October 2009 Kroc Newsletter - Chicago

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Giving Hope and Transforming Lives... Volume 2, Issue 8

October, 2009

Kroc Center Enrolls New Soldiers

Lt. Col. David E. Grindle Divisional Commander Judy Keller Campaign Co-Chair

. On September 27, the Kroc Center enrolled four new senior soldiers, two junior soldiers, and one adherent. These members are totally committed to the work of the Army and are already involved in ministry. Majors Steve & Diane Harper, Divisional Pastoral Care Officers, were the special guests for the day. Pictured below is Cassandra Bell and her daughter, Carrian Bell. Cassandra is a leader for the Praise Dance Team and teaches a Sunday School class. Her daughter is active in the singing company, praise dance team, and corps cadets (leadership & Bible Study training). Pictured below right are Darryl & Yolanda Wren signing their covenant indicating that they will remain faithful to God and the ministry of the Army. It was a great day of celebration as we see leadership growing for the Kroc Center.

Pictured above are Majors Steve & Diane Harper, Majors David & Darlene Harvey, Vincent and Sherry Johnson, Darryl & Yolanda Wren, Kris Massey, Darnell Stinson, Cassandra and Carrian Bell, and Vinnesha Johnson.

Paul Rigby Campaign Co-Chair Robert Bonesteel Campaign Director Majors David & Darlene Harvey Co-Administrators The Salvation Army

Give Hope Campaign Office

5040 N. Pulaski Chicago, IL 60630 773-725-1100 RJKCCC Project Office: 11357 S. Halsted Chicago IL 60628 773-995-0151

Singing Company Growing Strong The Kroc Center Singing Company, performed recently at a choir anniversary. They have 25 members under the leadership of Tanesha Jefferson.

For more information visit us at: www.kroccenterchicago.org

Women Grow In Leadership Pictured right is Sherry Johnson, being commissioned as the Women’s Ministries Secretary for the Kroc Center. Under her leadership, three women’s events have been planned in the last two months. Events have included a kick-off event, a “Spa Day” and a “Chocolate Party.” The name of the ministry is called “Grilfriends” and is inviting to women of all ages. Women are having fun in these classes as they are deepening friendships and learning new information on self-care. . Pictured below left is Cassandra Bell, receiving her “Women Ministries” pin on “Women’s Sunday.” Pictured below right are two who participated in and just enjoyed the Spa Day. October included information on “Breast Cancer Awareness.” AfricanAmerican women are less likely to be diagnosed at an early stage—affecting their survival rate. These events are making a difference in the lives of women as they see their worth and the contributions that they can make in their communities.

Campaign Update

Total raised: $15,395,132.66

Thank You Thank you for all you are doing to make the Kroc Center a reality! As you can see, the dreams of the Center are already making an impact in this community! You are putting smiles on young people’s faces and giving them Hope not only for their futures but for today! Pictured right are children from the Green Day Camp who cleared the land to make room for the beautiful garden.

For more information visit us at: www.kroccenterchicago.org

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