Century City Edits #3

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issue 3 July/Aug 2012

edits magazine

Rabie’s Natasha Lassen as Coco Hart Monroe

Century City Security

There is no doubt one of Century City’s greatest attractions is how safe and secure the precinct is. Our strategy of combining the use of cutting edge technology with highly visible policing and rapid emergency response has proven very successful in curbing crime. Security at Century City works on a three tier system. First, the Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA) is responsible for security in the common areas or the public realm. Second, the commercial property owners and the Body Corporates and Home Owners’ Associations of residential complexes are responsible for the security of their developments, while the third tier of security rests with individual property owners who are responsible for the security of their units. Elsewhere in this edition we take a more in-depth look at security measures in place at Century City. We call on all stakeholders at Century City to assist us in keeping our precinct safe and secure by reporting any suspicious behavior to our control room on 021 552 0289. If we are all vigilant and work together we can achieve our goal of a 100% crime-free precinct.

Chris’s Corner

Chris Blackshaw

CEO | Century City Property Owners’ Association


Welcome to the third edition of City Edits, Century City’s official magazine aimed at entertaining you and keeping you informed of what is going on in our burgeoning precinct. The new format of the magazine is aimed at keeping you abreast via quick-to-read, bite-sized chunks of information. We have had a positive response to the inaugural editions but would welcome further feedback, particularly in terms of how you believe we can improve. So keep those comments and suggestions coming by emailing us at michael@b-guided.co.za City Edits is also available online and you can read and subscribe to the online edition at www.issuu.com/centurycity.

Maggie Rowley

Communications Manager | CCPOA

Published by b-guided> media

b-guided> Media

Publisher & paper folder: Michael Beatham | 079 767 6343 | michael@b-guided.co.za General & Production Manager: Alex Tulleken | 082 221 7541 | alex@b-guided.co.za Managing & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | michele@b-guided.co.za Features Editor & photographer: Cindy Taylor | 082 929 5384 | cindy@ilovecoffee.co.za Design & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | elinore@iafrica.com cover photo: Natasha Lassen photographed by Christine Gouws Photography


Our Growing City New R85m Business Centre for Century City

A new 4000 square metre office block is to be developed at Century City at a cost of R85million for The Business Centre group. The group provides furnished, serviced offices to businesses of various sizes in Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal, but this will be their first Business Centre in Cape Town, extending their

national footprint. The four-storey modern building, designed by Vivid Architects, is being developed as a joint venture between The Business Centre and the Rabie Property Group on a site on the corner of Ratanga Road and Century Boulevard. Bulk earthworks are currently underway, with the main contractor expected to move on site shortly. Completion is scheduled for June 2013.

Century City sales top R300million

Residential sales at Century City by Property World, the official on site agents, topped R300million in the past financial year to end June – the highest in five years. Of this, more than R230million were for new development sales while re-sales accounted for just over R72million. The R300million-plus sales for the past financial year compares to R163million in 2010/2011, R177million in 2009/2010, R83million in 2008/2009 and R230million in 2008/2009. The last time sales of this magnitude were seen was in the boom years 2006/2007, when total sales exceeded R407million. Boosting sales in the past year has been the launch of a number of new developments, in

particular Quayside, where 84% of the 63 luxury apartments have been sold, and Quaynorth, an exclusive, niche development of 28 apartments that was launched recently and where buyers snapped up 50% of the units in the first week. Strong sales were also recorded in Crystal Towers Residence, where only 11 of the more than 90 luxury apartments remain to be sold. contact Property World on 021 555 0105


Community Matters A Safe and Secure Environment

CCTV and 24/7 Control Centre

Emergency Response

Any security or emergency incidents should be reported to the Control Centre on 021 552 0289.

Get Alarmed

An integrated wireless CCTV surveillance system with a network of dome and fixed cameras cover the gateway entrances and common areas of Century City. In all, 93 cameras are linked to digital video recorders in the centralised, state-of-theart control centre, which is manned 24 hours a day by a highly trained team of security officials ready to respond to any situation. They are in direct contact with SAPS and Council emergency services, as well as other security officers in Century City.

ORBIS CCTV surveillance operators keeping watch at the Century City Control Room.

Visible policing of the site is done by four Century City -branded response vehicles together with bicycle and foot patrols. There are also two dedicated Metro law enforcement officers and a City traffic officer working with our response team. The CCPOA team members, usually the first at the scene of an emergency incident, are trained to provide a security response, emergency first aid, a fire fighting response and traffic control until SAPS or the City emergency services arrive.

Pinewatch, which provides a comprehensive alarm installation, monitoring and response service, is Century City’s preferred service provider. The triggering of alarms is reported to Century City’s Control Centre, and Pinewatch response teams work hand in hand with those of Century City. For further details on the services they offer contact Mike McMahon on 079 110 6176 or email him at mike.pinewatch@webmail.co.za


Search, Share, Connect The Century City Community Portal

The Century City Community Portal is your online gateway to the Century City family. Advertise just about anything to anyone on the notice board or post vacancies on the job board. To join costs nothing, so visit www.centurycity.co.za, click the Century City Community link, and follow the prompts to receive a unique user profile login. User profiles and posting are exclusive to community members, but boards can be viewed by all site visitors. Coming soon: an online voucher system giving you access to discounts and vouchers from Century City outlets and businesses.

Century City Survey

The Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA) is conducting a Service Improvement Survey giving property owners, residents, tenants, all who work here and visitors the opportunity to assess the service received from the CCPOA. Please visit www.centurycity.co.za and click the survey button on the homepage; it takes only a minute or two, and provides us with invaluable feedback!

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Our Growing City

Civils contract to unlock land for development

Civil work has started on an 8hectare site at Century City – the largest remaining undeveloped tract of land in the precinct - to unlock a number of land parcels for development. The R8,2million civils contract has been awarded to Neill Zaaiman Civils who moved on site in June. The first land parcel to be unlocked will be the site of a new private school, Curro Century City, which is scheduled to open in January 2013 and construction of which has started. The civils contract includes the construction of a new road, Socrates Way, the installation of municipal services, the extension of Century City Connect – Century City’s fibre optic backbone, a pocket, as well as a non-motorised transport system involving a pedestrian and bicycle route. The bulk infrastructure will also unlock a new residential precinct of about 160 homes, which would be developed in a number of phases, and a 20,000m2 office park to be developed according to market demand.

Final phase of Central Park launching soon

The third and final phase of Central Park, an 18,000 square metre low rise office park in Century City, will be launched soon. This follows the completion of the first two phases of the development comprising 10 stand-alone buildings totalling around 12,000m2. Lettings in phase two of Central Park, the Courtyard precinct, has gone well, with one building let to BASF and 65 percent of the 18 units in a second 2,200m2 sectional title building sold and the balance under negotiation. Construction of phase two is nearing completion and transfer of the units will be from August 2012. Phase three will comprise five freestanding buildings ranging in size from 768m2 to 2,012m2. Construction of the first building of around 1,000m2 is expected to start soon.


The Art of Life

There are no one-size-fits-all instructions for life, but were a set to be written, Natasha Lassen could undoubtedly contribute. Marketing and Development Assistant at Rabie, Natasha has worked at Century City for over a decade and still gets a thrill being here. “I am astounded at how it continues to become more beautiful over the years. We take great pride in our developments and also give great attention to the landscaping - I love that,” she says. Asked what she loves about her job, Natasha says, “The diversity it offers me. I am always learning new things. At the moment I’m learning how to become an SEO specialist and how to apply this knowledge to business.” And when she leaves the office behind? A Burlesque Beginners Workshop for a girls’ night out two years ago led to a suggestion that Natasha audition for Black Orchid, a well-known Burlesque group. And that, she says, was that. “I became a burlesque dancer whose weekends are filled with glitter, feathers, sisterhood and a hand drawn Marilyn Monroe beauty mask.” Natasha’s stage name is Coco Hart Monroe. “I love dressing up with corsets, feather boas and glitter make-up. I love theatre life. I love to sing and perform and with burlesque I get to do it all. It’s one of my creative releases (I also do

‘green’ photo by christine gouws photography. ‘white’ photo by crowtography

photography). My friendship circle also continues to grow as I connect with other burlesque dancers throughout the world and my fellow Cape Town burly dancers have become like family to me.” Besides having fun, Burlesque has taught Natasha to celebrate femininity, body and spirit. It’s given her confidence, on stage and in everyday life. She believes it’s something all women deserve. Work-life balance is too dry a term; Natasha Lassen is mastering the art of life.


Century City News Tailored packages by Century City Connect

Century City Connect, which provides the country’s fastest broadband access within the Century City precinct, has created new, tailor-made packages to suit the local market. Operations manager Hein de Swardt said they had been working closely with the initial four accredited service providers - Internet Solutions, MTN Business , Frogfoot Networks and Atech Technologies - to introduce exciting new packages, including 20Mbps, 30Mbps and 50Mbps access packages, which could well be the fastest access packages available in South Africa. The backbone and distribution networks have been deployed such that fibre connectivity now covers the majority of the Century City footprint. Additionally, 21 access builds deploying the network into various buildings have been completed, providing fibre connectivity to more than 174 businesses and 42 residential units. De Swardt said that new customers could be connected to the network within 10 working days after signing with an Internet Service Provider if fibre is available in their precinct. “If no fibre is available in their area it could take up to 20 working days but that will only be in exceptional cases. Feasibilities are done for all builds. “In either case, this is a fraction of the time customers usually have to wait for fibre services in the South African market.”

For more info contact call 084 558 0391 or visit www.centurycityconnect.com

Century City Welcomes

Dr Lienka Botha and Partners is a unique interdisciplinary practice with a general practitioner, physiotherapist and biokineticist offering individualised treatment to all patients. The team aims to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to treating musculoskeletal pain and specialises in revolutionary care for axial spinal pain, shoulder, hip and knee problems, as well as sports injuries & post-operative rehabilitation. Dr Lienka Botha and Partners is also the first practice in the Western Cape to offer the Documentation Based Care (DBC) active spine care program to facilitate musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Developed in Finland over the past 20 years, DBC is offered by treatment providers in over 22 countries across five continents. It is currently used to treat long-term back, neck, shoulder, hip and knee problems, with a success rate in excess of 85% after an average of three to nine weeks’ treatment.

Unit 12, Millenium Business Park, Edison Way 021 555 0778 | www.lienkabothaandpartners.co.za


Rising Star at Century City It’s rare to meet someone who discovers their passion at an early age then sets out to achieve their dreams, rising to prominence in the process. A family outing to a Grand West show soon after his family relocated from Johannesburg to Cape Town (and to Crystal Towers in 2011) set the then three year old Ancio vanTonder on a path his parents possibly never imagined. So taken with the figure skating, Ancio lived for what became daily trips to the ice rink. Within a year Ancio was spotted by trainer Dantin Broodryk and has never looked back. Only 14 years old, Ancio is a five-time national figure-skating champion within his age group; he won his first title at six. He has achieved WP colours five times and SA colours six times. In fact, he remains the youngest figure-skater to achieve

SA colours. His success has led to invitations to perform, including at a Charity Gala in Canada later this year. Ancio’s goals include the 2018 Winter Olympics and the Junior and Senior World Championships. To help him reach his goals he regularly travels to Canada - alone - for training and competitions. One of these trips involved an eight-month stay with a host family, remarkable for someone so young. Those who follow their dreams are inspirational, more so when they are able to balance training and discipline with studies, rest and relaxation. Ancio does, with grace and a maturity that belies his years. There is little doubt he will achieve his goals and we wish him all the best along the way.


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Winter Indulgence at The Towers Winter is a time for indulgence and there is no better place than at The Towers restaurant at African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa. Executive Chef, Abbas Abrahams, who has been with the Protea Hotels group since 1982 when he began his culinary career as an in-house trainee, has put his best foot forward and created a winter menu that is simply heavenly. The gastronomical extravagance begins with an Amuse of mushroom velouté cappuccino, truffle oil, crème fraiche and shitake wontons. From there, take your pick from a warm lentil, potato, chickpea and coriander salad, or one with mixed baby salad leaves, raspberry and tomato vinaigrette. Mains are braised lamb shank, butternut, potato puree and sweet tomato chili chutney, or the Two Oceans seafood potjie, served with basmati rice and mango salsa. To satisfy your sweet tooth choose from one of three warm desserts: sweet potato butternut tart, chocolate coffee pudding or warm apple cake with a cinnamon semi-freddo. If dessert is not for you, there’s a selection of tangy South African cheeses with preserves and port for two. Pure indulgence at its best. to book call 021 525 3888 or email conferencing@crystaltowershotel.com R250 per person, valid until 30 september


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Community News Kotov first Masters home in 2012 Comrades

The 2012 Century City Golf Challenge set for August 3

The 2012 Century City Golf Challenge, which had to be postponed due to bad weather, will now take place on Friday, August 3. There are still a few four balls available for this prestigious, fun event, which is the highlight on the Century City Corporate networking calendar. This year we are introducing a charity auction at the dinner, with all proceeds going to the Intaka Island Environmental Education Trust. If you have not already enrolled, get in quickly to avoid disappointment. To book call Lisa at Golf Partners on 021 555 3841

Karate Club students excel in WP Champs

The Century City “Goju Ryu” Karate Club students excelled in the recent Western Cape Goju Ryu Karate Championships held in Paarl and are all going to compete in the South African Goju Ryu Karate Championships in August. Pictured below, from left to right: Michaela Hanekom, Christen Hanekom, Wayne Preuss Back row: Wesley Edwards, James Genis, Sensei Naude Gouws, Archie Preuss

Call Sensei Naude Gouws on 083 956 1845 or visit www.naudegojuryukarate.wordpress.com

Three times Comrades winner, former Olympian and Century City’s brand ambassador, Vladimir Kotov, was the first Masters runner home and the 21st runner overall in the 2012 Comrades Marathon, which he completed in a time of 5 hours 48 minutes and 12 seconds. This downhill run was the thirteenth Comrades Marathon undertaken by the 53-yearold athlete, who has won seven gold medals in this ultra-Marathon. The three times he won - 2000, 2002 and 2004 - were all uphill races. He has come third on two occasions and in fourth position once, and other than last year when he was thwarted by a tummy bug and leg cramps, he has always completed the race in under six hours. Belarus-born Kotov, who settled in South Africa in 2001, was also the first Masters home in this year’s Two Oceans Marathon, which he says he used as a practice run for the Comrades. Kotov is a founder member of the Century City Athletic Club, lives in Atlantic Beach. and has a sports shop in the Ratanga Golf Centre at Century City.


Century City Events in August Business Networking Breakfast 7 August | Venue TBC; email bianca@ centurycity.co.za Guest speaker: Ryan Sandes Century City Golf Day 3 August | Atlantic Beach Golf Resort Century City Women’s Day Brunch 4 August | Crystal Towers Conference Centre Guest Speaker: Amor Vittone

Scene around Century City











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