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R U OK? Conversation Convoy rolls into West Gosford
The R U OK? Conversation Convoy will visit West Gosford on Friday, June 23.
Residents are invited to visit Anytime Fitness at West Gosford between 8am and 10am for a free brekkie and cuppa, and a chance to learn more about the important role we can all play in looking out for our friends, family and colleagues.
Free practical tools and tips will be handed out to encourage people to stay connected and have conversations to help those close to them through difficult times in their lives.
“Regular, genuine conversations about how we’re really going, have the power to change lives, and help the people in our world feel more supported when they’re facing life’s challenges,”R U OK? CEO Katherine Newton said.
“By taking the R U OK?
Conversation Convoy around Australia, we work to empower people with the confidence to have a meaningful conversation if they spot the signs someone close to them might be struggling with life.”
The Conversation Convoy travels around the country and forms part of the outreach work R U OK? carries out in regional and rural communities.
This year the Convoy will travel through NSW, QLD, NT and SA, covering more than 9,000km.
“It’s important to give people the opportunity to come to us,” Newton said.
“Some people prefer that face-to-face conversation, or they want to know about services or organisations like us.”
During the Convoy, R U OK? links with local services and visits communities, school leaders and workplaces providing resources and listening to feedback.
“We know that local knows best,” Newton said.
“The Conversation Convoy gives R U OK? the opportunity to hear directly from communities and better understand their current needs.
“This helps inform the development of future resources and campaigns to ensure they are practical and useful.”
The R U OK? Conversation Convoy is supported by Connor Clothing, The Audi Foundation, KitKat, Nescafé and Spirit Super.
Anytime Fitness Operations manager Ange Goldsworthy said the club wanted its members and the broader community to feel empowered in asking ‘R U OK?’ year-round.
“Conversations and feeling connected are a protective factor against suicide,” she said.
“We’re encouraging the community to run (or walk) as many kilometres as possible to
Source: PCFA go towards the club kilometre goal and fundraise along the way.
“65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life each year, this gives us 65,000 reasons to run.
“Last October we raised $279,459 nationally for R U OK? (in the Tread as One promotion) with Central Coast clubs raising $29,000 and West Gosford club alone raising $11,400.”
13YARN is a free 24/7 service offering crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on 13YARN (13 92 76).
For support at any time of day or night, Lifeline provides free and confidential crisis support. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 131 114 or chat online at lifeline. org.au.
Source: Anytime Fitness