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Avoca Beach junior surfer Talia Tebb has taken out the Under Girls’ title at the Rip Curl GromSearch National Qualifier and is now guaranteed a spot in the national final, to be held in Melbourne next March.

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PAGE 12 FORUM Coast Connect

Central Coast Council news and community information



More than $550,000 allocated to community events, programs and activities across the Coast

I was pleased to endorse the allocation of more than $550,000 in grant funding to community programs and events at the 27 September 2022 Council meeting. A total of $279,172.82 was allocated through Central Coast Council’s Community Events and Place Activation Grant Program, while $289,860.51 was allocated through the Community Development Grant Program. Each of these programs are run annually and exist to support the community to deliver a range of events, activities, programs and more, which provide significant benefit for the wider community. A total of 46 applications were successful, and I look forward to seeing these events and programs come to life across the region. In addition to these annual grant programs, Council also runs its Community Support Grant Program, which allocates funds monthly to community activities which require a small amount of funding (up to $5,000) and/or in-kind support. Grant-writing workshops and information sessions are available to help strengthen applications and give each community project the best chance of success. I encourage any interested community members seeking more information about these important programs to head to

www.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/grants Rik Hart Administrator

The next ordinary Council meeting will be held at Wyong on 11 October 2022

Members of the public are welcome to attend, and these meetings are webcast live on YouTube. The Public forum starts at 5.45pm with the Ordinary Council Meeting commencing from 6.30pm. For more information, search ‘council meetings’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Council’s financial turnaround

Council has achieved a significant financial turnaround and recorded a solid surplus for the most recent financial year. We have stabilised the organisation and we have begun to redirect funds from the budget surplus to invest in a number of key service areas, including road remediation, vegetation management and increased resources to improve development assessment timelines. For more information, search ‘monthly finance reports’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Garage Sale Trail returns

Garage Sale Trail has returned. Celebrating second-hand local with two big weekends of garage sales, 12-13 & 19-20 November. It’s free to participate and anyone can do it. Households, schools, community groups, even whole streets get involved. It’s a great way to declutter and make some money. It’s garage sales made easy. For more information, search ‘garage sale trail’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Revitalising Gosford Waterfront

The preferred concept for the revitalisation of the Gosford Waterfront has been announced that aims to position Gosford as an iconic waterfront city. We will be seeking community and stakeholder feedback to refine the concept plan before funding is sought to bring the concept to life. For more information, search ‘gosford waterfront’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Prepare for storms and floods

There are 5 steps to follow to be prepared for any natural disaster or emergency event: know your risk, plan for what you will do, get your property ready, be aware and keep informed, and look out for each other.

Ensure you have a current emergency plan in place. For resources and information, search ‘emergency preparedness’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

What’s on? Go to centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/events

Bakers and Builders

Join us for a week of hands-on workshops with local culinary artists and traditional crafts people. 7 October - 16 October 2022

For more information, search ‘Bakers and Builders’ at


Did you know?

Incorrect waste disposal can cause fires

Please dispose of waste responsibly. Putting hazardous material in your bins or bulk kerbside collections can result in smouldering or even igniting a fire in waste collection trucks or at the landfill. This can easily occur from materials such as batteries, gas bottles, flares, butane canisters or chemicals. To find out how to dispose of waste responsibly, search ‘waste and recycling’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Council Office 2 Hely St Wyong | 8.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday | P 1300 463 954 | W centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

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