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Sign up for grants information
Member for Robertson Gordon Reid wants to make sure all community organisations, sporting clubs, P&Cs, not-for-profit organisations, and veterans groups are aware of government grants they could be eligible for.
He is urging organisations to sign up to his grant’s information list, through which he regularly notifies subscribers of open and upcoming grant opportunities.
At this stage, subscribers will be notified about Federal Government grants but in the long term Reid hopes the list huge improvements to the region’s night life.
“The 24-Hour Economy Commissioner will lead a coordinated and collaborative effort with council, communities, industry, and creatives on the Central Coast to build a strong and vibrant night-time economy that prioritises live entertainment,” she said.
Tesch said she would continue to agitate for a permanent dredging solution for Ettalong channel and support the Mangrove Mountain and Mountain Districts community in opposing a feedlot development proposed on the mountain.
She counted a $4,600 grant to the Umina Beach Junior Rugby League Club to upgrade its webpage and communication channels and attending the recent University of Newcastle graduation ceremony as other highlights of her first 100 days as an MP with the governing party in NSW.

She urged residents with any concerns to contact her office on 4342 4122 or at gosford@ parliament.nsw.gov.au will encompass State Government and private sector grants as well.
“Throughout the year there are Federal Government grant opportunities that organisations like sporting clubs and P&Cs can apply for,” Reid said.
“I want to ensure that people on the Central Coast are aware of these grant opportunities.
“By subscribing to my grants’ information list, you will regularly receive information about open and upcoming grant opportunities.
“Already there have been several grant opportunities, including the Federal
Government’s Stronger Communities Program and the Volunteer Grants.
“It is great to see government grants going to outstanding projects in the community that have huge social benefits.
“I look forward to being able to connect community organisations with grant opportunities that strengthen our region and support our people.”
To subscribe to Dr Reid’s grants information list, visit: www.drgordonreidmp.com.au/ community-support/grants
Source: Member for Robertson Gordon Reid