Century City Edits #25

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IS S UE T WENT Y-FIVE 3rd Quarter 2017


Malachite kingfisher, at Intaka Island



Ratanga Junction Theme Park

Open daily from


SUMMER SEASON TICKET SPECIAL *Half price tickets for groups of 20 or more 24 November – 15 December 2017 (*normal price R179)

www.ratanga.co.za Info line: 021 206 1111

lots to celebrate We are very excited about our recently unveiled, state-of-the-art Security Operations Centre (SOC), which puts us firmly at the cutting edge of crime prevention and combatting operations in the region. One of Century City’s greatest attractions is that it offers a safe and secure environment. To date our strategy has been to combine the use of the very latest technology with highly visible policing and rapid response. The new SOC, together with our new expanded and integrated services (see details on page 3), will ensure that we are able to maintain our successful track record in this regard going forward. One of our other greatest assets – the Intaka Island wetland reserve – turns 21 years old this month. As part of the celebrations, a commemorative coffeetable book on the history of Intaka and some of its exquisite birdlife, fauna and flora is being published. A photographic exhibition of some of these works will be on display for the public in the Eco-Centre from 22–24 September. Don’t miss it!

chris’s corner

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association

welcome... With Spring in the air, now is a good time to explore the recently launched Century City Arts Trail, details of which were carried in the previous edition of City Edits and which are available on www.centurycity.co.za. The most recently completed exhibit on the trail is the pedestrian underpass between Century City and the station, where father and son artists, Hardi and Calvin Raubenheimer, have transformed the two tunnels on the walkway into a blaze of colour (see details on pages 15 and 16). Century City’s policy of inclusivity has also been extended with the roll-out of additional free Wi-Fi hotspots around our city within a city. Further details of where you can access this free public service are carried on page 7. There is also a range of exciting events planned in the coming months, including the return of the Natural Goods Market and Art on the Island, Galileo and the Summer Night Market. And for the shopaholics, you will soon be spoilt for choice by the exciting new stores opening in Canal Walk. Hope to see you out and about!

Maggie Rowley

Terms and conditions apply

ccpoa communications manager

EDITOR: Maggie Rowley | 021 550 7000 | maggie@rabie.co.za ADVERTISING MANAGER: Tatum Sieni | 021 552 6889 DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com COVER PHOTO: Malachite Kingfisher photographed on Intaka Island PHOTOGRAPHER: Riaan Visser




our growing city

our growing city

New offices for Discovery

The Terraces apartments ready for rental market

new development of 16,600 square metres of premium grade offices, which will include new regional offices for Discovery, is to be built on a prime gateway site at Century City. Being developed by the Rabie Property Group at a cost of R460 million, Sable Park will comprise two four-storey buildings of 8,000 square metres and 8,600 square metres respectively, each with two levels of underground parking. Designed in a contemporary vernacular by the award-winning dhk Architects, the buildings will front on to Sable Road, providing high visibility and offering uninterrupted panoramic views of Table Mountain and Table Bay. Discovery’s Cape Town staff, who will be relocating from elsewhere at Century City due to their existing lease expiring, will be occupying the larger of the

two buildings. The second building, which is ideally suited for a large user looking to make a strong corporate statement, is being designed to be flexible and, if needs be, could be subdivided to accommodate smaller users, says Rabie director, Colin Anderson. David Pierre-Eugene, head of Group Facilities at Discovery, said: “With our existing leasing commitments coming up for renewal, we were on the lookout for new premises whereby we could be consolidated into one building and have options for future growth. “As part of our assessment for new premises, we surveyed other developments outside of Century City and found that from a location, convenience and amenities point of view, Century City was still the best location to meet our requirements.”

Sable Park is situated in the all-green Bridgeways precinct, which has become the new commercial and hospitality hub of Century City. The precinct is home to a number of other blue chip companies including the new Absa regional offices, Chevron, Philip Morris, the Business Centre, Thomson Reuters, Mastercard, Derivco, Northfund, Glad Africa and the Rabie Property Group among others. Anderson said Sable Park was also being designed as a green development and has been registered with the GBCSA, for a Green Star rating in both the Design v1 and As Built v1 categories. The Bridgeways precinct also boasts a Virgin Active gym and is within easy walking distance of convenience retailing, spas, three hotels and the Canal Walk Shopping Centre.


or the first time, a brand-new residential development of 144 apartments aimed entirely at the rental market is being developed at Century City to meet market demand. The first phase of 32 apartments was completed at the end of July, with the second phase of 54 apartments ready for occupation from 1 October this year. This will be followed by the third phase from 1 December, while the fourth and final phase will be ready for occupation in February next year. The Terraces comprises a variety of homes, from garden apartments to penthouses, and offers tenants a choice of one-, two- and threebedroomed apartments. All apartments have either a balcony or a terrace and most

are north-facing. Apartments are housed in blocks varying in height from three to seven storeys, all set in beautifully landscaped gardens. Plentiful parking will be available. The development will also boast a water-wise swimming

pool and clubhouse, as well as child-friendly parks with CCTV and 24-hour manned security. It is being developed on a site close to Curro Private School and a future convenience retail centre. Developed by Rabie Property, the entire development has been acquired by an investment trust as rental stock. Monthly rentals for one-bedroomed flats are from R10,000 per month, two-bedroomed units from R14,000 and three-bedroomed apartments from R19,500. The Terraces is being built as a smart building run off a smart wallet system that simplifies prepayment methods, and all apartments will have Fibre To The Home through Century City Connect’s open-access network. To take a virtual tour of the show apartment online, go to www.rabie.co.za.

for further details or to book an appointment to view the show flat, contact cathryn dykins of property world on 078 757 2993, or the letting corporation on 071 194 3832.



our growing city New state-of-the-art Security Operations Centre launch


entury City has launched a new state-of-the-art Security Operations Centre (SOC) to keep it at the forefront of crime prevention and combatting initiatives in the Western Cape. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, the non-profit company responsible for the day-to-day operations of the precinct, said their strategy to date of combining the use of cutting-edge technology with highly visible policing and rapid emergency response had proven to be very successful in curbing crime at Century City. “The fact that Century City offers a safe and secure environment is one of its greatest attractions to those living and working here, and the SOC, together with the new expanded and integrated services, will enable us to keep it that way.” Blackshaw said the SOC, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, was the

CCPOA CEO Chris Blackshaw, left, and executive deputy mayor Ian Neilson, right.

nerve centre of their safety and security operations. “It is in direct contact with SAPS and Council emergency services, including Century City’s two contracted city traffic officers and two law enforcement officers, as well as with other security services operating in the precinct.” He said that due to the ongoing and rapid expansion of Century City, they had outgrown their existing control centre premises, necessitating that they relocate their expanded operations to a new purposebuilt, state-of-the-art Security Operations Centre which is located in Century City House. “Expert advice was obtained regarding best practice control centre design, and also to >

ensure that the SOC complies with South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) certification standards.” Blackshaw said their fibrebased CCTV surveillance system, with a network of dome and fixed cameras linked to digital video recorders, together with their Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras at all the entrances to Century City, are monitored in the SOC. “In addition, our new expanded and integrated security solution, which provides for individual intruder detection alarm and CCTV monitoring-by-exception alerts of both commercial buildings and residential developments, will now be fed to the SOC. “These multiple sources of data and information enable the SOC to ensure an appropriate tactical response to any incidents that are detected.” The SOC was officially opened recently by the Executive Deputy Mayor of Cape Town, Alderman Ian Neilson. He told more than 60 guests that the Century City SOC was a prime example of what can be achieved through the collaboration of the private and public sector and different stakeholders. Alderman Neilson holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from UCT and was the engineer responsible for the design of Century City’s canal system, for which he received an award from the Association of Consulting Engineers. for all enquiries please contact the soc on soc@centurycity.co.za or call 021 202 1000

Guests were shown the new Century City Security Operations Centre. Below (from left to right): Traffic Officer Andrew Johnson, Acting Chief Inspector Desre Benadie and Traffic Officer Carmen Allison.



our growing city

city life

Construction of super luxury Axis under way

Ratanga to be redeveloped into vibrant mixed-use precinct


onstruction of Axis, Rabie’s flagship residential development at Century City, is under way. The iconic 11-storey building, which will enjoy uninterrupted sea and mountain views into perpetuity, is being built on a landmark site in the bustling Bridgeways precinct close to the award-winning Century City

Square with its restaurants, bars, conference centre and hotel. Axis will raise the bar on residential developments at Century City in terms of vistas, luxury and convenience, says Brian Usher, sales director of Property World, the official onsite agents for Rabie. Available one- and twobedroomed apartments,

measuring between 60 and 125 square metres, range in price from R2.57 million to R5.4 million. All apartments will boast high-end finishes and Smeg appliances, and will have Fibre To The Home providing them with access to high-speed connectivity, which has become synonymous with Century City. The building will have a state-of-the-art external cladding façade, double glazing on all windows on the outer perimeter, and all 29 sea-facing apartments will have the living area air conditioned. A 24-hour concierge in the entrance court and two levels of secure basement parking will complete the exclusive nature of the development. Construction is expected to be completed by end 2018.

for further details, go to www.axis.capetown or telephone devon on 082 446 9188, tamarin on 084 301 8616 or viwe on 082 436 0012.


Buyers snapping up luxury Oasis apartments

uyers are snapping up apartments in the last two blocks of the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort, Palm Brook and Palme Vue. A total of 47 of the 52 apartments in Palm Brook have been sold to date, with strong interest being shown in the remaining five units. Construction of Palm Brook is expected to be completed by mid-December. In addition, 25 of the 42 apartments in the recently

launched sixth and final block, Palme Vue, have already been sold ahead of construction starting. Palme Vue is anticipated to be ready for occupation in the last quarter of 2018.

Meanwhile recent upgrades and extensions have been undertaken in the resort to further improve the worldclass facilities on offer. This work has included a major extension of the lounge, kitchen and dining room in the Oasis Club, which has significantly increased capacity, as well as the construction of a Medical Support Centre that will house a homecare service and a doctors’ surgery at the main entrance to Oasis.


atanga Junction theme park, which is to close on 1 May 2018, is to be redeveloped into a vibrant new mixed-use development. While planning is still at an embryonic stage, it is envisaged that the redevelopment will embrace the existing canals, island and public open space and will include residential apartments, offices, hotels, restaurants and convenience retail. Rabie Property Group, the developer of Century City, has applied to the Cape Town Municipality to amend the Century City Development Framework and Bridgeways Precinct Plan to enable the redevelopment to take place. Rabie director John Chapman said the closure of Ratanga and the redevelopment of the land had been in the offing for a long time. “When Rabie bought into Century City in 2004, acquiring the undeveloped land and associated rights, Ratanga was part of the package. Since then we are on record as saying the theme park would be redeveloped in due course, and that time has now arrived.” Chapman said the scale of the park had been greatly overdesigned for the Cape Town market. “The oversized facility, lack of consistent demand for a theme park, seasonal weather, expensive maintenance and running costs as well as the ageing equipment had all contributed to an unprofitable facility when we acquired it. Since then we have downsized the operation, closed the park during off season, added an all-year-round conference facility, and managed the theme park so that it now washes itself. However, this is not sufficient to justify its continued existence,

because rides need to be renewed and revenue cannot support the high capital costs.” Chapman said negotiations were under way to relocate some of the smaller rides elsewhere in Cape Town. In the meantime it is business as usual for both the function and ride businesses, with the rigorous maintenance of the park and rides continuing unabated. General Manager Bill Taylor said that as a thank you to the public for supporting the park over the years, Ratanga will offer special ticket prices for its next operating season from 29 September to 8 October. “Our very popular function facilities will also continue to operate right up to the end, and inquiries for end-of-year functions and exclusive corporate days are flooding in. People want to ensure that they have at least one more visit to the Wildest Place in Africa.”



city life

city life

Free Wi-Fi Service is now being extended!

Intaka Island comes of age


free Wi-Fi service, Let’s Connect, is being rolled out to additional hotspots throughout Century City. This follows a successful pilot project that has been running in Century Square since January this year. Let’s Connect is the Wi-Fi arm of Century City Connect (CCC), the company that operates a carrier-neutral “last mile” open-access fibre optic network within Century City. The service is provided in partnership with internet service provider Comtel Communications, which is sponsoring the internet breakout. Hein de Swardt, a director of Century City Connect, said the pilot project in The Square had proved extremely successful, with more than 2,000 users per month connecting to the hotspots in spite of an awareness programme yet to be launched. Let’s Connect currently provides members of the public with four hours of free, fast, uncapped internet access per day in The Square and its restaurants, in the Century City Hotel lobby, as well as the upstairs lounge area of the Conference Centre. He said they planned to roll out additional access points at Fives Futbol, Crave and Estuaries Park, Bootleggers

and Manhattan Park, Hillsong Church, the Intaka Eco-Centre, the Ratanga Road Public Transport Interchange, as well as the pedestrian walkway and tunnel between Century City and the station. An eighth hotspot will be added at Central Park, which is home to many sporting clubs and leagues as well as major community events such as the Natural Goods Market and Art on the Island, Galileo outdoor movies, the Winter Night Market and the annual Century City Sports Festival. The free Wi-Fi service has been approved and endorsed by the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA), the non-profit company responsible for the day-to-day running of Century City.

CEO Chris Blackshaw says the Wi-Fi service advances telecommunication connectivity in the precinct and in so doing further enhances the attractiveness of Century City as a business and residential location. De Swardt said in order to guarantee a good user experience and to avoid abuse of the free service, they would be blocking Torrent (movie) downloads and adult sites. Connecting to the service is simple. A one-off registration is required, with users logging in with their details or via one of the social media accounts. Once you have done that, you will receive four hours’ uncapped internet access per day. De Swardt said they strongly believed in the need to give back to the community, particularly to those less advantaged. “Hopefully it will enable people to access educational or job-searching websites. In addition, users can have unlimited connectivity to certain sites listed on the Let’s Connect portal. We looked at the top sites accessed in South Africa last year and added relevant ones to this white list, which can be accessed 24 hours a day for free. We have also added major university websites to this list.”


ntaka Island, the jewel in the crown of Century City, celebrates its 21st birthday in September. To commemorate this major milestone, Intaka will be offering the public a discounted combo ticket of just R21 per person between 18 and 24 September. This will entitle you to entry onto the Island as well as a scenic boat trip along the Century City canals. The usual price is R45 for adults and R35 for kids.

Pre-booking for the combo tickets is essential to avoid disappointment, as numbers are limited. A glossy, commemorative coffee-table book – covering the history of Intaka, the Eco-Centre’s environmental

education programmes, the flora, fauna and birdlife on Intaka, and more – will be published. The book will also showcase some spectacular photographs, particularly of the birdlife, taken by members of the public over the years. A limited number of these collectors’ pieces will be on sale at the Intaka Eco-Centre

a 16ha portion of the 250ha site was retained as a wetland nature reserve, which became known as Intaka Island. Intaka is the isiXhosa word for “bird”. Half of the site was kept as seasonal or ephemeral pans and the other 8ha was transformed into a manmade wetland system that acts as a natural purification system for the water in Century City’s

in late September. A photographic exhibition of some of these works will be on display for the public in the Eco-Centre from 22–24 September. The story of Intaka is a fascinating one. In short, it started life as a degraded wetland area known as Sewe Pannetjies. When development of Century City started in 1997,

canals. Visitor numbers in the early days were very low but have soared in recent years since the opening of the Intaka Eco-Centre, which runs environmental education programmes tailored for school groups. It now hosts more than 35,000 visitors a year. Intaka is home to over 120 bird species and more than 200 indigenous plant species.

for further details on intaka, go to www.intaka.co.za



city life

Ixia St Animal Hospital

Century City now has 17 Green Star-rated buildings


entury City now has a total of 17 Green Starrated buildings, with more in the offing. Those already rated include 13 office buildings, one banking outlet in Canal Walk, and a mixeduse development comprising six buildings, Century City Square, where three of the Green Starrated office buildings are located. Five of the office developments have achieved a 5-Star Green Star SA rating from the Green Building Council of South Africa, with the balance achieving a 4-Star rating. Century City Square is the first The Square

project was also awarded the prestigious SAPOA award for top mixed-use development in South Africa for 2017. While most of the ratings have been for the design category, a couple of the buildings have also achieved an As Built rating. A further four office blocks have As Built ratings pending. The majority of the Green Star-rated buildings at Century City have been developed by the Rabie Property Group. Other developers include Growthpoint, Assetmatrix and Horizon Capital. Estuaries Plaza, which achieved a 5-Star Green Star

of Green Building Certification, which effectively rewards buildings that give back or are regenerative.” She said the programme was a global programme and only a select number of Green Building Councils worldwide have been chosen to participate. A number of Century City green buildings have been selected out of over 250 projects countrywide, to feature in the Green Building Council of South Africa’s 10 Years of Green Building coffee-table book publication. These include Estuaries Plaza and three developments by the

“century city square is the first mixed-use development in south africa to receive a green star rating.” Estuaries Plaza

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mixed-use development in South Africa to receive a Green Star rating. Besides three office blocks, it comprises a 1,900-seat Conference Centre over 20 venues, a 125-room hotel, 51 residential apartments, plus five restaurants and boutique retailers and showrooms set around a public square. It is served by 1,330 parking bays situated in an adjoining structured parking garage and a super parking basement. This

SA Design v1 rating from the GBCSA, has also been selected to participate in the Net Zero Programme run by the World Green Building Council. Viv Gutsche, Executive Director of Assetmatrix (Pty) Ltd, developer and managing agent of the building that is tenanted by Old Mutual Wealth, said this accreditation by the WGBC was a great honour. “It represents the next level

Rabie Property Group comprising a total of 10 buildings – Aurecon (the first 5-Star Green Star rated building in SA); Century City Square and Bridge Park, the new regional offices for ABSA. Also aiming for Green Star accreditation is Rabie’s 18,600 square metre Sable Road office park, which is currently under construction and which will include new regional offices for Discovery.

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city life

canal walk events

New stores at Canal Walk … it’s a shopper’s dream


anal Walk is boosting its retail mix with an exciting array of new flagship stores including a twolevel H&M, which opens in November. “Evolving consumer trends are impacting shopper behaviour and retail sales, and we’ve refreshed the centre to cater to these new trends,” says Gavin Wood, CEO of Canal Walk. “In essence, we offer everything under one roof with diversity of brands and luxury. Consumers want options as we cater for both the time-pressed shopper seeking a seamless experience as well as those looking for a more leisurely outing.” Fashion lovers can look forward to a two-level flagship H&M store. It will be its 12th store in the country, opening 18 November, just in time for the season.

CANAL WALK FITNESS SHOW Canal Walk will be hosting the South Africa 2017 Natural Championships on 16 September in the Centre Court. Preliminaries will start at 11am and the final show will be at 6pm. From 13 September, there will be fitness and posing workshops presented by different speakers and leading names in the industry.

CANAL WALK MOTOR SHOW First stand-alone stores in South Africa include newly opened NYX Professional Makeup and Fabiani Womenswear, while firsts to the Western Cape are Blockhouse (pictured below), Folli Follie and Bogart Man.

There is also an additional number of exciting new store openings to look forward to, which include new or new-look flagship stores: Sportscene, Exact, Tekkie Town, Ackermans, Incredible Connection, Beds from Home, and Fossil. Adding to the unparalleled food offering at Canal Walk, PRIMI has recently unveiled its new-look restaurant, with Nu Health Food Café, Brocka and Haagen-Dazs opening soon. In addition, Nu Metro has recently revamped the multiplex cinema that boasts the biggest screens in the Western Cape as part of Cape Town’s new Scene Xtreme 4K projector cinema. It is also the first cinema in the city to feature the top-of-therange all-around 360°-sound Dolby Atmos sound system.

to stay updated with latest competitions and events, visit canalwalk.co.za, or follow @canal_walk on twitter and @canalwalk on instagram and facebook. for further information, email loreng@canalwalk.co.za or contact 021 529 9616.

The adrenalinefuelled Motor Show will take place from 21 to 25 September. There will be an exciting competition linked to the event. Entrance is free and can be enjoyed by the whole family with something fun for everyone. There will be magnificent cars, new car launches, bikes and much more on display.

CANAL WALK GAMING EXPO powered by BT Games The Gaming Expo will take place from 24 to 29 October. With gaming growing as a sport and even morphing into a culture in its own right, Canal Walk and BT Games have joined forces to offer Capetonians an inside look into the latest gaming ideas and releases that are racking up appeal around the world.



city life

city life

Thembanani Magazi – a man of note

Upcoming events at Century City


ield guide, environmental educationist, bird authority and Skipper, Thembanani Magazi has been an integral part of Century City, and in particular Intaka Island, since 2003. Born in Butterworth in the Eastern Cape, Thembanani came to Cape Town after he matriculated. He resides with his wife, Phakama, and 8-month-old son, Alunamda, in Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha. Their two older children – Liyema (eight years) and Alungile (12) – are schooled in the Eastern Cape but return home in the holidays. His first job was as a security guard on Intaka Island, but after two years he joined the CCPOA and he and two others – Bennett Friedman and Sikhumbuzo Mbewu – were made responsible for access control to the wetland reserve. In those days they worked out of a Wendy house and, unlike now when visitor numbers to Intaka exceed 30,000 a year, there were only a handful of guests. Bored beyond tears, they approached the CCPOA management who bought them some books on birds, and they began teaching themselves in their downtime. They were also assisted by Gerald Windgate,

the former chairman of the Tygerberg Bird Club, who took them to different bird reserves around the Peninsula to learn how to identify birds. In 2006, Sikhumbuzo and Bennett did a bird course through BirdLife South Africa, and two years later Thembanani was sent on a 10-week course to learn about birds at Nature College in Riversdale on the Garden Route. “That was truly a life-changer for me,” says Thembanani. He followed this up with a Skippers’ Course in 2008, which enabled him to take visitors for scenic rides on the canals around Century City. In 2013, he resumed his studies when the CCPOA

sponsored him to do a 30-month National Certificate Course on Environmental Education, a learnership programme organised via the City of Cape Town and WESSA. Then in 2015 he achieved his fourth certificate – this time for a Cape Peninsula Tourist Guide course – which was also sponsored by the CCPOA. He puts all these new skills and qualifications to good use as part of the Intaka Island EcoCentre’s environmental education programme. On any given day, Thembanani can be seen educating groups of school children – from Grade R to matric – about the environment and the flora and fauna of Intaka Island, or taking groups by boat around Century City, enthralling them with the history of the area and entertaining anecdotes about some of the buildings and people living and working in the precinct. His easy-going nature and warm personality, coupled with his passionate commitment to his work, have groups of all ages spellbound. Thembanani’s thirst for knowledge knows no bounds and he is currently doing a three-month Supervisors’ Course. Where to from here? “Only God knows,’’ he quips.

FULL MOON HIKES 6 September & 5 October 2017, Intaka Island Discover the sights, sounds and smells of Intaka Island at night!

CENTURY CITY SECRETARY’S DAY 6 September 2017, Life Day Spa Treat your PA, secretary or administrative assistant to an afternoon of relaxation, fun and spoils at the Life Day Spa.

CENTURY CITY NATURAL GOODS MARKET & ART ON THE ISLAND 24 September & 29 October 2017, Central Park Returning for the summer months and held on the last Sunday of the month from September to April on Central Park field, you can relax and sample the delicious fare on sale while the kids take advantage of the many activities on offer.

SUMMER NIGHT MARKET 13 October 2017, The Square Following the success of our popular Summer Natural Goods Market and our Winter Night Market, we have recently introduced the Summer Night Market held on the Square. The market boasts an array of food, drinks, goodies and gifts as well as some great live music.

CENTURY CITY GOLF DAY 18 October 2017, Atlantic Beach Country Club Network with top Century City corporates and get some fresh air at the annual Century City Golf Day at Atlantic Beach Country Club. for information on events, go to www.centurycity.co.za or contact tatum: tatum@centurycity.co.za



city life

city life

Tunnel transformation par excellence!

Help us save water!

The second tunnel now comprises hand-painted maps, one wall showing commuters where they are in the Peninsula, in South Africa and also in Africa, while the other wall depicts the universe, with the galaxy theme carried over on the ceiling. The murals have taken the pair about 12 weeks to complete and have been warmly welcomed by commuters, who stop and chat to them about the work and take pictures and selfies to upload onto social media.


ather than drab concrete tunnels, a blaze of colour now greets the thousands of daily train commuters to Century City. This is thanks to the artistic genius of father and son artists Paul “Hardi” and Calvin Raubenheimer who were commissioned by the Century City Arts Foundation to transform the underpass walkway between Century City and the station into an enchanting mural landscape. The one tunnel depicts the wide variety of flora, fauna and birdlife found on Century City’s wetland reserve, Intaka Island, on the one side, while a large map of Century City, showing commuters where they are, takes up the other wall. A bright yellow “Welcome” sign emblazons the top of the underpass on the N1 side of the tunnel.

“We have received lots of compliments. It is really gratifying to have such a fantastic response and to know we have done something that will positively enhance thousands of peoples’ daily experience.” This is the first time the two have worked together and the quality of their art has already led to inquiries for further commissions. The tunnels are one of 24 exhibits that form part of the Century City Arts Trail.

for further details of the arts trail, or a brochure, visit www.centurycity.co.za


entury City Property Owners’ Association calls on all Century City stakeholders to do everything in their power to save water. In the face of the Western Cape experiencing its worst drought in 100 years, Level 5 water restrictions were introduced on 3 September by the City of Cape Town, in terms of which all businesses are required to reduce their water consumption by 20% from the previous year. To assist them achieve this non-negotiable saving, commercial landlords are advised by Council to install water-efficient plumbing fittings and water-saving devices. We urge you to do this. Century City is very fortunate to have the use of recycled water from the Potsdam Waterworks for all the irrigation of common areas in our precinct. This recycled water is pumped to Century City via our own private pipeline laid by the original

developer. Not only does this help us keep our precinct lush and green but it also has the double benefit of reducing the amount of grey water that has to be pumped into the rivers, vleis and the sea. A number of new builds at Century City, including many of the Green Star-rated buildings, have been plumbed to use this non-potable water to flush their toilets among other things. We will continue to explore other opportunities where this recycled water can be used to reduce our use of potable water.

LEVEL 5 WATER RESTRICTIONS INCLUDE: • No more than 87 litres per person per day wherever you are eg. home, work, school etc • Residential properties exceeding 20kl per month will be fined • Irrigation with municipal drinking water is prohibited and irrigation with borehole/wellpoint water is discouraged • Flushing toilets with nondrinking water is encouraged • Washing cars with municipal drinking water is prohibited • Use of municipal drinking water in water features or for topping up swimming pools is prohibited.


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