Century City Edits 15

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issue fift een 1st Quarter 2015

edits magazine


Century City Sports Festival 2015: 27 February - 1 March

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2015 Promises Continued Growth



his year has got off to a strong start and we are pleased to announce some major developments aimed at further improving life at Century City. First up – Security. Our regular biennial Customer Satisfaction Survey has consistently highlighted that a Safe and Secure Environment is one of Century City’s major attractions. The recent spate of mall robberies, which also affected Canal Walk, has served to enforce our belief that there can be no room for complacency. To this end, we have inter alia, created a new post of Safety and Security manager and are delighted to welcome Marinus Boshoff on board. Secondly, as to be expected, peak traffic flows have grown in tandem with our city. Measures being taken to counter this have been highlighted in previous editions of City Edits. In addition we are currently running a pilot Variable Messaging System to help direct and warn motorists during heavy congestion periods. Thirdly, we have commenced a rollout of street number signs to ensure that by the end of this year every building will have a visible street number. This is the fourth and final phase of our way-finding signage system that we have been implementing to assist people find their way around Century City. Happy reading!

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Chris Blackshaw



Chris’s Corner

Maggie Rowley

ccpoa communications manager

here’s an exciting calendar of events with two big happenings in February – the Century City Natural Goods Market on Sunday 22 February and then our annual Sports Festival the following weekend. Both events have been growing by leaps and bounds with the former having become renowned for its food, craft and music offerings, train rides and other kiddie entertainment. It now also includes Art on The Island – an ever changing variety of art exhibits and workshops for all ages. Then there’s the 7th annual Century City Sports Festival, the signature event of which is the Century City 10km Expressrace offering runners among the top cash prizes in the country – a R10,000 cash prize and R3,000 Canal Walk vouchers for both the top male and female runners plus masses of other prizes and medals. Held in and around Central Park, the festival is aimed at both corporate teams and individual participants, providing both participatory and spectator sports. Hope to see you there!

EDITOR: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | atbmichele@gmail.com ADVERTISING MANAGER: Bianca Church | 021 552 6889 | bianca@centurycity.co.za DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com COVER PHOTO: Century City Sports Festival by Michel Dei Cont




Our Growing City

Our Growing City

R185m Apex office block under construction

he Apex, an iconic “green” eight-storey building comprising seven storeys of offices with ground floor restaurants, bistros and coffee shops spilling out onto a public square, is being built at Century City at a cost of around R185million. The building will boast dramatically curved facades and offer spectacular views, and will form the focal point of the Century City Urban Square, a R1bn mixed use development that will include, inter alia, a 900seat conference centre, a 125room hotel, and 15,000 square metres of offices, showrooms and 51 residential apartments. The entire Urban Square development is set around a

tree-lined square with beautiful fountains and cascading water features and will host a variety of outdoor events and entertainment. Colin Anderson, a director of the Rabie Property Group, says the five service-orientated retail opportunities and restaurants on the ground floor vary from 60 to 300 square metres. “This is going to be the new commercial hub of Century City with a vibrant leisure and entertainment offering designed to attract those living and working in the Century City vicinity, as well as people from further afield. “To this end, negotiations with a number of top operators are well advanced.”

“Walkable” communities good for health and wealth

Anderson said the seven storeys of offices would provide a total GRA of around 8,800 square metres with just under 1,200 square metres per floor. “We are primarily targeting larger office users – either as tenants or purchasers - but the layout has been designed to allow for flexible configurations from 280 square metres.” Gross rentals will be in the order of R175 per square metre, he said. Construction of the Apex got underway in August 2014 and will be ready for occupation by early 2016. The entire mixed use Urban Square, including the Apex, has been registered with the GBCSA for a Green Star rating.


he concept of a “walkable neighbourhood” where all amenities are in easy walking distance has truly come to life at Century City and is a key factor behind the rapid sell-out of recent residential developments, says John Chapman a director of Rabie Property Group. “In fact, our three latest residential projects all sold out more than a year ahead of completion, with the most recent, Mayfair, selling out within days. “And there is no doubt Mayfair’s close proximity to Canal Walk Shopping Centre was a major contributing factor to the swift sales, as was the case with Quaynorth and Quayside, while Ashton Park’s close proximity to the Curro Private School was a major selling point for that

development.” Chapman said while all aspects of Century City were in easy walking distance of each other, it had become evident that buyers were prepared to pay a premium for homes in close walking distance of certain amenities at Century City. He said “walkable” neighbourhoods and cities not only reduce driving, associated emissions and living costs, but research has now shown they are also good for one’s health. “A recent article in Better Cities and Towns highlighted three important studies published in the United States during 2014, which examined different aspects of compact, walkable and mixed– use neighbourhoods and cities, and compared these to published

government health data. “These studies all found that communities which encourage walking were strongly associated with reduced rates of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. The results held up even when the studies were controlled to eliminate other factors that could facilitate good health such as age, gender, income and educational attainment.” Walkable communities also represented good investments as demand for these properties were definitely on the rise. “And there’s no doubt that walking around your community brings you in touch with others, which improves both community comradery and general awareness, and these factors in turn help improve security.”


Our Growing City

Rollout of way-finding signs nears completion


he major rollout of a “family” of way-finding signs at Century City by the CCPOA is now entering the final phase and is due to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015. Gordon Ralph, Facilities and Infrastructure Manager for the CCPOA, said the design and commissioning process of the package of signs included large directional signs located on Century Boulevard and Century Avenue, precinct markers and precinct boundary markers, and street name signs.

The final phase of the hierarchy of signs involves the rollout of street number signs and this is now under way. “We have completed the development of the design of two types of street numbers signs and have begun rolling these out in Edison Way and The Estuaries. The concrete pedestal or building plate street number signs will be supplied and erected, at the CCPOA’s cost, to each building in these two precincts over the next month.” He said the type of sign

installed at each property will depend on the location of the building in relation to the street with the concrete bollard being installed where the building is set back from the street and the plate used where the building or a wall is in close proximity to the street. The large directional signs have Century City themed images on the back and these are refreshed from time to time. The current images are sports based featuring images taken from the annual Century City Sports Festival. Ralph says each of the nine precincts in Century City has its own identity delineated by a particular colour and logo which is carried through on precinct and boundary markers as well as street name signs and street number signs. The precinct markers also display the Century City Pedestrian Map. The rollout of a hierarchy of way-finding signs at Century City has been designed to help people find their way around the precinct. We ask all stakeholders to also make use of their full postal address. For example:

Gordon Ralph

Century City Property Owners’ Association (NAME) Century House (BUILDING NAME) 1 Park Lane (STREET ADDRESS) Grand Central (PRECINCT NAME) Century City 7441

Marketing your business Century City.



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Contact Details Tatum Sieni 021 552 6889 or tatum@centurycity.co.za



City Life

7th annual Century City Sports Festival 27 Feb – 1 March


he seventh annual Century City Sports Festival, which includes the Century City 10km Express road race offering runners among the top cash prizes in the country, takes place from Friday 27 February until Sunday 1 March. The festival is the sporting highlight of the year on the Century City calendar and is aimed at both corporate teams and individual participants, drawing competitors from far and wide. Providing both participatory and spectator sports, the festival will again be held in and around Central Park and includes fun,

food and entertainment for the whole family. The Century City 10km Express is the signature event of the Festival and forms part of the Western Province Athletics calendar, as well as being a Coca Cola League Race. Building on the success of previous years, the race will be held on Saturday 28 February over a flat, fast course and is again expected to attract a large number of runners, many from out of town, all attempting to achieve personal best times over the distance and to win the R10,000 purse! The top men and women

runners will each receive a R10,000 cash prize and R3,000 in Canal Walk vouchers. Runners up will receive a R1,500 purse and a further R1,500 in Canal Walk vouchers, while those placed third will each receive R1,000 in cash and R1,000 in Canal Walk vouchers. All other category winners will receive cash prizes or vouchers and the first 2000 finishers will receive medals. The Century City 10km Express, which starts at 7am on the Saturday, will be followed by a 2,5km Family Fun Run/Walk at 7.15am where more than 200

R10 000 cash foR 1st place

Century City 10km Express.

JAG runners from the JAG Foundation will be participating. Registration opens at 05:30. This year runners can also enter online through www.entrytime.com and on the evening before from 16:00 to 18:00 at the Century City Club House. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, the non-profit company responsible for the day to day running of Century City, said more than 6,000 participated in last year’s festival and they

expected this year’s to be even bigger and better. He said the festival also includes Schools & Corporate Touch Rugby, Five-a-side Soccer, a Circuit Cycling Kermesse, Junior and Senior Canoeing, Stand-Up Paddling, Canoe Polo, Dragon Boat Racing as well as Junior and Mini Cricket. This year the Corporate Touch Rugby will take place on Friday evening while the Five-a-side Soccer will be hosted at the Fives Futbol Arena opposite Canal Walk on the Sunday.



Mini cricket (U7 & U8) will be held on Central Park on Saturday and Junior Cricket (U12 & U14) will be held on the Curro school field. Blackshaw said both cricket venues would offer food for sale and loads of kids’ activities. He said a first for the festival this year is that members of the public would be able to try Stand Up Paddling with an instructor, free of charge, at certain times during Saturday and Sunday. Blackshaw added that great spot prizes, medals and lucky draws will be awarded for participants in all sporting events. Corporate teams wishing to participate in the Touch Rugby tournaments should contact Neil or Graham on 021439 8646. Corporate teams wishing to take part in the Five-a-side Soccer should contact keith@5v5.co.za

Century City Sports Festival Program

Date Friday 27 Feb

Saturday 28 Feb

Sunday 1 March

general festival inquiries: alan liebenberg or bianca church on 021 552 6889 or email bianca@centurycity.co.za. for further details of events visit www.centurycity.co.za



Venue Central Park

Junior Touch Rugby

15:30 – 18:00

Dragon Boat Juniors and 200om

15:00 – 18:30

Grand Canal

Corporate Touch Rugby

18:00 – 23:00

Central Park

10km Express

07:00 (reg from 5:30am

Central Park

2.5km Family Fun Run/Walk

07:15 (reg from 06:00)

Central Park

Dragon Boat 250 & 500m

09:00 – 18:00

Grand Canal

Mini Cricket (U7 & U8)

12:00 – 18:00

Central Park

Junior Cricket

14:00 – 20:00

Curro Primary

Cycling Kermesse

07:30 – 12:00

Link Road

Canoeing, Stand Up Paddling

09:00 – 13:00

Grand Canal

Corporate 5-a-side Soccer

10:00 – 20:00

Fives Futbol

Canoe Polo

14:00 – 17:00

Grand Canal



Our Growing City

Community News

Hi-tech messaging to aid traffic flows

Century City further upgrades security



pilot Variable Messaging System (VMS) to assist with traffic guidance within Century City was installed in December last year and was successfully used to assist with Ratanga Junction’s peak season parking management. Three VMS signs have so far been installed on Century Boulevard – one between the Lion Arch and Daimler Chrsyler, another between the Canal Bridge and Virgin Active and the third in front

Mayfair under construction


onstruction of Mayfair, the latest residential development at Century City, which was sold off plan within hours during a buying frenzy in October last year, is now under way. The development comprises Mayfair Gardens, which consists of 70 one, two and three bedroom apartments, and Mayfair Court, which comprises 66 residential apartments. They form part of a mixed-use development that includes sectional title offices. Mayfair is being developed in Century Way, neighbouring the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort. The site was handed over to the main contractor, Big Ben Construction recently and earthworks have commenced. Construction is due for completion in mid-2016.

The Mayfair team from Rabie and Big Ben. Left to right: Nicola Aschmann, Colin Ridley, Miguel Rodrigues, Eddie Cupido, Greg Jenkins

of SMG BMW. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, said that they would continue to use the VMS signs to direct traffic flows for special events within Century City, during peak periods for Ratanga, Canal Walk and Hillsong Church, as well as conferences. “There are also plans to use it to convey important messages about traffic congestion, both within Century City and on the surrounding road network – for example to warn motorists there is a truck broken down on the N1 highway and to use an alternative route.” Blackshaw said they would be reviewing the pilot project in June and it was likely that additional VMS signs would be installed at Century City before the end of the year.

entury City, which has a proud history of safety and security, has further bolstered its services and resources, including the appointment of a new Safety and Security Manager to drive operations. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA), the nonprofit company responsible for the day to day running of the Century City precinct, said they had recently undertaken a comprehensive strategic review of security at Century City and an indepth service level assessment of their service provider, Securitas Security Services, to see how they could further improve security in and around the Century City precinct. “As a result we have restructured our security operations to improve efficiencies and have boosted our resources including the creation of a new umbrella position of Safety and Security Manager.” He said he was delighted to announce that Marinus Boshoff, who has extensive experience in the security industry, had been appointed to fill this new post. Boshoff, whose experience includes eight years as Operational Manager with Securitas and its predecessor Orbis Security in Cape Town, has completed a Management Development Programme and a Senior Management Programme at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. He is currently completing a BA (Hons) Business

Management from the University of Lincoln in the UK. As Safety and Security manager for Century City, Boshoff will be responsible for, among other things, developing, communicating and implementing Security and Risk Management policies and systems, managing the contract with the security service provider, liaising with

secure environment remained one of Century City’s greatest attractions for those living and working in the precinct and this has been highlighted time and time again in their biennial Customer Satisfaction Survey. “The unfortunate spate of shopping centre heists in recent months, which also affected Canal Walk, serves to prove there

other stakeholders (ranging from SAPS, City Traffic and Law Enforcement to key Century City property owners), developing, communicating and implementing a comprehensive, integrated emergency preparedness plan and assisting in the design and development of extensive traffic management plans. Blackshaw said a safe and

can be no room for complacency when it comes to security and we need to continually strive to stay ahead of the game. The new measures, appointments and restructuring of operations that we have instituted are aimed to do just that and we will be announcing some further exciting developments in this regard shortly,” he said.


Community News Sinenjongo excels for fifth year!


inenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park in Milnerton, which lifted its pass rate from 27% seven years ago to above 85% for the past four years, did it again in 2014, achieving a pass rate of just under 90%! Even more exceptional is that this was achieved on a 50% increase in the number of learners writing the final exams last year. Of the 137 learners who wrote

the 2014 matric examinations, 122 passed, while 13 of the 15 who failed, qualified to write supplementary exams. This compares to 91 learners writing the final exams in 2013 when 85 passed. Seven years ago when the Rabie Property Group adopted Sinenjongo as the major beneficiary of its Corporate Social Investment programme, there were only 34 Nomfundo Mshumi, left, accompanied by her sister Nosiyamlela Soyekwa, is overjoyed at passing.

Curro Century City enrolment soars


nrolment at the Century City campus of listed private school company, Curro Holdings, has soared to 723. Student numbers are 26% higher than last year and more than three times the maiden enrolment of the school, which started in January 2013 with 234 learners. Executive head Sean Friedenthal says they are happy with the enrolment numbers and expect their current capacity of 790 to be reached shortly. The school, which originally catered

for grade RR through to Grade 5, extended to SPSs (age 3-4) and Grade 6 in 2014 and this year added Grade 7 – the first year of the Senior Phase in education to the equation. “Our base is full and the higher grades are filling up quickly,” he says. He said the school now employs 43 teachers and has a total staff complement of 73.

matriculants against 180 learners in the younger grades. Rabie and associated companies, including Ratanga, have sponsored inter alia, the salaries of five additional maths and science teachers and a number of programmes at the school aimed at increasing proficiencies in English, maths and science. “We initially concentrated on lifting the pass rate, but in more recent years the school has really worked hard at retaining more and more learners within the system and is making huge strides in this regard, which is extremely pleasing. For 2015 we have 151 learners in matric!” says Maggie Rowley, Communications Manager at Rabie. The top learner at Sinenjongo this year is Nomakhakhayi Mandiphiwe, who achieved five distinctions and has enrolled to study at UWC this year. “And demand for our aftercare, which runs until 6pm weekdays, is still strong and currently serving 385 children a day.” Looking forward, Friedenthal says discussions with the developer, Rabie Property Group, to acquire additional land to enable them to increase enrolment to 1350, including a high school component, in the short term were well advanced.



City Life Events at Century City you don’t want to miss Century City Natural Goods Market & Art on the Island 22 FEbruary | 29 March | 26 aprIL

The Century City Natural Goods Market has entered its 6th Season and is set to be better than ever! Held on the last Sunday of every month the market is the perfect way to spend your Sunday with an array of delicious food and fantastic kids entertainment. Our new addition, Art on the Island, is held at the Intaka Island EcoCentre and runs concurrently to the market.

Full Moon hike

Cape Town Cycle Tour Juniors Registration

The Wedding Show

The annual Cape Town Cycle Tour Juniors Registration takes place on the Stage in the Centre Court and the event will be held at Youngsfield Military Base, Wynberg on Saturday 7 March. This family event caters for kids between 0 and 12 years and offers young riders the opportunity to enjoy a day of cycling in a safe and controlled environment.

Visit the Canal Walk Wedding Show and stand a chance to win one of four prizes valued at R50,000 each. To enter, participants need to fill in an entry form, available at Entrances 1 – 8. T&Cs apply.

27 FEbruary – 6 March, 9aM – 9pM, canaL waLk cEntrE court stagE

20 – 22 FEbruary 9aM – 9pM, canaL waLk cEntrE wIdE Expo

5 March | 4 aprIL | 4 May

Experience the sights sound and smells of Intaka Island by night with a 1-hour guided walk through the spectacular wetlands area. Full details at www.centurycity.co.za. RSVP to tatum@centurycity.co.za

Century City Night Market

Intaka IsLand Eco-cEntrE 29 May | 26 JunE | 24 JuLy | 28 august

As an extension of the Century City Natural Goods Market, when the cold weather hits, we take our market indoors for 4 months on the last Friday of every month, starting 29 May 2015. The Century City night market promises good food, live music and a cosy wintry atmosphere to cuddle up and make the most of the winter evenings.

Century City Sushi Making Evening wEdnEsday 22 aprIL

Back by popular demand! Join us for an evening of sushi making and fun! Learn to make 5 different types of sushi with complimentary wine and loads of prizes to be won. Contact bianca@centurycity. co.za for details and to book.

Ratanga Summer Season still on


atanga Junction is making the most of the extended Summer season by opening for most weekends until the end of March and then daily for the school holidays from April 2 - April 12. The only weekends it is closed over this period is when it has been fully booked for exclusive days, namely Saturday 21 February and Saturday and Sunday 14 & 15 March. It is, however, possible that additional days will be sold as exclusive days, so to avoid disappointment visit www.ratanga.co.za or the park’s Facebook page to check availability. The park will also be open for special bonus days from 24 April until 3 May. Among the new thrills on offer at Ratanga is a zip line and paddle boats, and for the tiny tots there are four new jumping castles, a toddler kiddie slide into Croc Swamp and new jungle gyms for kids’ parties in Hippo Hollow. There is no additional charge for these new attractions. Other than the famous human catapult, The Slingshot, all other rides are now included in the price.

spEcIaL sport day prIcEs at ratanga

Over the weekend of our Century City Sports Festival Ratanga Junction is offering our Century City family a discounted rate of R100 per person for a full rider ticket on Saturday 28 Feb and Sunday 1 March. Pre-booking essential! Contact Jenni Vermaas on: jenni.vermaas@ratanga.co.za



City Sport

Century City offers a number of sporting opportunities for those who enjoy an active lifestyle. Century City Canoe Club

The Century City Canoe Club has gone from strength to strength and is one of our fastest growing sports clubs. Based at the Century City Clubhouse, the club holds time trials every Tuesday at 18:15 next to Intaka Island. Members have access to safe and secure parking, canoe storage and change room facilities, as well as use of the Clubhouse. Contact Richard Kohler on richk@mweb.co.za or visit: www.centurycitycanoeclub.co.za.

Century City Touch Rugby Leagues

Held on Thursday evenings on Central Park Field, the action-packed Century City Corporate Touch Rugby league is aimed predominantly at Century City businesses keen to get involved and have some fun. Excellent team-building outside of the office environment. To enter your team contact Neil on 021 439 8646

Fives Futbol Century City

Century City Athletic Club

The Century City Athletic Club has grown exponentially over the last few years, and is a fabulous way to get to know people within the Century City community. Meeting every Tuesday night at the Century City Clubhouse at 17:45, runners take in the beautiful scenery of Century City while taking advantage of the many running routes on offer. For more information email Bertie Cloete at bertiecloete007@gmail.com

Adventure Bootcamp

Lace up your boots, put on your kit, take a deep breath... Ever dreamt of playing on a World class surface with international-quality facilities? This is your time to stand up and be counted. Five-aSide soccer is the fastest growing form of soccer in the world and Fives Futbol is finally at Century City with 6 beautiful brand new courts. For more information or to enter the league contact Keith on keith@5v5.co.za

Camps take place on Central Park field in Century City and ladies are put through their paces making use of the natural obstacles found in the immediate environment to ensure a diverse, full body workout. Register online at www.AdventureBootCamp.co.za or call the national head office on 021 447 2746

Edison Way Crossfit

A new addition to the Century City sporting activities portfolio, Crossfit is taking the world by storm! Besides mixing weight training, cardio and gymnastics, Crossfit is about community and is for everyone and anyone looking to reach their health and fitness goals. A truly lifechanging form of exercise. For more information contact Megan on: megan@ edisonwaycrossfit.com

Ratanga Junction Theme Park

F ully : booked , 21 Feb 5 14 & 1 March


Weekends until 29 March! Open daily for school holidays 2 - 12 April

Over 27 attractions for the whole family! Info line: 0861 200 300 www.ratanga.co.za Terms and conditions apply

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