Cc edits12 issuu

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issue t w elv e 2nd Quarter 2014

edits magazine


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Our GrOwinG City


ur city within a city is continuing to grow exponentially, with R4.3billion of exciting new development having just been completed, under construction or in the pipeline. These commercial, residential and hospitality developments will add significantly to the already built form and bring to around R21billion the capital value of development at Century City. What is particularly exciting for the precinct is the new Century City Conference Centre, which will be able to accommodate more than 900 delegates in cinema style seating. The centre will offer a total of 20 different venues with a total capacity of around 1,900. It is has been designed to fill a gap in the market and to complement existing conference facilities in Century City and Cape Town as a whole. The CTICC continues to do a sterling job in attracting major international conferences to Cape Town and its success has seen Cape Town this year again being named the Number One Destination in Africa for conferences by the International Congress and Convention Association. Century City’s new conference centre, which will have 540 hotel rooms in a close radius, should further cement Cape Town’s attractiveness as a conference destination and we look forward to its opening in early 2016.

Chris’s Corner

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association


Maggie Rowley

ccpoa communications manager

The cover picture of this issue of City Edits captures just a portion of the huge amount of development taking place in the Bridgeways precinct of Century City. The two cranes pictured are being used in the construction of Bridge Park, an 18,000 square metre office development, which will shortly be joined by four more on the neighbouring site where a new conference centre, hotel, offices, showrooms, residential units and a Square are being built. Certain to warm your heart this winter is the feature story on Sham and Kruben Moodliar, longstanding residents of the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort, where the third apartment block has been completed and the first purchasers moving in. The Moodliars are in serious training for an expedition that few people a third of their age would consider - to none other than the Base Camp of Mount Everest in September. Truly inspirational and we will track their progress and trip with interest! Enjoy the read!

Managing & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | adVertiSing Manager: Bianca Church | 021 552 6889 | deSign & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | coVer photo: Natasha Lassen, Cocodash Photography, 082 321 0790,


Our Growing City New sectional title offices launching


rosvenor Square, a new sectional title office park aimed at small to medium size owner-occupiers and tenants, is being launched at Century City by Rabie Property Group to meet ongoing demand in the burgeoning precinct. The R120million development, designed by Tim Hughes Architects, will comprise a total of 5364 square metres of A-grade low rise offices in five buildings set around a picturesque courtyard and offer flexible options to purchasers, from 90 square metres to 3000 square metres. The launch of Grosvenor Square follows the successful sell out of the neighbouring

Quays office development, which provided 39 sectional titles units ranging from 41 square metres to around 400 square metres and Central Park, a low rise 18 000 square metre office park development comprising mostly standalone buildings and catering for larger users. Project manager, Kutlwano Rasodi, says Grosvenor Square will have manned security and will comprise winning elements of both Central Park and Quays. Grosvenor Square is to be built on a high visibility site in the sought-after Central Park precinct and bordered by two of the main roads in the precinct, Century Boulevard and Century Way. There will be a total of 200

parking bays - 170 basement bays and 30 open bays – on a ratio of four per 100 square metres, with units selling at R22 000 per square metre, inclusive of parking and A-Grade tenant installation that includes all internal finishes and airconditioning. A limited number of store rooms are also available for sale. Purchasers will have access to an efficient network connection through Century City Connect, Century City’s cutting-edge, open access fibre optic network which is enabling the country’s fastest?? Construction is being undertaken by Big Ben Construction and is scheduled to start in August this year with completion in September 2015.

for further information and to view a scale model of the development, contact giles balmer or sedica knight on 021 550 7000.


Our Growing City

New conference centre, hotel for Century City


he new Century City Conference Centre will have a total capacity of 1900 delegates in 20 venues. The development is in response to soaring demand for conferencing and hotels in the burgeoning precinct and has been designed to complement Cape Town’s and Century City’s existing facilities. “Not only will it fill a gap in the market, but we believe it will help cement Cape Town’s established attractiveness as a conference destination,” says Rabie director Greg Deans. The Conference Centre, he said, will offer flexible configurations. Three adjoining halls will have a total capacity of more than 900 delegates cinema-style, with a fourth hall able to accommodate a a further

480 delegates cinema-style. The multi-function venues will be available for banqueting and exhibitions, while a large preassembly area will be available for exhibitions, product launches and the like. It will also offer 12 meeting and breakaway rooms and a business lounge on the first floor able to accommodate around 200 delegates. Deans said the average hotel occupancy at Century City, which currently has a total of 460 rooms in five hotels, was running at over 73 percent. Century City’s popularity as a hospitality node, he said, has grown phenomenally in recent years in tandem with the growth of the precinct, which is now home to more than 500 businesses, and with more than 260,000 square

metres of offices is currently the third largest commercial precinct in Cape Town. “And the existing conference facilities, ranging from 20-seat venues to 300 seats, are unable to keep up with demand and have turned away business, particularly for larger conferences.” The entire development, which will be anchored by the multifunctional square on to which restaurants and other hospitality elements will flow, will be set over a super parking basement which, together with the structured parking, will provide a total of 1,300 bays. All components of the development are scheduled for completion by end 2015, with the first conferences expected to be hosted in early 2016.

for further details go to




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Our Growing City


Century City is booming with new hospitality, residential and commercial developments totalling more than R4,3billion recently completed, under construction or in the pipeline.

hese include a R1billion mixed-use development, The Square, which will comprise a 900-seat conference centre. This is the largest development undertaken to date by the Rabie Property Group at Century City and brings to more than R21billion the value of development that has taken place in the 250ha mixeduse precinct since the first sods were turned in 1997. John Chapman, a director of the Rabie Property Group, which is responsible for the bulk of development undertaken in the past 10 years and owns the remaining undeveloped land and associated rights, says Century City is now home to more than 500 businesses and 3,000 residential units with an estimated 50,000 people now living or working in the burgeoning precinct. Other new commercial projects currently under construction or in Three cranes on the Bridgeways site - soon to be joined by four more.

the pipeline include: • The 18,000 square metre Bridge Park office development being undertaken in a joint venture with Growthpoint at a cost of R375million. • The 9,500 square metre Chevron’s new head office costing in excess of R200m. • The R120m Grosvenor Square sectional title development comprising a total of 5,400 square metres of offices • A 3,247 square metre office block in Park Lane being developed by Assetmatrix for a blue chip tenant. They are also planning a new 11,000 square metre office block, Canal Plaza, at a cost of R250m. • Three other office buildings in Park Lane being developed for tenants at a total cost of R100million. • Three office buildings and a Day Hospital in Central Park at

a total cost of R110million New residential developments include the recently completed third apartment block in the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort, Quay North and Quayside, while construction of Ashton Park is under way. Three further phases are planned at Oasis with one of these - a block of 45 units for a total R220m - expected to be launched before the end of the year. Over and above these, infrastructure projects totalling R130m are planned or being undertaken, including R45m of roads and canals in the Bridgeways precinct, an R18million upgrade of Sable Road and a R36million trunk terminus for MyCiTi . When fully developed Century City will comprise a total of 1,25million square metres of bulk, of which just over 1 million square metres has been built or is in the pipeline, said Chapman.


Our Growing City Palm Royale completed on schedule

of the 58 apartments have been sold for a total of more than R200million representing 79 percent of the total value. “Negotiations for a further four units are well advanced and we expect the remaining apartments to be sold quickly now that potential purchasers can see the high quality of the development and exactly what they will be getting.”

The view of the newly extended gardens from the 10th floor of palm royale

did you know? century city has... 78,589 m2 of lawn (equivalent to 11 rugby fields) 54,496 m2 flower Beds (equivalent to 8 rugby fields) 1,445 Trees (replacement value r867,000) 676 palm Trees (replacement value r20.2 million) 10.6km of roads (replacement value r41 million)


alm Royale, the third apartment block in the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort in Century City, has been completed on schedule and comfortably within budget. This was in spite of a three week construction strike and delays caused by inclement weather during the 18-month construction period, says project manager Raynard Haupt of

the Oasis Joint Venture which comprises the Rabie Property Group and the Harries Projects Consortium. “The main contractor, WBHO, has done us proud delivering a truly superb quality product.” The individual apartments, he said, will be handed over to purchasers from June 1. Owen Futeran of the Oasis JV said to date 46, or 78 percent

1,046 sTreeT lighTs (replacement value excluding cabling r10.4 million) 68 Benches (replacement value r262,752) 68 Bins (replacement value r226,984) 6 x drinking founTains (replacement value r60,000) irrigaTion main line within century city 10.2km potsdam to century city line 6.5km

for details go to or phone cindy, linda or lorenda on 021 5287310 or 082 4957168. for care centre enquiries phone lizzie brill on 021 5287301.


High Adventure

Sham & Kruben Moodliar, residents of Oasis Retirement Resort since 2010, are training for an expedition that very few people a third of their age would even consider: an ascent to the Base Camp of Mount Everest in the Himalayas.


e were first captivated by the majesty of Everest when we saw it at sunset from an 8-seater Cessna some years ago,” says Sham Moodliar. “It’s the most impressive thing to see. It has an incredible magnetism to it – it literally gave us goose bumps. And somewhere it lodged at the back of the mind that we needed to spend more time in the Himalayas. “The flame was rekindled when we met someone in Cape Town who has been to the Himalayas twice. So we signed up for a 16-day hiking trip to Nepal in September, and are hoping to celebrate Kruben’s 71st birthday in Base Camp at 5 380 metres above sea level!” The rigors of the trip are not to be underestimated, and were underlined by the recent avalanche that killed 16 Nepalese

sherpas in the Khumbu Icefall very close to Base Camp. But even more real is the danger of AMS or acute mountain sickness, which can be fatal, causing pulmonary or cerebral edema. To prepare for this taxing 16-day hike, the couple have committed to an intense training programme, designed specifically to build their stamina, by the bio-kinetic trainer who does aquarobics classes for Oasis residents in the luxury retirement resort’s 25 metre heated indoor swimming pool. “Nico has worked out a 29 week training programme for us, which changes every 4 weeks. The training consists of a combination of treadmill, cross trainer, floor work and 50 to 100 laps of the pool dragging buckets behind us through the water. We also walk up 10 flights of stairs ten times a day wearing weighted vests.

“When training for Everest, it really helps to have a gym and a 25m pool downstairs!” – Sham

“The next step is to walk round and round the Central Park field with motor car tyres lined with bricks tied to our waists, also wearing weighted vests. We’re very grateful to Chris Blackshaw of the CCPOA for affording us this opportunity. We hope we’re not ruining the grass! “Having the facilities right on our doorstep here at Oasis makes a world of difference. And the interest and support of other residents – including the enthusiasm shown by regular morning joggers, the ladies’ boot camp, passers by and office workers – has made us even more determined to go through with the trip. Even though our children think we’re totally crazy! There’s nothing like a fan club to cheer you on.” Sham will be writing a blog as she and her husband undertake this incredible journey.


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Community News Managing traffic flows


ny successful mixed-use development of the size of Century City, particularly one that includes a major regional shopping centre, generates heavy traffic flows especially in the morning and afternoon peaks and over holiday periods. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, said that apart from the odd occasion when a major traffic incident in Century City or a bottleneck on the surrounding national and/or arterial roads adversely impacts on Century City traffic flows, traffic within the precinct generally keeps moving even at peak traffic times. That said, the CCPOA has taken extensive measures to further improve peak traffic flows, which include: • CCPOA CCTV operators keep a special look out for anything out of the ordinary on the Century City and surrounding roads, and response vehicles are immediately despatched to deal with any problems that are identified. • The timings of the traffic signals are constantly monitored and any required adjustments are immediately reported to the City of Cape Town’s Traffic Management Centre for attention. • The eight CCTV cameras erected this year that focus on traffic management have greatly improved Control Room visibility and response times. • The City of Cape Town Traffic Officer, who is contracted by the CCPOA to provide traffic

law enforcement in Century City, and the two City of Cape Town Law Enforcement Officers, are deployed to assist with the management of traffic congestion particularly during peak hours. They, together with CCPOA Venue Hosts, have been undertaking point duties on an ad hoc basis when required. • Following a lengthy application and approval process, two Outsurance points-men have been deployed during the afternoon peak at the Steel Bridge Intersection since mid-May. • The Century City traffic guidance and variable messaging system (VMS) pilot project is proceeding well and four VMS structures are due to be installed and operational during August. • Agreement in principle has been reached with the South African National Roads Agency and the Traffic Management Centre for all three parties to have controlled access to each other’s CCTV networks for

traffic management and safety and security purposes. This will enable the CCPOA Control Room to view in real time what is happening on the adjacent national and main arterial roads.

congratulations to five of century city athletics club’s runners who all finished the comrades marathon sunday, 1 June! what an achievement! Vladimir Kotov 06:47:20 silver Samson Gulubela 07:41:45 Bill rowan medal (half bronze, half silver) Gavin Shaskolsky 10:40:12 bronze Russell Botes 11:10:55 Vic clapham medal Dinilesizwe Gudlindlu 11:56:59 Vic clapham medal





Suite 142 park lane The Quays, century city 021 202 1191


City Life


Exciting new stores set to open in Canal Walk

anal Walk Shopping Centre, Century City’s super-regional shopping mall, continues to attract leading international retail brands and will become the location of the first-ever stand-alone South African Forever 21 store, set to open in September. The success of Canal Walk Shopping Centre has also attracted leading international brands and local retailers to the mall including Colette, Bobbi Brown, Dune London, Jo Malone, Lipsy London, Nespresso and Pandora. Canal Walk has the largest Edgars store in the Western Cape and is home to all their new top international brands. Tashas, the well-known eatery is opening soon, while the largest Mr Price store, which relocated to a new position in the mall also opened recently. “The continued enhancement of our brand retail offering is in

line with the centre’s strategy to present a shopping experience comparable with the best in the world,” say Canal Walk CEO, Gavin Wood. Canal Walk now has nearly 90 branded fashion, footwear and accessory outlets and boutiques,

representing the most sought after local and international brands and comprising a quarter of the centre’s 400 stores. The arrival of the new retailers further enhances and refines Canal Walk’s tenant mix and fills the centre to capacity.

10-day Jol in July at ratanga

function facilities are open 364 days a year. For details in this regard phone the group sales office on 021 550 8504. Increasingly popular are exclusive corporate days in the park, whereby a company can hire the use of the park on an exclusive basis to entertain their staff, their families and/or their clients. These days can be hosted outside of normal ride park operating dates. In addition, Ratanga offers a special deal to charities and schools to use the park to raise funds.

Ratanga Junction will open for a 10-day jol in the July school holidays from Friday 11 July until Sunday 20 July. The park will be offering a twofor-one special discounted ticket to all Ratanga Club members if they purchase their tickets online before 6 July. Membership of Ratanga Club is free. To join go to While the ride park opens for most school holidays and special bonus days, its extensive

to find out more about these initiatives email jenni vermaas at

Winter Warmer

Braised oxtail stew served on crushed potatoes with a glass of rawBones Butcher’s Block red wine – r150 valid until end septemBer 2014

Knife RestauRant • Crystal towers, Cnr Century Boulevard and Rialto Rd, Century City • 021 551 5000 •


Community News Rabie and Fives Futbol donate R250,000 to Sinenjongo High School


abie Property Group and Fives Futbol recently handed over a cheque for R250,000 to Sinenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park, which is the major beneficiary of their combined Corporate Social Investment programme. In an innovative deal, Rabie Property Group, which adopted Sinenjongo as its major CSI beneficiary six years ago, financed the construction of the initial two Fives Futbol arenas at Century City on the proviso that a portion of the net profit from the venture would be paid to Sinenjongo High School to provide a sustainable income stream to help fund intervention programmes at the school. These have seen the school improve its matric pass rate from an abysmal 27% to 93% over the past six years and to being named

one of the top 10 improved schools in the province for three consecutive years. A further four Futbol arenas have since been funded by international philanthropist Dr Haruhisa Handa on a similar basis. In terms of the deal, a third of the net profits accrue to Sinenjongo High School and a third to Dr Handa’s ISPS foundation. Rabie managing director, Leon Cohen, says rather than just donating cash, the arrangement has enabled them to fund a multi-million-rand sports facility for the youth and community, to create jobs, and provide a sustainable revenue stream to help fund their extensive CSI work at Sinenjongo, which includes, inter alia, paying the salaries of five additional maths and science teachers and

fives futbol ceo adam fine recently visited the Big apple to join high-level officials, prominent athletes and youth at the united nations headquarters to explore the power of youth and sports for peace and development during the world sports Values summit for peace and development. dr. haruhisa handa, the man behind the summit, is a major proponent of using sport as a means of development, and the summit was created to offer a forum for young leaders from around the world to speak about their endeavours. adam was invited to present to the panel as well as conduct the opening speech at the summit gala dinner. programmes to improve English proficiency among learners and teachers. The R250,000 donation represents the maiden dividend from the operations. “And we expect the annual dividend to increase as Fives Futbol grows from strength to strength,” says Cohen. As the needs of the school far exceed what Rabie and Fives Futbol alone can fund, an independent trust –the Marconi Beam Schools Trust – has been set up.

maggie rowley of rabie property group’s corporate social investment programme, left centre, and fives futbol ceo adam fine, right centre, hand over the r250,000 cheque to mrs kuselwa nopote, principal of sinenjongo high school in Joe slovo park.

for more information on how to get involved with the marconi beam schools trust contact maggie rowley on


Community News Walkways and canal edges being repaired


ou may have noticed that during April and May the water level in the canals has been very low. This was because the Century City Property Owners’ Association, the non-profit company that represents all stakeholders and is responsible for the day to day running of the precinct, had to undertake urgent repair work on sections of the canal edge and walkways. The engineers have completed repairs along Waterstone East, which took longer than initially anticipated due to difficult working conditions. With the arrival of the winter rains it is no longer possible to maintain the required low water level to undertake further necessary repairs. As such, planned repairs to the walkways adjacent to

Waterstone West and Bougain Villas will be postponed until autumn next year. Temporary paving repairs are currently taking place in these areas and will be inspected on a regular basis during the winter and summer periods. The canal edge repairs along Locomotive Square are scheduled to commence shortly as they do not require the canal levels to be dropped. With the canal water levels at a record low level, the opportunity was taken to conduct a photographic and GPS survey of the whole canal system to identify any damaged canal edges and silted areas. These have been plotted onto a Google Earth map and the damaged edges are being categorised and prioritised into three groups: sand gabions, wire

mesh gabions and solid walls. The estimated costs of the repairs and silt removal are being obtained, which will assist in the budget preparation process for 2015. In addition, a virtual pan-view tour (Google street view) of the whole canal system was commissioned. This provides a snapshot record of the current condition of all canal edges and in future years will assist in determining a rate of deterioration.

prepared for winter

As part of the CCPOA’s winter preparedness plan, all CCPOA and City of Cape Town storm water inlets and drains were checked and cleaned of litter, sand and plant debris. The entire system will be re-checked after winter.


City Life - Events CentuRy City niGht MaRKet 27 June

CentuRy City BuSineSS BReaKfaSt 23 June Guest Speaker Corne Krige – Journey of a Survivor Join us for a delicious hot breakfast and listen as our former Springbok Rugby Captain regales us with tales from the rugby field to the shores of the South China Sea. Venue: African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa time: 7:30am ticket price: R175 Book:

Good food and wine and live music are just some of the treats to expect at the Century City Night Market. As an extension of the Century City Natural Goods Market we are taking our market indoors for one night this June, to the Intaka Island Eco-Centre. Come and enjoy an evening of winter warming food, delicious wines and so much more. Cuddle up under one of the tented seating areas or find a cosy spot in the centre and enjoy the live music and ambience. Venue: Intaka Island Eco-Centre time: 5:30pm – 9:30pm

Stop hunGeR MealS in MeMoRy 28 June – 18 July R5 from each ticket and proceeds from programme sales for Alice in Wonderland, on at Canal Walk, goes to Stop Hunger Now Meals in Memory, which will see more than 250,000 meals packaged in the Western Cape for Mandela Day - enough to feed 3,000 children at 66 needy preschools for the rest of 2014. South Africans are encouraged to offer 67 minutes of their time on Mandela Day, and packing meals is a tangible and heartwarming way to help our most vulnerable citizens. Find our more and get involved at

aliCe in WonDeRlanD 28 June - 20 July Alice, the Mad Hatter, the white rabbit and a host of other characters are brought to life by award-winning duo, Fred Abrahamse and Marcel Meyer, with breathtaking sets, magnificent costumes, gorgeous puppets and memorable songs.


City Life - Events


on’t overlook a visit to Intaka this winter! With the rain comes the filling-up of the ephemeral pans which in turn often means many of our wading birds return to feed. These include our gorgeous pink Flamingos, our quirky Spoonbills and of course our beloved Heron. We also have a new viewing platform situated on Bird Mountain, which boasts views across the ephemeral pans giving a unique vista of Intaka Island and a glimpse into how large areas of the Cape Flats, which include Century City, looked over 200 years go. DateS to DiaRiSe Century City Night Market: 27 June 2014 Century City Women’s Day Celebration: 9 august 2014 Century City Wine Making Evening: 29 august 2014 Century City Natural Goods Market: 28 September 2014 Century City Golf Day: 8 october 2014

• General Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Orthodontic treatment • Conscious Sedation for anxious patients • Whitening • Anti-wrinkle Treatments, Dermal Fillers & Facial Rejuvenation • Deep Relaxation Therapy (Hypnosis) for stress relief and anxious patients G14, Colosseum, Century Way, Century City Tel: (021) 552 9059 Web: Email:

Ratanga Junction Them

e Park

10 Day July Jol!

O p e2n0 !July 11 -

r 1!

Get 2 fo Ratanga Club Members -

Don’t forget to join the Rata n CLUB! ga It’s FRE E

ONE! 6 July and ONLY PAY for FREE! Join the Club online - it’s For more info go to: ww 0 info line: 0861 200 30 s and conditions apply *Term


For details of exclusive corporate days in the park for up to 5000 email

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