Century City Edits #29

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IS S UE T WENT Y-NINE 3rd Quarter 2018


Eriocephalus africanus, commonly known as kapokbossie, on Intaka Island



chris’s corner

a new face


e are delighted to welcome Marinus Boshoff to the newly created CCPOA post of Safety and Security Manager for Century City. Marinus headed up safety and security at Century City as part of the Securitas team for the past three and a half years. This new post has become necessary due to the rapid growth of Century City in recent years and the importance placed on a safe and secure environment. It will enable Marinus to now focus his attention solely on Century City. His new position will make him totally independent of all security service providers and allow him to give unfettered independent advice to stakeholders regarding any security solutions they might require. Marinus is responsible for, among other things, running Century City’s new Security Operations Centre, which is offering residential and corporate stakeholders a cutting-edge Expanded and Integrated Security Solution including sophisticated CCTV monitoring-by-exception technology. See details on page 6.

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association



pring is officially here and with that our City within a City comes out of its wintery hibernation. The canoeists and stand-up paddlers are back on the water, and the Century City Spring Rugby League has started. The runners are out in full force for both the Century City Athletic Club, which runs time trials each Tuesday, and the weekly parkrun on Saturdays. It is really a time to get out and explore your city. The Century City Natural Goods Market, which takes place on the last Sunday of the month on Central Park between September and April, resumes on 30 September, with a range of delicious food and beverages on sale and a variety of free entertainment for the whole family on offer. There are a host of other outdoor activities to consider. See page 16 for further details. Spring is also a great time to visit Intaka Island, and in this edition we feature Intaka’s Eco-Centre Manager, Adél van Wyk, as our Unsung Hero. See page 15. Enjoy!

Maggie Rowley ccpoa communications manager

EDITOR: Maggie Rowley | 021 550 7000 | maggie@rabie.co.za ADVERTISING MANAGER: Tatum Sieni | 021 552 6889 DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com COVER PHOTO: Eriocephalus africanus, commonly known as kapokbossie, on Intaka Island COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Alan Liebenberg

MEDIA PLATFORMS Century City Media (CCM) offers a niche and unique multimedia marketing platform to businesses and consumers based in and around Century City.



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Century City Property Owner’s Association Century City House I 1 Park Lane I Grand Central I Century City I Cape Town Telephone: +27 (0)21 552 6889 I email: info@centurycity.co.za I Website: www.centurycity.co.za


our growing city Ratanga redevelopment planning progressing


he new precinct plan for the redevelopment of the Ratanga Theme Park site into a 120,000 square metre vibrant new mixed-use development has been approved by Council. The plan includes residential apartments, a retirement component, a hotel, restaurant and offices all set around beautiful water bodies and a large public park. The rides are in the process of being decommissioned and moved, and demolition of the existing structures on the site will commence towards the end of this year. A hard-edge canal wall will be created on the northern side of the site, and this will form the foundation for a future waterfronting mixed-use development incorporating a hotel, residential apartments and showrooms, while providing an attractive

public realm. Much of the current landscaping is being retained, while the current water in Ratanga will be drained over the next few months to allow for the sculpting of the new Ratanga footprint, which will include much larger water bodies around which the new developments will be constructed. Rabie director John Chapman says the legacy of Ratanga was being honoured with the retention of much of the spectacular vegetation that had been established over 20 years. He said any vegetation that could not be re-used in the precinct has been donated to community organisations including Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital in Mitchell’s Plain to help transform it into a healing and tranquil environment. Chapman said the Ratanga redevelopment will create an

important new leisure node for Century City. “It is envisaged that many of the current water-based sport activities, the weekly parkrun and other community events will utilise this new scenic public realm, and a pedestrian bridge will link the current Bridgeways Precinct area to the Ratanga redevelopment over the Grand Canal.” He said it was also the intention to retain the old Ratanga train that runs between the old Ratanga site and Central Park. The rail track will in part be rerouted to create a scenic loop over the water. Negotiations to relocate a number of the smaller, most popular rides to another venue in Cape Town are well advanced and an announcement in this regard will be made in due course.


our growing city


Iconic Axis show apartments now available

wo spectacular show apartments are now available for viewing in the iconic Axis residential development under construction at Century City. The high-rise block of 85 luxury apartments, of which more than 70% have been sold, is being built on a landmark site offering panoramic views. It is the most luxurious residential development undertaken at Century City by Rabie to date. John Chapman, a director of Rabie, says each apartment has been meticulously designed to optimise views, light and to provide a generosity of space that extends to the provision of ample external terraces.

bay for each one-bedroom apartment and two bays for all two-, three- and four-bedroom units. Basement stores are also available. The building will boast a stateof-the-art external cladding façade, giving it an extremely upmarket finish, while a 24-hour concierge in the entrance court will complete the exclusive nature of the development. Axis, which is due for completion by the end of

2018, is being built adjacent to the vibrant Century Square development, the new commercial and hospitality hub of Century City with its popular restaurants, bars and bustling public square as well as the Century City Conference Centre & Hotel and Virgin Active gym. Both two-bedroom show apartments are available to view strictly by appointment as the rest of the building is still under construction. Meanwhile, the entire 1,000 square metre commercial component on the ground floor of Axis has been let, with tenants including a Japanese-style restaurant, Akiya Sushi. Akiya Sushi, which will open in February 2019, aims to immerse their clients in an authentic experience including their culture of delightful tea, dim sum, authentic Asian cuisine and lastly plates of expertly created Japanese sushi, their speciality.

High-quality finishes have been specified both internally and externally to ensure the long-lasting beauty of the contemporary design. All apartments will boast highend finishes, Smeg appliances and will have Fibre To The Home providing them with access to the high-speed connectivity that has become synonymous with Century City. Basement parking is being provided on a ratio of one to book an appointment to view the apartments, prospective buyers should please contact devon usher on 082 446 9188 or tamarin smith on 084 301 8616.


our growing city Spar to anchor new convenience shopping centre


gourmet Spar is to anchor Century Village, the planned new 2,500 square metre convenience shopping centre that is to be built near the Curro School in Century City. With construction due to start shortly, the Century Village Shopping Centre is a response to pent-up demand for convenience retailing in the precinct. It will also be tenanted by a restaurant, a coffee shop and a range of speciality line shops, and served by more than 100 open parking bays. Rabie’s Colin Anderson said Century Village had been modelled on their extremely successful Palmyra Junction Shopping Centre in Claremont, which had literally changed Southern Suburbs shopping

habits overnight. “We are working hard at getting the tenant mix just right so as to satisfy the pent-up demand, and are handpicking our tenants.” Century Village is to be built on the existing e-parking site bordered by Curro and The Terraces residential

development off Century Boulevard, at a cost of around R60 million. Being developed by Rabie Property Group, the centre has been designed by Bam Architects and will be built by Big Ben Construction. It is expected to be up and running by August next year.

for letting opportunities, contact sedica knight or leigh metcalf on 021 550 7000, or email them at sedica@rabie.co.za or leigh@rabie.co.za


our growing city Availability at three e-parking sites


hree of Century City’s e-parking sites, which provide additional parking bays to Century City companies on a monthly basis, have available capacity. There are a limited number of open-air parking bays available at both the Steel Bridge and MyCiTi e-parking sites, as well as undercover bays at the Waters Edge facility. Companies wishing to contract for additional parking bays should contact Lynn Ford on 021 552 6889 or email her at lynn@centurycity.co.za



city life Century City gets new dedicated Safety and Security Manager


arinus Boshoff, who has headed up safety and security at Century City as part of the Securitas team for the past three and a half years, has been appointed to the newly created CCPOA post of Safety and Security Manager for Century City. He is a former Senior Staff Officer for the South African National Defence Force, which he served from 1992 to 2007 when he joined Orbis Security Solutions, which was taken over by Securitas, Century City’s current security service provider. Marinus’s involvement in Century City security dates back 11 years to when he joined Orbis/Securitas. However, as Securitas’s operational manager he was not only responsible for Safety and Security at Century City for the past three and a half years, but also for a number of other sites.

Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, said the rapid growth of Century City in recent years had necessitated a dedicated senior security manager for Century City. “Marinus will now be able to focus solely on Century City, and his new position will make him totally independent of all security service providers, which we believe is in the best interests of all. “Having a totally armslength relationship with service

providers will enable him to give unfettered independent advice to stakeholders regarding any security solutions they might require.” Marinus has a long list of academic qualifications, including a BA (Hons) Business Management degree from the University of Lincoln in the UK and a Senior Management Programme at the University of Stellenbosch. Marinus heads up a team of around 120 people, ranging from venue hosts, guards at all entrances to Century City, foot, bike and vehicle patrols, as well as all staff in the new Century City Security Operations Centre. “We welcome Marinus to the team and wish him every success in his new elevated role,’’ says Blackshaw. Marinus is married to permanent make-up professional, Lisl, and they have three children between the ages of 6 and 12.

Next Generation Emergency Response Vehicles Securitas, the CCPOA security service provider, has deployed Next Generation Emergency Response Vehicles to the precinct. The unique features of the vehicles provide the Century City first responders with the capacity to rapidly deploy to emergency scenes, with the

added benefit of additional space for the more effective storage of medical and other equipment in cases of emergency.

The vehicles have been tested over the last few months with great success during evacuation exercises at Oasis, Villa Italia and Discovery.


city life Century City SOC offering cutting-edge security solutions


entury City’s new Security Operations Centre, which opened last year, is offering a cuttingedge Expanded and Integrated Security Solution to the Century City community. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the CCPOA, said this had been implemented at the behest of stakeholders, and what they were now offering was at the forefront of technology security solutions worldwide. A key component of the new security solution is the CCTV monitoring-by-exception technology, which proactively identifies and reports in real time on security incidents and which is offered by Securitas, Century City’s preferred supplier. “Using video analytics algorithms, the system software observes and evaluates an incident before sending alarm information and event-based video sequences to the Century City SOC.”

He says this solution ensures a high detection reliability and a low false alarm rate. “The Central Monitoring Centre (CMC) operator in the Century City SOC is able to accurately identify the exact location as well as the actions of any suspects and relay the information in real time to the armed response unit that has been deployed to the premises to mitigate the security threat.” Blackshaw said this remote video surveillance solution offered a more efficient and effective perimeter security solution than say electric fencing and was also less obtrusive. “As a result, a number of Century City residential estates are currently implementing or considering implementing this perimeter solution.” Century City’s new security solution also offers intruder detection alarm monitoring by Pinewatch/Zonewatch Security, which is Century City’s preferred

alarm monitoring security service provider. All alarm signals are monitored both in the service provider’s offsite centre as well as by the CMC operator in the SOC. Once an alarm has been verified, the CMC operator dispatches the armed response to the premises, with CCTV and other back-up from the SOC. The third component of the new security solution is a dedicated armed response to patrol and react to the security needs of commercial businesses and residents that are linked to either the Monitoring by Exception or Alarm Monitoring Services. Blackshaw said that any other residential estates or commercial development that would like more information on the expanded security solutions now offered should give Century City’s newly appointed Safety and Security Manager, Marinus Boshoff, a call on 021 552 6889.


city life Century City beefs up CCTV coverage


o help win the war against crime, Century City is rolling out a R1.5 million upgrade and extension of its existing CCTV infrastructure over the next couple of months. This capital expenditure is in addition to its annual CCTV maintenance and roll-out budget of over R500,000 and will include the replacement of the older CCTV cameras with newer, cutting-edge technology, says CCPOA CEO Chris Blackshaw. He said recent SA crime statistics all attested to the fact that crime in South Africa had reached pandemic proportions. “While Century City is fortunately much better off in this regard than many of its neighbours, we are not totally immune and we have to be proactive to maintain and in fact improve our safety and security. Going forward we will be on heightened alert and will not only be undertaking the CCTV infrastructure upgrade and

expansion but will be implementing an intensive Security Awareness Campaign among Century City stakeholders through a number of measures including communication and education, new branded vehicles, high-visibility Vehicle Control Points in partnership with SAPS and City Traffic, and a door-to-door survey. “We will also be promoting our Integrated and Expanded Security Solution which provides for intruder detection and CCTV monitoring alerts at both commercial and residential developments being fed to

the Century City Security Operations Centre.” Blackshaw said in terms of their current CCTV infrastructure, 76% of their cameras had been installed during the past five years and those older than that were now being replaced. “All in all we are replacing or upgrading 14 dome cameras and 19 static cameras, relocating and installing others, as well as upgrading the server capacity of our digital cameras.” He said among the new cameras being installed were three more Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras, which would bring to 35 the number of LPR cameras in Century City. “These have been very effective as part of a crime prevention strategy and in the 19 months to end July this year we had no fewer than 1,338 cases of suspicious vehicles that we followed up on.”

SOC Emergency Number 021 202 1000 The Century City Security Operations Centre is available 24/7 and can be phoned in case of any emergency or to report any suspicious activity. Marinus Boschoff, Century City’s new Safety and Security Manager, said they were calling on all stakeholders in Century City to join forces with them in the fight against crime in order to maintain a safe and secure environment. “We all need to become more vigilant. If you notice something suspicious, don’t keep it to yourself. Dial 021 202 1000 and let our Security Operations Centre know and we will investigate. “In so doing you might very well help prevent or solve a crime. There are more than 50,000 people living and/or working in our city within a city. If we all keep our ears and eyes open, we can make a major difference. It is this sense of neighbourly concern and engagement that can really help us keep Century City safe.”


city life Century City doctor wins Mrs India South Africa title


aumya Gautam, a medical doctor living in Century City, has won the prestigious Mrs India South Africa competition – the first time in the pageant’s 11-year history that someone from the Mother City made it to the final. She beat 19 other finalists from around the country to take the title, based in part on her charitable work, fundraising events and the community service that she had done prior to the event. Finalists were also evaluated in terms of talent, eastern and western segments, confidence on the catwalk and on a question-and-answer session. Saumya and her husband, Siddharth, who entered her into the competition without her knowledge, said they were ecstatic at her win, which took place at a gala event in Durban and was attended by about

Saumya with Margaret Hirsh, a judge at the competition.

1,200 people and sponsored by Glow TV, which will be flighting the pageant finale. Saumya also won two further awards – one for the best talent segment and the other for community services, and her prizes included a VW Jetta 7 2018, and a trip for two to India, including accommodation. As a Smile Foundation South Africa ambassador, Saumya

says that for the balance of her reign and beyond she would like to raise funds for young children who require cranofacial surgeries. “This title has given me an amazing platform for raising awareness of women’s rights, continuing to educate young women on various health issues, and empowering women and the youth in today’s society.”


city life Century City Rotary Club launched


he Rotary Club of Century City Cape Town (RCCCCT) was launched with great fanfare on 18 July – Mandela’s birthday – with the inaugural Charter Event attended by a massive turnout of visiting Rotarians as well as new members. President Anthony Lawrence said they had been overwhelmed with the phenomenal support they had received from 25 District Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs, including their sponsor club, Blouberg Rotary Club, with many esteemed guests coming from all over Southern Africa. “With the immense support

we have received we feel well equipped to achieve excellence and serve a purpose far greater than ourselves. As of 18 July 2018 we officially became the youngest club in the district and, as with all other Rotary clubs, we will be striving for the same causes.” He said these included: • Promoting peace • Fighting disease • Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene • Supporting education • Growing local economies. Lawrence said that as a new club they were extremely excited about the future and about having such a gifted

and diverse group of new and rejuvenated Rotarians among their ranks. He said having achieved what they had managed to do in the three-month build-up to the launch he was inspired to think of what was achievable now that they were a fully fledged club. The Charter Event was held in the restaurant of the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort, where chef Marx Marais put on a delicious spread. The club meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at the Square Café restaurant at the Manhattan Suites and Conferencing.

Rotary dignatories and new members at the recent launch of the Rotary Club of Century City Cape Town.

for further details, telephone victor on 083 229 5889 or email crouserv@aforbes.co.za


city life Century City Athletic Club continues to grow in stature


embers now represent the club at most if not all major races within South Africa and even beyond. This year, for the first time in the club’s 10-year history, it had three runners participating in the Washie 100-Miler, where runners run from Cathcart to East London – a distance of 160km – within 26 hours. This year’s race was held over the last weekend of July, with only 122 runners out of 153 who started the race completing the gruelling course. These included all three Century City runners – Century City Athletic Club chairman, Bertie Cloete, Anam Nyembezi and Julian Witbul Ohlsun. Club secretary, Claire Mathieson, said the first Century City runner home was Bertie in a time of 25 hours and 23 minutes. “Bertie did the race as part of his 50th year celebrations and he not only completed it but did the last 15km in near-record time – faster than the rest of the race!” All three Century City runners also ran and completed the Comrades this year as part of their training for the Washie. Julian, who missed the cut-off by just four minutes in 2015, ran it as a veteran this year as he turned 60 last year. Julian was named the team captain for this race – an honorary but incredibly important title. “He was very moved to have been given the Captain’s Buff by Comrades Captain Chris

The three Century City runners who completed the gruelling Washie 100-Miler race, with their support team.

Engelbrecht at the start of the race. I am sure it helped him, and he finished in 25:43:02,” said Claire. Anam, who made it in 25:52:16, did it as part of his 40th birthday celebrations and, as the final runner to make the cut-off, he was awarded the Tortoise floating trophy. Claire said many runners have been known to withdraw along the way. “It is a test of endurance and mental ability. The runners start in Cathcart on the Friday night and have 26 hours to make it to East London, running through the night. It is compulsory to have seconders and a car following and providing support along the way. The role of the seconder is very important

– keeping the runners safe, healthy, fed and motivated. Bertie was supported by four Century City runners: Steve Akester, Chris Engelbrecht, Inge Winter and Moses Skosana. Each of these runners ran 40km with Bertie to keep him going.” Claire said this race would not have been possible without the sponsors and the support of family, friends and the club. “It was a really emotional day. We followed closely through WhatsApp. The amount of sacrifice that went into it was phenomenal. The prize-giving was particularly emotional. Many tears were shed with this one. “We might be a small club but we have a big heart and huge potential,” says Claire.


city life Recycling depot upgraded


larger and more modern recycling structure has been installed at the Drop & Go zone at the Century Avenue Public Transport Interchange. The new design increases the capacity of the facility while at the same time eliminating the double handling of the waste by using wheelie bins and bags. These innovations have also sped up the weighing process of the recyclable waste.

Two new appointments for the Century City landscaping team


vuyisi Qotyiwe, who has a National Diploma and a BTech in Horticulture, has been appointed to the position of Century City Horticulturist. Mvuyisi, who is currently completing his Masters in Horticulture, joined the team in July. Also new is Akhona Mehlwana, who was appointed a Landscape Supervisor from the beginning of August. The third member of the team is Dan-leigh Titus, who worked his way up through the ranks since joining the CCPOA in April 2014 to be the second Landscape Supervisor. They are responsible for maintaining and refurbishing all the landscaped gardens in the Century City common area.

From left to right: Akhona Mehlwana, Mvuyisi Qotyiwe, Dan-leigh Titus


city life


Don’t miss our 10th annual Golf Day!

he annual Century City Golf Day, which this year takes place on 10 October, offers a wonderful opportunity to network with Century City companies while having fun and raising funds for charity. This is the 10th year the Century City Golf Day has been held at the Atlantic Beach Country Club, home of the British Open Qualifier for 2004 and 2005. The day offers the added opportunity of sponsoring a hole on the course at a cost of R3,000 with all the proceeds to be donated to the Intaka Island Educational Outreach Programme. A portion of the green fees as well as the proceeds of the silent auction and raffle will also go to the charity. The cost of a fourball, which includes green fees, halfway house, dinner and prizes, is R4,200. The format is a Fourball Alliance, two scores on PARs 4 and 5. All scores to count on PAR 3s.

to book a fourball or to sponsor a hole, email info@centurycity.co.za

Loading dock for aquatic weed harvester Construction of an off-loading dock for the aquatic weed harvester is nearing completion on a site adjacent to Knightsbridge and Waters Edge. The construction involved the installation of 36 piles with a concrete deck. The water level in the canals had risen significantly during the winter rains but had to be lowered again by 400 millimetres in order to cut the piles to the correct height and throw the concrete decking. Water from the Ratanga Junction waterways will be used to assist in refilling the Century City canals once the work on the harvester dock has been completed.


city life Evelina Tshabalala: Profile of an icon


ensational. Awe-inspiring. Dynamo. Trailblazer. Formidable. Even taken together, these words cannot adequately describe one in a million, in this case Evelina Tshabalala. Evelina, who hails from Joe Slovo informal settlement, had been a familiar face in Cape Town road races as one of the province’s strongest female runners, until work, life and running became a balancing act – one she was losing. That was until she met fellow runner Steve Akester, and they got to talking. Steve was taken aback by Evelina’s story. He promptly took it upon himself to get her back on the road – in new running shoes, a new Century City Athletic Club vest, and with new hope. “When I met her, I was saddened by the fact that people who are such achievers in our sport no longer get support once they are no longer on the podium.” Steve, CEO of Century Citybased Vlocity Communications, took Evelina under his wing, employing her full time to support office staff and to ensure she got her running in – often on the clock! Within the last year, Evelina has run a number of marathons as well as the Two Oceans to prepare for her 10:39 Comrades, for which she earned a bronze medal and the honour of Century’s first lady home. Named one of South Africa’s 21 icons in 2013, Evelina has

climbed three of the “seven summits”– the highest mountain peaks on each continent. She has remained active in her community, keeping children off the streets and encouraging them to exercise, and formally assists in Century City Athletic Club’s thriving Development Programme, of which she is also a beneficiary.

Evelina Tshabalala with Steve Akester, her benefactor.

What makes Evelina’s story even more extraordinary is that she continues to power her way through life living with HIV. Thanks to antiretroviral drugs, HIV no longer needs to be a death sentence. In fact, by keeping the disease at bay, medication has made the virus a manageable condition. And this is the message that Evelina drives home to the youth and adults alike. Steve has supported a number of runners to achieve

their dreams and to make an honest living. “Runners set long-term goals, and go through extraordinary pain to achieve them, yet they make it. What better than to have such a person as an employee? I employed her to support her running goals while at the same time to grow our club Development Team.” A natural athlete, Evelina won the first race that she ever entered – a 10km race – following it up by winning her next race too, a 5km run the same afternoon. She ran both races barefoot, and the first thing she bought with her winnings that day was her first pair of running shoes! At the age of 19 she ran her first marathon and finished in 3:03 – a good enough time to place her in the South African Championships, where she earned her colours representing Western Province. While running once paid the bills, the older a runner gets, the smaller the prize money. But letting a legend like Evelina fall by the wayside was not going to happen on Steve’s watch. Steve has also motivated other corporates to get involved, including Puma and Western National Insurance. In giving Evelina the push she needed to get back on track, Steve says he is pushed daily by her strength and ambition, and sometimes – when they’ve both got their running shoes on – he’s also pushed on the road by her!


city life MyCiTi bus service to Century City to be improved


he MyCiTi bus service to Century City is to be enhanced from the end of September this year. There are currently two trunk routes to Century City – T04 Du Noon and T03 Atlantis via Table View – and three feeder routes: 251 Omuramba via Century Boulevard, 262 Century Gate via Century Way, and 260 Century Gate via Edison Way to Milnerton

Lighthouse. MyCiTi have completed their strategic review of all routes and the following changes, which affect Century City, will be implemented from 27 October 2018: • D08 Du Noon to Century City via Koeberg Road (an additional complementary route to T04) • 261 Adderley to Century City via Omuramba (extended

from Omuramba to Century City and Century Rail) • 251 withdrawn as redundant in light of D08 and new extended 261 • 262 Summer Greens via Century City to Milnerton Lighthouse (combination of current 260 and 262) CCPOA CEO Chris Blackshaw said the net effect would be an improved service for Century City.

Canal Walk Gaming Expo powered by BT Games Canal Walk and BT Games have joined forces to offer customers a tantalising inside look into the latest gaming ideas and releases that are racking up appeal around the world. The annual Gaming Expo will take centre stage from Tuesday 23 October to Sunday 28 October, where gamers, eSports fans, and Cosplay enthusiasts of all ages will have 12 hours per day to immerse themselves in the latest that the industry has to offer. There will be exciting competitions and awesome prizes.


city life Intaka Island Eco-Centre Manager, Adél van Wyk


dél van Wyk is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm. Which is just as well, as she needs every ounce of those attributes to carry out her daily duties, which include teaching scores of primary and high school children, running the Eco-Centre and managing a staff of 10. A dedicated educationalist with a BSc in Human Life Science and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from Stellenbosch University, Adél spent five years as a high school teacher teaching Life Sciences before joining Intaka Island in January 2015. More than 30,000 people visit the Eco-Centre each year and around 8,500 of these are primary and high school children for whom Adél is responsible. In fact, it is Adél who has to develop, implement, co-ordinate

and evaluate all the educational programmes for the various levels of learners that visit the Eco-Centre. All the educational activities are designed to link in with what the learners are covering in the classroom; in other words, they are curriculum based. According to Adél, each grade has a variety of about four different activities to choose from. A general outing not only consists of an educational activity of the school’s choice but also an island tour and a boat ride. The programmes have proven so popular that every available school day is booked well in advance, and they have even had to double up to try and accommodate additional schools. Not only is Adél responsible for all educational aspects but she is also tasked with managing and co-ordinating the operational

aspects of the Eco-Centre, which include all the administration, budgets, marketing and communication, staffing and the maintenance of the facility and equipment. In addition, she has to identify and engage with potential donors, sponsors and partners for the environmental educational programmes and daily operations. In this regard, she says she is actively seeking donations of machinery and equipment to help create a water exhibit to educate the public about the importance and use of water. “We are looking for items such as hand water pumps, windmills, manual sluice gates, Archimedes screws or even a small hydroelectric turbine. If anyone has any of these items they no longer require, we would be extremely grateful to receive them.”


city life Upcoming events at Century City CENTURY CITY PARKRUN Every Saturday, Central Park Join us for a free, timed 5km run/walk at 8am every Saturday on Central Park. Rain or shine, we parkrun!

CENTURY CITY FULL MOON HIKE 25 September, 24 October, Intaka Island Join us for an hour’s guided tour through this spectacular wetland and watch the city go into hibernation, while the Island comes alive with the sights, sounds and smells of nature.


CENTURY CITY BRAAI DAY 24 September, Central Park Celebrate Heritage Day in true South African style! Come and braai with us on Central Park and enjoy some fun in the sun, with live music and a range of children’s activities.

30 September, 28 October, Central Park Returning for the summer months and held on the last Sunday of the month from September to April, you can relax and sample the delicious fare on sale while the kids take advantage of the many activities on offer.

CENTURY CITY GOLF DAY 10 October, Atlantic Beach Country Club Network with some of the top Century City corporates out in the fresh air, or take advantage of the incredible marketing opportunities at this year’s Century City Golf Day! A portion of the green fees and all proceeds from the raffle and silent auction go to our charity of choice, Intaka Island.

CENTURY CITY SUMMER NIGHT MARKET 12 October, The Square The Summer Night Market is into its third full season. Held on the second Friday of the month, this market boasts an array of food, drinks, goodies and gifts, as well as some great live music. for information on events, go to www.centurycity.co.za or contact: tatum@centurycity.co.za

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