Martens Centre Activity Report 2017

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Š February 2018 - Wilfried Martens Centre

Martens Centre Activity Report 2017 Editors: José Luis Fontalba Anna van Oeveren Publication Design: Oblique: Brussels, February 2018 The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies is the political foundation and think tank of the European People’s Party (EPP) and is dedicated to the promotion of Christian Democrat, conservative and like-minded political values. For more information please visit:

This publication receives funding from the European Parliament. © Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies 2018 Photos used in this publication: © Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies 2017 The European Parliament assumes no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in this publication or their subsequent use. Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies +32 (0) 2 300 80 04 Rue du Commerce 20 B-1000 Brussels

2017 Highlights


27–29 MAR.

26 APR.

Transatlantic Think Tank Conference



Table of Contents Martens Centre Activity Report 2017




About Us

12 14 16 18 22 23 24 25 24

Executive Board Honorary Board Academic Council Research Associates Staff Visiting Fellows Individual Members Internships Member Foundations

2018 20 JUN.

7 NOV.


The Economic Ideas Forum





Publications & Events


Research: Publications over 2017




European View



Future of Europe

Game changers in European defence


Shorter Publications


Food for Thought




Transatlantic Think Tank Conference


Sideline Events at the EPP 2017 Congress in Malta


Crisis in the Liberal World Order


The Economic Ideas Forum




Common Projects




Projects with Member Foundations


Projects with External Partners



a broad variety of topics—anything from their legislative work to food preferences, from weekly causes to weekend hobbies. Another exciting new venture this year was the launch of podcasts. The Europe Out Loud series features Federico Ottavio Reho, who redefines political correctness with the help of razor-sharp arguments and beautifully drawn historical parallels. The Defence Dialogue, with host Niklas Nováky, features discussions with defence experts and policymakers on the pressing issues of European cooperation on defence and security.


Unity in Adversity

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (or Martens Centre) had another exciting year in 2017. During this time it strengthened its network of member foundations, which now comprises 32 members and more than 14 partners. Ten Years . . . Young! The story of the Martens Centre begins in September 2007, when the Centre for European Studies was established. Our mission was to develop an ambitious project for a united Europe and to promote the values of the European People’s Party (EPP). Our think tank started off small, with just three people on board. Today we have a team of over 20 talented and dynamic individuals at our Brussels headquarters, and we cooperate with more than 40 member foundations and partner organisations across Europe. Every year we organise over 100 events. In this way we have developed a platform for centre–right decision-makers, experts and thinkers to discuss and exchange views on current issues and to debate proposals to address the foremost challenges facing Europe.



Net@Work: Putting the Network at Work NET@WORK is the first public platform where European centre–right think tanks can debate and advocate EU policies. On 26 April experts, politicians and stakeholders from various EU countries met for a full day of round-table discussions. Hosted by 12 national think tanks in the Martens Centre network, the discussions covered a wide variety of topics: migration and the refugee crisis, foreign- and security-policy challenges, EU political and economic reforms, populism and disinformation.

Up Close and Personal In 2017 the Centre launched a new series of candid interviews called ‘I say Europe, you say . . .?’ Centre–right movers and shakers behind the European project are asked questions on

Despite the EU’s official motto, ‘United in Diversity’, the bloc is experiencing a profound crisis in which diversity is threatening to dispel unity. The book Unity in Adversity: Immigration, Minorities and Religion, edited by Vít Novotný, was published as part of a joint programme which was launched in 2015 by the Martens Centre and its member foundations. The programme aimed to assist the EPP and its member parties in developing a common language on the issues of culture, religion, identity and diversity in Europe. It included the preparation of the volume and a number of common projects that the Martens Centre and its partner organisations organised across the EU in 2016. The book was successfully launched at the European Parliament in June 2017.

Europe, Get Ready for the Makers Revolution! On 20 June Makerstown came to Brussels for the second time. Held at Autoworld, it brought to the European capital 50 young and innovative Makers—a new generation of entrepreneurs and DIY experts empowered by Web 3.0 tools, technology and crowdfunding. Part fair and part conference, Makerstown was organised in partnership with Think Young, the first think tank to lobby exclusively for young people.

The Economic Ideas Forum 2017 : Rewarded! On 7 November the Martens Centre hosted the eighth annual Economic Ideas Forum. The Forum brings together economic experts, EU heads of state and government, European Commissioners, ministers, business leaders and other influential stakeholders from around the world. It provides an opportunity to identify innovative ideas and place them within the policymaking processes of the EPP. At this year’s Forum, for the first time, the famous ‘EPP Talks’ were hosted, in cooperation with the EPP. In 2017, the EIF was awarded the European Excellence Award in the category ‘Best political workshop or congress’. The aim of the European Excellence Awards is to recognise and reward organisations and teams that lead by example in implementing innovative and forward-thinking strategies and practices in the field of public affairs.

Reforming Ukraine Throughout 2017 the Martens Centre continued to organise visits by senior EU decision-makers and reformers to Kyiv. This was done in the framework of #UkraineReforms, a key project focusing on Ukraine and its path to the rule of law, democracy and a functional market economy. Initiated in late 2014 under the leadership of Martens Centre President Mikuláš Dzurinda, #UkraineReforms is a project carried out by the Centre with the support and expertise of its local partners in Ukraine: the Kyiv School of Economics, the Ukrainian Center for European Policy and the Reanimation Package of Reforms. The aim of the project is to facilitate the transfer of experience and know-how in support of the reform process in Ukraine.


About Us

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (formerly the Centre for European Studies) was established in 2007 as the political foundation and official think tank of the EPP. lt embodies a pan-European mindset based on centre–right, Christian Democrat, conservative and like-minded political values and research. It serves as a framework for national political foundations linked to member parties of the EPP. The Martens Centre helps prepare EPP programmes and policy documents. It organises seminars and training on EU policies and on the process of European integration. The Centre also contributes to formulating EU and national public policies. It produces research papers and books, policy briefs and the twice-yearly European View journal. Its research activities are divided into six clusters: party structures and EU institutions, economic and social policies, EU foreign policy, environment and energy, values and religion, and new societal challenges. Through its papers, publication launches, conferences and online activities, the Martens Centre offers a platform for discussion among experts, politicians, policymakers and the European public. At the beginning of 2014, the Centre was renamed in honour of its late president and founder, Wilfried Martens, the EPP’s longstanding president and a former prime minister of Belgium.


About Us

12 14

Executive Board Honorary Board


Academic Council


Research Associates




Visiting Fellows


Individual Members




Member Foundations

Executive Board This board is composed of a maximum of eight members, including the president and the secretary treasurer, all of whom are elected by the General Assembly of the Centre. Its roles range from drafting the annual programme based on agreed research priorities and ensuring the legal representation and financial supervision of the activities of the Centre, to steering the expansion of the Centre’s network of member organisations.

Antonio López-Istúriz Secretary Treasurer

Mr López-Istúriz is the Secretary Treasurer of the Martens Centre, EPP Secretary General and a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). From 1999 to 2002 he worked as personal adviser to former Prime Minister of Spain Jose Maria Aznar. Mr López-Istúriz has been the Secretary General of the Centrist Democrat International since 2002 and is a member of the National Executive Committee of the People’s Party (Partido Popular).

Mikuláš Dzurinda President

Mr Dzurinda has been the President of the Martens Centre since December 2013. He was the Prime Minister of Slovakia from 1998 to 2006, during which time he introduced far-reaching reforms enabling Slovakia to begin the process of joining the EU and NATO. Mr Dzurinda is also a founding father of the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party, of which he was the chairman from 2000 to 2012. He also held the positions of Minister of Transportation and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and between 2012 and 2016 he was a member of the Slovak Parliament. In 2007 he was awarded the F. A. Hayek International Prize for his reforms and struggle against bureaucracy. In 2014 he was awarded the Great Prize of Leopold Kunschak in Vienna. He is member of the Friends of Ukraine group, an initiative that promotes the importance of a reformed and European Ukraine. Under Mr Dzurinda’s leadership, the Martens Centre initiated in 2017 the #UkraineReforms programme, which strives to support the reform process in the country.


Joseph Daul Mr Daul became President of the EPP in November 2013 and was Chair of the EPP Group in the European Parliament from 2007 to 2014. He was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 as a member of Les Républicains. Mr Daul has been awarded the titles Officier du Mérite Agricole, Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite and Officier de la Légion d’Honneur by France. He is also a recipient of the Grosses Verdienstkreuz from Germany.

Tobias Billström

Benjamin Dalle

Tobias Billström is currently the Chief Whip and Parliamentary Group Leader of the Moderate Party in the Swedish Parliament. He was elected as a Member of Parliament for the Moderate Party in 2002. From 2006 to 2014 he was Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy in the Reinfeldt Government. Tobias Billström served as Vice-President of the EPP from 2012 to 2015 and as the First Deputy Speaker of the Riksdag from 2014 to 2017. He has focussed on issues concerning justice, security and freedom for European citizens.

Benjamin Dalle is the Director of CEDER, the study centre of the CD&V, and an affiliated researcher at the Institute of Constitutional Law at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven). Between 2011 and 2014 he was head of staff to the Belgian secretary of state for state reform, buildings agency and sustainable development. In this capacity he dealt primarily with the implementation of the sixth state reform. From the end of 2014 to early 2016, Benjamin Dalle was a Deputy Chief of Staff to the Belgian minister of justice.

János Martonyi

Roberta Metsola

Hans-Gert Pöttering

János Martonyi served as the Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1998–2002 and 2010–14. Among his many professions he has been a university professor, politician, attorney and international arbitrator. He has authored numerous publications. He has been awarded the Commander’s Cross with the Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, the Szechenyi Prize and the Hungarian American Coalition 2016 Award (by Hungary); the Chevalier de l‘Ordre National du Mérite and Commandeur de la Légion d‘Honneur (by France); and the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun of Japan.

Ms Metsola was first elected to the European Parliament in 2013, becoming one of Malta’s first female MEPs. She is the Vice-Chair of the Petitions Committee in the European Parliament and the EPP Group’s Coordinator in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Prior to her election as an MEP, Ms Metsola served within the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU and as a legal adviser to the high representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policy.

Hans-Gert Pöttering was Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation from 2010 to the end of 2017. When he retired in 2014, he was the only MEP to have continuously served in the European Parliament since the first European elections in 1979. From 1999 to 2007 he was the Chair of the EPP-ED (Christian Democrats) Group, and from 2007 to 2009 he was the President of the European Parliament. The many European honours Hans-Gert Pöttering has received include the Grand Cross with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Commandeur de la Légion d‘Honneur (France).

About Us: Executive Board


Honorary Board The newly formed Honorary Board aims to reinforce the expertise of the Centre, not only for enhancing the think tank’s expert profile, but also in order to boost its intellectual capacity, enabling our experts to address the EU’s current and future challenges. The members of the board are all former prime ministers or former heads of EU institutions belonging to the EPP family, with a successful track record of country and institutional reforms.


Mikuláš Dzurinda President

José María Aznar

Jan Krzysztof Bielecki

Jan Peter Balkenende

José María Aznar was Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004. During his two terms he led an important process of economic and social reform and fought terrorism. He is currently the Honorary Chairman of the People’s Party (Partido Popular), which he chaired between 1990 and 2004. He is also Executive President of the Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis, which is a member foundation of the Martens Centre.

Jan Krzysztof Bielecki has been Prime Minister of Poland and Poland’s Minister for European Integration. He is the co-founder of the Liberal Democratic Congress and Freedom Union, and the Executive Director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. From 2009 to 2015 he was the President of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. And from 2010 to 2014 he served as the Chairman of the Economic Council, a position to which he was appointed by Prime Minister Donald Tusk. In 2015 he joined Ernst & Young Poland as Chairman of the Partners Board.

Dr Balkenende was Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010. He began his career at the Research Institute of the Christian Democratic Appeal party (Christen Democratisch Appèl, CDA). In 1998 he became a Member of Parliament, and in 2001 he was elected Chairman of the CDA parliamentary fraction. After his premiership he retired from active politics and became a Partner for Corporate Responsibility at Ernst & Young and Professor of Governance, Institutions and Internationalization at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

About Us: Honorary Board

Andrius Kubilius

John Bruton

Pedro Passos Coelho

Andrius Kubilius was Prime Minister of Lithuania from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012. From 2003 to 2015 he led the conservative party Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats. For his effective economic policies during the 2008 global financial crisis, he was awarded the 2012 World Leader Cycle Award in the field of economics by the Economic Faculty Association Rotterdam at the Erasmus University.

John Bruton was the Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) from 1994 to 1997. He served as EU ambassador to the US from 2004 to 2009 and is a former Vice-President of the EPP. John Bruton held a number of senior ministries in the Irish government, including Minister for Finance and Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism. He graduated from University College Dublin in 1968 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and politics, and then went on to study to become a barrister.

Pedro Passos Coelho was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 2011 to 2015. By defeating José Sócrates of the Socialists, he achieved a historic win for his Social Democratic Party. He had had a long career in the youth branch of this same party, where he was a member of the National Council and Chairman of the Political Committee. He has been the leader of the party since 2010. Together with a group of his supporters, he founded the think tank Construir Ideias (Building Ideas).

Lawrence Gonzi

Carl Bildt

Antonis Samaras

Lawrence Gonzi was Prime Minister of Malta from 2004 to 2013, when he was also the leader of the Nationalist Party. He also served as the Speaker of the House, the Minister of Social Policy and a Deputy Prime Minister. He piloted crucial economic and political reforms and spearheaded both Malta’s adoption of the euro and the entry into force of the Schengen agreement. Gonzi’s role in breaking Malta’s longstanding relationship with the Gaddafi regime and in assisting NATO during the Libyan conflict has been acknowledged internationally.

Carl Bildt was the Prime Minister of Sweden from 1991 to 1994 and the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2014. Being a renowned international diplomat, he has served as EU Special Envoy to the Former Yugoslavia, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Special Envoy to the Balkans and Co-Chairman of the Dayton Peace Conference. He is Chair of the Global Commission on Internet Governance and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Europe.

In 2012 Antonis C. Samaras became Prime Minister of Greece and formed a three-party coalition government. He has also served as Greece’s Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Culture. In 2009 he was elected by 700,000 party members as the seventh President of the New Democracy party. As the head of this party, he was the leader of the Opposition in the Parliament of Greece from January 2015 to July 2015. He is currently a member of the Hellenic Parliament.

Jacques Santer

Wolfgang Schüssel

Herman Van Rompuy

Jacques Santer was the 9th President of the European Commission from 1995 to 1999 and Prime Minister of Luxembourg in the period of 1984 to 1995. As Prime Minister he led negotiations on the Single European Act. During his career, Santer was also a member of the European Parliament, and now holds the post of President of the Group Europe, part of the Union of European Federalists.

Wolfgang Schüssel is a former Chancellor of Austria. He chaired the European Council during Austria’s EU Presidency in the first half of 2006. He has served as Austria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs. He has also been National Chairman of the Austrian People’s Party. He has been a President of United Europe since 2013 and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since 2015.

In 2009 Herman van Rompuy was elected as the first full-time President of the European Council. He was re-elected for a second term in 2012. At the time of his first election, he was the Prime Minister of Belgium. He had previously served as Belgium’s Speaker of the House of Representatives, Vice–Prime Minister and Minister of Budget, Minister of State, and Secretary of State for Finance and Small Businesses. In 2014 he won the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen for his role in the EU.

About Us: Honorary Board


Academic Council To increase the academic scope of the Martens Centre and to ensure its research, studies and activities meet the highest scholarly standards, the Executive Board nominates esteemed academics and researchers as members of the Academic Council. The role of the Council includes enhancing the Centre’s standing and visibility in the academic sphere and contributing expertise, advice and ideas to ensure that the Centre always pursues cutting-edge research. The Academic Council also proposes new and innovative projects and implements the highest standard of peer review.

Werner Fasslabend

Bruno Aguilera-Barchet

Werner Fasslabend is the Chair of the Martens Centre’s Academic Council. Between 1987 and 2007 he was a member of the Austrian National Council. He was the third President of the National Council (2000–2) and served as the federal Minister of Defence for 10 years (1990–2000).

Dr Aguilera-Barchet is Professor of comparative legal history and Director of the Institute for International Law Studies at King Juan Carlos University in Madrid. He has been a visiting fellow at Harvard Law School and is currently a visiting professor at the Law School at the University of Paris XII. He is the author of many articles and books, most of which deal with the rule of law in the European legal tradition.

John Bruton John Bruton was the Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) from 1994 to 1997. He served as EU ambassador to the US from 2004 to 2009 and is a former Vice-President of the EPP. John Bruton held a number of senior ministries in the Irish government, including Minister for Finance and Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism. He graduated from University College Dublin in 1968 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and politics, and then went on to study to become a barrister.


About Us: Academic Council

Olof Ehrenkrona Olof Ehrenkrona is Sweden’s Consul General in the Aland Islands. He is a member of both the Executive Board and the Academic Council of the Martens Centre. Previously he served as an ambassador, and he was also a senior adviser to the Swedish minister for foreign affairs, in which capacity he dealt with issues related to globalisation. He is also a policy adviser at the Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation. During the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of Eastern and Central Europe in the early 1990s, he was head of policy planning in the Swedish prime minister’s office.

George Galanos

Jos J.A.M. van Gennip

Dr Galanos is a lecturer in international economic relations at the Economics Department of the Democritus University of Thrace. He holds a Ph.D. in international economics and tourism competitiveness from the University of Piraeus, an MBA focused on tourism management and a B.Sc. in economics. In 2002–9 he worked as a researcher and as head of the European Programmes Department in the Evaluation of Development Policies and Programmes research centre of the University of Thessaly.

Jos J. A. M. van Gennip is President of the Socires Foundation, Chair of the Food First Coalition, a member of the General Council at Inter Press Service and General Rapporteur for the political platform of the EPP. Previously he was a member of the Upper House of the Dutch Parliament. He also worked as the Deputy Director General at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as Chair of the Economic Committee of NATO.

Martti Häikiö

Dr Maddalena is Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Communication at the University of Molise, Italy. His work focuses on American philosophy and more specifically on Charles S. Peirce and the classic pragmatists. He proposed a new paradigm for practical reasoning in The Philosophy of Gesture (McGill–Queen’s University Press, 2015).

Since 1978 Dr Häikiö has been a full-time historian and adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki’s Institute of Political and Social History. During the past 10 years he has published 7 books on the history of the interplay of innovation, regulation and business, especially during the third industrial revolution. Most recently he has published a biography of P. E. Svinhufvud, the first prime minister and head of state of the independent Finland.

Žiga Turk Dr Turk holds a Ph.D. in technical sciences and is a Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2007–8 he was the Minister for Growth in the government of Slovenia; in 2008–10 he was the Secretary General of the Reflection Group on the Future of Europe in Brussels; and in 2012–13 he was Slovenia’s Minister for Education, Science, Culture and Sports. He is interested in strategic policymaking in the areas of innovation, creativity, and research and development, and studies the impact of technology on society.

Miet Smet Miet Smet was the founder (1973) and first President (until 1982) of Vrouw en Maatschappij (Woman and Society), the Christian People’s Party’s political organisation for women. She was elected to the Belgian Chamber of People’s Representatives in 1978. In 1985 she became State Secretary of Environmental Affairs and negotiated an equal opportunities portfolio. Miet Smet was an MEP from 1999 to 2004. She became a Minister of State in 2002 and has been a member of the Flemish Parliament since 2004 and a Belgian senator since 2007.

Giovanni Maddalena

Mart Laar Mart Laar is a member of the International Council of the Human Rights Foundation and honorary Chair of the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union. From April 2011 to May 2012 he served as the Estonian Minister of Defence. He had previously served as Prime Minister (1992–4 and 1999–2002) and member of the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu). In 2006 he was the recipient of the Cato lnstitute’s Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty.

Yannis G. Valinakis Dr Valinakis has been Greece’s Deputy

Minister of Foreign Affairs, a member of the Greek Parliament (2004–9) and the Jean Monnet Professor of European affairs at the University of Athens. He is currently the President of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence at the University of Athens and the President of the Scientific Council of the

Law School at the University of Nicosia. He is also a senior visiting fellow at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published widely in international and European journals in five languages.

About Us: Academic Council


Giselle Bosse

Research Associates Research associates are politically like-minded academics who contribute research papers, short analyses and blogs, and give advice on current affairs.


About Us: Research Associates

Dr Bosse is an Assistant Professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. She holds an MA degree from the College of Europe, Natolin and a Ph.D. from the University of Aberystwyth in the UK. Her research focuses on the EU’s relations with autocratic regimes in its closer and wider neighbourhood, and specifically on EU member states’ trade relations with autocratic regimes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, including arms exports and trade in natural resources.

Svante E. Cornell Dr Cornell is the Director of the Central Asia–Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, a joint research and policy centre affiliated with Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. He is a co-founder of the Institute for Security and Development Policy in Stockholm.

Angelos Chryssogelos

Katarína Králiková

Dr Chryssogelos teaches European politics and international relations at King’s College London. His interests lie in the EU’s external relations, foreign policy in Europe and European party politics. Besides being a Martens Centre Research Associate, he is an Associate Fellow of the Europe Programme of Chatham House and an associate of the Hellenic Observatory at the European Institute of the London School of Economics. He is also the President of the Athensbased think tank Hellenic Conservative Policy Institute. He holds a doctoral degree from the European University Institute in Florence.

Katarina Králiková is a diplomat with the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously she was a Martens Centre Research Officer and Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the Centre’s policy journal the European View. During her time at the Martens Centre, she focused mainly on foreign policy issues. Before joining the Centre, Katarina Králiková worked at the European Parliament in the Directorate General for Internal Policies in Brussels.

Florian Hartleb Dr Hartleb is a former research fellow at the Martens Centre. He is currently working in Tallinn, Estonia as a political consultant on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation. In this capacity he deals with issues related to digital society, among others. He also contributes to international media and events on current political topics such as populism, Euroscepticism and terrorism. Most recently he has produced an official report for the city of Munich on the 22 July 2016 terrorist attacks. His latest book is entitled Die Stunde der Populisten. Wie sich unsere Politik trumpetisiert und was wir dagegen tun können (Schwalbach/ Ts., 2017).

Hans Geeroms Dr Geeroms obtained a Ph.D. in economics from KU Leuven after completing his undergraduate and master’s studies at the KU Leuven and KU Brussels. He is Professor of European economic policy at the College of Europe and KU Leuven (Brussels Campus), Senior Adviser for European policy at the National Bank of Belgium and a member of the European Central Bank’s International Relations Committee and the EU’s Economic and Financial Committee. Dr Geeroms is also a former adviser on EU economic policy to Belgian Prime Ministers Leterme and Van Rompuy.

Jürgen Matthes Jürgen Matthes heads the Research Unit International Economics and Economic Outlook at the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (lnstitut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln), the largest privately financed economic think tank in Germany. Before taking up this position in 2015, he held several positions at the Cologne Institute, which he joined in 1995. He studied economics in Dortmund and Dublin (1988–95). Jürgen Matthes has published on a wide range of topics, including the EMU, current-account imbalances in the euro area, the competitiveness of nations, the pros and cons of globalisation, structural economic change, trade policy and the global financial crisis.

Magnus Norell Magnus Norell is currently Associate Director of Studies in Terrorism, Organised Crime and Middle East Politics at lnfosphere in Stockholm. He also serves as an adjunct scholar at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and as a senior policy adviser at the European Foundation for Democracy in Brussels. He specialises in matters related to terrorism, political violence, democracy and security in the Middle East and Central Asia.

About Us: Research Associates


Michalis Peglis

Salome Samadashvili

Dr Peglis was Senior Policy Advisor to Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of New Democracy (Nea Demokratia) and Leader of the Opposition in Greece. His field of expertise is boosting economic growth and the implementation of structural reforms. Before taking up this position, he served as Deputy Director for EU and International Affairs in the office of former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (2012–14). In this capacity he monitored the implementation of Greece’s adjustment programme in cooperation with the Troika institutions. He holds a Ph.D. in European political parties from the University of Macedonia and a master’s degree in public administration and public policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Ambassador Samadashvili can look back on a decade-long career in public service in her native country, Georgia. Following the democratic Rose Revolution of 2003, she was elected to be a member of the Parliament of Georgia and Deputy Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee. ln October 2005 she was appointed to represent her country in Brussels as the head of Georgia’s Mission to the EU and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Belgium and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. She left the Georgian diplomatic service in April 2013. She is a recipient of the Presidential Decoration of Splendour for her service to Georgia.

Steven Van Hecke Katharina Senge Katharina Senge is advisor to the spokeswoman on integration policy for the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag. She is a Ph.D. candidate at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen-Nurnberg. Her research focuses on European migration policies in the context of the European neighbourhood policy.

Dr Van Hecke is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at KU Leuven, where he teaches European and comparative politics. He holds a doctorate in social sciences from the same institution. His research focuses on, among other areas, European integration and political parties, including transnational parties.

Raquel Vaz-Pinto Nikolaos Tzifakis Dr Tzifakis is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of the Peloponnese. He is also a member of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group. His research interests lie in international relations, EU external policies and Balkan politics. Dr Tzifakis’s publications include articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ethnopolitics, European Foreign Affairs Review, Global Society and International Journal.


About Us: Research Associates

Dr Vaz-Pinto joined the Centre as a research associate in October 2016. She is a researcher from the Portuguese Institute of International Relations at the University Nova of Lisbon and Professor of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the same university. From 2012 to 2016 she was President of the Portuguese Political Science Association. Her articles have been published in, amongst others, the Brazilian Journal of international Politics and The American Interest online.


Staff 2017 Roland Freudenstein

Tomi Huhtanen Executive Director

Policy Director

Panos Tasiopoulos Senior Project Manager

José Luis Fontalba

Vít Novotný

Ioana Lung

Senior Research Officer

Senior Communications and Marketing Officer

Margherita Movarelli

Irina Roventa

Eoin Drea

Project Officer

Senior Financial Officer

Senior Research Officer

Federico Ottavio Reho

Viktoria Jancosekova

Research Officer

Manager of the President’s Office

Anna van Oeveren

Niklas Nováky

Communications and Marketing Assistant

Dimitar Lilkov

Head of Communications and Marketing

Research Officer

Research Officer

Djamel Kitouni

Anna Nalyvayko

IT Administrator

Project Assistant

Katerina Jakimovska Event Officer

Stéphanie Honorez Receptionist



Ingrid Habets

Bernada Cunj

Boyan Tanev

Senior Research Officer

Events Officer

Project Officer

Visiting Fellows The Martens Centre takes an active interest in a wide range of political issues with a particular emphasis on studies related to European policy. Therefore, each year it offers visiting-fellow positions of 6 to 12 months to dynamic, motivated and innovative individuals with the appropriate academic credentials.

Konrad Nicklewicz Poland Dr Niklewicz is a postdoctoral researcher in the social sciences at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism, University of Warsaw. He is currently the Managing Director of the Civic Institute, a think tank of the Civic Platform party (Platforma Obywatelska); senior fellow of the demosEUROPA foundation and a guest lecturer at the University of Warsaw. He previously served as spokesperson for the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU and as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Regional Development. Before joining the government, he was both a journalist and an editor for the foreign economic section of Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s leading daily newspaper. Between 2005 and 2007 he was this newspaper’s Brussels correspondent.

Loredana Teodorescu Italy Loredana Teodorescu joined the Centre as a visiting fellow in May 2016. Her main areas of expertise are migration, asylum, links between European internal security and external relations, borders and neighbourhood policies. She also has a keen interest in gender issues. Since the end of 2010, she has worked as the European research project coordinator at the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome, where she has been in charge of various migration-related initiatives that have been promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Interior. She also collaborates with the EU law chair and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Roma Tre. She worked for the Italian Presidency of the EU in 2014 and has collaborated with various non-governmental organisations and think tanks.

Constantine Arvanitopoulos Greece Formerly the Greek Minister of Education, Arvanitopoulos is Professor of International Relations at the Department of International and European Studies at Panteion University. He was the Director General of the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy from 2000 to 2009. From 2009 to 2011 he was Director of the Political Office of the President of New Democracy. In November 2011 Professor Arvanitopoulos was appointed Alternate Minister of Education in the coalition government of Lucas Papademos. From June 2012 to June 2014, he served as Minister of Education, Culture and Sports in the coalition government of Antonis Samaras. His latest book is on European liberalism. He is currently writing a book on international relations.

About Us: Visiting Fellows


Individual Members Individual members are politically like-minded, senior-level professionals active in European politics, European institutions and related organisations. They participate in meetings of the General Assembly and offer their perspective on the overall strategy and goals of the Martens Centre and on how to attain them. In 2017 our individual members were

Joseph Daul Mikuláš Dzurinda Antonio López-Istúriz Timothy Beyer Helm Jacob Lund Nielsen Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb Nicolas Pascual De La Parte Kostas Sasmatzoglou Filippo Terruso Antti Timonen Marianne Thyssen


About Us: Individual Members

Internships The Martens Centre offers internships of three to six months to university graduates and young researchers from Europe and the rest of the world. The internship programme is intended to provide the trainees with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of European affairs and to gain close insight into the daily work of the European institutions in Brussels. In 2017 our interns were

Marina Bulatović


Gareth Gregan (IRL) Are you interested in an internship with the Martens Centre? — Apply now!

Sofia Karttunen

Please visit for more information.

Andrei Moraru (RO)


Milda Kaklauskaitė (LIT) Richard Looby (IRE) Benjamin Meany (IRE) Ana Rotaru (MO) Sophia Skoda (AU) Hela Slim (FRA) Andrej Stancik (SK) Gavin Synnott (CAN)

About Us: Internships


Member Foundations The Martens Centre works closely with 32 member foundations from all over Europe.


About Us: Member Foundations

Academy for the Development of a Democratic Environment The Academy was founded with the aim of being an autonomous think tank and centre for adult education inspired by Christian Democratic principles. In Malta it has taken the lead in promoting the ideal of European integration, societal dialogue and the rights of future generations. The Academy and its associates have wide-ranging interests, but they are currently focused on Euro-Mediterranean issues and maritime affairs. Akkademja ghall-Izvilupp ta’ Ambjent Demokratiku (AZAD) Casa Pereira 224, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta T. +356 21 247 515; +356 21 234 884 I F. +356 21 220 496

Amaro da Costa Institute Founded in 1975, the Institute is an independent political association. It aims to serve Portuguese leaders and citizens interested in enhancing their understanding both of the past and of present challenges. The Institute pursues this objective through research and education on the cultural, social, economic and political phenomena that influence the free exercise of democracy in Portugal—especially those related to Christian Democracy. After the death of Adelino Amaro da Costa in 1980, the Institute took on the name of the co-founder of the Portuguese democratic regime. Since then it has been dedicated to presenting and promoting his legacy. Instituto Amaro da Costa (IDL) Rua do Patrocínio, 128 – A, 1350-232 Lisbon, Portugal T. +351 21 346 1449 | E.

Anton Tunega Foundation The Foundation has been the official think tank of the Christian Democratic Movement in Slovakia for the last 25 years. The foundation is pro-European and supports conservative and centre–right values. It organises seminars, training courses, round-table discussions and conferences in cooperation with its national and international partners. It aims to examine and shed new light on current issues in society and to propose responsible solutions. lts mission is to encourage a new generation of professional, conservative leaders who will be able to take responsibility for leading the country in the right direction. Nadácia Antona Tunegu (NAT) Šulekova 2, SK-811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia T. +421 908 334 344 | E.

Association Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria The Association was founded with the aim of promoting European values and ideas and the principles of civil society within the context of Bulgaria’s European integration process. In recent years priority has been given to more specific policy issues, with the EU dimension in mind. These issues include education, entrepreneurship and youth, European energy policy, social policies, defence, the fight against organised crime and corruption, EU funds management and control, the environment, and culture and tourism. Сдружение ‘Граждани за европейско развитие на България’ (GERB) 4 Adam Mitskevich Street, Vrabnitsa, 1360 Sofia, Bulgaria T. +359 88 480 0293 | E.


Barankovics Istvan Foundation The Foundation represents the modern values of Hungarian and European Christian Democracy. The Foundation was created in 2006 by the Christian Democrat People’s Party to preserve the traditions of progressive Christian politics and to find Christian Democratic solutions to the social and political challenges of the twenty-first century. Barankovics lstvan Alapitvény (BIA) Kálvin tér 8, 1091 Budapest, Hungary T. +36 1 323 0607 | E.

CDA Research Institute The goal of the Institute is to conduct scholarly research for the Christian Democratic Appeal party (Christen Democratisch Appèl) based on the party’s philosophy and programme. The Institute gives documented advice on policy outlines, either on its own initiative or at the request of the party or of bodies that represent its members. Wetenschappelijk lnstituut voor het CDA (WICDA) Postbus 30453, 2500 GL The Hague, the Netherlands T. +31 70 342 4874 | E.

CEDER Study Centre of CD&V The Study Centre is an autonomous institution which operates as the research organisation of the Christian Democratic and Flemish party (ChristenDemocratisch en Vlaams). It conducts research in response to initiatives taken by the party and also produces publications on other issues of interest. CEDER Studiecentrum CD&V (CEDER) Wetstraat 89, 1040 Brussels, Belgium T. +32 2 238 38 87 | E.

Croatian Statehood Foundation The Croatian Statehood Foundation’s objective is to contribute to strengthening the political culture and the culture of dialogue and to support the development and enhancement of democratic society, the rule of law and a socially conscious market economy. In this way it helps to reinforce democracy, for the meaning of democracy is human dignity and freedom. The Foundation works towards achieving its objectives by organising seminars, round-table lectures and conferences. Zaklada Hrvatskog Drzavnog Zavjeta (ZHDZ) Gundulićeva ul. 21 a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia T. +3851 4354 555 | F. +385 1 4854 439 E. zak|;


About Us: Member Foundations

De Gasperi Foundation The Foundation was created in 1982 on the initiative of the leadership of the Italian Christian Democrat Party (Democrazia Cristiana). It is a cultural, Christian-based institution, operating at the national, European and international levels to strengthen democracy, promote freedom and advance studies on European integration and international relations. Its activities are inspired by De Gasperi’s moral and political teachings. The father of Italy’s post-war democratic reconstruction, De Gasperi was a champion of European unity, and peace and security among nations. The Foundation collaborates with institutes with similar ideals in other countries but is also open to debate with movements that hold different ideals. Fondazione De Gasperi (FDG) Via Gregoriana, 5 - 00187 Rome, Italy T. +39 06 68 33 592 | E.

Dr. Jože Pučnik Institute The Institute strives to make the high standards of European political culture a reality in Slovenia: a democratic and open society, tolerance and understanding in public life, the enhancement of pluralistic cultural and scientific creativity, and the stabilisation of Europe through the enlargement of the EU and support for democratic forces in the accession process. It also aims to cooperate with groups and individuals, both in Europe and around the world, that are involved in political, cultural and scholarly activities and are united by the principles of democracy, openness and solidarity. Inštitut Dr. Jožeta Pučnika (IJP) Trstenjakova 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia T. +386 1 425 3087 | E.

European Academy for Democracy Founded in Prague in 1991, the Academy is an organisation that encourages democratic processes in the Czech Republic and promotes greater European integration. Along with its partner organisations in Europe, the Academy organises seminars on current political, cultural and educational topics. It seeks to be a contact point among people from different backgrounds and origins where policy can be discussed and new ideas exchanged. Evropská Akademie pro Demokracii (EAD) Karlovo nám. 317/5, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic T. +420 602 646 755 | E.

Foundation for a Civic Hungary The Foundation’s objective is to increase the coherence of those professing centre–right values, so that they can pursue their tasks in a coordinated and professional manner. To this end the Foundation supports research projects, publications and dialogues which enhance the authentic, effective and professional representation of civic Hungary’s interests. Polgári Magyarországért Alapítvány (PMA) Pauler u. 11, 1013 Budapest, Hungary T. +361 391 4830 I F. +361 391 4889 E.

About Us: Member Foundations


Foundation for Social Research and Analysis The Foundation is a leading think tank, committed to nurturing the political thought and activities of the liberal and reformist centre. It seeks to reinforce the values of Western freedom, democracy and humanism. The Foundation aims to create, promote and disseminate ideas based on political, intellectual and economic freedom. These ideas offer political alternatives and ways of thinking that are different from those of socialism. Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES) Cl Maria de Molina 40 - 6a Planta, 28006 Madrid, Spain T. +34 91 576 6857 | E.

Glafkos Clerides Institute The Institute was established in 1999 by the Democratic Rally Party of Cyprus (Dimokratikós Sinagermós or Dimokratikós Sunagermós) as a think tank for social, economic and political research. It aims to encourage a dialogue around developments in the EU, as well as the international developments and challenges of our time. To this end it organises conferences, seminars and lectures in association with similar institutions, particularly within the EU. Ινστιτούτο Ευρωδημοκρατίας Γλαύκος Κληρίδης (EGC) 25 Pindarou Street, PO Box 25305, 1308 Nicosia, Cyprus T. +357 22 883 115 | F. +357 22 752 751 | E.

Hanns Seidel Foundation Since it was established in 1997, the Foundation has been committed to its fundamental mission of ‘serving democracy, peace and development’. It is active in Germany—especially in Bavaria—as well as in more than 50 countries worldwide. It promotes democracy, freedom, the rule of law and a just social order. It aims to ensure that the fundamental principles and norms of our community are based on Christian values and the unrestricted development of personality and autonomy, as well as on social responsibility and solidarity. Hanns Seidel Stiftung (HSS) Lazarettstrasse 33, 80636 Munich, Germany T. +49 89125 8O | F. +49 89125 83 56 | E.

Institute Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek The Institute is systematically involved in civic and political education and acts as a think tank for economic, social and political research. Established in 2009, it aims to develop democratic culture and political dialogue, civic and political education, support for European integration through international dialogue, political action based on research and consultancy, and new methods for the democratic implementation of political goals. The organisation supports science and scientific research, arts and culture. Its goal is to become Slovenia’s leading foundation that is based on Christian Democratic values. Inštitut dr. Janeza Evangelista Kreka (IJEK) Dvorakova ulica 11a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia T. +386 1 241 66 68 | E. www.ijek.sii


About Us: Member Foundations

Institute for Modern Slovakia The Institute was established as a civic association in 2007. It was created with the aim of creating a place for further education and the lifelong enhancement of the knowledge and skills of people on the centre–right whose views and attitudes are close to those of the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party (Slovenské demokraticka a krestanska unia – Demokraticka strana). The Institute focuses especially on education for party members. Inštitút pre moderné Slovensko (IPMS) Sancova 70, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovakia T. +421 2 5443 5328| E.

Institute for Popular Studies The official foundation of the National Liberal Party (Partidul Naţional Liberal), the Institute of Popular Studies is a think tank that contributes to shaping the doctrine and political identity of the party. It provides a forum for debating current issues of concern to citizens. It presents the National Liberal Party’s solutions to social, economic and cultural issues in Romanian society. The Institute has three main lines of action: organising public events, carrying out research and producing papers and reports, and supporting the leadership of the National Liberal Party by providing training courses and specialised expertise. Institutul de Studii Populare (ISP) Aleea Modrogan nr. 1, Sector 1, 011825, Bucharest, Romania T. +40 722 566 223 | E.

Institute of Democratic Politics The Institute was founded in 1999 by a group of conservative and Christian Democratic politicians, analysts, essayists and scholars. From the outset its principal concerns have been the strengthening of centre–right ideology and the public defence of conservative values in Lithuania. The Institute aims to accelerate the political and civic maturation of Lithuanian society and to promote democracy and development in the European neighbourhood, with a goal of contributing to security and stability in the region. To this end it issues publications, conducts research and organises national and international conferences, seminars and round-table discussions. The Institute also belongs to the European Ideas Network of the EPP Group in the European Parliament. Its long-standing partners include the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Robert Schuman Foundation, the International Republican Institute and the National Endowment for Democracy. Demokratinés Politikos Institutas (DPI) Eitminu str. 12-160, LT-12111, Vilnius, Lithuania. T. +370 62090592 | F. +370 5 278 4914 | E. info@dpi.It

Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation Created in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain, the Foundation promotes cooperation and European development based on freedom, democracy and a market economy. It does this by educating and informing political parties and organisations about democracy and European integration. At present the Foundation is active in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Jarl Hjalmarson Stiftelsen (JHS) Stora Nygatan 30, Box 2080, 10312 Stockholm, Sweden T. +46 8 676 8000 I F. +46 8 576 8086 | E.

About Us: Member Foundations


Konrad Adenauer Foundation The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is a political foundation with a strong presence throughout Germany, with 2 conference centres and 16 regional offices. It also has nearly 80 offices around the globe. Through civic education programmes both at home and abroad, the Foundation promotes freedom and liberty, peace and justice. It functions as a think tank and hosts conferences on current political issues. Moreover, it grants scholarships and supports young people from Germany and beyond. The Foundation’s most important goals are strengthening democracy, furthering European unification, improving transatlantic relations and deepening development cooperation. Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Klingelhöferstrasse 23,107S5 Berlin, Germany T. +49 30 269 960 | E.

Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy The Karamanlis Institute was established in January 1998. A non-profit organisation, the Institute was founded for the purpose of examining and analysing social, political and economic issues. The objective of the Institute is to contribute to the advancement of democracy, civil liberties and private enterprise, while remaining committed to development and social cohesion. Ινστιτούτο Δημοκρατίας Κωνσταντίνος Καραμανλής (KKID) Pireos 62, Moschato 18346, Greece. T. +30 210 94 44 303 | F. +30 210 94 44 860 | E.

Kós Károly Academy Foundation The general objectives of the Foundation are to support the modernisation of the centre–right, to consolidate and develop Romanian democracy, to protect the rights of national minorities and to organise activities that develop human resources and education more effectively. Other specific objectives include developing and coordinating programmes of scientific research and education; supporting activities linked to the protection, preservation and development of national minorities’ identity in Romania; establishing and applying strategies that regulate the protection of the national minorities’ individual and collective rights; and providing scholarships and training courses. Kós Károly Akadémia (KKA) Str. Ulciorului nr. 4, 540099 Targu Mures, Romania T./F. +40 265 210 O20 | E.

Luigi Sturzo Institute Founded in 1951, the Institute is a cultural foundation committed to the preservation and promotion of the Christian Democratic cultural heritage. Based in Rome, the Institute organises training activities and research on historical, sociological, political and economic topics. Its archives hold over 4,550 documents as well as iconographic, photographic and audio-visual materials on the history of the Catholic movement. The library, which specialises in the social sciences and modern and contemporary history, holds about 130,000 volumes and more than 600 journals. Istituto Luigi Sturzo (ILS) Via delle Coppelle 35, 00186 Rome, Italy T. +39 06 684 04 21 | E.


About Us: Member Foundations

Matthias Bel Institute Established in 2014, the institute is the political foundation of Most–Híd, Slovakia. Its goal is to promote the idea of a civic Slovakia through political education and debate. Its activities include seminars, conferences, discussions and round-table talks which aim to educate party members or to discuss current issues with the general public. The Institute also provides Most–Híd with strategic documents, manuals and other publications. Inštitút Mateja Bela – Bél Mátyás Intézet (IMB–BMI) Trnavská cesta 37, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia E.;

Miquel Coll i Alentorn Institute for Humanistic Studies The aim of the Institute is to be a place for dialogue, open to all, where everyone can express his or her ideas, convictions and reflections in complete freedom. In this way we can all move forward together in the gradual development of individual and collective human rights, for the good of humanity and world peace. Institut d´Estudis Humanístics Miquel Coll i Alentorn (INEHCA) Carrer de Nàpols 35–39 / 08018 Barcelona, Spain T. +34 93 486 97 54 | F. +34 93 486 41 92 | E.

New Initiatives Centre Since 2011 the Centre’s founders and staff have organised political training activities for various audiences, with the aim of promoting political participation, as well as interethnic and inter-party dialogue and cooperation. With the support of eminent foundations, young leaders have had the chance to participate in numerous skills-based seminars and courses. This has resulted in the creation of a network of aspiring politicians from the Party of Democratic Action (Strankademokratske akcije), the Party of Democratic Progress (Partija demokratskog progresa), the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine) and the Croatian Democratic Union 1990 ((Hrvatska demokratska zajednica 1990), all EPP member parties from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of this network is to promote progressive and reformist policies, as well as constructive dialogue that transcends ethnic and partisan lines. Centar za nove inicijative / Центар за нове иницијативе (CNI) Olimpijska 35, 71000 Sarajevo, BA – Bosnia and Herzegovina T. +387 33 296 306 | E.

Państwo Prawa Foundation Established in 2016, the Foundation is recognised as a think tank of the Civic Platform party (Platforma Obywatelska). Its primary goal is to promote and strengthen the rule of law, European integration, liberal democracy and civic education, as inspired by the centre–right political philosophy. Created by a group of lawyers, the Foundation organises lectures, panel discussions, workshops and conferences, in this way providing a common forum for various political and social forces. It works with eminent experts and with other organisations from the non-governmental sector. Fundacja ‘Państwo Prawa’ (FPP) ul.Flory 9 lok. 5B00-586 Warsaw, Poland T. +48 22 280 92 91 | E.


Political Academy of the Austrian People’s Party The Academy is the leading conservative think tank in Austria and focuses on political education and research. It is committed to fulfilling its role as a forum for national and international experts and for representatives of various fields of policymaking, politics, science, research and diplomacy. The Academy aims to inform and involve the public, and to this end it regularly produces publications and maintains a packed programme of activities, including panel discussions, workshops, conferences and public lectures. Politische Akademie der ÖVP (PolAk) Tivoligasse 73, 1120 Vienna, Austria T. +43 1 814 200 | E.

Pro Patria Institute Established in 1995, the Institute is a non-profit voluntary organisation which provides right-of-centre political, economic and general cultural education. It is the only organisation attached to the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (lsamaa ja Res Publica Liit) that provides political education for party members and organises conferences and seminars for the wider public with the aim of promoting the political programme of the party. Pro Patria Instituut Kivisilla 4-9,10145 Tallinn, Estonia T. +372 773 42 O1 | F. +372 773 42 07 | E. kaja.vill||em@ir|

Toivo Think Tank Founded in 2007 by the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus), the Toivo Think Tank is non-profit, centre–right foundation for political research, analysis and policy formulation. It aims to promote ideas that are based on the principles of individual and economic freedom. The Think Tank builds bridges between the academic community, media and political decision-makers. Ajatuspaja Toivo Kansakoulukuja 3 A, 3krs, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

TOPAZ Founded in 2012 by the Czech conservative party TOP O9 (Tradice Odpovědnost Prosperita), TOPAZ became the party’s educational committee. More recently it has started organising conferences and seminars for a broader public with a view to presenting ideas and information related to conservative principles. TOPAZ is fully party based. Its board is made up of TOP O9 officials. It has organised numerous seminars aimed at educating party members and officials. And it has also arranged a number of conferences for the general public. Finally, TOPAZ provides the party with manuals, reports, policy briefs and other publications. TOPAZ Újezd 450/40, 11800 Praha 1, Czech Republic T. +420 255 790 919 | E.


About Us: Member Foundations


Publications & Events 38

Research: Publications over 2017


European View


Future of Europe


Shorter Publications


Food for Thought




Transatlantic Think Tank Conference


Sideline Events at the EPP 2017 Congress in Malta




Game changers in European defence


Crisis in the Liberal World Order


The Economic Ideas Forum


Communications All publications & events available on

As the EPP’s political foundation, the Martens Centre monitors, analyses and contributes to the debate on EU policy that is relevant for both experts and the broader European public. The six main research themes cover a wide range of specific political issues. Taking these themes as its point of departure, the Martens Centre produces research papers and policy briefs and organises events and conferences. The first research theme, Party Structures and EU Institutions, aims to explain EU policies to voters. It includes matters such as the arguments, methods and funding of populist parties. Economic and Social Policies is the second theme and focuses on the main issues related to economic growth and welfare. The Martens Centre aims to enhance understanding of the structural elements of and players in the European and global economy. Having a clear picture of the multipolar global structure is the main priority. The third theme, EU Foreign Policy, covers topics such as the Arab revolutions, the integration of the Western Balkans in Europe, and the transformation of Turkey and its implications for the EU. The fourth research theme, Environment and Energy, aims to analyse developments in environmental and energy policies. These developments challenge Europe’s political and economic role on the world stage. The fifth theme is Values and Religion. It tackles questions such as the future of Christian Democracy and the secularisation of society. New Societal Challenges, the last of the six themes, focuses on immigration, domestic security and the relationship between the Internet and modern society.


Research: Publications from 2017 Unity in Adversity: Immigration, Minorities and Religion in Europe Edited by Vít Novotný Despite the EU’s official motto, ‘United in Diversity’, the bloc is experiencing a profound crisis in which diversity is threatening to dispel unity. Diversity increasingly spells, not harmony, but conflict. A variety of factors are behind this strife, including terrorism, the uncertain position of religion in public life, the unclear situation of minority groups (including autochthonous minorities and the Roma), radical Islamism, the insufficient integration of immigrants and a loss of personal status and identity due to globalisation. These phenomena are occurring against the backdrop of the recent economic crisis, instability in Europe’s neighbourhood and the uncontrolled influx of migrants and refugees in 2015–16. All these developments are feeding conflicts both among the member states and between the EU institutions and national governments, as well as a cultural war between globalists and identitarians that cuts across European societies. The EPP and governments at all levels need to engage with the ‘forgotten part’ of society without compromising on pluralism and personal freedoms. They need to promote a concept of the state which allows different religious and secular opinions to thrive. They should combat extremism and, in cooperation with civil society, encourage a public culture that defends tolerance and liberty. And they should promote a critical reading of the Koran. Developing concepts of citizenship with a focus on immigrants is crucial, as is effective participation of autochthonous minorities and the Roma in public life. Taking such steps would ensure that internal and external adversity does not destroy European unity.



We Need to Talk about the EU: European Political Advertising in the Post-Truth Era By Konrad Niklewicz


The EU is losing the battle for Europeans’ hearts and minds. The long economic crisis and the subsequent immigration crisis have frustrated millions of citizens and angered them against the elites—and, unfortunately, against the EU. Many fear that their material status, the economic security of their families and their ability to fulfil their own expectations and ambitions are slipping out of their hands. Europeans are also suffering from an identity crisis. Many believe that their countries and neighbourhoods are being threatened by mass immigration and that the ruling elites, sealed off in steel and glass towers in their respective countries’ capitals, are not listening. The EU is facing its biggest communication challenge ever. The EU institutions need to take up the gauntlet and start defending the European project. The purpose of this paper is to analyse possible new ways of ‘advertising the EU’. The key assumption is that, whenever possible, EU institutions should follow best practices from the business sector since these have proved to be more effective in the current communication environment.

Weeding out Fake News: An Approach to Social Media Regulation By Konrad Niklewicz Social media are becoming the dominant source of information for significant parts of our societies. These media have numerous positive features, such as their ability to mobilise for a political cause and to enable greater and quicker flows of ideas across societies. This paper focuses on those aspects of social media that negatively affect the public debate, such as the spreading of fake news and the creation of ‘echo chambers’ of like-minded users who become isolated from alternative opinions. The paper proposes that social media platforms should be considered media companies and that they should be regulated by modified versions of existing press laws, adapted to suit the new technology. The creation of a ‘notice and correct’ procedure, as it is tentatively called, would provide an effective tool to stop lies from spreading, allowing affected parties, public or private, to protect their rights. By making the social media platforms jointly responsible for the content they publish, governments would create the right incentives for companies to adapt their business models and modify the construction of their algorithms and policies. The paper outlines how such a procedure could function without constricting the freedom of speech. Finally, the paper stresses the improvement of e-literacy as an additional viable and long-term solution to the problem of fake news.

Publications & Events: Publications from 2017


European View


The European View is the policy journal of the Martens Centre. An intellectual platform for politicians, opinion makers and academics, it tackles contemporary themes of European politics, focusing on one specific theme in each issue. The journal contributes to the debate on the most important fields of European and international politics. What makes it unique is its hybrid nature: its capacity to involve esteemed academics and experts, on the one hand, and high-level politicians and decision-makers, on the other. Presidents and prime ministers regularly author articles for the journal.

The Future of the Eurozone: A Realistic Approach Edited by Loredana Teodorescu


Only a few years ago, many renowned analysts and pundits were ready to bet money on the collapse of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Today, after years of significant reforms at both the EU and national levels, far fewer would consider doing so. At the EU level we now have a much more active monetary policy, a single banking supervision and resolution system, and a European Stability Mechanism to support countries in distress. At the national level we have adopted stricter budgetary rules, and we have taken significant steps in the direction of more modern and competitive economies. After these early initiatives, however, progress on securing the future of the EMU seems to have stalled due to diverging views and interests among the main member states. This issue of the European View took shape in a difficult political context that saw growing disaffection with the euro and often the open contestation of the currency by powerful political forces. Finally, since Europe’s future does not only depend on the success of the EMU, this issue contains contributions on a variety of other topics, including the Libyan conflict, migration and transatlantic relations, as well as an article calling for a reinvention of Europeanism.

Back to the Drawing Board? Rethinking the European Integration Process Edited by Loredana Teodorescu In the wake of the economic and financial crisis, the EU’s very existence has been credibly questioned by citizens and pundits alike. The crisis was compounded by the migration challenge of 2015–16 and by developments in international politics. This has led to a narrative of reform, endorsed by the European Commission in its White Paper on the Future of Europe. The December issue of the European View addresses this narrative and examines in depth the ways in which the EU member states can work together on some of the sensitive challenges the EU faces today: cooperation on defence and foreign policy, migration, eurozone reform and internal cohesion. The central question explored is how the EU can reform itself in key strategic areas with a view to the future of the integration process. This issue covers a range of topics: from EU foreign policy and external action to security and defence, migration, eurozone reform, internal cohesion and political participation in the age of technology. This research feeds into current research on reforming the EU being conducted by the Martens Centre.


Publications & Events: European View

Future of Europe


The Future of Europe series aims to contribute to the EU-wide debate launched by the European Commission with the publication of its White Paper on the Future of Europe in March 2017. It is designed to stimulate frank and innovative reflection on possible ways ahead for the European project, reflection that will hopefully contribute to strengthening this project. The series is part of the ongoing efforts of the Martens Centre to anticipate major political trends in Europe and to help the EPP shape them in the interest of European integration and based on centre–right values.

For a New Europeanism By Federico Ottavio Reho


Just as it did 70 years ago, European integration today has four strategic objectives: peace, security, prosperity and identity. However, ‘mainstream Europeanism’—the current European consensus—seems increasingly incapable of providing the right vision for a successful continuation of the European project. To meet the present challenges of European integration and to secure unity across the continent, we should develop a new Europeanism that promotes stronger integration in defence, foreign policy and border control, while putting greater emphasis on decentralisation, national autonomy, economic reforms and cultural traditions. This would put into practice the EU’s motto, ‘Unity in diversity’, and give precise content to the ideal of an EU that is ‘big on big things and small on small things’.

For a True European Defence Union By Jolyon Howorth The EU is experiencing a new dynamic behind its quest for a credible security and defence capacity. New projects and mechanisms suggest a shift in European ambition. This paper assesses the reality of this new dynamic. It argues that the EU needs a clearly articulated grand strategy that outlines the objectives in the Southern and Eastern neighbourhoods and tailors those objectives to realistic means. Those means will range from high-end assets to purely civilian assets. Defence spending will require structured Europeanisation. The involvement of third countries will require creative legal developments. EU–NATO relations must undergo fundamental revision. If ‘strategic autonomy’, the objective of the European Global Strategy, is to become a reality, it will involve the EU progressively assuming leadership within NATO, thereby meeting the calls from across the US for its allies to assume greater responsibility for their own affairs.

Publications & Events: Future of Europe



Short-format Publications The Russian Economy IN FOCUS: Recovery is Further Away than Some Might Think


By Vladimir Milov

Security Policy IN FOCUS: The Case for a Postmodern EU Defence Architecture


Brexit. Brexit?


By Federico Ottavio Reho

Kremlin Propaganda IN FOCUS: How the EU Has Become an Enemy in the Eyes of Russia

By János Martonyi


By Kristina Potapova

A New Transatlantic Agenda IN FOCUS: Challenges and Opportunities in the Trump Era


By Roland Freudenstein and Craig Kennedy

New Multilateral Structures IN FOCUS: The Rise of an Alternative Order or More of the Same?


By Balazs Ujvari

Strengthening the EU’s Resilience in the Virtual Domain


By Gonçalo Carriço

The Future of Global Trade IN FOCUS: Between Multilateralism and Regionalism By János Martonyi


Publications & Events: Shorter Publications

Keen on reading more of our publications? Check out our Library.


Food for Thought In 2017 the Martens Centre continued in its Food for Thought series: lunchtime seminars that bring together high-level speakers from the worlds of politics, academia and business. Comprising a number of events, the series discussed international political developments.


Publications & Events: Food for Thought

Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre.

28 FEB.

11 JAN.

Does Global Trade Have a Future?

Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Moderator Vít Novotný

Discussants Anu Bradford

Senior Research Officer, Martens Centre

Professor of Law and International Organization; International Trade and European Affairs, Columbia University

Discussants Artis Pabriks

MEP, Rapporteur on the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard, EPP Group

Christofer Fjellner

MEP, Committee on International Trade, EPP Group

David Reisenzein

André Sapir

Senior Liaison Officer in Brussels, Frontex

Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Sean MacKenzie

US Coast Guard Liaison to the European Union and NATO

1 MAR.

31 JAN.

Senior Fellow, Bruegel and Professor of Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Good or Bad Neighbours: Europe’s Main Security Challenge

Roland Freudenstein Policy Director, Martens Centre

MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament responsible for the European Ideas Network and Future of Europe

Discussants Sandra Kalniete

Moderator Roland Freudenstein,

MEP and Vice-Chair of the EPP

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Salome Samadasvhili

Member of the Georgian Parliament, Deputy Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee and Research Associate, Martens Centre

Guest Speaker Dr Chahab Nastar

Chief Strategy Officer, EIT Digital

1 FEB.

Chair: Paulo Rangel

MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament responsible for the European Ideas Network and Future of Europe

Moderator Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Guest Speaker Angela Wilkinson

Associate Fellow, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

23 MAR.

Patrick Keller

Europe: Abducted Again?

Future Challenges for Europe: Empowering European Innovators and Entrepreneurs Chair Paulo Rangel


Foreign and Security Policy Coordinator, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin

Migration and the Management of the External Border: EU and US Policies Compared

Transatlantic Relations in the Era of President Trump Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Discussants Christopher Caldwell

Senior Editor, Weekly Standard

Ramona Nicole Mănescu MEP, EPP Group

James Kirchick

Fellow, Foreign Policy Initiative, journalist and foreign correspondent

Publications & Events: Food for Thought


17 OCT.

11 APR.

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger: Lessons from Banking Crises Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Moderator Federico Ottavio Reho

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Research Officer, Martens Centre

Discussants Tim Peters

Presentation John Turner

Chairman of the Brussels branch of the CDU

Henrique M. Laitenberger

Professor of Finance and Financial History, Queen’s University Management School, Queen’s University Belfast

European Democrat Students and student at Oxford University

Robert Golanski

Discussant Dr Markus Demary

Chair Paulo Rangel

MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament responsible for the European Ideas Network and Future of Europe

Moderator Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Guest Speaker Dr Wally Struys

10 MAY

Professor Emeritus at the Royal Military Academy, Defence Economics

Between a Rock and A Hard Place: How Can the EU Support Belarus? Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Discussants Artis Pabriks

MEP, Rapporteur on the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard, EPP Group

Andrei Sannikov

Belarusian National Congress

Vital Rymasheuski

Belarusian Christian Democracy Party


Publications & Events: Food for Thought

EPP Group

22 NOV.


Future Challenges for Europe: Geopolitical Consequences of Brexit

Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Senior Economist, Cologne Institute for Economic Research

Germany 2017: On the Way to Jamaica?

Turkey and the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Discussants Christina Bache

Independent consultant specialised in the impact of the private sector on sustainable peace, human security and socio-economic development

Constantine Arvanitopoulos

Former Greek Minister of Education and Visiting Fellow, Martens Centre

Renate Sommer MEP, EPP Group

#UkraineReforms ln 2017 we continued the programme #UkraineReforms with high-level visits and events. The programme was launched in December 2014 under the leadership of MikulĂĄĹĄ Dzurinda, President of the Martens Centre and a successful nationallevel reformer. The #UkraineReforms programme brings together the expertise of senior EU decision-makers in support of the reform process in Ukraine. This transfer of experience has taken place in public events, town-hall meetings, TV debates, online articles and interviews held in Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities. The initiative is supported by local partners that include the Ukrainian NGOs Reanimation Package for Reforms and the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy, as well as the Kyiv School of Economics.


By the end of 2017 the programme had organised over 25 activities, 23 high-level visits in 8 different Ukrainian cities, around 80 meetings and lectures, and over 50 media interviews. A successful transformation encompassing the rule of law, pluralist democracy and a functioning market economy is an essential condition for a peaceful and prosperous future, not only for Ukraine, but also for Europe as a whole. For this to happen, thoroughgoing reforms are required. The ongoing reforms in Ukraine will have a far-ranging impact on the population. Therefore, the way Ukrainians perceive these reforms is crucial for the success or failure of the entire reform process.

Mikuláš Dzurinda shared his experience of reforming Slovakia and gave an overview on Ukraine’s reform successes and future developments.

Kyiv Monica Macovei discussed anticorruption policies and judiciary reforms with the representatives of Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions. She also delivered a lecture on best practices from reforms in Romania.





Žiga Turk met with an expert group on e-governance and e-democracy and took part in a public discussion on the extension of university autonomy in Ukraine.




Chuhuiv (Kharkiv) Norbert Neuhaus met representatives of the local administration to address the issue of waste management and to share know-how with the aim to develop a strategy for this area.

Kyiv Fabrizio Zucca addressed the question of privatisation during a public lecture at the Kyiv School of Economics. He also discussed Ukraine’s investment climate with civil society experts.

Want to know more about #UkraineReforms? Check out our website.

An initiative of:


Publications & Events: #UkraineReforms


#UkraineReforms: Experts The following senior European policymakers have taken part in high-level visits sponsored by the programme.

An active civil society is the best guarantee to make the process of democracy building successful and sustainable in Ukraine. MikulĂĄĹĄ Dzurinda Former Prime Minister of Slovakia

In order to be functional, an economic system needs multiple operators to run on the same infrastructure at competitive prices. Fabrizio Zucca SDA Professor of Accounting, Control, Corporate and Real Estate Finance Strategy at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy

To prove successful, a judiciary system needs to be tested for honesty, integrity, strength and resistance from political pressure. Monica Macovei MEP, former Romanian Minister of Justice

The sorting/processing/combustion plants for waste management should be owned by local authorities, not private enterprises.

Besides creating, distributing and preserving knowledge, universities set up the intellectual backbone of the country. Žiga Turk Former Slovenian Minister for Growth and Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports


Publications & Events: #UkraineReforms

Norbert Neuhaus Former Deputy Mayor of Trier, Germany


27 MAR.

Transatlantic Relations in the Trump Era Session 1: State of the Unions

Welcome Mikuláš Dzurinda

President, Martens Centre

Moderator Craig Kennedy

Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Kick-off speakers Ken Weinstein

President and CEO, Hudson Institute

Ron Nehring

Director of International Training, Leadership Institute

Joseph Daul

President, EPP

David McAllister

28 MAR.

MEP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 2: Melting Pot vs Salad Bowl: EU/US Approaches to Immigration and Integration

Moderator Benjamin Haddad

Research Fellow, Europe, Security Alliances and International Relations, Hudson Institute

Kick-off speakers Paulo Rangel

Transatlantic Think Tank Conference


Francis Zammit Dimech

MP, Malta, Opposition Spokesperson for Immigration

Ján Figel

EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU

Christopher Caldwell

Senior Editor, The Weekly Standard

Mike Gonzalez

Senior Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

28 MAR.

In March 2017, the Martens Centre organised its eighth Transatlantic Think Tank Conference (TTTC) to strengthen transatlantic relations and continue debate on transatlantic issues with likeminded think tanks on both sides of the Atlantic. Co-organised with the International Republican Institute, the Hudson Institute and this year also with the European Ideas Network, the TTTC was held ahead of the EPP Congress in Malta.

MEP, EPP Group, Vice-Chairman responsible for the EIN

Publications & Events: Transatlantic Think Tank Conference

Networking lunch: Brexit and the Future of Transatlantic Relations

Mark Field

MP in the UK Parliament, Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party

David McAllister

MEP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

29 MAR.

28 MAR.

Session 3: Putin Ante Portas: Is There Still a Transatlantic Grand Strategy on Russia?

Kick-off speakers

Kick-off speakers Elmar Brok

Hannah Thoburn

Research Fellow, Europe, Foreign Policy, Russia and Central Asia, International Relations, Hudson Institute

MEP, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the United States

Peter Doran

Siegfried Mureșan

Executive Vice-President, Interim Director, Warsaw, Center for European Policy Analysis

MEP, Vice-Chair of Committee on Budgets

Artis Pabriks

János Martonyi

Nico Lange

Craig Kennedy

Vladimir Milov

Jan Surotchak

Former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs

MEP, former Latvian Defence Minister

Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Director Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Washington, DC

Regional Director, Europe, International Republican Institute

Session 4: Challenges to Our Democracies

Moderator Tomi Huhtanen

Public Policy Debate – Stronger Together: A Western Security Front Based on Common Values

Welcome Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Opening Remarks Antonio López Istúriz

Kick-off speakers Christian Kremer

Secretary General, EPP

Deputy Secretary General, EPP

Olof Ehrenkrona

Ambassador and former Senior Adviser to the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mark Strand

President, the Congressional Institute, and Adjunct Professor of Legislative Affairs, George Washington University

Geoff Davis

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Kick-off speakers Dimitris Avramopoulos

EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship

Frank Bakke-Jensen

Former Congressman, Kentucky, US

Norwegian Minister for European Affairs

Hryhoriy Nemyria

Dinner with Distinguished Guests

MP, former Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine

Walter Russell Mead

Distinguished Scholar in American Strategy and Statesmanship, Hudson Institute

James Clarke Chace

29 MAR.

Founding Chairman of the Democratic Choice Party of Russia, Director of the independent Institute of Energy Policy and former Russian Deputy Minister of Energy

28 MAR.

Moderator Werner Fasslabend

Former Austrian Defence Minister and Honorary President, the Political Academy of the Austrian People’s Party

Policy Director, Martens Centre

28 MAR.

Workshop: Transatlantic Economic Relations: Are We in for a Rough Ride?

Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College, and Editor-at-Large and Director of American Interest online

Vladimir Milov

Founding Chairman of the Democratic Choice Party of Russia, Director of the Independent Institute of Energy Policy and former Russian Deputy Minister of Energy

Ken Weinstein

President and CEO, Hudson Institute

Roberta Metsola

MEP, European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the United States

Closing remarks Mikuláš Dzurinda

President, Martens Centre

Publications & Events: Transatlantic Think Tank Conference


Martens Centre Sideline Events at the EPP 2017 Congress in Malta 54

Publications & Events: Sideline Events at the EPP 2017 Congress in Malta

30 MAR.

Breakfast Debate: The Changing EU–US Relations and Their Impact on Ukraine’s Stabilisation Welcome Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Discussants Pavlo Klimkin

Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mikuláš Dzurinda

President, Martens Centre

Ralf Brauksiepe

Member of the German Bundestag and Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence

Kenneth Weinstein

30 MAR.

President and CEO, Hudson Institute

Committed to the Euro: Early Bird Breakfast Chat with Jyrki Katainen Opening remarks Tomi Huhtanen

Executive Director, Martens Centre

Jyrki Katainen

Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, and former Prime Minister of Finland

As it had done at previous congresses, the Martens Centre organised a sideline programme of panels and workshops in the framework of the EPP 2017 Malta Congress.

Moderator Ioana Lung

Senior Communications and Marketing Officer, Martens Centre

The aim of these panels was to debate the hottest topics on the European agenda and discuss the policy solutions the centre–right political family can offer. Our series of panels and workshops included topics such as Brexit, political party reform, the threat of populism and recent developments in Ukraine.

Publications & Events: Sideline Events at the EPP 2017 Congress in Malta



Held this year on 20 June at Autoworld, Makerstown came back for a second successful edition. It brought to the European capital 50 young and innovative Makers: a new generation of entrepreneurs and do-it-yourself experts empowered by Web 3.0 tools, technology and crowdfunding. From 3D printing to robotics, wearable tech to new ICT, and food to fashion, the Makers, selected from all over Europe, might have had among them tomorrow’s Robert Bosch, Enzo Ferrari or Arthur Guinness.


Publications & Events: Makerstown

20 JUN.

Panel 1: Setting Up the Right Ecosystem for Makers Speakers Brando Benifei, Christina Rebel, Juha-Pekka Nurvala and GrĂŠgoire Marcheteau

Panel 2: Boosting Funding for Makers Speakers Eva Maydell, Christoph Nagel, Philipp Boeing and Agnieszka Stasiakowska

Panel 3: Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities and Threats Speakers Pilar Del Castillo, Tomasz Klekowski, Peteris Zilgalvis and Mirko Bretto

Panel 4: Fostering STEM Education in Europe Speakers Lieve Wierinck, Tibor Navracsics, Lie Junius and Filippo Yacob


21 JUN.

Game Changers in European Defence Opening remarks Tomi Huhtanen

Martens Centre Executive Director

Keynote address Jyrki Katainen

Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, and former Prime Minister of Finland

Discussants Jyrki Katainen

Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, and former Prime Minister of Finland

David McAllister

MEP, Committee on Foreign Affairs Chair, Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

MikulĂĄĹĄ Dzurinda

Martens Centre President and former Prime Minister of Slovakia

Moderator Ioana Lung

Senior Communications and Marketing Officer, Martens Centre


Publications & Events: Game Changers in European Defence

Opening Remarks Professor Cillian Ryan

Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University

Roland Freudenstein

Martens Centre Policy Director

Dr Michael O’Neill

Nottingham Trent University Reader in Politics and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics

Panel 1: Brexit: Causes, Impact and Consequences Speakers Anna Soubry

MP for Broxtowe

Dr Richard Wellings

Deputy Research Director, Institute of Economic Affairs

Cees van der Eijk

Professor of Social Science Research Methods, University of Nottingham and British Electoral Survey

12 OCT.

12 OCT.

Crisis in the Liberal World Order: What Future for the West?

Panel 3: The Liberal Order Under Threat? Speakers Constantine Arvanitopoulos

Professor of International Relations at the Department of International and European Studies at Panteion University

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Martens Centre Policy Director

Roland Freudenstein

Martens Centre Policy Director

Panel 2: the Security Dimension

Dr Florian Hartleb

Speakers Dr Christopher Baker-Beall

Political consultant, Martens Centre research associate and former visiting fellow

Lecturer in International Relations, Nottingham Trent University

Nathan Shepura

Moderator Federico Reho

Martens Centre Research Officer

Political adviser on transatlantic relations, European People’s Party

Dr Marianna Poberezhskaya

Panel 4: Uncertain Future? Europe After Brexit

Nitika Srivastava

Speaker Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke CH QC

Lecturer in International Relations, Nottingham Trent University Konrad Adenauer Foundation Fellow at the Free University Berlin

Moderator Dr Natalie Martin

MP for Rushcliffe

Concluding remarks Dr Rose Gann

Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Nottingham Trent University and former BBC journalist

Head of Department of Politics and International Relations, Nottingham Trent University

Publications & Events: Crisis in the Liberal World Order



Technology is transforming the world around us at a growing pace. lt affects the way we live, the way we study, the way we trade and the way we communicate. And it can be disruptive. It calls into question long-cherished assumptions, it makes communities more fragmented and fluid, and— crucially—it can destroy jobs in the industries it challenges. Are we to conclude that the world would have been better off if we had artificially restricted the development and marketing of trains, cars and electronic devices? Obviously not. This conclusion also holds for tomorrow’s technological developments. It was around these pressing issues that on 7 November 2017 experts from all over Europe gathered for the eighth Economic Ideas Forum. Organised by the Martens Centre, the Forum aims to serve as a laboratory for policy-oriented ideas.

7 NOV.

The Economic Ideas Forum New Europe, New Economy Welcome Mikuláš Dzurinda

President of the Martens Centre

Opening speech Joseph Daul

President of the EPP

Panel 1 – Surf Safe and Secure: An Economic Perspective Speakers Juho Romakkaniemi

Head of Cabinet to the Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

Andreas Schwab

MEP, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Dara Murphy

MP, Vice-President of the EPP, former Irish Minister for EU Affairs

David Wheeldon

Group Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Sky

Moderator Gonçalo Carriço

EPP Political Adviser for Innovation, Technology and Digital Policy

Publications & Events: The Economic Ideas Forum


Speakers Maria Spyraki

MEP, Committee on Regional Development

Maria Luís Albuquerque

Former Portuguese Minister of State and Finance

Paulina Dejmek-Hack

Financial advisor to the President of the European Commission

Karim Lesina

Vice President of AT&T for International External Affairs

Moderator Juha-Pekka Nurvala

EPP, Acting Head of Unit for Policy and Strategy

7 NOV.

7 NOV.

Panel 2 – Ready, Set, Invest: The Juncker Plan and Beyond

Panel 3 – New Work, New Welfare Speakers Petteri Orpo

MP, Finnish Minister of Finance, Leader of the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus)

Gunnar Hökmark

MEP, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Žiga Turk

Professor at the University of Ljubljana, former Slovenian Minister of Education and Science

Federico Ottavio Reho

Research Officer at the Martens Centre

Moderator Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

About us: Executive Board

7 NOV.

Panel 4 – Making Globalisation Great Again Speakers Jyrki Katainen

European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

Zdravko Marić

Croatian Minister of Finance

Mark van der Horst

Director EU Affairs, UPS

Chair Eva Maydell

MEP, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Panel 5 – Bit by Bit: Building a Digital Single Market Speakers Torsten A. Andersen

Deputy Director General, the Danish Business Authority

Erika Widegren

Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa

Thomas Spiller

Vice-President, Public Policy, EMEA, at the Walt Disney Company

Chair Aura Salla

Advisor for Communication and Outreach at the European Political Strategy Centre

Publications & Events: The Economic Ideas Forum


Innovative Formats in 2017 I Say Europe, You Say…? I say Europe, you say…? is a series of candid interviews with centre–right movers and shakers behind the European project. Covering a whole host of topics—from legislative work to food preferences, from weekday causes to weekend hobbies—the interviews show you the human face of EU politics and the main protagonists. This year we have conducted interviews with: - MEP David McAllister

Chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee

- Hans-Gert Pöttering

President of the European Parliament

- MEP Eva Maydell - Jyrki Katainen

Vice-President of the European Commission

Brexitometer In partnership with Dr Angelos Chryssogelos from the London School of Economics, the Martens Centre has been running a Brexitometer series to coincide with the ongoing Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK. This series is a forum for everyone who has a burning question about Brexit and wants to have it answered by an expert. Participants have the opportunity to post a question on our Facebook page. We collect all the questions submitted and send them to Dr Chryssogelos in London. He then replies to each question via video, and we post these videos on the Martens Centre Facebook and Twitter pages. During the course of 2017, we answered questions on citizens’ rights, the Irish border, the EU divorce bill and many more topics.


Publications & Events: Communications in 2017

If It’s Broken, Let’s Fix It This year we ran a new ideas contest where we encouraged European youth to submit concrete proposals addressing one of the following three questions: Political parties. How would you make political parties work better: by making membership more accessible, by making the parties more democratic or by using resources more efficiently?

We received numerous submissions from across Europe, and in the end we selected five winners to come to Brussels to present their ideas to the Martens Centre research team. While in the European capital, the winners met with MEP Robert Metsola and visited the European Parliament and the European House of History. The winners were

Political institutions and processes. How would you - Pascal Dick, who discussed his Blockchain improve democratic processes such as electoral online voting idea systems, election campaigns and referendums? - Mate Ćurić, who proposed the inclusive When it comes to political institutions and processParty App es, what should be the role of the Internet in general and social media in particular? - Julii Selianko, who designed the website Politicians. How can politicians really connect with citizens? How can they improve their image, record, - Elvira Herrera, who proposed setting up an etc.? For example, would using technological ad‘edutainment’ channel devoted to vances help? political issues - Azamatbek Salikhov, who discussed establishing a compulsory course on elections

Podcasts The Martens Centre launched two podcast series this year. The first was the Europe Out Loud series, in which Federico Ottavio Reho redefines political correctness with the help of razor-sharp arguments and beautifully drawn historical parallels. The second series of podcasts was the Defence Dialogue with host Niklas Nováky. It featured discussions with eminent defence experts and policymakers on pressing issues linked to European cooperation on defence and security.

Publications & Events: Communications in 2017


Common Projects

Common projects are joint activities that the Martens Centre organises with its partners across Europe and beyond. In 2017 the Martens Centre continued to expand its network of like-minded organisations, which now includes 32 member foundations and 14 official partners from all over Europe. In cooperation with many of its member foundations and partners, the Martens Centre organised a record number of successful events across the continent. We function as a pan-European platform for our member foundations, and think tanks and experts from all over Europe that share our values and those of our political family. Working closely with national partners allows us to bring the European debate to where it matters the most: closer to the European public.


Common Projects




Projects with Member Foundations


Projects with External Partners

25 APR.

NET@WORK is the first public platform on which members of European centre–right think tanks can come together to debate and advocate EU policies. On this date a welcome dinner discussion on the ‘Future of the EU’ was organised in cooperation with the co-organising partners of this second edition – Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Hanss Seidel Foundation, ÖVP Political Academy and Foundation for a Civic Hungary. Some of the main topics to be discussed during the following day were introduced by the speakers.

Welcome Dinner Discussion on the Future of the EU Welcome Mikulàš Dzurinda

President of the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

First Panel Discussion Werner Fasslabend

Honorary President of the Political Academy of the Austrian People’s Party, Head of Academic Council of the Martens Centre

Moderator Margherita Movarelli

Project Officer, Martens Centre

Second Panel Discussion Markus Ehm

Director of HSS Brussels Office

János Martonyi

Former Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Martens Centre Executive Board

Moderator Federico Ottavio Reho

Research Officer, Martens Centre


Common Projects: NET@WORK

26 APR.


On this date experts, politicians and stakeholders from different EU countries met for a full day of round-table discussions. Hosted by 12 different national think tanks in our network, the discussions covered a wide variety of topics, including political and economic reforms in the EU; the migration, security and demographic challenges ahead for Europe; ethnic minorities and local governments; and the core values and pillars underpinning the European project.

The Resistible Rise of Populism: Global Challenge Accepted Konrad Adenauer Foundation (EU Office), Germany

Moderator Miriam Lexmann

Head of EU Office, International Republican Institute

Kick-off speaker Wouter Beke

Party Leader of CD&V; Member of the Belgian Senate

Panel speakers Jerry Zagoritis

Managing Director, JZ Strategic

Erik Sydney Kroiher

Former International Secretary of the ÖVP

EU Defence in the Trump Era: Ready, Responsive and Responsible? ÖVP Political Academy, Austria

Moderator Arnold Kammel

Director, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy

Kick-off speaker Werner Fasslabend

Former Austrian Federal Minister of Defence; Chairman, Martens Centre Academic Council

Panel speakers Jochen Rehrl

European Security and Defence College Sven Biscop, Director, Europe in the World Programme, Egmont Institute

CD&V Study Centre, Belgium

Moderator Maarten Claeys

Parliamentary Assistant to MEP Tom Vandekendelaere

Kick-off speaker Nathalie Darnaut

Head of Unit Country Reforms, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

Panel speakers Bea Cantillon

Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp

Annemie Drieskens

President, Coface Families Europe

Veronique Willems

Secretary General, European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Meet the Neighbours: The Central European Contribution to Eastern Neighbourhood Policy TOPAZ, Czech Republic

Moderator Marek Polach

Representative, Delegation of Prague to the EU

Kick-off speaker Michael Romancov

26 APR.

26 APR.

The European Social Model: Fitfor-Purpose for the 21st Century?

EU and US: True Free Traders? FAES, Spain

Moderator Miguel Marín

Director for Economy and Public Policy, FAES

Kick-off speaker Jaime Garcia Legaz

Chairman and CEO, CESCE; former Spanish ViceMinister for Trade

Panel speakers Luisa Santos

Director of International Relations, Business Europe

Galina Kolev

Economist, Cologne Institute for Economic Research

Hiddo Houben

Head of Unit and Deputy Chief Negotiator for TTIP, Directorate General Trade, European Commission

Go Where Your Opponents Are: Countering Populists on Social Media Civic Institute, Poland

Moderator Konrad Niklewicz

Director, Civic Institute, Poland

Kick-off speaker Michal Boni

MEP, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Member of TOP 09, Institute of Political Studies, Charles University, Prague

Panel speakers Corina Rebegea

Panel speakers Lucie Tungul

Bartosz Wielinski

Member of the TOPAZ Academic Committee

Center for European Policy Analysis Fellow, Director of the US–Romania Initiative Reporter at Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza

Eva Horelova

Policy Officer for Syria, European External Action Service (EEAS)

Jan Tlamycha

Assistant to MEP Luděk Niedermayer

Here to Stay: Terrorism, Hybrid Warfare and the European Response De Gasperi Foundation, Italy

Moderator and kick-off speaker Marco Lombardi

Director, CETRA Research Centre, De Gasperi Foundation

Panel speakers Silvio Mascagna

Member of Cabinet, Julian King’s Team, Commissioner for the Security Union

Anna Fotyga

MEP, Security and Defence Subcommittee Chair

Alexander Ritzmann

Executive Director, European Foundation for Democracy

Sergio Attilio Jesi

Vice-President, Corporate Communication and External Relations, Elettronica


Luigi Sturzo Institute, Italy

26 APR.

26 APR.

The Inconvenient Truth: Challenges of EU Migration Policy

The Perks of Being Single: A Common Market for EU Prosperity

Moderator Vít Novotný

Anton Tunega Foundation, Slovakia

Kick-off speaker Roberta Metsola

Director, Anton Tunega Foundation; International Secretary of KDH (Slovakia)

Senior Research Officer, Martens Centre

MEP, EPP Group Coordinator of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Panel speakers Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Martens Centre

Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini

Professor, LUISS University; former member of the group of experts at the Italian Ministry of the Interior

Ralph Genetzke

Head of Mission, International Centre for Migration Policy Development

Moderator Marek Degro

Kick-off speaker Mikuláš Dzurinda

President, Martens Centre

Panel speakers Ivan Štefanec

MEP, Vice-President, SME Europe; Anton Tunega Foundation board member

Agata Wejman

Head of Public Policy and Government Relations, EU, Uber

Karim Lesina

Vice-President, AT&T International External Affairs for the EU, Caribbean, Latin America and Trans-Atlantic Relations

Lenard Koschwitz

Director European Affairs, Allied for Startups


Common Projects: NET@WORK

26 APR.

The Visible (and Invisible) Russian Hand in Europe Pro Patria Institute, Estonia

Moderator Evelyn Kaldoja

Chief Editor of International News, Postimees, Estonia

Kick-off speaker Tunne Kelam

MEP, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Panel speakers Kalev Stoicescu

Research Fellow, International Centre for Defence and Security (Estonia)

Nicolas Bouchet

Non-Resident Research Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Paved with Good Intentions? State Intervention in the Economy Institute for Popular Studies, Romania

Moderator Violeta Vijulie

President, Liberal Society

Kick-off speaker Răzvan Hoinaru

Researcher, Queen Mary University of London

Panel speakers Ivana Maletić

26 APR.

MEP, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Populism: Democracy Strikes Back? Foundation for a Civic Hungary, Hungary

Moderator János Martonyi

Virgil Popescu

Associate Professor, University of Craiova; Deputy Vice-President, Committee for Industries and Services, Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament

Dan Vîlceanu

Deputy Leader of the PNL Parliamentary Group; member of the Committee for Budget, Finance and Banking, Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament

Former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Member of the Martens Centre Executive Board

Panel speakers Vít Novotný

Senior Research Officer, Martens Centre

Miklós Szánthó

Director, Center for Fundamental Rights

István Gergely Kovács

Director of Strategy, Center for Fundamental Rights


Amaro Da Costa Institute (IDL)

Lost in Communication: TTIP and the Lessons from a Missed Opportunity

Anton Tunega Foundation (NAT)

Conservative Political Academy March–November, Bratislava

Totalitarian Regimes September–December, Slovakia

Association Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (AGERB)

Ethics, Values and Religion 12 July, Sofia The Refugee Crisis and Migration 24 October, Sofia

CDA Research Institute The position of the European middle-class 13 June, Brussels

No Robots: The Position of Middle-Class Households in Nine European Countries


HVR Lecture: Climate Change on Your Doorstep 21 November, Brussels

De Gasperi Foundation (FDG)

Projects with Member Foundations





Public Debate


Conference Research

Training Summer School Round-table

Sixty Years from the Treaty of Rome: is the European Union Still Possible? 23 March, Rome

School of Politics 2017 – 1st Session in cooperation with Kós Károly Academy Foundation (KKA) 13–15 October, Brasov

School of Politics 2017 – 2nd Session 4 November, Turin

School of Politics 2017 - 3rd Session in cooperation with CEDER 24–25 November, Brussels

School of Politics 2017 – Final Session 1–3 December, Rome

European Academy for Democracy (EAD)

Foundation for a Civic Hungary (PMA)

The Year of Europe February–December, Budapest

Foundation for Social Research and Analysis (FAES) The Political and Economic Integration of the EU: A Reference for Latin America 22–27 October, Brussels

EU Enlargement Towards the Western Balkans and South East Europe 8–11 Jun, Zagreb

The European Agenda Under the Estonian EU Presidency 27 June, Brussels

Fostering Transatlantic Relations: Europe and America in Global Politics 20 September, Brussels

New Media Communication Program 9–11 June, Târgu Mureș

National Security Days 31 August–2 September, Mangalia

Memory School 2017 22–24 September, Sighetu Marmației

Communication Through Media 3–5 November, Sibiu

Entrepreneurship Forum 8–10 December, Poiana Brasov

Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation (JHF)

The Fight against Populism in Europe 7–11 February, Rome

Coping with Common Security Challenges from the Migrant and Refugee Crisis March–September, Ohrid, Skopje and Krushevo

Reuniting Europe, organised together with ZHDZ 27–30 April, Dubrovnik

Arctic and the EU 3–7 May., Oslo

‘Cathedra Adenauer’ 8–10 May, Doiran

KAS Martens Centre Discussion Club 24 May–8 December, Vilnius

Europe of the Regions? Influence and the Roles of the Regions in the EU 28 November, Brussels

GLOBSEC 2017 26–28 May, Bratislava

The European Agenda Under the Bulgarian EU Presidency 30 November, Brussels

Cross-Border Cooperation in the Wastewater Management Field June–November, Skopje, Dojran

London Events: Brexit Begins How to Avoid Disaster and Make the Best of It for Both Sides 27 June, London

Society and Religion: Ethnic Groups, Identity and Nationalism 12–16 July, Ohrid

Parliamentary Elections, Populism and Manipulation 28 September, Brussels

The Future of Europe in A Changing Global Environment 27 November, Brussels

Institute for Popular Studies (ISP)

Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)

And Now the Netherlands: Protest as a Trend? 6 March, Brussels

Central European Forum 2017 17–20 November, Bratislava

Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS)

EU–Russia Relations: Trends and Challenges in the Era of Uncertainty 19 September, Brussels

How to Counter Populism in the Political Campaign 20 July, Prague Presentation of the Book Unity in Adversity 27 November, Prague

Institute for Modern Slovakia (IPMS)

Institute of Democratic Politics (DPI)

School of Citizenship May–July, Lithuania

Young Leaders Academy / Politika June–November, Lithuania

Young Leaders Academy 14–17 December, Skopje


Pro Patria Institute

Kós Károly Academy (KKA) EU Camp 1st Session 24–27 August, Subcetate

Lecture EU Camp 2nd Session 28 September–1 October, Oradea

Effective Political Communion at Local Level 10–12 November, Satu Mare

Information Solutions for Migration Challenges Affecting EPP Parties 8–10 December, Cluj-Napoca

Situation of the Hungarian Minority in Romania 26 Years After the Fall of the Communist Regime

New Initiatives Centre (NIC)

The Bear in Sheep’s Clothing: Russia’s Government January–March, Tallinn

Unity in Adversity 24 November, Tallinn


‘The Blessing of Free Trade: Not Gone but Forgotten?’ within the Baltic Sea Forum 30 May, Turku

Scotch on the Rocks – Life After Brexit? 9–11 November, Edinburgh

How Identity Politics and Populism Have Shaped Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 December, Sarajevo


Young Generation and Conservative Politics – 1st Seminar 30 June–2 July, Prague

Trojan Horse I – Russian Propaganda 15 September, Prague

Central European Conference on EURO 27 September, Prague

Trojan Horse II – Conference within the ‘17 Stratcom MiniSummit’ 24 October, Prague

Political Academy of ÖVP (PolAk)

European Forum: European and International Security Policy – 1st Seminar 27–30 March, Vienna

Day of Europe – European Security Policy Do we need an EU Army? 5 May, Vienna How Europe Works – 1st Seminar 8–11 May, Vienna European Forum: European and International Security Policy – 2nd Seminar 14–17 May, Vienna

European Forum: Millenial Leaders 2017 Political Communication for a New Generation 28–30 June, Bratislava

European Summer Academy for Leading Seniors 2017 30 June–2 July, Vienna

How Europe Works – 2nd Seminar 2–5 October, Budapest

European Forum: Towards a European Security and Defence Union 10 November, Vienna

European Forum: European and International Security Policy – Final Seminar 11–14 December, Vienna

Interaction Between Media and Public Opinion August–September, Tallinn

Young Generation and Conservative Politics – 2nd Seminar 4–5 November, Prague

The Centre–Right Solutions to the Challenges of 2018




Common Projects: Projects with Member Foundations



Public Debate

Conference Research

Training Summer School Round-table


Projects with External Partners Antall József Knowledge Centre (AJKC)

Association for International Affairs (AMO)

What Does the V4 Group Think About the Future of the EU? 23 November, Brussels

Trends of Visegrad European Policy 29 November, Prague


Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE) March–December, Serbia Interreligious Dialogues June–September, Serbia

Belgrade Security Forum 2017 11–13 October, Belgrade Belgrade Dialogues: Serbia in a Geopolitical Cramp 22 November, Belgrade

Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Warsaw Security Forum 2017 8–9 November, Warsaw

The Collins Institute Populism: The Response from the Centre 16 June, Dublin

East Asia’s Future 28 September, Budapest The Future of e-Healthcare in the Age of Digitalisation 8 November, Brussels

Europe Needs to Do More: A Way Towards Deeper Defence Integration 8 March, Brussels Our Future in the Age of New Transatlanticism 26 June, Brussels

Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence

European Values Think Tank STRATCOM Summit 2017 15–19 May, Prague

2017 Stratcom MiniSummit 25–27 October, Prague

HomeAffairs 2017 – Internal Security Forum 21–24 November, Prague


Future of Europe 21–24 September, Zurich

Państwo Prawa (PP)


Chateau Bela 2017 1–3 December, Bela

The Future of the Labour Market 2 October, Warsaw

GLOBSEC Policy Institute

TATRA Summit 2017 27–28 October, High Tatras

QVORUM Civic Leadership Programme 2017 3 April–20 October, Bucharest

Henry Jackson Society (HJS)

Disinformation Event 30 November, London

Robert Schuman Foundation

Institute for Christian Democratic Politics (IKDP)

Martens Centre – Schuman Conference: Quelle relance Franco-Allemande pour l’Europe? 2 February, Paris

Communication Workshop 18 April–10 May, Prague

The State of the Union 2017 Schuman Report on Europe

Martens Centre – Schuman Conference: Presentation of The Schuman Report 2017 7 March, Paris

Martens Centre – Schuman Conference: A ‘New Wave’ Expected after French Elections? 22 March, Brussels

Social Media Workshop 26 May–9 June, Prague

Our Cuban Question in the Turbulent World 21 September, Prague

International Republican Institute (IRI) Forgotten Frontiers: Central Eastern Europe and the W. Balkans November–December, Warsaw, Belgrade

Liberal Society (LS)

Friedrich Hayek Economic School: Taxes and Economic Development 15–17 September, Sinaia

Liberal Ideology and History Conference 26 October, Bucharest

EU Political Marketing 13–15 November, Chisinau

Excellence Programme: Institutional Communication 24–26 November, Cluj-Napoca

ThinkYoung (TY)

Makerstown 2017 20 June, Brussels

Up-to-Us Association Security and Stability in a Complex and Dynamic Changing Transatlantic Environment 15 December, Bucharest

Maison du Futur (MdF)

The Two State Solution and Beyond 9–10 June, Bikfaya

Platform for a Sustainable Growth (PCS)

Dissemination of Research Findings – Re-Birth Demographic Challenges and Societal Implications 5 June–14 July, Lisbon Managing Portuguese Public Debt





Public Debate

Conference Research

Training Summer School Round-table

Common Projects: Projects with External Partners


Outreach We function as a pan-European platform both for our member foundations and for think tanks and experts from all over Europe that share our values and those of our political family. Working closely with our national partners allows us to bring the European debate closer to those to whom it matters most: the European public.

Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies @MartensCentre Martens Centre Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies Martens Centre

Our Network With more than 40 partner organisations and over 100 yearly events across Europe, we are continuously expanding our network and expertise.

In 2017, the Economic Ideas Forum, our flagship event, was awarded the European Excellence Award in the category ‘Best political workshop or congress’. The aim of the European Excellence Awards is to recognise and reward organisations and teams that lead by example in implementing innovative and forward-thinking strategies and practices in the field of public affairs.

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Political Think Tank Worldwide


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Website Visitor Trends In 2017, the Martens Centre’s website had a total of 89,356 unique visitors. This represents an increase of 16.49% on the previous year.







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Website Visiting Countries


Jan. 2018 (Jan. 2017)

Unique visitors Visits

89,356 (+4.55%) 130,018 (+16.45%)

Germany 80



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2,874 Connections

In the Press In 2017, several Martens Centre experts were invited to be interviewed, to comment on current events and to speak at high-level conferences. This was great publicity for the Martens Centre.

297 YouTube Subscribers

312 Instagram Followers

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