Century City Edits #27

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IS S UE T WENT Y-S EVEN 1st Quarter 2018

edits magazine


Record numbers at the Century City Sports Festival.


chris’s corner


Ratanga Junction Theme Park

Check www.webtickets.co.za for discount tickets

welcome... Other than water, traffic remains a major issue dominating the lives and discussions of Cape Town residents. Here again Century City is in an enviable position in relation to other areas. While a certain amount of peak-time traffic congestion can be expected in such a popular commercial and residential node as Century City, this is by no means off the chart. Since roadworks were undertaken to widen Sable Road in late 2015 there has been a dramatic improvement in our peak traffic flows and this is set to further improve once a new project to widen Bosmansdam Road, between Montague Drive and Koeberg Road, later this year. Safe driving!

off with a bang!


www.ratanga.co.za Info line: 021 206 1111 *Terms and conditions apply

WiN•WiN•WiN Share your Ratanga memories and stand a chance to win GREAT prizes. For details go to www.ratanga.co.za

The first quarter of 2018, which has been chock-a-block with community events, has flown by at record speed. These events have included our annual Century City Sports Festival, which is now in its 10th year. There is no doubt it has now matured and reached critical mass, attracting literally thousands of participants over seven sports codes. The signature event of the Festival remains the 10km Century City Express, this year sponsored by Discovery Vitality, which alone attracted 3,000 runners, with a further 1,000 participating in the 5km race, in all a 30% improvement on last year. We expect this festival to continue growing from strength to strength and to become a major attraction on not only Century City’s but Cape Town’s calendar. The Western Cape’s water crisis remains top of mind and in this edition we share with you what we and other stakeholders at Century City are doing to save water and help stave off Day Zero. Feel free to share your water-saving ideas with us!

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association

Maggie Rowley ccpoa communications manager

EDITOR: Maggie Rowley | 021 550 7000 | maggie@rabie.co.za ADVERTISING MANAGER: Tatum Sieni | 021 552 6889 DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com COVER PHOTO: Dax Butler and friends at the Century City Summer Night Market PHOTOGRAPHER: Michel Dei-Cont



our growing city

our growing city

New convenience shopping centre coming

New parking garage for Bridgeways


onstruction of a new structured parking garage to provide an additional 350 bays in the Bridgeways Precinct close to the Century City Conference Centre is to start shortly. The four-level parking garage, which includes a basement, will provide overflow parking for the Century City Conference Centre, Hillsong Church, Virgin Active gym as well as other businesses in the vicinity. It will also include an e-parking

component allowing businesses to rent additional parking bays on a monthly basis. There are three other e-parking facilities scattered around Century City. To be known as P3, the parking garage is being developed by Rabie Property Group and will be constructed by Big Ben Construction. It is situated close to the existing P1 and P2 public parking garages that also serve the Conference Centre, hotel and businesses in the area.

Colin Anderson, a director of Rabie, said P3 has been located and designed to make extremely efficient use of the parking. “Rather than provide a massive oversupply of parking by catering for individual needs, this shared facility will service a wide range of parties whose parking needs are complementary.” He said construction was due to start in May this year, with completion anticipated before year end.


lanning for a new 2,500 square metre convenience shopping centre near the Curro School in Century City is well advanced, with construction expected to get under way in May this year. Anchored by a grocery store, the Century Village Shopping Centre will also be tenanted by a restaurant and a range of speciality shops. It will be served by around 100 open parking bays. It is to be built on the existing e-parking site bordered by Curro and The Terraces residential development off Century Avenue. Those motorists currently

C using this e-parking facility will be moved to other e-parking sites. Being developed by Rabie Property Group, the centre

has been designed by Bam Architects and will be built by Big Ben Construction. It is expected to be up and running by May next year.

for letting opportunities, contact sedica knight or jason elley on 021 550 7000, or email them at sedica@rabie.co.za or jason@rabie.co.za

onstruction of Palme Vue, the sixth and final block in the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort, is progressing on schedule, with the structure due to top out shortly. Owen Futeran of the developers, the Oasis Joint Venture comprising a Harries Projects Consortium and Rabie Property Group, said that with this being the last opportunity to buy directly from the developers in this prestigious resort, Palme Vue apartments have been

Palme Vue set to top out selling like hot cakes! “With nine months to go before completion, only six of the 42 apartments in the 11-storey block remain to be sold, which is astounding.” He said apartments sold to date accounted for 83.33% in number and 81,94 % in value. All of the remaining units are three-bedroom apartments. There is also a one-bedroom apartment remaining to be sold in Palm Brook, construction of which was recently completed.

for further details, go to www.oasisretirementresort.co.za or phone sales on 021 250 0592.




our growing city

our growing city

Sable Park awarded 5 Star Green Star rating

Widening of Bosmansdam Road to get under way

able Park office development has been awarded a 5 Star Green Star – Office v1.1 Design certification from the Green Building Council of South Africa. This brings to 19 the number of Green Star-rated buildings in Century City, and eight the number of 5 Star Green Starrated buildings in the precinct. The 16,300 square metre Sable Park office development comprises two four-storey buildings, the larger of which has been let to Discovery. Being developed by the Rabie Property Group at a cost of R460 million, each of the buildings will have two levels of underground parking. Rabie Property Group’s deal-maker, Jason Elley, says negotiations are well under way with a number of global players for the second building, which is ideally suited for a large user looking to make a strong

corporate statement. “However, it has been designed to be flexible and if needs be could be subdivided to accommodate two or three users.” Designed by the awardwinning dhk Architects, the modern buildings will front on to Sable Road, providing high visibility and offering uninterrupted panoramic views of Table Mountain and Table Bay. Green consultant Mlondolozi Hempe of PJ Carew Consulting says the development’s sustainability features include the use of treated effluent from Potsdam Waste Water Works for the flushing of toilets, the running of a slimline water-chilled HVAC system, as well as irrigation. In addition, both buildings are made up of two sections linked via an atrium of more than 8m in width, which is covered by a steel structure and opaque roof allowing in plenty of natural

light. Occupancy sensors also control high-frequency ballasts. Sable Park is also going after a 5 star Green Star rating in the As Built category. OTHER SUSTAINABLE FEATURES INCLUDE: • LED light fittings with occupancy and daylight sensors • Carbon dioxide monitoring and control sensors to make sure occupants always breathe clean air • Internal blinds on all windows for glare reduction and better visual comfort • Half the parking is naturally ventilated, reducing mechanical ventilation and thus saving energy • Tenant exhaust riser to get rid of toxic fumes from printing rooms • Parking spaces include clearly marked spaces specifically for use by alternative fuel vehicles as well as motorcycles.


contract to widen Bosmansdam Road to provide dual lanes between Montague Drive and Koeberg Road in both directions has been awarded, and construction is expected to get under way this month. The project is being undertaken by the Rabie Property Group for the City of Cape Town and is the second last external infrastructure project it is required to do to release bulk for development within Century City, says Rabie director, Colin Green. He said they went out to tender late last year and the R40m contract had now been awarded to Cornfield

Construction. “The contract has a 40-week construction period and should be completed in late 2018.” Green said Bosmansdam Road accounted for 40% of the traffic to and from Century City, and the road widening was expected to significantly improve peak traffic flows in the area. It follows an earlier infrastructure project undertaken by Rabie, which included the creation of an additional left-turn-only lane from Bosmansdam Road into Century Avenue; the creation of an additional permanent left lane out of the new Bridgeways Precinct into Sable Road, with a

dedicated free-flowing left turn onto the collector distributor road (the road running parallel to the N1); a queue jump lane for the MyCiTi Bus on Sable Road to improve travel time to the train station; and a freeflowing left-hand turn from the N1 Exit 10 off-ramp into Sable Road going west towards Century City. “As a result, peak-hour traffic congestion around Century City has decreased significantly in recent years, notwithstanding the fact that further new development has come on stream. “This new project is expected to further improve traffic flow,” says Green.

Canal Walk events CHECKERS EASTER VILLAGE Checkers will present an Easter Village in the Centre Court from 27 March to 2 April. Checkers will make it easier for customers this Easter by selling exciting Easter treats at the Checkers Easter Village. The Easter Village is for both parents and children. While parents stock up on a variety of Easter treats, the children can enjoy the fun environment and activities.

CANAL WALK PRESENTS ALICE IN WONDERLAND Lewis Carroll’s much loved classic, Alice in Wonderland, will be brought to life from 23 June to 16 July in a spectacular showcase with original music by award-winning duo, Fred Abrahamse and Marcel Meyer, who regularly have their work presented to critical and public acclaim on stages across Europe, America and in South Africa. With a talented, star-studded cast, breathtaking sets, magnificent costumes and memorable songs, Alice in Wonderland promises to be world-class entertainment.



city life

city life

What Canal Walk is doing to save water

Century City uses only treated effluent for irrigation


anal Walk has implemented a number of measures to save water, and further measures to significantly reduce their dependence on potable water will be rolled out in the coming months. MEASURES ALREADY TAKEN IN CANAL WALK INCLUDE: • Switching off taps, with the exception of one, in the communal bathrooms, and hand sanitisers have been provided. • Water to the urinals has been turned off, and these are being manually cleaned. • Flushing times on toilets have been reduced where possible. • Working with tenants to reduce demand – this involves ongoing monitoring and awareness campaigns, including daily reading of meters and tracking of consumptions to highlight any anomalies that can be addressed immediately. • Only non-potable water (grey water) is used for irrigation, and watering times have been reduced to the minimum. • Wherever possible, nonpotable water is being used to wash plant rooms and waste yards.

These measures have resulted in the Centre using significantly less water than before. However, given the seriousness of the situation, significant capital expenditure has been approved in order to ensure the Centre will remain fire compliant and that toilets and air-conditioning systems will continue to function in the event of water shedding. In addition to the above, the following measures are in process to further enhance what is already being done and to ensure that the target of saving 45% of water is met: • The installation of storage tanks to provide an adequate buffer supply of potable water in the event that they are not receiving supply from the City. • Treatment and reticulation of non-potable water for use in the building’s air-conditioning systems. • Treatment and reticulation of non-potable water for use in the building’s toilets. • Installation of water flow alarms and further meters to allow real-time monitoring of consumption. • Two boreholes have been sunk. The water has been sent for testing and the results will determine what processes are needed to filter the water.

T SAVING WATER IN THE SHOWER Sodeeqah Jaffer, a property administrator with RPA, has a novel way of saving water – with the co-operation of her three-year-old water warrior son, Rayyaan. It takes about a minute for warm water to come through in their shower, and rather than just let this run into the bucket, she has convinced Rayyaan that this is the ideal time to get clean. “I tell him to just pretend he is under the sprinkler. The water in the sprinkler is not warm, and you know what? He is happy and enjoys it. “Once the warm water comes in, I jump in, followed by my husband. We are all done within four minutes and we have family fun saving water! “I am not sure what we will do in winter. He will probably just have to go dirty. But I’m sure he will enjoy that too!’’ she laughs. Water collected in the shower in their household is used to flush the loos.

he original developers of Century City laid a pipeline from Potsdam Waste Water Works to Century City at the start of the development 20 years ago, and so Century City is in the enviable position of having access to treated effluent, which is used for all irrigation of common areas at Century City and also for each of the different residential and commercial complexes in the precinct. This treated effluent is surplus to the City’s needs, so Century City is in fact assisting the City and the environment by using it as it would otherwise overflow into the Diep River and then into the sea. Unlike with borehole water, there are no restrictions limiting the use of treated effluent for irrigation. However, due to the current sensitivities around irrigation, the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA) – the non-profit company responsible for the day-to-day running of Century City – has cut back on its irrigation schedule. The CCPOA is currently only watering between 6pm and 9am three times a week. However, maintenance work on the sprinklers has to take place during work hours, but this is kept to a minimum. Treated effluent is also being used to flush toilets in the 17

Green Star-rated commercial buildings at Century City as well as to run their cooling systems. A further two Green Star-rated commercial buildings (the two buildings of Sable Park) and two residential buildings (Palme Vue and Axis), which are all still under construction, will also boast dual plumbing systems, ensuring that only non-potable water is used for flushing.

The treated effluent supply agreement between the CCPOA and the City of Cape Town was recently renewed, providing Century City with the rights to additional capacity. The maximum daily supply has been increased from 4,000 cubic metres to 5,000 cubic metres, which will go up by an additional 1,000 cubic metres per day every three years until it is capped at 8,000 cubic metres in 2028.

The CCPOA has been urging all commercial stakeholders to take advantage of this increased allocation and consider retrofitting their buildings with dual plumbing. A number, including Canal Walk Shopping Centre, are in the process of doing so. Residents, however, are by far the greatest users of water, and Rabie, as a responsible developer, is now installing dual plumbing systems in all new commercial and residential developments going forward so that in future only treated effluent will be used for flushing. Rabie is also exploring the possibility of taking some of its investment properties, including hotels and the conference centre, completely off the grid. In addition, Rabie has been and will continue to implement other stringent potable water-saving measures to try and stave off Day Zero, including ensuring that all their on-site construction activities use only non-potable water. The only potable water used on site is for welfare purposes, such as drinking and hand washing. In terms of ready-mix materials such as concrete that is brought to the site, some of their suppliers are already operating with only non-potable water, and the others will be forced to follow suit to stay in business.



city life

city life

Keeping our city ship-shape

Axis to save 2 million litres of drinking water


ver wondered how Century City always looks so well maintained? It is simple. Century City Property Owners’ Association employs full-time teams of maintenance staff to undertake the landscaping, maintenance of bridges, painting, paving and the like around our 250hectare city within a city. Some of the work tackled recently is highlighted below.


abie Property Group, the developers of the Axis luxury residential development under construction in the Bridgeways Precinct, have introduced water-saving measures that will save an estimated 2 million litres of drinking water per year. Rabie director Miguel Rodgrigues says that due to the ongoing drought and expectations that water will continue to be a dwindling resource, they decided to install a dual plumbing system in Axis that will utilise treated effluent to flush the toilets as well as for all irrigation. Axis, which comprises 88 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments and penthouses, is the most luxurious residential development undertaken at Century City to date, with spectacular views

from many of the apartments as well as from the glass lift. To date, 55 of the apartments have been sold, with keen


Clockwise from above: Repairing Gabian edges around the canal. Repairs to the Intaka Bridge. Maintenance taking place on Central Park. Touching up road signs. Painting fences in Century Avenue near the Porsche showroom.

Public boat tours of Century City have had to be temporarily suspended due to the water levels in the canals having fallen dramatically as a result of the ongoing drought. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, said they would, however, continue to service the pre-booked school groups for whom the canal trip forms an integral part of their educational outing. “This will, however, be on a shorter route limited to the Grand Canal where the water is slightly deeper.” Blackshaw says public boat tours would be reinstated as soon as canal water levels recovered to navigable levels. The operating schedule for Intaka Island is not affected. For details, contact 021 552 6889.

interest being shown in remaining units. The development is due for completion in October this year.

NEW RULES ABOUT BOREHOLES New rules and regulations governing the construction and operation of boreholes have been published on our website. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, says this has been necessary in order to protect the environment. “In particular, we need to ensure that there is no spillage into our storm water system, which consists of our canals.” Visit www.centurycity.co.za



city life Century City Sports Festival draws record numbers


Duane Fortuin of Kuilsriver housands of runners and Runners Club in a time of 30 other athletes turned minutes 33 seconds. He was out for the 10th annual followed closely by Vuyolwethu Century City Sports Festival Mbukushe of RCS Gugs in which took place over the first a time of 30:36 and Angelo weekend in March. Booysen of CSBOL in 30:39. The festival included seven The first woman runner home sports codes, with the signature was Nolene Conrad of KPMG event being the highly rated in a time of 34:08, with Kyla Century City 10km Express road van Graan of Nedbank RC WP race with Discovery Vitality, which attracted more than 3,000 in second place with a time of runners from around the country, 37:23 and Vuyiseka Nkumenge of NEDWP in third place with a almost 30% more than previous time of 38:14. years. This was followed by a The festival also included 5km family fun run that attracted Schools and Corporate Touch a further 1,100 participants, Rugby, Five-a-side and Junior including 300 runners from the Soccer, a Circuit Cycling JAG Foundation. Kermesse, the Signature Century First home in the 10km City National 10km Stand Up Express, which is one of Paddling Challenge, Canoe Polo four races in the Vitality Run and Dragon Boat Racing. Series for Cape Town, was for the full results of the festival, go to www.centurycity.co.za

Left: Nolene Conrad, 1st Open Female Winner in the Century City Express. This page, top left: Duane Fortuin, 1st Open Male Winner in the Century City Express. Top right: 2nd Open Male Winner Vuyolwethu Mbukushe of RCS Gugs in the Century City Express. Below: Cyclists along the Circuit Kermess Route,



Anticlockwise from above: Junior Touch Rugby at Central Park, Junior Soccer at Central Park, Circuit Cycling Kermesse, the Corporate Touch Rugby team.

Anticlockwise from above: Dragon Boat Racing, The female open winners from the Signature Stand Up Paddling 10km Challenge, paddlers in action, one of the young JAG Foundation runners who took part in the 5km Fun Run, Canoe Polo.



city life

Win big with Ratanga Remembrances!

Don’t miss the last days to ride at Ratanga!


atanga Junction theme park, the Wildest Place in Africa, will close its doors on 1 May 2018 to make way for an exciting new mixed-use development. Don’t miss these last opportunities to ride! RATANGA’S FINAL OPERATING SCHEDULE: • Daily for the school holidays from 28 March until 9 April • Weekends of 14–15 April and 21–22 April • Daily from 27 April to 1 May CLOSING SPECIALS Look out for closing special deals online at webtickets.co.za to make the most of the last days to ride at Ratanga Junction.


hare your nostalgic memories of Ratanga Junction and stand a chance to win big prizes! Dig out those old videos, photos or stories and drop them off at Ratanga, clearly marked Ratanga Remembrances, with your contact details, or email them to guestservices@ ratanga.co.za. You can also post them on Ratanga’s Facebook page. Prizes will be awarded for Best Stories/Memories at The Wildest Place in Africa, the best uploaded photos and best uploaded videos, as well as the individual that shares the Facebook post on Ratanga Remembrances the most. Prizes include: • A 32 inch LED TV • 10 x Group of 10 Full Adventurer tickets to enjoy at the park in its last four days

• 1 night’s stay at Century City Hotel • R1,000 Canal Walk gift voucher • 1 x Complimentary Green Fees at Atlantic Beach Country Club • 1 night’s stay at The Lodge at Atlantic Beach • 10 x family of four tickets to Intaka Island, plus boat ride The competition closes on 31 March 2018. All submissions will form part of a Ratanga Remembrance display in the park

during April until the park’s final closure on 1 May 2018. The display will also be showcased at the Art on the Island expo on Intaka Island on 29 April. Winners will be notified by email or telephone and will be invited to the park on Saturday 7 April for the prize-giving ceremony. Terms and conditions apply. Make the most of the time left to ride at Ratanga, the Wildest Place in Africa!

Century City’s fleet gets new home


entury City’s fleet of operational and leisure craft has a new home. A small harbour has been built at Intaka Island, across the canal from Waters Edge residential development, to accommodate both of Century City’s harvesters, three aluminium skiffs, and two tour boats. The harvesters are used to cut the aquatic plants in the canals and thus play a vital role in maintaining water quality. The three skiffs are working boats that are used among other things to pick up litter and cut the vegetation on the canal edges. They also assist in removing aquatic plants. The two tour boats can each accommodate 12 people and are used to take members of the public on canal trips around Intaka Island and down the Grand Canal. Boat tours have been temporarily suspended until water levels in the canals improve. For more information, contact Intaka Island on 021 552 6889.


city life Upcoming events at Century City FULL MOON HIKES ON INTAKA ISLAND 31 March, 30 April, Intaka Island Discover the sights, sounds and smells of Intaka Island at night!

CENTURY CITY NATURAL GOODS MARKET AND ART ON THE ISLAND 25 March & 29 April, Central Park Held on the last Sunday of the month from September until April on Central Park field. Relax and sample the delicious fare on sale. Live music by Kathryn Swain and a magician to entertain the little ones.

CENTURY CITY EASTER EGG HUNT 1 April, Intaka Island Join us this Easter on Intaka Island for an afternoon of family entertainment, fun … and, of course, chocolate!


SUMMER NIGHT MARKET 13 April, The Square The recently introduced Summer Night Market boasts an array of food, drinks, goodies and gifts as well as some great live music.

15 April, Century Avenue E-parking This annual event showcases a range of motorcycles from a bygone era, where the age of the rider and bike combined must be 100 years or more.

THE GALILEO OPEN AIR CINEMA 20 April, Central Park Movie: The Jungle Book Welcome to a magical movie experience of cinematic delights, tantalising treats and breathtaking scenery under a canopy of stars. It’s the perfect setting for a memorable evening with friends, a romantic date, birthday party or work social. for information on events, go to www.centurycity. co.za or contact tatum: tatum@centurycity.co.za

CENTURY CITY WINTER NIGHT MARKET 25 May, 29 June, 27 July, Intaka Island Snuggle up in one of the cosy seating areas at the Intaka Island Eco-Centre and enjoy food and live music.

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