Does your school qualify for FREE TICKETS? Through Norton Center A.C.T.S. (Arts for the Classroom Ticket Subsidy), a number of free or deeply discounted tickets, based on qualifying criteria, are available to public schools in Kentucky, providing access for students to attend and engage in high-quality and professional performing arts programs presented on our stages. Norton Center A.C.T.S. helps to maximize attendance and provide access to these crucial life-enhancing experiences for Kentucky youth by greatly reducing financial barriers. For the 2018-2019 Matinee Series, a specific number of A.C.T.S. tickets have been allocated for the following counties: Boyle County, Burgin Independent, Danville Independent, Fayette, Garrard, Lincoln, Mercer, Marion, and Washington. *NEW* Public schools outside of these counties may also apply for A.C.T.S. funding, and will be granted tickets on a first come, first served basis. Book early to ensure your students can take advantage of this opportunity!
Public school teachers may apply to receive an $8 subsidy per ticket, making Norton Center Student Matinee ticket prices completely FREE. Please select the show you wish to attend: n ThE WESTErLIES
n American Shakespeare Center
ThE CoMEDy oF ErrorS
n Theater unspeakable’s AMErICAN rEvoLuTIoN
No. of FREE student tickets: (discounted from $8)
$ FREE _______________ = _______
$ FREE No. of FREE chaperone tickets: _______________ = _______ (1 per every 10 students)
No. of paying adult tickets: ($ 20 per ticket)
_______________ = _______
No. of paying students tickets: _______________ = _______ ($8 per ticket)
ToTAL: _______________ = _______ No. of tickets
Amount due
Teacher’s Name:_____________________________________________________________ School:______________________________County:________________________________ Grade & Subject:_____________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________State:__________Zip:__________ School Phone:__________________________Email:________________________________ Norton Center A.C.T.S. is made possible this season by: The 2018 A.C.T.S. Fund Drive • U.S. Bank Foundation • Corning Foundation DEAL, Inc. • Trim Masters Charitable Foundation
Please share with other teachers or leave in the break room. Thanks!
Flip Fabrique: Catch Me!
600 West Walnut Street Danville, Kentucky 40422
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 850 Lexington, KY