issue sev en t een 3rd Quarter 2015
edits magazine
Century City Canals by Delien Reynolds, Wow Factor photographic competition 2nd place winner
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entury City’s growth is nothing short of phenomenal, with the precinct now home to more than 3,500 residential front doors and more than 500 businesses, with further growth in the offing. It is not surprising that as the city has grown so, too, has peak hour traffic, so the opening of the new MyCiTi Station at Century City from 1 August and the introduction of a new Trunk Route between Dunoon and Century City are important milestones in our multi-pronged strategy to reduce peak hour traffic. Other measures being undertaken include an upgrade of Sable Road and Bosmansdam Road (see Issue 16 for details). Further MyCiTi routes are expected to be added to Century City as the BRT expansion continues and all should contribute positively to reducing peak traffic flows.
chris’s corner
Chris Blackshaw
ceo | century city property owners’ association
... to the Spring edition of City Edits, which celebrates much of what is green within our city. In recent issues we have highlighted the growing number of Green Star rated buildings in Century City and in this one we focus on the green lung of Intaka Island, where visitor numbers continue to grow year on year, and on renewable energy resources, particularly solar, that are being harvested to take the Intaka Island Eco-Centre completely off the Eskom grid. We also take a look at our recycling initiatives, which, too, are on the up and up. And with the advent of Spring we welcome back the Century City Natural Goods Market and Art on the Island to their seasonal slots on the last Sunday of the month. There are some other exciting outdoor events planned as the warmer weather moves in, so take note and we hope to see you there!
Maggie Rowley ccpoa communications manager
EDITOR: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | ADVERTISING MANAGER: Bianca Church | 021 552 6889 | DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | COVER PHOTO: Century City Canals by Delien Reynolds, Wow Factor photographic
competition 2nd place winner
our growing city
our growing city
Grosvenor Square nearing completion
New Day Hospital and Medical Centre now open
uyers have snapped up 23 of the 37 sectional title offices in the R120m Grosvenor Square development nearing completion in Century City. The 5,364 square metre development is being built on a high-visibility site diagonally across the road from a new Intercare Day Surgery Hospital and Primary Care Centre in the sought-after Central Park precinct. The site is bordered by two of the main roads in the precinct, Century Boulevard and Century Way. Mariska Auret, project manager with Rabie Property Group, developers of the project, said practical completion was on schedule for September this year with occupation expected from November onwards. She said the development was aimed at small to medium size
owner-occupiers and tenants, including medical consultants and specialists wanting to be located near to the Intercare facility. “Grosvenor Square follows the successful sell-out of the neighbouring Quays, comprising 39 sectional titles offices and Central Park, a low-rise 18,000 square metre office park comprising mostly standalone buildings and catering for larger users. “We expect strong interest in the remaining units as the development nears completion, particularly given its proximity to the new Day Hospital and Primary Care Centre and an array of other facilities in easy walking distance.” Designed by Tim Hughes Architect and being constructed by Murray & Roberts, Grosvenor
Square comprises five A-grade low rise buildings set around a picturesque courtyard and offers flexible options to tenants, from 90 to 3,000 square metres. A total of 200 parking bays – 170 basement bays and 30 open bays – on a ratio of around 3,5 per 100 square metres - will be provided. Units are selling at around R22,000 excluding VAT per square metre, inclusive of parking and A-Grade tenant installation, including all internal finishes and air conditioning. A limited number of storerooms are also available for sale. Rentals, she said, would be around R155 per square metre for 2016. Grosvenor Square will have access to Century City Connect, Century City’s cutting-edge, open access fibre optic network.
for further details contact sedica or jean on 021 550 7000.
R70million state-of-theart Intercare Day Surgery Hospital and Primary Care Medical Centre opened at Century City on July 7, adding to the wide bouquet of amenities available in our burgeoning city within a city. The new multi-disciplinary medical facility is a joint venture between Corevest, Blue Dot Health, Century Surgeons Trust and Intercare, the latter of which will manage the centre. The Intercare Day Hospital Century City has three operating theatres, a procedure room, 24 beds, and will be home to leading specialists in hand surgery, orthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery, ENT, general surgery, gastroenterology, urology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Many of these specialists will consult at the facility while the Medical Centre has a Centre for Lifestyle Management, a Dis-Chem pharmacy, general practitioners, and a host of health disciplines that include pathology for blood tests, radiology for X Rays, as well as biokineticists, dieticians and physiotherapists. Dr Hendrik Hanekom, Intercare’s co-founder and CEO, says they are delighted to have not only attracted popular local GPs, but to have also recruited a large component of Cape Town’s most prominent surgeons from different specialties.
Dr Nick Kairinos, one of the founding members of Intercare Day Hospital Century City, left, and Dr Hendrik Hanekom, CEO of Intercare, cut the ribbon at the official opening of the multi-disciplinary medical facility.
He says the Medical Centre is equipped with a hightech mammography unit in collaboration with a prominent radiology practice. “This innovative and unprecedented step is based on the increasing burden of breast cancer in South Africa’s female population.” Another innovation from Intercare is its use of high-tech laminar flow operating theatres, which are designed with special air ventilation technology that improves hygiene and lowers the risk of post-operative infections, especially for surgical procedures such as orthopaedic and joint replacement surgery, which require exceptionally sterile conditions. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, says the medical centre ticked one of the last
remaining boxes for Century City. “An estimated 55,000 now live and work within Century City, which is home to around 550 businesses and 10,000 residents and still growing strongly. “As our City has grown so, too, has its amenities, which include four schools, crèches, over 600 hotel rooms in soon to be six hotels, five conference venues, Canal Walk Shopping Centre, Ratanga Junction, a Virgin Active gym, four churches, neighbourhood restaurants and award-winning beauty and wellness spas. “Over and above the built facilities, the Century City lifestyle is enhanced by sports clubs and leagues, cycle and running tracks, 6,5km of navigable canals for canoeing and Stand Up Paddling, and social and networking events throughout the year.”
for further details contact annette krige (hospital manager) at 021 879 0100; lezaane schwartzkopff (practice manager) at 021 879 0000 or e-mail
our growing city Residential sales at Century City top R855m this year
esidential sales totalling more than R855m have been notched up at Century City by the Rabie Property Group for the financial year ending 30 June 2015. Of these sales, over R620m were achieved by Property World, the on-site agents for the Rabie group. New development sales accounted for the bulk, with 244 units being sold for a total of just over R450m at an average selling price of R1,85m. In addition, 84 resales totalling around R170m were finalised by Property World during this period. Brian Usher of Property World said the sales for the past financial year were more than 50% ahead of forecast due to a number of additional new developments being brought
to the market earlier than originally envisaged to meet the unexpected surge in demand. He said 52 of the 63 units in their latest residential property project, Manhattan Quarter, had been snapped up by purchasers for a total of R117m before the project had even been marketed and released to the general public. “Our last two property launches sold out within 45 minutes in a buying frenzy and many would-be purchasers were left empty handed. We offered these disappointed clients the first opportunity before opening it to the broader public.” The Rabie Property Group is also a joint venture partner with the Harries Projects Consortium developing the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort at Century City, where a further 59 apartments
totalling R238,5m have been sold so far this financial year. Of these, 32 were new sales in Palme d’Or – the fourth block of luxury apartments – totalling almost R155m, while nine sales totalling R33,5m were in the third block, Palm Royale. There were also 16 resales totalling R50m during this reporting period. John Chapman, a director of Rabie, says further strong sales were notched up during July when there was normally a seasonal lull in sales. He said C since July 1 Property World had M sold four new development units for a total of R6,67m and Y 10 resales for a total of R19m, CM while Oasis had achieved three new development sales totalling MY R12,75m and two resales CY totalling R6,15m with additional CMY deals in the offing.
for further details regarding property world contact brian usher on 082 571 7024. for oasis enquiries contact cindy, lorenda or linda on 021 250 0592.
An artist’s impression of Manhattan Quarter, the latest residential development to be released at Century City, and where 52 of the 63 units were sold ahead of a marketing campaign being undertaken. This development offers exceptional value for money at around R20 000 per square metre.
our green city
our green city
Environmental Education at Intaka Island
CCPOA recycling up 38%!
isitor numbers to Intaka Island, Century City’s award-winning 16ha wetlands nature reserve, continue to grow in leaps and bounds. In the first seven months of this year 14,213 people visited Intaka, a 21% increase on the comparative numbers for the same period last year. There were 26,631 visitors for the whole of last year compared to 24,588 in 2013 and 19,387 in 2012. This year’s figures for the first seven months include 45 school groups from Grades 1 to 10. Intaka is particularly popular with schools, as they are able to provide age- and curriculumrelevant education programmes tailor-made to accommodate the individual school’s needs and can serve to: • Supplement class teaching. • Act as a point of departure for starting a new section of work. • Be incorporated into continuous assessment by making use of worksheets provided by Intaka and
ore than 8,914 kg of dry waste and glass has been recycled by the Century City Property Owners’ Association within Century City during the first seven months of this year. CCPOA Environmental Manager Alan Liebenberg says this represents a 38% increase for the corresponding period last year. The full total for 2014, he said, was 12,900kg. The CCPOA has a team that collects and manages recyclable waste within the common areas of Century City, the Drop & Go
facility near the Bosmansdam Road Public Transport Interchange and demarcated refuse rooms. Wasteplan then collects, weighs and transports the dry recyclable waste to the recycling facility at Kraaifontein.
Wasteplan services large areas within the City of Cape Town and a number of buildings within Century City. “By joining our recycling initiative you can practically halve the cost of removing your waste, as it is fairly easy to recycle about 60% of office waste. Wasteplan charges just over half the rate to remove recycled waste as it does for non-recycled waste.” If you have not already joined our recycling drive, consider doing so and help us further decrease our carbon footprint!
for further information on recycling opportunities in century city, please contact alan liebenberg on
checked by the teacher. Programmes are created under the guidance of an experienced and qualified educator, keeping in mind the focus of the curriculum (including CAPS) for each age group. The topics that regularly come up across the grades and where Intaka can best supplement regular classroom work are: • Energy: types, sources and energy transformation, electricity.
• Ecosystems: habitats, adaptations, food chains and webs. • Water: water cycle, waste management, testing and purification. • Wetland ecology: cycling of water through wetland, typical habitats, animals and vegetation. • Sustainability: discussion on human impact on environment, recycling, waste management and alternative energy sources.
our green city
our green city
Getting off the Grid
Kids birthday parties at Intaka
ight solar panels located on the roof of the Energy Classroom of the Eco-Centre have generated 1,732KWH of energy this year – enough to take the classroom completely off the grid. The solar panels, six of which were sponsored by Solar World and two by the CCPOA, form part of the Eco-Centre’s renewable energy campaign to ultimately be totally off the grid. Alan Liebenberg, CCPOA’s Environmental Manager, says work is being done to supplement the rest of the Eco-Centre’s energy needs with sustainable, wind-generated energy.
ntaka Island offers fun-filled, educational birthday party packages for primary school children. For a rental of R500 and a fee of R25 per child (parents come free), you enjoy exclusive use of the Lapa within Intaka Island for two and a half hours, a tour of Intaka Island, a boat ride and a choice of one activity such as pond dipping or bird watching. You are welcome to bring your own cake and party packs but if you require any assistance with your catering we can put you in touch with our competitively-priced caterers. Parties are limited to a maximum of 14 children.
our green team The CCPOA has created a Green Team whose job it is to inspire sustainability within the company and at home. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, says the team currently comprises five members each from a different division within the company, including management. “The creation of the Green Team has been done to develop and activate the company’s sustainability mission, raise awareness of sustainable practices and to facilitate education to stimulate ideas and support to achieve these goals.” for further details contact melissa on 021 552 6889 or email her on
city life
city life
Century City MyCiTi Trunk Station and new route now open
Woolies Colosseum food store to double in size
ith the rollout of a new MyCiTi trunk route and the opening of six new stations including one at Century City, travelling between Century City and nodes on the West Coast is quicker, cheaper and easier. The T04 Dunoon – Century City route travels along Potsdam Road from Usasaza station via Omuramba station culminating at Century City’s new Trunk Station, developed in the public transport interchange at a cost of R34million by the Rabie Property Group. The other new stations on the route are at Refinery, Montague Gardens, Turf Club, Phoenix and Sanddrift. For existing passengers the service means a much quicker journey between Dunoon and Century City, no transfers and a cheaper fare due to the shorter, more direct route. Dedicated red roads for the buses along the entire route ensure a quicker journey even in heavily congested peak hours. Buses depart every 10 minutes during weekday morning and evening peak hours and every
At the official launch of the Century City MyCiTi station were, from left, Councillor Brett Herron, Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, Mayor Patricia de Lille, Melissa Whitehead, Commissioner for Transport for Cape Town (TCT), John Chapman, director of Rabie Property group, and Leon Cohen, MD of Rabie.
20 to 30 minutes at other times including weekends. Kiosks offering MyConnect services are open at Century City, Montague Gardens, Phoenix and Sanddrift stations. Century City has been part of the MyCiTi service since November 2013 when a feeder route was introduced from Omuramba Station to Century City, which ran in mixed traffic through Montague Gardens to Century City, down Century
Avenue, past the Canal Walk Shopping Centre and along Sable Road to the Century City railway station. It is envisaged that in the long term Century City will be a major interchange between the trunk and feeder routes emanating from Atlantis, Durbanville, Khayelitsha and the Southern Suburbs. The City is currently in the process of engaging with the communities where new feeder services are to be introduced.
he Woolworths Food Store in the Colosseum building near the Ratanga Road entrance to Century City is set to double its trading area to over 650 square metres. Rabie director Colin Anderson said the store, which opened nine years ago, had outgrown its premises. “In fact, high demand in recent years has seen its turnover quadruple and pressure to expand its footprint has been eased with the freeing up of the premises of Time Square Café. “The doubling in size will enable the store to carry a significantly larger product offering.” He said the opening of the Slug and Lettuce around the corner in the Colosseum had helped offset the closure of Time Square café and this new eatery has quickly built up a strong and loyal clientele. “And there is no shortage
of places to grab breakfast in this precinct - there is Vida e Caffe, Cin Cin at the Colosseum Luxury Hotel, the dining room and the deli at the African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa, Jacqui O Bistro in the Manhattan Building, and if you are prepared to take a short drive there is Crave in The
Estuaries - not to mention all the outlets in Canal Walk.” Anderson said the enlarged Woolworths store will open in November this year. He added that part of the Times Square outside seating has moved to Vida e Caffe, freeing up additional parking outside the Woolworths store.
curro to open high school at century city in 2017 Curro Holdings, the listed independent school company that opened a primary school at Century City in January 2013, is set to open a high school on an adjoining site in the precinct in January 2017. Curro Century City, which originally catered for Grade RR through to Grade 5 with 234 learners, has enjoyed huge growth over the past two years. This year there are 745 learners enrolled with the school catering from SPS (3-4 years) through to Grade 7, with a further 154 new enrolments having already been received for 2016. Many of the details of the new High School, such as how many high school grades will open in 2017 and what the fee structure will be, are still being finalised, but watch this space for further details as they become available. if you wish to be placed on a database to receive information once available in 2016, please send your details to:
holiday adventure Thrills galore are on offer during the upcoming school holidays, as Ratanga Junction will be open from 2 to 11 October. Don’t miss out on all the action and fun.
city life
city life
Century City Connect launches new Fibre-To-the-Home packages
Century City sportswomen excel
SPs tied in with Century City Connect, the company that operates a carrier neutral “last mile” open- access fibre optic network in the burgeoning Century City precinct, have launched an exciting range of Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) packages for residents. Residents connected to the Century City Connect network can choose between line speeds of 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 50Mbps and 100Mbps. Since its inception four years ago, Century City Connect has employed cutting edge, innovative technology to provide world-class, open-access fibreoptic connectivity, which has propelled Century City into the First World digital age.
Operations Manager Hein de Swardt said the relatively easy access to these FTTH packages placed Century City in a league of its own and was proving to be a huge drawcard attracting new residents to the precinct. “Providing FTTH is normally an expensive exercise, as there are
Uncapped FTTH Prices provider
line speed data
contract term*
ISPAfrika Comtel Amobia Atec Smart Village
10Mbps 10Mbps 10Mbps 10Mbps 10Mbps
Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped
Month to Month Month to Month Month to Month 12 Months 12 Months
R499 R495 R799 R948 R999
Cybersmart ISPAfrika Comtel Amobia Smart Village
20Mbps 20Mbps 20Mbps 20Mbps 20Mbps
Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped
Month to Month Month to Month Month to Month Month to Month 12 Months
R899 R799 R895 R999 R1,359
Cybersmart ISPAfrika Comtel Smart Village
50Mbps 50Mbps 50Mbps 50Mbps
Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped
Month to Month Month to Month Month to Month 12 Months
R1,499 R1,499 R2,195 R1,699
Cybersmart ISP Africa Comtel
100Mbps 100Mbps 100Mbps
Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped
Month to Month Month to Month Month to Month
R2,899 R2,499 R3,495
*Please enquire with ISP regarding connection fee and value ads. (If applicable)
for further details email or telephone 08611 connect or 021 250 0100
huge installation fees to homes. Single users not based within Century City and not having the benefit of easy access to the Century City Connect network can easily expect to pay a once-off installation fee of up to R15,000 to get fibre installed to their home. “This is not the case at Century City, as we have rolled out an open access fibre network taking fibre to all new commercial and residential developments, which greatly reduces the cost and time to activate individual users’ connections. We are not charging ISPs a connection fee for residential circuits and trust that they pass this saving on to the clients.” De Swardt said that new residential customers could be connected to the network within five working days after signing up with an Internet Service Provider if fibre was available in their complex. He said while fibre was automatically being taken to all new residential developments they were also retrofitting some of the older developments at the request of body corporates.
wo Century City sportswomen have excelled recently – one winning the Women’s Race of the 2015 Berg River Marathon and the other coming third in the Mauritius Half Marathon. Bianca Beavitt, sponsored by the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA) and a member of the Century City Canoe Club, was the runaway winner of the women’s race in the 2015 Berg River Canoe Marathon held in July. Bianca kept a firm grip on the women’s race from the outset and the determined competitor charged in to Velddrif unchallenged to claim her maiden Berg title. “It’s amazing to get to the
end and see everyone’s smiles of relief!” said Beavitt. “Coming towards the finish line I just kept saying to myself ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry!’ but it really is such an amazing feeling to be here and to win my first Berg title. “I feel a bit battered and bruised after these four very long, tough days and I’m definitely booking a massage for this week!” she laughed after finishing 24th overall. Bianca followed this success with a win at the Olifants River Marathon at the end of July. Tanya Posthumus-Fox, who runs for the Century City Athletic Club and who is also sponsored by the CCPOA, claimed the women’s third spot on the podium at the Mauritius half
Bianca Beavitt, above, and Tanya Posthumus-Fox, in yellow, right.
marathon with a time of 1:32:17. Tanya, who said she was “gutted” to have missed second place by two seconds, was beaten by two professional runners: Nancy Koech of Kenya in a time of 1:17:35 and Isabelle Lebreton of Reunion Island in a time of 1:32:15. Back in South Africa after a well-earned rest on the beautiful island, Tanya is busy preparing for her next big challenge, the Atlantis Half Marathon, which takes place on 22 August. For this she is training every day for one to one-and-a-half hours, some days at 4am and others at 5am! We wish both Tanya and Bianca every success going forward.
city life
city life
Canal Walk events to look forward to
What’s on at Century City
sa lingerie show SA Lingerie is proud to announce that South Africa’s premier fashion show, the SA Lingerie Show, will be presented by Canal Walk Shopping Centre for the third year running. The show takes place on Thursday 1 October and promises to be another spectacular event featuring top models, stunning lingerie brands, and entertainment by some of SA’s top entertainers.
Last night market of the season
CENTuRy CITy NIgHT MARKET Friday 28 August, Intaka Island Eco-Centre Good food, good wine and good atmosphere means a great Friday night out!
dancer’lympics This year saw the introduction of Dancer’lympics, the ultimate dance challenge embracing the concept and unity of “Team” and the diversity of “Dance”. It is a dance event and competition like no other - embracing no divides, uniting and collaborating all dance genres, all ages, all groups - all for the ultimate love of dance. Registrations took place at Canal Walk’s Centre Court on Friday 24th July 2015 for all dance genres, groups, crews and solo for ages 10 to 21 and entry was free. Auditions took place on Saturday, 25th July 2015 and four esteemed dance directors chose their teams of 30 each from the auditions. The four dance directors - Celeste Botha, Nicholas Vries, Jason Sisam and Devon Marshbank - announced their Dancer’lympics teams on Sunday 26th July at Canal Walk. They are Team Heaven Struck, Team Dance Versity, Team Conquerors and Team Eclecticz. The finals of Dancer’lympics take place alongside the High School Jam finals on Sunday, 23 August at GrandWest Grand Arena. There are great prizes to be won, including R30,000.00 from Canal Walk to the winning Dancer’lympics Team, plus one team member stands a chance to win an additional family getaway to the fabulous Lost City Palace Hotel at Sun City.
SECRETARy’S DAy Wednesday 2 September, Life Day Spa, Crystal Towers Hotel Treat your secretary and/or PA to a day of pampering and gifts
Natural goods Market reopens this September
NATIONAL BRAAI DAy Thursday 24 September, Central Park Come braai with us! Book your site and bring the family down to Central Park for a day of fun and festivities.
FuLL MOON HIKE Monday 28 September, 27 October & 26 November, Intaka Island Discover Intaka Island at night!
NEW! gALILEO OuTDOOR THEATRE Friday 13 November & 11 December, Central Park Field Get comfy with a group of friends and enjoy an openair movie on the lawns of Central Park.
NATuRAL gOODS MARKET & ART ON THE ISLAND Sunday 27 September, 25 October & 29 November, Central Park Field Relax on the lawns of Central Park, sample the delicious fare on sale and enjoy the wide range of kids’ activities and live music. A great day out for the whole family.
CENTuRy CITy gOLF DAy Friday 9 October, Atlantic Beach golf Club A fantastic networking opportunity for our Century City corporates.
for information on all century city events please contact bianca at
city life
city life
Doing our 67 minutes (plus) for Mandela Day
Wow Factor photographic competition winners
taff from the Century City Property Owners’ Association, Rabie Property Group and Ratanga Junction joined forces with the 940 learners at Sinenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park to go on a litter clean-up of the township in honour of Madiba and the 67 years he spent fighting for democracy for South Africa. Armed with yellow gloves and black bags, teams of learners, teachers and volunteer staff from the three Century City-based companies headed out into the township to do their bit to improve the quality of life of the Joe Slovo community. Bags and bags of garbage were packed onto CCPOA trucks and
taken to the municipal dump before staff from Ratanga treated the more than 1,000 people who participated in the clean-up to a boerewors roll, chips and cooldrink. So smoothly did the operations run that all were served within 20 minutes – something of a record even for Ratanga, which
has been known to feed up to 10,000 people in any one day! Principal Ms Khuleswa Nopote said the gesture was hugely appreciated by all and it would be the only meal many of the learners would get on the day. “It is doubly appreciated as the school feeding scheme, which provides a daily meal for most of our learners on school days, has not yet kicked in for this term.” Sinenjongo High School was adopted by the Rabie Property Group eight years ago as the major beneficiary of its Corporate Social Investment Project and more recently by Ratanga Junction. Since then they have provided capex projects and additional teachers and programmes that have helped turn the school around and boosted its matric pass rate from around 27% to well over 90%. The CCPOA also contributes to the school in a number of outreach programmes relating to greening of the school, Arbor Day and environmental education, as well as sponsoring teams of runners and players at its annual Century City Sports Festival.
Earlier this year the Century City Arts Foundation invited submissions for the Wow Factor photographic competition, the theme being what entrants most love about Century City. Some incredible entries were received, including those that won first, second and third place, which we share here.
FIRST PLACE: by Elmer van Zyl
SECOND & THIRD PLACE: by Delien Reynolds