Century City Edits #30

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IS S UE TH IRT Y 4th Quarter 2018




chris’s corner

a new year approaches


he end of the year is again upon us (2018 went by in a flash!) and preparations for Century City’s expected bumper festive season are well advanced. The CCPOA, which is responsible for the dayto-day operations of the precinct, has met with representatives from Canal Walk, SAPS, Milnerton Traffic Department and Century City Security to update the extensive Festive Season Preparedness Plan, which covers traffic, transport, security, emergency response, extended shopping hours and the like. See pages 5 and 6 for further details. We are confident that together we are well positioned to cope with the expected shoppers and other visitors over this time. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours all the very best over the festive period. If you are travelling, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you out and about in the New Year!

Chris Blackshaw

ceo | century city property owners’ association



ur City within a City has grown immeasurably during 2018 and is set to be further boosted by exciting new developments in 2019, in particular the start of the redevelopment of the Ratanga precinct into an exciting new mixed-use development comprising hospitality, residential, offices, showrooms and a new retirement development all overlooking water and a beautiful public park. This precinct will add immeasurably to the outdoor leisure lifestyle already on offer at Century City, creating a new and exciting public realm. Convenience retailing will also be coming in the form of a neighbourhood shopping centre anchored by a Spar, which is planned to be constructed near Curro School, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for these exciting new amenities. Here’s wishing one and all a relaxing and peaceful festive season and a prosperous and happy New Year!

Maggie Rowley ccpoa communications manager

EDITOR: Maggie Rowley | 021 550 7000 | maggie@rabie.co.za ADVERTISING MANAGER: Tatum Sieni | 021 552 6889 DESIGN & LAYOUT: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com COVER PHOTO: Century City at Night COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Michael Dei-Cont

MEDIA PLATFORMS Century City Media (CCM) offers a niche and unique multimedia marketing platform to businesses and consumers based in and around Century City.



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Century City Property Owner’s Association Century City House I 1 Park Lane I Grand Central I Century City I Cape Town Telephone: +27 (0)21 552 6889 I email: info@centurycity.co.za I Website: www.centurycity.co.za


our growing city Strong Sable Park lettings spark spectacular new development


ore than 70% of the award-winning Sable Park office development in Century City has been let to blue chip tenants, with strong interest being shown in the remaining space prompting the launch of an additional iconic building to meet ongoing demand from corporates for prime office space in this all-green precinct. Jason Elley, of developer Rabie Property Group, said more than half of the southern block of Sable Park has now been let, with MTN taking two of the four storeys, Sasfin signing for a further 800 square metres, and strong interest being shown in the remaining 3,000 square metres of prime grade space.

This follows the letting of the entire 8,600 square metre northern block of Sable Park to Discovery as their new regional offices. “Interest in the remaining space is extremely strong due to the high standard of the office space itself, its panoramic mountain and sea views, as well as its position in the vibrant Bridgeways precinct close to a wide range of leisure and retail facilities including restaurants, hotels, the Century City Conference Centre and the Virgin Active gym. “It is also within easy walking distance of convenience shopping and the Canal Walk shopping centre, as well as public transport, with a MyCiTi

bus stop right outside and both the Century City Public Transport interchange and the Century City Station close by. All these features make it in high demand with companies that have their staff’s best interest in mind.” These factors, he said, were also driving the launch of the neighbouring Sable Corner prime grade office block of just under 7,000 square metres, with strong interest already being shown ahead of construction starting. Sable Park has been awarded a 5 Star Green Star – Office v1.1 Design certification from the Green Building Council of South Africa, bringing to 19 the number of Green Star-rated buildings in Century City. Sable Corner is also being designed to meet these

2 exacting green criteria to provide widespread operational benefits for tenants going forward. Fronting on to the busy Sable Road, both developments are designed to maximise high visibility along with uninterrupted views of Table Mountain and Table Bay. Sable Corner, which will boast a spectacular all-glass façade, will offer five levels of offices, with two levels of basement parking. The bottom four office floor plates will each offer 1,500 square metres of space, with the top floor of around 750 square metres allowing for a potential extensive outdoor corporate entertainment patio. Construction is expected to get under way in the first quarter of 2019, with completion set for end 2020. An artist’s impression of Sable Corner with its spectacular glass façade.

for further details, contact jason elley or sedica knight on 021 550 7000.


our growing city Rabie to launch new Century City retirement village


stunning new retirement village is to be launched by Rabie Property Group as part of the redevelopment of the Ratanga precinct. This is expected to start getting under way in early 2019. This follows the successful sell-out of Rabie’s Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort in Century City, where all 376 sectional title apartments were sold six months ahead of the sixth and final high-rise apartment block being completed. The new retirement lifestyle village is being planned by Rabie as part of a major national expansion into the retirement industry under a new brand, Oasis Life. Oasis Life is based

on the life right model, which will provide a strong emphasis on lifestyle, offering residents a range of superb facilities – including luxury clubhouses and primary healthcare services – right from the start. Rabie CEO Leon Cohen says they aim to take retirement living to a new level, providing exceptional lifestyle villages underpinned by the strength of the Rabie brand and its proud 40-year track record of delivery. “With people living longer and longer, we see huge

opportunities for expansion in the retirement housing market for superior products that offer a really great lifestyle for residents.” Cohen says they had investigated different financial models and believe that life rights, which provides the purchaser with the legal right to live in a home for as long as they and their nominated partner/spouse are alive, offers buyers the greatest benefits and financial flexibility, whereby options can be tailor-made to suit an individual’s special circumstances. “One of the biggest pros for purchasers is the fact that it guarantees professional

4 management, taking away many of the day-to-day worries and hassles facing body corporates, such as security, clubhouse management, maintenance and insurance. “Purchasers also have more certainty about levies and won’t face the shock of a special levy at any time. “Also, very importantly, the developer is in it for the long haul. By retaining ownership of all homes as well as the common property, it is in the developer’s interest to maintain the village and its facilities to a very high standard. As such, the interests of residents and the developer are aligned.” Cohen said the group has extensive hospitality experience, including owning and running

top-notch hotels and a conference centre. Its specialised hospitality division will ensure the successful operations of all their retirement villages. Cohen said Oasis Life Century City will offer high-rise, northfacing studio, one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments overlooking a large, tranquil waterbody and a public park and set above exceptional lifestyle leisure and primary healthcare facilities. Unlike most other retirement developments, where communal facilities are only provided towards the end of the development, the retirement clubhouse component of Oasis Life villages will be built as part of phase one. Rabie, which has been

responsible for many of the country’s award-winning, landmark developments – including Century City, West Lake, Royal Ascot, Burgundy Estate and Clara Anna Fontein – has successfully delivered tens of thousands of homes and hundreds of thousands of square metres of commercial space, offering investors peace of mind that they are in safe hands. “Our focus has always been on delivering more than just bricks and mortar; it has been on developing large-scale estates and well-integrated mixed-use developments designed to enhance the quality of life of those who live, work and play there.” Cohen said planning for Oasis Life Century City was well under way.

to register your interest in oasis life century city and to get updated details, go to oasislife.co.za.


city life Century City readies for 2018 festive crowds


entury City is well prepared for a bumper festive season when millions of shoppers and other visitors are expected to flock to the precinct. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA), which is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the precinct, has advised that the Operational Management Forum that coordinates and facilitates law enforcement, security, traffic and disaster management issues within Century City has been proactively preparing for this year’s festive season. He said representatives from Canal Walk, SAPS, Milnerton Traffic Services and Century City Security recently met with CCPOA management to update the Century City Festive Season

Preparedness Plan. In terms of traffic, all the signalised intersections are on the SCOOT system, which results in signal timings changing automatically according to real-time traffic patterns. Blackshaw said there has been extensive and ongoing liaison with Goodwood Traffic Management Centre (TMC) throughout the year. The Century City Security Operations Centre (SOC) has a direct line to the Traffic Systems Operations Manager to facilitate rapid adjustment to the timing settings of traffic signals when required. “SOC is able to view selected freeway traffic cameras via the new link with the TMC. Realtime traffic information on the neighbouring freeways is useful, as Century City traffic flows are directly affected by freeway traf-

fic congestion.” He said two traffic officers dedicated to Century City will work both shifts between 6am and 10pm, including weekends, over the festive season. The Variable Messaging System (VMS) will be implemented to warn motorists of any traffic congestion, accidents and general messaging. One VMS has recently been relocated to the Waterford precinct and one additional VMS has been installed on Century City Avenue, direction Bosmansdam Road, to improve the coverage of this system. Blackshaw said Canal Walk was confident that access and egress into their parking areas will be smooth. “Extra parking assistants will help manage the flow of traffic, while temporary parking signage

the contact number for the 24/7 century city soc is 021 202 1000.

6 will be used to assist with guiding traffic both off the Boulevard and within Canal Walk parking areas.” Regarding public transport, he said the MyCiTi, Golden Arrow and minibus taxi services will operate until 10:30pm to accommodate the extended Canal Walk trading hours. He said all Century City security service providers as well as the CCTV surveillance operators in the 24/7 SOC will be on heightened alert, and Canal Walk and Century City have both stepped up their general security. “SAPS has included Century City in their Festive Season Plan, and additional SAPS members will be deployed to Canal Walk.” IN ADDITION: • The newly converted emergency response vehicles will be deployed to increase visibility and deployment efficiency. • Foot and bicycle patrols will

be deployed according to daily risk assessment. • The Vehicle Check Point (VCP) trailer will be strategically placed around Century City to improve visible heightened security, and VCP operations will continue into January 2019. • CCTV infrastructure has been upgraded, with 34 cameras replaced and a further nine new cameras installed. • The Licence Plate Recognition system will be fully operational, monitoring all vehicles entering and leaving Century City. • Heightened security measures in Canal Walk will continue throughout the festive season. Blackshaw stressed that in the event of an emergency, the Century City SOC should be contacted immediately, who in turn would contact SAPS, City Traffic Control Centre and other emergency services.

Canal Walk’s Festive Season Shopping Hours Canal Walk is extending its shopping hours for the festive season. • Friday 30 November to Sunday 23 December: 9am–10pm • Monday 24 December: 9am–9pm • Tuesday 25 December Optional (optional trading; selected stores open) • Wednesday 26 December to Monday 31 December 9am–9pm • Tuesday 1 January 2019 9am–7pm (optional trading after 7pm) • Wednesday 2 January onwards: 9am–9pm

MyCiTi has introduced a number of service improvements


MyCiTi system refresh has taken place to provide you with more travel options, new destinations and shorter journeys so you can get around easier, and enjoy their safe, reliable services even more. MyCiTi have introduced a number of changes based on surveys and other interactions with users that enabled them to respond to passenger needs and continue providing the best possible service. The latest improvements include changes to routes, the

launch of new routes and stops and more direct services to reduce the need for transfers and time spent travelling. Services in and around Century City have been redesigned to provide better connections and more options for passengers. The 251 route has been discontinued and will be replaced by the new D08 route from Dunoon and the extended 261 route, which will travel beyond Omuramba to Century Gate and Century City Rail. The 262 route will be reconfigured to connect with Summer

Greens and to the beach at Woodbridge Island via Bosmansdam Road. The route will provide a convenient way to connect with Milnerton and the T01 route to the central city and Table View. The new Corsair stop will serve both 260 and 262 routes. The 261 route will be an expanded service with more frequent buses on this route, which will run between Century City Rail and Adderley station via Century Gate, Summer Greens, Omuramba station, via Koeberg Road and Salt River Rail.

for more information, visit www.myciti.org.za.


city life Seven saved from Ratanga “inferno�


nlookers watched in horror as fire swept through the old front-of-house offices at the Century Boulevard entrance to Ratanga Junction, and sighed with visible relief when four staff members, suffering from smoke inhalation, managed to escape the building. First on the scene were Century City Security, who broke into two teams, one to assist the injured on the ground, and the other to scour the building for any others who might be trapped in the inferno. They soon ran out of the building, carrying on stretchers three persons who had been overcome by smoke inhalation, and got them to safety before applying first aid. Within minutes, three ER24 ambulances arrived on the scene and took over the treatment of the injured. The smoke was caused by smoke grenades, and there was no real fire and no real injuries. It was all part of an annual joint simulation exercise by Century City Security, Milnerton Traffic Services, ER24 and City Disaster Risk Management to test and evaluate the operational preparedness of all security and emergency response personnel. The one-hour exercise, which took place at 11am on 9 November, did not require any road closure thanks to Minerton Traffic officers assisting in channelling the emergency response vehicles on Century Boulevard to the incident area and managing traffic flow.


city life Century City venue hosts help save woman’s life


he quick response and appropriate treatment by two Century City venue hosts of a 61-year-old Century View woman suffering an aneurism saved her life. Rholeen Jordaan had been attending the Century View AGM at the Century City Clubhouse on 1 August this year, and they were about to elect a new chairman when she felt a pain shoot up the back of her neck to her head, causing an “unbelievable headache that made me nauseous. ”It felt as if my head was going to explode and I told the managing agent, Julio da Silva, to whom I was chatting, that the pain was so intense I could not continue the conversation, so I went to sit in my car. He immediately called the Century City venue hosts and they arrived within minutes and took my blood pressure. The reading was through the roof at 207/111. ”By then I was vomiting from the pain, and the senior venue hosts, Edward Snyders and Franklin Wessels, administered basic first aid to keep my airways clear. Realising the seriousness of my situation, they immediately summoned an ambulance. “When Netcare 911 arrived, they briefed the ambulance team, who took my blood pressure again, and this time it indicated a reading of 214/109, so they inserted a drip to help bring down my blood pressure and rushed me to N1 City Hospital.”

From left to right: Safety and Security Manager Marinus Boshoff, Rholeen Jordaan and her daughter, Peyton, Century City Venue Host, Franklin Wessels

Rholeen says at some stage she suffered a stroke and has no recollection of the ambulance ride or of being admitted to hospital, where she spent two weeks in ICU before being discharged to a rehabilitation facility where she made a miraculous recovery and was discharged after three weeks. “When I arrived at rehab, my whole left side was paralysed and I was unable to do anything for myself, but within three weeks I was walking and I am now as good as new. In fact, I have just passed my driving capacity test again and am now able to drive. “I owe my fast recovery and indeed my life to the immediate response I received from the Century City venue hosts. I am so grateful.” So much so that one of the

first things Rholeen did after being discharged from rehab was to visit Wessels and Snyders with her six-yearold laatlammetjie, Peyton, to present them with gifts and thank you cards for saving her life. Peyton also thanked them for saving her mother’s life! Head of Century City Security, Marinus Boshoff, says venue hosts were more often than not the first people at the scene of an emergency in the precinct and often had to take decisive action. “They are well trained in this respect and do amazing work, so it is very rewarding when this is acknowledged as in the case of Mrs Jordaan. This is really a story with a happy ending and we are delighted and proud that our dedicated staff were able to play a part.”


city life Meet Transport and Projects Manager, Richard Mandulo


orty-one-year-old Richard Mandulo, who hails from the Eastern Cape, joined our team in 2012 and now serves as Century City’s Transport and Projects Manager. Starting off as Transport Manager, he soon made himself an indispensable member of our team, with his nothing-istoo-much-trouble approach, his sense of humour and his warm and engaging personality always ready with a wise and witty chirp or a well-meaning tease. His duties include, among other things, ensuring that the public transport offering within and to and from Century City provides an efficient, safe, quality service that is cost efficient, regular and reliable. This requires the management of both contracts and service providers. His job also involves liaising with a wide variety of parties – from transport providers to various associations and legislative bodies – and his personal character has stood him in good stead in being able to bring together those holding divergent viewpoints and interests and getting them to work together and avoid conflict in what can at times be a volatile industry. Richard’s role was expanded in April last year to include that of Projects Manager, and he is a member of the team responsible for managing specific capital projects, assisting in the development of project plans and thereafter implementing

these plans. He holds a number of industry qualifications, including a Road Transport Management (Passengers) diploma (NQF Level 3) and a Road Transport Management (Passengers) diploma (NQF Level 5), both

through the University of Johannesburg. A father of four, Richard is passionate about his family and loves more than anything to unwind watching a good game of rugby with his family and friends.


city life Century City Carols – a huge success story!


any of Century City’s milestone annual events started off small and have grown phenomenally in stature and support over the years, becoming must-do’s on the Century City calendar. Not least of these is the now hugely popular Century City Carols, which started life as a simple Century City Community Carols by Candlelight event, hosted in conjunction with the City Church on Central Park on 14 December 2008, with just a couple of hundred people in attendance. The next year, numbers had more than doubled to over 500 attending the event on 13 December 2009. A new and added attraction was the addition of the ever popular Ratanga Train. Numbers continued to grow steadily over the years, and by 11 December 2011 between 1,200

and 1,500 people attended. After five years, the City Church leadership moved to Johannesburg, so for the 2013 Carols we partnered with Shofar Church, which holds Sunday services in the Curro Century City School. That first year with Shofar, attendance numbers soared to more than 2,000 people. In 2014, the event was again produced with Shofar Church, but under the new name of Century City Carols. Two years later, with Shofar Church having undergone a rapid growth of their own and overwhelmed with the demand for events within their own church and with the needs of their community, they were no longer able to assist us. That is when another local church, Planetshakers, which is situated in Edison Way, Century City, stood up to the plate, with 2016 attendees growing further

to around 3,500 people. Since then we have continued to successfully host the event with Planetshakers, with the numbers continuing to grow. The event has taken on the same format over the years and starts with an hour of “freeplay” with Santa arriving on the Ratanga Train, followed by free rides on the Ratanga Train, face painting, jumping castles, petting zoos and then followed by an hour of carol singing with a show. The event always includes a charity component, with this year’s chosen charity being the Little Lambs NPO in Dunoon, who assist hundreds of needy children through feeding, clothing and education. Those attending the event are asked to bring along any monetary, food, clothing, gifts, books, toys or toiletries donations for children of all ages, from infancy through to teenagers.

This year’s festivities will start at 6:30pm on Central Park on Sunday 2 December 2018, followed by the Carols at 7:30pm. All are welcome. Guests are invited to bring along their picnic baskets and blankets and laze on the lawns of Central Park while they soak up the festivities and join in the carol singing.

In 2009 there were smaller crowds (left), and grew steadily. The 2013 crowd is pictured above right.


city life Century City train commuters drop 64%


he lack of reliability of PRASA’s train service has seen the number of commuters using the Century City station plunge 64% in the past three years and 44% over the past year. The annual Century City Public Transport and Pedestrian Survey undertaken in September showed that that only 2,818 commuters were currently using the station daily. This compared to 5,115 in 2017, 5,995 in 2016 and 7,835 in 2015.


This year’s also survey found that daily: • Numbers using the Golden Arrow Bus Service, minibus taxis and MyCiTi were pretty steady • Approximately 13,000 people are using public transport to Century City • 5,295 pedestrians are entering Century City • 19,400 pedestrians enter/ leave Canal Walk Transport Manager Richard Mandulo said the number of

pedestrians and users of public transport were down slightly across the board this year. “We believe this can be attributed to the fact that some major construction projects have recently been completed and a number of planned projects, many of which form part of the Ratanga redevelopment, have as yet to commence. “Once these get under way I am sure we will see the number of pedestrians and commuters increasing.”

Let us still use water sparingly

lthough there were good winter rains, allowing water restrictions to be relaxed from Level 6b to Level 5 from 1 October, it is important to note that dry summer conditions are now with us and each and every one of us needs to continue to be mindful of using as little water as possible. In terms of Level 5 restrictions, the personal water use limit has been increased from 50 to 70 litres per day. In addition, the overall city water usage target has been raised from 450 million to 500 million litres per day. Commercial, industrial and other non-residential water users have also had their restrictions lifted by 5% to a 45% usage, while restrictions for agricultural water users within the City have been relaxed from

50% to 60% usage. Tariffs on municipal accounts have been lowered to Level 5 tariffs from October 1. Further assessments will be made by the City and the

government going forward in terms of dam levels and the need for any further adjustments in order to keep the rate of consumer supply as steady as possible.

for further details on level 5 guidelines, go to www.capetown.gov.za/thinkwater


city life Canal Walk events

CANAL WALK’S ICE SLIDE WORLD Dates: 6 December 2018 to 13 January 2019 (closed 25 December) Venue: Centre Court Times: 10am–9pm (45-minute sessions start every hour on the hour) Tickets: Available at Computicket Canal Walk’s annual festive season entertainment is synonymous with family fun for all ages. This year, the shopping centre will be transforming the centre court into an Ice Slide World. The Ice Slide World will house fun zones including the Iceberg Slide and Wave Slide, Rainforest River Slide and Fantasy Play Area.

CANAL WALK EXPRESS Dates: 7 December 2018 to 13 January 2019 Venue: Centre Court Times: 10am–5pm Tickets: R20 per person Be part of the merry fun and hop on the Canal Walk Express!

EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC WITH SANTA Dates: 13–24 December 2018 Time: 10am–9pm Venue: Centre Court Holidays are memories in the making, and kids can have their photographs taken with Santa until 24 December. Santa will be hard at work, listening to all the children’s wishes and checking who has been naughty or nice this Christmas!

GIFT WRAPPING Dates: 7–23 December, 10am–10pm 24 December, 10am–9pm Venue: Pick n Pay and Checkers courts Prices: From R15


city life Festive Season Fish Terrine with Sour Cream Sauce


ne of our family favourites for the festive season is this Fish Terrine with Sour Cream Sauce that I found in a South African Reader’s Digest cookbook, first edition, a decade or two back. We initially made it as a starter, but it is rich and satisfying in itself so deserves to be considered the main feature of a lunch or supper menu. Other than a twist or two, this is the original Reader’s Digest recipe, which we gratefully acknowledge. Enjoy! Prep time: 45 minutes Cooking time: 75–90 minutes Serves: 12 For the terrine: 500g kingklip/monkfish, skinned and filleted (you can substitute half with hake, but the texture will not be as firm) 250g sole, skinned and filleted 2 eggs 10ml (2 tsp) salt 5ml (1 tsp) white pepper 1ml (¼ tsp) grated nutmeg 90ml lemon juice 500ml (2 cups) fresh white breadcrumbs 500–750ml (2–3 cups) cream 125g smoked salmon 250g frozen spinach Boiling water For the sauce: Cooking juices from terrine 250ml (1 cup) sour cream 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream 10ml (2 tsp) horseradish 5ml (1 tsp) mild mustard 5ml (1 tsp) lemon juice Salt and white pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a bread tin/terrine (1.5 litre capacity) with aluminium foil and butter it generously. 2. Place the fish in a food processor and blend until smooth, then add the eggs, salt, pepper, nutmeg, lemon juice, breadcrumbs and 500ml of cream. 3. Mix until thoroughly blended, then test for the right consistency: peaks should just hold their shape. If the mixture is too firm, add more cream. Taste for seasoning and then assemble. 4. Process about 45ml of the mixture with the salmon until smooth, adding more cream if the mixture becomes too stiff and dry. 5. Process another 45ml of the mixture with the spinach until it is well blended, then divide the remaining white fish mixture into three equal portions. Arrange the terrine in layers: first, a layer of the white mousse mixture, then green, white, pink, and finally another white layer. Use a wet spoon to smooth down layers to achieve an even spread. 6. When compiled, butter a piece of wax paper and

place it, buttered side down, on top of the terrine. 7. Cover the terrine with aluminium foil and place it in an ovenproof dish. Pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the baking dish. Bake at 180°C for 75–90 minutes, depending on the shape of the tin. If it’s long and narrow, it will take a shorter time, but if it is short and deep, it can take up to 90 minutes. When it is almost ready, the mousse will start rising. 8. Remove the terrine from the oven, pour off and retain the juices, and turn it out onto a serving dish. It will keep in the oven for about 10 minutes while you mix the sauce ingredients (keep it covered with the bread tin or terrine). It may be cooked the day before serving, and reheated in a bain marie. Serve the terrine with the sour cream sauce made by combining the ingredients in a bowl and mixing well. The terrine will keep for two or three days in the fridge. Terrine that is served cold should be slightly overseasoned, as it becomes less strong on cooling.


city life Canal Walk welcomes four new stores

MINISO Location: Lower Level, 47 LL From gifts to toys to cellphone accessories, the items you’ll find in this store are well priced, creative, playful and colourful.

GAME4U Location: Lower Level, 84 LL Game4U is where you’ll find the latest in gaming technology as well as a wide range of the latest games to choose from. If you’re looking for a new game or console, there’s a good chance they’ll have it.

THE GOOD BATCH Location: Lower Level, 273 LL Offering a wide range of delicious taste sensations, with both locally and internationally inspired chocolates, coffee, biscuits, nuts, dried fruit and more. They draw inspiration from Middle Eastern bazaars and Mediterranean markets.

HOLLARD Location: Lower Level, 241A LL Staff in the Hollard store in Canal Walk shopping centre are well trained and knowledgeable and can assist you with any insurance queries. You can ask for an obligation-free insurance quote at the Hollard store in Canal Walk shopping centre today. It’s quick and easy, and you’ll be happy you did.


city life Upcoming events at Century City CENTURY CITY NATURAL GOODS MARKET & ART ON THE ISLAND 25 November 2018, 28 January and 25 February 2019 at Central Park Held on the last Sunday of the month from September until April (no December market) on Central Park field. Relax and sample the delicious fare on sale, while the kids take advantage of the many activities on offer.

THE LIONS CLUB WETLANDS TRAILS 1 and 2 December 2018 at Intaka Island and Central Park Journey through the Intaka Island Wetlands while fun characters hand you surprises. Other activities include a petting zoo, jumping castle and face painting. Booking is essential and tickets can be purchased through Webtickets.

CENTURY CITY CAROLS 2 December 2018 at Central Park Bring your picnic baskets and blankets and laze on the lawns of Central Park while soaking up the festivities with an hour of carol singing. The range of kids’ activities includes rides on the ever popular Ratanga Train and a visit from Father Christmas.

SUMMER NIGHT MARKET 8 December 2017, 9 February and 9 March 2018 at The Square Following the success of our popular Summer Natural Goods Market and our Winter Night Market, we have recently introduced the Summer Night Market held on the Square. The market boasts an array of food, drinks, goodies and gifts as well as some great live music (no January market).

THE GALILEO OPEN AIR CINEMA 14 December 2018, 11 January and 8 February 2019 at Central Park The Galileo Open Air Cinema welcomes you to a magical movie experience of cinematic delights, tantalising treats and breathtaking scenery under a canopy of stars. It’s the perfect setting for a memorable evening with friends, a romantic date, intimate birthday party or work social. for information on events, go to www.centurycity.co.za or contact: tatum@centurycity.co.za

FULL MOON HIKE 21 January and 19 February 2019 at Intaka Island Join us for a guided tour and discover the sights, sounds and smells of Intaka Island at night.

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