Century City Edits #13

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issue thi rt een 3rd Quarter 2014

edits magazine


Century City sports ambassadors: samson Gulubela and tanya posthumus-Fox

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pring appears to have come early this year and Century City and its people are rapidly waking up from the winter hibernation. The ephemeral pans and the canals are full from the winter rains, and it is great to see that residents and sports enthusiasts are already out and about on the water, on the fields and on the running/walking trails. The Touch Rugby League is again underway, while our exceedingly popular Natural Goods Market, and the parallel Art on The Island, are back on track on the last Sunday of the month from 28 September. A full diary of Century City events and attractions is carried in this edition and on our website www.centurycity.co.za We have recently completed our biennial Customer Satisfaction Survey and again the results have been very encouraging, with the vast majority of respondents highly or very satisfied with the general running of Century City. However, there is no room for complacency and we will continue to strive to improve on our delivery and to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Chris’s Corner

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association



Maggie Rowley

ccpoa communications manager

elcome to the Spring edition of City Edits, which certainly celebrates all that is green within our city within a city – from the green lung of Intaka Island, the renewable energy resources being harvested in the Eco-Centre to take it completely off the Eskom grid, and the re-emergence of the Century City Natural Goods Market, to all the new green star rated buildings that are rapidly changing the landscape of Century City. We also introduce you to some of the men and women who proudly represent Century City in the various sports arenas – namely our Sports ambassadors who are sponsored by the CCPOA. There is also a lot happening in our community in the months ahead so be sure to take note of a number of exciting upcoming events and we hope so see you there!

Managing & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | atbmichele@gmail.com adVertiSing Manager: Bianca Church | 021 552 6889 | bianca@centurycity.co.za deSign & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com coVer photo: Claire Mathieson


Our Growing City Major upgrade for Oasis Care Centre


wo major construction projects to enhance facilities for residents and patients have been completed at the Oasis Care Centre, part of the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort Undertaken at a cost of close to R3million, the extended facilities include a new dining room and lounge on the ground floor for long term frail care residents, both of which will lead onto an internal courtyard around which the Care Centre is built. Care Centre Manager Lizzie Brill said there were also plans to erect a large, shady pergola in the courtyard where residents and their guests will be able to relax and enjoy the three attractive fountains. “With the addition of these areas we are not only providing our long term frail care patients with their own beautiful new

leisure spaces, but we are also able to provide completely separate facilities for our shorter term physical rehabilitation patients,” explains Brill. The second major construction project involved converting a former nursing station and staff room, and portion of a previously underutilised balcony area on the first floor, into a large and bright new lounge area for the Alzheimer’s and Dementia wing. The Alzheimer’s and Dementia facility now takes up the entire floor. “With a license for up to 40 patients in this wing and with occupancy reaching close to capacity, we are responding to the needs of our patients,” says Ms Brill. She said there was also a secure patio area leading off the new lounge.

Sandi Kiss of Fine Linen Interiors was tasked with furnishing and fitting out the new areas in accordance with the ‘hotel style’ look and feel of the Oasis Care Centre. “We have introduced different colours and textures to enhance the five-star environment while at the same time catering for the particular needs and challenges of the patients and residents for whom these facilities are being created. I am especially excited by the vibrant lighting features we have provided for the enjoyment of the Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients,” said Kiss. The project architect is Ray Alexander who has been involved with the entire Oasis Retirement Resort concept and construction since inception. The contractors are Deon Adlard of Development Projects.

for further enquiries please call lizzie brill on 021 528 7301.


Our Growing City

New residential development launching soon


he surging demand for homes in Century City has seen all three of its latest developments sold out, necessitating that the developer, Rabie Property Group, urgently brings on new stock. Brian Usher of Property World, the official on-site agents, said all 144 sectional title apartments in the R270 million Ashton Park residential development sold almost a year ahead of completion. Only six of the seven villas remain to be sold and these will be launched later this year. The success of Ashton Park, he said, followed that of two previous residential developments, Quayside and Quaynorth, both of which sold out months before completion. “It has been nothing short of phenomenal. We have had

Von Seidels, the largest full-service Intellectual Property law firm in the Western Cape, has moved into larger Century City offices, 1 Park Close, overlooking the Central Park Oval.

our strongest sales record in five years and interest is not letting up. So much so that Rabie Property Group is pulling out all stops to launch a new residential development, Mayfair, of around 100 apartments at Century City in October.” Usher said they already have a waiting list of eager buyers, which they were adding to on almost a

daily basis. “So those keen to acquire residential property at Century City - as an owner occupier or investor - should register their interest with us now to avoid disappointment.” for further details contact brian usher on 021 555 0105 or 082 571 7024.





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Our Growing City 483 companies now linked to century city’s fibre optic network

A total of 483 companies – around 85% of businesses at Century City - are linked into the precinct’s pioneering open access fibre optic network, Century City Connect, the country’s fastest voice, broadband and multi-media services. Greg Deans, a director of Century City Connect, said most, if not all, of the remaining businesses should be added over the next year. “There is no doubt this fibre optic network has been a major drawcard for companies relocating to the precinct and we expect it to continue attracting new businesses, particularly those with high bandwidth requirements.” Users are able to choose from 17 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to find a tailored package that best suits their needs. “Over and above the commercial users, 273 homes at Century City are linked into the network and all future residential and commercial properties will have direct access.” Century City Connect also plans to roll out an open access Wifi network, which will initially provide free Wifi access to Ratanga Junction visitors, enabling them to, inter alia, take photographs and upload them to social media. “This will be followed by the rollout of free Wifi access in the Bridgeways precinct, currently under construction.

century city gets a thumbs up!

More than 84% of owners and stakeholders at Century City rate their overall experience of the precinct as excellent or good, according to the fifth service improvement survey, completed by a wide range of stakeholders including commercial and residential property owners and tenants, retail tenants, those working at Century City, as well as a range of visitors, including shoppers. The biennial survey forms part of the Century City Property Owners’ Association’s strategic planning and is used to inform its business planning and budget process. CCPOA CEO Chris Blackshaw says it is also used to check whether the CCPOA’s internal assessment correlates with owner and stakeholder perceptions and to build a relationship with owners and stakeholders. What respondents most like about Century City are its central location and convenience, its safety and security, the landscaping and green environment, and that it is clean, neat and well managed. Of concern was traffic congestion, which the CCPOA and Rabie Property Group are addressing on a number of levels.


Island Life

Since the opening of its Eco-Centre three years ago, Intaka Island, the 16ha wetlands nature reserve in the heart of Century City that is rich in plant and bird life, has rapidly become a sought-after function venue.


he thatched roof, multifunctional Intaka Island Eco-Centre, which was funded by corporate donations, offers a variety of venues that can be hired out for suitable functions and in so doing help cover the overheads of its core environmental educational work and events. The main activity venue within the Eco-Centre can accommodate up to 120 people standing, or up to 80 seated cinema-style, 45 seated classroom-style or 24 seated boardroom-style. A smaller venue, the Energy classroom, is suitable for a group of up to 40 people and can be used as a breakaway venue or for

small standalone functions. The Eco-Centre also has an outside classroom able to accommodate around 40 people seated cinema-style, making it an ideal additional breakaway venue. Then there is the Educational Lapa, a brisk five minute walk from the Eco-Centre and situated at the foot of Bird Mountain, which boasts beautiful views of Intaka and Century City. Able to accommodate 60 people comfortably, this is a firm favourite for, inter alia, children’s parties and relaxed corporate or organisational get-togethers. Due to its sensitive natural setting and taking into consideration that its primary

objective is to provide an educational facility, events and functions on Intaka are limited to certain categories and understandably no highnoise, late night events can be permitted so as not to disturb the birds or animal life. Permitted events include environmental education, training and workshops, presentation and meetings for environmental clubs and groups, intellectual presentations, talks, launches and expos, corporate and community social responsibility events and small scale events such as cheese and wine, corporate breakfasts and sunset functions for the Century City corporate community.

for further details and bookings go to www.intaka.co.za, email info@intaka.co.za or telephone melissa on 021 552 6889.


Island Life Group Visits If you are a group of friends that simply want to walk around and enjoy the island, then no prior booking is required. However, if you are a larger group or require either a guided tour and/or a boat ride then prior booking is essential. A booked group visit to Intaka is usually structured to include

starting a new section of work, or to be incorporated into continuous assessment with worksheets being provided to be checked by the teacher. Programmes are created under the guidance of an experienced and qualified educator with the focus of the curriculum for each age group taken into consideration.

children’s Birthday parties For a children’s party with a difference think no further than Intaka Island. You will get exclusive use of the Lapa for the duration of the birthday party – usually around 2.5 hours - and parents can relax and enjoy the ambiance while experienced guides take the little ones to explore the Island and do various chosen activities, from a boat ride to bird watching. a welcome and slide show in the Activity Centre whereafter the group is divided in two, with half going on a guided island tour and the other half on a guided ferry tour. Thereafter groups have a break before swapping over. Group sizes are limited to 60. school Groups Intaka Island is a firm favourite with school groups as it offers age and curriculum relevant education programmes and can tailor these to a particular school’s needs, be it to supplement a class teacher’s work, act as a departure for for further group details, prices and bookings contact melissa on 021 552 6889 or to to www.intaka.co.za

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Island Life Explore Intaka Island

it is advised to phone in advance as our rangers might be busy with school or other groups.

take a Boat trip Intaka Island offers regular ferry rides on the scenic waterways around Intaka Island and up the Grand Canal. The boats – which can carry up to 15 passengers at a time – depart every hour from 9am until 4pm daily (weather dependent) except for Christmas Day, from Locomotive Square at the entrance to Intaka Island or from Canal Walk. The 45-minute trip will take you around the 16ha wetlands and up the Grand Canal past Canal Walk to a turning point close to Crystal Towers Hotel and back again, with your skipper pointing out places of interest en route.

island. The 2km circular path takes you around both the constructed wetland and ephemeral pans, although school groups usually only do the shorter, circular 1km route around the re-constructed wetland. On the walk you will visit lookout points across the ephemeral pans, the educational garden and Bird Mountain, which offers wide vistas of Century City, as well as bird hides that look onto the heronries. These guided trails are included in the entrance fee, but

self-Guided tours For those who would rather go it alone, self-guided trails are also available, allowing you to enjoy all the beauty Intaka Island has to offer at your leisure. There are nine stations that you have access to on the trail, each offering a different insight into the bird, water life, flora and fauna that make up Intaka Island. Choose between the 2km circular path that takes you around both the reconstructed wetlands and the ephemeral pans or the shorter 1km route around the reconstructed wetlands with lookout points over the ephemeral pans. The latter route is wheelchair- and pram-friendly. Maps, brochures and bird checklists are available at reception. You are requested to stay on the designated paths and not disrupt the vegetation.

enjoy a Guided Walk Enjoy all the beauty Intaka Island has to offer by taking a guided walk with an experienced field ranger who will share information about the island’s inhabitants and plant life. Your guide will help you with bird identification, information on breeding habits and other unique insights into this very special for further details, pricings and bookings go to www.intaka.co.za or telephone melissa on 021 552 6889.


Our Green City


Century City goes greener with LED lighting

entury City is further reducing its carbon footprint by rolling out LED lighting on the pedestrian pathways within the precinct, with plans to extend this to street lights in the short to medium term. Gordon Ralph, facilities and infrastructure manager for the Century City Property Owners’ Association, said that a pilot project of 58 pathway lights between KnightsBridge and Waterview Park had yielded significant results. “We converted the 70watt metal halogen lamps to 30watt LED lamps and have effected a 74% reduction in electricity usage, which is enormous. “In fact it has been so successful we intend rolling out

green powered

The Eco-Centre, already an energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly building, is aiming to be completely powered by renewable energy shortly. Currently more than half of its energy requirements are powered by renewable energy sources and a new large wind turbine, which comes on stream in September/October this year, should enable the Eco-Centre to

Gordon Ralph, facilities and infrastructure manager for the Century City Property Owners’ Association, admiring the new energy efficient pedestrian path LED lighting.

be completely off the grid. Eco-Centre Manager Dale Greenberg says that the EcoCentre structure itself was built with as many environmentally friendly materials as possible. Thatch roofs were installed to keep the centre cool in summer, LED lighting is used throughout the building and both the office and activity centre have large glass windows to maximise natural light, among other things.

the project to the balance of pedestrian walkways this year.” The pilot project cost around R52,000, but with the significant savings on electricity costs it would pay for itself within two years. Ralph said that it was possible they could convert the street lights in Century City at a later stage depending on the outcome of a pilot project to be instituted in the new Bridgeways precinct, which is being designed as an entirely green precinct. Evolution Energy assisted the CCPOA with the pedestrian light conversion and is the same company that converted the CCPOA’s head office, Century City House, as well as KnightsBridge, the Island Club entrance and the Oasis Care Centre. In addition, the outdoor classroom showcases sustainable living best practices that optimise energy and natural resource efficiencies. Other sustainability elements in the outdoor classroom include a biodigester, a rain harvesting system, grey and black water systems, an earthworm farm, solar panels and a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling programme. The outdoor classroom’s amphitheatre is built of Polywood, made from recycled plastics that would otherwise have been sent to landfill. for detailed information visit www.intaka.co.za


Our Green City


Century City leads with green buildings

entury City is at the forefront of sustainable development aimed at reducing the precinct’s carbon footprint. It is home to the first 5-Star Green Star rated building, Aurecon, as well as a second 5-Star Green Star building, Chevron, and two 4-Star Green Star rated buildings - the Business Centre and Philip Morris - all developed by Rabie. Chevron, the Business Centre and Philip Morris – in the Bridgeways Precinct - have received Green Star Ratings in the v1 Design category and are registered with the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA). This precinct is being sustainably designed and includes R1billion Urban Square,

with a 900-seat conference centre, a business hotel, offices, showrooms and apartments. Other buildings going after a green star rating from the GBCSA include Bridge Park East and West, Horizon Capital’s Ibis

House in The Estuaries Office Park, and AssetMatrix’s Estuaries Plaza and No 17 Park Lane, due for completion at the end of 2014. All are aiming for either 4-Star or 5-Star Green Star Office v1 Design rating.

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Community News Arbour Day: growing trees for the community


ntaka Island Eco-Centre hosted over 80 Grade 10 learners from Sinenjongo to celebrate Arbor Week. Each learner planted tree seedlings, which will be looked after by Intaka field rangers. Dale Greenberg, Eco-Centre Manager, said Arbour Week was the ideal time to call on learners to plant indigenous trees as a practical and symbolic gesture of sustainable environmental management. “Trees are the earth’s oldest living organisms. They improve air and water quality; reduce heating and cooling costs; provide a cool and beautiful place to live, work and play; and are a renewable source of fuel, shelter,

food and other products.” “We plan to run this as an annual event with learners planting seedlings every year. By year four, learners will replant the first year’s trees at their

school. We will roll this out year after year with trees planted first at the school and then within the Joe Slovo community.” call dale greenberg on 021 552 6889 for more info.


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City Life


he Century City Athletic Club has grown in leaps and bounds in recent years and boasts some star performers among its strong membership, including three Century City sports ambassadors sponsored by the CCPOA.

Running Century City proud Despite injuries that impacted his performance in the 2014 Two Oceans and Comrades marathons, three time Comrades winner Vladimir Kotov is still more often than not the first Masters Runner home. He won this category

Tanya Posthumus-Fox and Samson Gulubela.

in the Century City 10km, the Lighthouse 10km and more recently the Jive Slave Route. At the time of going to print he had his sights firmly on the Gauteng marathon and a number of others closer to home. Softly spoken Samson Gulubela moved from the Eastern Cape to Cape Town in 2000 and is a talented up and coming runner. His awards and accolades include a Bill Rowan medal (half bronze half silver) in this year’s Comrades, a strong showing and personal best in the Two Oceans, as well as the Knysna, Redhill and West Coast marathons. Samson is one of just four runners to be selected to represent Western Province Athletics in the Senior Men’s category at the SA Marathon Championships in Cape Town on 21 September. Tanya Posthumus-Fox won the 2014 Langebaan half marathon and achieved a personal best in the Knysna Half Marathon.

curro 5 run for library books

A group of five staff and parents at Curro Century City ran 100km over two days in laps around Century City recently to raise money to stock a library at their school as well as the Marconi Beam Primary School in Joe Slovo Park. Executive Head Sean Friedenthal said The Run to Read project, which also aims to raise awareness around literacy, hopes to raise around R60,000 this year, with a large percentage

going to stock a mobile library for Marconi Beam. The Run covered 60km on the first day starting at 4am

and finishing at 1pm, and 40km on the second day, starting at 3am and finishing at 11am at the school’s assembly.


City Life Events century city Braai day 24 september Bring the family and come braai with us! Venue:

century city natural Goods Market and art on the island 28 september Laze on the sprawling lawns of Central Park field and enjoy the scrumptious food on offer, then head over to Intaka Island for our photography exhibition and send the kids on a short bird watching tour! Venue: Central Park and Intaka Island

century city Golf day 8 october 2014 Network with other Century City Corporates at our annual Golf Day Venue:

intaka island full Moon hike 7 november Discover Intaka Island by night

for more information about events contact bianca@centurycity.co.za or visit www.centurycity.co.za


City Life century city day at ratanga

Ratanga Junction theme park is offering Century City-based corporates, residents and stakeholders a special one-day only deal of R100 a ticket for Saturday November 1. Jenni Vermaas of Ratanga says this 42% discount provides an ideal entertainment opportunity for local companies and families. “It also allows companies a unique concept for their year-end celebrations and to include social responsibility guests.” Food and beverage will be available on a cash basis in the park on the day while parking at R15 per vehicle will be payable on entrance on a cash basis, she added. space is limited so contact jenni vermaas on 083 650 7506 or at jenni.vermaas@ratanga.co.za before 30 september.

Spotted at century city

Acclaimed South African explorer and humanitarian, Kingsley Holgate dropped into his namesake room at African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa recently to share a pint or two with a group of local business people before delivering a lecture at Cape Union Mart in Canal Walk. Described by Getaway Magazine as the “most travelled man in Africa”, Holgate, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, has written several books about his expeditions and fronted several National Geographic documentaries.

Moodliars head for Mount everest

After 10 months of relentless training, Sham and Kruben Moodliar, residents of Oasis Retirement Resort, are attempting to climb to the Base Camp of Mount Everest in September. Their 16-day hike got underway on 13 September and by Kruben’s 71st birthday on 21 September they aim to be at Base Camp. Just before leaving on the trip Sham said they were packed (every item had to be separately vacuum packed as they would be walking in heavy rains) and were feeling strong and ready. “But I must confess we have some butterflies doing somersaults in our tummies and we can’t understand why we can’t sleep through the night,” she laughed. Sham has started writing a blog and intends updating it daily on their travels. To follow Sham and Kruben go to krushadiaries. wordpress.com. Sham says to please identify yourself if you leave a comment. Here is wishing them a safe and successful adventure!

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