21 minute read
Each year we celebrate, honor, and award our Hall of Sponsors Scholarships to deserving students. Each year, we also unveil newly-funded scholarships. However, in light of COVID-19, we have chosen to display the entirety of our Hall of Sponsors catalog for the 2020-21 academic year. As always, we are grateful for commitments that withstand the test of time.
Hall of Sponsors Scholarships $175,000 and above
Anderson-Garst / honoring Kathryn Garst Gray and Henry Gray, awarded to Kayla Keeton, pre-nursing; Anderson-Garst / honoring William E. “Gene” Garst and Berniece Garst, awarded to Whitney Pascoe, biology; Anderson-Garst / honoring Judith Garst Brown, awarded to Catherine Bernard, nursing; Anderson-Garst / honoring Robert Garst Jr., awarded to Daniel Yarbrough, chemistry; Anderson-Garst / honoring Edith Garst, awarded to Kevana Middleton, biology; Buell / Buell UMC Endowed, awarded to Kaitlin Larison, marine biology; Class of ’29 / Class of 1929 Scholarship, awarded to Annika Kallash, health administration; Connell / Berenice Fuller Connell, awarded to Felixhy Dominguez Nava, communication studies; Connell / Berenice Fuller Connell, awarded to Antoinette Flowers, psychology; Connell / Berenice Fuller Connell, awarded to Marchya Jackson, sociology; Connell / Berenice Fuller Connell, awarded to Svenne Anderson, sports management; Connell / Berenice Fuller Connell, awarded to Mark Csongradi, sports management; Cresswell / Creswell-Graff, awarded to Joseph Heffron, computer science; Daniel / Frances E. Daniel, awarded to Nicholas Vick, music education; Gray / W.L. and S. Gray, awarded to Grace Hundley, nursing; Hahne / Barbara Hahne, awarded to Kylie Avery, mathematics; Hairston / William Hairston, awarded to Lisa Sauter, exercise science; Hairston / William Hairston, awarded to Caroline Weatherford, exercise science; Hairston / William Hairston, awarded to Keighlan Cronin, health care administration; Hairston / William Hairston, awarded to McKendra Fischer; Inman / Dr. Marianne E. Inman, awarded to Peyton Warren, biology; Inman / David Inman, awarded to Emily Lawler, biology; Lambier / George R. and Adah L. Lambier, awarded to Carlie Baldus, nursing; Lee / Frank and Margaret Lee, awarded to Hannah Adams, business; Lee / Frank and Margaret Lee, awarded to Ingrid Colle Kuhle, business; Neville / June Chon Neville, awarded to Alyssa Yung, nursing; Pape / Miss Eulalie Pape, awarded to Yeukai Gwanzura, nursing; June Chon Neville
Ross Gillet / Dr. Ralph and Very Ross Gillet, awarded to Felixhy Dominguez Nava, communication studies; Ross Gillet / Mrs. Ralph Ross Gillet and Paul and Helen Shuck Ross, awarded to Radovan Kemboi, BSN general; Mathewson / Luerena Mathewson See, awarded to Murphy Quint, exercise science; Thompson / Jasper and Katherine F. Thompson, awarded to Joseph Slattery, social science education;
name is one of several family names that will forever remain synonymous with Central history, such as the Besgrove-Hodge Wildlife Sanctuary the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Hodge: A Legacy Continued Art, in addition to their legacy of leadership and The late Dr. Robert H. and Anna Mae philanthropy. Besgrove Hodge created a legacy at Central The Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hodge Hall Methodist University through their of Sponsors Scholarship was established in extraordinary efforts of philanthropy and November 1988. The Hodge family values, engagement on so many levels. The Hodge character, and desire to make a difference in the lives of others, would continue through with their sons, Dr. Richard M. Hodge of Kansas City and Dr. Robert H. Hodge of Charlottesville, Va.
Drs. Richard and Robert Hodge, Jr. graciously contributed an additional $50,000 to the scholarship, elevating the scholarship to the Presidential level of Hall of Sponsors Scholarships.
The scholarship recipient must present an established academic performance record, financial need, community service, and good character. The 2020 recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hodge Presidential Hall of Sponsors Scholarship is Ms. Kylie Campbell, a biology major from Cameron, Mo.

Adkins / J.L. and Cora E. Adkins, awarded to Brooke Teeter, early childhood education; Ahmann / Kenneth R. & Mary Louise Ahmann, awarded to Jennifer Durbin, marine biology; Anderson-Garst / honoring Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Garst, awarded to Lauryn Jones, undeclared; Anderson-Garst / honoring Mr. and Mrs. Luther Anderson, awarded to Hannah Bailey, physical education; Anderson-Garst / honoring Jack and Shirley Anderson, awarded to Taylor Dial, undeclared; Bates / Earl Bates honoring Military Service, awarded to Tristan Riggs, interdisciplinary studies; Baylor / Philip E. and Phyllis B. Baylor, awarded to Odmund Bautista, computer science; Bell / Ferguson and Addie Hyatt Bell ’21, awarded to Janai Jennings, biology; Buckner / Everett C. Buckner, awarded to Lindsey Gantz, chemistry; Burch / Jim and Edna Burch, awarded to Janie Leathers, chemistry; Carmichael / Marie and Emmett Carmichael, awarded to Jessica Mowry, mathematics; Chenoweth / Paul H. and Mary Ellen Chenoweth, awarded to Maura Drew, biology; Dalton / Dick and Ginny Dalton, awarded to Hayden Hackman, chemistry; Dean / Thomas Dean and Mary Bush Adams Memorial, awarded to Grace Stumbaugh, professional writing and publication; Adams / Rodgers and Ruth Windsor Adams, ‘59: awarded to Jacob Keller, criminal justice; Akers / Rev. W.E. and Laura Corbin Akers, awarded to Mitchell Crofton, music ministry; Alexander / R. Fred and Virginia Alexander, awarded to Addylyn Gabriel, music ministry; Hendrix / Ronald Hendrix Alexander, awarded to Carliss Howell, pre-education; Anderson / Lawrence Kevin Anderson, awarded to Alexis McClure, accounting; Armitage Memorial / Richard E. Armitage, awarded to Chase Dombowski, political science; Bailey / Bailey grandchildren, awarded to Jackson Rotert, sports management; Bailey, Louis C. / honoring A. Guy and Ann Bradley Daniels, awarded to Rachel Smith, accounting; Bailey, Louis C. / honoring Carlton L. and Drakesmith / Anna W. “Billie” Drakesmith, awarded to Martina Florido, political science; Glendinning / Esther C. Glendinning, awarded to Paloma Ybarra, nursing; Heyssel / Robert M. Heyssel, awarded to Kaitlin Head, exercise science; Huston / Mary Janette Huston, awarded to Jodi Mootz, biology; Jacobs / Lew Wallace Jacobs III, awarded to Kaitlyn Weber, nursing; Kies / Dr. Benjamin Kies, awarded to Grace Turilli, biology;
Dr. Benjamin Kies

Klinghammer / Kermit W. Klinghammer,
Hall of Sponsors Scholarships $30,000 to $75,000
awarded to Kelsey Brown, nursing; Lucille Turner Bailey, awarded to Michael Watts, education; Bailey / Richard D. and Gina Winn Bailey, awarded to Audrey Brandon, mathematics; Baker / Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker, awarded to Erin Williams, pre-physical therapy assistant; Ballard / David G. Ballard, awarded to Taylor Allen, middle school education; Barker / Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barker, awarded to D’Yanna Kloog, sociology; Bartley / Rev. Elbridge W. Bartley, Sr., awarded to Macy Block, religion and church leadership; Basket / Basket-Wells-Alexander, awarded to Mohammed Nyaoga, business; Basler / Roy P. and Mary Olsen Basler, awarded to Myah Salas, communications; Bates / Drew C. Bates, awarded to Jimmie Washington, accounting; Comer / Norma Comer Bates, awarded to Lawrence / Kenneth and Johnnie Lawrence, awarded to Cassidy Pachner, elementary education; Logan / Lynn Harland and Donna Morris Logan, awarded to Nataline Guerrero, pre-education; Hansbrough / Byrniece Reigel and E. Edwin Hansbrough, awarded to Madison Williams, biology; Meyer / William Armine and Veta Groce Meyer, awarded to Madeline Wieseman, undeclared; Mitchell / Mitchell Family, awarded to Ashley McGovern, marine biology; Nunning / Charles H. and Jeanne A. Nunning, awarded to Jensen Lake, mathematics; Perry/Bayley / Perry/Bayley, awarded to Craig Brinkman, criminal justice; Rich / E.E. and Maude Adkisson Rich, awarded to Aliyah Ashby, marine biology; Schinke / Dr. David and Arlene Schinke, awarded to Cassidy Kallash, undeclared; Shoemaker / Shoemaker Family, awarded to Emma Stone, pre-health; Shoup / Shoup Family honoring Donald Shoup, Sharon Shoup, and Corrine Kay Shoup Smart, awarded to Joseph Brickey, mathematics; Siler / Dorothy Kendrick Siler, awarded to Elise Dewey, biology; Sisson / Rita Sisson, awarded to Holly Barney, education; Tebbetts / Georgianna Wilson Tebbetts, awarded to Emma Randolph, athletic training;
Joshua Hearst, business; Bergsten / Dr. C. Fred and Virginia Wood Bergsten, awarded to Danielle McQueen, undeclared; Bergsten / Carl and Halkaline Kirk Bergsten, awarded to Abbigayle Danner, nursing; Biermann / Eugene Biermann, ’59, awarded to Nathan Overbay, marine biology; Bingham / Harold and Sarah Denneny Bingham, awarded to Darrell Sharp, athletic training; Birkhimer / Elizabeth Petrie Birkhimer, awarded to Emily Moody, accounting; Bradley / Judge Nick M. and Marie Bradley, awarded to William Bowers-Delius, history; Botkin / O. Wayne Botkin, awarded to Madeline Duren, nursing; Brame / Nannetta Brame, awarded to Hannah Marshall, nursing; Brandt / Beverly Seehorn Brandt, awarded to
Clayton Gochenour, physical therapy assistant; Brewer / Julia Bayley Brewer, awarded to Brea Hindersmann, pre-nursing; Bridwell-Kidwell / Wayne Kidwell and Elaine Bridwell-Kidwell, ’59, awarded to Shea Luby, pre-nursing; Bristol / James T. Bristol, awarded to Teagan Howell, exercise science; Bristol / Joan Davidson Bristol, awarded to Joshua Morrow, communication studies; Brooks / Nanna Mae and Glenn Brooks, awarded to Matthew Klusmeyer, environmental science; Brown / Agnes Griffin Brown, awarded to Shelby Fugate, pre-nursing; Brown / Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Brown Sr., awarded to John Schnell, computer science; Brown / Robert Craig Brown UMC Scholarship, awarded to Jacob Wheeler, nursing; Brueggemann / Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brueggeman, ’59, awarded to Dorothy Powell, marine biology; Bryant Jr. / Dr. Nelson Bryant Jr., awarded to Curtis Johns, computer science; Burgess / Samuel W. and Stella Burgess, awarded to Fernando Jimenez, pre-education; Cannon / Dr. John L. Cannon, awarded to Alissa Malone, nursing; Caples / William Goff Caples, awarded to John Fender, music ministry; Carnes / Catherine Naegelin Carnes, awarded to Madalyn Bartholomew, music education; Centenary / Centenary United Methodist Church of Cape Girardeau, awarded to Jacob Barks, undeclared; Chaney / Rev. Sara Chaney, awarded to Brittany Dush, religion and church leadership; Chase / Lena S. Chase Memorial, awarded to Benjamin Pilger, music education; Chenoweth / Tully B. and Maurene Richardson Chenoweth, awarded to Parker Yager, environmental science; Clarahan / Rose and John Clarahan, awarded to Hannah Criswell, biology; Class of ’43 / Class of ’43 50th reunion, awarded to Rachel Muniz, accounting; Clatworthy / Clatworthy Family, ’59, awarded to Jimmie Washington, accounting; Clingenpeel / C.A. Clingenpeel, awarded to Maria Cervello Sanjrujo, business; Clough / Candace M. and Arthur Clough, awarded to Dominique Jordan, music; Cole / Rev. Dr. Elbert C. and Virginia Cole, awarded to Shea Luby, nursing; Cole / Troy D. Cole, ’93 Memorial, awarded to Hunter Phillips, exercise science; Crisler / Dr. Andy Crisler, ’59, awarded to Kathleen Wheeler, pre-health; Crowe / Robert D. Crowe, awarded to Madisyn Parks, pre-physical therapy assistant; Crowe / Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Crowe, awarded to Andrea Villar, sports management; Cullen / Dr. Arthur J. Cullen, professor of foreign languages, awarded to Natalie Quinteros, communication studies; Curry / Dick and Becky Curry, awarded to Kooper Wilson, physical therapy assistant; Cunningham / Charles Lee Cunningham, awarded to Elyse Travis, religion and church leadership; Cutler / William L. and Martha O. Cutler, awarded to La’Kiah Wilson, criminal justice; Dees / Jason and Sarah Dees Memorial, awarded to Annikah Kallash, health administration; Dimond-Schofield / Marilyn Dickinson and Dimond Schofield Family, awarded to Hailey Gorman, music education; Dow / Bethel C. Dow, awarded to Emily Hall, nursing; Downing / John A. and Marion Eberhard Downing, awarded to Jerome Simpson, pre-education; Drake / Celia Utlaut Drake and Wanda Melton Wilson, ’59, awarded to Nathaniel Marshall, biology; Drakesmith / John W. Drakesmith, ’58, awarded to Nelida Martinez Hernandez, business; Drakesmith / Margaret Woodward Drakesmith , ’59, awarded to Trey Gaedke, undeclared; Dreyer / Linda H. Dreyer, awarded to Connor Rich, pre-education; Duren / Elaine Hull Duren, awarded to Macy Block, religion and church leadership; Easterday / Robert and Mary Easterday, awarded to Maci Hardwick, pre-health; Edwards/Scarborough / Edwards-Scarborough, awarded to Shailey Townlain, pre-education; Eidson / Donald R. Eidson, awarded to Sarah King, English; Enochs / Dr. Rebecca Enochs, awarded to Lance Swaters, biology/pre-health sciences; Elliott / Dr. Dan and Maggie Elliott, awarded to Abigail Perry, exercise science; Epple / John A. and Elizabeth Epple, awarded to Alexander Smith, biology; Estes / Wellborn Estes, awarded to John Polk, physical education; Estill / Susan and Gentry Estill, awarded to Ingrid Coll Kuhle, business; Evans / Rev. Louis and Margaret Evans, awarded to Alli Muri, pre-education; Fawks / Lawrence R. Fawks, awarded to Devyn Armstead, pre-education; Finlayson / Christina Finlayson Dana Hall, awarded to Katelyn Streeter, criminal justice; Fleece-Devaney / Fleece-Devaney, awarded to Abby Sorrell, chemistry; Forderhase / Mary Lee Forderhase, awarded to Brooke Hackman, English; Foster / Lucille F. Foster, awarded to Ethan McBain, music; Furnish / Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Furnish in memory of Virginia Furnish, awarded to Caden Wilburn, biology; Gillette / Lena and Marshall Gillette Teaching Scholarship, awarded to Jaren Vanmeter, pre-education; Ginn / Ginn Family Memorial, awarded to Jacob Keller, undeclared; Ginn / Rev. Edward Y. and Suzette O’rear Ginn, awarded to Mikayla Kinkead, music ministry; Golding / Jennie Carlisle Golding, awarded to Hope Howser, English; Gray / Charlotte Head Gray, awarded to Nathanial Quick, computer science; Guenther / Dr. Ralph R. and Lavonne Guenther, awarded to Anna Geurkink, music education; Guerri / William G. Guerri, awarded to Emma Thoeni, physical therapy assistant; Hairston / Judge John R. Hairston, awarded to Chase Rankin, undeclared; Hairston / William Hairston, awarded to Rebecca Hanson, marine biology; Hall / Anita Patt Hall, awarded to Aaron Barefield, computer science; Hamilton / Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Marvin C. Hamilton, awarded to Cora Johnson-Woessner, psychology; Hargrove / Wilma Hargrove, ’39 Scholarship, awarded to James Wilkson, exercise science; Harris-Patton-Guyton / Harris-Patton-Guyton, awarded to Montana Bohannon, criminal justice; Hart-Shelton / Hart-Shelton Family, awarded to Matthew Dylan Allred, computer science; Hawks / Kay Kendricks Hawks, ’59, awarded to Sebastian Colbert, accounting; Hayden / Sydney Louise Hayden UMC Scholarship, awarded to Jennifer Nelson, biology; Brown Herndon / Kramer C. and Grace Brown Herndon, awarded to Connor Sanchegraw, music education; Heslar / Dr. George Heslar Leadership Service Memorial, awarded to La’Kiah Wilson, criminal justice; Hilgeman / Fred and Patricia Hilgeman, ’59, awarded to Addison Crider, chemistry; Hodge / Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hodge, awarded to Kylie Campbell, biology; Holden / Dr. Raymond Holden, awarded to Micah Blankenship, physics; Rogers-Holman / Rogers-Holman Family No. 3 Scholarship, awarded to Connor Sanchegraw, music education; Rogers-Holman / Daniel C. and Emma Dixon Rogers Holman Scholarship No. 2, awarded to Jacob Moore, mathematics; Rogers-Holman / William S. and Martha Rogers Holman, awarded to Emily Engemann, elementary education; Holt / Dr. John and Nancy Holt, awarded to Logan Anderson;
Holt / Leland Burks Holt, awarded to Elyse Travis, religion and church leadership; Hon / Ralph C. Hon, awarded to Jonathan Loden, biology; Hope / Louise Morris Hope, awarded to Carlie Milz, pre-education; Howell / Joe A. and Pan Howell, awarded to Evan Howard, exercise science; Huddelson / C.F. and Sylvia Huddelson, awarded to Brenden Shelton, biology; Huddleston / Victor Huddleston, awarded to Grace McIntosh, marine biology; Hughes / Margaret Steiner Hughes, awarded to Lexie Harper, business; Humphrey / R. Harvey and Ethel Van Scoyoc Humphrey, awarded to Austin Bristow, music; Hutcherson / Dr. John D. Hutcherson, awarded to Amanda Lewis, music education; Innes / Innes Family, awarded to Paige Lakenberger, biology; Jackson / Alice Jo Jackson, ’59, awarded to Avery Hays, biology; Jacobs / Amelia Taubman Baskett Jacobs, awarded to Hope Howser, English; Jacobs / Daisy McKee Jacobs, awarded to Alexandria Sauer, English; Jacobs / Lenora Belle Harris Jacobs, awarded to Rachel Guilford, nursing; Jacobs / Lew Wallace Jacobs, Jr., awarded to Grace Turnbow, business; Jacobs / Lew Wallace Jacobs, Jr., awarded to Cole Horstman, business; Jacobs / Mary Caroll Lawrence Jacobs, awarded to Ross Nelson, business; Jenkins / Kay Fothergrill Jenkins and William Jenkins, ’59, awarded to Noah Kirby, computer science; Jenkins / Leonard Rush Jenkins, awarded to Kayla Bailey, accounting; Jenkins / Margaret Clyde Jenkins, awarded to Abby Littrell, business; Jenner / Edwin A. and Elizabeth May Brown Jenner, awarded to Elise Hardesty, communication studies; Johnson / Leslie M. Johnson, awarded to Carlie Baldus, nursing; Kendrick / Mary Janette Huston Kendrick, awarded to Jodi Mootz, biology; Kessinger / Kessinger Family, awarded to Precious Abumchuckwu Ezeji, nursing; Kimbell / Sidney J. and Ardis Wehrli Kimbell, awarded to Andrew Adams, music education; King / Everett Marshall King, awarded to Joni Lehman, elementary education; King / Paul W. King, awarded to Forest Dodge, accounting; Kingsbury / Jeremiah Kingsbury, awarded to D’Yanna Kloog, sociology; Kingsbury / Lilburn Adkin Kingsbury, awarded to William Bowers-Delius, history; Kingsbury / Lillian Edmonston Kingsbury, awarded to Emily Gann, music-vocal; Kingsbury / Warren Taylor and Madeleine H. Kingsbury, awarded to Martin Hynick, sociology; Kintner / Treva C. Kintner Nursing, awarded to Brooke Hogard, nursing; Knight / Carlton and Ailene Knight, awarded to Hailey Sage, music; Kountz / William B. Kountz, awarded to Kaitlyn Kiser, biology; Kountz / Robert and Suzanne Kountz, awarded to Micah Blankenship, physics; LaMore / Jenny LaMore, awarded to Kristin Stockhurst, English; LaTurno / Patricia Simpson LaTurno, awarded to Isabella Stoneking, elementary education; LaTurno / Rev. Ivan Lee LaTurno, awarded to Elyse Travis, religion and church leadership; Lawrence / Dr. Bertram I. Lawrence, awarded to Tayler Allen, middle school social science; Lawson / James Frederick Lawson Memorial, awarded to Elyse Travis, religion and church leadership; Leach / Dr. Maurice P. and Jean Leach, awarded to Madeline Duren, nursing; Lewis / Joseph W. and McMillan Lewis, awarded to Josh Derendinger, music education; Lewis / Dave Lewis, ’59, awarded to Alexander Lemmer, political science; Lewis / Martrom D. Lewis Memorial, awarded to Wesley Spargo, religion and church leadership; Lisle / Donna Moore Lisle, awarded to Ethan Cupit, political science; Long / Robert E. and Mary Katherine Pieper “Bunny” Long, awarded to Jessica Seaton, pre-health; Loomis / Terry L. Loomis, awarded to Tyler Proctor, marine biology; Luck / Martha Smith Luck, awarded to Felixhy Dominguez Nava, communication studies; Maier / Virginia Maier, awarded to Mikayla Sturm, biology; Marshall / Dr. J. Brewer and Winifred Olendorf Marshall, awarded to Jessica Arnold, education; Martens / Jayne Ginn Martens, awarded to Alexis Dillon, pre-health; Martin / James O. and Lone McCormick Martin, awarded to Lauren Roche, pre-health; Marvin / Rev. Fielding Marvin, awarded to Zane Parnell, mathematics; Mather / Dr. Thomas B. and Frances F. Mather, awarded to Alexis Carrasco, psychology; McAllister / Brian McAllister Pre-Law, awarded to Britlyn Sparks, political science; McDaniel / Dennis Wilson McDaniel, awarded to Katelyn Moeller, pre-nursing; McGuire / Uncas M. McGuire and William C. VandeVenter, awarded to Anna Wolf, biology; Dennis Wilson McDaniel

McGuire / Franklin Wesley McGuire, awarded to Tyler Jenkins, exercise science; McGuire / Judith Kapp McGuire, ‘59, awarded to Rebecca Cavazos, exercise science; McKee / Margaret White McKee, awarded to Kalena Oots, business; McKinney / Mary Rogers McKinney, awarded to Bryce Daugherty, biology; Means / General Lewis Manning and Evangeline Boggs Means, awarded to Meaghan Faust, biology; Meyer / Samuel and Martha R. Meyer, awarded to Lane Moody, biology; Meyer / W. Darrell and Shirley Swisher Meyer, ’59, awarded to John Autry, music education; Miller / Milton S. Miller, awarded to Tanner McFatrich, communication studies; Momberg / Dr. Harold L. Momberg, awarded to Lauren Payne, biology; Morris / Dr. Louse Morris Hope, awarded to Carlie Milz, pre-education; Morton / Dr. Berry Ezell and Florence Puckett Morton, awarded to Kristin Stockhorst, English; Newnam / Clara D. and Charleston Newname UMC Scholarship, awarded to Kaylee Schmohe, biology; O’Quinn / O’Quinn Scholarship, awarded to Catherine McGlone, undeclared; Orear / Edwin L. and Nadine Taylor Orear, awarded to Katarina Morris, criminal justice; Palmer / Linda Addison Palmer, awarded to Abagail Burns, nursing; Parsons / Robert G. and Judy Martin Parsons, awarded to Fernando Jimenez, education; Parsons / Robert G. and Judy Martin est. 2005; awarded to Isaiah Johnson, business; Peery / Larry Peery, awarded to Hunter Hamilton, physics; Perry / Mary Louise Perry, awarded to Hailey Sage, music education; Perry / Dr. Thomas A. and Lora M. Perry, awarded to Sheila Sanchez Agramunt, education; Perry / Tim and Leslie Perry, awarded to Cole Horstman, Business;
Philips / Vodra Wright and Emma Lee Godbey Philips, awarded to Jacob Wheeler, nursing; Plaster / Robert W. Plaster, awarded to Mason Fitzgerald, biology; Pruess / Donald G. Pruess, awarded to Ashlyn Mitchell, nursing; Proett / Charlotte and Tony Proett, awarded to Alyssa Niehaus, biology; Puckett / Dean E.P. Puckett (by Dr. Berry E. ’37 and Florence Puckett ’37 Morton), awarded to Grady Mattson, business; Puckett / Erastus Paul Puckett, awarded to Zoe Jenson, exercise science; Puyear / Robert and Donna Puyear, awarded to Hannah Mitchell, exercise science; Radtke / Jonathan Radtke Memorial, awarded to Isabelle Stoneking, elementary education; Renner / John E. and Lucia Foster Renner UMC scholarship, awarded to Molly Reynolds, biology; Rethwisch / Braxton Rethwisch, awarded to Kelli Gorman, education; Rich / John A. and Jennie Reynolds Rich UMC scholarship, awarded to Layla Beyer, music education; Rinker / Levi C. and Virginia Rinker, awarded to Hunter Melugin, religion and church leadership; Roberts / Sherman and Naomi Roberts, awarded to Angel Chastain, psychology; Robinson / Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson Memorial, awarded to Hayden Hackman, biology; Robinson / Marian Vogt Robinson, awarded to Calyssa Plymell, pre-nursing; Robinson / Nola D. Quisenberry Robinson, awarded to Grace Pinkerton, business; Robinson / O.A. (Doc R) and Anne Robinson, awarded to Kylie VanGundy, biology; Saunders / James L. and Barbara Saunders, awarded to Garrett Mattson, business; Scruggs / G.A. Scruggs Ministerial Student Aid Fund, awarded to Hunter Melugin, pre-health; Selah / William D. and Naomi Selah, awarded to Carter Bailey, exercise science; Shackelford / John F. and Lucy Eason Shackelford, awarded to Matthew Hahs, business; Shackelford / Sydney and Gretchen Shackelford, awarded to Zyshonne Cowans, undeclared; Shell / Dr. Lester C. Shell, awarded to Janie Leathers, chemistry; Shirley / George Will and Harriet Shirley, awarded to Madalyn Bartholomew, music education; Shirley / George Will and Harriet Shirley, awarded to Kelly Briggs, music education; Shuck / Dr. Arthur Shuck, awarded to Abagail Jefferies, physical therapy assistant; Sigmund / George F. Sigmund and Florence Rosine, awarded to Ingrid Coll Kuhle, business; Smart / John D. Smart, awarded to Aeris Barton, biology; Smith / Claude T. Smith, awarded to Austin Schaedler, music education; Smith / Dr. Huston C. Smith, awarded to Hunter Melugin, religion and church leadership; Smith Jr. / James Virgil Smith Jr., awarded to Tate Hanners, chemistry; Smith / Mr. Burton P. and Mrs. Elnora Smith, awarded to Benjamin Miller, undeclared; Smith / T. Berry Smith Memorial, awarded to Tessa Maidens, biology; Spalding / Donald Spalding, awarded to Emilia Schleper, biology; Spayde / Dr. Luther T. Spayde Music Scholarship, awarded to Madalyn Bartholomew, music education; Spiese / Sydney Spiese, awarded to Mikayla Kinkead, music ministry; Steinbrenner / Henry G. Steinbrenner, awarded to Sara Ratliff, history; Steinbrenner / Henry G. Steinbrenner for soccer, awarded to Allesandro Lacerti, business; Stewart / Dr. David and Lee Stewart Class of ’59, awarded to Lorna Meyer, nursing; Strehlman / Dr. Benjamin G. Strehlman, awarded to Genna Nickelson, business; Summers / Fleeta McElroy Summers, awarded to Peyton Schafer, biology; Swanson / Robert B. and Ruth Winter Swanson, awarded to Kennedy Schmohe, biology; Swinney / John R. and Eleanor B. Phillips Swinney, awarded to Wesley Spargo, religion and church leadership; Tedrow / Martha Payne Tedrow, awarded to Chloe Cole, communication studies; Thogmorton / James P. and Helen Puckett Thogmorton, ’59, awarded to Jakob Gentry, communication studies; Thornton / Fred and Lynn Thornton, ’59, awarded to Damian Walker, mathematics; Tiley / C. Paul and Addie Louise Downey Tiley, awarded to Kennedy Walker, music education; Tschudy / Leona Schinke Tschudy, awarded to Will DiStefano, biology; Tucker / Elnora Cunningham Tucker, awarded to Hunter Hamilton, physics; Turnage / Mitchell Jacob Turnage, awarded to Zachary Severns, accounting; Uphaus / Edna B. Uphaus, awarded to Katherine Bangert, pre-nursing; V-12 Navy Scholarship, awarded to Emily Schoonover, nursing; Vaughan / George and Louise Vaughan Memorial, awarded to Montana Stangel, physics; Vinita Park / Vinita Park UMC scholarship, awarded to Kyliegh Vonborries, pre-education; Ward / Joe W. Ward Memorial, awarded to Brittany Dush, religion and church leadership; Wert / Helene Hornback Wert, awarded to Nathaniel Quick, computer science; Westen/Myers / Westen/Myers, awarded to Isaiah Studer, biology with interest in pre-health; Whitener / Paul R. and Annah C. Whitener, awarded to Colton Skyles, pre-education; Whitworth / William Dean and Jacquelyn Hawker Whitworth, ’59, awarded to Tyler Calvert, criminal justice; Wilson / Dorothy Orr Wilson, awarded to Philip Brown, music; Wise / Eula Willis Wise, Gerald W. Wise, Patricia Wise Wilson and Mary Vickars Wilson, awarded to Kristin Stockhorst, English; Wise / Eula Willis Wise, Gerald W. Wise, Patricia Wise Wilson and Mary Vickars Wilson, awarded to Brooke Hackman, English; Wise / Eula Willis Wise, Gerald W. Wise, Patricia Wise Wilson and Mary Vickars Wilson, awarded to Hope Howser, English; Wise / Eula Willis Wise, Gerald W. Wise, Patricia Wise Wilson and Mary Vickars Wilson, awarded to Grace Stumbaugh, professional writing and publication; Wise / Eula Willis Wise, Gerald W. Wise, Patricia Wise Wilson and Mary Vickars Wilson, awarded to Keagan O’Riley, professional writing and publication; Wood / William E. Wood and Esther Wilson Wood, awarded to Kaitlyn Philips, occupational therapy; Woodward / Dr. Ralph L. and Beulah Sutter Woodward, awarded to Addison Butler, mathematics; Wright / Rev. J.K. and Fern Wright, awarded to Garrett Nimmo, exercise science; Wright / Don and Barbara Madden Wright, ’59, awarded to Lucas Grammer, computer science; Yancey / Professor Thomas L. Yancey and Joe Geist, awarded to Timothy Nowlin, theatre arts.