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Aunty Colleen to spearhead push for new alternative school
Aunty Colleen Fuller will spearhead an effort by four trained teachers to reestablish an alternative school for school refusers following the closure of Kincumber’s Eagle Arts and Vocational College at the end of 2018 by the NSW Education and Standards Authority.
Fuller is the proposed Chair of the Board for a new school.
“It was wrong the old Eagle Arts and Vocational College was allowed to close,” she said.
“It was wrong our local politicians did nothing to stop the closure.
“However, if I can work with the NSW Education and Standards Authority to put it back, I will do so.”
Fuller said 30 struggling teenagers were thrown on to the streets after Eagle Arts and Vocational College was closed.
“While Gab McIntosh is assisting she is not the main teacher working on this application,” she said.
“Teachers from other states, where alternative schools are running successfully without being closed down, are providing the main guidance.
“The need for alternative schools is great all around the country and we are very grateful teachers from other states have jumped on board to give this alternative school a chance on the Central Coast.”
The new school would have more art and sport and no exams and be free, including school excursions, Fuller said.
“Also we want to help kids with basic reading and writing, one on one,” she said.
“We want kids to enjoy rather than being afraid to go school.
“That has to be good for the Coast, doesn’t it?”
Source: Media release, Mar 10 Aunty Colleen Fuller
Where: Living Choice Broadwater Court, 15 Kincumber Street, Kincumber. Meet at Mountain View Estate (Stage 3) Community Centre, street parking available.

When: Friday 14th April 2023.
Time: 10am to 12 noon.
RSVP: to Alicia or Dave 1800 064 344 or email sales@livingchoice.com.au by 10th April.
Complimentary morning tea will be served.