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Hall of Sponsors Spring 2022

Top: Delta Pi Omega students and alums gather for a group photo at homecoming 2021. Bottom left; Katie Guevara, Dailee Sewell, Quibillah Harvey, and Jayda Fulkerson. Bottom right; Nikki Kretzer Victor, Jessica Caszatt, Michelle Merk, and Amanda Allison

Delta Pi Omega Establishes the Ms. Pape, Delta Pi Omega, Hall of Sponsors Scholarship
Delta Pi Omega came out in force in October to celebrate its 75th anniversary at 2021 Homecoming. While the decades of classmates who made the journey to reunite was incredible, the group also left their mark for generations of Delta members to come.
Delta Pi Omega was founded in 1946 by Ms. Eulalie Pape, someone who would become a Central legacy of her own through her life as an educator and mentor. Ms. Pape would teach at Central from 1930 to 1965 and was the Delta Sponsor from 1946 to 1966. Ms. Pape’s expectation of professionalism, discipline, and social protocol would remain signature among the Deltas. Many successful members would reflect the same today.
During the early stages of reunion planning, the Ms. Pape/Delta Pi Omega Hall of Sponsors Scholarship was initiated to honor their beloved founder. The challenge at hand – raise $30,000 among their group in just five months.
The scholarship, a brainchild of Delta member Kathy Vieth, ’66, would take a great deal of collaboration and effort for all involved. Vieth, chair of the reunion committee and
scholarship endeavor, was determined to achieve the group’s goal and see the scholarship available to award the fall of 2022. Through Vieth’s tenacity, the incredible support of the Delta Pi Omega active members, the reunion committee and numerous generous donors, the reunion would turn out to be a smashing success, and the Ms. Pape Delta Pi Omega Hall of Sponsors Scholarship would become a reality by the December 31 deadline. Delta Pi Omega Reunion and Scholarship committee members Kathy Vieth, ’66 included committee chair Kathy Vieth, ’66, Carolyn Perry, ’66, Caryn Jeffries, ’13, (Delta Sponsor), Kim Caldwell, ’82, Margo Kennedy, ’81, Murphy Quint, Susan Reichert, ’82, and CMU Board of Trustee Chairwoman, Dr. Nancy Peacock, ’82. The Ms. Pape/Delta Pi Omega Scholarship will officially be awarded to a second-year Delta Pi Omega member for the fall 2022 academic year who is in good standing with the university. We applaud and congratulate the tremendous effort and collaboration in accomplishing this endeavor!

Dana McMillan Jacob, daughter of Fayette legends Charles “Dude” and Marjorie, '48, McMillan, and her husband Gus Jacob have established a Hall of Sponsors Scholarship in Dude and Marjorie's name. The scholarship will be awarded to an education major from Howard County, with a preference for a graduate of Fayette High School.
Dana wanted to honor her parents and could not think of a more fitting tribute than to establish the scholarship. The Fayette and Central community meant everything to Dude and Marjorie, and they were as deeply woven into both as one could be.
Margorie McMillan was a member of the Class of 1948, and, after delaying her education for a time with family, she would graduate from Central in 1972 and spend 17 years in the Fayette School District. Many of her students who graduated from FHS would further their education attending Central.
Dude McMillan was a businessman in Fayette who owned and operated McMillan’s Café a.k.a. the infamous “Mac’s.” The stories are legendary of alumni who credit Dude for helping them overcome challenging times while at Central and encouraging them to stick with their path and continue their education. Some would even refer to Dude as “Professor.” The subsequent friendships he cultivated would prove to be lifelong. Hundreds of Central alumni would not consider coming to Fayette without stopping by to see Dude.
The story of Mac’s would begin in 1928 with Dude’s father and uncle as proprietors. The original business was known as “McMillan Brothers” and was the local bar. Students would patron the establishment then as well. To survive prohibition, the name would be changed to “McMillan’s Café.” With “Café” in the title, there was less likely to be trouble from being known as a bar. Mac’s would also accept checks, and for students alike, would also be much less alerting as Café on the records back home.
Mac’s was part of the community from 8:00 am to 1:00 am. The mornings would bring the local “coffee crew,” where Dude would serve a warm cup of coffee at 10 cents per cup, as he prepared for the day ahead. Lunch would be available with pizza, hot dogs, and sandwiches and a pool table in the back room where high school students would gather after school. Once evening business was in full swing, there would always be a latent group of young Central men who had dropped their dates back off at Central to meet curfew at the women’s dorm only to continue their evening at Mac’s. Central was most aware of the student patronage and even established a rule in the student handbook, noting patronage at Mac’s would bring consequences of dismissal if caught. Dude never took offense and would see it as the best advertisement ever.
If you would like to make a gift in honor of Dude and Marjorie, for the Charles "Dude" and Marjorie McMillan Hall of Sponsors Scholarship, please go to https:// givetocentral.org, or send your check to Central Methodist University, Dude and Marjorie McMillan HOS Scholarship, 411 Central Methodist Square, Fayette, MO 65274.

Alpha Phi Gamma/Mokers Do It Again
Alpha Phi Gamma, otherwise fondly known as “MOKERS” and steeped in CMU tradition, accomplished the funding of the second Moker Hall of Sponsors Scholarship honoring Moker alumni. The first Moker scholarship was funded in 2015 in honor of fellow Moker and CMU legacy Braxton Rethwisch, ‘64.
A 76th Moker anniversary was celebrated during the 2021 Homecoming. In preparation of the grand event, the reunion committee, charged by Moker and CMU alumnus Dave Bandy, ‘66, created a challenge to establish a second Moker Hall of Sponsors Scholarship.
The Alpha Phi Gamma, Moker, Hall of Sponsors Scholarship was officially funded in April of 2022. The new scholarship will be awarded to a Moker who is in good standing with the university and maintains a 3.0 GPA, beginning fall 2024.
On the first saturday in April, the new scholarship achieved its goal at the annual Moker Pub Crawl, hosted by CMU alumni Donn, ‘89,
and Lynette, ’88, Harrison the first Saturday in April. The annual event, originally established in memory of CMU alumnus and Moker, Todd Phillips, ’91, is rich in Moker tradition, and the Harrisons, along with Mike Eiser, ‘94, and Keith Frazier, ‘86, annually create and paint a Moker brick for each attendee in addition to mapping the event route. The opportunity to complete the scholarship funding at the annual event, would simply be too good to Dave Bandy, ’66 pass by and of course would come to fruition. While Mokers may have a reputation for shenanigans, the organization also hosts a group of alumni who truly believe in making a difference in the world around them. The opportunity and life-changing impact of an education is one Mokers support with a whole heart. Join us in celebrating the funding of Alpha Phi Gamma, Moker, Hall of Sponsor Scholarship and thank you all for your thoughtfulness and generosity extended in this endeavor. You truly make a difference!