2017 Communications Plan

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COMMUNICATIONS PLAN June 1, 2017 through June 1, 2019

Jo Usry, CEO 620 N. State Street Suite 100 | Jackson, MS 39201 centralmsrealtors.org

CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI REALTORSÂŽ STAFF 620 N. State Street Suite 100 Jackson MS 39204

Jo Usry Chief Executive Officer jo@centralmsrealtors.org

Genny Allison Customer Service Representative genny@centralmsrealtors.org

Nita Martin Communications & Gov’t Affairs Director nita@centralmsrealtors.org

Ashley Anderson Accounting & Membership ashley@centralmsrealtors.org

Giselle Stromgren Chief Financial Officer giselle@centralmsrealtors.org

Robert Conwill, Jr. MLS Officer robert@centralmsrealtors.org

Johnny Thrash IT Director johnny@centralmsrealtors.org

Beverly Hickey Membership Director beverly@centralmsrealtors.org

Tiffany Cooper Wheeler Membership & Supra Liaison tiffany@centralmsrealtors.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors..........................................................................................05 Introduction.....................................................................................................07 History & Mission...........................................................................................09 Strategies & Plan.............................................................................................11 Objectives........................................................................................................13 - 17 Situational Analysis.........................................................................................19 S.W.O.T. Analysis............................................................................................20 - 31 Communication Strategies...............................................................................33 - 43

For more information, please visit www.centralmsrealtors.org or call 601.948.1332.




Melissa Horst, Director

Rod Crosby, President - Elect

John Polles, Director

Ashley McAdory, Treasurer

Melissa Rhodes, Director

Megan Hall, Past President

Debra Thomas, Director

Bethany Culley, Director

Katie Warren, Director

Lynn Fillingham, Director

Rosemary Stovall, MLS President

Mike Hoffman, Director

Jo Usry, Chief Executive Officer


“Central Mississippi REALTORS® is an association committed to being a fundamental asset to its members and the local community. Over the past few years, Central Mississippi REALTORS® has been moving in a new and exciting direction. We’ve begun the hard work of implementing new strategies, expanding our community outreach efforts and strengthening our voice as the ultimate source for accurate statistics and real estate advice. As we continue to grow, we’ll remain committed to raising the bar in all that we do and expect the same of our members in return.” Sincerely, Jo Usry


OUR HISTORY Central Mississippi REALTORS速 (CMR) formerly The Jackson Association of REALTORS速 was chartered in 1926. More than 88 years later, the association now encompasses three brands: Central Mississippi REALTORS速, The Central Mississippi Multiple Listing Service (CMMLS) and Buy In Mississippi.

MISSION The members of the real estate industry and the consumers we represent, recognize Central Mississippi REALTORS速, as the respected authority in real estate dedicated to advocating for private property rights, and providing accurate information and resources.


STRATEGIC PURPOSE The Association provides members and consumers a simplified and direct path to information and education utilizing a platform that maximizes and enhances the professionalism of our industry.

COMMUNICATIONS PLAN OBJECTIVE To continuously improve the association’s professional image and value to both members and consumers; strengthen our brand as a preferred choice for real estate services, industry news, consumer advice and accurate local market stats.   11

INTERNAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES To offer members a direct path, using centralmsrealtors.org and mobile communications To provide current business and market information that strengthens and develops their ability to conduct business. To promote the value and benefits of the information and education provided by the Association including promotion of national, state and local Calls for Action and the value of investing in the REALTORÂŽ Political Action Committee (RPAC). To promote the products and services offered by the Association that include links to national, state and local data using communication tools such as texts, emails, video blogs, websites and a private Facebook group managed by CMR. To open two-way lines of communication between CMR Staff and Board Leadership. To open two-lines of communication between CMR Staff and brokers, agents and affiliates by soliciting routine feedback, comments and suggestions. 13

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES To communicate CMR as the authoritative resource for real estate information in Central Mississippi. Enhance centralmsrealtors.org with features sought after by consumers. Develop a public relations campaign for the Association to increase awareness of our website to consumers, as the source of local real estate information. Communicate the benefits of working with a REALTOR® through consumer testimonials. Through the use of NAR’s public relations campaign, communicate the benefits of working with a REALTOR®. Educate consumers about the issues and opportunities affecting property ownership at the national, state and local levels emphasizing REALTOR® involvement. 15

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES Promote consumers’ involvement through voter registration drives, promotion of Calls for Action, and providing contact information for elected officials. The Association’s website centralmsrealtors.org is promoted to REALTORS® through a multi-media campaign demonstrating the value of a single website and the importance of directing consumers to it. Drive consumers to buyinmississippi.com through the Association’s website. Identify multiple sources that will generate revenue for the Association. Generate additional revenue from paid sponsorships and service directory listings. Buyinmississippi.com is available for retail sales, service vendors and corporate sales promotions. Create a work group under the administration of the Communications Director to create advertisement fact sheets for additional promotions. 17

SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Central Mississippi REALTORS® is the state’s largest professional association made up of over 1,700 licensed real estate agents, brokers, appraisers and a host of affiliate partners who provide services for residential and commercial real estate. REALTORS® are the “Voice of Real Estate, offering a superior level of customer service, professionalism and adherence to a strict Code of Ethics. CMR seeks to streamline the Association’s most current strategic plan initiative (facilitated by Adorna Carroll; adopted on April 21, 2016) and the newly adopted National Association of REALTORS® Organizational Alignment Core Standards Policy (effective for the third compliance cycle: July 1, 2016 – December 31, 2017). The two-year Communications Plan offers new opportunities to define key messages and reinforce members’ ownership as stakeholders in the Association’s brand and integrity as “The Voice for Real Estate.” This plan outlines a means of synchronizing the association’s communications model by providing members with new options to access important data and ways to more clearly identify the members personal benefit in engaging in all Association activities, events, and information. 19

STRENGTHS Charted in 1926, by the National Association of REALTORS®, CMR has been a viable member of the Jackson metro area for over 90 years. Our market area includes ten counties - representing the state’s largest local REALTOR® board. The membership-count has consistently increased over the past two years, reaching over 1,800 agents, brokers, and appraisers. An affiliate network of nearly 100 industry professionals proves our value to consumers. The state’s strongest REALTOR® Political Action Committee with over 60 Major Investors. The association has reached a new milestone in exceeding the State’s RPAC participation goal for the first time in history. CMR has met the NAR Core Standards Compliance Requirement for two years in a row.


STRENGTHS Staff Members are committed to improving the quality of services provided to its members. CMR’s communication program has been consistent and effective in reaching members with relevant data and statistics, invitations to education and events, Call for Action and emergency announcements. Our email open rates exceed the industry standard with an average of 40 percent. CMR has developed a purposeful relationship with the local news media and press which has proven to be valuable in heightening awareness of the REALTOR® brand and the association’s pointed message as “The Voice for Real Estate. In 2016, CMR published 110 articles in the Clarion Ledger Home Finder! CMR now utilizes text messaging services to reach REALTOR® members with important news and alerts. Over 500 members have subscribed to the messaging service to date. In 2016, CMR redesigned its website to accommodate a more user friendly web and mobile experience.


WEAKNESSES Organizational structure of message delivery. Proposed Action: Where possible, each department or commitee should make use of an annual communications calendar and streamline requests for communications and notices to members via email or text, graphic design and photography needs and/or website content required for successful marketing of events, announcements, etc. Considering the quantity of emails that CMR sends to its members, there is no clearly outlined method of when and how emails are distributed and by whom. Proposed Action: Employ a 90-day communication plan where possible to advertise or announce all Association events and action items. There are missing pieces and information gaps on the Association’s website. Proposed Action: Execute both a member and consumer feedback survey to solicit solutions on how to offer a better online experience and presence as “The Voice for Real Estate” in Central Mississippi.


OPPORTUNITIES There is an opportunity to improve the “What’s in it for me?” value of all messaging. Proposed Action: Consistently reinforce the value of membership and how our events, education and news impacts their daily work life and professional growth. There is an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from members regarding their communications preferences. Proposed Action: Consistently use and encourage members’ feedback through use of postevent surveys to members and consumers where possible.


THREATS A lack of REALTOR® Association advertisement amongst newly licensed agents may result in a loss of potential members. Proposed Action: Use CMR Leadership and Staff to visit and recruit newly licensed agents. Members that do not get well-connected in the first few years of membership may lose interest in our services, thus not finding value in the REALTOR® association. Proposed Action: Routinely solicit CMR’s new member’s feedback regarding their expectations of and satisfaction with REALTOR® membership with an intent to develop best practices for new member intake and orientation. REALTORS® who are not connected may threaten our ability to meet NAR’s Core Standards Requirement as it pertains to engaging in "Vote, Act, & Invest" activities. Proposed Action: Use leadership, committee chairs and board members in communication efforts to emphasize the importance of community outreach and advocacy. Create a “sense of belonging” through the use of more personalized invitations and action request items from CMR’s past and present leadership to engage “lost members.” Consider the use of direct mail for special requests. 29


CMR’s communication may become less valuable if key messages are buried by information overloading. Proposed Action: Employ an annual timetable for sending important notices to synchronize the communication efforts of each department. Assign a spokesperson for specific message types to create familiarity and more clearly outlining the function of leadership and Association staff members.


COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Develop Messaging Plan: Develop a communications timetable with specifics regarding association events, education and meetings. Segment Content Delivery: Develop a protocol for delivering messages to members by assigning communication roles for each staff member, committee and individual task force that may exist. Continue Website Improvement • Improve navigation, readability and visual impact for a seamless appearance. • Make font styles consistent with a simple and clean web design. • Maintain current information as appropriate for “easy button” access. • Improve the “ABOUT” “STAFF” and “BOARD” sections of the association’s website to easily outline key functions and preferred methods of contacting appropriate departments. • Fill the “holes” in missing data such as, How to Join, Young Professionals Network, Advocacy, Association Awards, Broker Involvement, Community Spotlights, & Consumer Information, etc. • Create a more user friendly experience with an ability to submit/upload documents. • Refresh the appearance of Association logos in website headings utilizing appropriate specifications. 33

TARGETED AUDIENCES 1. REALTOR® Leaders should be instrumental in amplifying the Association’s missions, goals and values. Our leaders are trusted by their peers and have large spheres of influence. Our members want to be as successful as their peers who are career driven professionals. 2. Brokers are critically important to the success of the Association. This group is not only a leader and mentor to existing and new agents, but they are also vested in the success of employees. It’s fundamentally important that the Association maintains open lines of communication that flow both to and from broker members. Additional measures may be taken to routinely solicit feedback for improved broker engagement in the Association. 3. Newly-licensed agents should receive regular communication from our Membership Department throughout their first year of obtaining a license. Targeted advertising to this group may encourage a steady pipeline of new members while strengthening efforts for enhancing professionalism across the bar.


KEY MESSAGES TO MEMBERS 1. REALTOR® membership is an investment. 2. Members may access a broad base of peer networking and mentorship. 3. The REALTOR® Political Action Committee is a united voice advocating for the protection of members’ businesses and consumer’s private property rights. 4. CMR Staff is knowledgeable, qualified, and is working diligently to implement their feedback and suggestions to enhance offerings. 5. We are unified and supportive of the three-tiered REALTOR® membership. 6. We encourage and routinely promote REALTOR® Safety.


KEY MESSAGES TO PUBLIC 1. Central Mississippi REALTORS® is “The Voice for Real Estate” in Central Mississippi. 2. REALTORS® are a trusted and professional brand of real estate agents who adhere to a strict Code of Ethics. 3. CMR’s REALTOR® Political Action Committee is a united voice advocating for consumer’s private property rights. 4. The local REALTOR® Association is involved with and invests regularly in our local community.


The Gift of Homeownership Will Bring Joy for Years to Come MEGAN HALL

Many people will open a few boxes today and experience true glee, joy and happiness in knowing that someone has thought so kindly of them to provide such an amusing gift. Glee, joy and happiness are also adjectives that one could also use to describe the excitement of celebrating a holiday in their very own home! As a REALTOR®, I get a chance to see this happen often. There is no price that compares to seeing a buyer’s eyes fill with tears of joy as they sign their closing documents and receive keys to their first home.

Buying a home is a huge deal and for most folks it the most expensive gift purchase they’ll ever make. If you have been holding back on making the leap into homeownership, here are 5 reasons why you should make 2017 your year to “get home” and give joy to your family for years to come: 1. Stabilize Expenses Did you know that you’re most likely paying someone else’s mortgage when you rent? That’s right. You could be paying off your own mortgage! It’s easier than ever to buy a home with loan programs requiring as little at 3 percent in a down payment. Current rates are still near historical lows which means buying could be cheaper than renting.

3. Be the Boss Take control of your environment. Owning your own home gives you the freedom to live as you wish. Express yourself and your personal style as much as you’d like. You’ll have more privacy too! No more worrying about the landlord or owners checking in on your place. That’s right, you’re the boss and it’s all yours! 4. Invest in Your Future Purchasing a home is one of the safest long-term investments you can make. Over time, you’ll begin to pay down your mortgage balance and the difference in what you owe and what the home is worth will be equity. If your property value appreciates you’ll build even more equity. It’s like a savings account that grows over time. You may borrow against or convert your equity into cash when you sell your home. 5. Go Mississippi! Did you know that $12K is generated from real estate industries every time a home is sold?! Additionally, $4500 is spent on furniture, appliances and remodeling. There’s one more thing to note-- when a home is sold an “economic multiplier” impact occurs at local restaurants, sports events, and other area businesses. The “multiplier” effect in Mississippi is estimated to be $7,677 per home sold. That’s a gift that will keep on giving in your local community for years to come!

Central Mississippi REALTORS® Strengthen Political Advocacy Efforts 2. Tax Season’s Coming Homeowners pay less income taxes because they can deduct home loan interest and property

found when you itemize deduc- REALTORS® are The Voice for Real Estate typically benefits areLocal These from their taxable Advocacy National U.S., the in theincome. association As the largest tradetaxes tions and other costs associated with homeownership that may exceed the standard deduction Megan Hall, President advocates Association of REALTORS® tax year. every day on behalf of The Central Mississippi REALTORS® Governmental Affairs Committee is geared up for in a given This group is charged with monitoring the local political environment year. busy a property million 75 and the nation’s 1.2 million REALTORS® owners. NAR is widely considered one of the most effective and staying abreast of issues that may affect real estate, private property rights To strengthen their role in local municipalities, CMR appointed homeownership. and advocacy organizations in the country. JEFFREY DILLON its first Political Affairs Director, Nita Martin, who will begin monitoring legislation and Rankin county areas. She will also coordinate strategies Madison Hinds, the in The REALTOR® Party was formed almost 50 years ago and is the only political group in the country that’s organized for and run by REALTORS®. REALTORS® may choose to implement legislative, community and consumer outreach and advocacy through the REALTOR® Party. Additionally, the month offered are that to support or endorse national, state and local candidates that will advocate programs against harmful legislation and threaten private property rights. It doesn’t matter of May has officially been designated by NAR as “REALTOR® Advocacy Month.” associations will travel to the nation’s capitol to local if the candidates are Republican or Democratic as long as they are in support of Leaders of the state and issues that are important to the profession of real estate and livelihood of private visit with congressmen about issues and housing policies that impact real estate nationwide during the week of May 15 – 19. property rights.

How Is the REALTOR® Party Funded? REALTOR® members take an oath to actively encourage legislation that’s good for the industry and homeownership and voluntarily contribute to the REALTOR® Party. Investment in the REALTOR® Political Action Committee does not buy votes but it does enable REALTORS® to have a united and powerful voice against forces that threaten the American Dream.

To learn more about Central Mississippi REALTORS’® Political Action Committee, visit http://centralmsrealtors.org/rpac/.

REALTORS® Are the Voice for Real Estate Jeffrey Dillon, President

METHODS Continuous Website improvement Centralmsrealtors.org serves as the information hub for all association news, courses, events and announcements. Strengthen communication to members via newsletters, targeted emails and social media campaigns. • “In the Loop”-- Since 2008, “In the Loop” news has been the primary source of noticing members of Association news, memos and event invitations. • Email: Email groups exist for board leadership, committees and Association staff for the purpose of daily interaction, facilitating collaboration among groups and to notice targeted audiences. • Facebook: This page provides the latest in Association and industry news. Our intended audience is members, consumers and the press. • Twitter: This page primarily highlights related industry news, market stats and updates. • Text: For limited use only. Text messages are sent to subscribers to provide urgent notices, deadlines and reminders for important events. 41


METHODS Improve consumer awareness of the REALTOR® via print and digital publications. • Press Release: Emails to press/media are used to announce urgent news, upcoming community events and the latest market heartbeat statistics which reinforce our brand as “The Voice for Real Estate” throughout Central Mississippi. • YouTube: There is an opportunity to improve our promotions of relevant industry and association news, market stats and consumer advice for using a REALTOR® in transactions. • Clarion Ledger’s Home Finder: The CMR news columns offer valuable advice for home buyers, sellers and agents. The columns maybe found within the Home Finder section of The Clarion Ledger newspaper each Sunday. The news column has been expanded to three sections of the Home Finder pages and is CMR’s most prominent announcement as “The Voice for Real Estate.”


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