PANA M A RETRE AT March 13th - 14th, 2014
A iniciative of
With the support of
Thursday, March 13 th , 2014 Panama City
08.30 – 09.00 AM
09.00 – 09.30 AM
Welcome remarks and retreat's methodology Philipp Schönrock Director CEPEI
Adrianus Merlkert Moderator
The Global Development Process - What is at stake? Presentation 09.30 - 11.00 AM
Amina Mohamed UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning
Bruno Figueroa General Director for International Development Cooperation Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
Roundtable Discussion Coffee & networking break
11.00 – 11.30 AM
Regional Priorities - What is at stake for Latin America and the Caribbean?
11.30 – 01.00 PM
Alicia Barcena Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Eduardo Ulibarri Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations Kemberley Gittens Senior Project Officer Caribbean Policy Development Centre
Roundtable Discussion 01.00 – 02.30 PM
Lunch & Networking Opportunity
Complementary or antagonistic agendas? The Post-2015 Development framework and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
02.30 – 04.00 PM
Anthony Smith Director of the International Relations Division DFID
Inocencio García Vice Minister for International Cooperation Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development Dominican Republic
Lidia Fromm International Expert and former Vice Minister of Social Development of Honduras
Minh-Thu Pham Director of Policy UN Foundation
Roundtable Discussion Coffee & networking break
04.00 – 04.30 PM
Cont. Complementary or antagonistic agendas? Presentation
Paul Ladd Head of UNDP's Team on the Post- 2015 Development Agenda
Alejandro Barrios Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean IBON International Jeffery Huffines NGO Major Group Organizing Partner
04.30 – 06.00 PM
Roundtable Discussion 08.00 - 10.00 PM
Friday, March 14 th ,2014 Panama City
Multi Stakeholder Partnerships
08.30 – 10.00 AM
Danny Sriskandarajah Secretary General CIVICUS
Armando Garrido Director COMFANDI
Roundtable Discussion h 5 d i e p 1
10.00 – 11.30 AM
Data Revolution
Jorge Bustamante International Expert Former Director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia
Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa Director General of Civil Participation Digital Innovation Strategy Presidency of Mexico
Roundtable Discussion 11.30 – 12.00 PM
Coffee and networking break
Media and Communication
12.00 – 01.30 P M
Warren Feek Executive Director The Communication Initiative
Nelson Muffuh Head of Outreach Post-2015 Development Planning & Coordination One Secretariat Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General
Roundtable Discussion Lunch & Networking Opportunity
01.30 – 02:30 PM
Decision Making Process: scenarios, challenges and opportunities
02.30 – 04.00 P M
Jorge Laguna - Celis Senior Advisor for Sustainable Development/Post-2015 Development Agenda/ECOSOC Office of the President of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly
Claire Melamed Head of Programme for Growth, Poverty and Inequality Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Garfield Barnwell Director of Sustainable Development CARICOM Secretariat
Roundtable Discussion 04.00– 04.30 P M
Debrief and concluding remarks
DAY 1 The Global Development process - What is at stake? When the first coffee-break chats about the Post-MDG agenda began a few years back, few people anticipated that the process would become quite so big. It is clear today that the Post-2015 process is reframing the way the international community thinks about development and cooperation, with discussions ranging far beyond poverty reduction, and particular attention to environmental constraints. As we are encouraged to envision “the world we want”, the real question is how to achieve it. One part of that puzzle is international development cooperation, and the Paris - Accra - Busan process has played a critical role in shaping expectations for aid in the first years of this century. As preparations are made for the High Level Meeting in Mexico in April, the expected outcomes are unclear. But do either of these processes really matter? This opening session will set the global scene and seek to answer the following questions:
What is the latest from these two processes?
Who is saying/doing what and why?
Where is there political momentum?
How might these discussions actually affect global politics in the short and longer term?
What commitments will be made nationally, regionally and internationally? Are paradigms really shifting – going beyond the rhetoric?
Regional priorities - What is at stake for Latin American and Caribbean?
Some parts of the regional political firmament have been influential in helping frame the Post-2015 agenda, but it still feels as if there is limited interest? Perhaps this is a hangover of the Africa-obsessed MDG period. Maybe it is not clear to Latin American and Caribbean leaders and people what they stand to gain from another mega global declaration of intent. Meanwhile, the history of the Paris Agenda in the region has been chequered. A number countries helped take shape the outcome in Busan, while others have been reticent to get involved with a non-UN process. Having set the global scene, this session takes a closer look at regional priorities and how they fit with global processes.
1 Will the Post-2015 process matter much for region of MICs – isn’t it really for the world’s poorer countries?
2 Is the Paris - Accra - Busan process as relevant as it once was? To whom? Should countries in the region be seeking to engage, or should they be setting up their own processes more relevant to their particular circumstances as recipients and contributors of cooperation.
Complementary or antagonistic agendas? The Post-2015 Development framework and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation The first two sessions allowed us to get to know in more detail the Post-2015 and post Busan processes and how they are relevant for the region. They are very different – one a truly international visioning exercise, the other an attempt by a smaller group of countries to address practical problems; one at the forefront of a new development paradigm, the other criticised for being outdated. Perhaps it is little wonder, then, that, to date, there has been only limited interaction between the two despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that both set out to build “global partnerships�. In this afternoon session we will look at the opportunities and shortcomings of each of the processes, asking in particular:
Are the Post-2015 and post-Busan processes complementary pieces of an overall game-plan? Or are they in tension, each pushing different ways of changing the world?
Are these processes well-aligned with the needs and priorities of the region, or are they pushing against them?
DAY 2 Entry Points for influencing the agenda Having surveyed the scene and analysed the two processes, the following three sessions look in more detail at three areas that will determine their success or failure. In particular, we will focus on how to influence the often complex agendas.
a. Multi Stakeholder Partnerships The language of multi-stakeholder inclusivity is not new; attempts have been made before to bring in non-governmental actors and the private sector into the development effort. But these two processes explicitly focus on bringing together coalitions of actors in a concerted way. In this session we want to go beyond the rhetoric to see what this might mean in practice?
1 How is the role of civil society changing? What are the most important interventions CSOs can make?
Will attempts to include the private sector work better than they have in the past? Where are the blockages? What are the risks?
b. Data Revolution The focus on data as part of the Post-2015 process is genuinely original, and recognises serious deficits in our knowledge for decisionmaking. The Busan process too relies on data to move from general principles of cooperation to monitoring actual progress. This session will focus down this wide field of study on the two processes in particular.
1 2 3
What are the most important areas to look at and deepen? Where are the gaps? One thing is collecting data, another is using it? How can data be put to best use? What are the challenges and opportunities for making data more available and transparent?
c. Media and Communication If these important agendas are to reach out beyond the endless rounds of conferences, and genuinely connect with people and communities, building political pressure for change, communication is everything. But resources are limited.
1 2 3
What has worked in the past? What hasn’t? What innovative ideas exist that have not been capitalized on? What and to whom are we trying to communicate the global development agendas? What are the key pressure points that we should focus our efforts on?
Decision Making Process: scenarios, challenges and opportunities In the final session of the retreat we will reflect on what we have discussed and think about next steps, not as a collective necessarily, but as a group of influential and engaged individuals and organisations.
1 2 3
Can we build a sensible strategy to ensure that the needs and concerns of the region are reflected in the two processes? Who are our allies? Where are the blockages? Who would do what? What should we not do?
erica ri Af
c South Ameri
a Argentina Barbados Bolivia Brazil
Cameroon Chile Colombia Costa Rica
Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador Gambia
Germany Great Britain Guyana Haiti
Honduras Mexico Netherlands New Zeland
Nicaragua Panama Peru Sra Lanka
United States Uruguay Vietnam
49 27
14 7 5
Civil Society Academia/ Expert Think Tank
9 7 4
Multilateral Organizations Regional Organizations
Adelaida Trujillo - Colombia
Director for Latin America The Communication Initiative
Anthropologist, trained in Direction/Production in Film and Television in the UK with a British Council fellowship. She Cofounded in 1986 CITURNA PRODUCTIONS, focused on social, political and environmental documentaries. She also co-founded IMAGINARIO, a non-profit multidisciplinary organization to promote the use of television, media and communication for social change. She directs The Communication Initiative in Latin America, focused on the scale of media and communication interventions for development. She is an Ashoka Fellow for her work in children and school’s television.
Adrianus Melkert -Netherlands
He is a former Dutch Labour Party Committee chairman and has previously served as UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, as well as Special Rapporteur at the 2010 Global Child Labour Conference. His international activities followed a long and prominent political career in The Netherlands as parliamentary leader of the Labor Party and Cabinet Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. Hhe is an independent senior adviser on corporate social responsibility, international public affairs and employment strategies.
Alejandro Barrios - Bolivia
Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean IBON International
Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of IBON International-LAC and the campaign Objetivos de los Pueblos para el Desarrollo Sostenible (People’s Coalition for Sustainable Developent), within the Post-2015 framework. He is Executive Secretary of Coalición de los Pueblos por la Soberanía Alimentaria (People’s Coalition for Food Sovereignty). He is an Economist with Master studies in Public and Ethic Policies for the Democratization and the Development of the Third World.
Alicia Bárcena - Mexico
Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Since 2008 Mrs. Bárcena is the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). She had previously served as the Under-Secretary-General for Management at United Nations Headquarters in New York, Chef de Cabinet and Deputy Chef de Cabinet to the former SecretaryGeneral, Mr. Kofi Annan. Alicia Bárcena held the post of Deputy Executive Secretary and Director of ECLAC’s Environment and Human Settlements Division. She served as Co-ordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Sustainable Development Programme of the UNDP and was the Founding Director of the Earth Council in Costa Rica.
Amina Mohammed - Nigeria
UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning
Mrs. Mohammed was appointed by the UN Secretary-General as his Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning. She was previously as Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium Development Goals after serving three Presidents over a period of six years. In 2005 she was charged with the coordination of the debt relief funds towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria. From 2002-2005, Ms. Mohammed served as coordinator of the Task Force on Gender and Education for the United Nations Millennium Project.
Anthony Smith - Great Britain » Director of the International Relations Division DFID
Arelys Bellorini - Nicaragua » United Nations Representative World Vision International
She is currently World Vision’s United Nations Representative in New York. She leads WV engagement on the Post-2015 and manages the organization’s relations and partnerships with key UN agencies, in particular UNICEF. She is a sociologist graduated from Columbia University. She has worked in Plan International and the Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation in Nicaragua. She has managed national and local NGOs and has been a Professor on advocacy and multilateral organizations in her home country. Arelys Bellorini has also managed humanitarian programs and disaster risk reduction strategies at municipal and community level.
Armando Garrido - Colombia
He is a Civil Engineer from the Andes University of Colombia. He has been the president of important companies such as DIACO and Conciviles. In the public sector, he has served as Presidential Advisor for the Valle del Cauca region. Since 2003 he joined Caja de Compensación Familiar del Valle del Cauca (COMFANDI), a Family Welfare Fund which has more than 30.000 affiliated companies.
Bruno Figueroa - Mexico
Ambassador General Director for International Development Cooperation Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
He joined the Mexican Foreign Service in 1987, reaching the rank of Ambassador in 2011. In his international career, has had several positions such as General Consul of Mexico in San Jose, California, Permanent Representative to the OECD (2007-2010) and Chief of Staff of the Mexican International Cooperation Agency for Development (2010 to May 2013). He holds a Master degree from École Nationale D’administration (ENA) and a Bachelor in International Relations from Colegio de México.
Carola Kenngott - Germany » Programme Analyst Effective Development Cooperation Team UNDP
Is part of the Effective Development Cooperation Team in the Knowledge, Innovation and Capacity Group of UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy in NY, where she provides programme and policy advice on South South and Triangular Cooperation, knowledge sharing, and effective development cooperation. Is member of UNDP-OECD task team to support the implementation of the GPEDC and contribute to the preparation of the Partnership’s High-level Meeting in Mexico. Has been working in project management in the areas of food security, agriculture and climate change with GIZ in Ethiopia and Germany. Her academic background is business administration, ID and environmental economics, acquired at the LSE.
Claire Melamed - Great Britain
Head of Programme for Growth, Poverty and Inequality Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Claire heads ODI’s work on the post-2015 agenda, looking at sectoral and cross-cutting issues, tracking the political negotiations, co-leading the ‘MY World’ survey with UNDP, and working on the data revolution. She was previously the Head of Policy at ActionAid UK, had also worked for Christian Aid and the United Nations in Mozambique. She has taught at the University of London and the Open University.
« Claudia
Maldonado - Mexico
General Coordinator CLEAR Latin American Centre
Coodinates the CLEAR centre for Latin America, aimed to support capacity building to measure the effectiveness and results of public policies. She holds a PhD from the University of Notre Dame and is professor and researcher of the Public Administration Division at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE). Her research focus areas are on compared social policy and development, evaluation of programs and public policy theory. She has worked for several national and internacional governmental institutions. She has also been a public servant at the Mexican Government.
Claudia Vasquez - Colombia
Advisor of the General Director Presidential Agency of International Cooperation - APC Colombia
Lawyer from the Andes University of Colombia and holds a Master degree on Air and Space Law from McGill University. For 13 years, she worked in the private air law field. In her public service experience, she has served as Coordinator of Environmental Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, where she leaded Colombia’s position within the Post-2015 agenda. She is now advisor of the General Director of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia, continuing her rol on promoting initiatives such as the SDGs within the development processes.
Danny Sriskandarajah - Sri Lanka » Secretary General CIVICUS
Secretary General of CIVICUS. His previous posts include the first non-British Director General of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Interim Director of the Commonwealth Foundation and Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research. In 2012, Danny was named a WEF Young Global Leader and was also involved in the WEF Global Agenda Council on Civil Society. He is an expert on civil society, international migration and economic development and has published numerous reports, academic articles and policy papers. He holds a first class degree from the University of Sydney, and an MPhil and DPhil from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
Eduardo Ulibarri - Costa Rica
Ambassador and Premanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations
Has been Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations since August 2010. A journalist by profession, he was editor-in-chief of La Nación, Costa Rica’s leading newspaper. He was member of the board of the International Center for Journalists, and served as Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of the Press of the Inter- American Press Association. He has been awarded by the University of Missouri, the Columbia University, and the Latin American Associations of Political Consultants, Argentina. Graduated on mass communications from the University of Costa Rica, he holds a master in Journalism from the University of Missouri and was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. «
Fernando Prada - Peru
President FORO Nacional Internacional
Associated researcher and President of Foro Nacional Internacional. He is an economist and holds a Master degree on Public Policy from the University for Michigan, where he was a Fullbright scholar. He has been consultant of the Peruvian government and of several international organizations such as the WB, IDB, AECI, UNRISD, PNUD, among others.
ÂŤ Flor
Ochy - Panama
Head of UN Affairs General Coordination for International Organisms and Conferences
She hold a Bachelor in International Relations, Post-Graduate Studies in Logistics Management for International Transport and a Master degree on Logistical Management and Multimodal Transport. She began her diplomatic career in 2003. She is a Second Secretary Head of UN Affairs, in the General Coordination for International Organisms and Conferences in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama. She has been Head of the Department for the Occidental Hemisphere and Head in charge of the Infrastructure Mesoamerican Project of Integration.
Garfiel Barnwell - Guyana Âť Director of Sustainable Development CARICOM Secretariat
Director of Sustainable Development at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat. He is an applied economist specializing in environment and natural resource management issues with a Master Degree in Economics from the University of Manchester, and a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Guyana. He was a Senior Advisor on Social and Economic Issues at the Guyana Mission to the UN. Prior, he had been the Project Coordinator of the University of the West Indies Centre for Environment and Development on the implementation of the World Bank project on Capacity Building for Environment Management in the Caribbean.
Gaston Lasarte - Uruguay » Director of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Member of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing
Ambassador Lasarte is Director of Multilateral Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, and Member of the UN Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Financing for Sustainable Development. His activities followed a long and prominent international career where, he has served as Ambassador of Uruguay in Canada and Portugal; and has served in the Uruguayan Mission to the UN, Trinidad and Tobago and the USA, as well as high level positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country.
Georgina Ramos - El Salvador
General Manager of Red para la Infancia y la Adolescencia El Salvador and member of the Coordination Board of REDLAMYC
Member of the Coordination Board of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Children REDLAMYC and General Manager of Red para la Infancia y la Adolescencia (Network for Children and Youth) of El Salvador. She has been an advocate of children rights in national and international constituencies, including in the Post-2015 framework. She has worked as a consultant for Save the Children, Swiss Skip Foundation, GIZ, among others. She holds a Master in Psychology from the Central American University Simeón Cañas.
Gerardo Bracho - Mexico
Senior Policy Advisor Seconded by the Mexican Government Development Co-operation Directorade OECD
Holds a PhD in Economic History from Oxford University and a Master´s degree on Development Studies from the University of Sussex. He has been a Mexican diplomat since November 1990. Currently he was loaned by the Mexican Government to join the OECD secretariat to support the GPEDC. He served the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation as Deputy Director-General. He also was a Mexican delegate posted in Paris at the OECD, especially working on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). He served as a Sherpa for Mexico at the group that negotiated the Busan outcome document. He has also worked at the Mexican Embassy in London and Moscow.
Guillermo Acuña - Chile » Legal and Political Advisor Office of the Executive Secretary of the ECLAC
Has been working in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) since 1995. In January 2014, he was appointed as the coordinator of ECLAC’s working group on Post-2015 agenda and SDGs. He is also the legal an political advisor of ECLAC’s Executive Secretary. Previously, he was in the Division for Sustainable Development and Human Settlement. He is a lawyer and holds a Master degree on Environment, Economic Development and Environmental Law.
Guillermo Correa -Argentina 禄 Executive Director RACI Argentina
Holds a Master degree on International Relations from the University of Buenos Aires. He is an expert on development. He is a former staff member of Fundaci贸n Poder Ciudadano and the Argentinian Chapter of Transparency International. He is a fellow of the Kaettering Foundation. He has also worked at the Red Interamericana para la Democracia (Interamerican Network for Democracy). He is the Executive Coordinator of Red Argentina para la Cooperaci贸n Internacional RACI (Argentinian Network for International Cooperation) and honorary member of the Australian-Latin America Business Council. He is author of several publications about private social responsibility, private social investment and international cooperation. 芦
Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa - Mexico
Director General of Civil Participation Digital Innovation Strategy Presidency of Mexico
Holds a Master degree in Design Studies and Urban Studies Affairs from Harvard University. He has previously served as Research Assistant of the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Was Founder and Co-director of Pase Usted , Founder and Editor in Chief of the Tomo Excelsior, Adjunct Professor of Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico and Assistant Architect of Zaha Hadid Architects.
Helen Yaxley - Great Britain
First Secretary for Development British Embassy in Colombia
Helen Yaxley is posted at the British Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, responsible for the UK-Colombia cooperation on climate change and the peace process. Helen has worked for the Department for International Development (DFID) for 13 years in a variety of roles including: Team Leader in management and quality programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, humanitarian aid in the Pakistan floods in 2010, inter-institutional relations and cooperation policies in Iraq; policy development in human rights and social inclusion programs for development cooperation; project management in Latin America and previously in Sierra Leone.
Inés Brill - Colombia » KICG LAC Coordinator Knowledge, Innovation and Capacity Group UNDP
An economist from the Andes University of Colombia and specialized on Regional and Urban Development from the University La Sorbona of Paris. She has more that 20 years of experience in development topics, humanitarian aid, social development and reduction of disasters risk. She is the Regional Coordinator of the Knowledge, Innovation and Capacity Group and the South-South Cooperation Program, at the Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean based in Panama. She has served as Head of the Urban Development Unit of the National Department of Planning of Colombia and as advisor of the General Manager of the Mortgage Central Bank . She is former Executive Director of the Colombian Confederation of NGO.
Inocencio García - Dominican Republic » Vice Minister for International Cooperation Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of Dominican Republic
Has been General Director of Bilateral Cooperation and Ambassador in charge of the Division of Relations with Haiti. He was a consultant for the final report on sustainable development published by the Technical Secretariat of the Dominican Presidency and the UNDP, as well as for the “Action Plan for the border of Dominican Republic and Haiti”. He holds a Bachelor in sociology from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, a Master degree in Public Managment from the Research Institute of José Ortega y Gasset and a Master on Security and Defense from the National Security Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense and Security. « Ivo
Havinga - Netherlands
Chief of the Economic Statistics Branch UN Statistics Division
Chief of the Economic Statistics Branch at the United Nations Statistics Division. His areas of work include national accounting, international trade in services, international economic and social classifcations and environmental accounting. He is an active member of the Friends of the Chair Group on Broader Measures of Progress (FOC) , which is in charge of monitoring the debate within the Post-2015 framework and promote the cooperation within national statistic systems in order to improve measurement mechanisms.
Jaime Garrón - Bolivia
International Cooperation Expert
Is an international development economist with extensive experience in development financing and international cooperation. Adviser on public debt management and strategy, he has developed guidelines for debt sustainability analysis and instruments. Solid knowledge on fiscal and financial programming, macroeconomic policy analysis and projections, cost/risk and portfolio analysis, donors/creditors policies and procedures analysis. Lead government representative in development cooperation forums and institutional settings abroad. Developed south-south and triangular cooperation strategies and negotiated bilateral programs for Bolivia.
Jeffery Huffines - United States of America » NGO Major Group Organizing Partner CIVICUS UN Representative
NGO Major Group Organizing Partner since 2011, responsible for guiding multi-stakeholder engagement of NGOs in sustainable development activities at the UN. Since 2009 he serves as CIVICUS Main Representative at the United Nations and on the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Working Group on Post-2015, UN Post-2015 Strategic Outreach Planning Group and Beyond 2015/GCAP UN Working Group. He was appointed Chair of the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference to take place at UN HQ (NY), to focus on the role of civil society in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Jonathan Glennie - Great Britain » Independent Consultant and Writer
Jonathan is an independent consultant and writer. He has recently left the ODI, which he joined in 2010 to lead the organisation’s research and policy advice on the future of development cooperation. His work at ODI included engagements with the OECD, EU, UN agencies, USAID, the Gates Foundation, and a variety of official, academic and civil society entities across the world. Previously he worked for Christian Aid, as a policy adviser on development finance (where he helped develop some of the now- ubiquitous critique of international tax policy), and as country director in Colombia. In 2008 he published The Trouble with Aid: Why less could mean more for Africa. He is a regular columnist for The Guardian‘s Global Development website. He has degrees in Theology and Sustainable Development. « Jorge
Bustamante - Colombia
International Expert
An economist and political scientist with a masters in economics from the Andes University. Expert in strategic planning with institutional and regional policy and administrative experience. Manager, director and consultant for major organizations in the public and the private sector. Financial and Project Director of the World Bank, Inter Development Bank, UNDP, IICA, CAN; expert in Planning Economic, Regional and Project Evaluation. He also served as a researcher and professor at the universities of the Andes, Javeriana and Piloto. Until 2013, he was the Director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia.
« Jorge
Laguna-Celis - Mexico
Senior Advisor for Sustainable Development Post-2015 Development Agenda/ECOSOC Office of the President of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly
He began his career as an international consultant for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He has served as deputy chief of the Mexican Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, and deputy permanent representative to the UNEP and to the UN-Habitat. He was also appointed member of the High Level Advisory Panel of the Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) in representation of the Latin American and the Caribbean region. From 2010 to 2013, Mr. Laguna-Celis served as lead negotiator during the Rio+20 Conference and delegate to the Second Committee of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. He holds a MA in International Trade from the Institut d’EtudesPolitiques.
Juan Pablo Prado - Mexico » Writer and Researcher Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP)
Juan Pablo has a PhD in International Relations and European Union and a Master in International Cooperation from the Complutense University of Madrid. Research Professor at the Autonomous University of Puebla. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) he was in charge of the Division of Cooperation with Africa and the Middle East and in the Ministry of Education was in charge of the Department of Multilateral Relations. He has been a consultant of AECID, Fundación Carolina, SRE, SEGIB, Oxfam Mexico , among others. He supported the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation to shape the Mexican Program for International Development Cooperation. Author of more than 80 texts on international cooperation.
Kemberley Gittens - Barbados Âť Senior Project Officer Caribbean Policy Development Centre
Senior Projects Officer of the Caribbean Policy Development Centre in Barbados. She is a Lecturer at the University of the West Indies delivering courses in Networking and Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation for NGOs. She has worked with the UNDP Barbados and the OECS Subregional Office in a number of capacities, including Coordinator of the Support to Poverty and Assessment in the Caribbean, Project and Programme Analyst for Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Development Goals. Kemberley holds a BSc in Sociology and Political Science from the University of the West Indies and a Master of Philosophy in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex. ÂŤ Lidia
Fromm - Honduras
International Expert
Lidia Fromm is a strategic leader with over 15 years of experience in human development, social policies and development cooperation. She is regarded as a strong advocate for development effectiveness and highly esteemed as a bridge builder between different actors from both public and private sectors. She has been a researcher for the Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (PREAL), author of several specialized books and articles. Until the beginning of 2014 she was the Vice Minister of Social Development of Honduras.
Louis Marcelin - Haiti
Chancellor Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development INURED (Haiti) Professor, University of Miami (USA)
Currently serving as the Director of Research at the Family and Youth Community Research Center, Inc. Serves as Principal and Co-Principal Investigator in many studies in the United States, Haiti, and Brazil. Has a taught as visiting faculty at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Universidade Campinas, Departamento de Antropologia, Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero, Campinas, Brazil, Centro de Estudos Afro-Asiáticos (Afro-Asians Study Center), Conjuntos Universitários Cândido Mendes, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Luis Flores - Chile » Policy and Campaign Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean Consumers International
Coordinated Consumers International’s work for the Rio+20 Earth Summit on Sustainable Development. Since 2005, Luis has been managing sustainable consumption issues in the region, actively participating in a number of relevant related UN forums and instances such as UNEP, UNDP and UNESCO. Luis is a lawyer and has studied environmental management and consumer protection. He is a former NGO Major Group Organizing Partner.
Luis Olivera - Peru » Executive Director Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI)
Holds a degree in Anthropology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a MBA from the ITESM Mexico. He has held various management-level positions in governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations related to international cooperation for development. He was the Chief of the International Cooperation Office of the Ministry of Education, Secretary-General of the Peruvian National Commission for UNESCO and National-Secretary for the Convenio Andrés Bello. He performed as President of the Non-Permanent Specialized Committees of the OAS.
« Mariana
Rudge - Brazil
Post-2015 Advocacy Adviser Bond
Joined Bond in June 2010. She coordinates Bond’s work on the Post-2015 agenda, working closely with the Beyond 2015 campaign. Before joining Bond, Mariana has been trained and worked as a lawyer in Brazil. She moved to the UK in 2007, where she has worked on the Baha Mousa Inquiry at Redress and for the Brazil Team at the Amnesty International Secretariat. She holds an LLM in International Human Rights from the London School of Economics.
« Minh-Thu
Pham - Vietnam
Director of Policy UN Foundation
Director of Policy of the UN Foundation. She was chief of staff in the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy for Malaria. She also served for several years in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General as a policy advisor on peace-building and UN reform. She has field experience in Ethiopia, Bosnia, and Vietnam working on refugee, education, and post-conflict issues. MinhThu holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from Princeton and a Bachelor in History from Duke University.
Nelson Muffuh - Cameroon » Head of Outreach Post - 2015 Development Planning & Coordination One Secretariat Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General
Responsible for stakeholder outreach, networking, partnerships and communications coordination in the Post-2015 Development Planning team in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary General/One UN Post-2015 Secretariat. Until recently, he was the Senior Regional Coordinator for the outreach and advocacy efforts of the United Nations Millennium Campaign in Africa. He was a Senior Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator at Christian Aid and Programme Coordinator for both Transparency International and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy/African Liberal Network.
Paul Ladd - Great Britain » Head of UNDP’s Team on the Post- 2015 Development Agenda
Joined UNDP in 2006 and currently heads the Organization’s Team on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. He had led UNDP’s policy team on inclusive globalization as well as the group that prepared UNDP’s contribution to the September 2010 Review Summit on the MDGs. He had as well supported the Office of the UN Secretary-General. He was a policy adviser on ID for the UK Treasury, and economic adviser to the UK Department for ID for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. He was Chief Economist and acting Head of Policy in Christian Aid; and a financial adviser in the Central Bank of Guyana. He holds a BSc in Economics and a MSc in Quantitative Development Economics from the University of Warwick. « Paula
Lucci - Argentina
Research Fellow, Growth, Poverty and Inequality ODI
Is a Research Fellow in ODI’s Growth, Poverty and Inequality team. Her current research interests include the post-2015 MDGs debate, urban poverty, and inclusive growth. She has also done work on the role of the private sector in development and migration. She was Managing Economist in a private sector consultancy and has worked for think tanks such as, the Institute for Public Policy Research, the Centre for Cities, the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society in Oxford, and CENIT in Argentina. She has experience working for the public sector in Argentina and Mexico. She holds an MPhil in International Development from Oxford University and an MSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University.
« Philipp
Schönrock - Colombia-Germany
Director CEPEI
He has worked as a Program Official for the Ecole de la Paix in Grenoble and has served as an adviser to the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation in Paris, France. In the public sector he has worked as an advisor for the Colombian government’s commercial office in Germany. Philipp has published numerous essays in Latin America, Europe and the United States and writes periodically in the Latin American press. He is also a guest-lecture on subjects regarding international development cooperation at various universities across the LAC region. He is a Board Member of the Executive Committees of the Colombian Confederation of NGO and the Beyond 2015, as well as Co-Chair of the LAC Community of Practice on Management for Development Results.
Priscilla Miranda - Mexico » Project Coordinator CEPEI
Is CEPEI’s projects coordinator. She holds an MSc on Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political and a BSc on International Relations from Tec of Monterrey in Mexico. She has been advisor of the Vice Minister of Migration, Population and Religious Affairs in the Ministry of Interior of Mexico, working on migration and refugees. As part of the team of advisors of the Social Policy Cabinet at the Office of the President of Mexico, her research was focused on education and health social policies. In her position as Second Secretary of the Mexican Embassy in Colombia, she was in charge of bilateral and multilateral institutional relations, international cooperation, business affairs and press.
Ryna Garay - El Salvador » General Director for International Development Cooperation of El Salvador
General Director for International Development Cooperation in the Viceministry of Cooperation for Development of El Salvador. She has been Director for Bilateral Cooperation and South-South Cooperation. Former Executive Director of Fundación Salvadoreña para la Promoción Social y el Desarrollo Económico. She has worked with several civil society organizations and she founded the Movimiento para el Desarrollo Solidario MODES and has been member of international networks such as ALOP, LIGA IBEROAMERICA, CEAAL. She is proffesor of the University of El Salvador and reserarcher at the Laboratory of Food and Technology in Managua, Nicaragua. « Sering
Falu Njie - Gambia
Deputy Director of the UN Millennium Campaign UNDP
Is a statistician by training and a development professional with over 20 years of hands-on experience working on poverty issues in Africa. He has spent 10 years working in the Government of Gambia, where his most recent position was Director General of the National Planning Commission. He has served as the Coordinator of the Poverty Reduction Programme in The Gambia and has worked with leading international NGOs including Save the Children and Action Aid. He has been a lead consultant in the WB. He holds a Masters degree in Poverty Reduction and Development Management from the University of Birmingham and a Bachelors degree in Statistics from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.
Warren Feek - New Zeland
Executive Director The Communication Initiative
Executive Director of The Communication Initiative, a partnership of 22 development organisations that seeks to support people and organisations using communication and media strategies to address development issues. The major activities include a network of development communicators, a knowledge website of programme experiences, strategic thinking, and evaluation results, plus a range of other features. The CI commenced in 1998. Previously Warren worked in lead roles at UNICEF HQ in New York (Health and HIV/AIDS Communication) and The Commonwealth Secretariat (Youth Development).
Conference place American Trade Hotel
Address Plaza Herrera Casco Viejo Panama City
Weather Mostly sunny with possibility of a light rain. The average temperature is 28 oC / 82 oF
Phone +507 211-2000
$ Currency US dollar
Transport Airport - hotel - airport transportation will be provided by the organizers.
Attire Business casual
Contacts Philipp Schรถnrock +57 3108575647
Priscilla Miranda +57 3045452586
David Olarte +57 3167468812
Catherine Armour + 507 66702988
# @infoCEPEI
Philipp Schรถnrock Director
Priscilla Miranda Project Coordinator
David Olarte & Ximena Gonzรกlez Logistical Coordination Andrea Villanueva & Camila Murcia Graphic Design
Carrera 3 # 11-55 Of. 321, Bogota D.C - Colombia | Tel. +57-1-3001051
Philipp Schรถnrock, Director Priscilla Miranda, Project Coordinator