issue se v en May/June 2013
edits magazine
Winter warmers issue
ready for winter
As I write this, winter would appear to be here with a vengeance. Thankfully as part of the Century City Property Owners’ Association’s (CCPOA) winter preparedness plan, all CCPOA and City of Cape Town storm water inlets and drains were cleared of litter and plant debris prior to the first winter rains to prevent any unnecessary flooding. On the subject, our 7,5 kms of canals are an integral part of the Century City high flow storm water system and after the dry summer months, the winter rains play an important role in filling the canals and flushing out the waterways in readiness for Spring. While the Natural Goods Market is in hibernation until September 29, winter is canoeing season, with Century City Canoe Club members participating in weekly time trials on the canals every Tuesday evening and competing in races on the Western Cape rivers over the weekends. For many, winter is a time for a warm log fire, close friends and a glass or two of good red wine. However , may I recommend that for a real treat you take time to enjoy our city at its greenest and venture out, warmly dressed, for a brisk wall along the canals and Intaka Island. Stay warm!
Published by b-Guided> Media
b-guided> Media
Chris’s Corner
Chris Blackshaw
CEO | Century City Property Owners’ Association
Century City’s array of fine and varied eateries have stepped up to the plate to keep you warm this winter offering tantalising specials and some mouth-watering recipes to try at home. Be sure also to catch the heart- warming interview with 92 year old Morris Alexander, a resident at Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort whose life story is nothing short of incredible. His life’s adventures provide not just food for thought but are guaranteed to warm your soul too! We have some exciting new plans afoot to give those living and working in Century City a cost effective, multi-pronged, all-inclusive multi-media marketing and information platform. But more on that next time. Watch this space!
Maggie Rowley
Communications Manager | CCPOA
Publisher & PaPer folder: Michael Beatham | 079 767 6343 | General & Production ManaGer: Alex Tulleken | 082 221 7541 | ManaGinG & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | adVertisinG ManaGer: Tyrrone Lloyd | 072 017 2156 | desiGn & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | coVer Photo: Petit Caveau’s lamb shank photographed by Natasha Lassen
Our Growing City 72% of Quays offices at century city sold or reserved
Over 72% of the 39 units in the Quays, an exciting new boutique commercial development under construction at Century City, have been sold or reserved since its launch late last year. Sedica Knight of developers Rabie Property Group said that to date 20 units have been sold for a total of just under R35million, while a further eight, totalling R17,5 million, have been reserved, with negotiations with purchasers well advanced. The deals completed or under negotiation represent 77% of the total value of units. She said that the low rise studio offices range in size from 41m2 to around 400m2, excluding balconies, and were priced from around R800 000, ex VAT. “As such, it is providing smaller
office users the opportunity to purchase in the burgeoning Century City precinct. “The two and three storey office buildings are set around courtyards, a water-fronting piazza and bistro restaurant, and have been designed as individual facades rather than a monolithic office block. The varying architecture will give the appearance of a village street edge that has evolved over time. “There are also a limited number of ancillary retailing units with street frontage and a few dual work and loft living opportunities.” The buildings will be serviced by a lift and will have 140 parking bays, including basement parking for tenants and podium parking for visitors. Knight said the Quays had an intimate scale and would embrace both the neighbouring residential
developments – Quayside and Quaynorth - as well as the Waterstone complex - and the Central Park commercial node. “It acts as an interface between the various components and has been designed to enhance the pavement ambiance of this very vibrant area where there are always people coming and going to the schools, Clubhouse and field, as well as canoeists who house their craft in the area, the bird watchers and other visitors to Intaka Island.” Knight said the development had appealed equally to investors and smaller owner occupiers such as service providers and professionals looking for an affordable entry into commercial property ownership at Century City. Construction is well underway with occupation expected in March/April 2014.
for more info go to or telephone sedica on 021 550 7000
Precinct directors represent stakeholders
Century City is divided into 10 different precincts (see right). This serves two main purposes. Firstly, as pointed out in the previous edition of City Edits, each precinct is colour coded with the way finding signage, street signage and strategically placed precinct markers all in the distinctive colour of that particular precinct. This assists people in finding their way around Century City. Secondly, each precinct elects a representative director who
for further details contact property world on 021 5550105 or brian usher on 0825717024.
sits on the board of the Century City Property Owners’ Association. Directors each sit for a two year period with 50% coming up for reelection each year to ensure continuity on the Board. The current directors, half of whom will come up for re-election at the AGM in June, are as follows: Precinct Name Intaka Canal Walk Century View Waterford Grand Moorings Bridgeways Mercantile Grand Central The Estuary Century Gate
Director On hold Gavin Wood Fred Grunewald Viv Gutsche Roger Harries Bill Taylor On hold Allen Usher Stephen Brand Nazeem Khan
Contact Details
Canal Walk Precinct
Intaka Precinct
Mercantile Precinct
Bridgeways Precinct
Century View Precinct
Grand Moorings Precinct
Grand Central Precinct
including balcony, for the three bedroom units. There are also two duplex penthouses of 170 square metres. Prices range from R1,195,000 to R2,695,000. Construction is due for completion in May 2014.
The Estuaries Precinct
Almost 40% of the 43 apartments in Waterberry residential development now under construction at Century City have been sold since its launch in late February. Waterberry is the first phase of Ashton Park, a new R245million residential development being
built by Rabie Property Group and financed by Nedbank Corporate Property Finance. Providing the last planned water-fronting units, Waterberry comprises one, two and three bedroom apartments ranging in size from 87m2 metres, including balcony, for one bedroom apartments up to 192m2,
Century Gate Precinct
Waterberry apartments selling fast
Precinct Marker
Our Growing City
Waterford Precinct
Century City News
A legend in his lifetime
Multi-media marketing opportunities for century city family
century city projects submitted to Wdc cape town 2014
Century City is exploring an exclusive multi-media marketing platform to give those living and working in Century City a cost effective, multi-pronged, all-inclusive medium to reach our 50 000 strong community. It is envisaged the multimedia marketing platform will be launched in the Spring and will provide business to business, business to consumer and consumer to business marketing opportunities at highly competitive rates. Details of the offering will be published as soon as possible so watch this space!
Century City has submitted three proposals to the World Design Capital (WDC) Cape Town 2014 multidisciplinary curatorial team for consideration as official WDC Cape Town 2014 projects. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, said their three proposals had focused on two of the WDC Cape Town 2014 themes, namely African Innovation. Global Conversation which pertains to any innovative, design-led project, policy, product or event that has originated in Africa and has a global relevance or Today for
Intaka Island: one of the projects submitted to WDC2014
Tomorrow, which encompasses green, brown and blue sustainability projects as well as those that focus on that human development, skills training, education initiatives and legacy projects. He said they would be submitting a further two projects when the second and final call for submissions opens in July.
Morris Alexander has visited 83 countries and lived an extraordinary life, but is best known for being the official Comrades historian. He ran 10 Comrades Marathons, winning gold for three as well as four other medals; he was invited to tea with King Farouk of Egypt after he was part of the official reception party at the station in Alexandria to meet the king’s sister Fawcia after she was banished back home by her husband the Shah of Persia; he was on the train with the Senussi King taking him across Libya to greet his people in 1944 after years in exile during the Italian invasion; he has climbed the Great Pyramid of Giza also known as the Pyramid of Cheops; he was a guinea pig for the first Air Sickness detection test and trained as an air force navigator during World War 2 and his grandfather, Richard Charles Alexander, then the Durban police superintendent, and his third wife, Jane, saved the life of Mahatma Ghandi in Durban in 1896. But what 94 year old Morris Alexander, a resident at the Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort at Century City, is perhaps best known for is being the official historian of the Comrades Marathon between 1960 and 1985 and for the three definitive editions of The Comrades Marathon Story he penned during this time. In fact in the words of John Cameron-Dow who was to succeed Morris as official historian of the Comrades: “I doubt that there has been a finer book in the broad field of South African sport than Morris Alexander’s The Comrades
Marathon Story.....All those who have run the great race talk about the legendary Comrades spirit and Morris Alexander captured it perfectly. In fact, he went further, he enhanced it. With all the skill of a greatly gifted author and the understanding of a pioneer runner and devoted administrator, Morris provided a living record that will remain an integral part of Comrades culture.” Other than “the war years” when he was serving primarily in East Africa (Kenya and Abyssinia, now known as Ethiopia), Aiden and Egypt, Morris ran 10 Comrades Marathons between 1937 and 1952 delivering his best performance in 1949 when he was placed fourth. He was also placed fifth one year and sixth another. It was a different race back then, he says. A much smaller affair. And while the distance has never changed, the route has.
“In the early years of the race only part of the route was tarred. It was only fully tarred in the early-1930s. When I was running there were also a lot more steep inclines and descents. There were no graded roads; those would only come later. They simply went straight up the hill.” The steepest climb, he says, was at Huntleys Hill – it was steeper but much shorter than the other great hills on the race - Cowies Hill, Fields Hill, Botha’s Hill, Inchanga and Polly Shortts. And while the route is now built up much of the way between Durban and Pietermaritzburg, in the 1950s much of it was undeveloped, very scenic and dotted with roadside country hotels and restaurants.. The competitors too, he says, have changed over the years. “Back then we worked all day and trained in the evenings. Now many of the competitors are fulltime athletes. It is their job.” It gives Morris great pride that in 1975 the Comrades became the first truly ”Rainbow nation sporting event” where regardless of one’s skin colour or gender one was able to compete. His running years were matched only by the years he then dedicated to administrating the race. In fact in 1950 it was Morris who practically single handedly saved the marathon from a certain death and from then until 1956 he served as chief executive of the organising committee, then a “small, amateur club affair” Continued on page 8
8 that was the forerunner to the Comrades Marathon Association which under Mick Winn would grow into a major world sporting event. For his major contribution to the Comrades, in 1990 Morris was the first “living” person to be awarded an Honorary Life member of the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA). A posthumous award was made to the Natal MEC for Roads, Frank Martin the year before. While his first love is the Comrades, his second is Ships and Travel and he has notched up quite a few nautical miles in his time. In fact he sailed on five troop ships during World War 2 and has undertaken 30 other long sea journeys on mailships and cruise ships including the Astor, the Queen Elizabeth 2 and
the Queen Mary 2. “I have been to 83 countries and seen most of the great wonders of this world. The one place I have not been to is the Goudini Spa and I don’t plan going there any time soon,” he chortled. Morris defies his 94 years and while his mobility is not what it used to be he manages to get
each for 33 years. His first wife, Nesta, with whom he had three children, died in 1975 from breast cancer. He married his second and current wife, Huibrecht, five years later. His favourite hobby is scrapbooking and to date he has amassed 14 tomes entitled My Life, Interests and Times in
“ 1975 the Comrades became the first truly ‘Rainbow nation sporting event’.” around pretty well with the help of his zimmerframe. When we chatted, Morris was recovering from a heart procedure – a Trans-Aortic Valve Implant. True to form he got himself discharged from hospital within a week and in no time at all he was again up and about. Morris has been married twice,
which he has documented not only highlights of his life but also milestones in the world around him and even whacky incidents that have amused him. And there are many of those as it is a keen sense of humour, a keen intellect and a cheery outlook that continues to steer Morris through life.
Welcome to the Fast Lane! Century City Connect offers Century City residents and businesses a fibre optic backbone giving you: • Unrivalled upload and download internet speeds • An open access network via which select Internet Service Providers can offer competitive packages tailored to your needs • Enhanced productivity through revolutionary broadband and data speeds, video conferencing and VoIP Get connected now! Visit our state-of-the-art Simulation Centre at Crystal Towers, Rialto Road. Phone: 084 459 0728
Winter Warmers
CinCin’s Hearty Vegetable & Herb Dumpling Soup For the soup 1 tbsp oil 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 large carrots Table celery & leeks 2 x 410gr cans Red kidney beans 3½ cups vegetable stock 2 x 425gr cans chopped tomato 1 tbsp chopped parsley
The arrival of cooler weather means warming comfort food, and the smorgasbord of restaurants at Century City are offering some tasty specials. They also share delicious recipes to try at home. Bon appétit! soft, almost falling from the bone. Skim off oil from the top. Strain the liquid and reduce on a low heat to finish sauce. Check for seasoning. Serve with couscous or herb mash and your favourite red wine.
Petit Caveau 021 823 3033 Colosseum Building Lamb Shanks Balsamico 4 lamb shanks 2 onions, finely chopped 12 baby carrots, peeled 4 parsnips, peeled 4 sprigs rosemary 2 tsp fresh garlic 50ml balsamic vinegar 250ml red wine 250ml beef stock 200g pickling onions Roll the meat in flour and fry in a little oil until brown and sealed, then remove from oil. In large pot, fry the onions, carrots and parsnips together in the oil until tender. Add balsamic, wine and stock; boil for 10 minutes. Place shanks in a deep pot; add sauce and rosemary, cover and place in the oven at 180C for 1 ½ hours. Peel onions, add to meat and cook for a further 1 hour or until the meat is
Petit Caveau’s loyalty program, The Residents Card, is now available. Offered exclusively to residents and corporates in Century City, enjoy 10% off your final food bill, earn rewards and benefit from many more exciting specials. Don’t miss out, join today!
JaCqui O BistrO 021 555 8610 Manhatten Bldg | Esplanade Dr An elegant contemporary bistro specialising in fresh, healthy food prepared with love, flair and impeccable taste. Dinner specials Mon: Buy one main course, get one free Tues: Ladies’ night; 25% off ladies’ meals Wed: For the boys; 200g Steak & Local Beer R75 (sports channels avail) Thurs: Cook’s night off; 15% off total bill Fri: Family night; kiddies under 10 eat free from Kiddies’ Menu
Tomato Bredie 1kg Lamb knuckle 30ml oil 15ml butter 10ml sea salt 2.5ml ground black pepper 2 onions, chopped 6 ripe red tomatoes 1 x 70g tin tomato paste 5ml sugar 1ml chilli powder 2.5ml paprika 3 cloves garlic, crushed 5ml mixed herbs 375ml chicken stock 3 potatoes diced 15ml maizena Cube the meat. Heat the oil / butter mixture in a big, heavybottomed saucepan until the butter discolours. Add the meat in batches; stir-fry until brown. Remove each batch with slotted spoon and keep aside. Season browned meat with salt and pepper. Brown onions in the remaining oil; when golden, soft and glazed, add tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, chilli, paprika, garlic, herbs, water and stock cube. Bring to a slow simmering boil. Add meat. Simmer very slowly for 2 hours. Add cubed potatoes and continue simmering for half an hour. Thicken gravy with maizena mixed with water. Bredie improves with simmering. Best prepared a day in advance and left to mature in fridge. Reheat and serve with fluffy steamed rice seasoned with chopped parsley.
Crave 021 552 0303 The Estuaries Office Park Fresh, healthy and delicious food served in a beautiful park like setting. Ideal for lunch or coffee and a quick bite. Special Order one of Crave’s 460ml meaty soups with ciabatta and receive a cream of veggie soup for free. Eat in only. Crave’s Beef Goulash Soup 300g goulash beef, cleaned & diced 15ml olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 clove garlic 1 tsp paprika 60g flour 5g brown sugar 200g tomato puree 1.5L beef stock 2 large potatoes, cubed Cut meat into small cubes, dust with some flour. Heat oil in large heavy based pan, brown meat in small batches and set aside. Add the onion to pan, cook for 5 minutes until soft. Add garlic, paprika and flour and cook for another minute. Add tomato puree, sugar, stock and meat.
Stir well. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer, with lid on, until meat is tender (+-90 min). Add potatoes and simmer for a further 20 minutes, until potatoes and meat are very tender. Flavour intensifies as it cooks longer. CinCin 021 526 400 Colosseum Hotel, Century Way Indulge in exquisite dishes while enjoying sincere hospitality and outstanding service. CinCin delivers on style, quality and a memorable dining experience.
Heat oil in saucepan; cook onions till transparent. Add garlic, rest of the vegetables and cook over high heat till almost cooked. Add beans, stock and tomato. Bring to boil, then reduce and stir in the parsley. For the dumplings 125gr self raising flour 25gr butter, chopped 2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese 2 tbsp mixed chopped fresh herbs 60ml milk Sift flour. Rub in butter with fingertips till resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in cheese and herbs. Make well in centre, add the milk and mix till just combined. Roll into small balls and add to soup. Simmer covered for 20min. Adjust seasoning to taste Thrifty Thursday special Receive 50% off your food bill every Thursday. T & Cs: Valid for Thursday evenings, 18:30 -22:30; dine in only. Min two and max 15 people. Discount on food items only and exclude all beverages. Only valid if each patron orders a main meal. 50% discount is also valid on starters and desserts, but only if ordered with a main meal.
colosseum Building -century city colosseum Building -century city Petit caveau is situated at the colosseum within century Petit caveauBuilding, is situated at the city, the bustling citywithin withincentury a city colosseum Building, strategically located along the n1 in city, the bustling city within a city the heart of the greater metropolitan strategically located along the n1 in cape Townofarea. This recently the heart the greater metropolitan opened wine bar This and recently bistro is quickly cape Town area. becoming a fi rm favourite opened wine bar and bistroamongst is quickly the corporate businesses well becoming a firm favouriteas amongst as the thriving residentias al well thetocorporate businesses community. The seasonal as to the thriving residentia-la-carte, al Mediterranean community. Theinspired seasonalmenu, a-la-carte, changes to makeinspired best use of fresh Mediterranean menu, and localto ingredients, tapas changes make best whilst use of the fresh menu complements over 40 choices and local ingredients, whilst the tapas of winecomplements available by the menu overglass. 40 choices
time square 021 552 8927 Colosseum Bldg | Century Way Knife 021 551 5000 Cnr Century Boulevard & Rialto Rd
Time Square’s delicious, homemade pastas paired with red wine will warm the cockles of your heart in a vibrant café style setting.
An American-style smokehouse. Tuck into the signature smoked ribs, tender chicken, seafood, or perfectly grilled steaks. Pop in for Happy Hour from 5pm to 7pm daily for half price cocktails, house spirits and draught beer. Special Enjoy 400g smoked, sticky BBQ baby back ribs with deep fried calamari, French fries and Creole mayo for R125. the tOwers restaurant 021 525 3888 Cnr Rialto & Century Boulevard The Towers Restaurant at the African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa promises a dining experience designed to entice the senses. In a setting that echoes the innovative modern design of the hotel, our spacious fine-dining area overlooks a display kitchen that reveals our world class chefs in action - truly a sight to behold. Whole Orange Cake 620g boiled orange pulp 350g ground almonds 350g castor sugar
2g baking powder 9 eggs Whisk together castor sugar and eggs till ribbon stage. Fold in ground almonds and baking powder. Fold in the orange pulp. Bake at 180C for 20 to 30 minutes. Orange pulp Place whole oranges in a pot with boiling water. Cook for an hour or until oranges are tender. Special 25% off food portion of the bill, off the A’La Carte menu, for tables of 4 or more (maximum 9). Does not apply to specials that may be running, e.g. winter set menu , Mothers’ Day, Father’s Day.
Potato Soup 3 large potatoes, diced 2 small or 1 large onion, sliced 1 small head cauliflower, chopped roughly 3 teaspoons veg stock 2 cloves garlic, chopped Seasoning to taste 1 small tub of low fat cream Place all ingredients except cream in pot, bring to boil and cook until soft. Allow to cool, then blend adding the cream to taste. Serve warm with home baked sliced ciabatta or sliced French loaf. Special Save over 40% and get 2 pastas with 2 glasses wine or cups coffee for R100. Pastas on the menu this winter: Spaghetti Bolognese; Basil Pesto, parmesan, mushrooms & mixed peppers; Chicken and Bacon in a creamy tomato sauce. Also on offer, a delicious soup of the week. Choose from Butternut, Pea, Potato and Tomato, week depending.
Residents card Residents card A loyalty program
exclusive to residents A loyalty program and corporates in exclusive to residents century city, beinsure to and corporates sign up atcity, Petibe t caveau century sure to for Residents card. signThe up at Petit caveau enjoy variety of menu for Thea Residents card. discounts, specials and enjoy a variety of menu loyalty rewards. discounts, specials and loyalty rewards.
of wine available by the glass.
What's on the Menu? What's on the Menu?
Perfectly grilled steaks with variety ofgrilled saucessteaks with Perfectly variety of sauces Fresh fish with seasonal ingredients Fresh fish with seasonal
ingredients Variety of pizzas, flatbreads and pastas Variety of pizzas, flatbreads and pastas Tapas menu and mezze platt withand overmezze 40 wines Tapasers menu available by the glass, platt ers with over 40 wines beer on tap available by the glass,
beer on tap Delicious food with friendly, professional service Delicious food with friendly, professional service
C AV1 0 0
C AV1 0 0
conference information conference information Located
on the top Located fl oor the on theoftop restaurant, floor of the this room restaurant, is ideal for this room private is ideal for functi privateons and meeti ngs.and The functions built-in data projector and screen meeti facilityngs. makes The this the data perfect area for working built-in projector and screenbreakfasts, facility makes presentati ons and product launches. choose this the perfect area for working breakfasts, from a variety of choice set menus for large presentations and product launches. choose groups or customise yourset own for afor private from a variety of choice menus large dining groupsexperience. or customise your own for a private dining experience.
uniT G11 /G12, coLoSSeuM BuiLDinG, cenTuRY WAY, cenTuRY ciTY uniT G11 /G12, coLoSSeuM BuiLDinG, cenTuRY WAY, cenTuRY ciTY
12pm - 10:30pm - Monday to Saturday - Tel: 021 823 3033 www.peti Follow us- on Twitt @caveau_za - 10:30pm - Monday to- Saturday Tel: 021er823 3033 - Follow us on Twitter @caveau_za
DE NECkER DENTiSTRy CENTuRy CiTy Our first Cape Town branch opened in May 2010 with Dr. Eduan Weber at the helm. This addition is the flagship of the de Necker Group, featuring the very latest equipment. Open Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 17:30 Sat and public holidays: 08:00 to 12:00. A dentist is available on call after hours. Dentists Drs Eduan Weber, Gys De Necker, Daniel Nel and Marie-Louise Babst. Oral Hygienists Rone Walters, Faith Denis-Thyssen.
SERviCES iNCLuDE: • aesthetic dentistry • bright smile procedure • cerec porcelain restorations • crowns and bridges • endodontics • implantology • laboratory services • oral surgery • oral hygiene • orthodontics • pedodontics • periodontology • tempero mandibular joint disorders
Teneo House, Central Park on Esplanade, Century City Tel: 021 801 2891 | Fax: 021 551 1012 | Email:
Century City events mAy
Fathers Day Campout on Intaka Saturday 15 June Dads and kids have loads of fun canoeing, wall climbing and braai-ing and spend the night camping on Intaka!
Bird Week at Intaka 18 - 22 May Bird Ringing Demonstrations and sunset talks all in the name of birding!
juNe Sushi Making evenings 5 & 6 June Learn to make 5 different types of sushi – a seriously fun-filled evening!
Century City Dinner Club 31 May | Knife Restaurant Food, fun and entertainment!
Business Breakfast 26 June | DETAILS TBC
for more information on century city events contact bianca on or 021 552 6889
century city natural Goods Market back in the spring
The Century City Natural Goods Market, which takes place on the last Sunday of the month between September and May each year, has gone into hibernation until Spring. The market has become renowned for its healthy gourmet meals, curries, salads, samoosas, smoked fish, fishcakes, biltong, pies, vegetarian, cheeses, home made beer, wine, specialty coffees, tea, cakes, cookies, preserves, olives, freshly baked farm breads, confectionary, jams, freshly squeezed juice and smoothies to mention just a few. It also offers a fine selection of arts and crafts, live music and/or entertainment and a host of other attractions for the family. The next market will take place on Sunday 28 September. See you there! For details visit
century city’s official Golf day takes place on october
Century City’s official annual golf day will take place on Friday 25 October at Atlantic Beach Golf Club. The day provides networking opportunities for the Century City community with a percentage of proceeds going to the Intaka Island Environmental Education Centre to help fund its educational outreach programmes. The field will be limited to 30 four-balls, so diarise the date to avoid disappointment and email your interest to to be sure to secure your place.
Century City Sports Festival
Ratanga Junction Theme Park
10-DAY JULY JOL @ Friday 5 to Sunday 14 July Over 30 rides and attractions to warm u up!
Thousands of sports men and women participated in the fifth annual Century City Sports Festival held over the first weekend in March with the signature event of the three day festival - the 10km Century City Express attracting around 1600 runners. The winner of the 10km Century City Express was Nkosinathi Madyo of Nedbank in a time of 30:05. Nkozinathi came second in 2012. Second home this year was Lindikhaya Mathangayi of Itheko in a time of 30:51 followed by Mathandaso Qhiwa of Nedbank in a time of 31:01. The first woman home was Zintle Xiniwe of Max Elite in a time of 34:35. Zintle also won in 2012 but this year bettered her time by 1:75. She was followed by Bulelwa Simae of Nedbank in a time of 35:44 and
Running in Century City colours, three times Comrades winner, Vladimir Kotov, was the first Masters over 50 home in the 10km Century City Express over the weekend in a time of 33:47. Running with him are Babalo Hambi of Itheko and Morne Kammies of Sanlam.
Ulrica Stander of New Balance in a time of 36:49. Three times Comrades Winner, Vladimir Kotov, who runs in Century City colours, was the first Masters over 50 runner home for the third consecutive year in a time of 33:47.
The Century City Sports Festival is aimed at both teams and individual participants and provides both participatory and spectator sports, including a 2,5km FunRun/Walk, Touch Rugby tournaments, Five-a-side Corporate Soccer competitions, Criterium Road Circuit Cycling races, Junior and Senior Canoe Races, Western Province Trials for Canoe Polo, Stand Up Paddling, a Dragon Boat Regatta and an under 11 six-a-side Cricket tournament. for full festival results and photographs go to Info line: 0861 200 300
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Terms and conditions apply
This winter, live the Crystal Life at the African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa with our winter indulgence at the Towers Restaurant designed to entice the senses in a setting that echoes the innovative modern design of the hotel. Our spacious fine-dining area overlooks a display kitchen that reveals our world class chefs in action - truly a sight to behold.
Experience culinary excellence with a 3 course set menu designed to captivate your taste buds and leave you with a sense of warmth and comfort on a chilly winter’s night. R270 per person Offer valid from 01 May 2013 until 30 September 2013. Dinner served from 19h00.
R50 per person Includes a complimentary frappe. Available Monday – Friday, from 12h30 to 15h00.
ENJOY OUR NEW GOURMET FLATBREADS, WINE AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every Wednesday from 8 May, from 17h00 to 20h00.
For more information on the above, special occasions such as Mothers or Fathers Day or general bookings, please contact or + 27 (0) 21 525 3888 PHDS 27323/13