saving energy is Use natural light when itoff
itch bright enough, and sw in the room. lights when nobody is
Switch off PCs, monitors, printe photocopiers at the end of the darsy and
– don’t leave them standby. A pho tocopier left on overnight uses enough energy to make over 1500 copies.
Unplug phone and laptop % of chargers when not in use.ch95 argers e the energy used by phon in the UK is wasted.
Dress appropriately
for the season instead of using heating or cooling. g’s Find out how to best use your buildin cooling/heating at
saving water taps to the n 6464 g in p ip r d xtensio Report desk on e elp Facilities H 6464 96 or 0845 1
Avoid leaving the taps running.
Use half load and energy saving settings on dishwashers.
Don’t overfill kettles,
only use the water you ne ed.
Don’t overwater plants.
reducing waste re how Use recycle bins. Not su Whether
? to dispose of something ent or it’s a battery, old equipm out the your apple core, check at Anglia A-Z guide for recycling ac.uk/waste Ruskin at www.anglia.
Get an Anglia Ruskin thermal mug for your take
away tea, coffee and soup.
really need to. Do not print unless youdouble sided. Always print and copy rent ing a diffe Ask for help if you’re us re how. machine and are not su
Look for electronic solutions
that will help you create a paperless office.
Avoid overpackaged goods, and tell suppliers if you think they’re using too much packaging.
supporting Fairtrade ink. Buy Fairtrade food and dr
our It is available in all of g machines. restaurants and vendin
Give farmers and workers in the developing world better prices, decent
working conditions, local sustainabi lity and fair terms of trade.
If you’re booking Anglia Ruskin hospitality,
nal e annual natio Take part in th t.
igh Fairtrade Fortn
Orange Juice
We are a
buy Fairtrade juice and wine.
Fairtrade certified university.
encouraging biodiversity nts Report pollution incide64 64 ion immediately on extens . or 0845 196 6464
Report wildlife sightings on our
campuses to environment@anglia. ac.uk.
and fruit Grow your own veggies x. to put in your lunch bo
Buy Resource products in our cafes and
a percentage of the sales will go to saving rainforests.
Buy birthday/ Christmas cards that support wildlife charities.
travelling green
and emissions, Car sharing saves moniseymore fun than travelling alone. rs and travelling with othe ac.uk/carshare. Register at www.anglia.
Catch a train or bus. It’s easier
than driving in a traffic jam or finding a parking space. Public transport or the Park and Ride will get you there using less carbon.
money and Stay healthy, and save cy cling. emissions by walking or
Use video conferencing.
Check out our discounts for transport tickepublic and cycle shopts s at ww w.anglia.ac.uk /t
Save travel time, fuel and penguins.