Handkey 2 enclosure Options

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for the HandKey 速 Series

ID3D-RW Overview Sch la ge biometr ics pr ovid e s va rio us op tio ns to pr ote ct your HandKeys速 from th e elements. Thr ee different, pro ve n solutions a r e a va ila bl e t o e n s ur e y o u r H a n d K e ys ke e p p e r f or mi n g reg ar dle ss of yo ur en vironme nt. ID3D-RW Biometric HandKey with Standard 256 User Memo ry, In te gra te d H ea ter + En closur e Ideally suited fo r ou tdoor en vir onments, the ID3D-RW is constru cted of heavy-gauge zinc-coated steel. It features a sealed keypa d, low-temper ature display a nd a hea te d interior. This is a fully inte gr ate d un it an d comes com plete with a Ha nd Ke y an d an internal heater.

FX Enclosure

FX E nc l os u r e ( F X - E N C L ) Biometric HandKey En clo sure Co n s tr u cte d fr o m h ig h im pa ct U V r e si st an t p ol y ca r b on a te material, the FX Enclosure provides a degree of protection against du sty, d irty, o r r ain y en vir onments. This e nclosur e h as been designed so that it can be added to an e xisting in stalla tion. When use d with an integrate d hea ter option (IN T-HTR), it provide s a comfortable hea ted platen ag ain st a cold climate . TX E nc l os u r e ( TX - E N C L ) Biometric HandKey En clo sure TX Enclosure Th e T X E n cl o su re pr o vid e s a hi g h e r d e g r e e o f p r o te cti on against dusty, dirty, or rainy environments. When used with an inte grated h ea ter option (IN T-HTR), it provides a comfor tab le hea ted platen ag ainst a co ld clima te.

HandKey速 Enclosure Options


Enclosure Options

Sp ecification s

Part Numb er

I D3 D- R W

F X Enclosure

TX Enclosure




-35 F t o 1 20 F / -37C to 49C

-20F to 120F / -29C to 4 9C

-45 F t o 1 20 F / -4 3C to 49C

11.75 in x 8.00 in x 8.75 in

14.75 in x 12.00 in x 10.50 in

23.00 in x 14.00 in x 11.25 in

29.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 22.2 cm

37.5 cm x 30.5 cm x 26.7 cm

58.4 cm x 35.6 cm x 28.6 cm

Cr o ss Wei ght (in clu din g r e ad er)

23.0 lbs / 10.4 kg

7.3 lbs / 3.3 kg

45.0 lbs / 20.4 kg

HandRe ade r Mod els






Factory installed option only,

Factory installed option only,

Model No. INT- HTR

Model No. INT-HTR

Tem p er atur e R an ge

Dimensions H x W x D

CENTRA SECRUITY SYSTEMS (UK) www.centrasecurity.co.uk

Š2011 Centra Security

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