Century City Edits #1

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edits launch iss u e March/April 2012


Century City Sports Festival

Our annual Sports Festival held over the first weekend of March proved yet again to be a great success attracting a record number of participants. The signature event of the three day festival - the 10km Century City Express road race – boasted a field of 1800 runners and was won by Lindikhaya Mtangayi of Mr Price Western Cape in a time of 30 minutes and 11 seconds. The first woman home was Zintle Xiniwe (Mr Price) in a time of 36:10, while three times Comrades Winner, Vladimir Kotov, who runs in Century City colours, was the first Masters over-50 runner in a time of 33:37. The Festival is aimed at both corporate teams and individual participants and included a 2,5km Fun Run/Walk, Touch Rugby and Soccer tournaments, Kermesse Circuit Cycling races, Canoe Marathons (shown on cover), Canoe Polo, a Dragon Boat Regatta and a Cricket tournament. The Festival has grown exponentially over the four years since inception and we look forward to continuing to build it into a major event on Cape Town’s sports calendar. See page 14 or go to www.centurycity.co.za for the full festival results.

Chris’s Corner

Chris Blackshaw

CEO | Century City Property Owners’ Association


Welcome to the first edition of our new look magazine, City Edits! In the December edition of City magazine we mentioned that we were exploring an exciting new look and feel format going forward. And here it is! City Edits brings you quick-to-read, bitesized chunks of interesting, relevant and hopefully entertaining information that is unashamedly Century City-centric. City Edits is your magazine and we would love to hear from you about what you like or don’t like, and what you would like to see featured going forward. We hope you enjoy reading City Edits as much as we have enjoyed producing it. Feel free to email us at michael@b-guided.co.za.

Maggie Rowley

Communications Manager | CCPOA

Published by b-guided> media

b-guided> Media

Publisher & paper folder: Michael Beatham | 079 767 6343 | michael@b-guided.co.za General & Production Manager: Alex Tulleken | 082 221 7541 | alex@b-guided.co.za Managing & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | michele@b-guided.co.za Features Editor & photographer: Cindy Taylor | 082 929 5384 | cindy@ilovecoffee.co.za Design & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com cover photo: Century City Sport Fesitval 2012 photographed by Mike Dei Cont


Our Growing City Little Moorings nears completion

Little Moorings, the latest residential development at Century City, is nearing completion, with owners now taking handover of their units. It is the first new development to be linked into Century City Connect, Century City’s revolutionary fibre optic open access network. Each of the 42 apartments in Little Moorings has a termination point enabling residents to connect to data, multi-media, broadband and voice services via a selected Internet Service Provider (ISP). In addition, residents will receive normal free to air TV channels and can simply plug in their DSTV or Top TV decoders without having to install satellite dishes. Users will also not have to apply for a traditional landline, as phone connections are provided for in the various tailor-made ISP packages on offer. For details contact Property World on 021 5550105.

Chevron South Africa to build new HQ at Century City

Chevron South Africa plans to relocate its South African headquarters to Century City. The group has acquired a gateway site, from the Rabie Property Group, on which it is to build a new 9000 square metre green head office. Construction of the building is due to start in the first half of 2012, with completion scheduled for end 2013. It is the first office block to be built in a new 150000 square metre office node to be known as Bridgeways, already home to Virgin Active and Hillsong Church. The new Chevron head office will aim for Green Star SA certification from the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA). If successful it will be the second building at Century City to receive certification, the first being the Aurecon building, which was also the first building in South Africa to be awarded a 5 Star Green Star SA – Office Design v1 rating by the GBCSA.

Experience the Fast Lane!

Century City Connect is being deployed at Century City, providing the country’s fastest “last mile” open access network over which a select number of Internet Service Providers (ISPS) can offer those living and working in the precinct the fastest voice, broadband and multi-media services. The open access Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTx) network is “carrier neutral”, meaning clients can choose which of the accredited ISP packages best suit them. To see the benefits of operating broadband visit the Simulation Centre in Crystal Towers. For further information on the network and its progress contact info@centurycityconnect.com or go to www.centurycityconnect.com


Community Matters Hats off to Sinenjongo!

The Sinenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park was named by Education MEC Donald Grant as one of the top 10 schools in the province in terms of improved number of matric passes. The school, adopted five years ago by the Rabie Property Group - developers of Century City - as the major beneficiary of its Corporate Social Investment programme, achieved 77 matric passes against 43 the previous year. Of the ten learners who failed in 2011, nine qualify to write supplementary examinations, so the 2011 pass rate of 88.5% – against a provincial average of 82,9% - is expected to show further improvement. The school has come a long way since 2008 when it recorded a pass rate of just 27%. Since then, Rabie has financed construction of science and computer laboratories, and implemented programmes to improve the standard of teaching and English proficiency. Last year and again this year five additional maths, science and English teachers were employed by Rabie and other sponsors to teach, as well as help upskill other teachers so as to make a sustainable improvement. Extremely pleasing is the improved quality of the results: learners achieved 19 Bachelors (university passes) and 37 Diplomas (technikon passes), giving a total of 56 tertiary education passes against fewer than 20 the previous year. With 95 matrics enrolled this year, the school is again aiming to show a growth in the number of passes as well as further improvement in the quality of results throughout all grades!

Lukhanyo jets off to a bright future!

Sinenjongo High School’s top matriculant in 2011, 18 year-old Lukhanyo Velelo, has enrolled for a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Witwatersrand, for which he has secured a full scholarship from Metropolitan Life. Living in a one-room shack in Joe Slovo Park with his uncle Brian Velelo for the past four years, Lukhanyo achieved five As, as well as 79% for English and Xhosa, and is hoping for a full house once the two language papers have been remarked. At the airport to say goodbye to him were a team from the Weekend Argus, whose heartwarming story of Lukhanyo’s success despite the disadvantages he has faced in his life, helped immensely in securing him a bursary. Nothing was going to get in the way of his excitement, least of all the fact his bag, containing everything he owns in the world, was double the permitted weight; he had to unpack in the departure hall and separate out the essentials. The rest of his luggage was flown to Johannesburg later. Aptly so, Lukhanyo’s name means Bright Future and we have no doubt that is exactly what awaits him. We are sure you will join us in wishing Lukhanyo everything of the best!


Our Growing City Century City outperforms office market

The latest SAPOA office vacancy survey shows that while vacancies in most of the seven Cape Town office nodes rose in the fourth quarter of 2011, Century City bucked the trend; vacancy levels fell to 8.5 percent from a high of 12.9 percent in August 2009. The Cape Town vacancy factor overall rose to 10.5 percent in the same time. Giles Balmer of Rabie Property Group said this was even more spectacular given the Century City office market has ballooned to 243,488 square metres of office space against a mere 83,003 square metres when Rabie acquired the undeveloped land and associated rights in June 2004. Currently only 20,889 square metres of offices remain to be let in the precinct. Balmer said they knew of no other office node in the country to experience this level of growth over this period. contact Giles Balmer or Sedica Knight on 021 550 7000

New school opens at Century City

Abeille Ruche School, which started in 2000 as a home school alternative to both public and other private schools, has relocated its Primary School section to Century City. The High School - Grades 7 to 9 remains in Monte Vista for the time being. Principal Liz Simpson says the school focuses on the development of the individual within a small classroom environment of a maximum of 12 learners per class. “Although Abeille Ruche no longer operates from my home, I remain committed to the foundation principles on which my vision rests: a safe, caring, homely environment where pupils are developed as individuals and given the opportunity to model respect for others and their environment.” The school still has space in most Grades on both campuses for 2012. Visit www.abeilleruche.co.za; email abeilleruche@lantic.net or telephone Mrs Simpson on 021 559 8902.


Miles & Smiles Paddling for Smiles

Luxury in a class of its own

In the words of Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson, in the video game Forza Motorsport 4: “This is not just the greatest car Mercedes makes; right now, I think, it’s the greatest car in the world.” The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Coupé features an AMG 6.3 litre V8 front-mounted mid-engine and is equipped with the world’s most powerful standard-specification 8-cylinder naturally aspirated engine. It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds and achieves a top speed of 317 km/h. Just a few kilometers faster and its speed would correspond to the highest wind speed on the hurricane scale used in the USA. The finest hand-sewn nappa leather and solid metal (carbon fibre as an option) in the cockpit underlines the car’s handcrafted character.

On 5 December 2011, Century City Athletics Club Chairman, Richard Kohler, set out on an epic journey starting at the Mozambique border. The finish line? 2600kms away, along the length of the South African coastline, at the Namibian border. In just 50 days, in a kayak. Solo. Why, you ask? To raise funds for ‘Miles for Smiles,’ a charity that facilitates corrective surgery for children born with cleft palates and cleft lips. Richard was off to a great start, but after 500kms the expedition ground to a halt. Richard faced and powered through treacherous seas, a back injury and a shark attack, but the crippling blow came in the form of a robbery. Whilst staying overnight in Glenmore on the south coast, all his equipment was stolen, including R11,000 in cash donations that would have facilitated two corrective facial surgeries. Richard had no choice but to return to Cape Town to regroup, but the good news is he restarts his journey in October this year. Learn more and find out how you can help by visiting www.paddlingforsmiles.co.za

To learn more about the magnificent SLS AMG Coupé visit Mercedes-Benz at Century Boulevard, Mercantile Row Crescent, the website www.mercedes-benz.co.za, or call 021 528 0400


Forever Art

Despite becoming increasingly mainstream, many myths still abound about tattoos and tattoo artists. But is it art? In the words of Jonathan Jones, art critic for The Guardian in the UK, “The answer is a flaming dragon of a yes. Not only is this an art, it is one of humanity’s most ancient arts.” Like most heavily tattooed individuals, there is much more to Simon that meets the ink. His childhood passion for art and drawing led him to the Johannesburg Art Foundation where he spent a year learning different art techniques. From there he studied EMS, mechanical engineering and civil engineering drafting before moving on to a National Diploma in Interior Design at Witwatersrand Tech, with a focus on architectural construction and detailing. Simon’s interest in tattooing grew after a move to Cape Town, where friends looked to him for help with their own designs, but the tattoo trade was jealously guarded. He attended a course in Bristol, moved to Portugal and gained quite a reputation with the sailors and soldiers stationed at a NATO base, which gave him a good grounding in classical tattoo design. In 1995 Simon returned to South Africa and opened Wildfire Tattoos above the Purple Turtle in Long Street. The business moved to Burg Street

when the bar became an issue; they too often had to turn away customers who had consumed too much ‘courage’ at the bar! In 2002, Simon was approached by Canal Walk and after much deliberation made what he says is the best step they took and in May this year, Wildfire celebrates its ten-year anniversary at the centre. Besides creating works of art with a team of the most talented tattooists in the country, Simon is an avid musician and sportsman. He has played with the likes of South African punk band “Toxic Sox” in the 80s and 90s and “Primitive Reason”, one of Portugal’s premier bands. His sporting achievements include international recognition in street luge, inline hockey, surfing and kneeboarding. Nowadays Simon is a social golfer, his competitive side let down only by ability, he says. He’s also a dedicated “gear-head”; he has been building a 1933 Dodge for five years and has just bought a 1949 Ford bullet-nose coupé. For all his remarkable accomplishments, though, Simon’s most important role is that of devoted husband and father of two. Top photo: Bruce Geils | www.flyinghorse.co.za Portrait: Andy Lund | www.andylund.com Wildfire Tattoos | Shop 480 Canal Walk (Entrance 8) | 021 551 5722


Sweet Sensation at Crystal Towers “I always knew I was going to be a pastry chef,” says Shadwick Southgate with a charming smile. Understandably so; his passion for the sweeter things in life developed at the age of five under the influence of his dad, who introduced him to the craft of confectionary, and his grandmother, whose homemade tomato jam, scones and crunchies made every holiday unforgettable. Shadwick completed his formal training at Intech and has worked with master confectioners from Italy and Germany at a number of renowned establishments across the country. He ran his own catering company in Gaborone, where he lived for four years, before taking up a position in research and development at a leading Joburg dessert manufacturer. In 2009 Shadwick joined the team at African Pride Crystal Towers and is currently the pastry sous chef. His cakes boast delicate and intricate detail, a result of his fascination with French confectionery. Pop into the Deli at Crystal Towers, open 24 hours, for a taste of Shadwick’s heavenly fare or any of the delectable coffees, cakes, pastries, gourmet paninis or light meals on offer.

Sushi Making Sushi & Summer Experience Cocktails Indulgence The art of sushi Sample signature at Towers making with one of cocktails and Enjoy a delectable Crystal Towers’ top delectable sushi 3-course meal, chefs from Beijing on the famous including a glass of is an excellent way house wine, for just pool deck, every R185 per person at Thursday. Darren to spend an evening for just R150 or Towers Restaurant. Green provides the R450, depending on entertainment. Children under 12 the package. pay 50%.

For more information or to book, call 021 525 3888 or email conferencing@crystaltowershotel.com


Wine & Dine Caveau finds new home at Century City

Renowned restaurateurs Marc Langlois, Jean Muller and Brendon Crew have relocated their Caveau wine bar and bistro from Newlands to the Colosseum at Century City. Petit Caveau – a smaller, more intimate venue than the one in Cape Town - offers an a la carte, Mediterraneaninspired menu serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, Mondays to Saturdays. It boasts an impressive wine list with more than 150 wines, 50 of which are offered by the glass. The restaurant is proving a firm lunch time favourite for the corporate market and drawing strong support from the residential community in the evenings, for whom two-course dinner specials are offered and changed daily. Call 021 823 3033 for bookings & follow updates on Twitter @petit_caveau.

The new (coffee) kid on the block

Roasted in Milan for TRUE coffee lovers, innovative UK coffee bar brand Coffee Republic’s distinctive, flavourful range of espresso-based coffee drinks and delectable deli menu are set to take South Africa by storm. We recommend the Bacon and Egg Bap, based on the English Bacon Butty, and bottomless mug of Columbian Silver Filter Coffee for just R34-95 (R28.95 w/out coffee). SHOP M1 LL | CANAL WALK | 021 552 9698


coffee SPECIAL

This voucher entitles the bearer to buy one coffee and get one free. Offer valid only between 8am & 2pm weekdays. Offer expires 31 March 2012


Ratanga’s Endless Summer WIN

a function at the Junction

If you can imagine it, Ratanga can create it. Ratanga Junction is staging a competition on its Facebook page with great prizes to be won for the most creative, fun idea for a Party of a Lifetime at Ratanga.

How to enter:

 Like Ratanga’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ ratangafunctions  Post your idea on the page  Get your friends to “like” your idea. Ratanga Junction, which usually only operates its ride park during Western Cape school holidays and for special bonus days, is staging its second annual Endless Summer campaign by opening every Saturday and Sunday through to the Easter school holidays when it will open daily from Friday 23 March until Monday 9 April. While the ride park operates on a seasonal basis, the park’s 14 function venues operate 364 days a year.

Statistical fun some interesting stats for Ratanga Junction from December and January. the number of...





photos purchased


chip orders


The person with the most likes will win an iPad2. Second prize is a Blackberry Smartphone and another 100 winners can win a rider ticket to Ratanga. The entry deemed by the panel of judges to be the most creative will win a function for the entrant’s nominated company, for up to 100 guests.





For more details visit www.ratanga.co.za or call the info line on 0861 200 300


Meat at Knife Authentic southern United States barbecue uses indirect heat and smoke whereas the ribs seen on most South African menus tend to be flame-grilled. With the latter process, however, the “fall-off-thebone” tenderness is often achieved by first boiling the meat, thereby stripping it of all flavour, which is found only in the added sauce. Until now, that is. With its on-site smoker, Knife restaurant, inspired by traditional American “smokehouses” takes barbecue back to its roots. Long, slow smoking before a final, quick flame grill ensures that Knife’s signature ribs are both incredibly tender and full of flavour, with a subtle smokiness that transforms this steakhouse staple into a sublime dining experience. This care and attention is evident in every dish on the menu; the speciallyaged steaks, grilled to perfection, are every bit as popular as the lip-smacking, plate-licking ribs. While the Knife team’s passion for meat sees customers returning time and again, a variety of options are available for families and corporate diners alike. The menu is complemented by a dynamic wine list and delectable cocktails, with Happy Hour half price specials between 5 and 7pm daily.

Proper ty & Project Managers: Full office installation service Office refurbs, upgrades and maintenance Leasing Property Development and Due Diligences

Con t a c t V i v o n 083 629 09 4 0 | 0 2 1 5 5 5 2 2 0 3 Knife is open 11am to 11pm, Monday to Sunday. www.knife-restaurants.co.za | 021 551 5000

www.as s e t m a t r i x .c o. z a

The new Estuaries Plaza offers a beautifully balanced combination of luxury and environmental awareness. This exquisitely unparalleled office development, conveniently located within the heart of Century City, rubs shoulders with key blue-chips and is close to all major transport links. Here individuals are able to embrace new urban living, being 5 minutes away from work, home, sports, entertainment or popular conveniences. Estuaries Plaza has embraced best practice principles as set out by the Green Building Council of South Africa, seeking to optimize a sustainable system of passive climate control and lighting, energy efficient air-conditioning and ventilation technology and indoor environmental quality. Offering world class IT infrastructure with open access fibre-optic network and the option to customize tenant’s offices to meet unique requirements, Estuaries Plaza is set to surpass expectations.


The Century City Dinner Club

The Century City Dinner Club is a fabulous way to experience the delectable culinary creations on offer at the many restaurants within Century City. Every second month, a different restaurant will host an evening of delicious food & entertainment. Jacqui O Bistro hosts the inaugural event, which celebrates the launch of their new menu, on 20 April. The theme for the evening is New York / Manhattan

and the cost of R150 per head includes a welcome drink, an exclusive 3-course food & wine pairing, as well as entertainment. Invitations will be mailed shortly. Numbers are limited so early booking is essential. For more information contact bianca@centurycity.co.za or telephone 021 552 6889. Updates will also be available at www.facebook.com/ CenturyCityZA or www.centurycity.co.za


Around the City Century City welcomes Christian Olivier Podiatry Rooms

Podiatrists are medical professionals who focus on the care of the foot and ankle, as well as the knee, hip and back when the feet are contributing factors. In other words, Podiatrists are concerned with assessing, diagnosing and treating foot ailments by biomechanical, surgical and other treatment modalities, from children to geriatrics, including sports professionals and runners. Shop G10, Colosseum | Century Way | 021 552 598

Specialized medical and cosmetic dermatological treatments Diverse specialized skin treatments Laser treatments Skin tightening Body contouring

Central Park on Esplanade | century city 021 552 7220


Century City Sports Festival Results The 2012 Century City Sports Festival attracted a record number of participants, with the signature event of the three day festival - the 10km Century City Express road race – boasting a field of close to 2000 runners. Records were broken and fun was had! For full results in all sports and categories, please visit www.centurycity.co.za



Century City Express 10km - Men’s Open Century City Express 10km - Women’s Open Century City Express 10km - Masters over 50 Schools’ Touch Rugby - Boys Schools’ Touch Rugby - Girls Senior & Corporate Touch Rugby Cup (open)

Lindikhaya Mtangayi (Mr Price) Zintle Xiniwe (Mr Price) Vladimir Kotov (in Century City colours) Harold Cressy bt Vista High Rustenberg (1) bt Rustenberg (2) Jive Galaxy Warriors bt Living Legends in extra time

U11 Cricket

Reddam House Tokai bt Elkanah High

City Cycling Club Race Open

Neville Cragg

Time / Score 30:11 36:10 33:37 2-0 2-0 1-0

Dragon Boat racing: The Monte Dragons took top honours in four of the seven categories, with Mujaji Warriors taking top spot in two categories and the Warriors, one.


Natural Goods Market 1 April | Central Park Business Networking Forum 12 April | Knife Restaurant Century City Dinner Club 20 April | Jacqui O Bistro Annual Century Run 22 April | Century Avenue E-Parking

MAY Natural Goods Market 6 May | Central Park

Rock and Roll Hall of Famers and one of Britain’s most successful bands, The Hollies, made the Protea Hotel Colosseum their home on the Cape Town leg of their 50th Anniversary World Tour.

For more information on Century City Events contact Bianca: Bianca@centurycity.co.za



Photo: Natasha Las


Rotary Club Launch 28 March | Intaka Island Eco Centre


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