B Y C H R I S G R A Y, C E O, YO U R E M P I R E
There might be just over six weeks till the end of the year, but there’s only about one or two weeks left for new listings to come on the market. No matter whether you’re a buyer or a seller you’ll need to get your skates on if you want something to happen this year. A typical marketing campaign for a
listing, they’re on a plane, headed
Buyers are out of lockdown, are
property is around four weeks and
for overseas and you may not see
keen to see what properties are
there’s no guarantee it will sell in
them again till after Australia Day.
available, which could be an even
that time and so most agents will
Not a lot happens in January and
higher demand than we’re seeing
probably suggest having six weeks
so it’s their one chance to have six
up your sleeve and in six weeks’
weeks off.
time it’s Christmas.
Many agents may not have hit their
Much of the country has been in
target revenue for 2021 and won’t
This means that any vendor who
shut down and Melbourne has been
want to go on holiday if there’s
wants to sell a property this year will
named the most locked down city in
deals to be done. They certainly
have already listed their property
the world. Buyers haven’t been able
won’t want their competition to be
on the market and so virtually no
to go to open homes and vendors
selling what could be theirs.
more will be listed – that’s correct
have been cautious about putting
– no more property will really be
their properties on the market if no
coming on the market this year. If
buyers can come through. How can
you’re lucky, you might get a few
you sell something that no one can
more listed in the next two weeks
if they’re willing to take the risk of running close to the wire. Despite what many people might think, most agents work very hard during the year, often doing open homes from Monday to Saturday and whilst Sunday should be a day off, they still take calls and reply to emails. They’re desperate for a holiday by mid-December and as soon as they can sell their last
Our international borders might be open, but not everyone is confident that rules won’t change, and they can definitely come back. There’s also still a chance that they might
So, this year could be different: This lack of supply of properties
have to quarantine for two weeks on their return.
and cashed up buyers who can’t
Many people may opt for an
spend their money anywhere else,
interstate holiday or even intra
have pushed prices up – over 20%
state given our local borders aren’t
in some areas.
all open. Six weeks in Europe is
Those higher prices may incentivise many vendors to put their properties on the market to achieve a similar price.
one thing, but that period of time in a regional town might not be everyone’s cup of tea or even available and so there’s a good