issue si x Mar/Apr 2013
edits magazine
Curro School Grade Rs Polar Bears Class having fun on Valentine’s Day
looking forward
2013 promises to be another busy year for Century City with businesses, residents and investors continuing to be drawn to our city within a city and all it has to offer. In fact, the built form at Century City has more than tripled in the past eight years, with further major developments currently underway and in the pipeline. The Century City Property Owners’ Association has adapted and endeavoured to respond to this surge in development and to the changing and increasing demands of all our stakeholders and we look forward to the challenge of continuing to provide cutting edge, high quality and cost effective urban management in our growing city. Special additional capital projects planned for this year include a further rollout of CCTV surveillance and security solution on the newly deployed fibre optic network; canal edge and road structural maintenance and repairs and a traffic guidance and vehicle messaging system.
Published by b-Guided> Media
b-guided> Media
Chris’s Corner
Chris Blackshaw
CEO | Century City Property Owners’ Association
Welcome to the sixth issue of City Edits, our Century Citycentric magazine which aims to keep you abreast of what’s going on within our burgeoning precinct. 2013 sees many new developments coming on stream – Fives Futbol, Curro Private School and Ashton Park to name a few. It also sees a lot of new faces in our midst and we introduce you to some of them in these pages. Remember this magazine is for you and we would love to hear from you about what you like and what you don’t and how we can improve on it going forward. Email your ideas to Enjoy the read!
Maggie Rowley
Communications Manager | CCPOA
Publisher & PaPer folder: Michael Beatham | 079 767 6343 | General & Production ManaGer: Alex Tulleken | 082 221 7541 | ManaGinG & online editor: Michele Attwood | 079 586 7926 | adVertisinG ManaGer: Tyrrone Lloyd | 072 017 2156 | desiGn & layout: Elinore de Lisle | 083 574 8937 | coVer Photo: Grade R children at Curro School photographed by Bianca Church
Our Growing City
first phase of ashton Park launches
Waterberry, the first phase of Ashton Park, a new R245 million residential development by the Rabie Property Group, officially launched on 21 February. The last water-fronting residential development planned at Century City, Waterberry comprises 43 one, two and three bedroom apartments ranging in size from 87 square metres to 192 square metres, including balcony. There are also two duplex penthouses of 170 square metres. Prices range from R1,195,000 to R2,695,000. The four-storey Waterberry building, to be built next to the Little Moorings development, will offer basement parking, a lift and 24 hour access control. Each unit will have access to Century City Connect’s world class open access fibre optic network and multi-media connections, as well as individually-metered hot water supply from bulk hot water storage heated by highly efficient heat pumps.
Project manager Miguel Rodrigues said unit sizes were generous and larger than usual as they anticipated a large number of owner occupiers including families due to the close proximity of the new Curro Private School, which is proving to be a very strong drawcard. Construction of Waterberry is set to break ground in March 2013 and is due for completion in May 2014. When completed, Ashton Park will consist of 140 apartments in four sectional title blocks and seven villas. The entire develop-ment is being financed by Nedbank Corporate Property Finance. The launch of Ashton Park has been accelerated due to the strong demand for units in Quayside and Quaynorth, both of which are still under constructions and where 93% of the 91 apartments have been sold. for more information about ashton park, contact the on-site sales agents at property world 021 555 0105
Precinct demarcations now colour coded
You might have noticed a bit of additional colour creeping into some of the Century City signage in recent months. New way-finding signage demarcating the different Century City precincts has recently been introduced. Each precinct has a strategically placed precinct marker – each in a different colour – in the middle of the precinct, and smaller precinct markers on their boundaries. Street name signs are also in the colour of the precinct in which they fall. The colour coding of the different precincts is designed to make it easier for people to find their way around Century City and you might find it useful when giving people directions. See map on next page...
Canal Walk Precinct
Intaka Precinct
Mercantile Precinct
Bridgeways Precinct
Century View Precinct
Grand Moorings Precinct
Grand Central Precinct
The Estuaries Precinct
Century Gate Precinct
Waterford Precinct
Precinct Marker
Community News fives futbol corporate league launches The Century City Corporate Five-a-side Soccer League started on Monday February 4 in the new Fives Futbol flagship arena, which opened in December. Fives FutbolCEO Adam Fine said that since its soft opening they have hosted more than 150
socials, creating awareness and signing teams for the Century City Corporate League. The league, which has a capacity for 72 teams, is priced at R3250 per team per season and consists of 10 games per team over as many weeks. “We already have over 40 teams signed up and expect to be at least 75% full by the time
we kick off.” He said the Ajax Soccer School will launch at the facility in March. The cost is R800 for a term of 10 weeks and a once-off kit cost of R300. Going forward, the arena will offer corporate five-a-side leagues in the evening, host the Ajax Soccer School in the afternoons and be a platform for charities and CSI programmes in the mornings and off-peak periods. In a special deal struck with the Rabie Property Group, 75% of the profits from the football operations will be ploughed into Sinenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park. for further details contact daniel on or telephone him on 0837995447
2013 levy increase below inflation The Century City Property Owners’ Association has again managed to keep the annual increase in levies to below inflation. Levies have increased by 5% for 2013, the same as last year. In 2011 the increase was 4.9%. The 2013 levy on offices is R2.60/bulk m2; retail R2.48/ bulk m2 ; hotels R123.45 per room and residences R128.62 per unit.
Myciti coming to century city MyCiTi will introduce a feeder route service from Century City Train Station through Century City to Montague Gardens by the middle of 2013. Until then, the Century City Shuttle Service will continue to operate. The service started using the new MyCiTi Bus Stops and Shelters on Century Boulevard and Century Avenue in January. Monthly Shuttle Vouchers cost R70 and Single Ride Tickets R4.
Intaka news
baillons crake at intaka island
A Baillons Crake was spotted in Intaka Island bird sanctuary in early February, creating a stir among tweeters and photographers who have been descending in their droves in the hope of catching a glimpse of this normally very elusive bird. News of the first spotting went viral over twitter and the Intaka facebook page, and birders and photographers from all over have been arriving daily at the crack of dawn and staying for hours in the hope of getting another sighting. Avid birdwatcher and a member of the Intaka Island / Blouvlei Environmental Management Committee, Margaret said that the Baillons Crake was a “very very secretive bird”. “We have one previous record of it being spotted at Intaka back in the late 1990s, but it disappeared on the same day it was seen. So as can be expected Intaka has been extremely busy recently, especially around 6am, as this bird is only seen in the early mornings - if at all. “Many photographers got photos, which is quite a coup with this bird, and one can see them on the Intaka Facebook page” contact alan liebenberg, century city’s environmental office on 021 5526889 or on 0836518165.
controlled burn of intaka island
A controlled burn on Intaka Island will take place during the week of 19th March. This is required in terms of the Century City Environmental Management Plan and is endorsed by the Intaka Island / Blouvlei Management Committee. The exact day of the burn will be weather dependent. Century City Environmental Manager, Alan Liebenberg, says they have applied to the City for a permit to burn 2,5ha of the 8ha Sand plain fynbos in the ephemeral pans and the
burn will be undertaken by a professional service provider. “In terms of the Environmental Management Plan we need to undertake a burn every 15 years. We have divided the pans into three parts and will do them over the next three to six years depending on the regrowth from the first burn.” The first section of Intaka Island to be burnt will be along its eastern banks in front of the Waterview Park and Liberty Life buildings. A comprehensive information and educational campaign will be rolled out ahead of time.
Meet Mr Three and Four Listed private school company, Curro Holdings, opened a brand new school at Century City in January and the principal, Sean Friedenthal, oozes a passion for education out of every pore. With 23 years’ experience in education, Sean Friedenthal or Mr Three and Four as he is generally known to the learners - was previously principal of the Western Cape Sports School and before then he was at Rondebosch Boys High School and St Martin’s in Johannesburg. A deep thinker who never takes anything just at face value and strives to find the inner truth, Sean looks in the mirror every morning and tells himself it is going to be a good day. “And it is. It is all about having the right attitude and I share that with my learners,” says Sean who knew from a very early age that he wanted to be a teacher, and who still believes it is the greatest career one can have. He says enrolments at the school for the first year at just
under 300 was 50% higher than they had initially anticipated. With classes of around 25 pupils, the school currently caters for grade RR through to Grade 5 but will extend to Grades 6 & 7 next year. With 55 classrooms of which only 33 are currently being utilised, it has been built to accommodate around 800 learners and he is confident they will be at full capacity within a few years. A high school is also in the planning stages. “The decision was made to build the entire primary school in one go to avoid disrupting classes during construction.” Curro Century City, the group’s fifth school in the Western Cape, is the group’s first new concept “City school”, which will have a bigger academic
focus than the traditional larger Curro campuses and will also offer a range of activities from chess and art to music and drama, as well as various sports codes. “We believe in the uniqueness of each child and ensuring that we provide them with the necessary tools and opportunities to reach their full potential.” Sean is married to Anne, a teacher at Fairmont High School and they have two children – a 19 year old son, Maverick, who “lives up to his name in every sense” and who is currently on a gap year in England, and a 15 year old daughter, Kelly, who is at Fairmont High and “who also lives up to the meaning of her name, a strong warrior woman.”
Community News
Sinenjongo High School in Joe Slovo Park continues its meteoric turnaround, achieving a 94% pass rate in the 2012 matric examinations, and was again named one of the 10 most improved schools in the Western Cape. The 94% pass rate is an improvement on last year’s 88% pass rate and a far cry from the abysmal 27% of five years ago. 33 learners (34,4%) achieved Bachelor passes , required for university, up from 19 (21,8%) in 2011, and 38 learners achieved a Diploma pass, required for a diploma course at tertiary level. Highlights include a 100% pass rate in English First Additional Language, Computer Applications Technology, Tourism and IsiXhosa Home Language. The pass rate for Accounting was 92%, Economics 96%, Geography 92%, Physical Science 88%, Maths Literacy
95% and Maths 71%. The number of learners writing also increased to 92, from less than 40 in 2007. Top student, Simbarashe Fadzi achieved five As – mathematics, Geography, Life Sciences, Physical Science and Life Orientation - and two Bs, for English and isiXhosa. Rabie Property Group sponsored Sinenjongo as the major beneficiary of its Social Investment programme five years ago and, together with other sponsors, including the Platteklip Charity Challenge, Ratanga Junction and the Mackay Family Foundation,
funds salaries of five additional teachers and programmes aimed at increasing maths, science and English proficiency. Principal Mrs Khuleswa Nopote, who joined Sinenjongo two years ago, said she was delighted at the continued improvement. “It is testament to what can be achieved through hard work and a team effort with the staff and learners, the department, the parents and the sponsors all working closely together.” for further details contact mrs khuleswa nopote on 082 720 9362 or maggie rowley (rabie property group) on 082 453 8884.
New faces Meet the new est ccPoa team member
Richard Mandula is the newest member of the Century City Property Owners’ (CCPOA) management team. Richard joined the CCPOA
as Transport Manager in September last year and is responsible for the smooth running of public transport to and from Century City. His responsibilities include, among other things, contracting with taxi drivers, liaising with the
various taxi operators, ensuring the Shuttle Bus runs on schedule and negotiating with the City on the rollout of the MyCiTi service to Century City. richard is contactable on 082 371 9248 or email him at
Welcome to the Fast Lane! Century City Connect offers Century City residents and businesses a fibre optic backbone giving you: • Unrivalled upload and download internet speeds • An open access network via which select Internet Service Providers can offer competitive packages tailored to your needs • Enhanced productivity through revolutionary broadband and data speeds, video conferencing and VoIP Get connected now! Visit our state-of-the-art Simulation Centre at Crystal Towers, Rialto Road. Phone: 084 558 0391
Food of the Gods With Easter on the horizon, divine melt-in-the-mouth chocolate takes centre stage for many. It is not surprising that the cacao tree is named Theobroma Cacao, meaning “Food of the Gods.” only passions.” So enamoured was she that she had a maid whose sole function was to prepare her chocolate drink! ChoColAte SpreAd In 1657, the first chocolate house opened in London. In 1674, a coffee house in London started serving chocolate in cakes and rolls. In 1677 Brazil established cocoa plantations. Between 1704 and 1755, it was introduced in Germany, Vienna and The United States. Rapid growth and innovation included invention of the cocoa press and candy. A brief hiStory Chocolate has a rich history that dates back 4000 years to the Amazon, where it is believed the cacao tree originated. It was used as a drink, in religious ceremonies - the cocao pod symbolised life and fertility - and as currency. Counting beAnS Hernando de Oviedo y Valdez is said to have bought a slave for 100 cocoa beans in 1513, while 10 beans bought the services of a prostitute and 4 beans, a rabbit for dinner. europe getS involved Chocolate’s destiny was set on course with the arrival of the Spanish in South America. Christopher Columbus, credited as the first European to discover cacao beans as currency and as a
drink, presented Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain with cacao beans on his return to Europe. Sweetening the proCeSS It was Hernán Cortés, however, who realised its true value. He established a cocoa plantation, presented then Spanish King, Charles V, with beans, and inspired the addition of sugar and other flavourings to make the chocolate drink more palatable. A SeCret ShAred Spain may have wanted to hold onto this delectable secret, but by 1643 it was embraced by the French court, and much of France by 1650. the world’S firSt ChoCoholiC? It is said that Princess Maria Theresa of Spain gave her fiancé an engagement gift of chocolate and once declared that, “Chocolate and the King are my
enter the SwiSS In 1875 Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter introduced the first milk chocolate. Four years later Rodolphe Lindt invented conching, the technique that gives it that “melt in the mouth” quality. By 1900 Switzerland was the world’s leading chocolate producer and innovator.
Real South African Chocolate For a long time, the only quality chocolate available in South Africa was imported, but this is changing. The craft – or perhaps the art - of chocolate is appreciated by more and more discerning chocolate lovers and South Africa now boasts a number of excellent artisan chocolatiers, including two bean-to-bar chocolate makers, both based right here in the Western Cape.
DV Chocolate sources beans from 25 different origins worldwide, slow roasts, grinds and conches and adds nothing but authentic ingredients – no flavourants, colourants, vegetable fats, soya lecithin or vanilla – to produce a range of superb chocolate in beautiful packaging. You can visit DV in Paarl for chocolate tours, tastings, pairings and workshops. Visit the website for details.
Based in Woodstock and founded in 2011 by Thor Thorøe and Antonino Allegra, CocoáFair is only the second bean-to-bar artisan chocolate enterprise in the country. It’s also the only chocolate maker with a strong social enterprise ethic. CocoáFair believes in “business for the greater good” and incorporates socially responsible practices throughout the business, from the people to the process to the planet, complementing this with community projects and skills development.
dV artisan chocolate
If ever you wanted to know about chocolate, DV’s website is the place to visit. A veritable mine of fascinating information, but here’s the important stuff: Our taste buds may have been numbed by commercial chocolate bars, but real chocolate contains more than 600 flavour compounds, making it deliciously complex.
CocoáFair offers factory tours and an interactive evening all about bean-to-bar artisanal chocolate: informative, fun and plenty of goodies to take home!
don’t miss:
roCoCoA Rococoa, based at The Palms Lifestyle Centre in Woodstock, has a factory where they make delectable moulded chocolate and offer tastings, tours and workshops. There’s a restaurant with an intriguing menu, about 40% of which features chocolate, and a fascinating chocolate museum. They do parties and other events too! honeSt ChoColAte Makers of the finest raw chocolate delights, free of additives and sugar; agave nectar is used instead. Two outlets, in Wale Street, Cape Town – where the chocolate magic is woven - and the Woodstock Exchange, stock an array of tempting chocolate delights in gorgeous packaging.
Ratanga Junction Theme Park
WE ARE OPEN WEEKENDS (Sat & Sun) Don’t forget to join the Ratanga CLUB! It’s FREE
and DAILy from 28 March - 7 April for school holidays
BONUs DAys: 13/14 April • 20/21 April • 27/28 April Visit the Wildest Place In Africa for more than 30 exhilarating attractions for the whole family Info line: 0861 200 300
Terms and conditions apply
Summer Fun ratanga extends its summer season
You do not want the Summer to end and neither does Ratanga Junction. Due to popular demand, the theme park is extending its bumper summer season and will open for weekends through to 24 March and then daily for the school holidays from 28 March - 7 April 2013. General Manager, Bill Taylor, said opening for Saturdays and Sundays would enable the park and its guests to make the most of the very best weather in Cape Town. “Our guests have spoken and we have listened and are very pleased to be able to accommodate this demand,” he said. The park’s operating times are
from 10am until 5pm. Ticket prices are R162 for Adventurer Rider Tickets for those 1.3m or taller. Mini Adventurer Rider Tickets for those under 1.3m cost R80 while a Fun Pass, which includes entry into the park as well as travelling
around the park by boat or train and access to all the exciting live entertainment, costs R55. Ticket prices exclude the Slingshot which is ticketed separately at R55 per ride. Booking at the Slingshot on the day is essential as numbers are limited.
Century City Sports Festival Century City’s hugely popular annual Sports Festival, which includes a 10km Road Race, takes place this year from Friday 1 March until Sunday 3 March.
This is the fifth consecutive year that the sports festival, which is aimed at both corporate teams and individual participants, has been held and it is continuing to grow exponentially. Chris Blackshaw, CEO of the Century City Property Owners’ Association, the non-profit company responsible for the day to day running of Century City, said this year’s festival promises to be even bigger and better than previous years. Providing both participatory and spectator sports, the Festival will again be held in and around Central Park and will include fun, food and entertainment for the whole family.
The signature event of the Festival is the 10km Century City Express, which forms part of the Western Province Athletics calendar. Building on the success of previous years, the race is over a flat, fast course and is again expected to attract a large number of runners attempting to achieve personal best times over the distance. The race starts at 7am with registration from 5.30am. This year runners can also enter online through Cash prizes will be awarded to category winners and places with the first 1000 finishers receiving medals. The 10km race will be
14 followed by a 2,5km Family Fun Run/Walk at 7.15am. The Festival will also include Corporate Touch Rugby and Five-a-side Soccer tournaments, a Road Cycling Kermesse, Junior and Senior Canoe and SUP Marathons, a Canoe Polo tournament, a Dragon Boat Regatta as well as Junior Touch Rugby and Under 11 six-a-side Cricket. Great spot prizes, medals and lucky draws for participants in all sporting events will be awarded. Corporate teams wishing to participate in the Touch Rugby tournaments should contact Neil or Graham on 021 4398646. Corporate teams wishing to take part in the 5-a-side Soccer should contact Daniel on 021 4331155 or email him on
Fri 1 March
Junior Touch Rugby
15:30 – 18:00
Central Park
Corporate Touch Rugby
18:00 – 23:00
Central Park
Dragon Boat 2000m
15:00 – 18:30
Grand Canal
Sat 2 March 10km Road Race
07:00 (reg from 05:30) Central Park
2.5km Fun Run/Walk
07:15 (reg from 06:00) Central Park
Dragon Boat 250m & 500m
09:00 – 18: 00
Grand Canal
U11 six-a-side Cricket
14:00 – 20:00
Central Park
Sun 3 March Cycling Kermesse
07:30 – 12:00
Canoeing, Stand Up Paddling 09:00 – 13:00
Link Road Grand Canal
Corporate five-a-side Soccer 11:00 – 17:00
Central Park
Canoe Polo
Grand Canal
14:00 – 17:00
general festival inquiries should be directed to alan liebenberg or bianca church on 021 5526889 or email for further details go to
century city Golf day
The Official Century City Golf Day, a highlight on our sports calendar, will be held in the third quarter of this year. The event promises to be bigger and better than ever before and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Remember the field is limited to 120 players so book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment Further details will be emailed to stakeholders shortly and on the website
Century City events FebRuARy
natural goods market Central Park | 24 February
Annual Sports festival Central Park | 1 – 3 March the business networking forum Date and venue TBC
Annual Century run Century Avenue E-Parking | 24 March natural goods market Central Park | 31 March