FROM INFORMATION TO STRATEGIES Analyzed information of foreign trade and financial area to make international business. Our information allows your company to gain business intelligence, knowing what products your competitors import and at what price, who your suppliers are, what your participation in the market is, within other important variables that can give you a real vision of what is happening in your market.
This online application is specially designed to give an easy and quick access to any company, in order to provide statistics that allow directors to have a punctual analysis of the competence, products and markets. The figures make clear summaries, facilitating their analysis from different points of view with only one click.
¿HOW IT WORKS? Our online system enables the user to check imports and exports information of Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Panamá and Costa Rica, with historical and complete data of market figures in each country. In addition, our application also has financial information of the 22.000 companies that report their financial statements to the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce. In this module you can find the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Profitability Analysis.
BENEFITS: It`s the easiest tool to use in the market. You take less than a minute to obtain results. You don`t need to fill complex formularies or select multiple choices. The system allows you to access to all the information and punctual analysis with summary tables and graphs. CVN gives you full support throughout the consultation process, from the initial training to teach you how to use our system, until sending periodical reports of your industry to keep you up to date with what is happening in your industry.
Colombia data base / Imports- Query results Criteria results
Our reports are built based on our customer needs for which we established a periodic delivery that allows the entrepreneur to regularly monitor the issues that matter the most in your import or export market. This product is the perfect complement for CVN Online application and supports your company to achieve tangible achievements that will be reflected in its turnover.
多HOW IT WORKS? It collects Import and Export information from a group of products and companies, ranging from the generation of summary tables, data matching, and recalculation of figures, to the final presentation to the executive management group. You can make regular monitoring of critical variables such as market size, quantities, market shares, suppliers, customers, among others.
BENEFITS: We focus on the figure analysis and your market position. Our management approach allows you to have an executive presentation of key findings and points to note, so you can analyze with your steering group and can make informed decisions. These reflect what happened in the time period you prefer (month, two months, quarter) and you get a view of the market regularly so you can identify trends, developments and key points of your business.
Imports of power tools Year 2009 vs 2010 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS
Cheese imports by country of origin August 2011- vr usd FOB 268 k
At CVN we always talk about the evolution of information and this service is the best example that this is possible. We have succeeded in creating an information analysis methodology that completely breaks up the marks, references, presentations, technical conditions and unit prices of imports of products from sectors such as: Food, Pharmaceutical, Vehicles, Tires, Yellow Machinery, Appliances, Medical Equipment, Air Conditioner, Flavors and Fragrances, Fuels and lubricants, etc. Never before in Colombia there was such a rich and relevant information to take strategic decisions, only CVN Specialized makes it possible. *only for products that require registration or licensing of import prior to the Ministry of Industry and Trade
多HOW IT WORKS? This is a report that shows detailed information of marks, references, models, unit prices and much more about various products imported into Colombia. This allows you to follow full track products that are coming into the country (amounts, competitors, market share) and generate the necessary strategies to help your business grow. It is the most robust and comprehensive report on imported products that may exist.
BENEFITS: EThis service is a complete project information with planning phase, execution, delivery and evaluation. This scheme will allow you to have complete control of the progress made with the information and analysis that we delivered. The cost varies with the amount of information you want to analyze. So you can focus initially on the most critical part of your business and then expand your studies to other products and companies, allowing you to control the flow of payments. In both partial deliveries and the delivery end of your report, you will be accompanied by your senior advisor who will guide the reading of information so your analysis can be completely clear.
Silicone hidrogels market
Product presentation ( units and values)
Pbx 703 7777 Calle 137 a # 45ÂŞ-50 @cvn_col centrovirtualdenegocios cvn centro virtual de negocios