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Council forges ahead with waterfront plan
address the Central Coast Hwy ‘barrier’ to ensure easy connections to the waterfront from the CBD, and also the question of public land being used for residential development.”
Howe said feedback received through the initial consultation phase and subsequent phases will inform the next level of detail for the initiative, which is a detailed masterplan and business case, down the track, with further opportunities for community input as the project progresses.
“Without a doubt there is strong support for a revitalised waterfront – which will form an anchor of a revitalised Gosford CBD,” she said.
Council CEO David Farmer said the re-imagining of the Gosford waterfront is a longterm project which will stimulate significant employment and economic activity through the planning, development and operational phases.
“Gosford is recognised as the Central Coast’s principal city in the NSW Government’s vision for Greater Cities region.
“For Gosford to realise its potential, it must be connected to its waterfront, and the waterfront must be a place for people,” he said.
He said a revamped waterfront precinct would integrate with the new University of Newcastle Gosford campus and TAFE and more than $1.3B in mixed use development approvals in the Gosford CBD.
Farmer said Council would fund early works elements required to support a business case with $2.2M from its Land Development Reserve, established through the sale of Kibbleplex, as it continued to advocate for NSW Government
“The application of funds from this reserve to the waterfront project is consistent with the intended reserve purpose,” he said.
“Should Council receive funding from the NSW Government for the waterfront project, it is intended that the Land Development Reserve would be reimbursed.”
Farmer said while Council would complete early works the early work, the intention to hand the project over to the State Government remained.
Council Administrator Rik only a major opportunity for the city’s renewal, but would see Gosford City join the great waterfronts of the world. He urged the State Government to provide the $8.5M needed for a business case and master plan, saying the Labor Party has committed $8M if elected on March 25.
The item attracted one speaker at the public forum prior to the meeting – activist Norm Harris, who said the report contained an “embarrassing number” of errors and was “unaccurate
He called for another report and said a lot more studies needed to be done.
Harris said the figure cited by Council of 93 per cent in favour included responses which were neutral and the actual figure for support was 77 per cent.
“The report is obviously providing the narrative the Council wants,” he said.
“The highest feedback rating across all channels including attractor, neutral and detractor, was 21 per cent for views.
“Surely this should be taken into account in relation to whole development and people’s affinity with the natural views that currently exist from the water’s edge and the stadium.”
Harris said using the funds from the Kibbleplex sale for a study for the Gosford waterfront development was not a suitable or consistent use of the funds.
He said as Council continues to sell public land and carparks there should be no allocation of funds to studies for the Gosford waterfront, with State Government funding for the project not guaranteed.
Terry Collins