1 minute read
Put election promises in writing
Just a small comment about promises by politicians that they say over the television.
Would it not be better if they were honest (and) put it in writing and signed it to make it a legal document (so they could be held to) account in the legal sense?
I remember that one of our councillors did this and he was elected because he was honest.
These public servants are so dishonest and they get away with it.
Teaching kids about politics
This helps other nations to keep us under their thumbs.
I can’t buy clothing or shoes made in Australia.
Why? We all know why –cheap slave labour.
This is no better than the
The wages of the overpaid bureaucrats and senior public servants is now as out of control as the salaries of the CEOs of companies. Maybe we can’t afford them.
We now have an American
We had a wonderful, selfreliant country – but not now. Let’s get back our country and leave something decent for our children and grandchildren.
Email, Mar 6
Robert Findley, Point Clare
Playspaces need shade cloth
Plaudits to the Council for its plans to upgrade 10 playspaces around the municipality.
However it’s vital that children are protected from the sun while spending time in these fun places.
As the carer of three grandchildren who will spend many hours playing at these facilities, (I feel) adding shade cloth would go a long way to minimising the terrible risks associated with sunburn.
Email, Mar 12 Steve Sailah,
Recently I watched a program on TV about Asian high school students being taught about politics.
Each student was asked to take on the role of being a politician and put forth a policy of improving friendly social interactions within the community.
Each had to write a speech on their subject and others were to vote for or against it.
All was kept as close to reality as possible – the school even arranged to have polling booths
delivered for the ‘election’. The election was won by a 14-year-old girl who proposed to have councils place more tables and chairs in public places so that people could stop, chat and rest a while. What a good idea. Another good idea would be to have more 14-year-olds in parliament.
It’s been described as The Lion King on steroids- and now Cirque Mother Africa is set to play at two venues on the Central Coast.
The heartbeat of Africa pulsates throughout this jaw-