Joint Monitoring Committee

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Joint Monitoring Committee THE PROGRAMME HANDBOOK NO. 1

European Union

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013



Joint Monitoring Committee THE PROGRAMME HANDBOOK NO. 1

Photograph on cover:


ust like every ship needs a captain, the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 also needs a body that will ensure smooth

and well coordinated travel throughout the life of the Programme. The Joint Mon-

itoring Committee is the governing body of the Programme and each important decision must be approved by all it’s members. The JMC members represent each of three countries and each region within it. Thus it embodies the voices from the whole Programme area which makes the discussions more complex, but at the same time more interesting. In this aspect the JMC symbolises advantages as well as challenges that brings cross-border partnership in each of Programme’s project. The intention of this booklet is to bring back the atmosphere of each of eight Joint Monitoring Committee meetings and therefore present it as a diary of many authors contributing to the same objective – bringing closer three countries through fair and equal cooperation.


RESPONSIBILITIES____________________________ 3

3rd meeting____________________________


COMPOSITION _________________________________ 4

4th meeting____________________________


RULES OF PROCEDURES____________________ 5

5th meeting___________________________


MEETINGS ______________________________________ 6

6th meeting___________________________


7th meeting___________________________


8th meeting___________________________


1st meeting______________________________ 8 2nd meeting____________________________ 10



The Joint Monitoring Committee is responsible for the quality and efficiency of the implementation of the Programme. As such, it makes, in particular, the following decisions concerning the Programme: »» it approves the work programme of the JMA and the JTS and reviews the management decisions made by the Joint Managing Authority, »» it appoints the members of the Evaluation Committees, »» it decides on the selection criteria to be applied and the final choice of the projects and grant amounts, »» it decides on the amounts and on the allocation of funds and resources for technical assistance including human resources, »» it reviews all the reports submitted by the Joint Managing Authority and takes the appropriate measures if necessary, »» at each of its meetings and on the basis of the documents submitted by the Joint Managing Authority and Joint Technical Secretariat it evaluates and monitors accomplished progress to achieve the objectives of the programme, »» it examines the contentious cases of recovery notified by the Joint Managing Authority.






The Joint Monitoring Committee includes representatives of the cooperation areas involved (one regional representative per region), representatives of the national authorities responsible for the Programme (two national representatives per country), and other representatives appointed by each participating country.

The following institutions from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine appointed a voting representative for the Joint Monitoring Committee:


POLAND Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (formerly the Ministry of Regional Development) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

BELARUS Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Co-ordinating Unit of Belarus for the European Union’s TACIS Programme,

UKRAINE Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (formerly the Ministry of Economy) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


REGIONAL INSTITUTIONS »» Poland: Marshal Office of Podlaskie Voivodeship, Marshal Office of Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, Marshal Office of Podkarpackie Voivodeship, relevant Euroregions, i.e. Niemen, Puszcza Białowieska, Bug, Karpacki (one representative of all Euroregions on a rotation basis) »» Belarus: Brest Regional Executive Committee, Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Gomel Regional Executive Committee, City of Minsk Executive Committee, relevant Euroregions, i.e. Neman, Belovezhskaya puscha, Bug (one representative of all Euroregions on a rotation basis) »» Ukraine: Volynska Oblast State Administration, Lvivska Oblast State Administration, Zakarpatska Oblast State Administration, Rivnenska Oblast State Administration, Ternopilska Oblast State Administration, Ivano-Frankivska Oblast State Administration

The chairperson, as well as each country, may also nominate external observers, experts or advisors of the Committee with no right to participate in the decision-making procedures, but an opportunity to express their opinion and observations. In addition to the duly appointed representatives, in order to ensure the close association of different local stakeholders in the implementation of the joint operational programme, other participants took part in the meetings of the Committee (among others: Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Białystok, General Consulate of Brest, Embassy of Ukraine in Poland, NGOs and other organisations).

The European Commission and INTERACT/RCBI were invited to each meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee as an observer and without any decision-making power and was also informed of the results of the JMC deliberations.


Details of the functioning of the JMC were described in its rules of procedures, a document which was adopted by unanimity at the first JMC meeting. 7

The Joint Monitoring Committee makes decisions by consensus. However, it may put certain decisions to a vote, particularly those relating to the final selection of projects and the grant amounts allocated to them. Each participating country has one vote. During each meeting, the JMC was chaired by the JMA and a representative of the JTS acted as the secretary of the JMC.

During each meeting, the JMC was chaired by the JMA and a representative of the JTS acted as the secretary of the JMC.


Eight JMC meetings have taken place so far:

1st meeting: Lublin, Poland

3rd meeting: Białowieża, Poland

27th–28th of January 2010

18th of March 2009

18th-20th of April 2011

23rd-24th of November 2010

2nd meeting: Lviv, Ukraine


5th meeting: Truskavets, Ukraine

7th meeting: Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

8th of December 2011

4th meeting: Łańcut, Poland

10th of April 2013

30th-31st of July 2012

6th meeting: Warsaw, Poland

13th-14th of November 2012

8th meeting: Brest, Belarus

The meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee were organised by the Joint Technical Secretariat with the assistance of its Branch Offices from Lviv and Brest.

According to the procedures, after each meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee, the chairperson and the secretary drew up the minutes of the meeting and circulated them to all members for approval. Its final version was sent to each member, to external observers if nominated and to the Commission.

The JMC also has the right to make decisions through written procedure at the initiative of the Joint Managing Authority or one of the participating states. In this case the chairperson shall send the draft decision via the Joint Technical Secretariat to all members of the Committee and their deputies by electronic mail. This procedure is highly efficient and it allows the representatives of three countries to make decisions without the necessity of a meeting. This is why many decisions have already been made using this procedure, especially related to the approval of changes within ongoing projects, which lets them be implemented without unnecessary delay:

Statistics of written procedures approved by the JMC:



»» Main assumptions of the Application pack for the 1st Call for proposals »» Establishment of the JTS »» JMC Rules of Procedures »» Decision on the Large Scale Projects application process

Preparations for the meeting of the Committee were accompanied by many emotions and a great deal of work; finally, we were to officially start the Programme. The spring was near, but meanwhile, Lublin welcomed us with a snowstorm. It was constantly snowing and Katarzyna Cymbarewicz the then representative of the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme

the traffic jams made it difficult to arrive to the Lublin Castle. The discussion was heated, however, being surrounded by the works of art made people more sophisticated and added seriousness to the situation. The atmosphere was also cooled down by air conditioning – the temperature in the rooms was only 14 °C. The sessions lasting many hours were very exhausting, however, in retrospect, I can say that the meeting was successful in every respect and 4 months after the EC approved the Programme, we could start preparations for the first call for proposals. Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat


The location for the first meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine – the Lublin Castle – was not a coincidence, as it is a special and symbolic place. This is where one of the greatest masterpieces of Polish painting, depicting the moment of conclusion of the “Union of Lublin”, Bogdan Kawałko Marshal’s Office in Lublin

is on display. This unique, international agreement from 1569, called the Union of Lublin, joined Poland and Lithuania into the first union in the history of Europe of that time. This unprecedented alliance was not written in blood or based on violence, but relied on the rules of compromise and partnership. The mentioned ideals have also became the basis for the construction of permanent alliance between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Just like several hundred years ago, the inspirer of the agreement beyond the borders was the Polish side. Whereas, the LubelPhotograph: Marshal’s Office in Lublin

skie Voivodeship, due to its geographical position, played and still plays a special role in creating conditions for bringing the European Union closer to its Eastern neighbours and developing cross-border cooperation. All participants of the trilateral sessions taking place “at the feet” of the “Union of Lublin” painting during the first meeting of the JMC must have felt the atmosphere of this extraordinary event in the history of Europe, immortalized by the great painter Jan Matejko.

The first JMC took place after long period of Joint Operational Programme preparation. On the one hand we felt that finally we turned the page and can start the preparation of the Call for Proposals, but on the other hand, Ukraine was on the way to signing a Financial Agreement

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine

what was the pre-condition for participation in the Programme. The venue of the meeting was a beautiful Castle, the negotiation was held in the big room (hall) with old fashioned furniture and pictures, but this

Photograph: Joint Technical Secretariat

Maya Koshman

“pomposity” was levelled by the amount of issues which were to be discussed according to the agenda. When we completed our work with full consensus and came out from the Castle we faced windy snowy weather in the middle of March which symbolically pushed me to the feeling of new challenges in spite of work done earlier.


Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat


»» LPS Projects summaries »» Evaluation of the 2004-2006 Neighborhood Programme »» Recommendations for the projects assessment in PBU 2007-2013 »» Rules of Procedures of Evaluation Committee »» Annual Work Programmes for JMA and JTS

The ENPI Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine is of high priority for Lviv Oblast. As our region is situated on the border of European Union, transborder cooperation is a very

Lev Zakharchyshyn Lviv Regional State Administration

Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013, which took place in Lviv on the 27th-28th of January 2010 was a good opportunity to discuss the basic issues of the Programme. During the entire programming period the institution of the Joint Monitoring Committee has been an example of consensus among three countries. Now, when it is 2014, all the Programme participants can see the cross-border effect and can feel the influence on their territories as a result of mutual great work.


Photograph: Lviv Regional State Administration

important branch for future development. The second meeting of the

This was the second JMC meeting I took part in for the Poland Belarus Ukraine programme and my first time in Ukraine. The atmosphere of the meeting was quite tense, but I remember feeling satisfied with its outcomes as I managed to propose solutions to overcome some technical difficulties related to Large Scale Projects. Nathalie Thiberge

At the end of the day, I finally had some time to explore the city.

European Commission

at night time. I went, passing first by the Rynok Square, together

Photograph: Interact ENPI

I loved the sight of the beautiful city of Lviv covered with snow, with Albert (RCBI) and Dzmitry (Interact ENPI) to a traditional restaurant. We spent a very cosy and warm evening enjoying local cuisine and a beautiful walk back to the hotel at night.

The second meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee was both the challenge for the programme institutions and the first serious test of the Joint Technical Secretariat’s operation. For us, back then the employees of the Department of the Joint Managing

the then representative of the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme

Authority of the ENPI Programmes, the JTS’ support was invaluable. There were no shortcomings in the organization of the JMC’s meeting and the conference, however, the catastrophe was near when it turned out that the Programme’s promotional materials were held at the border crossing point. The JTS’ employee responsible for information and promotion rose to the occasion and in the middle of the

Photograph: Joint Technical Secretariat

Dominika Mickiewicz

night drove to the border from Lviv. Then, up to 3 am, several people sorted the documents he had delivered. It was a symbolic and spontaneous cooperation of the JMA and the JTS. After such an experience and the stress, the negotiations with the EC during the II meeting of the JMC were just a formality.


Photograph: Joint Technical Secretariat


»» Selection of the projects from the 1st Call for proposals including list of recommendations for those projects »» Establishment of reserve list of projects from the 1st Call for proposals »» Discussion on the Call for proposals for umbrella projects

Europe is still an unknown new country for most of us. We grow up in a little corner and nobody tells us about the wonders throughout its geography. For sure, I will not forget the first time I was in Białowieża, the place where the Tsar hunted bisons not so long ago. We

Regional Capacity Building Initiative (RCBI)


hunting lodge to celebrate the culmination of a very long teamwork: the approval of the first call for proposals of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine programme. An amazing place as a starting point to fruitful cross-border cooperation.

Photograph: RCBI

Albert Sorrosal

did not even see one animal, but at least we had dinner in the Tsar’s

I remember that meeting very well. Białowieża itself first of all. We tend to remember something that impresses us, and I was indeed impressed. I was expecting a small village and found out that in this small village there are a few 4-star hotels and some others are being constructed, the very beautiful houses of the inhabitants used for agro

the then representative of the INTERACT Programme

tourism. At the same time, being Belarusian, I felt at home. I somehow understand those people, I feel we are indeed very close to each other. Overall, the programmes were always about this: to recover the links

Photograph: Joint Technical Secretariat

Dzmitry Korbut

we have lost with time. I’m profoundly convinced that the borders, on which we were working, are purely artificial. Białowieża is a very good illustration of this – I was in the Białowieża forest from both sides of the border and I had a strong feeling that it is a common space. Our

Photo: – Frank Vassen

common space!


Photograph: Joint Technical Secretariat


»» Approved application pack for the Call for proposals for umbrella projects »» Discussion on contracting of projects from the 1st Call for proposal »» Information on the N+3 situation in the Programme

The date of 19th April 2011 will remain in my memory for a long time. It was on that day that I had the pleasure of signing with Mr. Marceli Niezgoda, the Vice-minister of the Regional Development, the first in Europe co-financing agreement for a strategic cross-border

Voivode of the Podlaskie Province

project within the scope of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. The project entitled “Infrastructural development of the Polowce - Pieszczatka road border crossing” received funding in the amount of 8m euro, which constitutes 90% of the whole project value. Today, the results of the agreement signed in Łańcut are visible: the construction of big and modern border crossing in Połowce is already at its final stage and soon it will be put into use both for the border guard and people crossing the border.


Photograph: Podlaski Voivodship Office

Maciej Żywno

In my mind, for the entire Belarusian delegation, one of the most important events that followed the IV JMC meeting was the opening of the JTS Branch Office in Brest. So, it can be said that the meeting became a harbinger of Brest BO’s operation, which started 10 days after the event. Another thing worth mentioning is the approval of the appliYuri Kolesov Brest Oblast Executive Committee

cation pack for umbrella projects which subsequently turned out to be unique among all CBC Programmes. I would like to thank the organizers of the event and the JTS team for the warm atmosphere.

The JMC meeting in Łańcut was my second. I was in charge of the procurement point of view and it was the time of my life, because I managed to ‘buy’ a great palace! Such places give immediate access to local culture and the participants could experience the history of the country and Andrzej Słodki Joint Technical Secretariat PolandBelarus-Ukraine 2007-2013

the region. I would never forget the endless corridors full of sculptures and paintings and the meeting room was at the end of this historical journey. I also had the pleasure to present the Programme information and communication plan and the only time we had journalists present was during this JMC meeting. It is not our routine to invite media to events of this kind, but it was a special opportunity then: the JMA and the Voivode of the Podlaskie Province signed a large scale project grant contract, the first one in Europe within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. We felt in Łańcut, that the Programme really advanced forward, so did the spring, showing us the first flowers in the rays of the Subcarpathian sun. Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat



»» Discussion on a possible extension of the projects’ implementation period until end of 2015 »» Annual Work Programmes for JMA and JTS »» Discussion on current situation with Large Scale Projects

I was really satisfied with the organisation of the fifth JMC meeting and on how it was held. The atmosphere was really friendly, and what made it even more friendly and remarkable, was the venue chosen Dzmitry Berazouski representative of the Coordinating Unit for the European Union’s TACIS Programme in the Republic of Belarus at the time

for the meeting. The conditions provided within the Hotel in Truskavets made you feel relaxed on the one hand and productive on the other, which is really important when making decisions and discussing important issues. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my appreciation for the organisation of all the JMC meetings and the ideas on the venues which really made the delegations of the three countries work as a team, make wise decisions and provide good results of work.

Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat


Despite the weather typical of late autumn, the meeting of the JMC in Truskavets, just like all its meetings, is a very pleasant recollection for me, first and foremost thanks to the hospitality of the hosts and competent organization of the Committee’s meeting. Marek Rainer Marshal’s Office of Podkarpackie Voivodeship

Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat



»» Selection of the projects from the 2nd Call for proposals in Priority 2 and 3 including list of recommendations for those projects »» Establishment of reserve list of projects from the 2nd Call for proposals in Priority 2 and 3 »» Discussion on the future financial perspective: state of play at the EC level, Programme stakeholders’ expectations and the roadmap

I remember the sessions of the JMC in Warsaw very well because of the significance of the decision that was made in relation to the selection of the projects from the second call for proposals Rafał Baliński the then representative of the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme

within the scope of Priority 2 and 3. In my opinion the meeting was very positive. Yet another time, the members of the JMC proved how important for them is a discussion based on partnership and reaching the agreement.

Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat


This was my first participation in the meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committees of the programmes in which Ukraine took part from 2007 until 2013, in particular in the meeting of JMC Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013. That is why all issues were new and interesting for me. We had a big Ukrainian delegation including the deputies of the Governors of Vitaliy Peychev

Lvivska and Volynska Oblasts. This fact underlines the importance of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

tion of this meeting, including accommodation, the meeting’s venue and

Programme for our regions. Let me highlight the high level of preparaalso interesting cultural programme after the meeting. Today, I have the experience in participating in the meetings of the JMC of different cross-border programmes, but the meetings of JMC Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 are among the best ones.

It was a long and exciting day. Each of the three delegations pooled all its expertise, commitment and art of compromise to agree on the best possible set of CBC projects. I think we succeeded, and everyone of us enjoyed this intense and tough exercise. And what matters above all, is that Dmitry Yarmolyuk the then representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

at the end of the day’s bargaining, we all sat down as friends and partners to celebrate our common achievement. Because this is what cross-border cooperation is about: winning together with, rather than against, your neighbours.

Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat



»» Selection of the projects from the 2nd Call for proposals in Priority 1 including list of recommendations for those projects »» Establishment of reserve list of projects from the 2nd Call for proposals in Priority 1 »» Decision concerning the results of administrative and eligibility check results of proposals submitted within the 3rd CfP »» Annual Work Programmes for JMA and JTS »» The new programming period: Programme stakeholders’ expectations and decision on roadmap

A charming location, a difficult JMC meeting. I had witnessed a vote on a decision on projects only once before. Alejandro Eggenschwiler European Commission


Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat

The 7th meeting of the JMC was particularly busy and full of proposals and controversial issues, especially concerning the projects of the 3rd CfP. The JMC had been actively working for two days, and a mutual decision meeting interests of all three parties was reached. In general, the meeting in Kazimierz Dolny was very productive and useIgor Bateniov Hrodna Oblast Executive Committee

ful. The team spirit and atmosphere of cooperation let the meeting run smoothly and without tension. I would call the meeting as one of the most original in my practice.

Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat

23 Photo: – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland


»» Selection of the projects from the 3rd Call for proposals including list of recommendations for those projects »» Discussion on contracting of projects from the 2nd Call for proposal

Working in the sphere of international technical assistance for a long period of time I have managed to get acquainted with a number of professionals involved in the process of coordination and implementation of technical assistance projects. I can say without hesitation that people Dina Goncharova Coordinating Unit for the European Union’s Tacis Programme in the Republic of Belarus

working at the Joint Technical Secretariat of ENPI CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine, as well as other bodies of state administration and local authorities, have good experience and sufficient knowledge, they are passionate about what they do and they do their job perfectly for the benefits of their countries. I have very pleasant memories from all the JMC Meetings I participated in. Organisation is flawless, the atmosphere is always favourable and allows everyone to work fruitfully to meet mutual interests. I would like to thank all the people involved in the organisation of and participation in the JMC Meetings of ENPI CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine for their efforts and hope for further fruitful cooperation in such a way! Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat


25 Photographs: Joint Technical Secretariat

Joint Technical Secretariat 39a Domaniewska St., 02-672 Warsaw, Poland tel: +48 22 378 31 00 e-mail:


Branch Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat in Lviv 5 Tyktora St., 79007 Lviv, Ukraine tel./fax: +380 322 61 02 59 e-mail:

Branch Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat in Brest 46 Sovetskaya St., 224005 Brest, Belarus tel: +375 162 53 15 83 e-mail:

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013 and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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