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Parklands upgrade to be completed this month
Major infrastructure works are set to be completed at Mount Penang Parklands this month.
The works mark the final stage of the $16M upgrades delivered by the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC).
They include infrastructure and service upgrades and rebuilding and landscaping on Frank Rd (formerly Baxter Track) and Parklands Rd.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the works will help Mount Penang reach its potential as an active and sustainable place for recreation, education and work.
“These works will not only support future investment and activity but they’re also making the Parklands easier to navigate, safer and more attractive for the hundreds of people who use them every day,” he said.
“The Frank Rd upgrade has created a much-needed second entrance to the precinct, including reducing traffic bottlenecks during peak school times and improving access for Riding for the Disabled visitors and the Department of Community
Two major road repair projects on the Central Coast will receive funding under the NSW Government’s $312.5M Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Package.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch said $8.458M would be provided for major repairs along Wisemans Ferry Rd and $2.6M would fund work along the Old Pacific Hwy between Mooney Mooney and Calga.
Justice facilities.”
Works were undertaken by Bolte Civil, a Central Coast company with a focus on providing opportunities for Aboriginal workers and supporting women in construction.
HCCDC Chief Executive Valentina Misevska said users of the Parklands were already taking advantage of the improvements.
“The new roads and landscaping around the café look amazing and I’m particularly happy to see more than 30 additional droughtresistant trees, improved lighting and more than 100
Funding for two major road repair projects
The first-of-its-kind package will allow roads and transport assets to be built back better enabling them to withstand future extreme natural weather events.
“Our region and (regions) further across northern NSW have endured unprecedented hardships and devastation,” Crouch said.
“Getting these betterment projects underway is something we all can’t wait to see.”
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the projects are
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“The NSW Government is moving our state forward by building back better the infrastructure projects needed