Century City Edits #9

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issue n i n e sept/Oct 2013

edits magazine

Hottentot Fig Carpobrotu acinaciformis


spring is in the air


Spring is in the air and our city within a city is rapidly coming out of its winter hibernation. The canals are full from the winter rains, the agapanthas are growing and spring flowers can be spotted on Intaka Island, the canoeists and Stand Up Paddlers are back on the water, the runners are out on the paths, the touch rugby leagues are again underway and the ever popular, monthly Century City Natural Goods Market reopens on the last Sunday of September – this time with the added attraction of Art on the Island. We are also stepping up measures to green our city, starting literally at home with a “Green Team” investigating ways we can operate in a more environmentally friendly manner. Our Community Drop and Go recycling facility is also growing from strength to strength and we urge you all to make use of it if you are not already doing so. So this Spring get out and about, go green and help keep our city clean.

Chris’s Corner

Chris Blackshaw

CEO | Century City Property Owners’ Association

Welcome... We are extremely excited that Century City’s new multi-media marketing platform is now available, offering cost effective advertising mediums and packages to reach our Century City community. The newly-available packages, some of which include exposure in City Edits, offer advertisers economical , value added, multi-pronged ways of reaching Century City consumers and businesses. You will find further details elsewhere in City Edits and on the Century City website at www.centurycity.co.za. This Spring issue of City Edits is also appropriately packed with Green news – both in terms of what’s on in the precinct and also in terms of new exciting new facilities on Intaka Island that will be available for corporates to hire, subject to certain criteria being met. Happy reading!

Simplify your life at Silvertree, part of Rabie's new Ashton Park precinct, which offers residents all the security, tranquility and convenience of Century City. The development, consisting of 31 spacious apartments ranging from 73 to 287 m2, is located alongside the new Curro Century City private school, and set in a secure, landscaped area that includes play parks and a pool.

Maggie Rowley

Communications Manager | CCPOA

Published by b-Guided> Media

b-guided> Media

Publisher & PaPer folder: Michael Beatham | 079 767 6343 | michael@b-guided.co.za General & Production ManaGer: Alex Tulleken | 082 221 7541 | alex@b-guided.co.za ManaGinG & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | michele@b-guided.co.za adVertisinG ManaGer: Tyrrone Lloyd | 072 017 2156 | tyrrone@b-guided.co.za desiGn & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com coVer Photo: Hottentot Fig Carpobrotus acinaciformis photographed by Alan Liebenberg,

Century City Environmental Manager



Our Growing City

Our Growing City

new apartment block for century city

Silvertree, a new block of 31 apartments, has launched at Century City. The development forms the second phase of theR260m Ashton Park residential project and follows the success of phase one, Waterberry, where all 43 units have been sold since its launch earlier this year. Silvertree will be built on a site close to the Curro Private School, which opened in January this year, and will enjoy tranquil views over the tree-lined sports field and Helderberg Mountains. Comprising one, two and three bedroomed units and one four bedroom penthouse, Silvertree apartments are generous and range from 87m2 to 287m2, including

balconies. Apartments are selling for between R1,185,000 and R2,385,000, including VAT, while the penthouse has a price tag of R3,995,000. These prices represent an average selling price, including balconies, of R15,555 per square metre. Project manager Miguel Rodrigues said the apartments are larger than usual as they anticipate a large number of owner occupiers, including families, due to the proximity to the school, as has been seen at Waterberry. He said the four-storey building will offer basement parking and a lift. When completed, Ashton Park will comprise 140 apartments in four sectional title blocks and seven villas.

sa’s fastest broadband

Century City businesses are enjoying the country’s fastest broadband data, voice and multi-media services. Hein de Swardt, network operations manager of Century City Connect, Century City’s carrierneutral, open access, fibre optic network says the average broadband speed in Century City for businesses using their network via one of 15 Internet Service Providers is 19.39 megabits per second (Mbps) which puts Century City streaks ahead of even the international average of 13,84Mbps, and on a par with Europe’s 19,59Mbps.

for details and sales contact property world on 021 555 0105.

Little Moorings

residential rentals soar 40%

Residential rentals at Century City, where demand continues to outstrip supply, have soared around 40% in the past four years, with half this growth in the past 18 months. Brian Usher of Property World said while rentals did vary, one bedroom units in recent developments were now commanding around R7000 against R5000 two years ago and R6000 a year ago. Similarly, two bedroom units in new developments were now fetching R9000 a month against R6500 a few years back. “Considerably higher rentals are being achieved at the super luxurious Crystal Towers Residences – R15 000 for a two bedroom unit and R45 000 for a four bedroom penthouse - but these rentals are not indicative of the Century City market as a whole.” Rental growth at Century City was outstripping other areas as it had become an extremely

popular residential node due to centrality, relatively high levels of security, infrastructure and the wealth of world class amenities. Property World now has more than 200 rental properties on their books with little or no vacancies. “In fact, we have a waiting list of tenants with properties being snapped up as they come on the market.” Strong rental demand, he

said, was also creating a lucrative opportunity for investors who are seeking to invest in the “Buy to Let” market. “This is one of the reasons we have sold out at Waterberry in Ashton Park, Rabie’s latest residential development at Century City, before construction even started prompting the release of Silvertree, the second phase of the development.”

The Business Centre

the business centre opens in october

The Business Centre is to open its first Cape Town premises in Century City in October. The 4000m2 “green” building provides furnished, serviced offices to businesses of various size; meeting rooms and video conferencing as well as an on-site café. for details visit www.thebusinesscentre.co.za or call 021 8271287.




Century City News book a boat ride


The cabins of Century City’s two canal ferry boats have been waterproofed, enabling the boats to operate year round. So popular have the boat rides become it is now essential to pre-book trips to avoid disappointment, particularly over weekends. Half hour boat rides cost R35 for adults and R25 for pensioners and children under 12 years old. If you wish to book a boat ride along the canals and around Intaka Island, telephone Intaka Island on 021 552 6889 between 07h30 and 16h00 daily.

new touch rugby season

The new Touch Rubgy season starts on Thursday 12 September and runs on Thursday evenings until the end of November. Due to popular demand a mixed men and women’s league, known as The Blitz, is being introduced and will be held on Tuesday evenings starting on September 10. for further details, contact graham bobrow on 021 439 2970 or 082 4923 683.

century city feeds 850 sinenjongo learners and teachersstAte for Mandela day Art stAte of the Meeting of the fAcilities Art Meeting to iMpress fAcilities Your to clients iMpress Yo

For the third consecutive year, staff from Century City Property Owners’ Association, the Rabie Property looking for the ideal meeting roomlooking with state-of-the-art for the ideal meeting technology? roomThen withThe state-of-the-art Business Centre technology? is your ideal Then location. The Business Centre is your id Group and Ratanga Junction joined forces to feed 850 learners and staff at Sinenjongo High School in Joe each of years our centres has a varietyeach of different one of our sized centres boardrooms has a variety that cater of different to yoursized exactboardrooms requirements. that Whether cater toityour be aexact meeting, requirements Slovo Park in commemoration of former President Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday andone the 67 he devoted to public service. client presentation, or training, our tailor-made client presentation, boardroom or training, facilitiesour willtailor-made meet your most boardroom exacting facilities requirements. will meet your most exacting require ThE bUSINESS CENTRE IN CENTURY CITY IS YOUR IDEaL LOCaTION All learners and staff at Sinenjongo High School were treated to a boerewors roll, cold drink, a packet of With fully furnished BoarDrooms inCluDe: BoarDrooms inCluDe:and serviced offices, professional receptionists answering in your company’s chips, apple and sweets, served by an army of volunteers from the three companies during lunch time. name, state-of-the-art meeting rooms, video conferencing, high-speed internet and an on-site • modern and stylish Furniture • modern and stylish Furniture This time the learners took to the streets of the Joe Slovo township armed with black garbage bags to café, no other office option comes close to meeting your exact business requirements. clean up the litter for their 67 minutes contribution before enjoying lunch. • Creative and Professional atmosphere • Creative and Professional atmosphere • Video and Voice Conferencing

• YOUR VideoSERVICED and Voice Conferencing OFFICE INCLUDES:

• Data Projectors and Hi Definition • screens Data Projectors and Histaff Definition screens • Professional reception • High-speed internet access • • High-speed High-speedinternet internet access • Full on-site IT support • Writing Boards • Writing Boards • State-of-the-art meeting rooms • Flip Charts • • Video Flip Charts conference and presentation facilities • Full Catering services from our on• • site FullCafé Catering services from our on site Café Multifunction document centres • Flexible lease periods (3, 6 or 12 months) locations available across Johannesburg, locations Durban available and Cape across Town. Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. • Postal and courier service CONTaCT US TODaY Try us today. Try• Back-up us today.generator

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Greening our city

Greening our city

Intaka Eco-Centre expands to meet high demand Two and a half years after opening, Century City’s Intaka Island Environmental Education Centre is expanding to meet the burgeoning demand for its facilities. A unique, multi-purpose wetland, Intaka Island is home to 231 species of indigenous plants, including 24 red data species, 120 bird species, and has an internationally recognized heronry. A multi-functional Environmental Education Centre was built in and could

operation, we hosted 13,321 visitors. In 2012 this grew to 19,387 and in the first six months of this year, we hosted 13,323 visitors against just over 8000 for the comparative period last year.” The Centre was originally planned as a self-sustainable multi-purpose venue: to provide classroom facilities to host educational programmes and to provide facilities that can be let out to help cover the costs of the educational programmes. “The success of the educational programmes is

tremendous, but has resulted in less and less venue hire opportunities to cross-subsidise the running costs; this has necessitated the construction of a second classroom facility.” She said that the Intaka Island Environmental Trust, which has PBO status, has secured significant material sponsorships, as it had with the original structure, and all professionals have given of their time and services pro bono for the new classroom. “We are also looking for corporate sponsor/s to help cover the hard cost of the development, which are around R300 000.” The new “green” classroom facility is being built out of energy efficient materials.

responsible pet ownership

The Century City Property Owners’ Association calls on residents with pets to observe the rules and regulations governing them. • Pets must be restricted to private property. Dogs on a leash are allowed on common property. • All dogs and cats must wear collars with identification tags. Any pet found without identification can be removed and taken to the SPCA. • Dog walkers need to pick up their dogs’ poo. Any flagrant disregard of the rules can be reported on 021 552 6889 (o/h) or 021 202 1000 (a/h). There have been a few instances where cats without ID tags have been caught hunting birds on Intaka Island and taken to the SPCA.

for further details phone 021 552 6889

“The popularity of the Centre has exceeded even the most optimistic of expectations.” accommodate groups of up to 75 at any one time. The initial facilities included an assembly area, educational activity centre, a reception and ablution facilities. Eco-Centre Co-ordinator, Leandri van der Vyver, said the popularity of the Centre had exceeded even the most optimistic of expectations and demand was continuing to grow exponentially. “In 2011, in our first year of

eco-centre available for corporate hire

The provision of an additional classroom facility and a lapa on Intaka Island will enable the Eco-Centre to hire out function venues to Century City corporates in a bid to become self sustainable. Permitted functions will include the likes of cocktail parties, product launches, cheese and wine evenings and so forth. No birthday parties or year-end functions will be permitted and no loud music will be allowed. All functions will have to be over by 10pm. for details and hire fees contact the eco-centre on 021 552 6889

Waste recycling

The recycling facilities within Century City continue to be well used, with 6 900kgs of recyclable waste collected between May and July this year. There are three collection points at this stage. The largest is Central Park, where all buildings participate, including the CCPOA offices, the Club House, Intaka Island, the Endeavour Daycare Centre and other office blocks. A total of 3769kg was collected. The community Drop & Go facility near the Bosmansdam Road PTI across the road from the Shell garage is now the second largest contributor and has overtaken the CCPOA’s daily site collections with 2,360kgs of recyclable waste collected over the past 3 months. The third collection point is the CCPOA waste depot, which collects waste discarded in the public domain around Century City. for further information contact alan liebenberg on 021 552 6889

Green team

The CCPOA has established a ‘green team’ of staff tasked with making the CCPOA a greener place to work. Members of the team have been drawn from different departments within the company and will be doing an audit to pinpoint areas of improvement. The first identified areas of improvements are expected to start filtering through shortly.



Intaka’s Medicinal Garden Intaka, the award-winning wetlands conservation area, is the green lung in the heart of Century City. Rich in birdlife and indigenous plants, it also boasts a medicinal garden. As part of its Educational Garden, Intaka Island boasts its very own Medicinal garden showcasing a variety of healing plants that are an integral part of African culture. With nearly all the medicine that we use today coming from plants, it is not surprising that in South Africa, 21st century drug therapy is used side-by-side with traditional African medicines to heal the sick. With the unexplored potential of large numbers of fynbos plants, it is vital to the medicinal industry and our lives, that this threatened vegetation be conserved.

camphor bush

Tarcananthus camphoratus An attractive grey foliage indigenous tree that grows up to 2-9 meters tall, which is suited for tough conditions. The boiled mixture of leaves can help treat coughing, toothache, abdominal pains and bronchitis.

hottentot fig Carpobrotus acinaciformis A succulent perennial groundcover with trailing stems of up to2m. The grey-green sabre-shaped leaves reach up to 25mm in diameter. It bears bright yellow and purple flowers.


pHoTos By ALAn LieBenBerg, CenTury CiTy environMenTAL MAnAger

Sutherlandia frutescens A soft-wooded shrub of up to 1.5m with soft silvery green foliage, Kankerbos drops pea flowers in rich shades of red borne from late winter to summer. It has green seed pods, which grow in ordinary garden soil in full sun. It is used as an immune booster treatment for HIV/AIDS.

Intaka, which means bird in Xhosa, is a unique example of nature conservation and property development co-existing in harmony and for mutual benefit.


Ericacephalus africanus The leaves of this evergreen, multi-branched, twigged shrub are small, narrow, silvery-green and aromatic. The white daisy flowers have reddish brown centres and the flower-head is woolly at fruiting time. It is used for treating oedema, stomach ache and as a diuretic.

be guided

Wild dagga Geelblombos

bitter aloe Aloe Ferox

Bitter Aloe is densely covered in old dead leaves, flowers late summer and is widespread over so many different climatic areas. It is used as a laxative, for healing skin, sunburn relief, hair and skin care.

Anthanasia dentata Rich green and decorative foliage with leaves that are serrated, recurved and arranged neatly on the slender branches. Flowers are long lasting (on the bush and in a vase) and bright golden yellow. The leaves and stems, rich in bitter resins, are widely used by herbalist for various ailments.

Leonatis leonurus A shrub of up to 2m, Wild Dagga has strong aromatic leaves and sends up tall orange flower spikes in summer. These handsome flowers, arranged in whorls at intervals up the stem, are loved by sunbirds. Becoming popular in gardens, the leaf infusions are used for colds, flu and asthma.

Enjoy Intaka Island’s beauty with two self-guided tour options: a 2km circular path around the constructed wetland and ephemeral pans, and a 1km route around the constructed wetland with lookout points over the ephemeral pans. Both routes are wheelchair and pram friendly. Or book for a guided tour where experienced Field Rangers give you added insight into the fascinating flora and fauna. Bookings advised.

intaka island is open 364 days a year (closed christmas day): winter months (may - september): 07h30 - 17h30, summer months (october – april): 07h30 – 19h00 visit the intaka island website for more information | www.intaka.co.za



Natural Goods Market

central Park beer & Wine bar

This is the place to go for organic wine and bubbly, fresh draught beer and homebrewed Red Neck Ale. Central Park Beer & Wine Bar serves Mitchells Foresters Draught, which appeals to gents and ladies, along with wine and bubbly from Stellar Winery, South Africa’s largest producer of organic wine and the first cellar in Africa to produce commercially viable no-sulphuradded wines.

The arrival of spring heralds the return of this vibrant, colourful monthly market on Central Park. On 29 September Central Park next to Intaka Island will once more play host to Bedouin tents and thousands of families out celebrating the return of spring and one of Cape Town’s most popular outdoor markets, the Century City Natural Goods Market. The market is a feast of homegrown delights: healthy gourmet meals; curries and salads; smoked fish and fishcakes; pies and samoosas; pickles, preserves and jams; cheese and olives; fresh farm breads, confectionery, cakes and cookies;

heather | 083 353 8376 / naturalgoodsmarket@gmail.com

delicious vegetarian dishes; specialty teas and coffees; freshly squeezed juice and smoothies; beer and wine. Those with an eye towards seasonal shopping or to just spoil themselves with something beautiful, there’s a wonderful selection of art, crafts, natural body care products, clothing, jewellery and other pretty things

from which to choose. Of course there’s plenty of live music and activities for children, and the first market of the season is no exception. Dave Knowles draws inspiration from blues, rock and folk to entertain, while the snake and reptile show will fascinate adults and children alike. The last Sunday of every month, 9am – 2pm. Be there.

crush café

‘Crush’ is a gem of a fresh food café where delicious, healthy gluten-free, raw, vegetarian and vegan dishes, fruit smoothies and freshly-squeezed juices are on the menu. Only the best seasonal ingredients are used in food created with love and in support of local farmers and sustainable practices. shonah | 021 422 5533 www.crush.co.za


For curry lovers, Cumin is a must and not only for their famous Butter Chicken. Take time to try other crowd pleasers, like their Tandoori Chicken Curry or Lamb Curry, served with basmati rice. There’s also a divine vegetarian curry. And don’t forget the samoosas! mugsina | 082 0841801 | mugsina@tylon.co.za

2013 programme Musical Entertainment Family Entertainment 29 September Dave Knowles

Snake & Reptile Show

27 October

The Time Flies

The Incredible Dog Show

24 November

The Black South Easter


african tails

African Tails hosts an adoption day at market and have the cutest brakkies and puppies looking for homes as well as their stunning calendars, which make excellent gifts. African Tails is a Cape Town organization that works tirelessly to curb the over-population and suffering of dogs on township streets. Their key areas of focus are sterilization, rescue and re-homing, and feeding (when food is available) as an incentive for those who sterilize their animals. 021 510 7360 | contact@africantails.co.za | www.africantails.co.za

delicious fish

Prepared using the traditional method of smoking fish. This father and son team focuses on quality and value for money with a range of products including smoked snoek, angelfish and mackerel. Try the tuna biltong (no MSG or preservatives) and their fabulous snoek pate! 082 8295169 | 072 7090126 delifisher@hotmail.com



Century City Media have put together a variety of packages offering exposure across the various mediums at much reduced rates. We have also been investigating how to improve the distribution of the hard copies of City Edits and the B-Guided Map. To this end we have identified more than 100 physical touch or distribution points where people will be able to access the publications. A list of these points will be carried on the Century City website.

Century City Media Partnership Century City’s exciting new multi-media marketing platform offering those living and working in Century City cost effective, multi-pronged packages to reach our 50 000 strong community has gone live. Century City Media is a joint venture between the Century City Property Owners’ Association and the B-Guided team who are the publishers of City Edits and the Century City B-guided Map resource. The newly available packages

offer advertisers a more economical, value-added means of reaching Century City consumers. Previously advertisers only had access to a few stand-alone advertising mediums, namely City Edits magazine and the B-Guided Map. While these

popular mediums are still available, new electronic and social networking marketing opportunities have now been introduced and a variety of packages combining some or all marketing elements are available, which work out much cheaper than buying separate advertising space in each of these mediums. One of the advertising mediums that has been introduced is a monthly electronic newsletter, which is available to advertisers wishing to make known to consumers any specials they have on offer. Editorial coverage introducing companies and their services is also available. As part of the platform, changes are being made to the on-line business directory on the Century City website. To date we have offered businesses located at Century City the opportunity of listing their details and services here free of charge. This free listing opportunity will still be available, but will be preceded by paid-for listings where, for a small fee, companies can list include their logo, a photograph, contact details and links to their website and social media pages – all for a nominal amount – and in so doing market themselves to the Century City community. A limited number of inserts in City Edits will also be available for a fee on a first come, first served basis. While all these mediums will be available as stand-alone options,

to find out more about the packages telephone tyrrone lloyd on 072 017 2156. details will also shortly be carried on the century city website, www.centurycity.co.za which is currently being revamped to accommodate the new listings and other advertising opportunities.

Situated in Century City, Bridgeways is surrounded by glistening waters and lush gardens. With over 8 unique venues to choose from, Bridgeways provides the perfect solution to your next function, party or conference.

Give us a call to discuss your next function - the sky is the limit! Tel: (021) 250 0900 . Email: info@bridgeways.co.za w w w. b r i d g e w a y s . c o . z a

14 Ratanga Junction Theme Park

spring is in the air ... and we are open! Fri 20 - Mon 30 Sept Last time to ride Crocodile Gorge which is to be retired after l ast long service hance

Century City events sePteMber

OCtOber Century City orientation tours 7 october The best way to get to know your city, both on the ground and on the water.

full moon HiKe 25 september experience the sights, sounds and smells of intaka by night.

Century City staKeHolDers information session 23 october venue: Century City Clubhouse rsvp: lynn@centurycity.co.za Century City Dinner CluB 25 october A decadent Brandy and Food pairing at Crystal Towers Hotel & spa.


Century City natural gooDs marKet 29 september Back for the 4th season and to be held on the last sunday of every month. An awesome day out for the whole family with something for everyone!

For more info go to: www.ratanga.co.za or phone: 0861 200 300

Century City golf Day solD out!

Terms and conditions apply

The fourth annual Century City Golf Day is sold out with a record 33 teams and 132 players enrolled. Organised this year by CCPOA volunteers, the 2013 Century City Golf Day includes a strong charitable element. Organiser Bill Taylor said they are currently seeking additional hole sponsores at R2,500 a hole, with 100% of the proceeds going towards Intaka Island Environmental Trust’s outreach programme for disadvantaged schools.


scene around Century City

Diners enjoying the Century City Dinner Club even at Knife restaurant on 21 June

Century City Women’s Day Celebration at African pride Crystal Towers Hotel & spa on 10 August

Everything’s new again. You’re sipping jet-streams.

Chris Blackshaw (right) and Tony Leon at the Century City Business Breakfast at African pride Crystal Towers Hotel & spa on 31 July

DE NECkER DENTiSTRy CENTuRy CiTy Our first Cape Town branch opened in May 2010 with Dr. Eduan Weber at the helm. This addition is the flagship of the de Necker Group, featuring the very latest equipment. Open Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 17:30 Sat and public holidays: 08:00 to 12:00. A dentist is available on call after hours. Dentists Drs Eduan Weber, Gys De Necker, Daniel Nel and Marie-Louise Babst. Oral Hygienists Rone Walters, Faith Denis-Thyssen.

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Teneo House, Central Park on Esplanade, Century City Tel: 021 801 2891 | Fax: 021 551 1012 | Email: centurycity@deneckergroup.com

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