2019 Homecoming Brochure

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OctOber 10-13



tHUrSDAY, OctOber 10 11:00am - 5:00pm cEntrE Day at tHE racEs Saddling Paddock Chalet, Keeneland, Lexington, KY $55 per person. Space is limited.

FrIDAY, OctOber 11 8:30am - 5:30pm aLuMnI rEcEptIOn Chenault Alumni House 11:00 AM -1:00pm bIcEntEnnIaL LuncH & LEarn WItH Dr. & Mrs. MIcHaEL F. aDaMs, Evans-Lively Room, Old Carnegie $10 per person 11:30am 1954, 1959, 1964 rEunIOn LuncHEOns Danville Country Club, Danville, KY 11:30am 1969 rEunIOn LuncHEOn Beaumont Inn, Harrodsburg, KY

4:00 - 6:00pm stEpHEn rOLFE pOWELL: a rEtrOspEctIvE & rEcEptIOn AEGON Gallery, Jones Visual Arts Center Join us for a reception and come see the exhibit with artwork spanning the long career of beloved Centre alumnus, professor, and renowned glassmaker Stephen Rolfe Powell (1951-2019). 4:30pm buILDIng DEDIcatIOn cErEMOny Northside Residence Hall 5:00pm EnvIrOnMEntaL stuDIEs & sustaInabILIty rEcEptIOn Lobby, Young Hall 6:00pm WOMEn’s sOccEr vs. HEnDrIx Amend Field, Soccer Complex 6:30 - 8:00pm cEntrE assOcIatEs rEcEptIOn deLUX VIP Tent, Festival Lawn (invitation only) 6:30pm 50tH annIvErsary aLuMnI sWIM MEEt & cELEbratIOn Boles Natatorium & Evans-Lively Room, Old Carnegie Bring your swimsuit and camera to capture the excitement and competition between current students & alumni swimmers! Join us at 8:00PM for a celebration with former coaches, swimmers, and divers. 8:00pm MEn’s sOccEr vs. HEnDrIx Amend Field, Soccer Complex

12:00 - 4:00pm stuDEnt-guIDED caMpus tOurs Chenault Alumni House (hourly) 1:00 -10:00pm Lux On tHE LaWn Festival Lawn, Campus Center Grab your lawn chair and stake out a spot on the lawn to enjoy a musical line-up from Raggedy Robin String Band, Brandi Hart, Jeri Katherine Howell and Kentucky Ensemble, Chip Greene, and Cadey and The Arrows! Enjoy food & drink vendors, Centre merchandise, and lots of fun and revelry throughout the day! For info, visit alumni.centre.edu/LUX19 3:30pm stEppErs WItH purpOsE stEp sHOW LUX on the Lawn Stage, Festival Lawn

SAtUrDAY, OctOber 12 8:30am - 5:30pm aLuMnI rEcEptIOn Chenault Alumni House 9:00 -10:30am prEsIDEnt’s gOLDEn rEunIOn brEakFast Craik House (Classes 1969 and earlier) 9:00AM - 5:00pm stEpHEn rOLFE pOWELL: a rEtrOspEctIvE AEGON Gallery, Jones Visual Arts Center The exhibit showcases artwork spanning the long career of beloved Centre alumnus, professor, and renowned glassmaker Stephen Rolfe Powell (1951-2019).

9:00am bEta OpEn HOusE & taILgatE Beta Theta Pi, Breeze House

12:00pm pHI kappa tau aLuMnI rEunIOn Phi Kappa Tau House

9:00am pHI DELta tHEta aLuMnI WELcOME & taILgatE Phi Delta Theta House

12:00pm aLpHa DELta pI 20tH annIvErsary cELEbratIOn Alpha Delta Pi House

9:30 - 11:00Am HIstOry prOgraM sOcIaL brEakFast Lobby, Norton Center for the Arts

12:30pm sIstEr tO sIstEr aLuMnaE LuncHEOn Evans-Lively Room, Old Carnegie

10:00AM - 12:00pm bLack aLuMnI cHaptEr kIck-OFF & rEcEptIOn Evans-Lively Room, Old Carnegie

1:00pm aLuMnI LuncHEOn Cowan Dining Commons, Campus Center $10 per person

10:30Am bEnEFactOrs pLaza unvEILIng Behind Old Centre Join us as we celebrate Centre’s Lifetime Giving Societies and unveil the Plaza’s newest members.

1:00pm brOWn FELLOWs rEunIOn Combs Center (The Warehouse)

11:00am FIELD HOckEy aLuMnaE gaME South Fields Complex

1:00 - 5:00pm grEat cEntrE EscapE rOOM & LIbrary Fan cLub DrOp-In Grace Doherty Library Register for Centre Escape at alumni.centre.edu/escape

11:00am vOLLEybaLL vs. HEnDrIx Alumni Gymnasium, Sutcliffe Hall

1:00pm cOMp scI & Data scI rEcEptIOn Lobby, Young Hall

11:00am kat’s cHIckEn & WaFFLEs Kappa Alpha Theta House

1:30pm rEsIDEnt assIstant rEunIOn Residence Life Office, Nevin Hall

11:00am kappa kappa gaMMa rEunIOn Kappa Kappa Gamma House

2:00pm FOOtbaLL vs. sEWanEE Joe McDaniel Field, Farris Stadium

11:00am trI DELta rEunIOn Delta Delta Delta House

2:00pm saE & kD sILEnt auctIOn Between Crounse Hall & Sutcliffe Hall

11:30am - 1:00PM aLuMnI rEcOgnItIOn cErEMOny Weisiger Theatre, Norton Center for the Arts

3:30pm DELta kappa EpsILOn HOMEcOMIng Delta Kappa Epsilon House

12:00 - 4:00pm stuDEnt-guIDED caMpus tOurs Chenault Alumni House (hourly)

4:00 - 6:00pm JurassIc park rEunIOn WItH EMErItus prOFEssOrs 206 N. Maple Avenue Catch up with some Centre favorites – Don Brown, Neil Eklund, Bill Garriott, Mike Hamm, Eric Mount, Walter Nimocks, Phyllis Passariello, Donna Plummer, Milton Reigelman, Milton Scarborough, Christine Shannon, and Charles Vahlkamp!

12:00 - 2:00pm rELIgIOn/MatH/EcOnOMIcs aLuMnI taILgatE Parking Lot, Crounse Hall

5:00 - 9:00pm DIvErsIty stuDEnt unIOn DInnEr & DancE Combs Center (The Warehouse) 5:00 - 7:00pm 1954, 1959, 1964 cLass rEunIOns For details, visit alumni.centre.edu/reunions 5:00 - 8:00pm 1969-2014 cLass rEunIOns For details, visit alumni.centre.edu/reunions 5:30pm sIgMa cHI aLuMnI OpEn HOusE Sigma Chi House 7:30 - 9:00pm styx Newlin Hall, Norton Center for the Arts

cEntrE bOOkstOrE HOurs

110 3rd Street, adjacent to the Hub Café Friday: 9:00am - 6:30pm Saturday: 9:00am - 6:30pm Sunday: 9:00am - 3:00pm Shop for a Centre souvenir at the bookstore, located downtown at Third and Main streets! Enjoy coffee, pastries, and sandwiches in the Hub Café.

cEntrE aLuMnI, bIcEntEnnIaL & Lux sHOp

Campus Center Friday: 1:00 - 6:00pm Saturday: 12:00 - 3:00pm Shop for Centre Alumni & Bicentennial items found on alumni.centre.edu/shop during your visit!


Follow Centre Alumni on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep up with all the latest news! #CentreAlumni Drawing from over four decades of barn-burning chart hits and joyous singalongs, the multimegamillionselling rock band Styx has forged an indelible legacy both on record and on stage. Like a symphony that builds to a satisfying crescendo, a Styx set covers a SponSored by wide range of stylistic cornerstones.

SUNDAY, OctOber 13 11:00am vOLLEybaLL vs. rHODEs Alumni Gymnasium, Sutcliffe Hall 12:00pm WOMEn’s sOccEr vs. rHODEs Amend Field, Soccer Complex 2:30PM MEn’s sOccEr vs. rHODEs Amend Field, Soccer Complex

Q U E S T I O NS ? call


gEnEraL InFOrMatIOn

Centre alumni & guests may park in all student and faculty/staff lots. (Additional parking is also available in the Danville city parking garage, located on the corner of Walnut and Third streets.) Visit alumni.centre.edu/hc19 for up-to-date Homecoming information. We encourage casual, comfortable, and GOLD & WHITE attire for the weekend!

REGISTER ONLINE alumni.centre.edu/hc19

2019 homecoming

Last ChanCe! Don’t miss out on the Bicentennial Celebration at Centre on October 10 - 13! Check out alumni.centre.edu/hc19 to RSVP and to view the latest updates.

600 West Walnut Street Danville, Kentucky 40422

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