3 minute read
State Government vows to legislate against off-shore oil and gas exploration
existing Offshore Exploration and Mining Policy sets out a responsible and balanced approach to the development of the State’s geological resources.
“(This) announcement cements our opposition to offshore gas exploration and mining, and these new laws will make it crystal clear to anyone looking to drill for gas in NSW waters that they need not apply.”
To help tackle beach erosion, the NSW Government will still consider offshore mineral exploration or mining in NSW waters for beach nourishment where a clear public benefit can be demonstrated.
Greenpeace Australia Pacific has applauded the announcement, saying it would be a win for the oceans and help to protect important animals and ecosystems off the NSW coastline.
Shadow Minister for the Central Coast David Harris said NSW Labor has always opposed PEP 11.
“We are only in this mess because (former Prime Minister) Scott Morrison didn’t follow the correct process,” he said.
“This is essentially a Commonwealth issue and Labor will continue to oppose any attempt to do offshore gas or mining.
“People should remember that the Liberal Party promised ‘no ifs no buts’ to legislate against the Wallarah 2 Coal Mine proposal only to do a massive backflip after that election resulting in that mine being approved in our water catchment valleys.”
Terry Collins
WHERE: Gosford RSL Club
WHEN: 28 February 2023
TIME: 6:45pm - 8:00pm of
As part of the 2023 Brazel Moore Seminar Series, this free public seminar is being given by Brazel Moore Lawyers to help people understand what to expect so they know where they stand in –Call

WHERE: Mingara Recreation Club
WHEN: 7 March 2023
TIME: 6:45pm - 8:00pm
Gosford campus of the University of Newcastle a step closer
After years of waiting the opening of a new state-ofthe-art university campus in Gosford is a step closer following the signing of the final agreement between the NSW Government and the University of Newcastle.
Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport Rob Stokes was on the Coast to make the announcement on Monday, February 20 and said the finalised agreement delivers on the State Government’s commitment to bring a tertiary education campus to the city centre.
“Together with our investments in the Central Coast Strategy and in faster rail, investment in education will grow the region’s economy, boost local jobs, and create a beating civic heart in Gosford,” he said.
“This campus will become a cornerstone of the Six Cities plan, creating a catalyst for development and investment to bring jobs closer to home for the people of the region.”
Minister for Enterprise, Investment and Trade Alister Henskens said the new campus will create a pipeline of skilled workers and link students to employment opportunities.
“The University of Newcastle is a global leader in education, so this new world-class facility will enable local students to study and build skills without needing to travel long distances,” he said.
“The new campus will further enhance NSW’s standing as an international destination of choice for study, research and work.”
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch said the new campus will deliver courses that capitalise on the region’s strengths.

“(This) is an investment in our future, creating education pathways to new skills, opportunities and ideas,” he said.
“It will also support the great work we’re seeing in strong local industries, such as health, wellbeing, food and manufacturing.”
“This has been a regional success story delivered by the Federal Government, the State Government and the University working together and we can see the excellent results when we work on projects like this.”

Liberal Candidate for the seat of Gosford Dee Bocking said “It is fantastic that many local students won’t have to leave the Coast for their tertiary education.”

The new campus will be built on the old Mitre 10 site at 299309 Mann St with funding from the State and Federal
Governments and the University of Newcastle.
University Vice-Chancellor Professor Alex Zelinsky said it would provide the opportunity to increase educational participation rates, generate new jobs, support emerging industries, develop the health services workforce and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.
“We are also pursuing our plans to provide safe and affordable student accommodation on the site,” he said.

The university is now investigating options to expand the project by building student accommodation on the remainder of the site, which would further enliven the Gosford CBD.
Verified sources: Interviews in situ and media release, Feb 20, 2023, NSW Government
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