1 minute read
Mystery Shopping is a valuable tool
This year has seen the storage industry workplace change, with staff working remotely, split shifts and an increase in remote access. COVID-19 has changed the way we work, and as a result, managing teams and their performance is not as easy as it once was.
How are your staff performing? It might be time for a routine check-up. Your SSAA Membership provides many benefits with special rates for various services, which includes Mystery Shopping.
Mystery shopping assesses whether your staff are providing an engaging customer experience.
The SSAA works with Quality Results who can either send their shoppers to your facility or call to be able to complete the assessments. They do this to help improve the bottom line, not to pick out all of the ‘bad stuff’. They want to be able to provide businesses with the tools that work to make the experience positive in all aspects.
By understanding your business from the mindset of the customers, gives businesses peace of mind. Mystery shopping helps determine whether or not each staff member is maximising all opportunities and ensures that companies are confident that customers are treated with respect and are provided with all the information to make informed decisions. When Quality Results attend a facility, they are doing the same as they do over the phone, listening, and observing by looking at the presentation of the facility, the security and the overall feeling of the experience.
Customer’s do not always make decisions based on price alone. Yes, this will come into the decision-making process, but before a person even considers the cost, they will first make an emotional decision. l
For more information on Mystery shopping, contact our office today via email admin@selfstorage.com.au.
new standard storage agreement * now available!

*only available to financial members
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