DECEMBER 20, 2018
PH: 4325 7369
Younger generation are going to cop the worst from climate change effects
roups and individuals distributing misinformation about Central Coast Council’s imminent draft Climate Change strategy, are causing unnecessary fear, according to, John Asquith, Chair of the Community Environment Network (CEN).
“For a start, the idea of planned retreat on the Coast is a nonsense,” Asquith said. “If you have a look at the maps, there are only a few areas on the Coast where planned retreat could be an option,” he said. “One of them is Wamberal Beach. “Planned retreat is where you give up the land because you don’t want to build infrastructure, but at Wamberal, a sea wall is the plan, so to build that infrastructure is the opposite of planned retreat. “The problem at Wamberal is that the landholders don’t want to contribute the $500,000 each needed to build the wall, even though it is to protect their private property. “They expect the rest of the ratepayers to cover the cost. “That would mean roughly, the rates of every 200 ratepayers would be going to save one waterfront landholder’s property. “That has been the problem at Wamberal for the past 20 years. “Council has always been howled down when they say private landholders have to save private land, and the Council has to pay to save public land. “As you work your way down the Coast, as far as I know, there is no erosion problem
Avoca Beach Surf Life Saving Club innundated by East Coast Low Pressure System June 4 and 5, 2017
that threatens houses at Avoca, then there are little bays that are not threatened with erosion, because they have headlands holding everything together. “Ettalong, Umina and Ocean Beach are being eroded, but planned retreat can only occur where there is no public infrastructure between your house and the ocean, or a lack of preparedness to build infrastructure. “However, all along that coastline in those areas, there is a road between the houses and the beach. “There are virtually no houses not separated from the beach where it is eroding, by a road or park or reserve with public infrastructure. “Therefore planned retreat is not an option there either, because there is already public infrastructure, namely a road, with foundations and everything that goes with that. “There is no plan to abandon roads, so if you have a road between you and the threat, it is about the best thing you can have. “If the road stays, you stay, so planned retreat is virtually an option in no parts of the Central
Coast.” Asquith said that he did not believe low-lying areas around Brisbane Water, including Davistown and Saratoga, would be considered for planned retreat either. “Most of those houses front a reserve. “All along Davistown, there is a big public reserve that is all a public facility and it would not be abandoned. “There is nothing in the policy saying that if you get inundated four times a year, you will have to leave your home. “Council does not have the power to make you leave your home. “They don’t have any need to look at planned retreat. “The thing the policy will do will mean that we start to take action to slow down climate change, plant more trees, build sea walls, do whatever we have to do. What the Council should do, in my view, is to be planning for change, as these areas are affected by flood levels, they should be adopting strategies to make the drains bigger, raise the road level, and call that
Photo: ABC Central Coast
adaptation. “You adapt and do what you can. “You can’t stop it, so you adapt to it. “Tell me, where are they planning planned retreat, because there is nothing in the policy about it? Asquith said members of the older generations needed to think about the legacy they were leaving their children and grand children, and that plans needed to be put in place now to ameliorate future risks. “Councillors have been criticised for setting flood levels that are too high, but they are not too high. “It is a fact that on the Central Coast, with a South East Low, and a maximum storm surge, the amount the ocean is lifted with the low pressure air, is five metres plus the high tide, plus the flood waters, and flood levels set by Council need to reflect that. “I was in New Orleans earlier this year and had a good look at the storm surge they got from Hurricane Katrina, and they got a nine metre storm surge on top of a high tide.
“Some of the bridges, one huge bridge, were being demolished, one was way up in the air, but it was being demolished because people who had been on that bridge during Katrina were washed off and drowned. “There are exceptional circumstances, so you at least plan for those Proposed Maximum Floods of five metres, which are half of what New Orleans experienced in Katrina. “We were amazed that when we were more than 100 miles from the ocean, we went out on the Bayou and they were showing us boats that were ripped off moorings on the coast and dumped in the bayous, and they gave up trying to repair them and getting them back out to the ocean.” According to John Asquith, those on the Central Coast attempting to undermine the need for Council to plan for sea level rise, “are talking the thing down for their own private benefit. “They are all older men and they won’t be around when the worst of it hits. “It is the younger generation who are going to cop the worst of this, and these people will be long gone and long forgotten. “They are running a scare campaign because Council is going through a very careful process to make sure people’s voices are heard. “Council are going through a number of steps before they have a draft policy, so I would suggest that people who have concerns should identify what it is that concerns them, and ask Council to explain and consider.” Asquith said plans needed to be put in place now, not in 50 or 100 years’ time. “We cannot wait 100 years
to try and turn around the processes that are already in place. “It is happening right now and we are seeing it every day, with stronger cyclones, much more instability in the climate, and it is easy to understand, because there is more heat, and heat is energy. “Two weeks ago, in north Queensland, we had rainforests on fire, and now we have the biggest cyclone we have had in 15 years. “Our thoughts should be focused on the legacy we leave, so if a person of 20 today is going to be seriously impacted over the next 40 years by climate change, it is going to affect their food supply. “In NSW, we already have a shortage of grain. “This is the third year of drought in the wheat belt. “People of retirement age will see the impact on their children and grandchildren. “We inherited a planet that was functional when we were children, and we are leaving a legacy that our children and their children will not be able to turn around in their lifetime. “The job we have got is more than looking after ourselves. “Think of the legacy you are going to leave, whatever age you are. “You can see the effects that climate change are going to have on the rest of your life. “The scientists are saying that if we don’t act in the next 10 years, we are not going to keep temperature rises under two degrees, and they have identified a two degree rise as one that would see systems go out of control.” Source: Interview, Dec 14 John Asquith, Community Environment Network Jackie Pearson, journalist
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DECEMBER 20, 2018
O’Neill’s vision of fairness for all
enator Deborah O’Neill said she felt compelled to join the Labor Party after listening to Paul Keating, following his election loss in 1996.
“I was studying for my Masters in 1996, driving back from Sydney, about to fall pregnant with our third child, when I heard Paul Keating speaking,” O’Neill said. “He had just lost the election and his speech was a farewell to his staff,” she said. His list of achievements, including the introduction of compulsory superannuation,
oast Community News in partnership with the Phoenix Collective, would like to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a subscription ticket to the Collective’s 2019 recital series.
up with, part of my Catholic education, and my Catholic inheritance from my parents, the story of the good Samaritan, that everyone is your brother or everyone is your sister. “That you need to look after one another and social policy makes a big difference to how we look after one another or we leave people by the wayside. “The worst thing I see that breaks my heart sometimes is that people need to feel that they are superior to others to feel like they are having a good life. “In my version of Australia or Labor’s version of Australia we are all better off if we all move ahead together,” she said.
resonated with Senator O’Neill. “I said ‘I am going to do it, I am going to join the Labor Party’ because what he spoke of was a vision for an equitable and fair Australia that spoke to my heart.” “The whole concept of an option for the poor is what I was brought
The Phoenix Collective showcases classical music with a uniquely Australian edge. Bringing together some of Australia’s most accomplished and high-profile musicians in a riveting recital series. The Collective’s concerts offer a range of exciting ensembles and genres set in intimate venues across NSW. An initiative of well-known Sydney violinist, Dan Elliott Russell, performances have included the virtuosic flair of Italian Baroque, the charm of Mozart’s genius through to late romantic,
The complete interview with Senator Deborah O’Neill can be seen at
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2251, 2260; and Wyong Regional Chronicle Post Codes 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 and 2263. Coast Community News coverage takes in parts of Gosford West, Gosford East and Wyong Central Coast Council Wards. It also takes in parts of the State seats of Gosford, Terrigal and The Entrance, and parts of the Federal seats of Robertson and Dobell All articles are sourced and dated so that readers will know when and where the information came from and where they can perhaps get
Central Coast Newspapers is a local, family owned business that publishes and distributes three Central Coast Newspapers every fortnight. All staff are also locals and between them, the three papers cover the entire Central Coast. Each paper focuses specifically on an area bound by postcodes as follows: Peninsula News Post Codes 2256 and 2257; Coast Community News Post Codes 2250,
number, email and address on the back of an envelope and mail it to, Coast Community News Phoenix Collective Competition, PO Box 1056, Gosford, 2250, NSW, by 5pm on January 14. The winner of the BookFace Competition was Dillon Spencer of Point Clare.
contemporary and world music fusions; the meditative calm of minimalism; and passionate Argentine Tango. The subscription ticket will allow the lucky winners to attend four recitals in the 2019 series. For your chance to win, write your full name, daytime telephone
Publisher: Cec Bucello - Editor: Jackie Pearson Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Journalist: Dilon Luke - Coastal Diary: Lucillia Eljuga Ph: 4325 7369 Email: Next Edition: Coast Community News 199 Deadline: January 15 Publication date: January 17 2250 - Bucketty, Calga, Central Mangrove, East Gosford, Erina, Erina Fair, Glenworth Valley, Gosford, Greengrove, Holgate, Kariong, Kulnura, Lisarow, Lower Mangrove, Mangrove Creek, Mangrove Mountain, Matcham, Mooney Mooney Creek, Mount White, Narara, Niagara Park, North Gosford, Peats Ridge, Point Clare, Point Frederick, Somersby, Springfield, Tascott, Ten Mile Hollow, Upper Mangrove, Wendoree Park, West Gosford, Wyoming 2251 - Avoca Beach, Bensville, Bouddi, Copacabana, Davistown, Green Point, Kincumber, MacMasters Beach, Picketts Valley, Saratoga, Yattalunga 2260 - Foresters Beach, Nortfh Avoca, Terrigal, Wamberal ISSN 1839-9045 - Print Post Approved - PP100001843 - Printed by New Age Printing
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Issue 154
14 November, 2018
Group calls for resident feedback on tree policy
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The rally was held to mark the commencement of action in the Land and Environment Court, brought by the Australian Coal Alliance (ACA) community group, against the NSW Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts, and Wyong Coal Pty Ltd. “For a Monday morning and for people having to travel down from the Central Coast, it was very well attended,’ said Alan Hayes, ACA’s founder and spokesperson. “It was exceptionally pleasing to see so many Central Coast people who care about their water catchment turning up to demonstrate that concern,’ Hayes said. Shadow Minister for the Central Coast, David Harris, attended the demonstration, and again, reinforced his long-term opposition to the Wallarah II mine and his views about the importance of stopping the long-wall coal mine from going ahead in the Central Coast’s water catchment area. Nick Clyde from the Lock the Gate campaign
A group of around 70 Central Coast residents rallied in Sydney’s Domain also spoke about the importance of protecting the Dooralong and Yarramalong valleys. Former Wyong Mayor and MP, Bob Graham, also attended and spoke about how important it was to protect the water supply. “The irony was that we had won this fight two times before,” Alan Hayes told the crowd. Darkinjung LALC ensured the mine was not approved in 2013-14, when they denied access to their land. In 2011, David Harris had heavily lobbied the then Keneally Labor NSW Government resulting in Labor’s Planning Minister, Tony Kelly, rejecting the DA on the grounds that
it was not in the public interest. “The Liberal party in opposition, agreed that there should not be any coal mining,” Hayes said. “Barry O’Farrell said the next Coalition Government would not allow coal mining, not only in the valleys, but in any catchment, ‘no ifs, no buts a guarantee’,” he said. “This government does not deserve to be in office because as soon as they won the election, they reneged. “We are going to be running a very strong campaign throughout the Central Coast, and also Sydney, to oust [Member for Terrigal] Adam Crouch and other Liberals to
ensure that this Liberal Government is brought to their knees and is not reelected.” Hayes said ACA would mount the campaign in the lead up to the March, 2019, state election, because the Land and Environment Court probably would not give its ruling before March. “The Liberals committed the ultimate act of bastardry against the Central Coast people in February, when they approved the mine,” he said. The ACA is being represented in its LEC action by the Environmental Defenders Office with some financial assistance from Central Coast Council.
“We have 10 solid grounds against the approval of the mine in February, which was unlawful because it failed to consider certain aspects of the mining SEPP (State Environmental Planning Policy) and other criteria. “We have commenced this action because we do believe the approval was invalid, and we are doing it because it is in the public interest to do so.” When asked why challenging the NSW Government was left to a small community group instead of being mounted by Central Coast Council, in its capacity as the region’s water authority, Hayes said: “Well that is a good question.
“Probably because that small group of people believe it is important to leave, for generations to come, what we have enjoyed, and that is a reliable water source on the Central Coast. “The NSW Government doesn’t care less. “It is wanting to put 45,000 more homes in the northern part of the Coast over next 20 years and to do that they need water, but they tend to pander to their developer mates and forget about the needs of their community. “The greatest asset we have on the CC is our water supply, and sometimes in life, you have just got to stand up and be counted. “The age that we all are now, it would not impact on us, but it will impact on our children and their children. The LEC action commenced after the rally in front of a packed court room. “There was not enough space inside, people had to stand at the door or sit outside,” Hayes said. “All you could see in the court room was red t-shirts with ‘Water not Coal. “It just shows you how much people do care,” he said. The case is expected to continue for four days. Source: Interview, Nov 12 Alan Hayes, Australian Coal Alliance Jackie Pearson, journalist
Office: 3 Amy Close, Wyong Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website:
Umina’s street tree group, Grow Urban Shade Trees, is calling on Peninsula residents to provide feedback on the council’s draft tree policy which is currently on exhibition.
Ferry service should be back to normal this week The ferry service between Wagstaffe, Ettalong and Palm Beach should be back to normal this week.
New ferry owner, the NRMA, advised Peninsula News on Friday afternoon that it had the “all clear” from NSW Roads and Maritime Services for full services to Wagstaffe and Ettalong. The service was planned to start today (Monday). The first service out of Wagstaffe was due to leave at 5:50am this morning and from Ettalong at 6am, with 10 return services from each location daily. Services between Palm Beach and Ettalong and Wagstaffe have not run since April and commuters have needed to make their own way to and from Patonga in order to utilise the ferry to Sydney’s northern beaches. Member for Gosford Ms Liesl Tesch said on Thursday she had received confirmation that the ferry operator, Fantasea Cruises, was conducting test runs of the navigation channel to determine whether or not it was safe to resume its full service.
12 December 2018
19 November 2018
Coast residents stand up to State Government over coal mine
round 70 residents from across the Central Coast travelled to Sydney on Monday, November 12, to participate in a Water not Coal rally in the Domain, against the approval of the Wallarah II coal mine.
Issue 155
28 November, 2018
Edition 458
She said that the dredge was still working off Lobster Beach. The Wagstaffe-Killcare Community Association circulated a dredging update to its members on the same day which stated: “We have been advised by the Department of Lands that dredging operations in the Ettalong Channel should reach a stage next week to enable ferry services to complete their safety testing. “The channel mouth off Little Box Head where the original problem arose has been made 60m wide and is now clear. “The final stage of dredging off Lobster Beach will provide a 30m wide channel with a minimum clearance at low tide of some 2.5m. “After ferries resume, this will be widened further to 40m. “Roads and Maritime will then move the channel markers to delineate the new channel boundaries.” Ms Tesch said the resumption of the full ferry service would be welcomed by the local community and business operators but the NSW Government’s efforts to provide the Peninsula with a safe and operational navigation channel
still needed scrutiny. “I have put questions on notice in the Legislative Assembly about how many days the dredge has worked and not worked,” she said. “The Minister’s suggestion that the ferry could run a tidal service and use the channel on mediumto high-tides is not tenable. “It would have meant people could take the ferry trip to Palm Beach in the morning but be stuck at Patonga on the return trip. “This government has already spent over $1 million on emergency dredging but my questions have revealed it had no plans of introducing a shuttle bus for commuters between Patonga and the other regular ferry stops. “We know a long term solution is needed and we know $1.255 million with the same amount matched by Council will not be near enough to ensure the ferry service does not have to be diverted for another seven months at some stage in the future,” she said.
SOURCE: Interview, 15 Nov 2018 Liesl Tesch, Member for Gosford Media statement, 15 Nov 2018 Ian Bull, WTKCA Reporter: Jackie Pearson
Group member Ms Debbie Sunartha said the group had found an increasing demand for urban shade tree planting and education. “Our volunteers are working overtime to meet the community’s growing demand.” However, she said council policies were exacerbating the situation. “As Council as rolls out large projects, our group has observed that mature trees that once shaded our walk home or kept the car cool in summer are being removed at an extremely fast rate,” she said. “Tree advocates across the Central Coast feel that policy is urgently needed to support developers, both residential and commercial, to understand that trees are an asset which adds value to properties and to make all efforts to retain and/or replace
them,” Ms Sunartha said. Ms Sunartha quoted a public statement by mayor Cr Jane Smith that “maintaining our natural assets is a critical component of what we value as a community”. “Jane Smith is asking residents to plant a tree, but what we have discovered is that with minimal resources allocated to trees, residents are unsure of what and where to plant,” Ms Sunartha said. Ms Sunartha said Grow Urban Shade Trees aimed to help the Peninsula community select and plant new shade trees. “The group is spreading the word on the value of trees for cooler streetscapes, added beauty, wildlife habitat, clean air, energy savings and water storage,” she said. She encouraged Peninsula residents to view the tree policy and provide feedback to address the increasing heat-bowl effect in our suburbs. Council’s tree policy is available on the Your Voice Our Coast website. SOURCE: Media release, 12 Nov 2018 Debbie Sunartha, GUST
GUST members Ms Melissa Chandler, Ms Debbie Sunartha and Ms Jan Wilder
THIS ISSUE contains 64 articles - Read more news items for this issue at Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website:
Edition 460
NOVEMBER 22, 2018
PH: 4325 7369
DECEMBER 6, 2018
Community up in arms over clearing of Crown Land
he NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) has launched an official compliance investigation into alleged clearing of Crown Land at MacMasters Beach, while Central Coast Council continues to work, with multiple agencies, on an investigation of alleged clearing without permission on private land at a James Norton Rd property, located between Bensville and MacMasters Beach. For over two weeks, concerned MacMasters Beach residents have been waiting for Central Coast Council, and or OEH, to respond to reports of what they consider to be clearing of bushland by a private landowner without appropriate permissions. Coast Community News has contacted a family member of the land owners, believed to be three siblings, and they are expected to issue a statement through their legal representatives. Kel Butcher, spokesperson for the unnamed group of concerned MacMasters Beach residents, said that over two weeks ago, one of his neighbours heard machinery in the bush, “went and had a look, and saw two machines starting to clear the bush. “He was told it was only clearing along the fence line, but the contractor went on to clearing large patches of land that had nothing to do with the boundary fence,” Butcher said.
Note how little the man is in relation to space cleared
“Big trees have been cut down in addition to the bush that has been cleared with the machines,” he said. Butcher said residents were particularly concerned about clearing that has occurred on non-private land, since confirmed as Crown Land. A neighbouring property has a native conservation caveat over some of its land which has also, allegedly, been cleared, along with remnant rainforest on the Crown Land at the MacMasters Beach end of the property. The site has been visited by Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, and Labor Candidate for the seat of Terrigal, Central Coast Councillor, Jeff Sundstrom.
Police have also been called to the area on several occasions since the land clearing commenced. “The Mayor was fairly guarded in her comments. “It’s nice that she came to visit, and we all respect the fact that there is an investigation underway,” Butcher said. “What we want to know is why it has taken so long for someone to make a decision about what is allowable and what is not allowable. “It is 16 days since this started, we know Council has issued the stop work order, but is there going to be any punitive action for the damage caused? “We have not yet been told what remedies are available. “OEH has jurisdiction over
the public land, but we are just going around in circles at the moment, nobody is taking responsibility for what is happening. “No one is saying ‘yes’, this is our jurisdiction, but we also do understand that it is a complex investigation by Council, and they are saying that they are doing everything in their power. “There are quite a few adjoining neighbours keeping an eye and ear out for any further action that may take place. “We have a very concerned community group that will respond very quickly if anything does happen. “The chainsawed trees included 100, or more, year old angophoras, and you won’t
get trees of that maturity back for the next three generations, and they are habitat, once they are down, they are lost for generations. “We all respect people and we understand that land owners have rights, but we want things done according to the law and through the right channels, we don’t think anyone can just go in and ignore the laws and destroy the bush like that.” Adam Crouch issued a statement on Monday, November 19, that National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Central Coast Council were working together and had appropriately intervened to prevent any further illegal clearing. “I thank the number of local
residents who contacted me and brought this to my attention,” Crouch said. “As such, I was subsequently able to arrange for Central Coast Council to take necessary steps, including a stop work notification,” he said. “No clearing of native vegetation on a private property can be undertaken without Council approvals and oversight. “NPWS and Council rangers have been patrolling the site on a very frequent basis. “Thank you to the Macmasters Beach community for their ongoing vigilance, and I stand with them in not tolerating any illegal clearing in our local area,” Crouch said. Compliance officers from OEH subsequently inspected the site, which resulted in the official compliance investigation being launched. On Thursday, November 15, the Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, had sent urgent emails to the NSW Minister for Lands, Paul Toole, and the Minister for the Environment, Gabrielle Upton, as a result of calls from distressed members of the local community. “The community in the Terrigal electorate are very concerned re tree felling on a border between private and Crown Land between Bensville and the Scenic Drive, DP659496, 20 James Norton Rd, Bensville,” Tesch’s email to the Ministers said. The property is zoned 7A, including endangered ecological community, protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act.
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
Environment report finds that hundreds of people are dying premature deaths P
ublicly available air quality monitoring should be conducted at Wyee, a community with an aging coal-fired power station, but with no current air m o n i t o r i n g , according to a new report into the health burden of fine particle pollution from coal-fired power stations. According to the report, over the remaining 12 years of operational life for Vales Point, it will result in 547 additional deaths, 475 lower birth weight babies, and 709 additional cases of new onset diabetes. In the remaining 12 years of operation for Eraring, it will lead to 1,219 additional expected deaths, 1,058 low birth weight babies, and 1,579 additional cases of new onset diabetes. Local residents will have an opportunity to discuss the findings of the report at a public forum on Thursday, November 29. The report’s author, Dr Ben Ewald, Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle’s Centre for Clinical Epidemiology
Dr Ben Ewald and Biostatistics, and, Dr James Whelan, from Environmental Justice Australia (EJA), will be guest speakers at the meeting, to be held at the Wyee Community Hall from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Mike Campbell from the Community Environment Network (CEN) will also speak at the meeting. EJA recently commissioned the report into the health impacts of air pollution from NSW power stations.
It is the first report of its kind in Australia. The report found that coal-fired power stations are one of the biggest sources of air pollution in Australia, causing asthma and other respiratory problems, reduced birthweight, diabetes and premature death. It concluded that public health is impacted in communities near power stations and up to 200km away, and that air pollution is poorly
controlled in NSW. Vales Point Power Station, at Mannering Park, is the only one out of the five still operating in NSW that is located within the Central Coast local government area, but the nearby Eraring Power Station, in the Lake Macquarie LGA, would, according to the report, also have detrimental health impacts on the Central Coast community. “The form of pollution that has the strongest
effect on health is fine particles (PM2.5) and one of the major sources of PM2.5 in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan region is burning coal for electricity,” the report said. “Eraring and Vales Point … make the largest contribution to the health burden from power generation, since prevailing weather patterns are most likely to carry pollutants from these sources into the Sydney basin where
the largest population resides,” it said. “The continued operation of all the coalfired generators in NSW imposes a substantial health burden that could be alleviated by imposing stricter licensing conditions for operators that would require postcombustion capture of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx), or by bringing forward closure of plants.” “It’s shocking to think that based on the current operating life of the five power stations, the air pollution they produce will kill 3,429 more people,” Ewald said. “As a Newcastle doctor, I knew that air pollution from coal fired power stations is harming local communities, but as a researcher, I never imagined that the scale of their impact would be so severe,” he said. “Literally hundreds of people are dying premature deaths every year because of coalfired power.” The study coincides with the review of pollution licences for the Vales Point and Eraring Power Stations.
Continued P3
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Office: 3 Amy Close, Wyong Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website:
Continued page 3
PH: 4325 7369
Premier’s proposed fast train study met with support and scepticism
SW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, visited Gosford Train Station on December 5, to announce that the Central Coast would benefit from significantly reduced travel times, after being included in one of the four proposed fast rail routes identified by the NSW Government. In July, the government released, A 20-Year Economic Vision for Regional NSW. One of the key elements of that vision is better connectivity between regional centres, and from cities and international gateways. Premier Berejiklian said a fast rail network is a game changing project which would attract more investment and generate new job opportunities for the Central Coast. “We know fast rail would transform the way people get to and from the Central Coast forever,” Berejiklian said. “It would slash travel times allowing more people to leave the car at home and catch the train to either Sydney or Newcastle,” she added. The delivery of fast rail to the Central Coast has the potential to reduce travel times by up to 75 per cent. The NSW Government has appointed Professor Andrew McNaughton, to lead an expert panel to provide advice to the Premier on how the government should best deliver a fast rail network to connect the state. “Long distance fast and high speed rail studies have been undertaken in Australia over many years,” Premier Berejiklian said.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, with Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch and the Liberal candidate for Gosford, Sue Dengate, at Gosford Train Station
“These studies have usually focused on linking the major Eastern Seaboard cities of Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne, and focused on rail as a competitor to air and road transport options. “Most of the studies found that the costs and required ticket prices of an interstate high-speed rail network would be insurmountably high compared to likely customer volumes. “Until now, limited work has been done on the potential for a fast rail network connecting regional cities within NSW. “The Fast Rail Network Strategy will, for the first time, provide a comprehensive assessment focused on connecting regional cities,” Berejiklian said. “The NSW Government is committed to moving from
high-level vision to planning, and on to delivery,” the Premier continued. “Having a strategy will ensure that future investment decisions on fast rail are well considered. “Preparing the Fast Rail Network Strategy in 2019 is the first significant step in taking the network from vision to delivery,” she said. Under the Strategy, preliminary works will commence on that first stage of the fast rail network in the next term of government, if the Liberal Nationals retain power. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, joined the Premier in making her announcement and said a fast rail link from the Central Coast to Sydney and Newcastle would transform the region. “This announcement is also
on top of the New Intercity Fleet Trains which will enter service late next year,” Crouch said. Sue Dengate, Liberal Candidate for Gosford, said fast rail will be a huge boost for the Central Coast. “Faster travel times will mean that workers can spend less time commuting and more time with their families,” Dengate said. Following the Premier’s announcement, several Central Coast government agencies, politicians, development agencies and community figures weighed in on the Coast’s possible inclusion on the fast train route. Federal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, said faster rail for the region was a dream many residents of the Central Coast would like to see
realised. “We have many residents who leave the Coast early in the morning and return to their families late in the evening due to job opportunities being in Sydney and Newcastle, and so today’s announcement is very welcomed. “This announcement builds on the process that was first started in September 2017 when the Federal Government launched the Faster Rail Prospectus at Gosford Station, and this Prospectus was all about calling for new and upgraded rail infrastructure to help link cities and the regions,” Wicks said. “This announcement has huge potential for the Central Coast and will slash commute times and has huge returns for residents. “This announcement is for
our hard working commuters and those people who use our trains on a regular basis who want to live on the Central Coast and be linked to two great cities that surround it, Sydney and Newcastle,” Wicks said. Central Coast Council Mayor, Jane Smith, has welcomed the State Government’s announcement of a northern high speed rail route which could reduce travel times between Sydney and the Central Coast. Mayor Smith said this would make a significant difference to thousands of Central Coast residents who commute to Sydney every day, often spending up to four hours a day on a return train journey between the Coast and their destination. “We know commuting is a major issue for our community, with many Coasties having to travel off the Coast every day for work or study,” Mayor Smith said. “Reducing the commute to Sydney from around 90 minutes to 30 minutes would allow the community to have an additional two hours per day or as much as 10 hours per week for other activities at home or in their community, like spending time with their family, rather than sitting on a train,” Mayor Smith said. “This could also have a flow on effect of encouraging those who drive to Sydney each day to leave their cars at home and hop on a train, which would also reduce traffic on our major roads and deliver benefits to the environment. Continued P3
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Action taken to protect the largest fresh water wetland on the Central Coast S
ignificant steps have been taken to achieve the p e r m a n e n t protection of Porters Creek Wetland, the largest fresh water wetland on the Central Coast.
Mayor, Jane Smith, has made the permanent protection of the Porters Creek Wetlands one of her major goals as the first Mayor of the amalgamated Council. She said it was a “critical part of the bigger picture for that area” in terms of how surrounding land could be developed to create employment. “The former Wyong Council, for some 20 years, and different people, have been recognising its value and it needs protection, and they just haven’t been able to deliver what is required,” she said. “So I am really pleased that we are making progress.” She said the report considered at the Monday, December 10, Central Coast Council meeting put in place the need to reclassify the SEPP14 (protected) wetland from Operational land to Community land, to ensure it could not be sold off. “I think that is an important first step. “There have been numerous studies of the wetlands and part of the resolution was to pull that information together and
Porters Creek Wetlands, west of Wyong, cover 3.6 hectares and is the region’s largest wetland of significance important for Tuggerah Porters Creek Wetland Lake, for the run off and were identified and water quality going into discussed. Tuggerah lakes. Of seven options “In terms of flora and considered, a Biodiversity fauna, it has threatened Stewardship Agreement species and endangered was considered to be ecological communities.” a strong mechanism to According to the staff protect the wetland. report presented to the “The next strongest meeting, Porters Creek are the existing planning Wetland is significant instruments, State and because of its ecology Local, which are already and its impact on in place,” the staff report improving downstream said. water quality from its “A Biodiversity large catchment area. Stewardship Agreement Work on the December can provide offsets 10 resolution started in for development March, when Council opportunities elsewhere, unanimously resolved and will support the to request the CEO to creation of an income arrange a meeting with stream to fund the the Office of Environment ongoing management and Heritage, of biodiversity in Porters Department of Planning Creek wetland,” it said. and other stakeholders “Landowners, including to identify mechanisms Council, may consider to permanently protect entering into a voluntary Porters Creek Wetland. Biodiversity Stewardship The meeting was Agreement (BSA) on held in May, and any parcel of land under several mechanisms the NSW Biodiversity to permanently protect Conservation Act 2016.
turn it into a proposal and a case for why it needs stronger protection. When introducing her motion to the meeting, which was seconded by, Clr Kyle MacGregor, Mayor Smith said she wished to see Council engage a consultant with wetland expertise, to initiate biodiversity stewardship agreement and investigate whether it could be declared as a wetland of international significance. She said she wanted Council to liaise with National Parks and prepare a submission and to look at what planning clauses might be considered for an LEP or DCP to minimise impacts. “The significant part, in my view, about Porters Creek Wetland, is that it is the largest fresh water wetland on the Central Coast. “Just by nature of the size and role, it is
“There are provisions within the agreement for “in-perpetuity conservation. “Council would be able to sell credits and receive an annual management payment to service the BSA. “This can provide permanent protection for the management of biodiversity and allow for the creation of biodiversity credits for sale. “The resulting stewardship site generates biodiversity credits which represent the expected improvement in biodiversity that will result from the protection and management of the site. “A landholder (Council) can sell the biodiversity credits to a developer, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust, or other interested parties. “Once credits are sold, the site needs to be maintained in perpetuity. “The potential credit status of the Porters Creek wetland land parcels would need to be assessed. “A BSA is registered on the land title. “When land that includes a BSA is sold, then the new owner takes over the obligations of the stewardship agreement and in return receives payments from the Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund.” Another strategy would be to donate the land to National Parks.
“NPWS would assess the value for use as a national Park, its diversity and cultural heritage values, recreational opportunities, park management benefits and economic impacts. “The land would need to align with the NSW National Parks System Directions Statement. “This is a strong level of protection. “The national Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is the legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places. “Under the Act, the Federal Environment Minister may declare a specified wetland to be of international importance (often called 'Ramsar' wetlands after the international treaty under which such wetlands are listed). “There are presently 12 Ramsar wetland sites in NSW, the closest being Hunter Estuary Wetlands, and Myall Lakes. “The nomination process would include comments from the State. “The process is long [and] a declaration would be unlikely.
Office: 3 Amy Close, Wyong Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website:
Source: Interview, Dec 11 Jane Smith, Central Coast Council Agenda item 5.8, Dec 10 Central Coast Council ordinary meeting Jackie Pearson, journalist
17 December 2018
Woy Woy designated as town centre like Gosford Woy Woy has been designated a “principal town centre” in a review conducted for Central Coast Council which was adopted at the December 10 council meeting.
The staff review has recommended a hierarchy for town centres that would see Woy Woy classified along with Wyong, The Entrance, Gosford and Terrigal as principal town centres. Umina and Ettalong, as well as Toukley, Long Jetty, Budgewoi, Avoca and Kincumber, would become “major town centres … all of which should have a targeted and coordinated place activation focus for Council”. “It is a key finding of this review that a more formalised and centrist approach is required within Council to ensure that we are properly servicing the identified principal and major town centres,” the review written by council staff said “To meet this objective, an expansion of responsibilities and staffing would be needed,” it said. The review also identified a “gap in the regional delivery of economic development for the Central Coast, particularly by Central Coast Council. “Key aspects of strategic economic development linked to the needs of expectations of the community, such as sustainability, jobs generation, transport planning and support of innovation and start up businesses, are not currently being adequately addressed,” the review said. The aim of the review was
to “focus on holistic place management and activation, effectively addressing the interdependencies between effective asset management, marketing and promotion, tourism, business development, economic development and delivery of quality events within key precincts. “The future management of town centres should aim to provide a strategic, streamlined and costeffective approach, to ensure priority service delivery of town centre management functions. “In a region as large and diverse as the Central Coast, the definition of a ‘town centre’ is important to establish, to ensure that coordinated resources are focused on areas that provide the best opportunity to achieve place activation, economic development and social connection to our community.” All commercial property owners within the former Gosford Local Government Area pay Special Rate Levies, but only Gosford has been serviced by a third party entity responsible for marketing, promoting, event delivery, business development and varying levels of asset maintenance. The review found that Council provided “limited and varying funding levels” which meant the town centres on the Peninsula struggled to get funding for events. “Little funding is directly targeted towards activities or projects,” the review said. “In the absence of a dedicated focus or town centre management team within Council, little coordination or strategic decision
DECEMBER 20, 2018
is taken to ensure capital works projects, maintenance or events and activations meet broader objectives,” it said. Another finding was that aligned delivery of services such as security and cleaning would ensure best value and consistent service levels. The review recommended that Council request the CEO to investigate how to resource a dedicated team within Council to coordinate town centre management. Another recommendation was for Council to work with the NSW Business Chamber to develop a model to specifically support local economic and business development initiatives. Council will also establish an external regional model to provide a regional focus and direction for delivery of economic development, marketing and promotion, business development and attraction of major events for town centres across the Coast. A professional board for the regional model will be considered. The Place Activation section within Council will be expanded to ensure best practice internal coordination of assets, contract management, leasing, delivery of events and services. Central Coast Council Mayor, Clr Jane Smith, said th report back to Council should also “consider how we consult and engage with communities in those town centres”. SOURCE: Central Coast Council agenda 4.1, 10 Dec 2018 Jackie Pearson, journalist
Firefighters rescue trapped ducklings Firefighters from the Umina unit of Fire and Rescue NSW have responded to reports of a family of ducks trapped in a drain in Ettalong.
The firefighters arrived to find a distressed mother duck circling the drain. Upon inspection, it was
determined three ducklings had become trapped and an operation to retrieve them commenced. All three ducklings were rescued and found to be in good health and reunited with their mother. SOURCE: Social media, 11 Dec 2018 Scott Kell, Fire and Rescue NSW Umina Unit
New planning controls to increase residential density Development controls included in a draft new planning scheme would permit higher density development in residential areas around Woy Woy.
The proposed change is directly at odds with the position of local community groups like Save Our Woy Woy. The draft Consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan were placed on exhibition last week. According to the draft, the new objective for the R1 General
Residential zone is “to promote best practice in the design of multi-dwelling housing and other similar types of development; to ensure that non-residential uses do not adversely affect residential amenity or place demands on services beyond the level reasonably required for multidwelling housing or other similar types of development”. “Specific minimum lot sizes for multi-dwelling housing, residential flat buildings and attached dwellings are not set under the Central Coast Development Control Plan. “This form of housing can be
managed through other provisions of the DCP chapter applying to these forms of development such as building setback, floor space ratio, open space requirements etc. “The removal of this clause, for these land-uses, will allow greater flexibility to encourage higher density development within the R1 zone. “It will also reduce expectations of unfeasible development where greater lot sizes would be required.” The Council held its first information sessions on the proposed new development and
PH: 4325 7369
zoning controls in Wyong and Erina on December 11 and 12. It has said it will announce more information sessions in the New Year but it is unclear whether any sessions will occur on the Peninsula. Council representatives will be available at Deepwater Plaza, Woy Woy, on Thursday, January 17 from 10:30am and 12:30pm to give residents information about the proposed consolidated development controls. Submissions from the public will be accepted until February 28. The consolidated plan has been placed on public exhibition
two years after the new Central Coast Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal to consolidate the provisions of the Local Environmental Plans from the former Gosford and Wyong Councils. The draft plan standardises matters not dealt with under current controls. “The preparation of a Consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan is the first step in the process to preparing a Comprehensive Plan,” according to details on the Council’s yourvoiceourcoast website.
THIS ISSUE contains 70 articles - Read more news items for this issue at Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website:
Continued P4
Younger generation are going to cop the worst from climate change effects
roups and individuals distributing misinformation about Central Coast Council’s imminent draft Climate Change strategy, are causing unnecessary fear, according to, John Asquith, Chair of the Community Environment Network (CEN).
“For a start, the idea of planned retreat on the Coast is a nonsense,” Asquith said. “If you have a look at the maps, there are only a few areas on the Coast where planned retreat could be an option,” he said. “One of them is Wamberal Beach. “Planned retreat is where you give up the land because you don’t want to build infrastructure, but at Wamberal, a sea wall is the plan, so to build that infrastructure is the opposite of planned retreat. “The problem at Wamberal is that the landholders don’t want to contribute the $500,000 each needed to build the wall, even though it is to protect their private property. “They expect the rest of the ratepayers to cover the cost. “That would mean roughly, the rates of every 200 ratepayers would be going to save one waterfront landholder’s property. “That has been the problem at Wamberal for the past 20 years. “Council has always been howled down when they say private landholders have to save private land, and the Council has to pay to save public land. “As you work your way down the Coast, as far as I know, there is no erosion problem
Avoca beach Surf Life Saving Club innundated by East Coast Low Pressure System June 4 and 5, 2017
that threatens houses at Avoca, then there are little bays that are not threatened with erosion, because they have headlands holding everything together. “Ettalong, Umina and Ocean Beach are being eroded, but planned retreat can only occur where there is no public infrastructure between your house and the ocean, or a lack of preparedness to build infrastructure. “However, all along that coastline in those areas, there is a road between the houses and the beach. “There are virtually no houses not separated from the beach where it is eroding, by a road or park or reserve with public infrastructure. “Therefore planned retreat is not an option there either, because there is already public infrastructure, namely a road, with foundations and everything that goes with that. “There is no plan to abandon roads, so if you have a road between you and the threat, it is about the best thing you can have. “If the road stays, you stay, so planned retreat is virtually an option in no parts of the Central
Coast.” Asquith said that he did not believe low-lying areas around Brisbane Water, including Davistown and Saratoga, would be considered for planned retreat either. “Most of those houses front a reserve. “All along Davistown, there is a big public reserve that is all a public facility and it would not be abandoned. “There is nothing in the policy saying that if you get inundated four times a year, you will have to leave your home. “Council does not have the power to make you leave your home. “They don’t have any need to look at planned retreat. “The thing the policy will do will mean that we start to take action to slow down climate change, plant more trees, build sea walls, do whatever we have to do. What the Council should do, in my view, is to be planning for change, as these areas are affected by flood levels, they should be adopting strategies to make the drains bigger, raise the road level, and call that
Photo ABC Central Coast
adaptation. “You adapt and do what you can. “You can’t stop it, so you adapt to it. “Tell me, where are they planning planned retreat, because there is nothing in the policy about it? Asquith said members of the older generations needed to think about the legacy they were leaving their children and grand children, and that plans needed to be put in place now to ameliorate future risks. “Councillors have been criticised for setting flood levels that are too high, but they are not too high. “It is a fact that on the Central Coast, with a South East Low, and a maximum storm surge, the amount the ocean is lifted with the low pressure air, is five metres plus the high tide, plus the flood waters, and flood levels set by Council need to reflect that. “I was in New Orleans earlier this year and had a good look at the storm surge they got from Hurricane Katrina, and they got a nine metre storm surge on top of a high tide.
“Some of the bridges, one huge bridge, were being demolished, one was way up in the air, but it was being demolished because people who had been on that bridge during Katrina were washed off and drowned. “There are exceptional circumstances, so you at least plan for those Proposed Maximum Floods of five metres, which are half of what New Orleans experienced in Katrina. “We were amazed that when we were more than 100 miles from the ocean, we went out on the Bayou and they were showing us boats that were ripped off moorings on the coast and dumped in the bayous, and they gave up trying to repair them and getting them back out to the ocean.” According to John Asquith, those on the Central Coast attempting to undermine the need for Council to plan for sea level rise, “are talking the thing down for their own private benefit. “They are all older men and they won’t be around when the worst of it hits. “It is the younger generation who are going to cop the worst of this, and these people will be long gone and long forgotten. “They are running a scare campaign because Council is going through a very careful process to make sure people’s voices are heard. “Council are going through a number of steps before they have a draft policy, so I would suggest that people who have concerns should identify what it is that concerns them, and ask Council to explain and consider.” Asquith said plans needed to be put in place now, not in 50 or 100 years’ time. “We cannot wait 100 years
to try and turn around the processes that are already in place. “It is happening right now and we are seeing it every day, with stronger cyclones, much more instability in the climate, and it is easy to understand, because there is more heat, and heat is energy. “Two weeks ago, in north Queensland, we had rainforests on fire, and now we have the biggest cyclone we have had in 15 years. “Our thoughts should be focused on the legacy we leave, so if a person of 20 today is going to be seriously impacted over the next 40 years by climate change, it is going to affect their food supply. “In NSW, we already have a shortage of grain. “This is the third year of drought in the wheat belt. “People of retirement age will see the impact on their children and grandchildren. “We inherited a planet that was functional when we were children, and we are leaving a legacy that our children and their children will not be able to turn around in their lifetime. “The job we have got is more than looking after ourselves. “Think of the legacy you are going to leave, whatever age you are. “You can see the effects that climate change are going to have on the rest of your life. “The scientists are saying that if we don’t act in the next 10 years, we are not going to keep temperature rises under two degrees, and they have identified a two degree rise as one that would see systems go out of control.” Source: Interview, Dec 14 John Asquith, Community Environment Network Jackie Pearson, journalist
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abor candidate for Terrigal, and Central Coast Council Gosford East Ward Councillor, Jeff Sundstrom, has argued that revised plans for stage two of works at Winney Bay are “on track”, despite an “outburst” from Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch.
Crouch had announced that a decision made by Councillors on December 10 to make changes to the Winney Bay Clifftop Walk project would risk the funding awarded to the project by the NSW Government. “Given the significant design changes, this decision will likely force $4.6M from the Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund to be handed back to the NSW Government,” Crouch said. “At a time when the Central Coast should be reaping rewards from record funding opportunities thanks to the NSW Government’s strong
Strong feedback results in controversial changes to Winney Bay project
Budget management, the Labor-Independent alliance are prepared to put this all at risk in an act of petty politics,” he said. “Such an act could be humiliating for our region.” However, Sundstrom said it was an overreaction from the sitting MP. “The Member for Terrigal should be listening to the voice of the community and not calling in to local radio and fearmongering about withholding funding,” Sundstrom said.
“Government is about bringing together conflicting goals and getting outcomes for your community. “I’m glad that we are progressing with doing that and I invite the Member for Terrigal to join us at the grownups’ table. “On Monday, December 10, Councillors received a report on the community consultation following the re-exhibition of the plans for Stage 2 of the Winney Bay Clifftop Walk,” Clr Sundstrom said. “Whilst it was clear that there
was negligible opposition to the walk being constructed, it was also clear that there was a desire on the part of locals to have the project scaled back to something which better reflected and respected the amenity of the area,” he said. “The feedback Council received was 236 supporting the concept as exhibited, 210 that oppose, and a petition with over 650 signatures also opposing, showing that there was a lot of contention locally over the plan. “Consultation and debate
over the past months has brought about a commitment to a more environmentally sensitive concept that will achieve all the desirable outcomes. “A statement from the Member for Terrigal said that inclusive access has been removed, but this is not the case. “Despite threats that funding could be withdrawn, it is my firm belief that the new concept sits within the parameters of the funding deed set down by RestartNSW. “The Winney Bay Cliff Top Walk will formalise the existing informal trail into an all abilities access pathway, viewing area, and associated infrastructure. “The underlying theme of the design is to be indigenous culture. “The walk will provide stunning views of the Tasman Sea and the coastline to Norah Head, and will form an integral section of the 5 Lands Walk. “The completed infrastructure will be a tourist drawcard for the Central Coast and a boost to local business. “The funding deed does not
DECEMBER 20, 2018
detail the design of the project scope elements, but notes the elements to be delivered by the project to meet the project outcome. “Those desired outcomes will be delivered by the new concept.” However, Crouch said that the design changes agreed to by Councillors included narrowing the width of the pathway, removing the bridge, and relocating the “culturallysignificant lookout”. “This decision contradicts the clear views of Regional Development Australia (RDA) Central Coast, the Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council, the 5 Lands Walk Committee, as well as the expert recommendation from Council’s own staff,” Crouch said. “This decision rejects the majority view from community members that participated in Council’s recent public consultation process,” he said. Source: Media release, Dec 10 Ben Sheath, office of Adam Crouch Media release, Dec 12 Jeff Sundstrom, Labor candidate for Terrigal
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DECEMBER 20, 2018
Mayor not happy with prop
entral Coast Council Mayor, Jane Smith, has slammed suggestions that the NSW Government could be preparing to take further planning powers away from Central Coast Council.
Mayor Smith said a Sydney Morning Herald article had suggested that Minister for Planning. Anthony Roberts, would be appointing a Local Planning Panel on the Central Coast to determine DAs over the value of $5M. Smith said the Council’s planning system included a clear objective “to provide increased opportunity for community participation in environmental planning and assessment. “It is imperative that Council be able to represent the community and remain as the consent authority for development on the Central Coast. “There is no need for independent planning panels to determine development applications, as decisions
of Council are open and transparent, and Councils are elected to make decisions in the best interests of the community. “Our community must and should have a say in development that will affect their local area. “Developments with more than 15 objections are
automatically reported to Council for determination and this is as it should be and what the community wants. “This Council is committed to progressing development that is in line with planning controls and community expectations. “I understand the State Government may be seriously considering introducing these
Planning Panels and I call on them to consult with Councils and the community, and reconsider this approach.” Council has recently consolidated its planning controls to apply a consistent approach across the Central Coast, which is out on exhibition. “The time is now to have a
productive discussion about the planning controls we want on the Central Coast,” Mayor Smith said. “I encourage everyone in the community and the business sector to get involved now, make a point of finding out what rules may affect you, what may change for your street or suburb, and if
you have an opinion on the changes, make a submission to Council.” Details on the Consolidated Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) can be found at “Council is still keen to work with the state government in providing positive benefits for the Central Coast and our community,” Smith said. “Council and the community need to be at the heart of many of these initiatives. “It is important the decision making process is held within Council. “I think it is fair to say that I have been disappointed by some of the moves by the State Government to take away planning powers from Council. “We have seen that in the Gosford City Centre, where there was already a lot of development happening that had come about from various initiatives. “The State Government came in over the top of that to create new planning controls that have created uncertainty.
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DECEMBER 20, 2018
osed Local Planning Panels “A push to introduce a Local Planning Panel would effectively again take away planning control from our local Council for developments over $5M.” She pointed to the Sydney Morning Herald article that stated the panels would be mandatory in assessing DAs valued at between $5M and $30M, not only in metropolitan Sydney and Wollongong, but also on the Central Coast and in Newcastle. “I am aware that some in the community have been calling for that, and it is disappointing to see that call for planning to be taken away from our Central Coast community,” Smith said. She said planning panel positions are currently appointed by the Minister, but she hoped for “some improvement to that model”. “I think that fundamentally, these planning decisions need to be made by Council, because Council is elected to represent the people. “Transparency and accountability is best served at that local level, rather than state coming in over the top.
“I think the community has a reasonable expectation that through the amalgamation process, they have a Council that serves their interests. “With the amalgamation process being such a long process, at great expense to the rate payer and tax payer, it is disappointing that the State Government is now overriding
the authority of our Council. “I am certainly keen to talk to our state MPs to get an understanding of their view on this. “It is incumbent on them to represent our community and have a strong say on how we are ruled, rather than these decisions being made at arms-
length from our community. I think our Council is working very hard to deliver on the aspirations of our community and the targets in the Regional Plan, so we are already working hard with State Government and it needs to be cooperative, because both levels want the best outcome.
“I think there could be a greater level of cooperation and it is disappointing the State Government is not striving to achieve that rather than coming in over the top of our Council.” She said the delivery framework exhibited for future use of Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC) lands, which has been
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Source: Interview, Dec 19 Jane Smith, Central Coast Council Jackie Pearson, journalist
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on exhibition, also raised some concerns. “The delivery framework seeks to remove Council as decision maker for development valued over $5M, and those not resolved within 40 days,” Smith said. “Bearing in mind that Council wants to work very constructively with DLALC to achieve their objectives, but most of their land is heavily constrained, not only environmentally, but also through infrastructure requirements and the need for infrastructure, so again this move by the State Government to effectively take away Council’s decision making role in considering those matters, I think, is ill considered. “I think that when the State Government comes in and introduces these kinds of measures, it does undermine the confidence that the community has in the consultation process.”
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DECEMBER 20, 2018
Comments sought for DCP need Climate Policy to be finalised first
entral Coast Council placed a draft Development Control Plan (DCP) and a copy of its draft Climate Policy, on its yourvoiceourcoast website, just weeks before Christmas, according to Coastal Residents Inc.
The chapter of the DCP related to Floodplain Management, proposes new development controls that threaten the viability of communities impacted by current and future coastal hazards, according to Coastal Residents’ Secretary, Pat Aiken. Aiken said the problems faced by such communities would be compounded by the draft Climate Policy, if adopted in its current form. “Already we have seen those Councillors who dominate Central Coast Council meetings vote down a proposal that the draft Climate Change Policy not include the option of ‘planned retreat,’” Aiken said. “These matters required
an immediate response from Council at a time when Council was shutting down for Christmas. “Two public information sessions took place less than a week after the exhibition commenced,” he said. Council has more sessions planned for the New Year. The summary document for the DCP, in relation to sea level rise and climate change, states: “The positions of the former Councils will be maintained at this stage and updated when an LGA wide climate change policy position is finalised. “Land below RL 4.0m AHD must assess ongoing viability, including the viability of access to the land associated with the adopted sea level rise figure for planning purposes,” it said. “However, the proposed Development Controls rely on a final Climate Change Policy that will determine a future Sea Level Rise Benchmark for the Central Coast,” Aiken said. “Well over 20,000 homes on the Central Coast are in catchment flooding or coastal flooding zones around
Tuggerah Lakes, Brisbane Water and our catchment areas,” he said. “The exhibition period and submission period for the Climate Policy and the DCP end simultaneously at the end of February. “Important Hazard
proposed Development Control Plan and a Draft Climate Change Policy has not been explained to our communities in flood liable areas. “Some of the proposals for Floodplain Management Development Controls that cannot be commented on
“It is impossible for flood-affected residents to make an informed submission without a finalised Climate Policy and without the mapping of Hazard Classifications for different areas with different levels and types of flooding” Classification Maps for development in flood liable areas that are referred to in the DCP, are not available. “It is impossible for floodaffected residents to make an informed submission without a finalised Climate Policy and without the mapping of Hazard Classifications for different areas with different levels and types of flooding,” he said. “This interrelation between a
because the Hazard Mapping is not available, include: 50 square metre limits to shed or garage floor space; the requirement for a joint report by a flood engineer and a civil engineer to certify the development; and, low flood hazard access and egress for pedestrians during a Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) flood to an appropriate area of refuge located above the PMF.
“The PMF is at least a 1:10,000 flood event. “Low flood hazard emergency vehicle road access (Ambulance, SES, RFS) during a PMF and 1 in 100 flood event also cannot be commented on,” Aiken said. “Additionally, other points that cannot be commented on are: No filling would be allowable, apart from the area of the building footprint, open car parking areas and driveways; Signage would be required on a minimum of one prominent internal or external wall indicating flood hazard of the area; and, Additional occupancies on floodplains would only be supported if the proposal was in an area with less than 0.8m flood depth, had a safe low hazard evacuation route with less than 0.8m flood depth and of less than 200m length in flood waters. “Coastal Residents rejects this highly flawed approach to community engagement. “It does not follow the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) model recommended by the
NSW State Government. “State Government Guidelines state: ‘Councils should aim for the ‘involve’ level of participation during the planning process and the ‘collaborate’ level during ongoing management. “Coastal Residents Incorporated is very concerned that these established guiding principles for community engagement are not being followed by Central Coast Council. “The Draft Climate Policy and the Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Local Environmental Plan are extremely important issues for residents of the Central Coast. “People affected by these important issues are not being properly informed and will be unable to provide informed decisions unless the Central Coast Council works through these issues with a transparent and proper engagement strategy,” Aiken said. Source: Media release, Dec 18 Pat Aiken, Coastal Residents Inc
...reborn and now in Galleria Ettalong,
the former Ettalong Markets at Ettalong Beach
After retiring in June 2014, Henry Scholten has now opened a small shop in the former Ettalong Markets, only trading on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. The Ettalong market has been beautifully revamped to a luxury European Galleria style tourist attraction. Established in 1988, Scholten Jewellers has been manufacturing fine jewellery on the Central Coast for 30 years, having had shops in Bateau Bay, Gosford, Erina and Tuggerah. Scholten Jewellers is now in Ettalong, providing an excellent repair, design remodelling and manufacturing service. The location is also an impressive showroom of unique, handmade rings, pendants, earrings, bangles, brooches, chains set with precious and semi-precious gems, and a huge selection of Australian Opal. All repairs and manufacturing is done on the premises in a fully equipped workshop.
Come and say hello to Nicola and Henry at their new Ettalong Beach store, or call them on 0431 670 033 or 0412 655 316.
NEW CENTRAL COAST MEDICAL SCHOOL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE An $85 million joint funded project, with a $45 million investment by the Federal Government. Delivering an additional $3.3 million to support 150 university places. A game-changer for our region. More higher education opportunities, attracting new students to the region and retaining local students.
FEDERAL MEMBER FOR ROBERTSON Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250
02 4322 2400
Authorised by Lucy Wicks MP, Liberal Party of Australia, Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250.
DECEMBER 20, 2018
Kyle MacGregor recounts the notable achievements of Council’s first year
ne of the 10 new faces to Central Coast Council in 2018, Clr Kyle MacGregor, said he believed two of the Council’s greatest achievements to date, were progressing the development of a regional library and performing arts centre in Gosford, and establishing a committee to investigate dumping at Mangrove Mountain and Spencer.
“2018 was a year of vigorous debate and many achievements for the new council,” Clr MacGregor said. “I doubt many residents would be aware of some of the most important achievements of this current council,” he said. “The highlights included the adoption of an apprenticeship ratio for 15 per cent of workers on Council projects to be apprentices where 10 per cent has been the standard for most government projects since the early 1990s.” Another highlight was “establishing a committee
to investigate the Mangrove Mountain and Spencer dumping issues and calling on the State Government to provide leadership and establish a special commission of inquiry to investigate what has happened there and how to rectify these issues,” he said. “The progression of the RPACC and Gosford Library developments had been languishing in the ether (for almost three decades) until we were able to move forward on this earlier in the year,” he said. Other achievements, according to, Clr MacGregor, were the establishment of a status of women’s committee, and Council’s “continued opposition to the Wallarah 2 Coal Mine and subsequent support for the legal case to protect the Central Coast’s water supply and over $1B worth of community owned assets”. “We established a social issues committee to investigate local solutions and further work on issues such as youth unemployment, the commuter crisis, support for our seniors, domestic violence, gambling addiction, drug and
alcohol abuse and other social issues that our community faces,” he said. “An investigation was initiated to reduce fees and charges for sporting clubs and associations on the Central Coast, and to improve the amenity of local facilities, and the development and delivery of new ones such as the Central Coast Regional Sporting Complex.” Council’s development of a local procurement policy that favours local businesses and workers in the tendering process, and the potential for Council to conduct a buy local campaign similar to the Australian made campaign, were other notable achievements, he said. He also noted the formal recognition of the international day of mourning memorial wall at Ourimbah for Central Coast workers who have died in workplace accidents or from workplace caused diseases such as mesothelioma. “The development of the affordable housing strategy to combat rental stress and the inability of new families to move into the housing market and own their own homes in
this time of housing stress, low wage growth and over inflated house prices caused by the housing bubble,” was another achievement, he said. “And, finally, we developed a better designed, balanced and more appropriate tree policy for the Central Coast Council. “Often one only hears of the bad things that Council is seen to be doing, it is rare that we hear of the good things that we are up to, and it is important to be balanced when considering our perception of Council and how the Councillors and staff are collectively shaping the current and future agenda for the Council. “I encourage all people on the Central Coast to take an interest in what we are doing and become involved in helping shape the future of our region together through your involvement and advocacy for what you would like to see us take on in the New Year. “We have also been working on rectifying legacy issues from the time of administration and the former councils, improving community consultation and input on how council operates and what projects we are involved in.
“We’ve been putting in place better policies and procedures that are more in line with what the community expects. “An example of this was changing the number of objections to a DA before it would come to Council, from the egregious and excessive 50, to a more than reasonable 15. “Next year we will face new challenges, have new opportunities and will be working diligently and collectively to deliver new projects and better services for the residents of the Central Coast and the community that we were sworn in to serve. “I firmly believe that if this council is to leave a lasting legacy for the Central Coast and provide the best possible opportunities for residents, then the single biggest issue that we can and must make progress on is the development of the Wyong Employment Zone that will result in thousands of full time, high quality, high paying local jobs, and relieve much stress on our local employment market that currently suffers far higher rates of youth unemployment than other comparable regions across the country and NSW.
“This is an historic opportunity for our Council to create something that will be of generational and long lasting benefit to our region and must be acted on as soon as possible before the end of the term of this current Council. “The community has been waiting nearly a decade for this to be done and thousands could have been employed in that time, there is no excuse for further delay and we must deliver what we can to kick start what could be the biggest employment generating project the coast has seen in decades. “It has been an honour to serve as a councillor on the Central Coast Council so far to represent you and help improve the amenity of the Central Coast, the wellbeing of our residents and visitors, and to protect, preserve and further what we all love about our region, be that the beautiful bushland and beaches or the people who live here we all count as friends and loved ones. Source: Media release, Dec 18 Kyle MacGregor, Central Coast Council
2019 NSW Seniors Local Achievement Awards Nominations are now open for the Gosford Seniors Local Achievement Awards. Fill out the form below to recognise an older Australian in our community who has made a difference to the lives of others, or made the Central Coast a more diverse, active, or inspiring place to live. Nominees Details First Name
Nominators Details Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Organisation and role (if applicable)
Relationship to nominee
What achievements or contributions has the nominee made to their chosen field or the community? *attach additional paper or references if required
Please return completed nomination forms to: 20 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy NSW 2256 or email to
Nominations close at 5pm, Friday 18 January 2019
Liesl Tesch MP Member for Gosford 20 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy NSW 2256
(02) 4342 4122
Authorised by Liesl Tesch, 20 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy NSW 2256. Printed using Parliamentary Entitlements.
PAGE 10 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Central Coast Implementation T Plan 2018-2020 has been released
he Central Coast Implementation Plan 2018-2020 has been released to set out how the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 will deliver jobs, housing, conservation planning and revitalisation for the region over the next two years. It is the second two-yearly plan to ensure progress in delivering the Regional Plan since its launch in 2016, continues. Coordinator General for the Central Coast, Lee Shearer, said the updated Implementation Plan outlined what immediate and emerging opportunities will be prioritised for the next two years. “The Regional Plan is only as good as its delivery,” Shearer said. “Achieving our vision for a Central Coast with a flourishing economy and jobs close to home, a healthy
natural environment and wellconnected communities, is a shared responsibility between the NSW Government, Central Coast Council, business, industry, institutions and the community,” she said. “The Implementation Plan 2018-2020 gives all parties a clear line of sight between the vision, four goals, 23 directions, 110 actions and seven focus areas of the Regional Plan, and ensures all the projects are kept on track for optimal delivery.” The priorities for the next phase of Regional Plan implementation include land use and infrastructure planning for precincts in the growth corridors and regional centres. The revitalisation of Gosford City Centre will continue to be a focus, according to Shearer. Management of the delivery of housing, jobs and infrastructure will also continue, she said, along with “progressing delivery
of strategic conservation planning for the entire Central Coast.” Planning for growth and change in industrial land uses at Kariong and Warnervale will occur to help create more jobs and support the region’s economy. Commencement of a rapid bus network as part of an integrated transport system that prioritises safe walking, cycling and public transport, will take place under the 2018-2020 timeframe. Preparation of a regionwide Special Infrastructure Contributions Plan to fund state infrastructure will take place. Actions that relate to rural and resource lands west of the M1 Pacific Motorway will also take place, along with “providing strategic land use planning and policy guidance to Central Coast Council”. Source: Media release, Dec 18 Matthew Porter, NSW Planning
Coordinator General for the Central Coast claims enormous progress in 2018
he 2018 annual monitoring report for the Central Coast Regional Plan, showed that “significant progress had been made in the second year of the NSW Government’s 20-year blueprint for development of the fastgrowing Central Coast”.
Coordinator General for the Central Coast, Lee Shearer, said highlights of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2018 Monitoring Report included the launch of the final vision to revitalise Gosford City Centre, and actions to support the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council. “Together we’ve made enormous progress over the past year,” Shearer said. “It was an especially proud moment in October when we released the final package of measures to pave the way for the revitalisation of Gosford as the region’s vibrant and thriving capital. “The Government Architect’s Urban Design Framework, and planning controls implementing the vision, will drive further investment, attract new residents, business, tourists, cultural activity and jobs. “They will make Gosford the regional capital it deserves to be,” she said.
Shearer said the launch of the Strategic Conservation Planning project was another watershed moment. “This project is the most comprehensive conservation planning exercise undertaken for the Central Coast and one of the largest undertaken in Australia. “It will ensure the Central Coast’s unique natural environment is protected while the region meets its long-term housing and employment needs. “The project will identify the most important biodiversity areas and establish measures to protect these values and offset any biodiversity impacts, on a region-wide basis, replacing the current process where decisions are made on a site-by-site basis.” Another milestone was the recent release of the Darkinjung Delivery Framework (DDF) Consultation Paper on exhibition. The DDF Consultation Paper comprises a set of planning measures to assist the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council achieve better economic outcomes from its land. Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and the Central Coast, Scot MacDonald, said the DDF implements a key Direction of the Regional Plan to strengthen the economic
self-determination of Aboriginal communities. “These planning measures are a first for the state, and will lead the way in their breadth, depth and ambition to bring about positive outcomes for Aboriginal people that will benefit the entire Central Coast region,” MacDonald said. Other key highlights in 2018 included: NSW Government funding of $42m for upgrade of water and sewer infrastructure in Gosford City Centre, and $10m to upgrade Leagues Club Field, including the creation of a regional park and playground. NSW Planning also noted the delivery of the Housing and Employment Supply Snapshot to provide a stocktake of current housing and employment lands across the Central Coast, and preparation of the Southern Growth Corridor Strategy ready for exhibition. The operation of the Interagency and Council Working Group to address land use needs west of the M1 Pacific Motorway, was listed as another achievement, along with the launch of the Central Coast Regional Plan Info Centre in late February, that has had more than 1,000 visitors. Source: Media release, Dec 18 Matthew Porter, NSW Planning
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PAGE 11C DECEMBER 20, 2018
RDACC claims new era of collaboration and consolidation
new era of collaboration and consolidation has begun on the Central Coast, according to Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) Chair, Phil Walker. “This year, we’ve witnessed that when we get good people around the right table, at the right time, we achieve positive outcomes,” Walker said. We’ve also observed a shift in the centre of the collaborative table to focus across the entire Central Coast community, as collaborators and project partners work toward improved outcomes across the region,” he said. “We were recently recognised by a $120,000 grant from the NSW Government to help us continue to drive economic and employment outcomes across the region. “RDACC has been proud to work together with all of our MPs and elected representatives, as well as government, non-government, industry, educational and community leaders. “With the appointment of a
permanent CEO for Central Coast Council, Gary Murphy, we are beginning to reap the benefits of strong leadership at all three levels of government. “Together with Mayor, Jane Smith, this appointment has enabled a viable and sustainable approach to the economic development of our entire region. “RDACC has continued to lead the Central Coast Regional Economic Development & Employment Strategy (REDES), with a review of the Central Coast Infrastructure Priorities List taking place to identify and highlight crucial priorities
for our region. “These processes have now directly attracted over $800M of funding for critical infrastructure across the Central Coast. “This important collaborative process effort will recommence in 2019. “In 2018, we were particularly pleased to welcome government announcements of close to $50M for essential infrastructure upgrades in Gosford CBD, and a $4.6M investment in regional tourism infrastructure that will benefit our entire community.
“This year has also seen RDACC continue to drive the Central Coast Food Innovation Initiative, designed to harness our region’s strengths, and grow and support this critical industry sector. “RDACC has also been proud to be a part of the development of funding applications to drive the development of three new Job Precinct Developments, as part of a joint taskforce led by the NSW Government Coordinator General, including continuing lobbying and advocacy for potential Snowy Hydro scheme funding,” Walker said.
He said RDACC had also been active in the establishment of education to industry pathways, partnering with the University of Newcastle (UON) on a variety of projects including Global Scope, the Central Coast Food Showcase, the Illumin8 Series and working together with UON, TAFE NSW, Central Coast Community College, the P-Tech pilot program and private providers to facilitate educational pathways through the REDES program. He said the organisation had worked together with the Central Coast Apprenticeship
and Traineeship Advisory Committee to support vocational pathways, including successfully delivering the 2018 Try-A-Skill Forum, that saw more than 800 secondary students from 26 schools gain hands-on experience across 32 vocations. It had continued a partnership with Central Coast Council and Arts NSW to deliver a $460,000 regional initiative to support and guide our local creative industries. RDACC partnered in the successful delivery of the 2018 Not-for-Profit Forum Series, which attracted more than 250 representatives from 150 different organisations. A Central Coast Medical Precinct Taskforce was established by the Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science to boost jobs, investment and opportunity. Finally, RDACC formed a partnership with the Australian Green Tea Company to guide the development of a local tea industry. Source: Newsletter, Dec 18 Phil Walker, RDACC
SUSTAINABLE EVENTS Help create a positive difference in your community Central Coast Council is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from suitably qualified, experienced and passionate people to be appointed as community stakeholder members of the following Council Committees:
Central Coast Tourism Advisory Committee (six vacancies) Protection of the Environment Trust Management Committee (one vacancy)
Events make a positive contribution to the community through economic development, trade and export, employment and by building local pride. We are seeking feedback on our draft Sustainable Event Management Policy, to provide a framework for best practice sustainability strategies to support events on the Central Coast.
Membership of the Advisory Committees will be on a volunteer basis and no fee or costs will be paid to community stakeholder members.
Help us ensure our events operate sustainably and reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Visit for our Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committees and application details.
Submissions will be accepted until 5pm on 31 January 2019.
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 25 January 2019. Please allow extra time if posting to ensure your application is received by the closing date.
Visit to have your say.
PAGE 12 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Surplus budget enables increase in home care packages
Easing of working holiday visa restrictions fails to resolve post code anomaly F
e g i o n a l Development Australia, Central Coast, (RDACC) has applauded the decision by the Australian Government to address working holiday visa restrictions to help address the critical labour shortage facing Australia’s agricultural industry.
Announced by Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, changes to the current working holiday visa system are a positive move to support our $63.4b national agricultural sector, according to RDACC Chief Executive Officer and Director Regional Development, John Mouland. “The changes will assist in addressing some labour issues impacting our local agricultural industry,” Mouland said.
“These changes will be critical in helping to address labour shortages within the Central Coast agricultural industry, by allowing increased access for seasonal workers from overseas to pick and process local crops. “Like many parts of Australia, our regional agricultural industry has struggled to get crops off the vine due to a severe labour shortage of seasonal workers,” he said. Changes to the working holiday visa system include increasing the length of stay, expanding age limits, increasing number of return visits, and removing restrictions that required workers change employment after six months, as well as reducing the market testing required to demonstrate that overseas labour is necessary. “Although we echo the sentiments of the National
Farmers’ Federation and other major bodies in the agricultural sector, in celebrating this move to ease restrictions on the current working holiday visa system, we still have more work to do,” said Mouland. “We are aware that the sector still has concerns regarding the long-term supply of overseas labour required to pick and process crops around the country, especially on the NSW Central Coast. “Local industry leaders have constantly lobbied government to correct an anomaly over postcodes which stop some Central Coast farmers from attracting desperately needed backpacker labour to pick their produce. “Under the anomaly, most of the Central Coast Plateau is covered by the same postcode as Gosford, and therefore deemed to be part of a regional city rather than a rural area.
“This currently means backpackers who come to our region to pick fruit are ineligible for the much sought after one year holiday visa extension for fruit pickers and agricultural workers. “We need to ensure that the recently announced changes to the working holiday visa system address this important challenge for our local growers. “As such, we strongly encourage both our industry and government leaders to continue their discussions to reach a sustainable solution that ensures a reliable supply of seasonal workers is consistently available to support our important agricultural industry both now and in the future.” Source: Media release, Nov 9 Elizabeth Westrup, RDACC
ederal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, said the pre-Christmas Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) report, confirmed the strength of the Australian economy and welcomed news that the Budget would return to surplus. Wicks said the return to surplus was part of the Liberal National Government’s plan to keep the economy strong. “We will deliver a $4.1b surplus in 2019-20, up from a $5.2b deficit in 2018,” Wicks said. “Because we will see a surplus budget in April, 2019, we can invest in services like a half-billion dollar aged care funding boost, including the release of 10,000 high level home care packages. “Our government will ease the cost of living for local seniors receiving home care, by reducing the daily maximum fees payable by up to $400 a year.
“This is wonderful news for our Central Coast seniors who want the option to live independently by receiving aged care services in their own homes for as long as possible. “I have listened to our seniors across the Coast and talked to the Minister for Aged Care about the on-going need for more high-level aged care packages in our region, so I am delighted to see this announcement of 10,000 extra home care packages. “Our Government is determined to continue improving aged care at every opportunity, to ensure that senior Australians receive the care they want and deserve, where and when they need it. “A stronger economy is the key to delivering better essential services.” She said next year’s Budget will be the first surplus budget since the last year of the Howard Government. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Charlotte Bowcock, office of Lucy Wicks
Tourism services contract extended
one year extension of Council’s current tourism services contract will enable a continued focus on growing tourism value for the Coast”, Mayor Jane Smith said.
Council commenced a twoyear contract with The Affinity Partnership Pty Ltd in July, 2017, with the option for a one year extension. The original contract was awarded following a tender process, with the intention of extension. Mayor Jane Smith said
continuing the contract will assist with achieving the vision and goals for tourism on the Central Coast. “Tourism plays an important role in our region’s economy. “Last year it was estimated that the market value was $912.3m,” Smith said.
“That’s an important boost to employment and local businesses,” she said. “Council facilitates the delivery of tourism marketing and management in the region through planning and co-ordinated actions in collaboration with a range of stakeholders.
“The overarching goal is to boost visitor economy and establish the Central Coast as a desirable visitor destination.” It is proposed that the oneyear extension of the current services agreement will enable Council officers to remain focussed on achieving re-visioning projects, and will
contribute to understanding Council’s future role and investment priorities for tourism marketing and development, including the role of external providers to deliver services. Source: Media release, Nov 27 Central Coast Council media
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year. Adam Crouch MP
Member for Terrigal AdamCrouchMP
02 4365 1906
Authorised by Adam Crouch MP, Shop 3 Fountain Plaza, 148-158 The Entrance Road, Erina NSW 2250, using parliamentary entitlements.
PAGE 13C DECEMBER 20, 2018
Outstanding Achievement Award for Garage Sale Trail
entral Coast Council has been awarded an Outstanding Achievement Award, recognising how both Council and the local community embraced the nationwide reuse program, Garage Sale Trail, this year.
Central Coast Council was one of only 14 councils to receive an award for their involvement in the annual campaign, held over the weekend of October 20-21. “This award is the result of a committed and passionate approach to the project by Council staff involved,” commented Co-Founder of Garage Sale Trail, Darryl Nichols. “Through its involvement and promotion of the program, Central Coast Council demonstrated great leadership in sustainability and reuse, and ultimately helped make this year’s Garage Sale Trail such a success, both locally and nationally,” he said.
Central Coast Council’s 2018 Garage Sale Trail placed in the top 10 trails in the country
With 301 sales and stalls registered, Central Coast placed in the top 10 of the 150 Councils that took part across Australia. Mayor, Jane Smith, said it was great to see Council support
this worthwhile national event, which supports Council’s Community Strategic Plan by improving environmental behaviours and increasing community connections. “Our community are certainly
T 1800 997 057 (free call) E
PO Box 343 Pennant Hills NSW 1715
NorthConnex Construction Update – December 2018 NorthConnex is a nine kilometre underground motorway that will link the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills, removing around 5,000 trucks off Pennant Hills Road daily. Tunnelling Progress Major tunnel excavation is now complete. All of the project’s 20 roadheaders have been removed and construction is entering a new phase which includes completing the final tunnel lining, fitting out the tunnels with equipment and laying road pavement.
Lining and water proofing the tunnel.
Surface Work Work is progressing on the permanent Motorway Control Centre, ventilation facility and emergency response facility at West Pennant Hills and also on the northern ventilation facility and noise walls at the M1 Pacific Motorway, Wahroonga. Happy Holidays We would like to thank the community for your patience this year, wish you a happy holiday period and remind you to stay safe on the roads. Questions or would like more information? Contact us: Phone: 1800 997 057 (24 hours) Email: Website: Visit for the latest traffic information.
committed to, and embrace, reusing and recycling, and I want to thank and congratulate them for making this year’s event such a huge success,” Mayor Smith said. “The recently issued results
have recorded more than 17,000 items sold across our region, with the average sale netting almost $300. “$10,000 of this went directly to local charities, which will have more positive flow on
effects to our community, which is great to see. “This year’s report has shown there were over 10,000 interactions as a result of the Garage Sale Trail, helping residents get to know their neighbours and feel more connected to their community. “Importantly, every garage sale on the Trail saw 516kgs of items reused and saved from landfill, which is real benefit for our local environment. “With 35 per cent of the event sellers admitting that without this event the items sold would have otherwise been thrown out, it has also helped us work towards our target of 45 per cent of domestic waste being diverted from our landfill sites. “We can all play a role in helping to minimise our waste and this amazing sustainable event brings attention to the positive impact reusing unwanted items has on our environment,” Mayor Smith said. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Central Coast Council Media
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A PAID TRAINEESHIP, PART TIME? Are you to 15 to 20 yrs of age and finished with school? Are you interested in the visual arts, music or administration?
Eagle Arts Youth have a limited number of part time traineeships for young people on the Central Coast in 2019 in Kariong. Young people with anxiety or depression issues are encouraged to apply.
Erina Library is getting a refurbishment
Council closures over holiday period
entral Coast Council offices and a number of services will close from December 24 for the annual Christmas closure and reopen on January 2, 2019.
entral Coast Council has received funding from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities
Fund to refurbish Erina Library. “We have received $145,244, which will go towards new carpet, a fresh coat of paint and furnishings, including
a new, accessible service desk and upgraded shelving to help improve the amenity, acoustics and functionality of the Library,” said Council’s Unit Manager of Libraries, Beth Burgess.
Works will commence in the New Year and will be completed by June 2019. Source: Website, Dec 3 Central Coast Council Media
This includes Council’s Gosford and Wyong Offices, works depots and libraries, with the exception of Gwandalan Library Link and Mooney Mooney Community Library, which will reopen on January 14 and January 29, respectively. Essential services will continue throughout the closure period including residential waste collection, water treatment, and lifeguards will patrol beaches. Kincumber Transfer Station
and Woy Woy and Buttonderry Waste Management Facilities will only be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. All Council leisure centres will be closed on Christmas and Boxing Day, and will be open on all other days, operating on adjusted hours. Gosford Regional Gallery will be closed on the designated public holidays Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, but will be open all other days. The Entrance Visitor Information Centre will only be closed on Christmas Day. Council operated child care centres will close from December 24 until January 8. Source: Media release, Dec 18 Central Coast Council Media
Council one of the first to invest in Green Tailored Deposit
entral Coast Council has been announced as one of the first investors in the world’s first Green Tailored Deposit to be certified by the internationally recognised Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).
The Green Tailored Deposit, launched by Westpac on November 26, is a medium to long term investment product (one to five years) designed for investors who want or need investments that genuinely contribute to delivering a low carbon and climate resilient economy. All deposits are associated
with a defined pool of eligible assets or projects which meet the strict CBI criteria, which can include renewable energy, low carbon transport, low carbon buildings and water infrastructure. Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, said: “By investing in Green Bonds, Council is directly contributing to funding
Liesl Tesch MP
sustainable initiatives like renewable energy projects and innovations in waste management providing real and lasting benefit to the broader community. “Council is committed to leading the way in addressing the impacts of climate change and green investments are an innovative and tangible
way we are delivering on that promise to our community,” she said. Green bonds were created to fund projects that have a positive environment social and/or climate benefit, including but not limited to renewable energy (solar, wind and hydro), carbon reduction, commercial property energy
efficiency improvements, asset finance for low emission passenger and commercial vehicles and community housing.
Member for Gosford How can I help?
Schools and education Community Recognition Awards Anniversary & birthday messages Fair Trading Hospitals and health Main roads Police and Emergency Services Public housing Trains and public transport (02) 4342 4122 20 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy NSW 2256 Gosford News - third page - update.indd 1
Source: Media release, Nov 27 Central Coast Council media
Authorised by Liesl Tesch, 20 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy NSW 2256. Printed using Parliamentary Entitlements.
PAGE 14 DECEMBER 20, 2018
6/11/2018 11:18:28 AM
Community groups receive grants
ouncil voted to provide more than $72,000 to 22 projects through its Community Support Grant Program, including 12 projects in the Gosford area.
The Community Support Grant provides support for the community to deliver activities which require a small amount of funding and/or in-kind support. Mayor Jane Smith said it was great to see a wide range of organisations accessing grant funding to run workshops and events, purchase equipment or help with accommodation costs. “These grants are being given to organisations and volunteers who provide services to many different groups across our population,” Mayor Smith said.
“Council’s funding creates strong connections within the community.” Davistown Progress Association received $1,581 as a rates subsidy. Copacabana SLSC was granted $5,000 for its Copacabana Rockstars inclusive nippers’ program equipment. Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW received $1,300 for upgrading of a hot water unit. Copacabana SLSC received $4,312 for sanding and sealing of its auditorium floor. Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee received $5,000 for its White Ribbon Walk 2018. Coast Shelter, for its work supporting those in need, received $4,704. Coastal a Cappella will be able to purchase a portable sound system with its $1,569 grant.
Matcham Valley Pony Club will use its $3,862 towards the cost of roof replacement. Copacabana Community Association lodged a successful application to cover the costs of road closure and waste services ($3,500). Davistown Progress Association lodged another successful application for $4,559 to pay for safety measures at Davistown Progress Hall. The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW), on behalf of Gosford Uniting Church, was granted $5,000 towards the cost of running Carols in Kibble Park. Council’s Community Support Grant Program is open throughout the year and provides grants of up to $5,000 per project. Source: Media release, Nov 28 Central Coast Council media
Upgrade well underway
ork is progressing on the Empire Bay Dve and The Scenic Rd intersection upgrade at Kincumber, with key milestones reached since construction commenced in July. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said the NSW Government was upgrading the intersection to reduce congestion and improve safety for the 25,000 motorists who use it each day. “Thanks to our strong budget position, and following extensive planning and community consultation, $6.5m is being invested for construction in 2018/19,”
Crouch said. “The project involves upgrading the existing roundabout from one lane to two lanes, new shared pathways and footpaths, road resurfacing and safety improvements at nearby intersections,” he said. “The pedestrian controlled traffic lights were switched on in September and are already improving safety, particularly for students walking to and from Kincumber Public School. “RMS has now installed 150 metres of stormwater drainage and kerb and gutter, and 420 square metres of concrete footpath along Empire Bay Dve, as well as 120 metres of stormwater pipeline on Cochrone St.”
Crouch said work had started on property adjustments along Empire Bay Dve. “Property acquisitions are progressing through the relevant processes, which will allow the road to be widened to two lanes in each direction. “Thanks to the recent traffic diversions, further drainage and kerb and gutter work between The Scenic and Kerta Rds is also underway.” No work will be carried out during the Christmas-New Year holiday period, between Monday, December 24, and Friday, January 4, with work set to resume in early January. Source: Media release, Dec 4 Ben Sheath, office of Adam Crouch
PAGE 15C DECEMBER 20, 2018
Mixed response to nearing NBN completion
Lucy Wicks, Member for Robertson, and Narara student, Niamh Watson
he National Broadband Network (NBN) is speeding towards completion, with 98 per cent of homes and businesses on the Central Coast now ready to connect, according to the Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks. Wicks said the strong rollout progress was a real win for the local community. “Thanks to our faster NBN rollout, we’re connecting all Australians sooner to more affordable high-speed broadband,” Wicks said. “The NBN’s fast, reliable broadband will provide a boost to our local economy and ensure families, local businesses and schools can stay connected and access the online services they need,” she said. “I urge residents and families
to contact their preferred service provider today to explore the range of plans available and start taking advantage of this service. “I’ve heard from local residents, businesses and students that are benefitting from faster internet speeds and download times as a result of NBN Broadband in our region.” Federal Minister for Communications, Mitch Fifield, welcomed the news and said that super-fast broadband is a reality for the majority of people on the Central Coast. Anne Charlton, Labor’s Candidate for Robertson, said she believed that the Abbott Turnbull Morrison Government’s copper NBN had been an abject disaster for local internet users. “The community has told me that their connection to the copper NBN has been unreliable, expensive, and in
some instances, worse than their previous ADSL,” Charlton said. “We know that the Central Coast has equated to almost 50 per cent of the complaints received by the Telecommunications Ombudsman,” she said. “We’ve heard from local businesses who have lost thousands in revenue because the NBN they signed up to is completely inadequate or has left them stranded for months without a connection. “The digital divide of those who have the real NBN in places like Gosford, Springfield and East Gosford, compared to the mess that people in Umina and Kariong are dealing with, is diabolical.” Source: Media release, Nov 30 Charlotte Bowcock, office of Lucy Wicks Media statement, Dec 3 Rhys Zorro, office of Lucy Wicks
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PAGE 16 DECEMBER 20, 2018
David Abrahams to stand as an Independent for Robertson
ardys Bay resident, David Abrahams, has announced that he will run as an independent candidate in the 2019 federal election for the seat of Robertson.
Abrahams announced his candidacy in Gosford on Thursday, December 13. Facing local media, he said he was “sick of party politics”. “Over the last 10 years, I have been involved in party politics and I think it is dysfunctional,” Abrahams said. “I think most people on the Coast, and most people in the nation, agree that there is a high degree of dysfunction,” he said. “Parties are not in our constitution, the representative of the area is meant to be elected from the people of the area, and answer directly to the people of the area, and that is what I am going to go back to. “So it is back to the constitutional roots and to have a good crack at being an independent candidate for the seat of Robertson.” Abrahams said he acknowledged that his prospects, up against sitting Liberal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, Labor candidate, Anne Charlton, and Greens candidate, Cath Connor, were “historically very low”. “At the start of our federation we had a lot of independents before parties formed. “Parties aren’t necessary if you have strong independents and now I am buoyed by, Keren Phelps, Cathy McGowan, Andrew Wilkie, and even, Bob Katter, as these people deeply
Shared pathway to join Avoca Dve and the Kincumber Boat Ramp
entral Coast Council has been granted $995,000 for a shared footpath and cycleway at Carrak Rd, Kincumber, Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, and Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, have announced.
represent their electorates, and I am aspiring to do the same thing. “I think the Central Coast, in all my years of looking at it, is very often compromised,” he said. “Roads, telecommunications, TAFE, university, water supply, and the threats of mining and gas exploration, were areas of significant compromise”, he said. David Abrahams said he believed that issues like Wallarah 2 coal mine and seismic testing off the Coast, “all the way from Woy Woy to Newcastle”, were Robertson issues, even though not specifically located within the boundaries of the federal electorate of Robertson. He said the major parties were “rolling over and allowing that to happen, and I will be putting in a voice to stop seismic testing that will kill the fishing grounds all along the Central Coast.” Abrahams said he had “divorced” from the Labor Party, but his run as an independent was not based on “sour grapes”. “I am just disappointed with the Labor Party.” He was critical of an online
voting process for selection of delegates for the Labor Party National Conference, stating that he believed the process was “rigged” and “hacked” and that the party chose not to do anything about the flaws he had uncovered. “So I can’t be in that sort of organisation. “The local members here are wonderful, in fact, in the Liberal Party, the Labor Party and the Greens. “However, the local members here are ignored entirely. “All policy that gets sent up from the local members here in all the parties, by and large, gets ignored, and I think that is a corrosive process.” In terms of how he will direct his preferences, David said that he was supporting the policies put together for the local government election under the Community Plan Central Coast. “There are 18 policies that I was part of developing, with a broad spectrum of political voters, and those policies will be basis of the plan that I will take to the electorate,” he said. Source: Interview, Dec 13 David Abrahams, Independent for Robertson Reporter: Jackie Pearson
Crouch said the funding is being delivered to Council through the Stronger Country Communities Fund. “Because we’ve built a strong NSW economy, we’re able to provide funding to improve the local community,” Mr Crouch said. “This is one of nine projects, totalling a $7.5m investment in the Central Coast region.
He said the grant would fully fund construction of a three metre wide, 320 metre long, footpath between Avoca Dve and the Kincumber Boat Ramp. “The path will provide a missing link between Davistown and Kincumber South, enabling better accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, parents with prams and people with disability,” Crouch said. “Construction on the shared footpath and cycleway is expected to commence before the end of 2018.” Mayor Jane Smith said Council was pleased to secure the funding which would deliver a key project from Council’s first ever Bike Plan, enhancing local connections
for the Kincumber community. “We know how much our community value our shared pathways, as they provide vital connections for communities, promote healthy lifestyles and no doubt this new pathway will be well utilised,” Mayor Smith said. “The new pathway will provide a missing link to connect the community to local services. “This is another great example of how we are working with the State Government to create a vibrant and sustainable Central Coast.” Source: Media release, Nov 26 Ben Sheath, office of Adam Crouch
New $310,000 firefighting tanker for Saratoga Fire Station
ire and emergency protection across the Terrigal electorate has been strengthened with the delivery of a new firefighting tanker for Saratoga Fire Station. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, visited the station on November 12 to officially hand over the new tanker to the local Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crew. “When it comes to emergency services, you don’t get any more frontline than standing face-to-face with a fire, protecting lives and property,” Crouch said. “We are absolutely
committed to ensuring that firefighters are prepared for anything, and that means having the very best vehicles available to do their jobs safely and effectively,” he said. Crouch said the multipurpose $310,000 vehicle is an Isuzu four wheel drive, which allows firefighters to access fires in difficult terrain. “It also has a water spray protection system that can be operated from the cabin, to protect the crew when faced with challenging conditions,” he added. FRNSW Acting Metropolitan North 2 Zone Commander, Jarrod King, said firefighters have continued to be provided with new vehicles for their
vital work in protecting local communities. “The new tanker can carry 3,500 litres of water and pump 1,900 litres of water a minute for bush and grass firefighting. “It is also equipped with firefighting foam and carries a breathing apparatus for each crew member,” he added. In 2017/18, the Saratoga FRNSW crew responded to 110 fire and emergency calls, and took part in a range of activities designed to educate the local community about fire safety. Source: Media release, Nov 12 Ben Sheath, Office of Adam Crouch MP
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entral Coast Council has received an Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) Engineering Excellence Award for its online interactive map that displays road and drainage capital works projects.
Council Director, Roads Transport Drainage and Waste, Boris Bolgoff, said the interactive map provides valuable information for our community, including project description, location, budget, construction start time and duration. “We wanted community members to be able to easily find information on road and drainage projects that are of interest to them,” Bolgoff said. “This year, we will invest over $70m across 574 road and drainage projects, and community members can access a concise summary of any of these projects by simply clicking on the icons on our interactive map or searching a location. “It is wonderful to receive acknowledgement through an IPWEA Engineering Excellence Award, especially in a category recognising an initiative that uses a new or improved
technique or innovation.” Council is constantly improving the interactive map and has recently added the capacity to upload photographs and concept designs. The interactive map is one of the most popular features on Council’s website, receiving approximately 6,000 page views each year. Community members can explore road and drainage projects across the Central Coast’s 2,200 kilometre network of roads by visiting au/roadanddrainageprojects. The IPWEA Engineering Excellence Awards for 2018 also acknowledged Council with a highly commended for the upgrade of Pleasant Valley Fire Trail in Fountaindale. The project transformed a track into a fully functioning fire trail in a particularly rugged, steep and dense bushland area in an extreme bushfire zone. Council and the NSW Rural Fire Service can now better manage the extreme bush fire risk in this area, allow for hazard reduction burning to take place, and provide safe access for fire fighters should an emergency arise. Source: Media release, Nov 15 Central Coast Council media
would like to take this opportunity to thank our thousands of readers and advertisers for your interest and support over the past 20 years. We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Our office will be closed on December 20, 2018 and will remain so until January 8, 2019
40-room boarding house proposed for North Gosford
$4.12m, 40room integrated boarding house, has been proposed for construction at 220 Henry Parry Dve, North Gosford. The application to Central Coast Council included tree removal, demolition of existing structures and the construction of a part two, and part three,storey boarding house. It would contain a total of 40 rooms/suites, and an on site manager’s room. Parking for 21 cars would be provided over two basement levels. The application for the new age boarding house has been made under the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009, according to a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) lodged in support of the proposal. The SEE noted that the site is “subject to the State Government’s new SEPP (Gosford City Centre) 2018 and supporting Gosford City Centre Development Control Plan 2018. The boarding house would accommodate 44 lodgers, including 36 single rooms and four double rooms.
Each room/suite would have its own kitchenette, full bathroom and living area. The site is near Gosford Private Hospital, on the western side of Henry Parry Dve, and 300m south from the intersection of Henry Parry Dve and Dwyer St, North Gosford. The 879 square metre site slopes with a gradient of 16 per cent, and is currently occupied by a single brick and tile dwelling with heavy vegetation. “The proposed three-storey new age boarding house has
Engineering Excellence Award for online interactive map
been designed to comply with key planning requirements, including maximum building height and FSR controls,” the SEE said. “The built form character along the western side of Henry Parry Dve is dominated
PAGE 17C DECEMBER 20, 2018
by 3 storey flat buildings interspersed by low-density housing,” it said. “As such, the development has been designed as a large three storey building that is consistent with Council’s height control and will positively contribute to the existing three-storey built form character along the western side of Henry Parry Dve. “The subject site is ideal to accommodate a boarding house due to its proximity to essential services within the town centre, a large hospital, schools, child care centres and recreational opportunities, and is also serviced by public transportation,” the SEE said. “The proposal will play a positive role in increasing the provision of short-term affordable rental housing stock within North Gosford by 40 boarding house rooms/ suites.” Source: DA55669/2018, Dec 5 Gosford DA Tracker, Central Coast Council
Good old fashioned service with a smile Shop 136 - Imperial Shopping Centre Gosford - 4324 2264
Our roads are in a bad state of repair
he new Central Coast Council should all resign, as since they have been in power, the roads are now in a bad state of repair. The first time I travelled over Central roads was in January, 1950, and as I travelled from Crows Nest to Davistown, the only road that was not sealed was from Brisbania Public School, down Davistown Rd to Davistown, and that part was full of big potholes. Now, if you drive up and down Hendy Parry Dve, one can feel the wheels and front suspension system vibrate. When driving up Henry Parry towards Gosford, there is a bump on the road that goes the full width of the up road, which is opposite number 25 Henry Parry. The motor vehicle drivers
and the NRMA should form a committee to take the council to court, as the roads are destroying people’s cars, tyres and front suspension parts, and this is a danger for road safety, as worn front suspensions will cause accidents and an accident can kill. In October, I went to a funeral at Naremburn. Before I drove home, I drove around some of the back lanes of Crows Nest, some off West St and some off Alexander St, as this is an area that I am familiar with, as I grew up there. In 1952, North Sydney Council had the back lanes kerbed, guttered and tar sealed and when I drove along these back lanes, I never drove over or hit a pothole. In 1932, the NSW Government formed the department of main
roads (DMR) which would soon be starting construction of concrete roads around Sydney. The first major road was Pittwater Rd and there followed many other roads, like Bunnerong Rd, Epping Hwy, Hume Hwy and many others. All this work was completed during a world depression. How many cars have been driven over Pittwater Rd in the last 86 years? Yet in 2018, our Council cannot repair our roads that drivers have to drive over every day. And now, the NSW Premier has this vote caching brainwave to build a fast train service to Gosford, which would cost billions of dollars, and yet the roads on the Coast have no money spent on them. Letter, Dec 6 Vic Wolf, Gosford
Talented musicians display their abilities
n December 7, Central Coast Conservatorium of Music’s premier developing young musicians, put on an outstanding performance at the Anglican Church of Gosford.
The concert started with the Central Coast Primary Wind Ensemble performing, The Code, conducted by, Phillip Rutherford, followed with the, Dance of the Tumblers, conducted by, Patrick Brennan. Both pieces were performed with grace, style and professionalism by these wonderful young performers. The second set was performed by the Central Coast Chamber Orchestra. They performed Leroy Anderson’s, Plink, Plank, Plunk, conducted by, Karina Hollands. The string musicians were brilliant in this piece which
FORUM they played pizzicato style (plucking the strings). A beautiful uplifting piece of music played perfectly, leaving smiles of delight on the faces of the audience. Another wonderful performance of Dvorak’s, Serenade for Strings, Second Movement, followed, again conducted by, Karina Hollands. The third set, by the Central Coast Symphonic Wind Orchestra, started with an original piece called, Gigue, which was written and conducted by, Phillip Rutherford. We then enjoyed the piece, a Fantasy Adventure at the Movies, conducted by, E-Yang Liu. The final set, performed by the Central Coast Youth Orchestra and conducted by, Patrick Brennan, was just brilliant. The pieces, Sibelius’ Finlandia
and Dvorak’s Symphony No 8, left the audience totally in awe of these wonderfully talented musicians. The young girl on the timpani drums never missed a beat and gave both pieces of music the drama, the intensity and light and shade integral to such a powerful composition. All the musicians gave such an impressive performance, and the audience was captivated throughout the entire performance, as I was. Professionally staged, with all the musicians looking the part in black attire, I am sure that every person who attended the concert will be looking forward to next season. How lucky we are here on the Central Coast to have such collection of talented and dedicated teachers and upcoming musicians at the Conservatorium. Email, Dec 13 Trudy Hurly, Saratoga
If we really want a Gosford centre to be proud of, Council will have to step in
od Fountain’s gloom about the Gosford City Centre is, on the face of it, well justified (“Rest in Peace Gosford”, CCN edition 195), given the procession of failed plans and the ineptitude of Council in setting development goals for the area.
Nevertheless, Gosford could have a very bright future, although it would not be the future of the past that he yearns for. The first requirement, however, is to rid ourselves of absurd nostalgia for a place that never existed, to map out a realistic role for Gosford in our city structure, and to recognise that there is no no-cost solution to turning the present shambles into a workable precinct that can realise its potential. The Government Architect’s plan is about as unimaginative as they come, and is obviously limited by the fact that it proposes none of the reshaping of the present layout which would be essential for a first-class outcome. Possibly, that was a given in his brief, but it is a deplorable constraint to any ambition for creating a 21st-century environment in Gosford. It will never do the job. Rod Fountain waxes lyrical about the Gosford of his (faulty) memory, but the fact is that the centre was never better than ticky-tacky, and we should all be grateful that it has been replaced by Erina which is accessible, comfortable and capable of easy expansion, as the need arises. Possibly, if the merchants of Gosford had had the foresight to collaborate on a revamping of the centre, it could have retained some of its facilities, but the usual head-in-thesand mentality prevailed, and the decline of commercial activities became inevitable. Nevertheless, if this enables
the sweeping-away of obsolescent structures to open opportunities for new, welldesigned buildings, the results are not all bad. The authorities persist in the notion that Gosford is the “regional capital”, whatever that means, when it is obvious, first, that Gosford is probably the worst-situated location for a city centre, placed near the far southern rim of the city’s population, with poor access for most people. The advantages of Gosford are proximity to the station and the access to, and views over, Brisbane Water. Accordingly, any half-aware developer will immediately identify it as a location for high-density residential development. However, the marketability of apartments here will depend heavily on offering a very high quality of accommodation, to compensate for the remoteness from Sydney. Otherwise, the target group will more likely choose an inner-city location there. If transportation to Sydney could be improved, some of the disadvantage would disappear, but this possibility is remote. It will also be vital to create an urban environment attractive for new residents, whose desires may well be very different from those of people who already live here. It is next to disastrous that three of the ugliest structures on the Central Coast, the Federal Tax office, the State Finance office and the Central Coast Stadium, have been allowed to disfigure the nearwaterfront area. Similarly, the shortsightedness of building the centre’s access road along the shorefront, which is Gosford’s greatest asset, thus cutting off pedestrian access to the water, is unforgivable. To aim at a top-quality residential neighbourhood
will be almost impossible, unless the road is sunk for a significant proportion of its length. A goal of linking the centre to the waterfront is difficult enough to achieve, when the street patterns and topography are so adverse to this ambition. As for the Government Architect’s plan, it comes down to 106 pages of minutely detailed regulations, straight-jacketing developers into preconceived building forms, without a single action initiative to bless itself with, unless one counts the relandscaping of Leagues Club Field. In this connection, one is left dumbfounded by the illustration on page 6. Are there really going to be kangaroos in the undergrowth, and where do those quaint bridges go to, when there is no water for them to cross? The task of a Development Corporation is to identify the highest priority need and to act on it, but this is almost a parody. Finally, one wonders how long all the Government Architect’s intricate building restrictions will survive the first real proposal put forward by a developer. The Central Coast’s history of approved variations and departures from principles and policies, to accommodate commercial expediency, suggests that, left to themselves, developers will put forward schemes to their own best advantage, and then lobby for special consideration outside the preconceived models of the controls. If we really want a Gosford centre to be proud of, the Council will have to step in, acquire land, amalgamate sites and set the pattern for developers to follow. When that happens, we’ll all be able to enjoy the porcine flypast from our viewpoints in this splendid new environment. Email, Nov 25 Bruce Hyland, Woy Woy
mixed bowls SHARE
Woy Woy Bowling Club held its inaugural Tuesday Mixed Bowls on Tuesday, July 28.
Play commenced at 1pm with 40 bowlers out playing a game of triples. At the end of play, prizes were awarded for the winning rink team
and the losing rink team.DECEMBER 20, 2018 A meat raffle was also held. It is planned that this will now continue as a weekly event, with all bowlers are welcome.
Residential Land Lease Communities are a good retirement option
need to tell you a story of my journey as a senior citizen from the North Coast, where my doctor told me I could no longer live alone, travelling in a wheelchair to the Central Coast to be closer to my daughters.
Media release, 29 Jul 2015 Gaye Scarfe, Woy Woy Women’s Bowling Club
to get my ticket to freedom, having found a two bedroom, open plan living and kitchen, Letters to the editor with a bathroom and two car should be sent to: spaces home, with resort style COAST COMMUNITY living, spa pool, games room, barbecue area for 50 people and more, for less than $300k, PO Box 1056 at The Palms, Avoca Beach. Gosford 2250 or The villa was very run down and smelt revolting, but as See Page 2 for I was now well, and having Whilst my journey has ended contribution conditions renovated houses for 75 well, it did include three years, I took on the challenge had trouble interpreting, and I moves and large losses, as to make this a beautiful home had bought a three bedroom, retirement living companies with a great organic vegetable two bathroom, villa at $725k, took advantage of an elderly garden that now helps me stay only to find that the rules person. said that only one visitor for 2 healthy and fit. I went to a retirement village It’s so quiet here, full of weeks could be there every six in Erina and I bought, sight trees and many types of birds, months. unseen. My friend, Tara, from the UK, including lorikeets, butcher That episode cost me over birds and ducks, all fed by was comingWoy for a visit, this bowls the inaugural Woyand mixed competition $50k, evenCompetitors on the 90 dayinbuy limitation was unacceptable, the neighbours, plus frogs, back scheme. so I went to management and crickets and water dragons. They kept $1,035,000 for asked for her to stay longer It is just like heaven, so much months and I live on my and they said no, “and if you peace. interest. do, we will have you up for It feels safe too, with Others in the village were breach of your lease”. neighbours, many of whom worse off, one lady bought into The amenities were closed have been here for decades, this village more than 20 years for many months due to water looking out for each other. ago and was only given $240k damage and the neighbours This surfing village of Avoca at 84, when she had to leave, were not friendly. has real holiday 22. feel, so it Marine Rescue towed aboard Central aCoast even though she had put in has a always feels very relaxed.then I was on a right of way to the The rescue boat was a six-metre new kitchen and bathroom. half-cabin public, with many footballers So if you are thinkingtwo of runabout two on assigned to locate and secure They then putwith it straight on people and louts coming large within feet of downsizing, looking for a logs deemed hazards to safe board south of the Rip the marketfrom for $550k. my patio, so I felt navigation very unsafe. seen holiday home or perhaps in a around the Rip Bridge to Davistown. This shouldn’t be happening, divorce situation with only half Bridge and area. The complicated motor failed Sunday, but The they’re actinghad within the on the funds to buy somewhere, expensive rules of retirement The logs were located. One was June around 9:15am, and law, and7, thisat particular Village it’s really villages must change. described as “huge”.wise to look into they required help toin get back to is owned by investors theseplaced Residential Land Lease They ashore for I managed to escape, as Iwere the ramp adjacent to Davistown Singapore. Communities instead of a removal by Council. found this all most appalling, Public Wharf. Village had The Retirement retirement village. release, 8 June 2015 when one day, after an outingMedia The tow was completed by a very complicated 75 page Ron Cole, Marine Rescue to the Theatre at Avoca Beach, Mr Karl Liepa, Mr Email, Dec 10 leaseAlthatHowes, even theMr solicitor Coast Unit I was both amazed and excited NSW Central Val Coad, Avoca Beach Paul Oliver and Mr Bruce Larking
Other Regional News - In brief
Coast Community News focuses on news specifically relating to post code areas 2250, 2251 & 2260. Given the
advent of a Central Coast Council, following is a
summary of news articles published in the most recent edition of each of our sister Central Coast publications. The full articles and more, as well as all previously published editions, can be seen on line on our website Copies of these other publications may be obtained from our offices in Gosford, by subscription, or from a myriad of locations in the areas covered by each publication.
Issue 155
12 December 2018
From left Glen Simington, Dale Phillips and Dick Nowland with Scott Wil
Bowls carnival he intoworst condition Action taken protect the largest
Runabout towed to Davistown
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
Action taken to protect the Toukley Community Action JRPP calls for revised plans for largest fresh water wetland on Group calls for development to Toukley development the Central Coast be deferred 26 teams finally made Planning it onto the The 2015 Kingfi sherCommunity Significant stepsUmina have been The Toukley Action The Joint Regional Panel taken to achieveheld the permanent Group has called forgreens. an affordable has deferred its decision on an Carnival, on Thursday, “There was are provisions “NPWS wouldFriday assess start delayed protection Creek Wetland, housing atThe 6 to 10 affordable housing development ignificant ofsteps July 16Porters and Friday, Julydevelopment 17 within the agreement the value for use as a have been taken the largest fresh water wetland on Dunleigh St, to be due deferredtountil project“in-perpetuity at 6-10 Dunleigh St, continuing problems with for national Park, its diversity to achieve the was played in the worst conservation. and cultural heritage p e Central r m a n Coast. e n t the a new traffic impact study was Toukley. the weather, however recreational “Council would be able values, conditions protection of Porters conditions that organisers park sell credits and receive opportunities, completed for the area, and Fire toonce Creek Wetland, the improved again and despite
fresh water wetland on the Central Coast
an annual management largest fresh water could recall in the 44- the bitterly payment to service the and economic impacts. winds and wetland on the “The land would need Loss of a 200-plus year-old traffic conditions on BSA. CEN cold calls for air pollution Central Coast. year history of theChanged bowls to align with the NSW “Thisskies, can provide threatening all three games paperbark tree highlights tree the M1 Pacific Motorway during permanent controls to beNational upgraded to Parks System protection Mayor, Jane Smith, Statement. for the management and competition. has made the permanent were completed results policy weakness December match worldDirections standards management
of biodiversity and “This is a strong level of protection of the Porters allow for the creation of protection. Creek Wetlands one biodiversity credits for of her major goals as “The national sale. the first Mayor of the Environment Protection amalgamated Council. Biodiversity “The resulting and Porters Creek Wetlands, west of Wyong, cover 3.6 hectares stewardship site Conservation Act 1999 She said it was a and is the region’s largest wetland of significance generates biodiversity is the legal framework “critical part of the bigger protect and which to picture for that area” in turn it into a proposal and important for Tuggerah Porters Creek Wetland credits terms of how surrounding a case for why it needs Lake, for the run off and were identified and represent the expected manage nationally and improvement in internationally important water quality going into discussed. land could be developed stronger protection. to create employment. Of seven options biodiversity that will result flora, fauna, ecological When introducing her Tuggerah lakes. and “In terms of flora and considered, a Biodiversity from the protection and communities “The former Wyong motion to the meeting, heritage places. Council, for some 20 which was seconded fauna, it has threatened Stewardship Agreement management of the site. “Under the Act, the “A landholder (Council) years, and different by, Clr Kyle MacGregor, species and endangered was considered to be Environment people, have been Mayor Smith said she ecological communities.” a strong mechanism to can sell the biodiversity Federal credits to a developer, Minister may declare a recognising its value and wished to see Council According to the staff protect the wetland. it needs protection, and engage a consultant report presented to the “The next strongest the NSW Biodiversity specified wetland to be of they just haven’t been with wetland expertise, meeting, Porters Creek are the existing planning Conservation Trust, or international importance (often called 'Ramsar' able to deliver what is to initiate biodiversity Wetland is significant instruments, State and other interested parties. after the stewardship agreement because of its ecology Local, which are already required,” she said. “Once credits are sold, wetlands “So I am really pleased and investigate whether and its impact on in place,” the staff report the site needs to be international treaty under maintained in perpetuity. which such wetlands are that we are making it could be declared as a improving downstream said. wetland of international water quality from its progress.” “The potential credit listed). “A Biodiversity “There are presently 12 large catchment area. Stewardship Agreement status of the Porters She said the report significance. She said she wanted Work on the December can provide offsets Creek wetland land Ramsar wetland sites in considered at the development parcels would need to be NSW, the closest being Monday, December 10, Council to liaise with 10 resolution started in for Hunter Estuary Wetlands, Central Coast Council National Parks and March, when Council opportunities elsewhere, assessed. resolved and will support the meeting put in place prepare a submission unanimously “A BSA is registered on and Myall Lakes. to look at whatfocuses “The nomination to request the CEO to creation of an to income Wyong and Regional Chronicle on news specifically relating post code areas the need to reclassify the land title. 2258, 2259, 2261, planning clauses might arrange meeting with stream ontoourfund the the SEPP14 (protected) 2262, & 2263. The full articles anda more can be seen website “When land that process would include management includes a BSA is sold, comments from the State. wetland from Operational be considered for an the Office of Environment ongoing Heritage, of biodiversity in Porters then the new owner takes land to Community land, LEP or DCP to minimise and “The process is long Department of Planning Creek wetland,” it said. to ensure it could not be impacts. over the obligations of the [and] a declaration would “The significant part, in and other stakeholders sold off. “Landowners, including stewardship agreement be unlikely. “I think that is an my view, about Porters to identify mechanisms Council, may consider and in return receives Source: Creek Wetland, is that it to permanently protect entering into a voluntary payments important first step. from the Interview, Dec 11 Biodiversity Stewardship Biodiversity Stewardship Jane Smith, Central Coast “There have been is the largest fresh water Porters Creek Wetland. Council wetland on the Central The meeting was Agreement (BSA) on Payments Fund.” numerous studies of the Agenda item 5.8, Dec 10 held in May, and any parcel of land under wetlands and part of the Coast. Another strategy would Central Coast Council mechanisms the NSW Biodiversity be to donate the land to “Just by nature of several ordinary meeting resolution was to pull that Jackie Pearson, journalist information together and the size and role, it is to permanently protect Conservation Act 2016. National Parks.
initialto downpour ooded traffic all conditions decided. TheAn decision cut down a flChanged will The Community Environment three greens requiring matches 200-plus year-old paperbark be in effect to during December Network’s (CEN) to the The onwinners of submission the carnival be on onlyHoliday two greens butMotorway, tree played in Budgewoi the M1 Pacific EPA Licensingteam, Review with Committee wereas awork composite lead Park, on Thursday, December continues on the upgrade between on the Eraring and Vales Point 6, demonstrated the major Tuggerah and Doyalson, but works Power Stations, has called for their weaknesses of the proposed will be suspended over Christmas pollution controls to be upgraded Councillors unanimously vote for action on water and air pollution monitoring A draft submission will be prepared by Central Coast Council to the review of the Environment Protection Licences of the Eraring and Vales Point Power Stations, following a unanimous vote of
Forum calls for submissions to EPA to reduce unforgivable health burden Forty residents attended a public forum at Wyee, on Thursday, November 29, on the health impacts of NSW coalfired power stations.
Contradictory advice provided on health of fish in the Tuggerah Lakes system The NSW PFAS Taskforce has analysed the results from an initial study into some species of fish in the Tuggerah Lakes system.
Edition 460
17 December 2018
Office: 3 Amy Close, Wyong Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 New planning controls to E-mail: Website: increase residential density
Woy Woy designated as Woy Woy designated as town Firefighters rescue trapped centre like centre Gosford ducklings town like Gosford
place is taken from to ensurethe capitalUmina works Woy Woy Woy has hasbeen been to “focus on holistic Woy Firefighters unit designated a “principal management and activation, projects, maintenance or events addressing the and meet broader designated a “principal of Fire andactivations Rescue NSW have town centre” in a review effectively between objectives,” it said. conducted for Central Coast interdependencies effective asset management, finding was town centre” in a review respondedAnother to reports of that a family Council which was adopted marketing and promotion, tourism, aligned delivery of services such at the December 10 council conducted for Central business Coastdevelopment,ofeconomic ducksas security trapped in awould drain in and cleaning meeting. development and delivery of ensure best value and consistent The staff review Council which washasadopted Ettalong. quality events within key precincts. service levels. recommended a hierarchy for town “The future management of The review recommended atcentres thethatDecember would see Woy 10 Woy council town centres should aim to provide that Council request the CEO to classified along with Wyong, The Entrance, Gosford and Terrigal as principal town centres. Umina and Ettalong, as well as Toukley, Long Jetty, Budgewoi, Avoca and Kincumber, would become “major town centres … all of which should have a targeted and coordinated place activation focus for Council”. “It is a key finding of this review that a more formalised and centrist approach is required within Council to ensure that we are properly servicing the identified principal and major town centres,” the review written by council staff said “To meet this objective, an expansion of responsibilities and staffing would be needed,” it said. The review also identified a “gap in the regional delivery of economic development for the Central Coast, particularly by Central Coast Council. “Key aspects of strategic economic development linked to the needs of expectations of the community, such as sustainability, jobs generation, transport planning and support of innovation and start up businesses, are not currently being adequately addressed,” the review said. The aim of the review was
a strategic, streamlined and costeffective approach, to ensure priority service delivery of town centre management functions. “In a region as large and diverse as the Central Coast, the definition of a ‘town centre’ is important to establish, to ensure that coordinated resources are focused on areas that provide the best opportunity to achieve place activation, economic development and social connection to our community.” All commercial property owners within the former Gosford Local Government Area pay Special Rate Levies, but only Gosford has been serviced by a third party entity responsible for marketing, promoting, event delivery, business development and varying levels of asset maintenance. The review found that Council provided “limited and varying funding levels” which meant the town centres on the Peninsula struggled to get funding for events. “Little funding is directly targeted towards activities or projects,” the review said. “In the absence of a dedicated focus or town centre management team within Council, little coordination or strategic decision
investigate how to resource a dedicated team within Council to coordinate town centre management. Another recommendation was for Council to work with the NSW Business Chamber to develop a model to specifically support local economic and business development initiatives. Council will also establish an external regional model to provide a regional focus and direction for delivery of economic development, marketing and promotion, business development and attraction of major events for town centres across the Coast. A professional board for the regional model will be considered. The Place Activation section within Council will be expanded to ensure best practice internal coordination of assets, contract management, leasing, delivery of events and services. Central Coast Council Mayor, Clr Jane Smith, said th report back to Council should also “consider how we consult and engage with communities in those town centres”.
Sporties ‘determined to reinvent No Woy Woy masterplan before itself’ over summer 2020, councillors told Woy Woy Bowling Club’s registered club The Sporties at Woy Woy will rebrand itself as The Greens Woy Woy.
Greenfield Rd funding is ‘testament to united community’ A local community group has given credit to the Empire Bay community for the announcement of funding to upgrade Greenfield Rd.
A new masterplan and strategic planning statement for Woy Woy town centre will not be finalised until 2020.
Development controls included in a draft new planning scheme would permit higher density development in residential areas around Woy Woy.
Consultation about skate park upgrade Central Coast Council, along with Umina Community Group and a skate park building company, have held consultations at Umina Oval between December 7 and 9 about a proposed upgrade to the Umina
Firefighters rescue Umina CWA supports Coasttrapped Campaign attracts 48 ducklings Shelter
submissions against proposal
The Umina Beach branch ofFirefighters the The Save Our Woy Woy community from the Umina determined three ducklings had become trapped and an operation of Fire and Rescue NSW Country Women’s Associationunithas group’s campaign against a have responded to reports of to retrieve them commenced. All three ducklings were rescued decided to support Coast Shelter proposed development at 170 to a family of ducks trapped in a and found to be in good health and drain in Ettalong. with their mother. this Christmas. 176 Blackwall reunited Rd has succeeded The firefighters arrived to find a SOURCE: SOURCE: distressed mother duck circling the Social media, 11 Dec 2018 Central Coast Council in encouraging 48 residents to Scott Kell, Fire and Rescue agenda 4.1, 10 Dec 2018 drain. Upon make inspection, submissions it was NSW Umina Unit Jackie Pearson, journalist on the latest
The full articles and more can be seen on line on our website
They can also be seen New planning controls to onincrease residential density Development controls included in a draft new planning scheme would permit higher density development in residential areas around Woy Woy. The proposed change is directly
Residential zone is “to promote best practice in the design of multi-dwelling housing and other similar types of development; to ensure that non-residential uses do not adversely affect residential amenity or place demands on services beyond the level
managed through other provisions of the DCP chapter applying to these forms of development such as building setback, floor space ratio, open space requirements etc. “The removal of this clause, for these land-uses, will allow greater
zoning controls in Wyong and Erina on December 11 and 12. It has said it will announce more information sessions in the New Year but it is unclear whether any sessions will occur on the Peninsula. Council representatives will
two years after the new Central Coast Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal to consolidate the provisions of the Local Environmental Plans from the former Gosford and Wyong Councils. The draft plan standardises
Glen Phillip Dick wins A Fawc Magr wins
Crown Land for Public Recreation is under threat
rown Land for Public Recreation is under threat on the Central Coast.
The intention of Crown Land for Public Recreation is for the people to recreate. Why is it that, due to lack of planning for car parking spaces, some have their eyes on our Crown Land Reserves? The ill thought through sell off of Kibbleplex, the loss of the car parking spaces, the lack of adequate parking for residents in unit developments, as well as the lack of planning for population growth in the area, has resulted in the shortage of car parking spaces, and will compound exponentially with the current DCP in Gosford and the push for less car parking in some buildings. As a result, the quick and easy fix is to use our Crown Land for Public Recreation. The use of this land only compounds the problem,
FORUM and shows the lack of understanding that most have for Crown Land for Recreation. Past leaders have planned for the future and seen the need for this recreational area. Not so today, as it is seen as space to be used to correct past recent wrongs at the expense of residents’ recreational space, now and in the future. I see the Crown Land Reserves like a cake in the fridge at home. It is there for all to enjoy. However, if some use the argument, ’just take a little bit’, this results in nothing being left for all to enjoy. At home, we hear the excuses, they are hungry, they need to go out, they missed out on the biscuits and so on. Crown Land is the same. Poor planning in the recent past is no excuse for poor
Subscribe now and don’t miss an edition Peninsula Community Access
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decisions now. Crown Land for Recreation is not only under threat in Adcock Park, there is also the Crown Land for Recreation at Copacabana in Del Monte Pl, which is being considered for a car park. Yet another ‘just a little bit’. Additionally, there is the very large triangle at the South Eastern area of Leagues Club Field, which is also Crown Land for Public Recreation. This area has been rezoned and presently it is unclear why there would be such zoning on Recreational Crown Land. Yet another ‘just a little bit’. If there is vacant land near where you live, or you enjoy using a public open space, be sure to telephone Council, or your local State Member, and ask what Crown Land for recreation is near you. Don’t suffer the ‘just a little bit’ mentality. Residents of the Central Coast be warned, this Crown Land Reserve land is like the cake in my fridge. You, like me at home, may end up with mere crumbs and the job of cleaning up. Sadly, Crown Land is not like a cake and more can’t be baked. Email, Dec 14 Joy Cooper, Green Point
1 Year (25 editions) to Coast Community News $75
1 Year (25 editions) to Wyong Regional Chronicle $75
Phone: 4325 7369 120c Erina Street, Gosford To order online
Ratepayers’ funds better spent on kerb and guttering
n regards to the Terrigal Boardwalk proposal, I refer to the proposal as outlined in Coast Community News (edition 196), which shows the proposal with an architect’s impression and aerial view, with mentioned cost of a $5.9m spend, of which $2.9m is to be contributed by Council and thus Central Coast ratepayers.
We offer the following feedback and complaints regarding this proposal, including but not limited to: The previously mentioned advertised cost was to be $2.9m, provided by a State government grant, we now witness an increase of a further $2.9m, to be provided by Councils. We also recognise the assumed benefits claimed by the Council CEO to increase growth, jobs and cash flow to local businesses, the latter benefit subsided by rate payers. Should business be supporting this proposal, why is business not making financial contributions to meet the $5.8m costs, as they will be the ultimate beneficiaries? As this proposal is being proffered as a tourist destination and recognising
If you’re reading this, so could up to 150,000 other people
FORUM the existing and compounding problems associated with traffic flows and parking, what measures are being proposed and/or adopted in parallel with this boardwalk? Has Council or its employees, or as usual, external consultants, completed sufficient geo-technical surveys, engineering design and construction techniques to a sufficient and appropriate point that detailed construction estimates have been, or can be prepared? Have Council incorporated delays such as approvals, EIS assessments and amenities provisions, which are in short supply, in association with this proposal to meet increased tourist demand, or do we expect the existing Trojan Clubhouse facilities to meet this increased demand? Will cost increase to adequately provide these facilities, including disabled facilities in accordance with the Anti Discrimination Act? Has Council considered construction methods, and site access and materials deliveries, and thus can provide the community with a time line for documentation predicating tendering, tender acceptance and construction details so as to inform the community of all inconveniences to be
incurred? It is our contention that Council should meet its obligation to provide essential services such as kerb and guttering and stormwater drainage needs, before entering into yet another public project that will be an ongoing cost burden to the community, without first meeting its obligations to meet these needs. Our rates have, or still include, sewer and stormwater drainage funds to meet the needs of these services and for ongoing maintenance of these services. Finally, we should also mention Council’s slothful approach to rectification of the Terrigal/Wamberal Beaches, resulting from storm inundation and erosion, particularly to the Wamberal Beach embankment, a need Council seems to have ignored, or determined too hard or impossible to resolve. Again, Councils’ efforts and resources would reach a higher achievement to meet stormwater, inundation and sea rise problems, and where ratepayer’s funds would be better spent. We do not need to dedicate funds in order meet local politician’s aspirations and ego massaging by constructing such an edifice as proposed. Email, Dec 6 Richard Abrahams, Wamberal
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Does anyone know either of these two people?
risbane Water Police District are seeking to identify the male and female depicted on CCTV at Erina Fair.
Police believe the male and female can assist with their enquiries regarding an incident which occurred on Friday, November 2.
Anyone with information that may help identify either the male or female is asked to contact Crime Stoppers. Source: Website, Dec 11 Brisbane Water Police District
Diamond python found in glovebox
Do you know this woman?
risbane Water Police District are seeking to identify the female depicted on CCTV at Erina. Police believe the female can
assist enquiries regarding two incidents which occurred in November. Anyone with information that
may help identify the female is asked to contact Crime Stoppers. Source: Website, Dec 17 Brisbane Water Police District
hilst December is the time for Christmas get togethers, one Mangrove Mountain one resident had an uninvited Christmas guest. Ryan Howard, the organiser of community event, Blues on the Mountain, was looking for a pen in his van, when he opened his glovebox to find a diamond python. Howard shared his surprise find via social media. Source: Website, Dec 13 Ryan Howard, Mangrove Mountain
In times of crisis, you can give
where it’s needed most Please donate now 1 3 S A LV O S S A LV O S . O R G . A U
nna Edgell, the courageous Woy Woy midwife with terminal breast cancer, who passed away on December 1, had one message for the residents of the Central Coast, who currently have no hospice or palliative care facilities outside of a nursing home, “Palliative care is worth fighting for, and it’s worth dying for.” Edgell, 38, whose breast cancer metastasized to her liver, lungs and pelvis was determined to make a lastditch bid to help residents from across the Central Coast to “die with dignity” and was gearing up for a media campaign to lobby the State and Federal Government to build a palliative care hospice on the Coast. Prior to her passing Edgell delivered the following media statement to Coast Community News. “As a midwife for more than a decade, I’ve been trained for 13 years to promote choice and advocate for women in birth where they are treated; that they are treated with dignity and respect and that they are happy and comfortable surrounded by
Anna Edgell’s passing reinvigorates calls for palliative care hospice
their loved ones. “So why is it that whilst you can choose where to give birth on the Coast, you can’t choose where you are going to die?” Edgell said. “Currently my choices are to die in a nursing home, or a standard hospital ward as there are no palliative care beds in any public hospitals on the Coast. “My dream, is for a palliative care centre like home, a bit like a birth centre really with your own bathroom, a room big enough for visitors, no restrictions on visiting hours, use of a communal kitchen for relatives to prepare meals, low level lighting and maybe flowers and a little music therapy,” she said. The Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, who had been an active supporter of Edgell’s campaign, delivered a speech in Parliament in November about the region’s need for a palliative care hospice. “The Central Coast has the largest population of centenarians in NSW, and 5.9 per cent of our population is over 80-years-old, close to 20,000 people,” Tesch said. Tesch told Parliament she had received a multitude of letters and email and a petition with 7,000 signatures from community members who support the erection of a local
Anna Edgell
palliative care hospice. “The East Gosford Wyoming Lions Club has also been working tirelessly to fundraise for a dedicated hospice called Elsie’s Retreat, named after another nurse who died inappropriately in a nursing home. “The community’s effort has been amazing but it needs government for a dedicated, stand-alone facility. “Many people on the Central Coast spend their time commuting to and from work. “There is absolutely no reason someone who is terminally ill should have to commute in their final days. “I fully support beautiful Anna, who knew at the end of the treatment she had no options left to cure her cancer. “We may not have the power to choose when we die, but in situations like Anna’s, we should have the power to choose how we die,” Tesch said. For Anna, who at Christmas was focusing on what to buy her little girl, either something
fun and frivolous in the Minecraft vein or something poignant because it the last Christmas gift Ellie will ever receive from her, she took on the dilemma head on with typical nurse’s stoicism. “I can’t focus on the lasts too long, I want to focus on the firsts,” Edgell said. “If I can continue another nurse’s legacy and help achieve the dream of the Coast’s first palliative facility, then that is the best gift I can give my daughter, showing her that the world is full of strong women. “May we know them, may we raise them, may we be them,” Edgell said. Labor’s candidate for Robertson, Anne Charlton, is also supporting the campaign and urged Central Coast residents to sign the Elsie’s Retreat Petition. “The cost of keeping a patient in an acute hospital bed was $1800 per day compared to $1000 per day for a palliative care hospice staffed by palliative care
specialists,” Charlton said. “We propose to establish a specialty sub-acute standalone Palliative Care Unit on the Central Coast. “A stand-alone unit is a cost-effective solution to house a dedicated Palliative Care multidisciplinary team to meet patients’ end-of-life preferences and needs,” she said. “The Elsie’s Retreat campaign is similar to that mounted by the local community to establish the now highly successful Central Coast Cancer Centre at Gosford. “Currently care is frequently provided by strangers and in urgent circumstances with a lack of holistic approaches. “Our patients and our families and our community expect and deserve more, Anna deserved more,” Charlton said. “Anna touched our lives with her passion, love and dedication. “As part of Elsie’s Retreat Committee I will continue to campaign for the type of palliative care services that Anna called for. “Visit the Elsie’s Retreat Project website to sign the petition,” Charlton said. Darren Edgell, Anna’s husband, said he had lost the most amazing woman he had ever met. “Words fail me, but Anna will leave such an empty space to me. “Our children Brad and Ellie will miss her so dearly, as will so many others,” he said. Edgell’s funeral was held on December 7 at the Greenway Chapel. Hundreds gathered in the chapel to pay their respects. “Being a midwife defined Anna as a person, it was what she lived for, helping women at their most vulnerable and through this profession she
found many friends on the way with her infectious smile. “May we remember this same passion in her death and may Elsie’s Retreat be her legacy and a reality for people on the Coast who need it most,” Mr Edgell said. Inspired by Anna Edgell’s story, Ettalong business owner and lymphoma survivor, Celeste Boonearts, is taking up the cause to fight for Elsie’s Retreat. “As a mother, every instinct is to protect our children and I was so scared for them and how cancer would impact our family,” Boonearts said. “At the outset my disease was expected to be quite advanced and the full diagnosis took 10 months. So there was a lot of time I really didn’t know if I would have a future. “When I read Anna’s story, that she was the same age as me and that her daughter was the same age as my son, my heart just went out to her and to her family. “Although our illnesses were unique and different, we both heard our diagnoses as mothers who have to tell our children we have a lifethreatening illness. “I know Anna has done so much to help others in our community both as a midwife and as an advocate for this hospice which we must all fight for. “Her courage of showing such bravery in the midst of having such a terrible illness herself, yet she still continues to dedicate herself to the community, well it’s just incredible,” Boonearts said. Source: Media release, Nov 30 Jane Worthington, Write This Way Media Media release, Dec 13 Jane Worthington, Write This Way Media Social media, Dec 2 Anne Charlton, Labor’s Candidate for Robertson
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External Wall Cladding Taskforce clears Gosford Hospital
osford Hospital has been given a clean bill of health under the inter-agency Fire Safety and External Wall Cladding Taskforce.
In response to questions from Coast Community News, Central Coast Local Health District CEO, Andrew Montague, said: “The new hospital tower is certified in accordance with all current applicable Building Codes and Legislation. “The certification is supported by an independent Fire Engineering Report, which specifically addresses the type of cladding installed,” Montague said. “The inter-agency Fire Safety and External Wall Cladding
Taskforce was established in June, 2017, as part of the NSW Government’s ongoing work to address fire safety risks associated with external wall cladding,” he said. “In line with the taskforce objectives, Health Infrastructure, on behalf of NSW Health, assessed all health assets state-wide, including Gosford Hospital. “The assessment determined all but two sections in the Gosford Hospital campus were compliant with the new Building Code of Australia standards, and remediation work on those two sections is already complete.” Source: Media statement, Dec 10 Lauren Nicholls, Central Coast Local Health District
Free day passes available to Council leisure centres
entral Coast Council is encouraging the Coast community to get active this summer, by offering a free day pass to every Central Coast resident, 18-years or older, to any of its six leisure centres until March 2019.
Anyone who uses their free pass will also go in the draw to win one of five annual memberships to a Council leisure centre of their choice, valued at up to $1,092. Council Director, Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan, said that this initiative is being implemented to help promote healthy living. “We’re committed to
improving the physical and social wellbeing of the community,” Vaughan said. “Not only does this free pass encourage residents of the Coast to get active, but it also allows them to try out one of our leisure centres and see if they enjoy what is on offer, which may encourage short and long-term fitness goals,” she said. Central Coast residents can visit the Fit For Free website to download their free adult day pass. Gosford LGA leisure centres included in the day pass are: Peninsula Leisure Centre, Gosford Olympic Pool and Niagara Park Stadium. Source: Media release, Dec 10 Central Coast Council Media
Gosford Hospital’s Patient Enquiry counter shut down
osford Hospital workers have voted to shut down the new temporary Patient Enquiry counter until continuing safety concerns are addressed.
The counter closed from 7am, on December 18, after workers took the extraordinary action of issuing a Cease Work notice under the Work, Health, Safety Act 2011. Health Service Union (HSU) NSW Secretary, Gerard Hayes, said hospital workers were frustrated at the failure of management to put in place simple security measures. “Hospital management have been dithering on this issue for several weeks, and now we are back at square one again. “Workers have had enough, and they just want something to be done about it,” Hayes said. Hayes said workers were concerned about the lack of security, such as a perspex screen, in the current temporary Patients Enquiry counter, and the lack of a screen in the new Patients Enquiry counter which is due to be opened in March, 2019. “Without a screen for protection, workers are at risk of being spat at or assaulted. “Just yesterday (December 13), an incident occurred at the temporary Patients Enquiry counter where an aggressive and agitated visitor to the hospital verbally abused staff and leaned over the counter, requiring urgent security intervention,” Hayes said. According to Hayes, temporary arrangements, including extra security patrols, were put in place in late November. “These arrangements are set to ceased on December 17, leaving staff vulnerable to abusive, drug affected or mentally ill patients,” he said. The Patient Enquiries desk is staffed from 7am to 9pm,
seven days a week, with a staff member on their own from 4:30 to 9pm week days and 4 to 9pm on weekends. A petition calling for protective screens at both the interim and new Patients Enquiry counters has already gathered over 200 signatures. “The CEO of the CCLHD, told staff that their safety and wellbeing was paramount,” Hayes said. “In reality, however, workers feel that their safety and wellbeing is treated as a low-order priority. “Workers should not have to wait until there is a serious incident before something is done to make the Patients’ Enquiry desk safe and secure,”
he said. In a media statement CCLHD CEO, Dr Andrew Montague, said the Patient Enquiry counter was a part of the hospital’s main entry refurbishment. “Staff have been involved throughout the Main Entry design process and continue to have the opportunity to provide feedback and input,” Dr Montague said. “The new patient enquiries space has been designed to be more open and welcoming, improving access and communication with patients, visitors and staff. “Patient enquiries have been temporarily relocated to the new tower and the opening
of the new patient enquiries desk has been postponed until March, 2019, while consultation continues. “Risk assessments were carried out by CCLHD Security and also Work Health and Safety experts, to ensure that the redevelopment met all the required safety and security standards for public spaces in hospitals. “A $583,000 Emergency Department’s Security and Duress Alarms Upgrade was completed at CCLHD in December 2017. “The security workforce at Gosford Hospital has also been boosted with additional staff rostered on each shift. “The District is committed to ongoing consultation with staff and representatives of the HSU around the safety of the public areas, including the possibility of installing additional CCTV cameras in the reception area. “The safety and care of our staff, public and visitors is always our top priority,” he concluded. Source: Media releases, Dec 14 Brenda Roberts, HSU Dr Andrew Montague, CCHLD
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PAGE 24 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Molly receives a Defence Force Academy Education Award
Lieutenant Danny Chouffott, St Joseph’s student, Molly F, and, Petty Officer, Briony Kennedy
Year 12 student from St Joseph’s Catholic College, East Gosford, has been awarded an Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Education Award. “The ADFA Education Award is presented annually to Year 12 students, in recognition of leadership potential, and academic and sporting
achievements exhibited during Year 11,” said College Principal, Tony McCudden. “The award comprises of a tablet device, certificate, and a plaque of recognition for the school. “There are up to 50 awards available on behalf of the Navy, Army and Air Force, which are presented to suitable applicants who have applied for entry to ADFA. “On November 26,
14–17For January 2019 details visit
Lieutenant, Danny Chouffott, and Petty Officer, Briony Kennedy, presented this prestigious award to our graduating Year 12 student Molly F. “Congratulations Molly, we know you have a very bright future ahead of you,” McCudden said. Source: Website, Nov 27 Tony McCudden, St Joseph’s Catholic College, East Gosford
Ignite a life-long passion for string playing! A Strings Summer School for string players of all levels in: n
String Orchestras graded from Mini Strings to Chamber Orchestra
n Chamber Music Ignite a life-long passion n Tango Orchestra with renowned fortango string expertplaying! Maggie Ferguson Maggie Ferguson AnStrings School LearnSummer to Play the Violinfor in 4string Daysplayers of all(9am–12pm) levels in:
nn String Orchestras graded from Performance Masterclasses
Mini Strings to Chamber Orchestra Daily rehearsals and activities 9am–3pm n Chamber Music Mini Strings (players with 2 years or less experience) nand Tango Orchestra with renowned Learn to Play the Violin in 4 Days expert Maggie Ferguson – tango half days 9am–12pm n
Maggie Ferguson
Learn to Play the Violin in 4 Days (9am–12pm)
The four day Masterclasses programme will culminate in a n Performance Central Coast Conservatorium concert on Thursday Jan 17 at 2pm for family 45 Mann Street Gosford P 4324 7477 Daily rehearsals and activities and friends in which every9am–3pm student will have the opportunity to perform. Mini Strings (players with 2 years or less experience) and Learn to Play the Violin in 4 Days – half days 9am–12pm
The four day programme will culminate in a concert on Thursday Jan 17 at 2pm for family and friends in which every student will have the opportunity to perform.
Award-winning educator, researcher and writer to lecture in Wyoming
he Central Coast Conservatorium of Music will bring, Dr Anita Collins, awardwinning educator, researcher and writer, to the Coast to share her knowledge on why music learning is so effective at enhancomg brain function. Fresh from the ABC hit series, Don’t Stop the Music, Dr Collins is internationally acclaimed for her unique work in translating the scientific research of neuroscientists and psychologists to the everyday parent, teacher and student. Patrick Brennan, Artistic Director of the Central Coast Conservatorium, said it was a great coup for the Coast to be able to host, Dr Collins, after the highly successful ABC program saw the lives of economically and socially disadvantaged students in
Dr Anita Collins is coming to Gosford
a Western Australian school transformed through music. “Learning music is a gift that all of our children should be able to access, enjoy and benefit from,” Brennan said. “The Central Coast Conservatorium already works in 28 schools with weekly instrumental programs, and provides individual tuition to more than 400 students, so many parents are already aware of the powerful benefits of music on a young person’s mind,” he added.
Parents, educators, students and members of the public are invited to attend Dr Collins’ public lecture on January 24, 2019, which is being supported by Central Coast Council, The Laycock St Theatre, Ray Allen and Family, and Iain McGuire, Madcow Theatre Company. The lecture commences from 9am at Laycock Street Theatre. Source: Media release, Dec 11 Claire Braund, Central Coast Conservatorium of Music
Strings Summer School for children
he Central Coast Conservatorium of Music will hold a Strings Summer School for Central Coast children, from January 14 to 17. A tango youth orchestra, led by celebrated violinist and bandoneónista, Maggie Ferguson, is a highlight of the program, which includes courses such as: Learn to play the violin in four days, mini strings, chamber music, masterclasses in performance, and daily rehearsals, culminating in an exciting concert on January 17. Children can expect to learn
how to use the bow and perform a piece together on open strings. They learn how to use their left hand to play notes and perform a short piece together in the concert. “It’s amazing how much they can learn in such a short space of time, develop ensemble playing skills, music reading, and of course friendship with other string players”, said, Karina Moss-Hollands, the Conservatorium’s Head of Strings Department. “For young musicians, being a part of, Maggie Fergusons’, tango orchestra, opens up an inspiring and lively world of Argentine tango,” she added.
“Students are encouraged to express themselves in an individual way by use of rhythmic freedom while holding on to the classical values of tuning, rhythm and ensemble playing,” said Ferguson. Ferguson created TangoOZ in 2009, Australia’s first genuine tango orchestra, and an associate of, La Orquesta Escuela de Tango, Emilio Balcarce, in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s national school of orchestral tango, and the Conservatorium High School in Sydney. Source: Media release, Dec 11 Rosalie Paino, Central Coast Conservatorium of Music
What's On across the Coast these school holidays? Central Coast Council's popular School Holiday Program is back with new activities for all ages. What's On at our Leisure Centres What's On at The Entrance What's On at the Gallery What's On across our Libraries
Start planning how you will keep the family entertained these holidays. @CentralCoastCouncil
HSC high achievers recognised
igh school leavers from across the Central Coast have breathed a collective sigh of relief with the publishing of the 2018 HSC results on December 13.
Schools from the former Gosford LGA dominated the Coast’s rankings, with Erina Heights’ based Central Coast Grammar School (CCGS) being the Coast’s highest ranked school, at 56th in the top 200 across the state. Gosford Selective High School was the only other school on the Coast to make the top 200, coming in at 58th. Individually, students also excelled, with all 15 all-round achievers (students that scored a Band 6 or Band E4 in 10 or more of their HSC units of study) from schools in the
Nikau Davis has artwork selected for major student exhibition
Henry Kendall High School student’s 2018 Visual Arts Body of Work has been nominated for ARTEXPRESS. “We are very excited to have received the nomination for, Nikau Davis’, Body of Work, entitled “Fathomless: Opaque at Heart (and Surface),” said Principal, Andrew Backhouse. ARTEXPRESS is an annual exhibition featuring a selection of outstanding student artworks developed for the art making component of the HSC examination in Visual Arts in NSW. “Nikau’s amazing collection of self portraits display phenomenal technical drawing skills and a very strong conceptual elegance. “It is wonderful to have these skills recognised outside of the school arena. “Congratulations Nikau. “We look forward to seeing your artistic progress over the next few years,” Backhouse said. Source: Newsletter, Nov 23 Andrew Backhouse, Henry Kendall High School
Central Coast Grammar School’s Zoe Mitchell
former Gosford LGA. Class of 2018 all-round achievers included: Gosford High School’s, Noah Berry, Nguyen Lan D’Arcy, Seung joo Lee, Samuel Schmaltz, Mitchell Sigley and Tsung-Lin Jarren Wu.
CCGS’s all-round achievers were, Emily Brooks, Emelia Corlett, Emma Farncomb, Elena Khoury, Zoe Mitchell, Indigo Neville and Jake Vernon-Elliot. Green Point Christian College’s all-round achiever
was Amelia Ferry and St Joseph’s Catholic College’s was Hana Fisher. CCGS’s Zoe Mitchell also topped the state in the Society and Culture Unit, no small feat, having to outperform 4,500 other students to be named first in course. CCGS’s, Jake Vernon-Elliot, also recorded a phenomenal result placing second in the state in the Biology Unit. CCGS’s Head of Senior College, Denise McDonough, applauded students on their outstanding achievements across all subject areas. “It’s been an honour to watch our students work collaboratively and with their teachers, towards realising their academic goals. “Equally important, was the students’ tremendous positive spirit, cohesion and resilience. “These important life skills
are a testament to their character, which will serve them well in the future. “These exceptional results are a wonderful reflection of the significant time, effort and determination of each and every one of our students. “They should be immensely proud of their achievements and confident to now begin their lives outside of school, taking with them a wealth of knowledge, experience and the continued support of the school community,” McDonough said. Gosford High School Principal, Tony Rudd, also extended his congratulations to students who excelled in this year’s HSC. “Heartfelt congratulations to our Year 12 students on their fantastic and well earned ATARs. “Special mention to Mitchell
Sigley, Lachlan Blake and Josh Cesca (all 99.35), Ellie Cooper (99.30) and Jarren Wu (99.25) for their efforts. “We now have a three-way tie for 2018 Dux. “Mitchell also attained a UNSW Co-op Scholarship for Actuarial Studies. “Gosford High School teachers and your fellow students are extremely proud of the whole cohort,” Rudd said. Gosford High School’s results were particularly impressive to Rudd who is retiring this year after 40 years of service to the NSW Department of Education. Source: Website, Dec 14 NSW HSC 2018 State Rankings, NSW Department of Education Website, Dec 15 Denise McDonough, Central Coast Grammar School Website, Dec 17 Tony Rudd, Gosford High School
Glenworth Valley music festival to bring thousands of revellers to the region
ost Paradise, the Glenworth Valley music festival that brings thousands of revellers to the region over the New Year, has announced its 2018 line up. Major acts on the 2018 lineup include: The Kooks, Tash Sultana, M.I.A, Joey Bada$$, PNAU Bicep, Dune Rats, Ball Park Music, Vera Blue, KiNK and Winston Surfshirt. Returning to the Coast for its fifth instalment, Lost Paradise will take over Glenworth Valley for four epic days of music, wellness, food, art and cultural experiences, from December 28 to January 1. The festival offers a completely immersive escape from city life, a musical playground amongst nature that will inspire, excite and enrich, with its kaleidoscope of experiences. This year’s eclectic and thoughtfully curated music line-up raises the bar, with
outstanding international and local artists performing across the unique, purposebuilt stages within the festival. The main stage, Arcadia, will present the edgy rhythms, world melodies and big bold bass lines of cultural icon, activist and game changer,
M.I.A., for a NSW exclusive performance, and first in Australia for over five years. The Brit will perform her breakthrough single, Paper Planes, recently named number two track of the century by Rolling Stone magazine.
M.I.A will be joined by the unbridled talent and off-theleash creativity of groundbreaking powerhouse, Tash Sultana, performing her newly released debut album, Flow State. Other main acts are: The Kooks, with their brand new
album, Let’s Go Sunshine; one of the rap world’s most credible and exciting young acts, Joey Bada$$; and disco-centric bangers of Aussie dance trio, PNAU; alongside an impressive rollcall of international and local talent including: Vera Blue,
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Ball Park Music, Winston Surfshirt, Furnace and The Fundamentals, Bob Moses and SG Lewis. Home to the weird and wonderful, Lost Paradise is filled with unique and mesmerising characters and exciting curve balls. Revellers can hitch a ride on impressively built art cars, visit wild theme camps, and be hypnotised by aerial artists and roving performers like the Soul Drumming crew, magical wonders of the Ghetto Shaman, Stilt Walkers and Motor-Biking Bandits. With an ever-growing desire for a place for festivalgoers to nourish their mind, body and soul, Lost Paradise’s magical Shambhala Fields oasis will showcase some of the most experienced and expert teachers and practitioners from Australia and overseas. Source: Media release, Dec 16 Talia Cox, Example PR
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13 Day Japan Cherry Blossoms Tour with Hiroshima 23 Day China Silk Road and Russia Waterways Tour 13 Day Japan Cherry Blossoms Tour with Hiroshima
13 Day Special China Tour with Spectacular Yangtze
This is a special promotional tour, which departs a few times a year only. Travelling through Japan is not only a modern, highly developed economy in This tour combines a China Silk Road tour with a Russia Waterways tour, letting you exsome of the most popular tourist destinations including Shanghai, Xian and Beijing, adding on Asia, but also a land of striking scenic beauties. Its greenness plore the rich historical heritage of China and Russia and experience the lifestyles of the its mountains, a spectacularis Yangtze cruise, you will explore and enjoy the historical cultural and people inhas these two you willand retraceexperience the steps of Marco a PoloKimono along the Pavilion modern metropolis to countries. offer In China, Osaka andhighlights, Hiroshima letting you which cover nearly three-quarters of the Japan notRiveronly a modern, heritage and the charming scenery of China with a lifetime experience. Visit Shanghai, Paris of country, will impress first time visitors. Our tour will take Legendary Silk Road from Urumqishow. to Turpan. Enjoy the amazing desert landscape, learn from the ancient Asakusa Temple witness the beautiful landscapes highly developed economy the East and take in the best of the glitzy colonial era with a stroll along the Bund as well as the you to the must-seeing hot spots in Japan including Tokyo, about the unique history of Western China and enjoy the local cuisine of Xinjiang, a provto the major shopping of as well andfromsome the famous UNESCO in Asia, butby visiting alsothe Shikumen a landof Xintiandi. of Zip Kawaguchiko, Mt. Fuji, Lake Suwako, Takayatraditional Shanghai Wuhan toofYichang on one Hakone, ince renowneddistrict for its produce the local to traditions, the songs and the culWeas enjoying will head further south to ma, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Hiroshima letting you witness of China’s modern high-speed rail and transfer onto a five-star luxury cruise ship for a cruise ture of the local ethnic people. See the well-preserved architectural splendours and explore Ginza informationTokyo. World Heritage Sites of Japan striking scenic beauties. Osaka via Hiroshima where we the beautiful landscapes and some of the famous UNESCO upon the Yangtze River, the heart of China and the third longest river in the world. You will the amazing artistic achievements of the incredible Buddhist cave art of Mogao Caves. the exotic will Osaka asfour-star well Enjoy a Hot You Spring Its its Gorges mountains, Worldoriental Heritage Sites of Japan and experience the exotic pass greenness through such sites and as the Three Dam, largest damand in theexperience world, enjoy the amazing will then bevisit transferredatfor your flight visit to Moscow where youCastle will board your oriental lifestyle of Japanese people. Join us as we travel from Tokyo to Osaka on an amazing trip. First lifestyle of Japanese people. sights of three wondrous gorges, and perhaps take a shore excursion to Shibaozhai, a well-preluxury cruise ship and indulge yourself on a relaxing cruise along the Volga River in RusOwakutani, travel to Mt Fuji, as the famous Shinzaibashi which cover nearly three-quarters served Chinese temple. The cruise ends at Chongqing, metropolis of Western China, where you visit Nikko, home to the famous Nikko National Park as well as the Toshogu Shrine, a lavishly-decosia. You will go on shore to visit many places of interest. See such famous sights as Red shopping symbol of Japan JapanSquare, andKremlin, its highest Joinfamous us for astheir weImperial travelPast,from to to the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu, ofwill the country, ratedTokyo Shrine dedicated which ruled visit a Panda Sanctuarywill beforeimpress you fly to twofirst Chinese cities the Cathedral of Christ the Saviourarea. and so on in Moscow, the Transfigu250 Years. Later experience all that Japan’s modern metropolis has to offer from the ancient Asakusa ration Church on Lake Onega- a well-preXi’an and Beijing. Visit Xi’an and Beijing to take mountain. Osaka on an amazing for trip. time visitors. Spring is the best season to Temple to the major shopping district of Ginza informationTokyo. Enjoy a Hot Spring visit at Owaku- served wooden Church on an isolated isin the best of old Chinese history and culture from Tokugawa Shogunate, Tokugawa Visit some of Japan’s most First visit Nikko, home to the Our tour will take you to the tani, travel to Mt Fuji, symbol of Japan and its highest mountain. Visit some of Japan’s most beautiful land. Visit the Winter Palace, homevisit the famous Terracotta Warriors to the mighty Great to the Japan as you will see the Ieyasu, which ruled Japan for 250 lakes from Lake Ashi to Lake Suwa. Visit Kyoto and experience the best of Old Japan when you head to Wall of China. Asia Discovery Tours is pleased to many old most build- beautiful scenery when the beautiful lakes Hermitage from Museum Lake andAshi must-seeing hot spots in famous Nikko National Park see the Golden PavilionYears. and experience a Kimono show. We will head to further south to Osaka via Hiro- ings of St Petersburg, Russia’s gateway to offer you such an excellent price for such a woncherry blossoms are in full bloom. to Lake Suwa. Visit Kyoto and as well as the Toshogu Shrine, Japan including Tokyo, Hakone, shima where we will visit Osaka Castle as well as the famous Shinzaibashi shopping area. Spring is the the West during the era of Tsars. This tour derful China tour with so many inclusions. Please experience of OldyouJapan Shrine Kawaguchiko, Fuji, Lake a lavishly-decoratedbest season to visit Japan as you experience will see the most beautiful scenery when the cherry blossoms are inthe full best Later all that Japan’s book as early as possible toMt. avoid your disappointis an experience will never forget. ment as the places are limited. bloom. So please book now! Please book now! when you head to see the Golden Suwako, Takayama, Kyoto, Nara, dedicated to the founder of the
So please book now!
13 Day Japan Cherry Blossoms Tour (Early Bird Special)
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15 Day Russia Waterways Tour (Special)
*$5,980, NOW $5,390, departing 28/03 & 01/04/2019, including Tokyo, Hakone, Mt. Fuji, Takayama, Nara, Kyoto, Hiroshima & Osaka (flying Cathay Pacific).
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13 Day China Tour with Majestic Yangtze (Special)
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13 Day Vietnam Holiday Special Tour (Special) *$3,180, NOW fr $2,380, departing monthly from now to Nov. 2019 except for Dec. & Jan., covering the must-see highlights in Vietnam from North to South.
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Discount applies to ADT club members. Please join now (Conditions apply). *Conditions apply to all our special offers.
All prices include airfare, airport tax, fuel surcharge (subject to change), transfer & transport, most meals, 4 or 5 star hotels, 5 star cruise ship for China Yangtze, sightseeing with admission and English-speaking guide.
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1300 789 252
All rides and amusements on the Gosford Leagues Club Field will be free
he Masterfoods’ New Year’s Eve Festival amusements at Ray Maher Field, will be transformed into free family fun this year, thanks to St Hilliers. For the first time in the event’s 13-year history, all rides and amusements on the Gosford Leagues Club Field will be free. The one-night extravaganza is a community gesture from St Hilliers’ Executive Chairman, Tim Casey, whose construction firm is overseeing the development of Central Coast Quarter, a multi-purpose residential and entertainment hub in Gosford, located near the nearly completed finance office. “St Hilliers has been trusted to deliver the Central Coast an incredible asset on Mann St, Gosford, with Central Coast Quarter,” Casey said. “This project marks a chapter of unprecedented
growth and renewal for the community. “The New Year’s period is also about renewal, which is why we wanted to not just be involved in the wonderful waterfront festival, but make
a meaningful contribution to those who come along,” he added. Due to be completed in early 2019, the first stage of construction will deliver an A-grade commercial building
at 32 Mann St, capable of accommodating over 300 public service employees. Subsequent stages will add 200 residential apartments, retail and dining outlets, and manicured public spaces.
“Central Coast Quarter will activate the southern end of Mann St, which is Gosford’s most important thoroughfare because it connects all the city’s major attractions and infrastructure, the stadium,
CBD, public parks and the waterfront,” Casey said. The Masterfoods New Year’s Eve Festival on the Gosford Waterfront, being run by Gosford Business Improvement District, has been an annual highlight for the Central Coast since 2005. It attracted more than 20,000 people in 2017, and with an expanded entertainment line-up and fireworks show, an even bigger turn-out is expected this year. “St Hilliers is delighted to be providing the amusements on the field in front of our site for free at this year’s NYE festival. “We look forward to joining locals for an evening of enjoyment and festivity as we count down to the New Year,” concluded Casey. The free amusements commence from 5pm on December 31. Source: Media release, Dec 13 Katey Small, Brilliant Logic
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Kim Churchill to return to The Rhythm Hut
Central Coast Stadium to host Central Coast Carols
he Rhythm Hut will welcome back a crowd favourite for one of their first events in the New Year, when, Kim Churchill, graces the stage on January 11.
Churchill returns to Australian shores after spending much of 2018 writing, recording and touring across North America and Europe. With a stack of new music slated for release in 2019, Churchill is going to start the year off with some very select
shows around Australia. “In his Raw Files set up, a more acoustic and intimate format, Churchill will be playing songs from his back catalogue as well as treating audiences to new music from his forthcoming releases,” said the Hut’s, Lou Sawilejskij.
“Churchill has achieved some incredible things in his short time as a professional musician. “The former south coast busker is now recognised as much internationally as he is in Australia, having performed headline shows, festivals and supports all over the planet, including Glastonbury, Falls Festival, Montreal Jazz, Telluride Blues, and a plethora of others. “Known for his magnetic, dynamic stage presence, Kim unites lyrical artistry with fierce vocals. He is a sonic architect, using his guitar to create landscapes, which animate his lyrics,” Sawilejskij said. Source: Media release, Dec 10 Lou Sawilejskij, The Rhythm Hut
entral Coast Stadium will proudly host the Central Coast Carols on December 21, with 100 per cent of all ticket proceeds donated to Cancer Council NSW, to support services and facilities on the Coast.
Rabbit and Julie Goodwin, from Star 104.5, will host the night, with a range of entertainment, including singers, Sam Moran, Wendy Matthews, Nikki Webster, and plenty of local artists and acts. There will also be a special appearance from the jolly man himself, as well as food, games and a fireworks display. Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, said: “It is very exciting to see the Carols return to Central Coast Stadium in 2018, providing the perfect backdrop to this important community event. “Our community is all about giving and it is heartening to know that all of the proceeds
of the event will benefit local families affected by cancer. “For many of us, joining in carols epitomises the very spirit of Christmas and I look forward to seeing a big crowd on the night,” she added. Last year’s carols raised over $39,000 for Cancer Council NSW on the Central Coast. Jaynie Moloney, Cancer Council’s Community Relations Coordinator said: “Carolling is a fantastic way to spread joy at Christmas time. “Christmas is a time for family and giving, and we are so pleased that our amazing community can come together for a fantastic family event, and support local cancer patients,” she said. Gates open at 4pm, with the show commencing at 5pm, and a fireworks display at 9pm. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Central Coast Council Media Media release, Oct 30 Jaynie Moloney, Cancer Council NSW
Chronicle 231118.indd 1
26/11/2018 10:31:53 AM
Partial funding approved for Springfield Pond Wetland rehabilitation
Murray Turtle native to the area
entral Coast Councillors have given approval for $10,000 to be spent on Stage 1 of Springfield Pond Wetland rehabilitation.
The works will involve creating temporary barriers to contain the weed, called salvinia, which will be removed from the pond after spraying. An amphibious bobcat, called
a Truxor, will be contracted to assist with the works, due to commence on January 7. “The residents and community are very excited to see some action take place to improve this precious pocket of wetland,” said, Glenys Ray, one of the residents working to have the wetlands and pond cleared of the weed infestation. “There are two other aggressive noxious weeds
First sighting of ducklings at the Springfield weir for two years
also infesting the pond, but additional funds will need to be identified before they can be addressed,” Ray said. “We are committed to ongoing discussion and lobbying to achieve the quality of the pond, so that the birds and wildlife that rely on the pond can continue to access the wetland needed to assist their breeding and lifecycle,” she said. The rains in October and
November helped push some of the weed to the weir, where residents were able to pull enough over the weir to enable some clear water to be seen again, which has prompted the turtles, ducks, moorhens and so on to emerge and start breeding here again. Murray Turtles, which are native to this area, have surfaced, after nearly two years without sightings. “They have existed
somewhere underneath the thick blanket of salvinia weed, deprived of any sunlight, and are now enjoying sunning themselves on the weir. “We have also had our first duckling sighting in two years, as well with a proud mother duck caring for her nine ducklings. “However, residents are concerned about a Development Application DA55715/2018, which has
been lodged with Central Coast Council. “This DA includes the private end of the pond, an Endangered Ecological Community of rainforest, and a proposal to clear large amounts of vegetation in order to subdivide into four lots,” Ray said. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Glenys Ray, Springfield Pond Wetland
“An evening on the waterfront“ is an alcohol prohibited area.
PAGE 30 DECEMBER 20, 2018
A COMPREHENSIVE LISTING OF EVENTS OVER THE NEXT THREE WEEKS ON THE CENTRAL COAST FRIDAY, DEC 21 Star FM Central Coast Carols, Central Coast Stadium, Ticketed, 4pm, Fireworks at 9pm Christmas Craft & Disco, Everglades Country Club Woy Woy, Free, 6pm
SATURDAY, DEC 22 Peninsula Churches to Celebrate Christmas Together! A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Ettalong Baptist Church, 7pm Seasonal Mindfulness Meditations, Forest Of Tranquility, Bookings required, 2pm Hardys Bay Community Church - Carols on the Waterfront, Hardys Bay waterfront, 7:30pm - 9pm Bushcraft and Survival Skills, Glenworth Valley, Bookings required Blue & the Doctor, Hardys Bay Club, 7:30pm
A Luminous Christmas, Waterfront Plaza & Memorial Park The Entrance, Free TUESDAY, DEC 25 1/12 - 30/12, Christmas Day Breakfast, 8:30pm - 10:30pm Entrance, Free 6 - 8pm
Florida Beach Bar, Ticketed, 7am - 10:30am events
Christmas Lunch, Seasalt Restaurant, Ticketed, 12pm - 3:30pm
Swing Sets w/ Nielson Gough, Hardys Bay Club, 3pm
Christmas Lunch – Grand Ballroom, MONDAY, DEC 31 Crowne Plaza Terrigal, Ticketed, 12:30pm - 3:30pm Celebrate Christmas at Archies, Archies Brasserie, Ticketed, 11:30am - 1pm, 1:30pm
THURSDAY, DEC 27 Killcare Art Show Opening Night, Ticketed, 6pm
Art by the Sea, Killcare Surf Life Saving Club, 28/12 - 6/01, 10am - 3pm Superhero Dressups, Face Painting & Disco, Everglades Country Club Woy Woy, Free, 6pm
Anglican Christmas Services, NYE Podium Party, All Saints Anglican The Entertainment Grounds Private Lawn Party, Church The Entrance, Ticketed, 12:30pm - 6pm Sunday - 9am, Christmas Eve Krazee Karaoke, 10:30pm, Hardys Bay Club, Christmas day - 9am 7pm
JazzLeague: Eric Gibbins’ The Belle Of The Turf Ladies New Orleanians, Raceday, Central Coast Leagues The Entertainment Grounds, Club, Free, Ticketed, 12pm - 6pm, 2 - 5pm Ladies Day Summer Soiree Marquee, Ticketed, Christmas Deck Session w/ 1pm - 6pm Grizzlee Train, Hardys Bay Club, SATURDAY, DEC 29 3pm Bohemian Bees,
Central Coast Mariners Hardys Bay Club, v Newcastle Jets, 7:30pm Central Coast Stadium, Ticketed, Kick Off SUNDAY, DEC 30 5:06pm - 6:56pm MONDAY, DEC 24 Carols in the park, Waterfront Plaza and Memorial Park The
Free New Years Eve Show: Baxters Revenge, Club Umina, 8pm, 4343 9999 WEDNESDAY, JAN 2 Mini Members New Year Party, Everglades Country Club Woy Woy, Free, 11am - 2pm
2018 New Years Eve Celebration Ft Pseudo FRIDAY, JAN 4 Echo, Memorial Park The Entrance, Free, 6 - 9pm events
Tusk - The Storybook Tribute to Fleetwood Mac, The Entertainment Grounds, Ettalong Diggers, Free kids entertainment, Ticketed, 4343 0111 12pm - 6pm
RSVP at finance@killcaresurf- 2018 New Years Eve Family Raceday,
5pm, Fireworks at 9:15pm
Toukley Aquatic Centre, Bookings Essential
The Sydney Comedy Club Returns to The Entertainment Grounds, Ticketed, 8pm
15, 22 & 29/01, Bookings Essential, 2:30pm - 4pm
Good News Week WEDNESDAY, JAN 16 January School Holiday Program, 7/01 - 11/01, Historical Mapping of Berkley Vale Highschool, Sun Catcher Making, Australia - Presentation by Kids & Adult programs: Umina Beach Library, Klaas Woldring, 9 - 11:30am, Bookings essential, Teen programs: 6:30 - 9pm Pearl Beach Community 10:30am - 11:30am Hall, 2pm - 4pm
Tom Ballard Live
10:30am - 11:30am or 2 - 3pm Curious Creatures or Something Wild! Woy Woy Library, Bookings essential, 10:30am - 11:30am Escape From Trash Mountain - School Holiday Show and Workshop, The Art House Wyong, Ticketed, 18 & 19/01, 10am & 2pm
WOW Learn to Surf Women Comedy show, with Sals Surf School, Storytime Ballet - Coppelia, The Art House Wyong, Umina Beach, Laycock Street Community Ticketed, 8pm Bookings required, 9am Theatre, Ticketed, 4335 1485 SATURDAY, JAN 19 8 & 9/01 at Central Coast Alliance 11am, 2pm & 4pm Française Luke McGregor/ FIFA 19 Gaming Practise your French at any WEDNESDAY, JAN 9 Tommy Little: Tournament (PS4) level, Comedy Double Bill, Kincumber Library, Erina Leagues Club, Dinosaur Train Show, Bookings essential, The Art House Wyong, 10am Memorial Park Stage, 2 - 4pm Ticketed, 7:30pm 9 - 11/01, Free, 4335 1485 MONDAY, JAN 14 10am, 11am, 12pm Shark Talk by Dr David
Strings Summer School Jumping Castle Fun, Peninsula Leisure Centre, goes Tango! Central 9, 10, 16 & 17/01, Coast Conservatorium 12 - 2pm or 2 - 4pm of Music, 14 - 17/01, Learn to Play the Violin
Powter, Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre, 6:30pm
Kids Art at Toukely, Pool Inflatable Fun, in 4 Days, 9am – 12pm, Toukley Art Gallery, Wyong Olympic Pool Tango Orchestra | Ticketed, 10am - 3pm 9, 11, 16, 18, 23 & 25/01, Chamber Music | Gosford Olympic Pool, Performance NDIS Audit Workshop, 7 11, 14 - 18, 21 - 25/01, Nexus Smart Hub Wyong, Masterclasses, Toukley Aquatic Centre, Central Coast Mariners Melinda Schneider & Mark 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 & 24/01, Bookings required, 5pm 9am – 3pm, v Perth, 11am - 2pm All students perform, Gable Rock the 80’s, Putt Putt Golf, Central Coast Stdaium, Hardys Bay Club, 2 pm-3pm, Ticketed Everglades Country Club Juggling Show & Workshop, Ticketed, Kick Off Ticketed, 6:30pm 4324 7477 Woy Woy, Free, Everglades Country Club www.centralcoastconservato7:06pm - 8:51pm 11am 2pm Woy Woy, Free, SUNDAY, JAN 6 11am - 12pm, The Masterfoods New THURSDAY, JAN 17 Disco, 12pm -2pm Year’s Eve Festival, Decorate your own Irish Mythen (International) Ray Maher Field, porcelain plate, w support Twin Willows, Escape Room, Free Rides - 5pm Bateau Bay Library, THURSDAY, JAN 10 The Rhythm Hut, Lake Haven Libraty, Bookings Essential, Ticketed, 6:30pm Bookings essential,10 New Years Eve at the 10:30am - 11:30am The Art House 10:30am, Everglades - The 60’s Chart Shirleys Sunday Lunch Presents 11 - 11:30am, 12 Toppers, Drawing Lab: Strange Bunch, IN THE HEIGHTS, 12:30pm or 1 - 1:30pm Everglades Country Club Creatures, Gosford Library, The Entrance Leagues The Art House Wyong, Bookings Essential, 2 - 3pm Woy Woy, Ticketed, Club (Tigers) - in the Bistro, Ticketed, 7:30pm Chalk The Walk, 7:30pm Bookings required, 4335 1485 Waterfront Plaza Pavement Newspaper Sit-Upons, 12pm The Entrance, 17 & 18/01 New Years Eve, Lake Haven Library, at 8am 4pm, 19 & 20/01 Seasalt Restaurant, Bookings essential, 2 - 3pm MONDAY, JAN 7 JIMEOIN – ‘RESULT’ at 10am - 4pm Ticketed, Comedy Show, 7:30pm - 12:30pm TUESDAY, JAN 15 Autism / Sensory Friendly Nelson Bay Diggers, The Mural Project, Inflatable Play, Ticketed RYSS Wyoming, Funky Slime Craft, Niagara Park Stadium, Free Youth Event for 12 Tuggerah Library, Bookings essential, FRIDAY, JAN 11 25 yrs, 2pm - 5:30pm Bookings essential, 9:30am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:30am Gosford Twilight Racing, Squad Camp, Waterslide & Pool The Entertainment Grounds, Peninsula Leisure Centre, Skateboard Deck Art, NYE 2018 Rod Stewart Inflatable Fun, Free, 2pm Ticketed, 9am - 1pm Kincumber Library, & Cher Show with a Peninsula Leisure Centre, Bookings Essential Bookings essential, Live Showband Dinner, 7 - 25/01, Inflatable Kim Churchill - intimate 10:30am - 12pm Ettalong Diggers, obstacle course - 10am show, Gosford Gold Cup Race Day, - 1pm, Waterslide Ticketed, 7pm The Rhythm Hut, The Entertainment Grounds, Madagascar: A Musical 11am - 2pm 4343 0111 Ticketed, 6:30pm Ticketed, 1pm Adventure Jr., Laycock Street Community Intensive Learn to Swim Cinema under the Stars FRIDAY, JAN 18 Theatre, Ticketed, Program, New years at the club, Tangled, Multiple Screenings Ticketed, 7 - 11/01 at Central Coast Leagues Everglades Country Club Flower Pot Mushroom Peninsula Leisure Centre, Club, Ticketed Woy Woy, 8:15pm House, Swish Technics Basketball 14 - 18/01 at Gosford The Entrance Library, Clinic, Lake Haven Olympic Pool, New Years Eve at SATURDAY, JAN 12 Bookings essential, Recreation Centre, 21 - 25/01 at Gosford Waterfront,
BOUDDI BOOGALOO with Special Guest Stars LITTLE QUIRKS ROSIE & THE QUEST, Under the Sea - Kids Buffet High Tea, Crowne Plaza Terrigal, Ticketed, 2pm Oz Rock Show Performing 70’s, 80’s and 90’s Rock, Everglades Country Club Woy Woy, Ticketed, 7:30pm
SUNDAY, JAN 20 Peter Helliar - Live, The Art House Wyong, Ticketed, 8pm 4335 1485
Daryl James w support Molly Millington, The Rhythm Hut, Ticketed, 6:30pm
MONDAY, JAN 21 Seaside Plaster Art, Bateau Bay Library, Bookings essential, 10:30am - 11:30am Super Science Fun, Lake Haven Library, Bookings essential, 2 - 3pm The Art House Presents: CHILDREN ARE STINKY SHOW & CIRCUS WORKSHOPS, The Art House Wyong, Ticketed, 21 - 23/01, Multiple sessions
Basic entries in the Coastal Diary are FREE. Send information to
ENHANCED entries using bold typeface with an address, phone number and a live link are available for a small fee. Photographs can also be added for a small fee. All display advertisers are entitled to a free enhanced entry.
Road closures and parking restrictions during major events
entral Coast Council has advised of road closures around Central Coast Stadium during its last three major events of 2018.
The Central Coast Carols event will take place from 5pm on December 21. Access to the stadium will be from the Western gate only, with road closures in effect along Dane Dve from 4pm. The Central Coast Mariners’ home game against the Newcastle Jets will take place
from 3:30pm on December 23. Road closures along Dane Dve will come into effect from 2:30pm. The Central Coast Mariners’ home game against Perth Glory will take place from 6pm on December 31. Road closures along Dane Dve will come into effect from 5pm. Council has also advised of parking restrictions on December 31. Parking inside the stadium, under the rail bridge and under the eastern grandstand for the December 31 Mariners’ game
“Despite it being the wettest day for 34 years, 25 wonderful and brave people assembled at the Gosford Hotel to welcome in the festive season and to participate in the last meeting of the GBPs for 2018. “W e also enjoyed a marvellous performance and amazing presentation by our special guest poet, Carol Heuchan,” said GBP’s, Vic Jeffries.
In times of crisis you can give
“Before Carol took to the stage, we heard from, Ken Tough, Kevin Gee, Marion Dreyer, Terry Moriarty, Chris Drinan, Jan Lock, Ellen Hingston, Peter Mace, Ronda Chandler, Garrick Hooper, and our resident tenor, Nick Lock. “A terrific selection of varied and very enjoyable poems was presented, and a rousing sing a long led by Nick was enjoyed,” Jeffries said. “Carol was at the top of her form and enthralled the audience with her mastery of the spoken word, and her many tails of performing as an
SES volunteers receive awards
will be unavailable for entry and exit from 6pm to 11pm, with no exceptions. Council advises that anyone that needs to park in or exit Gosford between this timeframe should park elsewhere, as these restrictions will be upheld until lifted after 11pm. Council recommends parking in the Baker St Carpark, the Gosford Train Station Commuter Carpark or to seek street parking. Source: Media release, Dec 14 Central Coast Council Media
Special guest poet for 2018 he Gosford Bush Poets (GBP) held their last meeting of 2018 on November 28.
Australian bush poet through many states in America. “A special thanks to our Chief Catering Officer, Anita Mace, who, with the assistance of, Jan Lock, prepared and provided a wonderful selection and array of very tasty nibbles to celebrate the coming festive season. “A great night and a fitting finale for the GBPs 2018 season. “We shall return on January 30, 2019,” Jeffries said. Source: Media release, Nov 29 Vic Jeffries, Gosford Bush Poets
Adam Crouch, Member for Terrigal, with SES volunteers
olunteers from the NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES), Gosford Unit, have been recognised for their diligent service to the community, at a special awards ceremony. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, presented awards to the volunteers, including National Medals, and Long Service Awards ranging from five to 15 years of service with the NSW SES. “These awards represent a combined total of 90 years’ service, and recognise our volunteers’ years of active service and dedication to the community’s safety,” Crouch
said. “While all SES volunteers show an extraordinary level of commitment, award presentations provide an opportunity to say thank you,” he said. “It’s also about recognising the wealth of knowledge and experience amongst the award recipients that is so valuable when responding to all kinds of emergencies. “It is a fitting tribute to the dedicated volunteers of the NSW SES that so many have achieved these important milestones.” NSW SES Northern Zone Commander, Stephen Hart, acknowledged the hard work and dedication of all volunteers who received awards. “One of the strengths of the
NSW SES is the great team spirit and friendships that develop within the volunteer units, and it is that strength that sees volunteers staying with the service for many years,” Hart said. “The members of the Gosford Unit have done a wonderful job over the past year, attending to more than 650 calls for help, as well as providing support to many other units across the zone during storms and other activities,” he said. “Their efforts in ensuring that their community is safe, and in building additional capability across their cluster and beyond, is to be commended.” Source: Media release, Dec 17 Ben Sheath, office of Adam Crouch
The following special event road closures will apply from 3pm with traffic diversions in place: 1. Closure of Marine Parade, and Marine Parade Carpark with no vehicle entry or movement. Note: Marine Parade Carpark will be closed all day on 31 December. If your car is left in this carpark you will not be able to move this until the road re-opens. 2. The Entrance Road closed at Victoria Avenue 3. Coral Street east of Duffys Lane, access into the multi storey car park still available 4. Part road closures at the intersection of Torrens Avenue and Victoria Avenue Visitors travelling from north of The Entrance bridge are advised to park on the north side of the bridge and walk to Memorial Park. Visitors travelling south to The Entrance are advised to park away from the road closure area and walk to Memorial Park. Disabled parking in multi-storey car park off Coral Street.
Please donate now 1 3 S A LV O S S A LV O S . O R G . A U
Free social conversation groups, small classes at East Gosford and Bateau Bay Inquires: Renee 0435 028 416
Lectures, demonstrations and discussion. Weekly paint-outs Tuesdays 4349 5860 for locations Workshops - 4363 1156 9.30am - 12.30pm 1st and 3rd Wed Social Meetings 1.30pm 4th Wed Gosford City Arts Centre. 4325 1420
Spinning and weaving, patchwork and quilting, felting and other fibre and fabric crafts, community quilting bees - Day and Night Groups 4325 4743
CCLC INDOOR BOWLS Mon - Ladies Social Wed Night - Mixed Social Sat - Mixed Social New members welcome - tuition given level 2 Central Coast Leagues Club 4334 3800
Meets 4th Tuesday at the Grange Hotel Monthy meeting 4th Tuesday Grange Hotel 10am 43225560
Who are they? What do they do? Find out about the wolrd’s oldest fraternal organisation and how we help our community. Gosford Masonic Centre 86 Mann St Gosford
At Breakers Country Club pension and welfare officers available to assist with DVA compensation claims and benefits Wed & Fri 10am – Midday Meetings 2nd Sat 10am 4384 2661
Support group for Public Broadcaster. Aims. safeguard ABC’s independence, funding, & standards. Meetings through the year + social afternoons Well-known guest speakers 4341 5170
A male only club, meets monthly 10am, 2nd Monday 0407 890 722
3rd Sun Monthly Visitors - New Members welcome, Trips Away, Social Outings, friendship with like minded senior folk - Details from Geoff 0447 882 150
Not for profit service providing free legal advice. Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm 4353 4988
Seeking volunteers for added community desks Monday Erina Fair & Imperial Centre Gosford 9am-1pm 5th Monday 2.00 to 5.00pm Tuesday Gosford Court 9.30am-1pm Friday Kincumber Library 10.30am-1pm Free Insurance and training provided 0418 203 671
We rescue and care for injured and orphan native animals. 24hr/day, 7days/week.Gen Meeting 3rd Sun Wyoming Community Centre, Maidens Brush Rd Wyoming at 10am 4325 0666
COMMUNITY CENTRES COMMUNITY CENTRES provide the local community with a meeting place and hub for groups, services and information.
Mon-Fri Chess, Darts, Handicraft, Indoor Bowls, Knitting, Line Dancing, Origami, Painting, Pencil Drawing, Scrabble, Scrapbooking, Sit & Sew, Table Tennis, Ukulele 4304 7065
School Holiday activities, playgroup, multicultural programs, community activities - Rooms for Hire 4329 4477
Community Garden - Playgroup Craft and Exercise Groups Function or Meeting Hire Managed by Gosford Regional Community Services Enquiries regarding hire to 4323 7483 accounts@gosfordcommunity.
• Room Hire • JP Service • Yoga • School holiday programs • Food hampers • Community Garden And much more 4367 7591
Community Support, Zumba Book Club, Community Garden, Facility Hire, EAPA, Fine Assistance, Volunteer Opportunity, CDAT, OSHC/ Vacation Care Managed by Gosford Regional Community Services 4323 7483
meet every Wed 12.30pm Someone cares - Anglican Church 3 Mann St Gosford 4323 3890
Hearing loss management Support and educational groups providing practical experience and confidence Learn the benefits of hearing aids 4321 0275
Meet last Friday Month Terrigal Uniting Church 380 Terrigal Dre, Terrigal 9.30am to 12 noon 4367 9600
Campaigning to give those
suffering unrelievable terminal or incurable illness the choice to receive legal medical help to die. Quarterly meetings, Erina Fair. 02 4369 8053
Enabling People who live with a disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. Since 1962. Independant Living, community participation, life skills & more NDIS Provider.
4349 5500
Delicious meals delivered free Join us for a midday meal Help with shopping and cooking classes 4363 7111
HISTORY GROUPS CENTRAL COAST FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY INC. Open Tue to Fri 9.30am 2.30pm First Sat 9.30 - noon Thur 7pm - 9pm Other times by appointment. 4324 5164
• Coach tours • School educational tours • Annual Street Stalls • Participation in History Heritage Week Celebration Margaret Pearce 4325 2270
For anyone interested in early history or early family histories. Don’t need to be a First Fleeter. Point Clare Community Hall 2nd Sat 10:30am 4392 1926 4311 6254
Local, state-wide, national and international issues and campaigns - Council and parliamentary representation Developing a new economy Protecting our environment Peaceful conflict resolution Community participation We meet monthly every 3rd Thu - Details and info:
COASTAL A CAPPELLA Dynamic award winning women’s a cappella chorus new members always welcome. Music eduction provided Lots of Performance opportunities, or hire us for your next event. 0412 948 450
A cappella harmony for Men – new members welcome. Rehearsals Mondays 7.00pm to 9.30pm Central Coast Leagues Club, Dane Drive, Gosford Ring Max on 4324 3631 or Kieran 4324 1977
Duplicate Bridge-partner not required for most sessions. Central Coast Leagues Club 12.30pm Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Sat 1.30pm Wed 7.15pm Mon 4325 9854
Discussion/action community issues - 3 levels of Government Niagara Park Primary School 7.30pm 1st Mon each month 0410 309 494
Traditional Karate & Self Defence for Teens & Adults No Contracts, Cheap Rates Wamberal - Mon 630pm Kincumber - Thurs 715pm 0417 697 096
PUBLIC SPEAKING Develop confidence by improving your speaking skills. Meetings are entertaining and educational.
Mthly meetings 1st and 3rd Mon 7.15-9.30pm Ourimbah RSL 4362 7227
BRISBANE WATER BRASS INNER WHEEL CLUBS OF CENTRAL COAST Brass Band entertainment for the community playing all types of popular music Rehearsal every Tues. 7.30pm-10pm 0419 274 012
Wyong, Terrigal & Gosford North Clubs Women working together to make a difference and imprive lives while making new friends. Enjoy social outings and community involvment. Wyong Club Meets 3rd Wed 6.30pm Terrigal Club Meets 3rd Mon 12 noon Gosford North 2nd Wed 7pm 0417 480 549 or 0407 008 555
Gliding Club, Learn to fly, Instruction FREE to members 14 and up for Training Flying at Bloodtree Rd Mangrove Mountain Thur, Sat, Sun ( weather permitting) 0412 164 082 0414 635 047
Ecumenical & Interfaith Speakers Forum & Q&A with focus on developing understanding and encouraging dialogue about spirituality through people sharing their life journeys. 1st Tues March to October 2nd Tues November 7.30 to 9pm Grange Hotel Wyoming 4328 2596 - 0498 588 261
Counseling, therapeutic and social groups, workshops, domestic violence and abuse LIONS CLUB OF WOY WOY issues. All services provided by 1st and 3rd Mon. Woy Woy women for women Leagues Club 4324 2533 Make new friends and have fun while serving your community. SOROPTIMIST 0478 959 895
GAMBLING SOLUTIONS Early childhood clinic, free Making a difference in the lives Counsellors provide free, Enjoy a diverse range of family law advice, active of women and girls through Gosford Golf Club 6pm confidential, professional courses and activities for playgroup, computer classes, Awareness, Advocacy and Thursdays CENTRAL COAST 50+ seniors. Keep your mind active OOSH services, fitness classes, service to gamblers, family and Action by supporting local and Supporting local and overseas friends. Woy Woy, Kincumber, and make new friends. Your SINGLES SOCIAL GROUP SYMPHONY arts & crafts, over 50’s national projects communities come along and Gosford, The Entrance. retirement years can be the Invites Ladies & Gents for friendship group, youth group, 2nd Thur 7 pm Breakers CENTRAL COAST share fellowship and fun. 4344 7992 best years of all. dinner, dancing - BBQs & social groups and many more Country Club, Dover Rd, Community Orchestra 0414 777 748 0408 704 701 socialising each w/e. Friendly services. Wamberal welcomes new memberships GROW Support Groups group 4340 1724 to join our ranks. Rehearsals Small friendly groups formed monthly programme all areas every Wednesday 7.30 to ROTARY CLUB OF to learn how to overcome 0412 200 571 VOLUNTEERING 9.45pm at Erina anxiety, depression and 0437 699 366 GOSFORD NORTH CENTRAL COAST info@sympnony TERRIGAL FIFTY PLUS loneliness and to improve Active community minded club. Refer potential volunteers to LEISURE AND LEARNING mental health and well-being. Many projects focussed on community organisations. CENTRE Anonymous, free and open to assisting youth. Support our CENTRAL COAST Provide support to volunteers Activities include fitness, yoga, all. Weekly at Woy Woy, Bateau great projects, get involved and community organisations. SUNDAY LUNCH BUNCH bridge, mahjong, zumba gold, Bay and Wyong with our fun club. New Provide training to volunteers (Singles over 55) CENTRAL COAST GREENS member enquiries welcomed line dancing, tai chi, painting, 1800 558 268 and managers of volunteers Luncheons The Central Coast Greens craft and computer classes. Graham Black - 0410 509 071 1st and 3rd Sundays monthly Information sessions “Bridge to For a fairer, more transparent 43845152 Volunteering” held regularly. at various licensed venues and accountable government 4329 7122 0418 772 569 (after 2pm) based on democratic principles
If you would like your Community Organisation listed here call us on 4325 7369 or see Entries in the Not For Profit Community Organisations Directory are free. However, we require each organisation to subscribe to each newspaper to ensure that someone from that organisation keeps their entry up to date. Australia Post is about to increase their postage rates by over 42% and we can no longer continue to absorb these increases. Subscription rates have therefore needed to be increased from $50 to $75 for 25 editions.
Powerful exhibition focusing on human mortality
ying to See, a powerful exhibition focusing on the trials and tribulations of human mortality, has opened at Gosford Regional Gallery.
If you were diagnosed with a terminal illness, how would you choose to leave your mark on this world? Faced with his own mortality, local artist and community member, Graeme Balchin, chose to share his story through a powerful exhibition
of works that he titled, Dying to See, before he passed away in July. “Known for his mastery of figurative painting, Graeme was one of our community’s most talented painters,” said Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith. “He was an art teacher at Gosford Regional Gallery for many years, a regular finalist in the prestigious Gosford Art Prize, winning the Viewers’ Choice Award in 2009 and 2012, and a finalist in the 2007, Doug Moran Portrait Prize.
“In this special, strongly autobiographical display of his final works, Graeme reflects on the emotional turbulence of his diagnosis, while continuing his deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural environment. “We invite locals and visitors to the Coast to drop by and share in Graeme’s beautiful story,” Mayor Smith said. Dying to See will run until February 3, 2019. Source: Newsletter, Nov 27 Central Coast Council Media
Mortality by Graeme Balchin is one of many pieces in the exhibition
Planning for Festival of Women underway
he Central Coast International Women’s Day Combined Committee (CCIWDCC) has begun planning the 2019 Central Coast Festival of Women. The CCIWDCC presented the first ever Central Coast Festival of Women in March this year, and has released details about the 2019 event program. It will be launched on March 1, with the International Women’s Day (IWD) Expo being held on March 2, both at Erina Fair. Conscious of the geographic
divide, the CCIWDCC is looking for organisations to work with for an IWD Expo to be held at Westfield, Tuggerah, in 2020. A new event in 2019 will be the Women in Art Exhibition, to be held at The Entrance Lake House, from March 5-17. “The Tuggerah Lakes Arts Society is very excited to be able to host this event on the Coast and be part of the Festival,” said CCIWDCC member, Margaret Heathcote. The Festival will close on March 10, with the annual International Women’s Day Breakfast, hosted by Soroptimist International Brisbane Water Inc. at Terrigal.
This will be followed by the streaming of the All About Women satellite program at the University of Newcastle’s Ourimbah Campus. “This program is streamed from the Sydney Opera House from 12:30-5pm and is a free event. “Due to the popularity of this event last time, bookings will be required. “The full calendar of Festival events will be available in the New Year,” Heathcote said. Source: Media release, Nov 19 Margaret Heathcote, Central Coast International Women’s Day Combined Committee
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Community Options 4351 3388 Bungree Aboriginal Association 4397 7700 Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4321 7215 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360 Respite Care Options 4351 3388 Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040 Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930
Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Regional Youth Support Services 4323 2374 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Neleh House 4340 1052 Elandra Women and Children’s Refuge 4396 4263 Kara Women and Children’s Refuge 4323 1709 Coimba Mens Refuge 4324 7239 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Wyong Youth Refuge 4351 1922 Youth Angle 4341 8830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027 Maya Young Womens Refuge 4323 1636 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152
Animal Rescue
Wildlife Arc 4325 0666 Wires 1300 094 737
Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 CatholicCare: 4356 2600 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118
MARKETS Mangrove Mountain Hall
Hall & Fairview Fundraising bric a brac • flowers • books • Food • home style preserves • Live Music & pony rides
Margaret PH 4374 1255
Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Woy Woy Police Station 4323 5599 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500
Crisis Services and Helplines
Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321
Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Net work 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599 Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 011 046 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
Family and Relationships
Parents Helpline 132 055 Central Coast Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (For men with children) 4351 5008 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Gosford 1800 067 967
Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636
Problems, Habits & Addiction
G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848
Phone services:
Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 Beyondblue 1300 224 636 Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 Griefline 1300 845 745 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Welfare Services
Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3510 Central Coast Family Support Services 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4351 5008 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081
also, see the Not for Profit organisations directory inside
Calming Souls
A Better Picture
Installations & Tuning New home specialist Credit cards OK HAYWARD VIDEO All areas
Totally Building & Maintenance Building Repairs & Maintenance Basic Carpentry, Bricklaying, Paving and Concreting. No Job too small Fully Insured 25 years experience
se imro r P n Joh 285 585 0417
Gosford 4323 6367 Woy Woy 4344 4414 Warnervale 1800 244 456 0412 685 555
Asbestos Removal
Builder - Carpenter Cabinetmaker specialising in decks, pergolas & renovations Call Ben 0405 838 489
Fully licensed and insured asbestos removals from houses, garages, sheds, bathrooms etc. Ph: Tom 0422 653 794 or 4393 9890 Safe Work NSW Lic. AD212564
Kellie Sherack Qualified Nail Technician
0400 224 080
Antenna & Digital Lic 266808C
Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
SAME DAY SERVICE ALL ELECTRICAL WORK Poles, Aerials & Mains Phone Data & TV Switchboard Upgrades Oven Stove & Hot Water NO CALL OUT FEE Credit Cards Welcome
No job too small. Seniors Discount. Lic number 265652C
4308 6771
advertising rates in print and on-line Classified advertising is the cheapest form of newspaper advertising. This newspaper is published on line on the night before publication date, and is read that way by hundreds of people. All advertisements, including these classified advertising pages, appear in full on-line as an additional benefit for free. See or Central Coast Newspapers’ advertising rates are relatively much lower than in other newspapers and at the same time much larger than in other newspapers, with the minimum size being 50mm X 42mm. Approximately 16,000 copies of each newspaper are printed and distributed every fortnight.
Personal and Not For Profit Organisations
As Central Coast Newspapers are community newspapers, the cost of advertising not for profit organisations’ events is subsidised. This makes them the same rate as non business advertisements. A mono 5cm advertisement only costs $33. Each additional cm costs $6.60 as does colour, and/or a photograph or a logo. Private advertisements need to be paid for at the time of booking.
Business rates
The minimum size of 5cm X a single column only costs $40 + GST in mono and an extra $8 + GST for colour, a logo or a photograph, every two weeks. Most businesses choose to advertise on an ongoing basis and discounts apply for multiple bookings, if they are paid for in full, in advance. Having an advertisement run for 3 months only costs $215 + GST, for 6 months it is $385 + GST, and for 12 months advertising, the total cost is only $700 + GST – Approximately $14 per week. Artwork is free and advertisers are encouraged to change their advertisements frequently
Remedial Massage Therapist Infant Massage Instructor Paediatric Massage Consultant
4322 8980 Lic 528150c
The Troubadour Folk and Acoustic Music Club
St Luke’s hall - Woy Woy
4342 6716 BluesAngels
Your total acoustic blues/roots package, top to toe, and then some. Minnie the Moocher to Eagle Rock and on into indie roots, beatnik jazz, backhills bluegrass and prog folk. Available as duo, trio or band negotiable for your party, event or venue.
4787 5689
Programmed Care is
Same day service Guaranteed
Call Kate 0423 150 561
Merry ELECTRICIAN Christmas from all of us YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIAN See you in the Same day service new year Guaranteed
Lighting, Power Points, Phone & Data, Fault Finding,
Blocked drains, Leaking taps and toilets, Hot water and all aspects Of pluming drainage and gas fitting. Lic number 265652C
BUCELLO’S Painting Services
• Residential and Commercial • Interior and Exterior • New Work and Repaints Free Quotes All work guaranteed
0410 404 664
Leaking taps, hot water and any home renovations Free quotes Pensioner discount $50 discount when you mention this offer
Ph: 0487 049 002 Lic. 70066C
Your local plasterer
client near Toukley. Must have Cert III and First Aid cert. Call 131 095
Tilers wanted!
0439 589 426 TILING
Tiling Wall & Floor Property Maintenance
Gyprock plasterboard, small jobs, walls, ceilings and cornices. Over 30 year’s experience.
0439 589 426
No jobs over $1,000.
Ph: Neville 0417 426 254
Allways Moving Removals House, office units
No job too big or too small
Over 36 yrs exp Gyprock, Renovations Small Jobs, Free Quotes Reliable Service
0418 452 474 Licence No 2107c
Computers Gosford
Affordable rates
PH: 0402 575 663
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Central Coast Newspapers has a very liberal credit policy for advertisers and realises that from time to time, people, businesses and organisations get into financial difficulty and may need assistance and time to get things back on track. However, some people, businesses and organisations take advantage of this generosity they use advertising but simply don’t pay their account after several months and need to be taken to court to do so. From time to time, as necessary, we will name these people, businesses or organisations as a warning to our readers so that they will be wary when dealing with them. & AthroBalm & Effective Business Solutions of Ettalong
• Michelle Umback - 2 Funky, Terrigal • Modern Asian Cuisine, • Audrey’s Family Restaurant, George Nouri •T ony Fitzpatrick trading as Victoria Street East Gosford Futurtek Roofing
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The hampers will be delivered in the week before Christmas by Regional Road Express, who have kindly provided this service to Legacy for the past two years. President of Brisbane Water Legacy, Max Davis, said the support from Sons of Anzac has helped the Legacy Club grow its hamper appeal from 20 to over 200. “It is just one of the small differences that Legacy makes to the lives of the widows and families of those who have served this country, and given so much,” he said.
The hampers will bring some Christmas cheer to those who are living alone, or face financial hardship during the festive season. The hampers are the result of the Annual Hamper Ride, organised by the Sons of Anzac Motor Bike Club. Through the support of Caltex Service Stations across the Coast, Bendigo Bank and other supporters, over $11,000 was raised.
Terrigal man wins Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot draw
Brisbane Water Legacy Club to provide over 200 Christmas Hampers risbane Water Legacy Club has created over 200 Christmas Hampers for NSW Legacy to deliver to widows and bereaved families this Christmas.
A Terrigal resident will have a Christmas to remember this year after winning Lotto
Terrigal man has promised to take his family on a trip of a lifetime, after winning $201,000 in the Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot draw, on December 6.
Source: Media release, Dec 14 Peter Lawley, Brisbane Water Legacy
the news to him, admitting that the surprise announcement had left him speechless. “Wow, how cool is that?” he eventually rejoiced. “That is absolutely fantastic. “I usually check the results online, but I had forgotten to for this draw,” the winner, who wished to remain anonymous, said. “I’ve been entering the Lucky
The unsuspecting winner was in complete shock when a NSW Lotteries official broke
Lotteries Mega Jackpot draw for a while, thinking it would be great to win $30m, but holy moly, it is great to win this. “I’m a little bit speechless,” he said. The man revealed that his plans for Christmas and the new year would now change after winning the sudden windfall. “This will definitely come in
handy for some plans for next year,” he said. “I really wanted to take the family to Europe, that’s certainly on the cards now. “I’m going to keep playing in hope of winning the jackpot though, you just never know, do you?” he said. Source: Media release, Dec 7 Lauren Cooney, The Lotto
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DINING ROOM SUITE. ISLANDER 7 PIECE. Excellent as new condition Suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Table 6’ x 3’ Paid $2700 Bargain at $1800. Ph: 4341 4106 FOLDAWAY BICYCLE Pefect condition will fit easily into boot of car $400 Ph: 0449 095 003 WCO152
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PAGE 36 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Academy holds Indigenous Talent ID Day
he Central Coast Academy of Sport’s (CCAS) annual Indigenous Talent ID Day (ITID) turned out to be another great day for the 80 plus students who attended and enjoyed the games and festivities at Terrigal’s Scholastic Sports Stadium. “While the weather was causing problems across the Coast, the only issue at the stadium was fitting six sports into the two-hall area,” said Emily BurgessMoore, CCAS Events Manager. The concept of an ITID Day was developed in partnership between the CCAS and Underwriting Agencies Australia (UAA), with a focus to ‘unearth’ local indigenous talent from
NOVEMBER 8, 2018
PH: 4325 7369
“In this edition of Coast Community News, a Public Notice has been inserted by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), under instruction from the Land and Environment Court (LEC),” said Stephen Goodwin, spokesperson for the Mountain Districts Association. “The aim is to invite the public to make submissions on the Mangrove Mountain Landfill issue to the EPA, who will pass them on to the Court and the landfill operator, Verde Terra Pty Ltd, which has applied to have its licence renewed,” he said. “This public consultation is a pivotal moment for the community. “If it fails to voice its opposition, in a decisive manner, to having a massive landfill in the Central Coast’s water catchment area, the Court may see that as tacit
Support sought to oppose the re-opening of the Mangrove Mountain landfill
esidents in the southern areas of the Central Coast have been asked to support a campaign to protect the region’s water supply by opposing the reopening of the Mangrove Mountain landfill.
The EPA and Council admit Mangrove Mountain landfill is a threat to the Coast’s drinking water
support for the landfill. “We can’t let that happen. “It will open the doors for a further 10 years of waste importation at the landfill. “Mountain Districts Association is asking you to make a submission opposing the application to have EPL 11395 varied. “Mountain Districts Association can help you with your submission. “The EPA and Central Coast Council are joined in opposition to Verde Terra,” Goodwin said.
Mangrove Mountain Landfill is located at the Mangrove Mountain Golf Course on the boundary between Gosford LGA and Wyong LGA. “It is a threat to the Central Coast drinking water supply and both Central Coast Council and the EPA admit this fact,” Goodwin said. “The landfill sits at the highest point of the catchment for the regional water supply. “The landfill has lain idle since 2014, although there is still the matter of 800,000
cubic metres of waste sitting there, most of which does not have an effective lining underneath to prevent the escape of toxic leachate into the groundwater. “Scientific study has demonstrated that almost half of the stream flow in Ourimbah Creek comes from this groundwater. “Central Coast Council pumps out of Ourimbah Creek into Mardi Dam. “Water in Mardi Dam is shared with Mangrove Creek
Dam. “These are the two potable water storage facilities for the entire Central Coast. “On behalf of the entire Central Coast community, Mountain Districts Association has been intensively engaged, for over four years, to end this threat to the regional water supply. “Presently, the matter is in the Court, as is explained in the EPA Public Notice. “The landfill operator, Verde Terra Pty Ltd, has applied to have EPL 11395, that regulates the activities at the landfill site, varied to enable it to resume operations. “Its application was refused by the EPA, and Verde Terra is appealing this decision in the Court. “If successful, this will authorise the importation of 1.318 million tonnes of new waste in addition to the existing vast waste mound. “On behalf of the community, Mountain Districts Association vigorously opposes this application and calls on members of the general public to do the same by making a submission to the EPA. “In addition to the Verde Terra application, there are a large number of supporting
documents. “These are the documents submitted to the Court with the application. “It is not necessary for members of the general public, who are concerned about the threat of this landfill to their water supply, to read all of these, but if you wish to be fully informed, they will be available for viewing at specified locations. “Mountain Districts Association is familiar with the content of most if not all of the supporting documents and is preparing information to assist members of the public. “The supporting documents will contain the essential facts and reasons why this licence application is a bad thing and should be opposed and will contain a brief background of the issue and how to prepare a submission to send to the EPA.” Register your interest in receiving a copy of the briefing note from Mountain Districts Association by following the link http:// mountaindistrictsassociation. Source: Media release, Oct 30 Stephen Goodwin, Mountain Districts Association
Crunch time for coal mine approval
he legal challenge in the Land & Environment Court (LEC) against the approval of the Wallarah 2 Coal mine, situated in the major water catchment of the Central Coast, commences on Monday, November 12. It is expected to run for a
minimum of four days. The Central Coast Community Group, the Australian Coal Alliance (ACA), is challenging the validity of the NSW Planning Assessment Commission’s (PAC) approval in January. The ACA has brought this action against the proponent (Wyong Coal Pty Ltd – Wallarah 2) and the Minister for Planning, because it is in
the public interest to do so. The ACA will be holding a rally in the Domain, behind Parliament House, at 10am, on the day the legal challenge commences. Campaign Director of the ACA, Alan Hayes, said: “The challenge in the Land & Environment Court is an historic moment for the Central Coast. “The community have been
fighting for twenty-three years to protect the Central Coast’s major water supply district. “The legal challenge is the culmination of the community’s strength not to give in but to fight to win. “We don’t have the luxury of another water supply or water catchment.” Shadow Minister for the Central Coast, David Harris, said that stopping the Wallarah
2 Coal mine is essential to ensure the quality of our water catchment on the Coast. “This court case is another stage in this long running battle,” said David Harris. “The Liberals could end this madness tomorrow, but if they won’t then I hope the courts will. “Wallarah 2 would be a disaster for our beautiful
region, we have to stop it and I hope the Australian Coal Alliance is successful.” Korea Resource Corporation is the major shareholder of Wyong Coal Pty Ltd, the proponents of the proposed Wallarah 2 coal mine. Source: Media alert, Nov 5 Alan Hayes, Australian Coal Alliance
Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website: Mobile Website:
NOVEMBER 22, 2018
The CCAS’ IDIT Day was a huge success
the Central Coast region, and to then be able to provide full scholarships to CCAS Sports Programs. An interim program was introduced in 2017, where, Mark Tipple, the CCAS Program Manager, actively took part to allow the identified athletes to participate in an eight-week tabloid training program.
PH: 4325 7369
Community up in arms over clearing of Crown Land
he NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) has launched an official compliance investigation into alleged clearing of Crown Land at MacMasters Beach, while Central Coast Council continues to work, with multiple agencies, on an investigation of alleged clearing without permission on private land at a James Norton Rd property, located between Bensville and MacMasters Beach. For over two weeks, concerned MacMasters Beach residents have been waiting for Central Coast Council, and or OEH, to respond to reports of what they consider to be clearing of bushland by a private landowner without appropriate permissions. Coast Community News has contacted a family member of the land owners, believed to be three siblings, and they are expected to issue a statement through their legal representatives. Kel Butcher, spokesperson for the unnamed group of concerned MacMasters Beach residents, said that over two weeks ago, one of his neighbours heard machinery in the bush, “went and had a look, and saw two machines starting to clear the bush. “He was told it was only clearing along the fence line, but the contractor went on to clearing large patches of land that had nothing to do with the boundary fence,” Butcher said.
Note how little the man is in relation to space cleared
“Big trees have been cut down in addition to the bush that has been cleared with the machines,” he said. Butcher said residents were particularly concerned about clearing that has occurred on non-private land, since confirmed as Crown Land. A neighbouring property has a native conservation caveat over some of its land which has also, allegedly, been cleared, along with remnant rainforest on the Crown Land at the MacMasters Beach end of the property. The site has been visited by Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, and Labor Candidate for the seat of Terrigal, Central Coast Councillor, Jeff Sundstrom.
Police have also been called to the area on several occasions since the land clearing commenced. “The Mayor was fairly guarded in her comments. “It’s nice that she came to visit, and we all respect the fact that there is an investigation underway,” Butcher said. “What we want to know is why it has taken so long for someone to make a decision about what is allowable and what is not allowable. “It is 16 days since this started, we know Council has issued the stop work order, but is there going to be any punitive action for the damage caused? “We have not yet been told what remedies are available. “OEH has jurisdiction over
the public land, but we are just going around in circles at the moment, nobody is taking responsibility for what is happening. “No one is saying ‘yes’, this is our jurisdiction, but we also do understand that it is a complex investigation by Council, and they are saying that they are doing everything in their power. “There are quite a few adjoining neighbours keeping an eye and ear out for any further action that may take place. “We have a very concerned community group that will respond very quickly if anything does happen. “The chainsawed trees included 100, or more, year old angophoras, and you won’t
get trees of that maturity back for the next three generations, and they are habitat, once they are down, they are lost for generations. “We all respect people and we understand that land owners have rights, but we want things done according to the law and through the right channels, we don’t think anyone can just go in and ignore the laws and destroy the bush like that.” Adam Crouch issued a statement on Monday, November 19, that National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Central Coast Council were working together and had appropriately intervened to prevent any further illegal clearing. “I thank the number of local
residents who contacted me and brought this to my attention,” Crouch said. “As such, I was subsequently able to arrange for Central Coast Council to take necessary steps, including a stop work notification,” he said. “No clearing of native vegetation on a private property can be undertaken without Council approvals and oversight. “NPWS and Council rangers have been patrolling the site on a very frequent basis. “Thank you to the Macmasters Beach community for their ongoing vigilance, and I stand with them in not tolerating any illegal clearing in our local area,” Crouch said. Compliance officers from OEH subsequently inspected the site, which resulted in the official compliance investigation being launched. On Thursday, November 15, the Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, had sent urgent emails to the NSW Minister for Lands, Paul Toole, and the Minister for the Environment, Gabrielle Upton, as a result of calls from distressed members of the local community. “The community in the Terrigal electorate are very concerned re tree felling on a border between private and Crown Land between Bensville and the Scenic Drive, DP659496, 20 James Norton Rd, Bensville,” Tesch’s email to the Ministers said. The property is zoned 7A, including endangered ecological community, protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act.
DECEMBER 6, 2018
PH: 4325 7369
Premier’s proposed fast train study met with support and scepticism
SW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, visited Gosford Train Station on December 5, to announce that the Central Coast would benefit from significantly reduced travel times, after being included in one of the four proposed fast rail routes identified by the NSW Government. In July, the government released, A 20-Year Economic Vision for Regional NSW. One of the key elements of that vision is better connectivity between regional centres, and from cities and international gateways. Premier Berejiklian said a fast rail network is a game changing project which would attract more investment and generate new job opportunities for the Central Coast. “We know fast rail would transform the way people get to and from the Central Coast forever,” Berejiklian said. “It would slash travel times allowing more people to leave the car at home and catch the train to either Sydney or Newcastle,” she added. The delivery of fast rail to the Central Coast has the potential to reduce travel times by up to 75 per cent. The NSW Government has appointed Professor Andrew McNaughton, to lead an expert panel to provide advice to the Premier on how the government should best deliver a fast rail network to connect the state. “Long distance fast and high speed rail studies have been undertaken in Australia over many years,” Premier Berejiklian said.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, with Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch and the Liberal candidate for Gosford, Sue Dengate, at Gosford Train Station
“These studies have usually focused on linking the major Eastern Seaboard cities of Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne, and focused on rail as a competitor to air and road transport options. “Most of the studies found that the costs and required ticket prices of an interstate high-speed rail network would be insurmountably high compared to likely customer volumes. “Until now, limited work has been done on the potential for a fast rail network connecting regional cities within NSW. “The Fast Rail Network Strategy will, for the first time, provide a comprehensive assessment focused on connecting regional cities,” Berejiklian said. “The NSW Government is committed to moving from
high-level vision to planning, and on to delivery,” the Premier continued. “Having a strategy will ensure that future investment decisions on fast rail are well considered. “Preparing the Fast Rail Network Strategy in 2019 is the first significant step in taking the network from vision to delivery,” she said. Under the Strategy, preliminary works will commence on that first stage of the fast rail network in the next term of government, if the Liberal Nationals retain power. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, joined the Premier in making her announcement and said a fast rail link from the Central Coast to Sydney and Newcastle would transform the region. “This announcement is also
on top of the New Intercity Fleet Trains which will enter service late next year,” Crouch said. Sue Dengate, Liberal Candidate for Gosford, said fast rail will be a huge boost for the Central Coast. “Faster travel times will mean that workers can spend less time commuting and more time with their families,” Dengate said. Following the Premier’s announcement, several Central Coast government agencies, politicians, development agencies and community figures weighed in on the Coast’s possible inclusion on the fast train route. Federal Member for Robertson, Lucy Wicks, said faster rail for the region was a dream many residents of the Central Coast would like to see
realised. “We have many residents who leave the Coast early in the morning and return to their families late in the evening due to job opportunities being in Sydney and Newcastle, and so today’s announcement is very welcomed. “This announcement builds on the process that was first started in September 2017 when the Federal Government launched the Faster Rail Prospectus at Gosford Station, and this Prospectus was all about calling for new and upgraded rail infrastructure to help link cities and the regions,” Wicks said. “This announcement has huge potential for the Central Coast and will slash commute times and has huge returns for residents. “This announcement is for
our hard working commuters and those people who use our trains on a regular basis who want to live on the Central Coast and be linked to two great cities that surround it, Sydney and Newcastle,” Wicks said. Central Coast Council Mayor, Jane Smith, has welcomed the State Government’s announcement of a northern high speed rail route which could reduce travel times between Sydney and the Central Coast. Mayor Smith said this would make a significant difference to thousands of Central Coast residents who commute to Sydney every day, often spending up to four hours a day on a return train journey between the Coast and their destination. “We know commuting is a major issue for our community, with many Coasties having to travel off the Coast every day for work or study,” Mayor Smith said. “Reducing the commute to Sydney from around 90 minutes to 30 minutes would allow the community to have an additional two hours per day or as much as 10 hours per week for other activities at home or in their community, like spending time with their family, rather than sitting on a train,” Mayor Smith said. “This could also have a flow on effect of encouraging those who drive to Sydney each day to leave their cars at home and hop on a train, which would also reduce traffic on our major roads and deliver benefits to the environment. Continued P3
Continued P3
Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website: Mobile Website:
Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford Phone: 4325 7369 Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 E-mail: Website: Mobile Website:
Coast Community News is your paper, focusing entirely on the former Gosford City Local Government Area outside the Peninsula, an area with a population of over 120,000 people.
17,000 copies are published every two weeks, on alternate Thursdays, and distributed to hundreds of locations throughout the area. If you live in or are interested in post code areas 2250, 2251 or 2260, Coast Community News is the paper for you. Keep fully informed of all activities affecting where you live. Full colour tabloid newspaper with all the latest news Generous multiple booking and multiple publication discounts available to advertisers Special discount arrangements apply to not for profit organisations All editions complete with photographs and advertisements are published on-line Free event diary, tide chart, not for profit organisation directory and emergency contact information included
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This too had outstanding results. Six sporting disciplines were again in action, AFL, basketball, netball, golf, touch football, and test and measurements, under the watchful eyes of some of the region’s best coaches. “The end goal is to select recipients for scholarships, as the Academy now has the capacity to provide full sporting scholarships to 20 athletes across the Academy’s 14 scholarship programs,” Tipple said. Michael Murphy, the CEO of UAA, said of the TID Day: “UAA does much of our work in regional centres throughout NSW, and we are delighted to partner with the CCAS to provide this unique opportunity locally. “I understand this program is unmatched across NSW, so we are delighted to be supporting something very unique to the Central Coast. “UAA has watched closely for a number of years, and the growth and acceptance of this program is really impressive. “We are delighted with
how the event is run and the extension into the CCAS Tabloid Program, or the full CCAS Sports Program, is just fantastic.” Burgess-Moore said ITID Day was a huge success. “The day was quite remarkable, the high level of coaches that we had on hand to coordinate the day made this event possible. “I can’t thank our coaches enough, they readily volunteer their support and when our office reached out to them for assistance, we were overwhelmed by their willingness to get involved and to make the day the success it was,” BurgessMoore said. “The Academy really has done something very special in partnership with UAA, so hats off to UAA to provide the financial support to make this day, and the scholarships that follow, a reality for our region and the athletes who took part,” she added. Source: Media release, Nov 30 Mark Tipple, Central Coast Academy of Sport
Sienna is Division 1 Most Improved Rider
Sienna Carpenter has had an epic year with the Central Coast Junior Motor Cycle Club Inc.
entral Coast Junior Motor Cycle Club Inc. (CCJMCI)
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have named 6-yearold, Sienna Carpenter, as their Division 1 Most Improved Rider (4 to 7 years old) of 2018. Following in the footsteps of her older brother, Bailey, Sienna was inspired to try biking herself. She joined the Club at the beginning of 2018 and ends the year as one of their standout riders. “The Club extends its sincerest congratulations to Sienna on her superb effort this year,” said CCJMCI Publicity Officer, Col Adams. The Club hopes Sienna’s success will help attract more female riders to the rapidly growing sport. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Col Adams, Central Coast Junior Motor Cycle Club Inc.
Haley is the Australian Under 14 Girls’ High Jump Champion
osford High School’s, Haley Corderoy, is the Australian Under 14 Girls’ High Jump National Champion, after a dominating performance in the Australian All Schools Athletics Championships.
“I hope you will be as excited as we are to learn that Hayley came first in her event, making her the national champion,” said Gosford High School
Principal, Tony Rudd. “The event itself was very exciting. “Hayley didn’t miss at any height until the bar was put up to 1.63m. “The final three competitors all bowed out at this height, leaving Hayley and a girl from Queensland sitting in equal first. “The girls then had to go to a jump off. “In a jump off, they move the bar lower in small increments, until one athlete clears the height and the other doesn’t,
PAGE 37 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Katie is the Australian Under 16 Girls’ Long Jump Champion
claiming a clear winner. “Both girls attempted 1.63m again, with neither of them clearing the bar. “The bar was then brought down to 1.61m. “The Queensland athlete jumped first and missed. “Hayley then jumped and cleared the bar, claiming the title. “Well done Hayley,” Rudd said. Source: Website, Dec 10 Tony Rudd, Gosford High School
Locals knocked out at the final World Surf League event for 2018
ll three of the Central Coast’s pro surfers have been knocked out of contention at the Billabong Pipe Masters. The final World Surf League Championship Tour competition for 2018, the Pipe Masters kicked off on December 8, in Oahu, Hawaii. Avoca’s, Adrian Buchan and Wade Carmichael, along with Copacabana’s, Matt Wilkinson, were all in the mix for the 2018 Championship Tour finale, having blitzed through the opening elimination trials, to make the opening round of the competition. Buchan and Carmichael struggled early in their Round 1 heats, with Buchan going down to fellow Australian, Joel Parkinson, and Carmichael losing out to the USA’s, Griffin Colapinto. Both Buchan and Carmichael continued onto Round 2, but again came up against stiff competition, with Buchan going down to Australia’s, Ryan Callinan. Carmichael was bested by Brazil’s, Caio Ibelli. The result saw both Avoca surfers out of contention. Wilkinson fared much better
H Matt Wilkinson
in Round 1, out surfing Brazil’s, Filipe Toledo and Caio Ibelli, to claim the round and move directly into Round 3. Despite his early success, the USA’s, Conner Coffin, proved untouchable in their Round 3 heat, posting a 13.00
to Wilkinson’s 6.40, to claim the round and knock Wilkinson out of the competition. Source: Website, Dec 17 World Surf League
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1 in 10 Australian children are living in disadvantage*. They don’t have the basics they need for their education such as the right uniform, bag or even books. By sponsoring an Australian child today you will give them the essentials they need to succeed at school. *Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013).
*Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013).
enry Kendall High School’s, Katie Gunn, has been crowned the Under 16 Girls’ Long Jump Champion at the Australian All
Katie Gunn
Schools Athletics Championships. The Championships are the pinnacle of school aged athletics competition, and saw Gunn face off against
the country’s best young long jumpers. She took out the event with a huge jump of 5.59m. Source: Website, Dec 9 Athletics Australia Media
PAGE 38 DECEMBER 20, 2018
All’s not well in the AFL
lack Diamond AFL (BDAFL) Inc. President, Wal Bembic, has farewelled the Central Coast and Hunter region’s AFL
Clubs in the BDAFL’s 2018 Annual Report. The BDAFL has officially been ousted as the region’s AFL operator, and will be replaced by the newly minted
LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Times are in local standard time (UTC +10:00) or daylight savings time (UTC +11:00) when in effect.
Time - Height(m)
0115 0.41 0200 0.38 0031 0.44 0745 1.80 0832 1.90 0700 1.68 THU 1330 0.45 FRI 1420 0.34 SAT 1509 0.24 2015 1.43 2106 1.44 1923 1.40 0248 0.37 0338 0.37 0430 0.39 0920 1.98 1009 2.02 1100 2.01 SUN 1559 0.17 MON 1649 0.15 TUE 1742 0.15 2158 1.45 2251 1.45 2345 1.43 0525 0.42 0043 1.42 0141 1.41 1152 1.95 0622 0.47 0723 0.53 WED 1835 0.20 THU 1245 1.85 FRI 1342 1.73 1930 0.26 2026 0.33 0242 1.42 0344 1.45 0445 1.50 0830 0.58 0942 0.61 1056 0.61 SAT 1442 1.59 SUN 1547 1.47 MON 1654 1.38 2121 0.39 2215 0.44 2308 0.47 0541 1.57 0633 1.63 0044 0.51 1208 0.58 1310 0.52 0720 1.69 TUE 1759 1.33 WED 1857 1.30 THU 1400 0.47 2358 0.50 1947 1.30 0207 0.52 0245 0.52 0127 0.52 0844 1.76 0920 1.77 0803 1.73 FRI 1445 0.42 SAT 1523 0.39 SUN 1600 0.37 2114 1.32 2152 1.32 2032 1.31 0323 0.53 0400 0.54 0437 0.56 0957 1.77 1031 1.75 1107 1.72 MON 1635 0.37 TUE 1710 0.38 WED 1745 0.41 2230 1.32 2306 1.32 2344 1.31 0516 0.59 0024 1.31 0107 1.31 1143 1.67 0559 0.62 0645 0.66 THU 1821 0.44 FRI 1220 1.60 SAT 1300 1.53 1900 0.47 1940 0.50 0156 1.32 0247 1.34 0344 1.39 0736 0.70 0836 0.73 0945 0.72 SUN 1345 1.44 MON 1439 1.37 TUE 1542 1.31 2024 0.53 2113 0.54 2205 0.55 0441 1.47 0536 1.57 0630 1.69 1100 0.67 1208 0.58 1309 0.45 WED 1652 1.28 THU 1800 1.30 FRI 1902 1.34 2300 0.53 2355 0.50 APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON
Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated
AFL Hunter Central Coast Inc. in 2019. A battle over the future of the BDAFL has been quietly raging throughout the majority of 2018, sparking friction between the BDAFL, the sport’s state governing body AFL NSW/ACT, and local clubs. “As the last ever President of the BDAFL, I find myself writing this report drawing the curtain on not only season 2018, but also on five years of unheralded development of senior football in the region, as well as potentially the demise of the Black Diamond Australian Football League,” Bembic said. “This season brought to fruition the results of much hard work and planning in previous years by our elected Boards, to enable our league to achieve what a few years previous had been perceived as impossible. “We expanded the Premier competition to 11 clubs, we developed the opportunity for two junior clubs to enter our senior league and we also ran a social competition. “The Board has suffered much criticisms in its methods, and much undermining by a few clubs, which inevitably comes at the expense of others. “I have heard from ‘knowledgeable football people’ there was no way Wallsend-West Newcastle could ever run a senior team, yet it ran two. “I have been told that our equalisation policy would cripple Newcastle City for a decade. “They won two flags this season and competed in three grand finals (with 17’s boys grand finalists as well). “I have been told Gosford and Wyong Lakes weren’t ready for the cup. “They are. “I was told that Muswellbrook would never have a side in the
Black Diamond Cup. “I would suggest they should next year. “One individual who made some of those observations celebrated a premiership on Grand Final Day, and his players urinated on the BDAFL logo after the game. “I stand by my loyalty to the BDAFL and all its clubs. “I think his should certainly be questioned,” Bembic said. “Our Board has been told that we are biased and not transparent, that we favour our past allegiances and that we have vendettas against clubs. “I can’t help perceptions, but I personally found it unpalatable that larger clubs felt that they can dictate and actively undermine the Board that has grown football and assisted them, when they were asked to act in the best interest of the league overall. “I can only hope that all clubs have an equal say in the running of football in the region in future,” he continued. “Whilst this year has been a continual defence of the BDAFL against its alleged unfair treatment of Cardiff AFC, and its loyalty to our league’s future against the AFL’s amateur takeover attempt, I prefer to reflect on the success of our new clubs in Port Stephens and Wallsend-West Newcastle, the continued development of community engagement of all our clubs, and the overall health of our clubs, which has never been better. “The last few years has seen an expectation of clubs for our league to offer more than just games of football. “The partnership with Run Against Violence taught us the contribution we could make to clubs. “The club visits since have been a great conduit to the clubs as well as a terrific connection to our members. “Bar TV is now an expectation
rather than a pipe dream, live scoring is envied by every other league. “But Women’s Football is the real key to the Board realising and maximising its opportunities over the last few years. “It has helped clubs grow, developed their reach and improved their culture. “The opportunity for clubs to now play three matches together for most of the season, has eased clubs’ biggest burden of volunteer numbers. “Any move away from the current league competition structure cannot happen without diminishing this outcome,” Bembic said. “I would like to express, on behalf of all our members, our gratitude to our Board. “Unbeknown to many, Board members had to deal with health, family and legal issues this year, which any would have been reasonable enough to resign their position. “They didn’t and under much concerted and unwarranted criticism and interference from some detractors and the AFL, worked tirelessly to try and navigate the best path for all clubs. “Some know the personal toll this has taken on the board but few have expressed any sympathy, let alone gratitude for their effort, so I will personally thank our long serving Board, “So, to the future, as we have continually said, it’s up to our clubs. “I can tell you the model being offered to our clubs now is far better than the AFL originally offered, and I would consider it has finally met most of the issues that the BDAFL demanded in March. “Of course, if the AFL had considered the detriment of its actions and had a little thought for the impact on relationships and the welfare of football in
the region, they could have acted on our suggestions in May and things could have been very simple. “If they could have just listened rather than use clubs to hamstring the BDAFL and attempt to undermine the growth and achievements of the BDAFL to date, it would have demonstrated their commitment was to improve football rather than simply take control. “I wish whoever is running football in the region well. “If the AFL is correct and the current Board has been corrupting and hampering football in the region, it should be an easy task to improve on. “If not, I hope all clubs hold whoever is in charge to account. “It is critical that smaller clubs are given the chance to develop and grow in preference to developing super clubs. “I know one thing for certain, that this cannot happen without some method of external equalisation. “If clubs who have been benefiting from other club’s juniors for the last 10 years could see a way to assist those junior clubs before trying to run multiple sides, that would be a great start, but from what I have experienced, the bigger the club, the less regard they have for others. “So to the smaller and developing clubs, please demand what you deserve and don’t be intimidated by others. “Only by speaking up and calling cronyism out will you ever hope to break the stranglehold of the clubs who played in the Senior, Reserves and 17s grand finals in 2018, let alone ensure your existence in the long term,” Bembic concluded. Source: Document, Oct 29 Wal Bembic, Black Diamond AFL
Round 8 of the Cricket First Grade Competition completed
ound 8 of the Central Coast C r i c k e t Association’s First Grade Competition saw victories to Brisbane Water, Warnervale, Kincumber-Avoca, The Entrance and Southern Spirit, who tasted success for the first time this season.
Brisbane Water continued their amazing turnaround by defeating Wyong outright by three wickets, at Fagan Park. After not having won a game in the first four rounds, the Bluetongues have since won three consecutive matches outright, to move into equal first position on the ladder. Having already wrapped up first innings points on day one, it was the Sunshine brothers who set up the outright win with a brilliant bowling display. Resuming at 0/56, Wyong were unable to handle the seam bowling of the duo, and only, Ben Whiteing, was able to show any resistance, top scoring with an unbeaten 35, batting at number 10. Ben Sunshine turned back the clock, finishing with figures of 7/29 off 14.3 overs, whilst, Matt Sunshine, continued his good run of form, picking up the other three wickets. Needing 135 runs for outright points, the Bluetongues attacked the target aggressively, first through skipper, Ben Cohen, 25 (3 fours, 2 sixes), and then, Dave Mitchell, 49 (4 fours and 4 sixes), and, Ben Sunshine, 20 (2 sixes), and despite a late scare, losing 5/16, to be 7/126. Matt Sunshine and Shaun Hill, were able to secure the
outright victory target without the loss of any further wickets. Murphy was the pick of the Wyong bowlers, finishing with 4/33. Southern Spirit were celebrating after recording their first win of the year, defeating Lisarow-Ourimbah by 15 runs, at Sohier Park. After scoring 220 runs on Day 1, Southern Spirit, led by quicks, Jordan O’Donnell (4/60), Harry Jaenke (3/43), and skipper, Daniel Friend (2/45), were able to hang tough and rip through the Lisarow-Ourimbah lower order to record a memorable win. Lisarow-Ourimbah skipper, Blair Lindsay, will no doubt be wondering what went wrong as the Magpies appeared to be cruising at 4/176, before losing their last six wickets for just 29 runs. Lindsay top scored with 58, whilst import, Connor Crane, also recorded a half century (50). Two outstanding individual performances highlighted the second day of the match at Woongarrah Oval, between Warnervale and TerrigalMatcham. The Wildcats, led by teenage off-spinner, Joey Liddle, recorded a much needed 37 run win. Bowling unchanged, Liddle finished with 6/69 off 28 overs, remaining patient on a wicket that was providing moderate support. Lloyd Radcliffe stood out for Terrigal Matcham. Radcliffe, who normally opens the batting, came to the crease with his side at 4/64, after, Zac Peters, was run out in the first over of the day. The rangy left hander mixed resolute defence with
attacking stroke play, to put together an innings of 78 runs, and whilst he was at the crease, Terrigal-Matcham were a chance for an unlikely victory. His dismissal however saw the Terrigal-Matcham tail succumb to Liddle and were dismissed for 200. Kincumber-Avoca welcomed the rain that afternoon as they recorded their second win of the year, defeating NararaWyoming by one wicket, at Gavenlock Oval. Chasing Narara-Wyoming’s first innings score of 136, the Griffins were 9/108 when the storm arrived forcing the players from the field. Unable to return to the field, the match was decided on rate, which when calculated, had Kincumber-Avoca in front by just two runs. As had been the case all game, batsmen found runs hard to come by, except for Kincumber-Avoca star, Stephen McCabe, who looked as if he was playing on a different wicket, putting together an innings of 64 runs, which included seven fours and two sixes off 123 balls. The next highest score in the match was 29. McCabe’s innings kept Kincumber-Avoca in the game, with, Dan Heuston, the only the other batsmen to get past 8, scoring 13. For Narara-Wyoming, Mark McLachlan 3/23, and, Kyle Jordan 3/18, whilst, Michael Shelley, looked like bowling the Lions into victory, taking 2/9 late, including the wicket of McCabe. Source: Media release, Dec 17 Garry Burkinshaw, Cricket NSW
PAGE 39 DECEMBER 20, 2018
Funding provided for storage area for Avoca Kayak Club
Deputy Mayor Chris Holstein, Avoca Kayak Club President Paul Hutchinson and Terrigal MP Adam Crouch
he NSW Government will commit $300,000, to supplement Central Coast Council’s $755,000 contribution, for an amenities facility that includes a storage area for Avoca Kayak Club. Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, and Central Coast Mayor, Jane Smith, announced the funding on December 12, with Crouch and Deputy Mayor, Chris Holstein, delivering the funding to the Club on the same day. Crouch said the provision of new facilities will allow Avoca Kayak Club to provide better opportunities and support for local participants. “Avoca is the training ground for successful Olympians, Lachlan Tame and Riley
Fitzsimmons, as well as many junior kayak representatives in the Australian squad,” Crouch said. “The Club currently operates off the back of a trailer, and this new amenities and boat storage facility will provide the infrastructure required to allow participants to develop into future generations of Australian sportspeople.” Mayor Smith welcomed the funding. “Heazlett Park is one of the Central Coast’s most popular public reserves for sport and recreation, and is in need of an upgrade,” Mayor Smith said. “This is another great example of Council and the State Government working together to deliver high quality infrastructure for our growing community. “This is a true community project too, as we are
currently progressing plans for the works in consultation with local recreation user groups, including the Avoca Kayak Club, who is supporting the project with in-kind contributions,” she said. Avoca Kayak Club President, Paul Hutchinson, said the new facilities would enable better access for over 75 registered members. “The grant that Adam Crouch has helped provide for the Kayak Club has been `a huge help to us in building our clubhouse,” Hutchinson said. “We can really take our Club to the next level and will be able to provide the chance for many more people to come and try our sport at the lake in Avoca,” Source: Media release, Dec 12 Ben Sheath, Office of Adam Crouch MP
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