9 minute read

Bates Awarded President’s Medal
Recognized for Contributions to University by Emily Kesel
On Friday, October 4, Central Methodist University kicked off its Homecoming Weekend festivities by recognizing one of its most dedicated and generous alumni, as President Roger Drake bestowed the fourthever President’s Medal on Earl Bates, class of 1961.
Given at the discretion of the President, the medal is awarded to individuals who have contributed significantly of their time, talent, or treasure to enhance the University and whose contributions have made an impact on the campus, students, faculty, and staff.
“I simply don’t have time to talk about all of the giving and all the service that Earl and Linda have done for this university and for our students,” Dr. Drake said of the award recipient and his wife. “I don’t even have the appropriate time to tell them fully how much they mean to Central Methodist and how much they mean to me personally.”
Drake took time to mention several aspects of the Bates family’s contributions to the University over more than 65 years, calling Earl one of “the very most generous contributors to Central Methodist.” Bates has served as a fundraising alumni volunteer, a member of multiple committees, and a member of the board of trustees for nearly a decade.
“This couple does so much for Central,”Drake continued. “They do so many things where we can’t put their name on a wall. Earl has said to me before, ‘I don’t really enjoy giving to buildings and campaigns nearly as much as I love giving to students, people, and programs.’”
The president emphasized one such instance, namely the opportunities the Bates family has provided to Central’s music students, funding week-long choir tours as well as trips to Kansas City to witness professional opera and symphony performances.
“These students have amazing experiences and it’s due entirely – not just in part, but in whole – to the generosity of the Bates family,” said Drake.
Bates, accompanied by his wife Linda, also known as Sunny, addressed the crowd which included the three previous recipients of the President’s Medal –
J.B. Waggoner ’91, Fred Alexander ’58, and Whitney Kerr. He thanked Drake and his longtime friend Bob Courtney, and told of his experience in coming to Central, saying that college had been the “furthest thing” from hismind, but he eventually found a home on the Fayette campus.
“This place changes lives. It opens opportunities from a perspective of a pretty limited horizon,” Bates said. “From somebody that had no plan for their life, I found it here.”
He went on to describe his and Linda’s dedication to acquiring and restoring the Coleman House on behalf of the University, which he believes should always remain part of Central. Bates then wrapped up his remarks by thanking the many friends in attendance, noting that the couple knows more people in Fayette than anywhere else they go.
“We live in Montana, and the ranch is in Oregon,” Earl said.
“But our heart is here,” Linda finished.

Hall of Sponsors Receives $2 Million Gift
by Emily Kesel
One of the highlights of Homecoming Weekend this fall was the Friday evening cocktail banquet held in celebration of the Hall of Sponsors. Among the most prestigious of scholarships available to Central students, the Hall of Sponsors is funded by generous donations and gifts from alumni and friends of the University.
This year, the Hall of Sponsors received its biggest contribution yet, with a $2 million planned gift from the late Dr. Fred Nix, class of 1957. Dr. Bill Sheehan ’84, executive vice president, announced the gift at the Homecoming event in front of a large crowd.
“We can never personally say ‘thank you’ to Dr. Nix, but we can certainly do it in how we live and how we support Central,” said Sheehan. “It’s amazing to think of what that scholarship will provide.”
Nix, who passed away in September of 2023, was a native of the Washington, Mo. area and created the largest Hall of Sponsors scholarship in history with his gift.
Also recognized on the night were a number of other new Hall of Sponsors donors who established their scholarships this year. Sheehan recognized Michael Bundy ’92 for his donation, as well as Mike Dimond ’85, whose father and stepmother were being honored with the establishment of the Dr. David L. Dimond and Martha Becker Dimond Hall of Sponsors Scholarship.
Representing the students who benefit from the generosity of the Hall of Sponsors donors was senior Carly Edwards of Lone Jack, Mo. A member of the Eagle women’s soccer team and future law school student, Edwards spoke to the gathered donors and friends about what the scholarship program has meant to her.
“You can’t possibly know how much this means to me, as well as other students on campus, so thank you,” she said. “The Hall of Sponsors Scholarship has helped me with the opportunity to obtain my degree and pursue a career field that I’m incredibly passionate about. You truly make a difference in students’ lives, and I can’t thank you enough for helping make a difference in mine.”
Edwards is just one of more than 1,900 students who have benefitted from nearly 400 total Hall of Sponsors scholarships made possible by 5,800 donors. To learn how you can contribute to a Hall of Sponsors scholarship and make a difference, contact the office of alumni and advancement at 660-248-6232 or advance@centralmethodist.edu.

Alumni Recognized at Awards Brunch
Distinguished, Young Alumni Awards Presented by Emily Kesel
The Central Methodist University Alumni Board of Directors celebrated several of the University’s best and brightest at the 2024 Alumni Awards Brunch as part of this year’s Homecoming festivities on October 6. The annual event saw seven graduates recognized as winners of the Distinguished and Young Alumni Awards.
This year’s Distinguished Alumni Award recipients included John Nordmeyer ’75, Rev. Gregory Chandler ’76, Barb Heikoff ’82, Matt Fulson ’92, Anne Farmer ’92, and Brian Ash ’00. The Young Alumni Award winner celebrated this fall was Tyler Winn ’13.
John Nordmeyer ’75 has spent the past 43 years in Africa, helping meet the needs of the people. He and his wife, Lorraine, started the non-profit Local Initiatives for Education, a relief and development organization. One of their projects is a girls’ running program with the goal of keeping girls in school. A founding member of the Central cross country team, he lettered in both track and cross country while studying biology and psychology. John and Lorraine have four children and reside in Africa.
Rev. Gregory Chandler ’76 is a Christian pastor and non-profit founder with decades of experience in leading and inspiring his community. He founded the World Outreach Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, as well as Champion Girl Productions and Whole Again International, all faith-based organizations working to improve lives. A former member of the CMU board of trustees, Chandler has won numerous awards for his service to the city of Cincinnati.
Barb Heikoff ’82 is a transactional real estate attorney, serving residential and commercial clients in the Denver metro area and throughout Colorado. She also serves as chairwoman of Colorado W.O.L.F. (Women Owned Law Firms), a not-for-profit organization which provides members with opportunities for advancement, collaboration, education, and networking. To address the needs of Colorado’s solo and small law firm community, Heikoff has developed a continuing legal education series, The Practical Lawyer, which focuses on business management and development in the context of owning and running a law firm.

Matt Fulson ’92 is a business owner and member of the Kansas City area community whose company, Fulson Housing Group, has been developing affordable housing for low-income citizens for 20 years. The company currently manages 36 properties in 22 different communities across four states. Fulson also serves as the chair of the Missouri Workforce Housing Association and director-at-large for the Kansas Housing Association. He and his wife, Mia, have three adult daughters, one of whom, Mallory, is also a Central alumna.
Anne Farmer ’92 is an educator at Fort Osage High School with nearly three decades of experience in the classroom. She was named the Kansas Region 4 Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2005, among numerous other honors and awards. Farmer is also the founder of Baby Grace, an organization dedicated to offering support to families with young children. The organization serves communities throughout Missouri, in partnership with 20 United Methodist churches across the state. Farmer also earned a doctorate in educational leadership in 2015.
Brian Ash ’00 is the head baseball coach and alternative school coordinator at Southern Boone High School, where he has led the team to one of his four career state championships. A 2019 inductee into the Missouri High School Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame, he is the only baseball coach in state history to win state championships at three different schools. Ash was also named the National High School Coach of the Year in 2017 by the American Baseball Coaches Association.

Tyler Winn '13 is an attorney with Anheuser-Busch who serves as the global head of litigation, intellectual property, and data privacy. He oversees the company's litigation portfolio and leads legal teams in the U.S., Belgium, and Brazil, supporting operations in more than 50 other countries. He lives in St. Charles with his wife, Lyndsie; daughter, Londyn and Lakelynn; and dogs, Lambeau and Packer.
Chris Ebright '11 was also selected as a Young Alumni Award winner but will be honored at next year's Alumni Awards Brunch.