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Coast Connect
Central Coast Council news and community information

Administrator Message
Rik Hart
Moving ahead on Gosford waterfront’s revitalisation
At the 28 February Council meeting, staff provided an update on the Gosford waterfront’s revitalisation project with a comprehensive engagement report – which has been extensive.
In addition to the previous community feedback received on the Gosford waterfront’s revitalisation (including the Gosford Challenge), Council staff sought community feedback through:
• multiple drop-in information sessions
• business leaders and operators forums
• meetings with key government stakeholders
• written feedback
• detailed information on the interactive concept plan on YourVoiceOurCoast.com
• independent market research.
I have also had many conversations with the community about this key project, most recently at the Australia Day community event where I hosted a pop-up stall. People were overwhelmingly keen to see this project progress.
Such extensive community engagement on this key enabling project for the region has given me great confidence in allowing its progression by resolving to allocate $2.2M to enable key elements of the project to progress.
I urge whoever forms government after the March 2023 NSW state election to provide $8.5M to undertake a business case and Master Plan for the Gosford Waterfront precinct, to unlock Gosford’s full potential.
$2.44m funding for beach access projects
Vehicle and pedestrian access points at Soldiers and Jenny Dixon Beach, that were damaged by severe storms in 2021 and 2022, will be replaced or repaired with the $2.44million in funding provided by the Australian and NSW Governments as part of the 2021 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program.

For more information, search ‘beach access projects’ online at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
Have your say to help shape Wyong and Tuggerah
Wyong and Tuggerah are growing and we’re putting in place a district plan to shape the area’s future. We want to ensure The Wyong District Place Plan reflects the aspirations of our community. Participate in the online survey and tell us your ideas on how we can create better places and an even stronger community.

Have your say by 10 March at yourvoiceourcoast.com
Exciting new skate park being built at Kariong

A new skate park and pump track, designed for a range of ages and abilities is under construction of Kariong Oval. Community engagement activities resulted in 302 online survey submissions, which guided the concept designs and planning of this project, which also includes seating, shade, water re-fill station, waste bins and new landscaping. For more information, search ‘kariong skate park’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
Crews cleaning beaches at the crack of dawn
Rise and shine! Council staff have been busy keeping our beaches pristine before sunrise, so you can enjoy the best of the beaches on the Central Coast. Our Beach Cleaning Program is rolled out across all of our patrolled beaches and a number of other locations during the patrol season (September to April each year).

For more information on beaches, go to centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
Chemical CleanOut this weekend
Clear out your unwanted and out-of-date residential hazardous items.

• Sat 11 and Sun 12 March
• 9am to 3.30pm
• Council’s Long Jetty Depot (Cnr The Entrance and Wyong Road, Bateau Bay)
For the full list of chemicals that can be dropped off call 131 555 or visit cleanout.com.au
Discoloured water can occur at any time, but it is most common in early spring and summer when water use increases. Increased use of water causes more water to flow through the water network which can stir up sediment that has settled during winter. In the event of discoloured water, residents are advised to run the front garden tap for 60 seconds every half an hour to check if the water has cleared.
Learn more, search ‘discoloured water’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au