11 minute read
Sub-branches encouraged to apply for memorial upgrades Campaign to close off choices for Wamberal
The Davistown RSL War Memorial and Gosford Cenotaph will be upgraded under the NSW Government’s $125,000 Community War Memorial Fund.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said the region has a proud military history.
“Both Davistown RSL War Memorial and Gosford Cenotaph hold special significance to our community so I am pleased to see restoration work being done to keep the memorials in good condition,” he said.
“I encourage every RSL Club and Sub-Branch across the Central Coast to apply for the next round of funding.
“It is so important we do everything we can to keep every Central Coast war memorial in the best condition, providing the community with every opportunity to pay their respects and acknowledge the enormous service and sacrifice made by our veteran community.”
Minister for Veterans Natalie Ward said recognising those who served and respecting military history is crucial.
“By funding these initiatives, the NSW Government is acknowledging the important service and sacrifice of our veterans in their communities,” Ward said.
“We are committed to backing projects which shine a light on our veterans, enrich communities and heighten our understanding of our military efforts both past and present.”
Applications for the second round of the Community War Memorial Fund opened on November 11.
For more information, visit: https://www.veterans.nsw. gov.au/heritage/communitywar-memorials-fund.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, with members of Gosford RSL Sub-branch at the Gosford cenotaph
Source: Media release, Nov 9 Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch
Appeal for pedestrian safety
Can someone please explain why there is not a proper crossing out near the retirement places in Karalta Rd, Erina?
It’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt or
I’m reasonably OK and it is still a worry.
Speed limit is 50km per hour, but no one slows to let anyone cross safely.
I appeal to Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, to do something ASAP.
Email, Nov 4 Brian Summers, Erina
Is it not the law?
After observing yet another dog defecating upon my verge as its owner obliviously stood by, I am wondering whether dog owners are as irresponsible as their charges.
Is it not the law to clean up their messes afterwards?
I am currently investigating such options as a hidden camera to publish their photographs on a community web site, some sort of a dog repellent, etc.
Email, Nov 9 Dave Horsfall, North Gosford
It is disturbing that the Wamberal Taskforce is downgrading the issue of sand renourishment in its agenda (“Wamberal community says sand nourishment must stay on agenda”, CCN 319), despite the fact that this is an important concern for a considerable segment of the community.
This gives the impression that the Taskforce has already decided on its priorities and is pushing one course of action, at a time when there remains great controversy over the best solution.
Where is the Coastal Zone Management Plan that should be guiding this decision in a regional context?
As usual, the Council is dragging behind, waiting Micawberlike for something to turn up, so that, at the moment, it seems that the influence of a small minority of interested parties is driving the Taskforce in a direction not necessarily to the long-time benefit of Central Coast residents as a whole.
The display of suggested designs for a seawall, without any overall demonstration of how this will affect the whole beach, without any engineering detail, without any cost-benefit analysis and without any juxtaposition of non-seawall options, is obviously intended to suggest that the course of action is limited, whereas this is far from the case.
Just as the Administrator would like us to believe that nine is the magic number for councillors (and no other choice is open), it appears there is a campaign to close off choices for the future of Wamberal beach.
For instance, I have yet to see a no-action possibility analysed and costed, whereas, on the face of it, this might be the most obvious course to be considered. Perhaps, the Taskforce will resolve all these conflicts to everybody’s satisfaction, although that looks extremely unlikely at the moment.
However, at the very least, the Taskforce should be scrupulous to avoid any appearance of partiality in its deliberations.
Email, Nov 22 Bruce Hyland, Woy Woy
Peat Island and Mooney Mooney planning proposal
Property and Development NSW proposes to rezone Peat Island and Mooney Mooney. The aim is to revitalise this treasured location through new housing, community facilities and job opportunities. The department has submitted the proposal to Central Coast Council. The proposal has also been released to the public for feedback from Monday 20 September to Monday 20 December 2021.
View the planning proposal at the Central Coast Council portal yourvoiceourcoast.com/pipp
During the exhibition period, we invite you to join one of our information sessions or get in touch with our team if you have questions.
1. Join an online community information session on the following date:
Wednesday 8 December 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
To register for a session please use the QR code below.
2. Call 1800 749 232
3. Send an email
For more information, to ask questions or sign up for project updates, please visit our website:
Entitled to an explanation
I noticed Lucy Wicks’ full page advert in CCN issue 319 with no small degree of astonishment.
She claims that she does not support PEP-11 but is the same Lucy Wicks who voted against the motion that would have killed it off.
As one of her constituents I believe that I am entitled to an explanation for this
egregious hypocrisy.
And while I’m at it, is this is the same Lucy Wicks who claims to love the ABC, yet voted for a duplicated investigation into the organisation when an independent one is already in progress?
Such profligacy from a government that claims to be best at managing the economy (we’ll ignore the rising cost of living for the moment) doth indeed boggle the mind.
I could go on, but space does not permit; this should be an interesting election when it’s finally announced.
Email, Nov 22 Dave Horsfall, North Gosford
Don’t dismiss hearing loss
I have been reading your issue CCN318 with interest, particularly page 31 regarding hearing loss.
Specsavers Audiology are quite correct in their findings.
I dismissed my own hearing loss for quite a few years because I didn’t want to accept the fact that I was losing my ears.
I am 73 and with a hearing loss history in my family, I knew that eventually I would have to have a test.
One night my neighbour was
banging on my windows asking me to turn the TV down.
That was it; off I went to a hearing clinic in Kincumber and was shocked to discover that I was in fact deaf.
It is embarrassing, but now I have had my aids for six years and wouldn’t be without them.
It makes such a difference to everyday life and they are virtually invisible.
I would advise people to try the free ones if you are a pensioner because they are marvellous and I have found no need to pay thousands for something that works just as well if it’s free.
And the people are wonderful, caring and they do understand.
Don’t put it off, don’t live in silence ... bite the bullet and accept the facts.
It comes to all of us; it’s called age!
Email, Nov 13 Robyn Russell, Kincumber
I was very disappointed that Coast News ran a fullpage ad, paid for by the LNP in issue 319 claiming that Lucy Wicks was saying no to PEP 11 and the mining for gas off our Coast.
Disappointed because you ran a story on October 21
which informed us that Ms Wicks spoke in Parliament against the motion for a Private Members Bill that would have permanently killed off the PEP 11 offshore drilling permit.
I am over having someone represent me in government who just tows the party line, makes up the numbers and is available for every photo op.
The ad was at the very least misleading but demonstrably surely a lie.
Email, Nov 23 Malcolm Hill, Erina
No jab, no job
Regarding the letter headed Policy not in step with global Experience (CCN318).
Mr Pryke’s arguments need to be expanded.
True – “Vaccination does not stop you getting it (COVID-19) and does not stop you transmitting it”.
However vaccination does reduce the seriousness of the disease if you catch it, and reduces the transmissibility.
This is shown as the vaccination rates rise by the reduction in cases, hospitalisations and deaths.
My own view is that most anti-vaxers by not getting vaccinated are exposing others to unnecessary risk and bludging on the rest of us.
No vax, no job.
Email, Nov 17 Robert Ashcroft, Green Point
State Government needs to own and fix mess
I suspect like many ratepayers to the Central Coast Council, I found your rather comprehensive article covering the State Government’s response to the organisational and financial crisis the Administration finds itself in (CCN319) to be somewhat dismissive.
It’s a while since I came across such ducking and weaving by those responsible for providing us with an effective, responsible and efficient local administration.
The State Government authority that is meant to be ensuring governance on the part of local government instrumentalities has, quite simply, not done its job.
In my opinion it is as guilty of mal-administration as the Council.
It seems to me it has been all too hard for the Minister and her Department to address and they don’t want to accept responsibility either for the
See Page 2 for address and contribution conditions. Opinions expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily of the newspaper
debacle that has occurred or for the future administration.
To illustrate my point: I recently wrote to my local member Adam Crouch regarding the recent 35-45 per cent rate increases in the area and asked him to raise my concerns with the Minister.
In fairness to Adam, he did this promptly, although that’s where it seems to have ended for him.
As for the Minister’s response, well this fell into the ‘Clayton’s’ category.
She seemed not remotely interested in dealing with the issue.
It’s obvious the State Government’s amalgamation of local government entities has failed.
It has failed on ‘first principles’; the principles anyone with business experience involving mergers and acquisitions would know and apply.
But, when you are in the world of politicians and public servants I suppose you shouldn’t expect such expert knowledge, planning and execution.
But, having made the mess, the State Government now needs to find a way to fix it; it cannot be let continue as it is, either with the Central Coast Council or in other councils around the state that also have problems with performance and accountability.
As for Central Coast Council inquiry; another ‘Clayton’s’ I suspect.
By the way when is the next state election?
Email, Nov 20 John George, Terrigal
Tilting freedom
Free, fresh and friendly; this is how I’ve always looked at Australia and I have lived here for more than 40 great years.
Australia is still fresh with the amazing diverse nature and it’s still friendly ....but the free is tilting.
And what a shame that is.
The manipulation and blackmailing going on for the time being and for the last less than two years is worrying.
Some countries call it COVIDfascism.
And that’s exactly what it is.
Folks ... think about it!
Here’s a story which has just happened to a friend of mine.
She had her first jab and after 24 hours spent four days in hospital with liquid around heart.
She asks the doctor to make a certificate re no more jabs and the doctor says ‘no can do until you’ve tried every type of vaccine.
She says ‘no need for a certificate then as I would be dead’.
My friend is allowed to work at home but not to see clients and is told not to tell anybody.
Folks, let’s get Australia on the right free track again.
I can’t wait for the whistle blower!
P.S. Richard Pryke in Forum (CCN318) ... I totally agree with you.
Email, Nov 15 Inger Terp, North Avoca
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