Life’s Scavenger Hunt
To celebrate our 21st birthday, we’re challenging you to take part in a scavenger hunt to find 21 things in your local area.
Check off the items as you find them! Something that’s alive
Something that moves in the wind
Something round
Something that has been mended
A sign of water
Something you can see your reflection in
Something found after rain A crossing Something made of metal Something with wheels An interesting shadow A plant (of any size!) A pattern A rock
Something red Something that is in the wrong place Something that makes a noise Something in the sky Something multicoloured Something smaller than your hand Something that floats
Little ones who successfully complete our scavenger hunt will be sent a well done certificate in the post. Just email with your address and we’ll be in touch! Alternatively, tag us in your scavenger hunt photos @ScienceAtLife on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.