www.ammachilabs.org | June 1 2017
Amrita University is a multi-campus, multi-disciplinary research university that is accredited ‘A’ by NAAC and is ranked as one of the best research universities in India. The university is spread across five campuses in three states of India - Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, with the University headquarters at Ettimadai, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
AMMACHI Labs is an academic and research center at Amrita University that brings an interdisciplinary approach to addressing societal challenges. We envision a world where technology is designed and used to empower people. We create innovative educational tools and skill development solutions to help uplift entire communities. We are as excited about community outreach solutions as we are about our focused research and development for Computer-Human Interactions (CHI), robotics and automation, haptic technologies, and applied robotics. Through the use of CHI technology, AMMACHI Labs aims to augment skill development, life enrichment education, healthcare, disaster risk reduction, and much more. We began in 2009 as a small research lab located on the beautiful Amritapuri campus of Amrita University in Kerala, India. Today, our team consists of over 100 people from all over the world working towards the common vision of bettering society through technological innovation. We are a diverse and talented family. Our team members come from many countries, backgrounds and professions to make AMMACHI Labs a unique place. As part of Amrita University, AMMACHI Labs stands out as a cutting edge research facility and social outreach platform. Our parent NGO, Embracing the World, is a global network of regional humanitarian organizations inspired by the India-based humanitarian initiatives of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math.
INTRODUCTION The Women Empowerment: Community Sanitation through Democratic Participation (WE:CSDP) project (UDF-15-IND-667) was launched in February 2017 by Amrita University’s AMMACHI Labs. It is a two year, pan-India initiative jointly funded with the United Nations Democracy Fund. It aims to address the issues of inadequate community sanitation, women’s health, and water management in rural India through improving democratic representation of women in local governance. The project targets 21 villages in India, and aims to empower at least 5,000 women in rural Indian communities to champion sanitation and community development, eventually reaching their entire village, or 30,000 indirect beneficiaries. Participating women will receive continuous life skill training, will conduct sanitation campaigns, and will organize and mobilize efforts to implement key community actions to access government programs, such as the Swacch Bharat Mission, that specifically promotes sanitation. This community mobilization and training effort is designed to efficiently reach entire communities in a short amount of time. It will also provide strength and support to the women advocating and petitioning to their local governments to address social and environmental issues in their villages. It is in line with the Government of India’s commitment to improving sanitation and rural development, as well as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since the launch of the project in February, we have accomplished a number of objectives. After setting up centers in each of the villages and selecting Community Organizers (COs), we held a Train the Trainer event at the university headquarters in Amritapuri where women from all over India got the chance to learn about their role in the project, and get to know each other and share their incredible stories. Since then, the CO’s have engaged over 20 SHGs, held dozens of Community Awareness Events, and have started to meet with local government, becoming real community leaders. The COs and SHGs have launched their community sanitation campaign and have begun a process of social change. As these women continue to empower themselves and others, we hope to see a chain reaction that will lead to stronger, more resilient communities where women are able to lead the way to sustainable development.
OUTCOMES OF THE WE:CSDP PROJECT Challenges Addressed by the Project:
Gender Inequality and Empowerment
Inadequate democratic engagement around sanitation
Absence of project sustainability through socio-democratic development.
The overall development goal of the WE:CSDP project is women’s empowerment and improved sanitation through advancing women’s political participation, leadership, economic & social development. The project will address three major social problems hindering the democratic process in the targeted villages:
Project Goals and Outcomes:
Project Beneficiaries
The WE:CSDP project aims to empower at least 5,000 women in rural Indian communities and indirectly benefit 30,000 beneficiaries, as follows:
Community Organizers
Selected based on leadership skills and enthusiasm
Chosen with the help of COs and local interest. Under current SHG regulations, group sizes can range from 10-20 women
Change Agents
Open Defection Free Campaign participants (1 woman per household). Enlisted by ASHGs through outreach and door-to-door
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total population of the 21 villages (between 500-2,000 residents in each village)
PROJECT ACTIVITIES Outcomes and Activities Outputs for Outcome 1:
Increased women’s individual capabilities and awareness on sanitation and personal development
Output 1.1
TTT workshops for 42 women COs (Q1 & Q4) 2 weeks
1 event successfully completed
Output 1.2
Delivery of Computerized Life-Skills/Life Enrichment Education (c-LEE) to Champions and Change Agents
240 Women participated in 21 Villages
Output 1.1 TTT workshop at Amrita University, Amritapuri - February 2017
The TTT was held from February 18th to March 1st at Amrita University. A total of 48 people from 17 villages participated in the 12 days of training (43 women and 5 men). Refresher and continued training will be conducted in the villages during the subsequent village visits made by project staff. The TTT covered around 30 major topics, that ranged from how to form self-help groups, run a community advocacy campaign around sanitation, and facilitate awareness sessions using Amrita University’s tablet based, life skills education. The training included various topics with a special focus on sanitation and community health, financial literacy, legal aids, and the Right to Information Act. The trainees learned the correct vocabulary, the environmental and social effects of open defecation, and strategies for enacting change within their communities. Generally, the morning sessions included discussion, activities, and group work; and the afternoons consisted of peer-to-peer learning, during which a group of COs led various sessions to instruct the rest of the class. These sessions were very successful, and created feelings of group adhesion and camaraderie among the trainees.
TTT Experiences “Every woman should come out of her home and be more involved in our project works. Women must come out of their Purdah (veil). Only then will we know our rights.” -Renu Singh from Hadiabad, Bihar
During the Train-The-Trainer session, Renu Singh took a bold step and removed her traditional Purdah (veil). The sessions with the other women gave her the courage to do so.
“According to me, Champions of Change are the ones responsible for the development of the village. Our society is a male dominated one. It is time for women to come forward.” -Suchita from Dunda, Uttarakhand
When I return to my village, I will gather a group of women who want to make a change and participate. And I will make them aware of their rights.“ -Jyothi from Ukhimath, Uttarakhand
“Everything in my village is good apart from cleanliness, which I will go back and focus on.” -Surekha from Malakpan, Goa
“If we become champions of change anywhere , first we create a group and make everyone aware about what needs to be done.” -Urmila from Guptapada, Odisha
“First of all I have understood how to go back and create a SHG as a CO, how to talk” -Anjana from Dunda, uttarakhand
“Earlier people used to defecate in the open, so everyone used to face difficulties. The problem is not solved. But It is better now.” -Renu Bala from Kanti, Haryana
Output 1.1 Computerized training as part of TTT
Output 1.2 Delivery of c-LEE, Byse, Karnataka
Output 1.2 c-LEE given to Champions and Change agents: Indhupur, Himachal Pradesh
Output 1.2 A community outreach program convened by the community organizer and AMMACHI Labs team in Karanji village, Chhattisgarh
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Outputs for Outcome 2:
Increased women’s collective capabilities in sanitation and social development
Output 2.1
Ideal Village Activity & Vulnerability Mapping
Output 2.2
Community-Led ODF Campaign Initiatives mobilizing 5,000 women as Change Agents
848 Participants
Output 2.3
168 Life Skills Community Events by ASHGs (8 per village)
54 events successfully completed
Output 2.4
21 Advocacy Self-Help Groups formed by 300 women Champions (min one group per target village)
13 ASHG 141 Women participants
Output 2.1 Training for ideal village activity
Output 2.2 Inauguration ceremony of #WECSDP project in Nani Borwai, Gujarat
Output 2.4 Advocacy Self-Help Group Dr. Khera village, Lucknow
Output 2.3 Amala Bhatratham Campaign, Indpur village, Himachal Pradesh: Special vehicle to carry the waste
On March 8, International Women’s Day, Juna Katthiwada, Madhya Pradesh
The Community Organizers from Haryana have taken a sanitation oath as a commitment to transform their village Kanti into one of the cleanest villages in the state.
Ravi Kalantre, Zonal Lead meeting with the Juna Kathiwada (Madhya Pradesh) villagers. The villagers were given awareness on #RightToEducation and various government initiatives
Clean up
Kanti village, Haryana
WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Outputs for Outcome 3:
Increased women’s participation and stronger voice in sanitation policy making and community action
Output 3.1
Water quality management and monitoring by 21 ASHGs
6 Events successfully completed
Output 3.2
Two Government-ASHG meeting (1 per milestone)
32 Meetings in 21 villages
Output 3.3
National Development Workshop for ASHGs
Output 3.4
ASHGs Community Action Proposal to Policy Brief on Policy Recommendations
Drinking water testing as part of Community Awareness Program in Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled for Spring, 2018
Women from Indpur village, Himachal Pradesh meeting with Development Officer and other Gov. officials
Women from Chandrapuri and Mathkhani villages in Uttarakhand meeting with Grama Pradhan (Village Head) with a petition for adequate supply of water and and installing a water tank in their villages.
SHG members from Malcopon village in Goa meeting with Officers from District Rural Development Agency and National Rural Livelihood Mission
Community Organiser from Kanti village, Haryana. meeting the Kanti Sarpanch to discuss water and sanitation issues.
Research and population studies are an integral part of the WE:CSDP project. This is not only to track the progress of the project, but to gain a better understanding of the participants’ lives and challenges, so that we may better structure our interventions going forward. Each of the participants are asked to complete short surveys and interviews led by senior AMMACHI Labs staff which help to engage them in discussing community issues and possible solutions. The trust and friendship shared between project staff and participants is the foundation of project success, and such discussions help to strengthen these bonds. The confidential data gathered in these studies will be used to document the project and eventually be shared for publication so that this work can be beneficial to the global academic and NGO community.
The WE:CSDP project is off to an exciting start, and already so much has been accomplished. Our next steps are to continue the progress made on ASHG formation and structuring, continuing the c-LEE classrooms, and increasing the amount of community involvement by the women’s groups. Our focus will be on assisting the groups to meet with local government and hold discussions on the community problems they have identified with the goal to encourage government support. Water testing, clean-up drives, and other community assessments will continue and provide supporting evidence the ASHGs can use in their government meetings. Classes on legal rights and financial literacy will continue, and women will be encouraged and assisted in opening personal bank accounts and how to manage their finances. The progress made so far has been huge and encouraging, and we are excited to share the success of this project going forward.
For real time updates and more success stories, please visit our website:
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APPENDIX: PHOTOS MARCH 1 Train the Trainer success: After nearly two weeks of an action packed Community Organizer Training at Amrita University, our Champions had gathered together for a closing ceremony at Amriteswari Hall. The ceremony included street plays, dances and other cultural sharing sessions. The time together was precious and groundbreaking. Village women and our team members, and facilitators from different cultures, societies and countries even, who may not have even spoken the same language, bonded and shared a common vision in this unifying experience. As they return home, each will have a photo book keepsake and a heart full of unforgettable memories to inspire them to carry out the important work of recruiting more Champions Of Change in India!
Kathiwada, MP: International women’s day was celebrated here with a march and awareness activity for women and girls on the importance of education and sanitation for women. Ransai, Maharashtra: A community meeting, led by SHGs on women’s day, was held on the importance and the need for women empowerment in their community. A long discussion among the women reaffirmed the SHGs commitment to the UNDEF project.
Kodur, Telengana: International women’s day march and awareness activity for women and girls on the importance of education for women.
Kanti, Haryana: On International women’s day, a sanitation march and campaign among SHGs was conducted to encourage their community to take up sanitation improvements in their lives.
Nani Borwai, Gujarat: The CO and SHG hosted a Community meeting on women’s day on the importance and the need for women empowerment in their community. The meeting ended with strong commitments from all present to participate in the Sadivayal, Tamil Nadu: The SHG and Block Development Officer (BDO) met for the first time upcoming activities. to discuss the community’s sanitation problem and how to get toilets and other infrastructure improvements for the village.
Kanti, Haryana: The women in this village have been having problems getting their SHG bank account sorted because the branch manager was not cooperating. Along with the CO and project staff, a meeting was arranged and the SHG could speak with the branch manager to make sure the women get fairly treated.
MARCH 27 Sadivayal, Tamil Nadu: A meeting was called to discuss the idea of farmers joining a co-op of over 2000 other farmers to give them better buying power as well as better way to market their goods. The SHG members took it upon themselves to champion this meeting and have decided to use the benefits they receive as an SHG to contribute. This is a demonstration of the growing influence and command these women have in their community.
MARCH 28 Gudipadu Cheruvu, Andhra Pradesh: A water testing workshop for all villagers (men, women, children) was conducted. The source of the water here is a “village holding tank”. After testing the water they uncovered that it was ridden with harmful bacteria. The CO and SHG decided to start community awareness with water testing. A village meeting was called, and an informational video about water and cholera was shown to the women. A discussion ensued followed by a public water test to demonstrate the results. As the community understood the risks, they became aware about simple preventative solutions such as boiling the water which could lead to better health for all.
MARCH 29 Malkpan: The Self-Help Group members came together for a meeting coordinated by our community organizer, Surekhaji. Officers from the District Rural Development Agency and National Rural Livelihood Mission addressed the SHG and explained some government schemes that could benefit them. The event helped the women to understand how to approach various government agencies for funds.
MARCH 30 Karanji, Chhattisgarh: The village Gram Panchayat Sarpanch met with the SHG members in front of the village to discuss the launch of the project and to bring up the importance of sanitation. They agreed to work together going forward to improve the situation in this village.
MARCH 31 Kanti, Haryana: The CO and SHG held a formal meeting on group designations and to plan their first activities. The CO was introduced to the District Education Officer, Project Officer at Rural Development Office and Block Cluster Coordinator of Self Help Groups (invited to this meeting) to find out more information and opportunities for the women community.
APRIL 2 Karanji: A meeting was held between the SHG and the Block Development Officer to explain the UNDEF project and to inform the government official of their expectations to have regular meetings with him and to avail the schemes they have learned about. The meeting was successful, and the BDO has agreed to continue to work with the SHG. Kathiwada, MP: The SHG conducted their first internal meeting and held a hygiene class for the community. The Community Organizer led some women and children in an outreach program to practice the “7 steps of Hand Washing.� They also discussed the sanitation practices at their homes and shared their concerns after watching the informative videos on infectious diseases caused by bad hygiene practices.
APRIL 4 Kanti, Haryana: The first water test and class on clean water was conducted. Results from the test will be shown at the next meeting with local government to request improved drinking water infrastructure.
APRIL 5 Dunda, Uttarakhand: Prabha Chatterjee, CO from this village, met with the Agriculture Officer in Dunda block to inquire about work opportunities for our women SHGs. The officials at the Agricultural office were impressed by this initiative from women and asked more about their activities, the WE:CSDP project and AMMACHI Labs. During this interaction, our zonal officer and #CO came to know that there is a scheme for making compost pits in the village, for which the women self help group can apply. This scheme is part of National Rural Livelihood Mission implemented by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India for promoting self-employment and organization of rural poor. As per the latest update from our field team, Prabha has successfully applied for this scheme.
Dr Khera, UP: The SHG conducted a formal meeting to designate roles, plan future events, and received their LEE class.
APRIL 6 Malgoan, Odisha: A meeting was held between the Sarpanch and the CO in Orissa to discuss the funding available for sanitation infrastructure in their area. A contract was proposed that would kick start the project.
Karanji, Chhattisgarh: A legal awareness class with project staff was held as a part of the LEE curriculum. Major government schemes, legal rights, and how to access both were discussed.
Malakpan, Goa: LEE awareness classes and hygiene practices were given to the SHG and associated women. These classes are held regularly by the CO.
Malakpan, Goa: An inauguration ceremony for the UNDEF project was conducted and local government officials were invited to meet the women and discuss about community improvements.
Malgaon, Odisha: A legal awareness workshop was conducted in Orissa along with one project staff. Major government schemes, legal rights, and how to access both were discussed.
Kathiwada, MP: The impact of temporary/seasonal labor migration on child well-being and education, was a discussion topic, in a recent meeting with the Juna Kathiwada villagers. The village is witnessing large scale migration of villagers in search of employment to Rajkot, Gujrat. They live six to nine months in the city, survive purely on daily wages and are usually accompanied by their children. The villagers were given awareness on Right To Education and various government initiatives. With help from AMMACHI Labs team, they have decided to meet the Educational Officer to know more and its availability for their children. Dr Khera, UP: This year, the theme of World Health Day is Depression: Let’s Talk. The overall goal of the campaign is that more people with depression, everywhere in the world, both seek and get help. To commemorate the World Health Day on 7th April, an awareness program was organized here. Ms. Tanya Sanjiv, Counselor/Psychologist talked about mental health and the means of psychological first aid to be resorted to and as and when faced with depression. It was an interactive session, where the counselor tried to engage the villagers by raising questions and also by showing audio-visuals, to help them understand better. Information about the associated stigma with mental illness, was also given to seek help of professionals rather than masking things which might aggravate the problem.
Kanti, Haryana: Recently, the Haryana state government has increased its funding and emphasis on sanitation improvements, seeking to make as many districts as possible “Open Defecation Free.” As a part of this drive, the Kanti village was selected as an ODF village due to the accelerated improvement of sanitation infrastructure and awareness thanks to the SHG and AMMACHI labs collaborative work.
Malgaon, Odisha: The CO and SHG held a toilet awareness meeting, and led a community discussion on toilet building under the government scheme.
Nala, Uttrakhand: A women’s community meeting was held, along with government officials from the NRLM and SBM offices. Community sanitation and infrastructure improvements were discussed, as well as the role of the SHG in encouraging behavior and attitude changes of the community. This was a successful meeting that reinforced the positive relationship between this village and local government.
Malgaon, Odisha: A hygiene and handwashing activity was held for the local school, lead by CO and SHG members. This is a part of an ongoing sanitation awareness campaign to combat the spread of waterborne diseases especially during the rainy season.
Nani Borwai, Gujarat: A UNDEF project launch ceremony was conducted so that local government officials could attend. The officials had a discussion with the SHGs afterward, and got development/infrastructure agreements verbally. Follow-up meetings will be carried out in the coming weeks.
Dunda, Uttarakhand: A Legal Awareness workshop on the Right to Information act was given and sparked a discussion on the importance of following up with government promises, and following the proper channels for the most success.
Malgaon, Odisha: Meeting between SHG and SBM officers to follow up on toilet construction.
Kalinagar, West Bengal: The SHG led a village-wide cleanup drive along with the newly hired and trained CO.
Dr Khera, UP: The SHG president, CO and local bank head met together to discuss the available schemes for the SHG and how they might be availed.
APRIL 24 Kalinagar, WB: Following the successful cleanup drive, the SHG held a sanitation outreach with children at the local school. They also conducted the first Water Testing and training. Results from the test will be used during the next government meeting to encourage improved drinking water infrastructure.
Naniborwai, Gujarat: The women held a rally on edu- Kalinagar, WB: The CO led a hygiene sescation and health awareness for girl children. sion with village people including students from local school (new school from last event). The SHG met to determine the next activities and future LEE class schedule.
Hadiabad and Ratanpur, Bihar: CO/SHG led Nani Borwai, Gujarat (photo: nani_legal_work): hygiene awareness class for other women in A LEE class on legal awareness was given, along village, with a focus on keeping children healthy. with the regular LEE curriculum. This will help facilitate future government meetings they will conduct.
MAY 6 Karanji, Chhattisgarh: CO and SHG met with the sarpanch and submitted an application for funds to open a tailoring unit. The Sarpanch received the application and promised to get tailoring machines for them. This has been a desire of the women in this village for many years, but they never knew the right process for gaining government assistance.
Indpur, HP: CO and SHG visited a local school to promote hygiene and using a toilet. They plan to hold awarenesses class once a month at this school.
MAY 31 Dunda, Uttrakhand: Recognizing water as a fundamental right, the women participating in AMMACHI Labs' WE:CSDP program took it upon themselves to approach their Gram Pradhan (Village Head) for an immediate solution. Yesterday, the women approached the Gram Pradhan and submitted a petition for water supply and a water tank for their villages. As per the directions of Village Pradhan, the women are planning to meet with the Block Development Officer for further follow up
JUNE 1 Hadiabad, Bihar: Our Community Organizer, Baby Devi from Hadiabad, Bihar, is a perfect fit for the role entrusted. Apart from conducting regular social classes and community events, she is watchful to individual problems in her community and manages to provide solution too. Ribha Kumari’s story is indicative of the same. Ribha, a 14 yr. old mentally challenged girl is in 3rd standard. Its learnt schools are giving funds for uniform/ transport which comes to student’s bank account. Because of her low intellectual ability, Ribha finds it difficult to sign and for this reason bank denied the amount to her (they disallowed taking thumb impression too). Our CO happened to meet the distressed mother and daughter and decided to take up the matter. She disputed the authorities, got Ribha's mother the payment for now and stipulated this condition for future. As reported by her mother, Ribha since last two months has discontinued going to school since other children in class teases and makes fun of her. Baby Devi has decided to go and meet the administrator and also give some social lessons to the class. Perhaps it would be right to say that Baby Devi has a flame of inspiration that can ignite in many rustic minds.
Kanti, Haryana: Thanks to the efforts of the SHG and CO, after submitting the results of the water testing, the Sarpanch of their area has secured government funding to install a large RO water plant to supply purified water to the community
Dunda, Uttarakhand (photo: dunda_bdo): SHG president and CO met with the BDO Officer to discuss government programs to help improve infrastructure in the village (it is in a landslide Indpur, HP: A community event was organized prone zone of the himalayas) and to visit the by our #CO and field team, for systematically ad- village to speak to the people there. dressing waste, hygiene and sanitation in Indpur village, Himachal Pradesh. Our #SHG women and students from Computer Center participated in the cleaning drive.
Kanti, Haryana: Community Organizers led a World Environment Day campaign and celebration by holding a clean-up drive.
Dr Khera, UP: Community Organizers led a World Environment Day campaign and celebration by holding a clean-up drive.
Nani Borwai, Gujarat: CO visits women in the village to promote opening personal bank accounts. She was able to collect information from 35 women and went with them to open an account at the local bank.
Hadiabad and Ratanpur, Bihar: Community Organizers led a World Environment Day campaign and celebration by planting trees at their homes.
Amrita Multi Modal Applications and Computer Human Interaction Advocacy Self Help Groups Community Organizers Computerized Life-Skills/Life Enrichment Education Member of Legislative Assembly Nodal Officers Open Defecation Free Sustainable Development Goals Self Help Groups Train-the-Trainer United Nations Democracy Fund United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Women Empowerment: Community Sanitation through Democratic Participation Zonal Leads