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Call for increase in rent assistance

With thousands of Central Coast residents facing rental stress, national housing campaign, Everybody’s Home, is calling on the Federal Government to raise the Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) payment.

Statistics from the Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services 2023 show about 44 per cent of households receiving the supplement are paying more than 30 per cent of their income on rent.


The report also shows the Federal Government spent about $4.9B on CRA in 202122, down from a five-year high of about $5.5B in 2020-21.

National spokesperson for Everybody’s Home Maiy Azize said the payment must be raised.

“Commonwealth Rent

Assistance can be a lifeline for tenants who are struggling to cope with soaring rents,” she said.

“With the housing crisis at fever pitch, people need help so they aren’t plunged into homelessness.

“But these figures show that the payment isn’t enough to lift people out of housing stress.

“It has been decades since there was a real boost to rent assistance.

“At the moment, the maximum fortnightly payment a single person can receive is $151.60.

“That number just hasn’t kept up with rents, which have surged while the payment lags behind.

“It’s no wonder that almost one in two people who get the payment are still in rental stress.

“The people who need the payment the most, including those on JobSeeker or Youth Allowance, are often being left out.”

Azize said Everybody’s Home

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