2 minute read

Central Asia Solidarity Groups

Central Asia Solidarity Groups (Swedish: Centralasiengrupperna, abbreviated CAG) is a politically and religiously independent non-profit organization founded in 2012. Our goal is to promote a democratic Central Asia with a strong, active, competent and inclusive civil society that contributes to human rights being respected, marginalization removed and social justice achieved. Our geographic focus is on Central Asia, which consists of the five post-Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Since 2009, Central Asia Solidarity Groups have experience in the fields of development cooperation focusing on long-term solidarity work and close cooperation with civil society actors in Central Asia. We operate within four thematic working areas:

1. Gender and women’s rights 2. Democratic youth organizing 3. Climate and environment 4. Security and resilience


As a logical continuation of CAG’s work, these four topics became focal points for the exhibition. The organization exhibits the work of local actors, who are involved in the work of organizations, initiatives, artist collectives dealing with those problems in Central Asia. CAG wishes you an insightful journey through the region!

How You Can Support

You can become a member of CAG. This ensures a stable budget for our long-term efforts in Central Asia. Within CAG, funds such as membership fees are used directly to cover the costs of our projects and collaborations in Central Asia. In other words, it is thanks to your support that we can facilitate people’s struggle for influence, democracy, and rights in post-Soviet Central Asia. The membership fee is 25kr a month or more, paid by monthly direct debit. You can apply for membership online at www.centralasien.org

You can support these initiatives through a donation of any amount to the CAG bank account:

Swish: 1233698479 For your Bankgiro: 316-1338

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