understood how the mind and body interact in creating both pain and healing. Since overcoming a vicious cycle of compounding pain and anxiety, she now helps others who suffer from undiagnosed chronic pain reclaim their lives. Common examples of chronic pain may include fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic interstitial cystitis, migraine headaches and inconclusive back or neck trouble.

“Chronic pain is pain that persists more than three months and does not have a structural cause in the body,” says Dr. Batson. “The pain is coming from the brain, but it’s real. There’s nothing wrong with the body or the mind; what’s wrong is the input you’re getting. Specifically, the brain believes you are chronically in danger.”

Dr. Batson explains the brain has certain mechanisms designed for safety—for example, the “fight or flight” response meant to keep a person alive. But that sympathetic nervous system doesn’t work as well when it’s turned on for lengthy or recurring amounts of time. Examples of such extended activation include responses to adverse childhood experiences, adult trauma (divorce, job loss) and self-destructive behaviors done subconsciously (self-criticism, people pleasing, constant worry). “Any time you have a pain that concerns you in your body, you must go to a medical doctor first,” Dr. Batson emphasizes. “Ruling out life threatening or treatable medical conditions is critical.” When chronic pain and anxiety have no conclusive diagnosis, Dr. Batson says treatment involves “turning off the sympathetic nervous system” with four steps: Psychoeducation – It’s important to understand that pain can come from the brain. Every person on the planet has had an episode of the brain causing a symptom in the body: a face turning red from embarrassment is a real physiologic change in the body, but it started in the brain. Cognitive Behavior Tools – A person can learn to change the relationship with his pain and no longer let it control his life. This can eventually break the pain-fear-attention cycle which is driving the pain. Success can be measured by how little one allows pain to change a daily routine. Learning Self-Compassion – Erase self-criticism, self-pressure, people-pleasing habits and chronic feelings of fear when dealing with chronic pain and anxiety. Learn to treat yourself in a positive way—with the same love and compassion you would give to a loved one. Emotional Processing of Past Traumas – Many who struggle with chronic pain and anxiety can improve with psychoeducation and cognitive behavioral therapy alone, but some will need help processing repressed emotions from past traumas which are driving the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. A skilled therapist is an important component in the path to healing. If you’d like help with chronic pain or anxiety, appointments with Dr. Alicia Batson are scheduled by calling (888) 291-4357. q CENTERSTONE.ORG


How to Support Sexual Trauma Victims by Karen Rhea, MD

By the time you finish reading this article, four more Americans will experience sexual assault. The probability that you know someone who has experienced sexual trauma is high. Individuals who are at particularly high risk of sexual assault include children and young adolescents, elderly people—especially those with dementia—as well as individuals with developmental disabilities. Whether the assault occurred recently or years ago, each person has the right to be heard and supported with treatment interventions. Recent educational campaigns and public discussions are providing broader understanding about the damage caused by sexual assault and sexual trauma. Here are several ways to support survivors of sexual trauma. Know the Misconceptions We can stop the spread of false information about sexual assault and trauma by knowing the misconceptions that exist. First, sexual assault is often more about power and control than only about sex. Second, sexual assault may be committed by a person who is not a stranger to the victim. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), in 93 percent of juvenile sexual abuse cases reported to law enforcement victims knew the perpetrator. Further, sexual trauma can have a profound effect on the life of a child or adult. The impact on interpersonal relationships can be serious, immediate and have long term consequences. There are physical and emotional effects of such trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders, as well as depression.

Don’t Blame the Victim Sexual assault thrives on secrecy and blaming the victim. Statements like “Why didn’t he or she run?” or “They should take sexual defense classes.” can come across as blaming the victim without a person even realizing it, making it more difficult for an individual who has experienced sexual assault to speak out about his or her experience. Studies show the majority of sexual assaults are not reported. Encourage appropriate reporting of sexual assault to authorities. Provide Support Support individuals who have endured sexual assault by listening to their narrative and offering to help connect them with advocates and clinical providers who specialize in treating survivors of sexual abuse. An effective treatment referral could incorporate evidence-based practices, including trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and other psychotherapy strategies; some individuals can benefit from psychiatric treatment also targeted to co-occurring conditions like anxiety and depression. The National Sexual Assault Hotline, 1-800-656-HOPE (4673), is free and confidential. Trained staff members are there 24/7 to listen, support, answer questions and provide resources. At Centerstone, we have professionals trained to provide treatment to rape and sexual abuse victims of all ages and can be reached for appointments at (888) 291-4357 (HELP). Sexual trauma should not ultimately determine an individual’s future life path. With understanding and support, we can begin to ensure no one journeys on their path to healing alone.q

Karen Rhea, MD, is Chief Medical Officer at Centerstone and a triple board-certified physician in general psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and pediatrics. 10


Philanthropy IN ACTION

Nashville Predators Raise Funds to Benefit Centerstone Goals! Centerstone received $4,950 thanks to the DEX Imaging Score & Win Program and the Nashville Predators Foundation. Pairing local charities with specific Preds players, DEX and the hockey team’s foundation reward each goal scored by those athletes through the regular season with a donation to the designated organization. Nashville Predators Craig Smith, Kevin Fiala and Anthony Bitetto were partnered with Centerstone Military Services—and the results were simply smashing! Centerstone team members Rebecca Davis, Trenay Bynum, Michael Rivera, Zain Syed and Neely Sims celebrate the Nashville Predators’ winning season.

C.F. Callihan to Lead Fundraising for Centerstone in Tennessee C.F. Callihan will now serve as director of advancement, joining the Centerstone Foundation team in Tennessee after a successful run in Kentucky where he helped revive a signature fundraising event. C.F. previously led fundraising efforts for Louisville Ballet and also worked at the Music Academy of the West and the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. He’s a West Virginia native and a graduate of the University of Kentucky and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

ACEs Event Addresses Opioid Epidemic Centerstone co-hosted the “Adverse Childhood Experiences & Opioid Use Disorder” event—its fourth ACEs lunch and learn—welcoming more than 50 attendees. Panelists included James Bush (STARS Nashville), Mary Linden Salter (Tennessee Association of Alcohol, Drug & other Addiction Services), Ingrid Cockhren (ACE Nashville) and Nichelle Foster (Metro Nashville Public Health Department).

Board Members Join Advocacy Day Efforts Huge thanks to board members Dr. Jill Obremskey and Kate Satz who joined Centerstone CEO Dr. Bob Vero and Regional Vice Presidents Beth Hail, Matt Hardy and Ken Stewart for the Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations “Advocacy Day on the Hill” in Nashville. They met with 18 state legislators to advocate for the Governor’s Budget which includes funding for TN Together, a plan focused on opioid prevention, treatment and enforcement.

Boat Parade Brings Boatload of Toys The Harbor of Lights Boat Parade hosted by the great crew at Elm Hill Marina brought in a boatload of toys for Centerstone’s child and youth clients in Middle Tennessee. In addition to the $1,500 worth of games, stuffed animals, sports equipment, art supplies and more, attendees donated $7,500 in cash to buy holiday gifts in our northern and southern Tennessee regions. CENTERSTONE.ORG


Reclaiming Lives Luncheon Features News Anchor, Recovery Specialist Laurie Dhue


Jerry Williams, Cammie Claybrook, Bertie Shriver

Centerstone hosted its fourth annual Reclaiming Lives Luncheon at Hillwood Country Club in Nashville. Laurie Dhue, an award-winning news anchor who hosted shows on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News Channel, was the featured keynote speaker. She is now a Certified Recovery Specialist and among the nation’s leading recovery advocates, herself in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. This annual fundraising event benefits Centerstone clients across Tennessee while providing attendees with an afternoon of fun, education and friendship. Laurie was booked the day before the luncheon when original speaker Jenna Bush Hager could not be there due to the passing of her grandmother, former First Lady of the United



States Barbara Bush. Remarkably, Dhue’s powerful keynote address about the depths of her addiction and heights of her recovery made natural connections to Centerstone’s continuum of substance use disorder services. Laurie’s remarks engaged and emotionally moved the sold-out audience which gave a standing ovation. “I woke up sober this morning, as I have for the past 4,054 days,” said Dhue, who recently spoke at The White House for the Office of National Drug Control Policy and appeared in the 2017 documentary Reversing the Stigma. “I came back to life because of help and hope and because I wasn’t alone.” Dr. Bob Vero, Chief Executive Officer of Centerstone, welcomed guests to the event. Other speakers included the

Karee Hays, Elizabeth McAlister

Minnette Jackson, Leslie Sellers, Laurie Dhue, Terrie Kirby, Rachel Kirby, Teri Hendricks

Lee Ann Ingram, Dr. Bob Vero, Karen Bell Moore

Laurie Dhue, Amy Marsalis, Pam Bollinger

Kathryn Berschback, Elizabeth McAlister, Laurie Dhue, Dana Oman, Kelly Crockett Crook

Kathryn Berschback, Joy Williams, Duff Berschback

Susan Holmes, Tracy Frist, Bari Beasley, Kelly Crockett Crook

Dr. Bob Vero, R. Parker Griffith, Parker Griffith, Jr., Ben Middleton, Mark Faulkner

Reverend Canon Fred Dettwiller, Kelly Crockett Crook and

Table sponsors included Dana Oman, Kelly Crockett Crook,

Dana Oman (Centerstone board members), Jeanie

Elizabeth McAlister, Kathryn Berschback, Karen Bell Moore,

Rittenberry (FirstBank) and R. Parker Griffith (Centerstone

Sperry Bell Simmons, Mary Wilson, Kerrie Johnson and

board chair) plus Kathryn Berschback and Elizabeth

Lynette Wright.

McAlister who co-chaired the luncheon. Lorie Duke and Troy Solarek served as honorary chairs.

For more about this event, contact q

Presenting sponsors of the Reclaiming Lives Luncheon were FirstBank, The Ayers Foundation, Baird and The Parker Griffith Family Foundation. Other sponsors included Oman Gibson Associates, DVL Seigenthaler, HCA/TriStar Health and Karee Hays Aesthetics. Local vendors Bolt27 by Lynette Wright, Jo Candles, The Dotted Line and Kendra Scott offered shopping before and after the event.

The Parker Griffith Family Foundation CENTERSTONE.ORG


NEWS&NOTES Thumbs up! (l-r) Centerstone’s Cassondra Chaput, integrated care client Sherry and Jennifer from Interfaith Dental Clinic.

Centerstone employees display TAMHO Awards: (front) April Scott, EAnn Ingram, Kathy Rogers (back) Jeremy Davaloz, Elliot Pinsly and David Schrader.

At your service! Customer Care team members from across Tennessee gather for a weekend training in Nashville.

Clients and staff attend the Phoenix Art Gala: (l-r) Kay Card, Edith Hunter-Potts, John L. Butts, Shelli Baxter, Leann Wilson, Darrell Sharp, Martez Nelson and Ben Overby.

Centerstone Wins 5 TAMHO Awards Centerstone won several honors at the Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations (TAMHO) Awards! Recognitions went to Dr. Brad Nunn for the Distinguished Service Award, Early Childhood Services for Program of Excellence and Reclaiming Lives magazine for the Media Award. Also, Dr. Bob Vero and Dr. Nunn received a Service Award and Volunteer Leadership Award respectively for their personal contributions to TAMHO. 14


Clients Exhibit Artwork Centerstone Peer Support Services staff and clients had fun attending the annual Phoenix Art Gala hosted by Healing Arts Project, Inc. (HAPI). Peer Support Services clients regularly practice creativity in association with HAPI, and several had original artwork up for auction at the charitable event.

New Training for Customer Care Team How much do Centerstone Customer Care team members care about

delivering care that changes people’s lives? So much that they spent an entire Saturday at a special meeting to receive new training in suicide prevention and service excellence standards. What a great crew!

Care Coordination with Interfaith Dental Clinic Here’s something to smile about! Centerstone Wellness Coordinator Cassondra Chaput recently went the extra mile(s) by driving client Sherry from Clarksville to Nashville to receive free grant-funded services at Interfaith Dental Clinic.

New Centerstone staff are full of smiles after a fun day of employee training.

Becky Stoll and Dr. Matt Hardy share their expertise on local television.

Natalie Stone meets her cartoon likeness after giving a keynote speech at the Mental Health Marketing Conference.

Centerstone Is Hiring! Do you know someone looking for meaningful employment? Centerstone is regularly hiring clinical and administrative behavioral health professionals across Tennessee. We hold new employee orientation regularly to prepare staff for delivering care that changes people’s lives. Learn more at

Stoll, Hardy Discuss Crisis Care When tragedy strikes, news outlets often call Centerstone to share

(l-r) Prevention Services’ Amanda McGeshick, Ashleigh Hall, Doris Vaughan and Camille Lashlee attend a grant conference in San Diego. (l-r) Board member Kelly Crockett Crook, care coordinator Michelle Baumgardner and CEO Dr. Bob Vero laugh and learn with Centerstone foster parent Emily Houston.

coping advice. Becky Stoll, Vice President of Crisis & Disaster Management, spoke on air with Nashville’s WTVF-CBS following the shooting attack in Las Vegas, while Regional Vice President Dr. Matt Hardy was interviewed by WKRNABC about helping a community grieving a loss in Dickson County.

Prevention Services Team Visits San Diego Centerstone Prevention Services traveled to San Diego for the 19th Annual Grant Professionals Association Conference. While

there, team members networked with other not-for-profit leaders and expanded their knowledge of grant implementation.

Dickson Clinic Tour Board members and other Centerstone supporters gathered at our all-new clinic in Dickson to learn more about services offered in this area, including Therapeutic Foster Care. Emily Houston, whose family has fostered 30 children and adopted two kids through Centerstone, shared many inspiring success stories. q CENTERSTONE.ORG


Centerstone Psychosocial Recovery clients in Clarksville were visited by Coach King and Coach Kurt from TITLE Boxing Club to learn fundamentals of the sport and how it can help constructively manage anger issues, depression and anxiety.

What Is Psychosocial Recovery? Centerstone Psychosocial Recovery is a clinical approach that provides a structured, supportive environment for individuals whose mental health symptoms significantly impact their day-to-day living. Professional staff lead activities focused on positive social interaction and community involvement, while teaching practical skills that promote recovery and improved quality of life. Participants can expect to work individually and in groups during Psychosocial Recovery and will collaborate with their treatment team on the following: • Understanding one’s mental illness and

related symptoms

• Developing a set of effective coping skills • Setting life goals and monitoring progress • Improving social and/or family relationships • Learning skills to maintain independent living

Other areas of focus during treatment may include: health, hygiene, employment, housing, finances and more. Eligibility Centerstone Psychosocial Recovery is for adults with a persistent mental health condition. Services are provided up to five days per week based on the individual’s unique set of needs and paid for by insurance (including TennCare and Safety Net) or self-pay. Call us to learn more about how to get started. 16


Before coming here, I didn’t leave my bedroom for over a year. Now I go places I never thought I could because I’m learning about my PTSD and panic attacks. There’s a new me thanks to Centerstone. I don’t believe I would have survived had I not been introduced to Psychosocial Recovery. I can smile and laugh again.


-Connie H.

Participants can access Psychosocial Recovery services at Centerstone locations in these Middle Tennessee counties: Bedford 1110 Woodbury Street Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931) 560-3066

Dickson 224 N. Main Street Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-6178

Coffee 709 N. Davidson Street Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 393-5940

Maury 6011-B Trotwood Avenue Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 560-3064

Davidson 230 Venture Circle Nashville, TN 37228 (615) 460-4190

Montgomery 611 Eighth Street Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 920-7289

Transportation is available—call for more information or visit us at q

NOW OPEN: The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone has officially opened its doors in Clarksville, Tennessee. This all-new clinic serves any person who has served in the United States Armed Forces, including National Guard and Reserves, regardless of discharge status, role or combat experience, with a focus on post-9/11 veterans. It also serves veteran and active duty family members including spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings, caregivers and others. At the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone, our professionals provide behavioral health care services, case management and connection to local resources at low to no cost and without long wait times for an appointment. No insurance is required. Lisa Eggebeen, LCSW, clinic director at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone, shares more details in this Q&A: What services are provided at this clinic? We offer veterans, active duty members and their family personalized, evidence-based mental health care along with access to comprehensive case management support and referrals to deal with other stresses like LISA EGGEBEEN unemployment, finances, housing and legal issues. Our skilled staff offer brief, client-centered therapy for a variety of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment issues, anger, grief and loss, family issues, transition challenges, relationship problems and children’s behavioral problems. Why is there an emphasis on serving post 9/11 veterans and their families? Veterans returning from deployment to conflict locations such as Iraq and Afghanistan often have experienced complex trauma. Steven A. Cohen is a philanthropist and the proud father of a U.S. Marine who deployed to Afghanistan. He created the Cohen Veterans Network to improve the quality of life for returned veterans and their families by working to strengthen mental health outcomes and complement existing support. Treating the invisible wounds of war for all veterans and their family members is a commitment of Centerstone. Veterans who have served prior to 9/11 will not be denied care.

The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone 775 Weatherly Drive Clarksville, TN 37043 Appointments: (931) 221-3850

You’ve recently returned to Centerstone to serve as a clinic director. My return to Centerstone was a deliberate one. I began my career here over 10 years ago as an outpatient practitioner. From there I’ve transitioned to different roles within the organization and found that regardless of service line, staff truly care about the clients we serve—people from all walks of life. I wanted to be a part of that again. How do veterans and families begin receiving services at this Cohen Clinic at Centerstone? Any person interested in services at this specialized location can call (931) 221-3850. Walk-ins are also welcome. q CENTERSTONE.ORG


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Board Member Spotlight: Joan Sivley Centerstone board members donate time and resources toward our noble purpose: Delivering care that changes people’s lives. Among them is Joan Sivley, a dynamic health care leader who has served on various Centerstone boards for 24 years. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Middle Tennessee State University and served as Executive Director of Tennessee Primary Care Association prior to retirement. How did you first become aware of Centerstone? I did an internship here when I was in graduate school in 1974 when the organization was known as the Dede Wallace Center. How did you become a board member? I was invited to join after the passing of my husband, Rick Sivley, in 1993 at age 46. He was a larger than life fellow who had a career working for three governors and finished his State efforts by serving as the Commissioner of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. He then became president and CEO of the Dede Wallace Center (now Centerstone) and together with the board

launched Mental Health Management of America. Being invited to join the Centerstone board has been a great blessing to me. It helped keep me together after a very hard time. Also, it enabled me to return to my passion, mental health care. What are you most passionate about among our line of services? The thing that’s most compelling to me is to ease suffering, which is accomplished through all of our services and our exceptional providers. Tell us about your family. My daughter, Bryn, and her four sons live in the Dominican Republic. My son, Dan, and his wife live in Nashville with their son. All five grandsons are kind, smart and absolute riots. Why is it important to support Centerstone? Centerstone delivers the best care, has visionary leadership and committed, inspired boards within the enterprise. It is establishing the highest standards for mental health services, research and national policy. Centerstone is a perfect place to invest time, talent and funds; your pay off will be greater here than any other organization I know. q

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