CEO magazine Volume 20 Issue 1

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celebrating excellence in organisations Vol 20 No 1 - 2020



A nnive rs ar y Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence GLOBAL

Expand your business Horizon



Travel Policy Retention Tool

Brave Brands Opportunity Beckons

Medical Waste Minimising Waste

Billions at Play African Energy Dream

Multi-Generational Diversity

9 771726 274709 1

R29.95 (INCL VAT)


Impacting productivity


for Success Professor Jesika Singh, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Limpopo

cides Pesti

Pesticides are classified according to the kind of pests they target, whether insects, rodents or plant diseases. In addition, pesticides are formulated to attack specific physiological (or botanical) processes that kill the organism as rapidly and effectively as possible.

Pesticides are used to protect crops against insects, weeds, fungi and other pests. They play a significant role in food production. They protect or increase yields and the number of times per year a crop can be grown on the same land. This is particularly important in countries that face food shortages, but...

They're Impossible to Wash Off Fruits and Vegetables While scrubbing (especially with a fruit and vegetable wash) can remove the majority of pesticides from the surface of fruits and vegetables, it’s impossible to remove it all. Some will always remain on the surface, and many pesticides are systemic, incorporated into the fruits and vegetables while they’re growing. Apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes are the worst offenders (and hence the most important produce to buy organic.)

Pesticide Exposure Causes Parkinson’s Disease The University of Colorado's recently conducted a long-term study to look at statewide pesticide exposure in connection with occurrence rates of Parkinson's disease and a significant correlation was revealed. Researchers tracked atrazine – a common pesticide used across the US – via groundwater records. Along these records, it was found that Parkinson's rates surged from 4 to 40%!

Pesticides are potentially toxic to humans and can have both acute and chronic health effects, depending on the quantity and ways in which a person is exposed.

BEEing careful There’s been a major decline in the bee population in recent years, and while the causes are manifold, pesticides play a serious role. The EPA classifies many pesticides as being toxic to honeybees, but warning labels don’t do much to curb the use of dangerous pesticides where honeybees are known to live and fly. If one honeybee brings contaminated pollen back to a hive, the whole hive can suffer.



A new – Opportunity


he past decade has been nothing if intriguing for Africa. It started off with a huge bang in the form of the 2010 FIFA World Cup - a first on African soil and ended with the African Continental Free Trade Agreement becoming a reality after years in the making. Of course, the past decade has been about more than just the headline events. Some key trends that have emerged during the past 10 years are: the sustainable emergence of youth and women empowerment, a mainstreaming of accountability and governance among African leaders and increasing regional co-operation. All of these and a host of other developments point to great promise for the continent. There is admittedly a long way to go before the continent reaches its full potential but the reality is that the perception is shifting and Africa no longer needs to be saved from itself. Perhaps the time is coming where the focus will be on the role Africa can play in saving disgruntled and bickering global super powers from themselves.

Valdi Pereira There is admittedly a long way to go before the continent reaches its full potential but the reality is that the perception is shifting and Africa no longer needs to be saved from itself.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


We celebrate


Providing high quality holistic care since 1970, Avril Elizabeth Home is a leader in the field of caring for the intellectually challenged. 011 822 22 33



Gary Allemann The most obvious benefit of hyperscale, and the one that is driving its adoption, is the ability to leverage on demand scaling in the cloud. However, this ability is also a notable risk. On demand scalability has the potential to spiral out of control, resulting in rapidly escalating costs and rampant bandwidth usage. Indiscriminately moving and storing all data in the cloud because hyperscale makes it possible is not necessarily a sound business decision. Without some way of controlling and managing data, capacity requirements will become a financial drain on organisations. In addition, indiscriminate storage of all data makes analytics harder since it becomes impossible to understand where business value might lie. Data quality is therefore also an important requirement in the hyperscale model. When it comes to moving data at scale into the cloud, organisations need to ask themselves: ‘how do we do this in a reliable way? How can we secure the data sharing agreements governing the data in the cloud? And ‘how do we manage these processes?’ Handling big data analytics in the cloud also requires new skill sets, depending on the exact functions that are migrated. For example, if an organisation leverages hosted services, then this will reduce the need for infrastructure management and low-level technical skills. Yet, hosted services increase the need for higherlevel data engineers. These data engineers must have the ability to move data into the cloud, keep it synchronised, and build multiple data pipelines for the organisation. They must also integrate data between the cloud environment and the on-premise environment.

hyperscale Going

Gary Allemann, Managing Director at Master Data Management

data management and governance are critical

The ability to gain insight from vast and evergrowing repositories of data can potentially be a source of significant competitive advantage. However, this kind of analytics requires an entirely new approach to infrastructure. As a result, big data analytics is driving the accelerated adoption of hyperscale computing, which delivers scalability on demand to meet growing workloads.


he challenge with hyperscale is that big data can create big problems if it is not effectively managed, and these problems are multiplied as the volumes of data increase. Data management and effective governance are therefore more critical than ever as organisations prepare to make the move to hyperscale computing.

Moreover, skills will be needed to ensure data quality, since analytics conducted on poor quality data will yield poor quality insights - a problem that is magnified when it comes to big data. Up until now, cloud has largely been a buzz word in South Africa, but businesses are starting to take the adoption of cloud technologies more seriously. The needs of organisations are changing as data changes, and hyperscale computing environments are becoming increasingly mainstream. In order to prepare for the hyperscale revolution, organisations need to start looking towards smart technologies like Syncsort Connect that assist to simplify big data development. Techniques such as real-time data analytics and streaming analytics will become increasingly necessary as data volumes continue to expand. These types of smart technologies help organisations with their data strategies and to manage data more effectively for enhanced analytics capabilities.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1




Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Limpopo, Professor Jesika Singh shares her views on the importance of innovation, how collaboration in the research space contributes to social development and the reality of adapting to digital savvy students.

REGULARS 2 Your World Unravelled 3 Editor’s Note 5 Insight 8 Flip Side 33 What’s Hot or Not


72 In Conversation With

14 Master Card So much more than just transactions


16 SM4RT An Early Start brings Early Rewards

44 Body Cams 46 Virtual Reality


47 Multi-Generational Workplaces

28 Wipe that Hard Drive! Look after your information

50 Expo Sector

30 Acts of Kindness

52 Planting Trees

Social Change and Sustainability

33 Absenteeism Rewards can curb problem

34 4IR An Opportunity for Government

36 Greed

54 Shifting South Africa


Alternative Investment Strategy

38 Driven by self-discipline Powered by Talent

40 Your Travel Policy A tool for attracting top talent

42 Office 2025 Home Away from Home


CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


56 Against the Odds 58 Loyalty Programmes 60 Medical Waste




18 Thomas Cook

62 Billions At Play

Lessons to Learn

Africa’s Energy Landscape

20 Difficult Periods

64 Guesthouse versus Hotel

Difficult situations create opportunity

Both offer Unique Experiences

22 Identity Theft

The Legend Rises Again

66 Porsche 911

GLOBAL Expand your business Horizon

Publisher CEO Global (Pty) Ltd Tel: 0861 CEO MAG Fax: (012) 667 6624 Tel: 012 667 6623 Chief Executive Annelize Wepener

Who goes There?

Director: Strategic Development & Editor in Chief Valdi Pereira

24 Brave brands

Director: Corporate & Financial Services Carl Wepener

Blind Luck or Clever Thinking?

Business Development Manager Joseph Gumbo

26 Crypto

General Manager: Global Services George Wepener

New Accountants Needed


Head of Production/Creative Manager Channette Raath Associate Editor Terry Owen CEO Class Administrator Nyahsa Rugara Tawanda Mandizvidza Farai Mandizvidza Manager: Corporate Support Raymond Mauelele



* No article or part of an article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. The information provided and opinions expressed in this publication are provided in good faith but do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or editor. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, neither the publisher nor the editor can be held legally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any facts or information provided or omitted in these pages, or from any statements made in or withheld by this publication.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1



We’re Calling It

Just as we did in early 2016 (okay, more like the third quarter of 2016) we are declaring Donald Trump the winner of the American elections. Yes, the real-estate mogul turned president is in for a tumultuous year (what’s new) but from afar, we reckon none of the potential democratic contenders have enough moxie to shift him from the White House. On second thoughts, we think it will be a close run election, but it will still go the Don’s way.


Privacy no more

We know we have prattled on about this in these pages over the years but the death knell for any semblance of privacy grows greater by the day. While some weighty tombs have hit the street in recent times unpacking the smothering effect that the surveillance economy (and capital) will have on our privacy, it is the little things that worry us. Witness the death of the humble proximity card – replaced by biometric readers, soon to be superseded by microchip implants, soon to be replaced by pheromone readers (we made that one up) but you get the picture and have been warned – we hope.


CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


Pass the Bratwurst If you are really determined you can become a German citizen via residency (8 years).

To obtain a residency permit is not easy to begin with, then there’s the language and the fact that when you apply for citizenship you need to demonstrate knowledge of the political system and society. Sigh, but the beer and sausage will definitely make up for it!

Gosh, is he Really Gone?

Let’s face it, any allegations of corporate malfeasance within a complex multi-national organisation, hardly makes for riveting reading – except of course for the megabucks that have disappeared. Hats off then to the erstwhile Nissan chairman, Carlos Ghosn for adding some excitement to the whole ‘Renault-Nissan, did he didn’t’ he’ saga with his clandestine escape from Japan. While we have enjoyed the intrigue and entertainment in the financial press around his escape from Japan as much as anyone, bucking the rule of law, in any country, sends a bad signal. In the last two decades, many executives accused of having a hand in the cookie jar have used the ‘jurisdictional bias’ argument to buttress their defence. Perhaps it’s time for an International Commercial Crimes Court.

Don’t Cry For Me

Fancy a quick change in citizenship – how about becoming Argentinian? Two years of residency is all it takes and you can count the likes of Diego Maradonna and Lionel Messi as fellow countrymen. Not to mention the fact that your new passport gives you 150 countries across the globe that you can visit visa free.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1



CeO 2020 Vol 20.1

Professor Jesika Singh, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Limpopo

LEADINGEDGE - University of Limpopo

Collaborating for

Success by Valdi Pereira

In this edition of CEO magazine, we interview Professor Jesika Singh, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Limpopo. She shares her perspective on the value of collaboration, the importance of mainstreaming innovation in the university’s work, offers a glimpse of the research focus of the university and acknowledges that teaching methods need to adapt to the digital age

Education and tertiary education in particular, seems ripe for disruption, with technology and new entrants upending the ‘traditional’ way of doing things. At the same time, students are also demanding a new style of engagement with their academic leaders. How do you think institutions of higher learning need to re-shape themselves to maximise the opportunity change brings? We need to acknowledge that the environment we are working in is changing all the time and this does bring with it the potential for serious disruption. At the same time, I believe it is important for one not to automatically assume disruption will have negative connotations, it can pave the way for future change and provides one with a way to negotiate what our future can possibly look like. For instance, in the higher education sector, the implementation of fee-free education has brought challenges. However, one must not overlook the enormous benefits it has brought to lower income families who can now afford debt-free education for their children, which is without a doubt, a huge positive. That being said, the pace of change within the higher learning environment is going to increase and traditional contact learning models have to change in the face of a wide array of online and mixed learning models that are emerging as a result of technological developments. The reality for all institutions of higher learning is that the vast majority of students they are dealing with are digital natives who are immersed in a world of technology. Consequently we need

to translate our knowledge and learning methods into ways that utilise the best of the traditional and emerging learning approaches, to stay abreast of changes. What do you view as the most valuable leadership lesson you have learnt during your career? That leadership is about relationships. I’ve learned that within relationships the most important elements are listening and learning. This aspect never changes because relationships are evolving all the time and if you want to make the most of your relationships you need to be alert to these changes. This approach has helped me over the years because it has allowed me to view a work relationship from the perspective of my colleagues. In a way it has helped me ‘step into their shoes’ and it has provided me with valuable perspectives, especially when dealing with colleagues who are sometimes unfairly labelled as difficult individuals. Of course, leadership can also be lonely at times, so it’s important that a leader surrounds him or herself with people who can relate to the challenges they face and provide some fresh perspectives. There is a strong focus on equipping the youth and young professionals with leadership skills for the future. What type of leadership skills do you think they will need most in the future world of work? The world of work and the nature of work is changing. The emergence of artificial intelligence is already impacting on a number of routine activities young professionals would normally have undertaken and I think this impact is set to grow. This means that we need to equip young professionals with the skills and techniques which will enable them to adapt in changing environments. Perhaps more importantly they need to be able to help those around them re-skill themselves too, in this way they will be delivering value to those around them. Ultimately we need to give them the tools that will allow them to adapt to changing environments and in so doing propel themselves towards their future career objectives.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


LEADINGEDGE - University of Limpopo

The University of Limpopo is well-known for its strong drive towards collaboration and partnerships. What benefits do you believe strong partnerships offer role players within these partnerships? The key to successful collaboration lies in ensuring that you have shared objectives. In this way, there will be value created for all partners, whether it is local or international university collaborations or work that we are doing with industry partners. At UL, we have built in collaboration with our communities as one of our key focus areas along with teaching and learning. This aligns with our core belief in developmental research uptake, meaning that the research we do, needs to have an impact upon the communities in which we operate. We have recently become involved in a collaboration with the French government and the University of Fort Hare and the University of Venda, focused on improved agriculture in the rural parts of the country. It will play an important role in helping build capacity amongst our post graduate students and small and medium sized businesses in our communities. The collaboration has the potential to contribute to food security whilst also giving rise, through other partnerships, to possible innovations in the field of food science.

As an institution that is contributing to the development of knowledge, which can impact on the quality of life of people, we believe it is important to collaborate broadly in order for us to be in a position where we can contribute significantly and meaningfully to societal development. One of your focus areas is driving and developing meaningful innovation at the University of Limpopo. How do you define innovation and how do you think one creates an environment in which it best comes to fruition? Innovation is a cross-cutting tool across all our faculties where we seek to use our research and other collaborations and partnerships in ways that can lead to new inventions or even business opportunities that can benefit our communities. We have also adopted an approach where innovation is integrated with entrepreneurship, where the focus is on promoting innovative business ideas and seeing how these can be brought to fruition. In the near future we will also be establishing a digital innovation hub. Within this hub we plan to have a number of facilities, such as an incubation unit, where students can, in conjunction with the communities, build businesses that have the potential to contribute to these communities.

It is important for one not to automatically assume disruption will have negative connotations, it can pave the way for future change and provides one with a way to negotiate what our future can possibly look like.


CeO 2020 Vol 20.1

LEADINGEDGE - University of Limpopo

In any learning environment you will often find creativity at play, so innovation does exist, we are now formalising it through advocacy, awareness and helping students and staff understand what type of support they can expect for things like prototyping and patenting through our technology transfer office. Producing high quality research outputs is often the hallmark of universities that are intent on making a difference to society and the world at large. What are your focus areas in this regard? One of our key focus areas from a research perspective is the development of energy storage capabilities by using the minerals found in South Africa, because as a country we are challenged in this regard. We have a cathode materials pilot plant in Nelspruit that we operate in conjunction with the Department of Science and Innovation, where a lot of work has gone into developing products that use manganese and nickel; we are now entering the commercialisation stage of this particular project. We also have a research chair in computational modelling techniques, which is rather unique. What is exciting about this process is that we are working with young black women in this field and they are developing skills in areas that can accelerate further research – the achievements of this unit have already led to international recognition for some of the researchers. In addition to this we have focused research in areas of biodiversity, where we look at fish health in our province’s rivers and

dams. We also have research focused on women’s health, mental health and traditional and alternative medicines, which is linked to one of our other research areas – indigenous knowledge systems. The last mentioned is important because we find that we are very reliant as mankind on chemicals to provide us with solutions to our health challenges and this research may represent a way that alters this dependency by coming up with products that are locally available. Climate change and sustainability is another area that we focus on and we collect climate change data in our province that feeds into the national risk and vulnerability science centre, which is an important undertaking in an arid province such as the Limpopo. When the time comes for you to seek fresh opportunities and move on from your current role what legacy do you hope to leave behind? I certainly hope to leave behind an enabling environment, whether it be for staff, academic members, management or students. An enabling environment is important because it allows you to achieve many of your goals. You want people who are there for you, are willing to listen to your challenges and where possible find ways in assisting you, no matter what your role at the university. If I can achieve this legacy, then I know I will have played an important role in helping the university on its future trajectory.

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1



ur ability to leverage technology, has allowed us to diversify our business to a large degree,” reveals Mark Elliott, Division President for Southern Africa at Mastercard. “While we still provide transactional card solutions via our global network, which allows us to process billions of transactions each year, we also have a strong focus on the future and emerging business ecosystems.” Digital Disruption South African consumers are increasingly embracing a digital lifestyle and investing large amounts of time in social media and other online activities. A high smartphone penetration rate, hovering between the 60% and 70% mark, along with an increasing demand from consumers to use their mobile phones for payments, both point to the importance of a trusted digital payment solutions provider. “For decades, card payments have been the only reasonable alternative to cash, but consumers are saying loud and clear that they want to use digital innovations to meet their everyday needs – be it for transport, healthcare or payments. The role of the mobile phone as a key touch point to enable commerce will continue to grow,” says Elliott. With the evolution of payment technology all pointing towards a convergence of payment activity on consumers’ mobile devices, the introduction of Masterpass as an allencompassing digital payment service serves as an important indicator of the future focus of Mastercard in South Africa. To use the service, consumers simply load any bank card into a secure Masterpass digital wallet on their mobile phones, and then scan a Quick Response (QR) code displayed on a website or at the point of sale to make a payment. This QR code links the items they are purchasing with the unique card information stored in the app, allowing the payment to be processed quickly and securely. The rich functionality of the product has seen all the major South African banks (Capitec, Absa, Nedbank, Standard Bank and FNB) deploy the solution either as a standalone digital wallet or as a “Scan to Pay” service in their own banking apps. Local mobile operator Vodacom is using it as the backbone for its VodaPay payment application.

Mastercard Mark Elliott, Division President for Southern Africa at Mastercard

Creating next Generation Solutions by Valdi Pereira


As access to technology becomes near ubiquitous for consumers and businesses around the globe the opportunities to create new value offerings –particularly in emerging African markets – provides a technology driven company like Mastercard with the impetus to deepen its digital roots across the continent. CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


“QR technology is not only providing consumers with a simple and seamless payment experience, it also provides us with an alternate infrastructure to process transactions at a lower cost, meaning that we can solve real challenges for small businesses, and include them into the formal economy,” he says. With a large percentage of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), traders and service providers still transacting in cash, QR solutions like Masterpass provide an affordable way to accept digital payments, as there are no prohibitive infrastructure or maintenance costs associated with physical card terminals. The appetite for such a solution is evident, with more than 175 000 ecommerce sites, physical locations such as stores and restaurants, tradesmen and even street vendors accepting QR code payments. Despite this success, Elliott believes the real power of this type of innovation lies in its ability to create an ecosystem where people have the choice to pay however, wherever and whenever they want. “In South Africa, we have organised the different players in the market around QR code technology to create an interoperable ecosystem so that consumers can use any major QR solution, at any QR location. This is key if we are to drive widespread adoption and usage of digital payments.” Doing Well by Doing Good As the digital economy increasingly becomes the economy, Elliott says it is Mastercard’s business strategy to ensure that people and businesses have access to the networks, tools and solutions that can help them reach their potential and achieve financial security. In East Africa, the company has created a platform called the Mastercard Farmers Network, where farmers can access a digital marketplace to sell their produce and receive payments via their feature phones, without having to walk for hours to the markets or going through a middleman, which incurs additional costs. “Not only are we helping these farmers with transactional capabilities, we are placing them in a position where they are more informed about commodity prices and empowering them to make better business decisions. “Ultimately, Mastercard seeks to leverage technology in a way that allows us to do well, by doing good and helping to organise marketplaces is just one of the many ways that we put this philosophy into practise,” explains Elliott. Collaboration is Key Although Mastercard boasts an innovative and pioneering approach to the markets it operates in, it is under no illusion that the battle to displace cash and extend financial inclusion to the large majority (57%) of the population who remain outside the financial system in sub-Saharan Africa will happen overnight. “We can change this picture, but we can’t do it alone. Partnerships with like-minded companies enable us to build long-term, scalable models that deliver real impact for everyone in the ecosystem,” he says. The case for moving towards cashless transactions would seem pretty clear cut. Considering that over 95% of the transactions on the continent are cash based, which is not only bad for the consumer because it costs them more money in the long run, but also bad for business because there is no digital record of the transaction, making it extremely difficult for them to access credit. The challenge is that the business case is not as straight forward as it seems. According to Elliott, possessing the right type of solutions is only one part of the equation – the other part is establishing trust. He notes: “You can only

tap into a customer relationship and grow it when you have created trust and demonstrated your ability to provide solutions that solve real pain points and are relevant in their day-to-day lives.” To achieve this, Mastercard has collaborated across a wide front with a view to opening up its distribution channels in different ways and leveraging its infrastructure and that of its partners, to benefit customers. “While business models are evolving all the time, one thing remains constant – the acknowledgement that businesses need to put the customer at the heart of their operations,” observes Elliott. “We are mindful of the relationships companies have with their customers and where we are confident that we can add value to that business and their customers’ experience, we will collaborate.” Mastercard’s partnership with Airtel Africa, giving over 100 million Airtel Africa mobile phone users across 14 African countries access to its global network, is a good example of the type of collaboration that enhances value for consumers, as it provides those without a bank account the ability to make online payments globally through a virtual card and in-person payments at outlets, via QR codes. “It reflects the fact that we are thinking differently about how we can create real value for consumers by bringing them into the financial ecosystem,” says Elliott.

The role of the mobile phone as a key touch point to enable commerce will continue to grow. Experience Pivotal Reinvention in the digital age also calls for modern simplicity. During the past year, Mastercard took the bold step of dropping its name from its iconic brand mark in certain environments. This means the interlocking red and yellow circles will now stand alone across many of the company’s assets, providing consumers with a familiar affirmation of the brand’s presence. While the company is confident its brand recognition is thoroughly entrenched in markets across the world, it understands much of its success is underpinned by a world-class consumer experience – epitomised by quick, frictionless and secure transactions. Elliott believes that consumers will increasingly be seeking fuss-free authentication and transactional capabilities in the future. Consequently, biometrics such as fingerprints, facial recognition and other human characteristics will increasingly be brought into the security layer around transactions. “The security layers of the future are going to be more in tune with who you are as an individual and not what you can remember. In many ways, this represents the constantly evolving customer experience journey. “The ability to transact secure in the knowledge that your financial information and identity is protected has been the foundation of our business for many decades. Going forward, we will be building on our existing capabilities to ensure that consumers enjoy both seamless and secure experiences in both the physical and digital world.” CeO 2020 Vol 20.1


There is simply no substitute for getting an early start in life within those fields of interest that you are passionate about.


or Lisa Bhembe, the Chief Executive Officer of Sm4Rt, this old adage has proved to be very true. “As a young woman growing up l often wondered how men and women, who become successful achieve their goals,” reveals Lisa. “At the same time, I was privileged to get this answer at a young age by watching my mother work in a male dominated industry, from her I learnt how to handle myself when it comes to running a business.” She notes that even the smallest task that her mother assigned her around the office served to groom her for the future and this exposure to the world of work, entrenched both her work and business ethic. It also played an important role in setting her on the path of entrepreneurship: “I said to myself I would never compile a curriculum vitae for myself, I would not allow myself to become comfortable with what I have and would always look to push myself to grow – no matter how hard things have been at times, I have kept this promise to myself.”

Early Start brings Early Success by Valdi Pereira

Lisa Bhembe, the Chief Executive Officer of Sm4Rt


Entrepreneurial Spark Lisa’s experience as a student at the University of Johannesburg taught her two important lessons: the first was that her entrepreneurial spirit burned bright and the second was that problems are nothing more than opportunities. “Even whilst I was studying I realised that I was in the wrong field, I started a small business while I was studying because I realised business and entrepreneurial activities was what I wanted to focus my life on,” she explains. She started baking and selling confectionary items, which gave her exposure to a wide network of students where she noticed that many of the students were struggling to find affordable and efficient cleaning services for their living quarters. This pain point presented an opportunity that she decided to capitalise upon. “I started a cleaning company by introducing cleaners to students that needed their apartments cleaned,” says Lisa. “I always strived to do more with my company because I believed this would be the best ways for me to differentiate myself from competitors.” While the entrepreneur in her was delighted with the success she was achieving, she also realised that in terms of transformation and diversity, the cleaning services space was becoming crowed as over 85% of business in this environment were now owned by females. Recognising the need to once again differentiate herself she started researching a variety of industries and noted that the opportunities for a female to distinguish herself in the telecommunications and petroleum industry were promising. Growing the Business “It helped that I met a gentleman who was willing to partner with me, share his knowledge of these industries and provide mentoring and other guidance.” After she developed her knowledge and experience, she branched out to start her own business where she is the director and CEO of a company that is active in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) and Petroleum sectors – as a bonus she was able to rope in the assistance of her mother who has a quarter of a century’s worth of experience in the petroleum sector. Today Lisa’s brainchild, SM4RT offers a wide range of comprehensive solutions. In the ICT sector the company is involved in cell radio & transmission planning, fibre infrastructure ,site acquisition, civil works and base station setup. On the petroleum side the company offers services to an oil company (retail stations), Geodesic dome roof,

specialised rigging services, mechanical services and the aviation industry – all of the work in this environment meets the highest regulatory standard possible. “I believe if you stay true and authentic to a strong service delivery ethos, then there is no competition that can defeat you or take your customer,” she notes. “We also believe in having a relatively small group of clients so we can give them the best quality. SM4RT offers its clients quality services, delivered on time, at a competitive price, hence differentiating us from other competitors.

The role of the mobile phone as a key touch point to enable commerce will continue to grow. The company’s focus on delivering outstanding customer service has resonated with potential clients outside South Africa’s borders. Consequently, both divisions running in SM4RT have a greater opportunity for business on the continent. “We have already discovered new business opportunities in the ICT sector in Zimbabwe and have already registered a company and opened offices for SM4RT, working as a contractor for one of the big players in telecoms.” On the petroleum front the company has also realised more business opportunities in Zimbabwe and Zambia, transporting of bulk fuel and servicing fuel service stations. A clear indication that growth prospects exist for the company, based on the solid reputational foundations it has put in place. Looking ahead Lisa remains focused on her dreams of building her business. She believes the fact that she got an early start in the business world played a very important role in her development and has given her courage to pursue her dreams. As for any potential challenges that may come her way, because she is a woman in a predominantly male industries, she offers a response that is typical of the new generation of female business leaders, “ Running a business is not about gender but the passion that drives one to accomplish your dreams, this is the real differentiator.”

CeO 2020 Vol 20.1



Thomas Cook

Lessons to Learn Understanding your business and your industry

Governance structures

Communication is key

“We believe that there are three key things that all businesses can learn from the collapse of this business,” says Regine le Roux, managing director of Reputation Matters, South African reputation research company.



Understanding your business and your industry: It is Communication is key: Each crisis scenario incredibly important to keep tabs on what is happening unfortunately gives us a lot of crisis communication in your business as well as the industry. Conducting content to use as case studies. There was an article regular research will help you understand what is positively that appeared in Business Insider indicating that a Thomas impacting the organisation. It will also help you to identify Cook flight attendant only found out about the company’s gaps and risk areas which are crucial to the sustainability of collapse via social media. any organisation. If Thomas Cook had engaged in stakeholder Preparing for a crisis is pivotal and a communication research on a regular basis, they would have been able to policy needs to be non-negotiable. It is so important identify red flags and put contingency plans in place to avert to let internal stakeholders know first and then have a the threats. “We’ve conducted many reputation research studies strategy in place to let all other external stakeholders over the years. Different stakeholders are able to give incredibly know what is going on and addressing all the key valuable insights into helping companies identify their blind questions. Most importantly, one should not forget that spots,” says le Roux. A key requirement of the King IV Report is you are dealing with people and that you need to be the importance of stakeholder empathetic during a crisis. relationships. Treasure your Even though the A key requirement of the King IV stakeholders and they will be company is closing its Report is the importance of stakeholder doors, those executives invaluable to your success. Governance structures: relationships. Treasure your stakeholders will most likely go looking for future opportunities. Unfortunately, more and they will be invaluable to your The manner in which often than not, it success. they handle the crisis is a lack of governance and the way that they structures that lead to communicate will have a organisations collapsing. It is massive impact on their own reputations and whether or the leadership team’s responsibility to ensure that stringent not people will want to work, or be associated with them governance practices are followed and that core ethical in the future. values are non-negotiable on all levels of the organisation.

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CeO 2020 Vol 20.1

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Getting Through a

Difficult Period by Devan Moonsamy CEO of The ICHAF Training Institute

As we get closer to the end of the year, we may find ourselves and those around us feeling more uptight and stressed than usual. Everyone needs a break and December holidays just won’t come soon enough. November can be a challenging period for numerous other reasons. For example, some are under pressure to meet yearly sales targets while buyers are putting off larger capital purchases for their businesses until next year. Retail sales starts picking up but this comes with additional stress and longer hours for retail staff. The cost of consumer goods and services also increases making it harder for households to get by. Despite the hopes of our family and friends, we may not be able to give them the holiday and gifts they expect.


ome staff members are keen to wait for their bonuses and leave their current job or are just holding on until December and not doing much work at all. This lays extra pressure on managers as well. They may be about to lose good staff while their other staff are putting their feet up already. This is not to make you feel down though! This is simply an illustration of how life might be for you now and there is a point to this seemingly dreary discussion. Maybe things are actually going well for you and you have little to complain about. Whatever your situation right now, there will be both tougher times and better times to come. Accepting and making the best of a situation is one key to successfully weathering the storms of life. We must endeavour not to make a situation worse for ourselves but actively pursue the best possible outcome.


If things are going well on the other hand, we must avoid complacency and becoming too comfortable. Overconfidence often leads to failure, sometimes even for a large company or an entire nation. Think, for example, of the Greek economic crisis which began in 2009 and had wide-spread repercussions for other countries as well. These economic problems partly resulted from overconfidence which led to recklessness. Kodak is one company that was doing extremely well and believed that their customers would remain loyal to their brand despite competition. Assuming their position was secure in traditional film-based photography, they did not keep up with the digital technology of their competitors. This is now considered one of the worst business decisions of all time. Once the number one brand in photography, Kodak stopped making a profit in 2007 and filed for bankruptcy in 2012. Since then, Kodak has sold off its assets and their demise has prompted Bill Fischer, a professor of technology management, to state that there are simply ‘no more Kodak moments’ (Forbes Magazine). So, we want to avoid becoming too comfortable in our position when we are successful. We should rather be cautious and keep ourselves informed of all changes, not assuming that current success will continue indefinitely. Furthermore, we must remember to be thankful for what we have, not becoming greedy for more. We will look at being on guard against negative thought patterns which could prevent us from making progress, especially during stressful times, in the next section. Overcoming Negative Patterns of Thought Negative thoughts are unproductive and they have a strong tendency to repeat themselves. Their only purpose may be to reaffirm our suspicious about something that is bothering us but they make us feel out of control and desperate. We may start to believe that terrible things will happen to us or that we have bad luck for some reason. Expecting bad things to happen or expecting that nothing good will ever happen makes us worry about the future. This is negative thinking which leads to fear. Fear in turn leads to a type of ‘paralysis’ in which we cannot move forward with our lives (Orloff, 2010). Very often we think we are not good enough and criticise ourselves mercilessly. What characterises all negative thinking is that we focus on what is wrong and it makes us worry or choose not to make improvements in our life. What is worse

is that we may extend a habit of criticism to others, instilling negativity and low self-confidence in them and leading to arguments and strained relationships. Thus we prevent ourselves and others from being happy. Negative thoughts often revolve around what we believe is wrong in our environment. Our attention becomes fixed on something which we do not like and we begin to exaggerate it at the expense of everything that is good in our lives. Negative emotions accompany this and our health may suffer. We must therefore counter negative thoughts as much as possible. Here are four ways to curb negative thinking (Orloff, 2010). Safeguard your thoughts. Be careful about what you are thinking. Distract yourself from thinking about the past unless it is truly constructive to do so. Remind yourself not to reflect on unhappy or upsetting experiences as this only leads to more unhappiness and frustration. Continually choose constructive thoughts over stressful ones. Find sources of positive thoughts and emotions by, for example, reading the spiritual texts of your faith for encouragement. Consider the quotes given for each day in this journal or read books about people and subjects that inspire and uplift you. Focus on the present dimension. Right now, the past has little hold on you. Concentrate fully on what is happening in the present and strive to do that well without reference to things that happened in the past. Think deeply about what is around you, from the tiny or everyday objects, to the tasks you need or want to get done today. If you concentrate on improving what is around you and on making progress now, you will. Be an impartial witness. This is not easy and requires persistence. If negative thoughts stick in your mind and have become a habit, reposition yourself outside the situation. Each time we think over an episode from the past which makes us angry, we are forcing ourselves to feel angry again. If you cannot help thinking of the situation again, pretend you are only a passer-by who moves on and does not think of the events again. Allow the recollection to play out if you can’t stop it. Detach yourself from the other people present and the emotions you feel. Keep doing this until you are able to feel neutral about the situation. Do not give up your power. The power you have refers to your ability to make the best of the opportunities you have and enjoying the good that surrounds you now. Do not give up the power you have over what you will do and say today to the unhappiness of the past. Personal contentment is your right and it is within your power to ensure it.

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NEW 22

WhoYou app CeO 2020 Vol 20.1

seeks to curb SA’s rising identity fraud


There’s a new way to combat rising identity fraud in South Africa thanks to a locally developed app called WhoYou™ which turns smartphones into advanced ID fingerprint scanners.

WhoYou is fully compliant with South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information (Popi) Act. In addition, the subjects of identity verification have to first give consent and accept the terms and conditions in-app before allowing their fingerprints to be photographed.

Combatting identity fraud atest statistics from the South African Police Service The WhoYou app is expected to play a significant role (SAPS) have shown a total of 83,823 commercial crime in curbing identity fraud for a range of scenarios. Potential cases were reported in the year to March 2019 – a 14% use-cases could include account openings at retailers, increase from 2018. Of this number, some 65,964 cases were insurers handling claims processing, authentication of debit classified as fraud, with many of these consisting of identity orders, as well as verifications within the motor industry fraud in particular. (to name just a few examples). The app can also help In a bid to help tackle this problem and make identity individuals verify the identity of suppliers working at their verification more accessible, the WhoYou mobile app homes or businesses. has been launched to allow South Africans to verify who “More and more, you as a business or an individual need they’re dealing with by taking a photo of the person’s two to know who you’re dealing with amid the country’s high thumbprints using a smartphone’s camera. levels of identity fraud,” says Hills. In a matter of seconds, WhoYou sends the thumbprints — “WhoYou gives every South African the ability to with the individual’s consent — electronically to the National confirm everybody else’s identity biometrically, without Population Register (NPR), which is maintained and managed any specialised equipment or upfront costs. This, in turn, by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). will further help boost trust in transactions across various DHA then confirms the environments,” says individual’s identity in line with their Hills. The app is truly device-agnostic and security standards. Up until now, Businesses can allows individuals to verify themselves mainly the likes of South African either use the WhoYou or be verified by an agent anywhere banks and telecommunications smartphone app or companies have had the ability to they can utilise their in the world, subject to them having verify people’s identities against the existing fingerprint connectivity. NPR in this way — and even this has scanners with the depended on the use of traditional WhoYou Windows fingerprint scanners. app. The WhoYou Windows app works on desktop or laptop WhoYou has opened up this capability to businesses and computers. WhoYou also supports all major fingerprint individuals with any smartphone, anywhere in the country. scanner manufacturers. “WhoYou is developed by South African biometric “The app is truly device-agnostic and allows individuals to technology company Fides Cloud Technologies. Fides (Latin verify themselves or be verified by an agent anywhere in the for faith or trust) was founded in 2011 and is a fully registered world, subject to them having connectivity,” says Hills. credit bureau that complies with the requirements of the “The app also has open Application Programming National Credit Regulator (NCR) to secure and protect Interfaces (APIs) or Software Development Kits (SDKs) which personal data,” says Craig Hills, Business Development Director third-party developers can use to plug into to create their own of Fides Cloud Technologies. apps,” adds Hills. “Fides’ solutions are tried, tested and highly secure with “Already major sectors in society have entrusted Fides the company being entrusted with handling the biometric Cloud Technologies to provide biometric verification of verification of social grant recipients in South Africa. Fides identities engaged in multiple sensitive transactions. Recent also manages the likes of patient biometric data in primary breakthroughs in mobile biometric technology will now care clinics as well as providing biometric and demographic enable WhoYou to bring this locally developed capability to identity services, such as KYC (Know Your Customer) and FICA, more South African businesses, and individuals, than ever to financial institutions,” adds Hills. before,” says Hills.


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When it comes to

BRAVE BRANDS are the blinds leading the blind?

At the beginning of last year WGSN, global leaders in trend forecasting, released its 2019 report on brands and marketing. Touching on everything from the power of collaboration to meaningful content and the importance of authenticity, it also highlighted the rise of ‘brave brands’.


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uccinctly summed up, the report stated ‘brave brands lead with their hearts and heritage, sacrificing potential profits for purpose’. An example of this would be Coca Cola Brazil’s anti-prejudice campaign, which launched at the end of 2018. For many years, the Portuguese phrase ‘This Coke is a Fanta’ has been used as a homophobic expression to make fun of the LGBTQ+ community in Brazil, which is why Coca Cola created a limited-edition can, featuring the iconic red Coca Cola original design on the outside with Fanta inside. The cans launched on International LGBT Pride Day, with the message ‘This Coke is a Fanta, so what?’. A brilliant way to be supportive, inclusive and to take a bold stand as a brand. But, as highlighted in the WGSN report, there are many ways for brands to be brave. “Owning up to mistakes and mishaps can also show a great deal of bravery. When the UK’s KFC ran out of chicken in 2018, it unveiled its ‘FCK We’re Sorry’ ad as a public apology to its customers.” Clever, funny and taking ownership of its wrongdoing.

Closer to home, Taylor Blinds & Shutters proved its innovative brand spirit and bravery when it launched the podcast series Blind History in collaboration with Cliff Central. The series – ultimately a conversational 15-minute crash course in getting to know history’s greatest men and women – was hosted by Taylor Blinds & Shutters Managing Director Anthony Mederer and radio personality Gareth Cliff, and went on to win a finalist award for best Education Podcast at the New York Festivals Radio Awards in July this year. “We’re always looking for new ways to reach our target market,” says Mederer. “Podcasts are changing the way people consume news and content. We wanted to be as subliminal as possible with our core focus on engaging content, which led to the creation of Blind History. As Gareth Cliff and I both share a passion for history, the podcast was a perfect fit and our enthusiasm was shared by the listeners.” For a company celebrating 60 years in 2019, this modern take on content and connecting with its audience was a courageous one. Using the podcast medium, Taylor was able to create engaging, honest content – moving away from the traditional hard sell – to build trust and authenticity with the listener. By focusing on engaging content and choosing the right media partner, the message was laser-focused, reaching the right people and maximising spend through shareable and track-able content with a far longer digital shelf-life. “Blind History is precisely the kind of content audiences want and we want to make,” Cliff agrees. “It’s great to have a client that gets podcasting, content creation and the new kinds of digital distribution that have an impact. We’ve attracted not only record downloads, but listeners responded and engaged with us through my show and social media. The only complaint is that the shows were too short!” What Taylor created with Blind History remained true to its brand pillars – quality, innovation and trust – and offered the perfect example of two respected brands coming together to deliver a premium quality production that was of value to the listener but also helped to build customer relationships. Bravery is about including the consumer, a sentiment echoed by Sivonne Davis, VP of marketing at L’Oréal USA, who said during an Advertising Week panel on engaging conscious consumers: “to write any good story starts with knowing your audience. For me, it’s also about talking to consumers. Whether it’s during, before or after you’re developing your storyline, they need to be included in that conversation.” From the feedback received from the audience it was clear to see that Blind History had made a meaningful impact, but also that Taylor as a brand had achieved what they set out to – a new way to access their target market. As Steve Jobs famously said, “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”, it’s clear to see here that Taylor Blinds & Shutters are leading the way.

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Crypto giving rise to new Generation Accountants

A recent report from Israeli blockchain portfolio platform, Blox, reveals that a new breed of digital-savvy accountant is emerging. These blockchain boffins are arriving not a moment too soon, as tax authorities around the world begin clamping down on cryptocurrency disclosures.


aith Ngwenya, Technical and Standards Executive at the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) welcomes a similar trend locally. “As the use of cryptocurrency grows and the regulations governing it are refined, users may need to prove they have met their past tax obligations,” she says. “Without accurate accounting records and correct tax submissions, they could find themselves in hot water with SARS.” Not a currency! It’s important to recognise that cryptocurrency is treated differently in various part of the world. In some countries, like the US, it is legal but is not considered a currency. In others, like Morocco, all virtual currencies are prohibited under law. And some, like Canada, prescribe regulated use while banning it from banking transactions. In South Africa, it’s not legal tender (only the Reserve Bank can issue currency) but an intangible asset and is taxed in relation to how it is traded. Tax treatment According to SARS, taxpayers dealing in cryptocurrency will be taxed differently depending on the type of activities they perform. These include issuing a cryptocurrency, mining transactions, speculating, and doing business using the currency as a medium of payment. In general, where it is bartered in exchange for goods or services in the course of business, it is taxed under “gross income” and deductions can be claimed against the effort to earn it. When it is speculated on, CGT rules come into play. If an employer pays


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staff in cryptocurrency, it will be taxed as normal income. The exact treatment will depend on the specific use as determined by SARS. A virtual ledger? Also, the so-called ‘distributed ledger’ associated with a basic blockchain system bears little resemblance to the typical general ledger used by accountants. The latter posts balancing debit and credit transactions into appropriate accounts that are themselves grouped into financial reporting categories. A blockchain entry may hold little more information than “User A sent X units of cryptocurrency to User B on a given date”. In the accounting sense, it’s not even a virtual journal, but rather a record of original entry. “Like any source documents, these transactions need to be extracted and recorded in a formal financial ledger to correctly determine one’s tax obligation,” says Ngwenya. Growing demand As more users become aware of the risk of not keeping their cryptocurrency affairs in order, the demand for crypto-smart accountants is on the rise. Many Professional Accountants have already responded by getting to grips with not just the mechanics and processes behind blockchain but also the growing body of regulations evolving around it. “While there is a steady growth in the number of practitioners who can provide financial and reporting services around blockchain, the level of their expertise varies,” says Ngwenya. “It is always best for those seeking assistance to determine how knowledgeable their Professional Accountant is about these matters.”

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Are you sure you wiped your

hard drive properly? Almost 60% of second-hand hard drives hold leftover data from previous owners, a study shows.


ave you ever seen a hacker movie? When the other shoe drops, you can see the black hat scrambling for their computer, tearing out the hard drive and trying to erase them. They may even run neodymium On the other hand, although it may look like the owners magnets over them and then finish the job by are indifferent towards securing their data, the study shows driving an electric drill directly through the platters otherwise. The former owners did try to wipe their data, they of the drives. Alternatively, they just smash it with a just failed to do so securely. Only 26% of the drives were hammer and hope for the best, says Carey van Vlaanderen, wiped properly and no data could be recovered from them, CEO at ESET South Africa. while another 16% were not accessible and could not be read. As for the rest, the data could be recovered with varying Commissioned by Comparitech and conducted by the degrees of difficulty. University of Hertfordshire, a study sought to find out how Worryingly, one in six people made no attempt thorough we are when it comes to wiping our hard drives whatsoever to wipe the data. before we sell them. Turns out, many of us are not very A similar study was conducted in 2007. Back then, thorough. Or at all. the amount of recoverable data from second-hand HDDs The researchers performed a series of tests on a sample was significantly lower. What’s more, in the older study a of 200 second-hand hard drives that had been bought off considerable number of online marketplaces and the drives ended up being various merchants. They The leftover information included unreadable. Observing the found almost 60% of these hard drives still contained sensitive data that could be exploited by rising trend of data being easily recoverable from some information stored on bad actors. second-hand drives, sellers them by the former owners. should be more careful. The leftover information included sensitive data that could be exploited by bad actors. You can always take preventative measures, with the The data ranged from official documents such as scans of simplest being encrypting your hard drive so you can rest passports and driver licenses, through bank statements and easy if you ever lose it. When it comes to wiping the hard tax documents to visa applications and even photos of an drive you want to sell, you can check the website of your hard intimate nature. The list of documents uncovered on these drive’s manufacturer that should contain tools to help you hard drives is much more varied, but this is just to illustrate manage the wiping process properly. Before you proceed, how much sensitive data you may store on your hard drives, however, make sure you have backed up all the data you want and without giving it much thought. to keep.


CeO 2020 Vol 20.1

Are You brave enough to take the


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Scaling up acts of

kindness to create sustainable social change by Luvuyo Madasa, Executive Director at ReimagineSA

I was recently part of a panel at FirstRand’s Beyond Painting Classrooms (BPC) event, where many South Africans who are passionate about corporate social investment (CSI) gathered to discuss ways to ensure that employee volunteering is sustainable and impactful. The fact that we are having these discussions is good news – it’s a welcome step on the road to a more effective and scalable approach to volunteering and CSI.


s the name of the event implies, it’s time for us to move beyond sending volunteers to paint classrooms at schools in poor areas for Mandela Day or dropping in at a crèche or retirement home to hand out Christmas gifts. While the beneficiaries usually appreciate these small acts of kindness, corporate volunteering is all too often something that happens to them – rather than in partnership with them. In reality, that often means armies of corporate volunteers arrive throughout the year to paint walls that were actually painted not so long ago. And in some instances, it means that there is no follow-through after the initial intervention on the part of the volunteers. Once that computer lab is equipped, who will provide the ongoing tech support? And was a computer lab what the school really needed in the first place? Harmonising efforts This is why we believe that volunteerism and other corporate interventions need to shift towards an approach that is less piecemeal and bottom-down – one that gives the beneficiary more of a voice, one that engages employees as active citizens, and one that takes a more strategic, long-term approach to making a difference.


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Such an approach should harmonise the efforts of all stakeholders, enabling collaboration for the good of society. It is about ensuring that there is intentionality throughout every engagement and in every organisation that participates – synthesising the skills and resources of big companies, the good intentions of the people on the ground, and the requirements and capabilities of the beneficiaries. What we are advocating is an approach that shifts away from charitable giving towards sustainable impact. Instead of behaving like donors, we believe that companies and their volunteers What we are advocating is an should think of themselves as patrons of social impact. That means approach that shifts away from charitable partnership with beneficiaries to giving towards sustainable impact. help them to help themselves. Bringing together profit and purpose For example, why just put a couple of computers in a classroom and call it lab? Is there a possibility to teach someone at the school to support the technology and perhaps even grow this into a profitable business that serves the community? How do we unlock more value from these interventions to create virtuous circle of profit and purpose? It’s also key for us to start thinking about poverty alleviation, social change and education in a more systemic manner. Small interventions at a classroom level don’t address the wider failings in our educational system. Helping a homeless person today is important – but how do we address the larger causes of homelessness? While the efforts should start at the grassroots, but they should also have a long-term focus. This is why we believe in an ecosystem approach that engages all stakeholders to make a difference – from the company that wants to make wise CSI investments to the citizen who wants to help build a better country to anyone who wants something ‘better’ for themselves and for their community. People and communities should be at the epicentre of these efforts, with partners and patrons serving as the catalysts for change. Now is the time to start having conversations about how we can change our country for the better. Collective action is key to unlocking inclusive growth, scaling up successful social initiatives and building the South Africa we wish our children to inherit from us.

About ReimagineSA ReimagineSA NPC is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) co-founded by Dr Mamphela Ramphele (Club of Rome co-president) and Dr George Lindeque that adopts the concept of Ubuntu to make the gains of democracy real for all living in South Africa. The ReimagineSA Impact Incubator works on behalf of ReimagineSA NPC, as a catalyst for change and to connect patrons, partners and activists, invested in co-creating scalable social impact initiatives that advance inclusive growth in South Africa.

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What’s Hot or Not Real People Please Two new inventions created by artificial intelligence have been turned down for patent registration by the European Union (EU). According to an article on ZDNet the AI is made up of a, “swarm of many disconnected neural nets, each containing interrelated memories, perhaps of a linguistic, visual, or auditory nature.” As intriguing as that sounds, the EU is still hung up on having human inventors behind its patents – watch this space.

Budget Threads Despite some of the flamboyant clothing (not to mention footwear) sported by celebrities and influencers world-wide, it appears fashion that strives to be socially responsible and exudes a certain sobriety is going to be with us for a while yet.

Meatless Mojo Vegan diets and therefore presumably vegans themselves have become rather fashionable and dare we say it even sexy, during the past two years. We are still not clear on how much processing (is it hyper-processed?) your average pea undergoes before it takes shape as a textured burger patty (if anyone wants to school us we are willing to listen) but the reality is the animal protein free meat business is on an upward curve.

Crypto Comeback It was always going to happen, once the Wild West of initial coin offerings had been brought under control and the scammers weeded out, crypto is starting to make a comeback. Is it a matured and stable offering? Forget about it….yet, it is still very much the future.


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Food Waste Yeah, we are eyeing those uneaten veggies on your plate. Food waste amongst consumers (and non-consumers we suppose) is starting to become a serious problem, hence the emergence of food banks and similar initiatives. One point worth noting is that in the food value chain it is estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organisation that 14% of the world’s food is lost along the chain from the point of harvest to the retail level. You can be sure that as consumers we are picking up the financial tab on this one.


ABSENTEEISM with the right rewards

“The right balanced total reward programme can assist in reducing absenteeism,” says Nicol Mullins, Executive Committee Member at the South African Reward Association (SARA).


he number of employees taking days off work has risen so much over the last decade that Absence Management is now a standard HR function. Companies can even buy purpose built software to help them track and contain rampant absenteeism. However, according to Mullins, it is a problem that needs to be solved, not controlled. “When absenteeism is rife across an enterprise, it may be the tip of the iceberg, indicating a more general dissatisfaction among employees, which might be intrinsic or extrinsic in nature” he says. Regardless of the cause of absenteeism, researchers of the topic across various industries agree on its detrimental effects to an organisation’s morale, productivity and profitability. To name a few consequences, not only do employers not benefit from labour they’re paying for, but costs rise as present employees work overtime to catch up, quality is sacrificed, consultants are engaged for specialised tasks, or strategic opportunities are missed because key personnel are not at work or working.

A stressful environment A 2009 study by researchers Halkos and Bousinakis concluded that absenteeism is related to workplace stress which results in low levels of job satisfaction. In 2002, researchers de Boer, Bakker, Syroit and Schaufeli offered two theories for absenteeism. Withdrawal theory suggests that absentees are withdrawing from adverse working conditions while stress theory says employees develop stress symptoms because they are unable to cope with these conditions. How rewards can help The importance of a meaningful total reward programme in curbing absenteeism cannot be overstated. “‘Meaningful’ means it

must create value for the employees it targets,” say Mullins. That value can be financial, but where workplace stress is the culprit, rewards should be aimed at removing negative catalysts and promoting job satisfaction.Two approaches suggested by Mullins are to develop clear opportunities for career progression and to foster a sense of ownership in the business. “Employee-owned and family businesses experience much lower absenteeism simply because there’s a strong sense of belonging and growth potential amongst workers - a sense of ownership.” he says. “A company that can create this reality will experience a reduction in worker absence and improved productivity.” Companies should also reward the behaviours they want to see. Recognising workers who have been present for a high number of consecutive days sends a clear message to their colleagues that this behaviour is desirable. However, Mullins warns that any such initiatives can only be effective if they are part of a larger, carefully developed total reward programme, which is both monetary and nonmonetary in nature. Getting rewards right Engineering the optimal total reward programme for a given corporate environment or culture is a complex task, and today there is a specialised profession that has evolved around the process. “Companies who throw a few benefits together and expect employees to automatically respond are wasting their time,” warns Mullins. Reward practitioners are trained in multiple disciplines, enabling them to develop sophisticated total reward packages that promote desirable employee behaviours while supporting corporate strategy.

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Can technology companies assist the public sector in reaching 4IR goals? by Saurabh Kumar, CEO of In2IT Technologies South Africa

Predictions about technology are at best speculative. Even recently we saw two of our planet’s brightest and most successful minds, Jack Ma and Elon Musk, disagree fundamentally about where technology is leading us. They were specifically debating Artificial Intelligence (AI): Ma sees a future where AI will make humans live better and longer with less effort, while Musk fears AI is quite capable of leading down darker paths.


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nsofar who is correct, we can’t say. Both sides present well-considered arguments and only time will tell which of their insights turn out to be correct. However, there is no doubt that change is already happening. This is creating two acute societal pressures that must be addressed: current skills development and preparation for the jobs of tomorrow. Just as with AI, these are well-debated topics and I don’t wish to elaborate on their points anymore. Instead, I’d like to look more closely at two areas that can provide relief to the situation, and how these relate to supporting the Public Sector in South Africa and other markets. Reskilling is the most immediate challenge. As businesses and institutions become more attuned to the connected world, adopting new systems and adjusting business models, the pace of change is accelerating. Ten years ago, it was still a novelty to have a smartphone, today businesses use them to help employees sign in.


Delivering those capabilities need skills that were traditionally established by upskilling small groups of people related to a project. This is where the solution provider comes in, brings its people and transfers some of that capability to the paying customer. But if we want to keep pace with the adoption rate developing in the market, the skills and digital literacy of the current workforce need to be expanded at a much larger scope. The more distant challenge, but one that requires attention now, is the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Just as with debates on AI, there is a lot of disagreement about 4IR. However, the rush towards its underlying technologies is exactly what creates the skills challenge. Whatever we call the transformation of the future, our children need to be ready for it. South Africa has made some headway to teach about the 4IR future, such as driving more connectivity to schools and more devices into the hands of students. There is also more activity among technology companies to promote interest and skills in the field among school goers. Yet it is not at the scale to confidently pursue a future skills agenda.

Both these challenges overlap in their solutions and share a very specific stakeholder, the Public Sector. Government’s relationship with education is very clear. The policies it implements, and their resulting programmes are where the next generation will be enlightened. The same applies to the current workplace. In the US, nearly half of businesses and employees already use some kind of AI. The future is here and it’s up to the Government’s policies to direct how we can respond to them. So, what are we doing to help the Public Sector be equipped to make its decisions? Technology solution providers can play a bigger role in these matters. More providers can pursue aggressive graduate programmes that train students in both technology and business skills. There should also be greater effort to expose Public Sector leaders to the technologies impacting citizens. Invite middle and senior managers to visit innovation centres and create short but impactful programmes to walk them through the technologies changing the world. When the smartest people in the room can’t agree about the future, it’s easy to become despondent about the scale of the challenge or complacently believe it will all just work out. Skills and education can be addressed. Jobs can be created. But only if technologists play a more active role in enlightening society’s decision-makers about AI, blockchain, security and the other ingredients for a tomorrow that’s already starting today.

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Be GREEDY when others are fearful: by Jeff Miller

It’s no secret that in 2019, South Africa’s economic environment was fraught with challenges.


outh Africans have become increasingly anxious over issues such as high unemployment, pedestrian growth, bailouts of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and the slow implementation of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ‘New Dawn’. That said, it would be naïve to think that any person could wipe out the devastation of the last 10 years in one fell swoop. It’s clear that Ramaphosa is committed to reversing the mistakes of the past and making a positive difference going forward. He has already been instrumental in helping to ensure the highest foreign direct investment that our country has seen in the last five years. Let’s not forget that he has also further shrunk our bloated cabinet from 36 to 28 ministers and helped appoint four commissions of inquiry (which have unearthed a lot of rot). Furthermore, it would be naïve to think that South Africa is unique in the world and that other foreign markets do not have their own problems. Several issues have plagued the global economy in recent weeks and months. Just some of these have included the trade wars between the US and China, the devaluation of the Yuan, Brexit, the Hong Kong protests, low interest and bond rates, and heavily declining stock markets across the globe.


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Why it’s time to INVEST IN SA It’s time to stop the panic in South Africa and take a step back. We know that savvy South African investors are hedging their bets and taking some of their portfolios offshore. That said, many local investors also understand that if they live, work and play in South Africa; a material part of their portfolios should be invested here. These types of investors should increasingly look to alternative asset classes which offer risk-adjusted returns. One of these alternative asset classes — which prices in the risk of rand devaluation — is that of Section 12J, which boasts in excess of R6 billion of assets under management. Investors into a registered Section 12J company are entitled to a 100% deduction of their investment from their taxable income in the year in which the investment is made. This gives the investor up to a 45% tax benefit on their investment. The recent Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (TLAB) affords all taxpayers the opportunity to invest a maximum of R2.5 million, in any tax year, into a registered Section 12J. Because Section 12Js typically feature predictable cash flows from their underlying investments as well as solid asset underpins, it’s common to see these funds offering high yields along with reliable dividends. Not only are investors getting risk-adjusted financial returns, but by investing in South African SMEs they are playing a crucial role in creating direct and indirect jobs, while further growing the tax base of our country. To illustrate the benefits of 12J, one can look at the example of an investor, who is paying tax at the marginal rate of 45%, injecting R1 million into a Section 12J fund when the exchange rate is USD 1.00 = ZAR 15.00. The inherent risk-adjusted exchange rate for this investor, as a result of the Section 12J benefit, would be USD 1.00 = ZAR 27.00. This is an 80% buffer.

South Africa’s tourism industry is one key example of a sector that has a built-in hedge for a weak rand. Interestingly, there are many hospitality-focused Section 12Js to choose from with one such fund being Mdluli Safari Lodge Limited: a joint venture with the Mdluli community that is building a 100-room luxury lodge in the Kruger National Park. Around 80% of Mdluli Safari Lodge’s visitors are expected to be foreign tour groups. In addition to the financial returns, investors receive bed nights as part of their investment. Thus far, 120 new jobs have already been created as a result of this type of impact investment. Another interesting opportunity to look at is that of solar energy and battery storage. With the electricity supply challenges in South Africa, 12J funds in this renewable sector offer reliable and consistent cash flows, as well as high yields. This is particularly the case when considering that more companies and body corporates no longer want to be reliant on the Eskom grid. This situation helps lock-in future renewable energy prices while supporting a transition to these new green technologies and the creation of much-needed jobs in this space. The likes of Decentral Energy Capital Limited and Rencell Limited are just two renewable-energy focused Section 12J companies that are making a difference. With economic challenges come great new economic opportunities. Section 12J further extends into many sectors that I haven’t even begun to mention here, including the fast-growing asset rental space and junior mining, to name but a few. It’s clear that SA continues to offer resilient investment options and that the growing Section 12J asset class should certainly not be overlooked.

Jeff Miller is the CEO of Grovest Corporate Advisory - The Pioneers of Section 12J. Miller is a Chartered Accountant having completed his articles at Grant Thornton and has over 30 years’ experience investing in companies across numerous industries. He co-founded Brandcorp, which was listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in 1997. He was also a co-founder of KNR Flatrock, Balboa Finance, Born Free Properties, Eurosuit, Bride & Co., Seed Engine, Seed Academy and Grovest Corporate Advisory.

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Driven by




a wise outlook on life

“Looking back, it wasn’t always easy, but it was definitely worth it,” says Vuyelwa Dantjie about her journey to becoming a Senior Analyst and RewardOnline Manager at 21st Century, the biggest Remuneration and Organisational Development company in South Africa. With an unwavering drive and ambition, Dantjie has progressively taken on more responsibilities to prove that she is more than capable of managing not only her work pipeline but most importantly, the people she assists.


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antjie’ s role is to provide clients with simple/complex benchmarking information while adhering to agreed deadlines and ensuring that reports are of an exceptional quality standard. To do this effectively, she makes sure that she is always ahead of the curve when it comes to current market practices because a large part of her role is to present technical feedback to clients, which requires superior intellectual capital and peer skills. Ensuring that she is always ahead of the game is top priority because she has set a precedent within herself for only the very best client satisfaction. The late nights and early mornings have certainly paid off for this ambitious young woman, who rates selfdiscipline at the top of her list of success traits. “I truly thrive on habits created through self-discipline. Work becomes a habit, getting things done becomes a habit, and achieving Senior Analyst and RewardOnline Manager, your goals becomes a habit. Being self-disciplined also helps 21st Century, Vuyelwa Dantjie build up your self-esteem, you go into everything that you do with the confidence that you can pull it off.” Wise words, from a very wise young lady on an upward journey to success. As a young woman in a very competitive industry, Aside from self-discipline, Dantjie also does everything Dantjie has her eyes firmly set on personal success right that she can to stay motivated. Surrounding herself from the very start. “I remember saying in my interview in with inspirational people plays a significant role in this 2016 that I want to change the world one benchmarking motivation. “I’m surrounded by so many intelligent and report at a time. So, the more I see myself growing in this ambitious people in my life who keep me on my toes. At position and learning and absorbing information, the more tough times, thinking of the ‘end goal’ keeps me focused I see that more becoming a reality. Educating organisations and motivated to accomplish my goals.” She also relies on Equal Pay for on motivation from work of Equal Value the people she loves Educating organisations on Equal Pay for and pointing out the most – family and work of Equal Value and pointing out anomalies anomalies in pay friends. are just a few ways Even the most in pay are just a few ways that enable me to that enable me to motivated and selfmake a difference in my position. make a difference disciplined people in my position.” Her need some downtime. approach to the challenges she has faced has not only One of Dantjies’ favourite things to do is treating herself to seen her reach success, but has also seen her falling in love a spa day of pampering. If she can’t get to the spa, then a with the industry she is making waves in. “Having originally day of unplugged relaxation from the fast-paced world is studied Economics and Econometrics I have since fallen next on her list. “Sometimes I treat myself to a day of doing in love with HR, so in the next five years I really see myself absolutely nothing but relaxing in front of the TV, phone off studying further within this field with the view to becoming with all my favourite snacks”, she says. She also makes sure a game changer within the HR space, influencing and that she stays active, “I play action netball every Tuesday changing pay rates.” night. It helps me de-stress and channel all my anger and It may be a labour of love that drives Dantjie at the stress into throwing the ball as hard as I can. I go through moment, but with such a focused ambition, it’s only a the rest of the week seamlessly with an amped attitude matter of time before her dreams do become a reality. because of netball.”

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Want to attract

TOP TALENT Faced with a global skills shortage, employers increasingly need to come up with new and innovative ways of attracting – and retaining - top talent.


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to your company?

Review your travel policy!

ven once a company has found the talent it is looking for, there’s no guarantee skilled employees stay with the company. Average job tenure is just three years four months, and for 25-35s this reduces significantly, standing at two years and eight months. For under 25s, average job tenure is just one year eight months.


Short tenures can put considerable financial strain on a company’s bottom line. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, finding and training new employees costs the equivalent of six to nine months of their salary. That means a company will incur a cost of between R240 000 and R360 000 for an employee who makes R480 000 a year. How can employers hire and retain top talent in this skills shortage world? A study by PageGroup shows that 78 per cent of candidates would be more likely to apply for a job if the advert mentioned the perks and

benefits the company offers its employees. In a millennial-dominated workforce, employees look for companies where work pressure doesn’t affect their personal life. A compelling business travel programme can play a crucial part in achieving the right work-life balance for employees and offering them the perks and benefits they crave. Andrew Grunewald, Brand Leader, Flight Centre Business Travel, explains young up-and-coming talent often insist on a company travel policy that prioritises their wellbeing above the company’s bottom line. In fact, travel policies have become so important, that according to the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, 36% of hiring managers report that candidates are asking to see the company’s travel policy during the interview process. Travel experts like the consultants at Flight Centre Business Travel (FCBT) are stepping up to meet the lifestyle needs of the modern workplace and are reviewing company travel policies to ensure the company attracts top talent. Grunewald shares some tips for companies that want to ensure their travel policy strikes the right note with future employees: Impress your travellers with added perks Being cost conscious with hotel choices doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from additional value-adds. Most business travellers will know the anguish of arriving in the early morning after a long overnight flight only to find that they can only check-in to their hotel room at 3pm. With hotel programmes, such as FCBT’s SmartSTAY programme, companies can address these pains by including additional perks to make their travellers’ stay more comfortable. These perks include items such as free breakfast, early check-in and late check outs, which can go a long way towards making travellers more productive when on the road.

Allow your road warriors to take a leisure break According to MMGY Global, 81% of millennials associate business travel with higher job satisfaction. As a result, the demographic was found to take more business trips than any other generation — 7.7 per year on average. To continue making their business travel experience a pleasant one, it’s important for companies offer travellers the possibility to extend their corporate trips for a few days to explore the destination for their own personal enrichment. Employees could extend their stay, or take their family and add on a few days. Make sure the TMC you partner with has great bleisure options. Ensure your travellers enjoy loyalty rewards from their travels By including loyalty programmes and preferred airlines in a company’s travel policy, travellers can enjoy added benefits, such as free upgrades, lounge access and fast check-ins while accruing points towards free flights. Some airlines also have business loyalty programmes that not only benefit the employee, but the company as well. As with airline rewards programmes, many large hotel chains also have loyalty programmes that allow subscribers to collect points for each booking. Points may be exchanged for discounts and even free nights. Marriott’s loyalty programme allows travellers to exchange points for retail gift vouchers and free hotel nights across the Marriott brands, as well as premium experiences such as concert tickets and sporting events. They also have a rewards programme for MICE businesses. Show that you invest in the employee In recent years, duty of care has become more prevalent in travel policy – a positive development for both companies and travellers. During their travels, employees may encounter some adverse conditions that could include everything from minor inconvenience such as cancelled flights to more serious health, safety and security concerns. This is where Duty of Care becomes vital for companies of any size. Simply put, a comprehensive Duty of Care plan will make sure your company has the right procedures in place and that it is possible to react effectively if something unfortunate happens in a destination country. TMCs can assist companies in knowing where your people are at all times. Having a travel policy in place provides boundaries and ensures staff members’ wellbeing while on the road, concludes Grunewald. “The travel experience of staff is important when you’re putting together a sound travel policy. Looking after key staff members is critical to the success of any company.”

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2 0 2 5 How the office will change by 2025 in Africa?

In the past decade, offices in Africa have already begun to evolve from the dreary cubicles of workplaces past. But it’s only just begun, and the next ten years will see even more dramatic changes.


ccording to the World Economic Forum’s Human Capital Index, Sub-Saharan Africa currently only captures 55% of its human capital potential, compared to a global average of 65%. With more than 60% of its population under the age of 25, Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s youngest region. By 2030, the continent’s working-age population is set to increase by twothirds, from 370 million adults in 2010 to over 600 million in 2030 - a young workforce in search of jobs that will provide them with more than a cubicle. The last thing the office of the future will look like is an office. A hotel, maybe. Perhaps an art gallery or a nice restaurant with gardens. But not like an office. At least not according to the Workplace Futures Report. The report identifies three main social and demographic trends that will mean the workplace of tomorrow looks more like a home or hotel, than like the white-collar factory of today. The first of these trends is data-based. Under pressure from wearable devices that record and analyse our daily routines and


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life patterns, workplaces will integrate with our personal technology to track our emotions and productivity. Simultaneously, as working lives grow longer, a wider spread of age groups will be represented in the workplace – from starters in their 20s, to parents in their 30s and 40s and veterans in their 60s and 70s. Each group will need different kinds of spaces. Third and finally sits the ubiquitous screen-based technology of our age. In the future, workplace design will aim to filter out digital distraction so that productivity grows without leaving workers feeling deprived of their devices. The combined effect will be offices, “that are no longer be a bland desk in a dumb, indifferent building”, the report says. Instead they will become multi-generational live-work-eat-sleep hubs for men and women of all ages. The report also predicts three ways that the modern workplace will adapt and evolve to reflect these trends. The first suggests that


the workplace will become more like a living being in its own right (‘the sentient workplace’). The second explores an office that feels and behaves like a community destination (‘the hospitality workplace’). The third imagines a space designed for a workforce that ranges from twenty-somethings to seventy-somethings (‘the flat-age workplace’). Many – perhaps most – will be a combination of all three. Together they will transform the way we work. The sentient workplace The sentient workplace is probably the closest to becoming a part of today’s everyday workplace reality. While offices were once passive, hostile places that forced workers to adapt to fit into them, the workplace of tomorrow will work the other way around. It will adapt itself to its occupants’ needs and will be designed and built to incorporate thousands of sensors that interact with workers’ wearable devices and smartphones. “The result,” predicts the report “will be a playground for personalisation, forming atmospheric bubbles around individual workers.” MoreySmith says that apps that interact with the sentient workspace will be ubiquitous – not only to replace entrance cards and passes, but for greater worker satisfaction. This is already happening at Deloitte’s Edge building in Amsterdam, where an app controls parking, daily desk allocation, locker access and food ordering. Deloitte believes this has led to 60% fewer absentees, a fourfold increase in job applications and a substantial increase in talent retention. The hospitality workplace By the mid to late 2020s the hospitality workplace will also be a routine part of our working life, MoreySmith claims. Instead of the heavily-patrolled entrance and a strictly staff-only feel of today’s offices, the hospitality workplace will mix public and private spaces in a happy relaxed blend. Workplaces will include public restaurants and cafes, rooftop terraces, art galleries, barber shops, nail bars, and even hotels as the workplace enters the sharing economy. New office amenities will matter, providing variety and release from routine. In Dublin both California-based software house Workday and San Francisco-based Dropbox have already introduced well-equipped music rooms. The Dropbox music suite is a cross between a recording studio and a smoky jazz club – not what you normally find in an office block.2 According to psychologist Michael Corballis, quoted in the MoreySmith report, these new workplaces will help us by providing the right kinds of distraction. “In adapting to a complex world, we need to escape the here and now, consider possible futures, mull over past mistakes and understand how other people’s minds work,” he says. The flat-age workplace With life expectancy growing, and working life extending into the 60s and 70s, the workplace of the future will be populated by several generations. By the late 2020s the last of the baby boomers will be rubbing shoulders with the dominant Millennials and the digitallynative Generation Z in a mix that will mean soundproofed spaces for those whose patience with youthful hubbub is low, and mentor pods to help pass on information from the older to the younger, and vice versa.

Diversity Incubators – spaces with a strong advocacy agenda, helping people into unfamiliar or challenging areas of work – will become mainstream, says the report. The needs of women are particularly important in the flat-age workplace – driving a change of emphasis and of amenities. Soundproofed crèches, baby-feeding facilities and buggy and scooter parking are all being added to new office schemes, along with wellbeing rooms and gathering spaces. Choose your tribe While top interior designers and space-planners acknowledge the findings of the MoreySmith report, many say it understates one key part of the workplace of tomorrow: the tribal way human beings think. IWG plc, flexible workplace specialists around the world, is getting ready for the future by creating the new style of office space: sleek, clean, colourful and packed with stimulation. Workplace design ultimately comes down to tribes,” says Joanne Bushell, Managing Director and VP Sales in Africa for IWG Plc, “We’re all in tribes of various kinds, and we all want to feel surrounded by the rest of our tribe – be it our colleagues, our industry or our wider network.” “That’s why community is the key to the office,” she adds. “You need to focus on the people inside the workspace, and the people outside the workspace, and how they relate to each other through the amenities and design.” Unfortunately, this isn’t something that can be easily touched or felt. “The tribe is a transient and truly agile thing, and catching it is like trying to catch a butterfly,” she says. Another way IWG plc are pre-empting the change in the office of the future is by rapid expansion into Africa through franchising, to meet overwhelming demand. IWG brand, Regus, operates in 21 African countries. IWG, a global operator of workspace providers since 1989, said flexible workspaces are evolving and becoming woven into the fabric of our societies, offering flexibility to businesses and their staff whenever and, crucially, wherever they need it. The IWG franchise model offers landlords, private equity firms, multi-brand franchise operators and high-net-worth individuals the opportunity to buy into this lucrative market at attractive returns. With the first franchise centre already open in Angola and new centres opening in Guinea and Djibouti in September, the company is determinedly targeting the African continent for development and investment opportunities for early adopters of the franchising model. The potential for innovation and growth makes the serviced office market one of the most exciting growth markets in Africa – and partnering with IWG plc gives business owners the ability to participate in this growth story, with the backing of an established global brand who is currently ahead of trends in future workspace. So, will the tribal workplace be the next big innovation, changing the face of offices in the years after 2025? There’s only one answer to that: set your workplace atmosphere app to ‘cool’, then wait and see.

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South Africa has recently seen a huge spike in criminal behaviour. This has particularly been evidenced by the recent gender-based violence incidents, xenophobic attacks, looting and rioting. This spike has led many South African citizens to decide that they will no longer stand by silently with the belief that the time has come to fight back.


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in the workplace



any local communities within Johannesburg and other surrounding areas have started taking matters into their own hands by creating safety awareness groups. This stance of citizens taking responsibility for their own safety has trickled into various other areas of protection, both at the individual and at the organisational levels. More and more people are asking “how can we fight back against crime and what are the best methods available to us to protect ourselves and/or our companies?”. “Today, South Africans have far more agency over their security than they have realised in the past. There are certainly ways to secure yourself against these threats and to ensure that perpetrators are caught,” explains Jacki Condon, Managing Director of Apache Security Services. More and more South Africans are hiring security guards as an additional form of security to protect their homes, businesses and industrial/agricultural properties. However, the perception exists that the security guard may be in on the job or poses a risk of colluding with criminals. One of the methods to overcome this, as highlighted by Condon, is having security guards wear body worn cameras. These cameras allow criminal culprits to be caught red handed, and recorded, which in turn aids in the process of apprehending and convicting the wrongdoers. While criminal activity can be caught on camera, these surveillance devices offer an added benefit; security guards wearing body worn cameras are aware that their conduct is being monitored, increasing productivity and limiting unsavoury behaviour. At an organisational level, security guards with body worn cameras help to reduce the threat of both external and internal threats. Internal theft and fraud are huge contributors to losses across the continent. Body worn cameras serve multiple purposes within this sphere such as eliminating the ‘he said, she said’ and thereby equipping employers to take appropriate action. This, in turn, helps to improve health and safety compliance and maintenance. Body worn cameras also aid in employee time tracking as employers can monitor if employees are sleeping on duty, while more closely evaluating when employees clock in and out. The reliability of incident reports is also improved. There are a wide range of options and features of body worn cameras available. Condon advises that choosing the correct device for the correct function will further increase the efficacy of security service. “Knowing which devices to use and how to use them are vital for effective security management. For instance, while our officers are on duty, they are equipped with infrared night vision, 110-degree lenses, PTT radio integration, 16GB cameras, and 1080P videos. This ensures that they are able to effectively keep an eye on everything – even in the dark,” continues Condon. Body worn cameras have a wide range of benefits both for individuals and for businesses. To us, the greatest benefit is that body worn cameras helps to prevent collusion while maintaining the safety and security of the business, its assets and its staff,” concluded Condon.

At an organisational level, security guards with body worn cameras help to reduce the threat of both external and internal threats. CeO 2020 Vol 20.1



Experiential marketing bringing your customers inside your brand

Whether bitter or sweet, our first experiences are powerful. They become the yardstick against which we measure all our life moments - the first kiss, our first day at school, a baby’s first smile and that first broken heart.


xperiential marketing connects with customers to create an exciting ‘first’ experience that invites and encourages them to participate in the growth of a brand or a brand experience. Using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Gamification in your experiential marketing, you can create a multi-sensory experience that not only places the customer in your brand story but invites them to stay there for a long time to come. The technological revolution has injected new life into the old. Experiential marketing has been around in different forms for years but was revolutionised through the development of technology used for VR, AR and Gamification. When it first came onto the scene, the cost outweighed the benefit - especially in South Africa. Thanks to a reduction in the cost of hardware and software over time, and an increase in local technical skills and innovation, SA is now more than capable of providing customer experiences that create ultimate love for brands. Think, for example, of buying your first car and the emotions and memories that accompanied it. Perhaps you had daydreamt about the exact details of the interior since you were a teenager. Or maybe the thought that you were the first in your family to own a car made it even more memorable. Recently Volkswagen partnered with New Reality to create a ‘demo’ experience their customers won’t forget. Prospective buyers could check out and test-drive the new Polo SUV (the T-Cross) for months before it could be physically test-driven in SA. Customers played with different interiors and features and they could even order their vehicle - all using VR. It has been proven that using technology in this way in the buyer’s process attracts buyers, lengthens their time at dealerships, and even forms a stronger emotional attachment to a car that they co-created. But it’s not enough to create a one-off gimmick. VR, AR and Gamification are most effective when it takes the customer on a journey through a buying experience they never expected. It’s when brands find a way to become a part of the customer’s life moments like first cars, having a baby and going to university – that ‘brand love’ is born. While traditional advertising does an excellent job at providing awareness at its different touchpoints, in some ways it tells the customer how to feel and keeps them passive. Creating moments of immersion builds experiences that what will leave the customer changed and elicits an emotion that money


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can’t buy. Coupled with clever activations, the technology available to us can stimulate every one of the senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. And depending on the mode of immersion used, the experiences can be directed at 100 or 100 000. We’ve curated four examples of experiences created using technology or a combination of technology and tactile, to give you ideas to use in your industry to capture the attention, or rather the adoration, of customers: 1. Martin Garrix puts on a music show for the deaf community – Tactile audio systems and Projectors In 2016, Dutch DJ Martin Garrix partnered with 7 Up to host an extrasensory concert for the deaf community. The resulting ‘Music Lifts You Up’ video premiered during Ultra Fest in Miami and received viral media coverage. Together with immersive experience artists, Fake Love, they incorporated motion, vibration and stunning visuals to help the concert-goers ‘feel’ and ‘see’ the music. With walls of speakers, LEDs boxes of water that moved with the music, platforms to stand on that vibrated to the beat, and even a special backpack that vibrated the sound right through their chests, his guests were euphorically happy. What did 7 Up get out of it? A phenomenal amount of brand capital, but a moving comment from one of the attendees says it all, “It was the best night of my life.”


The 7 Up gig taught us that the experience doesn’t need to have anything to do with your actual product. Communicating the personality or character of your brand can be enough to create magic. 2. ‘The Glenlivet Code’ tests the palates of whisky connoisseurs – Gamification and AR AR-enabled product packaging can double as a brand’s owned media channel speaking directly to their customer. In 2018, would-be whisky connoisseurs jumped at the Glenlivet augmented reality whiskytasting experience in partnership with Shazam. When customers opened the app, master distiller Alan Winchester came to life, challenging users to mini-games to identify and isolate ingredients by selecting the four aromas for the nose and flavours of the whisky. He also engaged and immersed them in the mysterious back-story behind Glenlivet’s distinctive taste. Tasters were given a score which they could share to social media. Because of the extra value offered to customers post-purchase, they upped the brand loyalty and reached a completely new demographic to boot.   3. Samsung and NASA Moon Walk – VR and 4D The exhibit, titled ‘A Moon for All Mankind,’ opened to the New York public in July 2018 through to July 2019, — in honour of the big 50th-anniversary celebration of the moon landing in 1969. An extensive support rig and flight suit supported participants, while

attached to a load-bearing system like the Active Response Gravity Offload System used at the Johnson Space Center in Houston to train real astronauts. Wearing a helmet with Samsung’s Gear VR goggles, users went on a mission to explore the moon surface and plant a flag. The experience combined tech, awe and an emotionally charged moment in history to create an unforgettable experience for those who tried it and plenty of the right coverage. 4. Merrell Trailscape Experience – VR and Motion capture and Tactile elements Merrell created a VR experience called Trailscape to launch its newest hiking boot, the Capra. Participants could walk (carefully) along a stage set that simulated a mountainous trail, mapped to the virtual experience to create a new level of immersion. Tactile elements such as rope walkways and shaking wooden planks, while motion capture allowed adventurers to explore the mountainside. Merrell created this powerfully immersive experience at the Sundance Film Festival. Keletso Nkabiti, the Brand Strategist at Idea Hive specialist digital brand storytellers, says, “The brands that inspire us, tell stories we can relate to. The brands we love and remember, tell stories that cast us as the main character. Using technology, we can create extraordinary experiences and bring customers on board as cocreators. It’s an exciting time to be a digital marketing agency.”

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MULTI-GEN DIVERSITY INCREASINGLY IMPACTING WORKPLACE PRODUCTIVITY Managing teams comprised of a range of generations is a growing challenge for leaders and, if this challenge is not constructively and proactively addressed, it can have a substantial negative impact on affected employees and ultimately the organisation, a leadership expert says.


s more and more people put off retirement until later, whether by choice or necessity, we now have multiple generations represented in the workforce, who need to be able to work in harmony despite wildly differing life experience and attitudes, behaviours and expectations,” says Debbie Goodman-Bhyat, leadership strategist and founder of Jack Hammer, Africa’s largest executive search firm which recently expanded its footprint to the USA. She says that despite mandatory retirement age, people in general are working until they are much older, whether it be in permanent, formal or consulting/part-time capacities, which means that the staff complement in organisations is now much more likely to consist of people of all ages. With the result that, more than ever before, leaders are required to lead multi-generational teams, which include so-called Pre-Boomers, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y (also referred to as Millennials) - a situation which predictably can give rise to conflict. Goodman-Bhyat says that although any good leader in a South African organisation is expected to be sensitive and responsive to issues relating to gender and racial diversity, putting issues relating to multigenerational diversity on the back-burner can prove a costly mistake. “The biggest challenge in managing multi-generational teams, is as a result of the differences in values, priorities, motivations and approaches to work of team members. How this manifests is in very simple things like work tenure – the younger generations are likely to change jobs every few years, in order to achieve the variety, breadth of scope, and opportunity to try new things that they value highly. “The older generation has a different value system, and see the short tenure and frequent moves as a lack of commitment, loyalty and staying power, and rate a potential candidate’s suitability for a job based on their own values.”


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NERATIONAL Goodman-Bhyat notes that until recently, it has been the older generation that was firmly in the leadership seat. But with the oldest socalled Millennial now being 39 years of age, it is increasingly the case that the younger generations are starting to manage businesses and people. “Challenges related to generational differences can manifest in much bigger conflicts, particularly around work-style, engagement, and leadership. Absent perspective and insight into the different value systems, and with competing priorities and values at leadership levels, multi-generational workforces can find it really tough to work together,” she says. “Think about it like parenting. If the parents are not on the same page, the kids will run wild, play one up against the other, and take advantage of their weaknesses. We now have people in management with very different sets of values and views of the world. And they are required to effectively lead teams made up of multiple generations. This kind of incoherence can be very unsettling for people, and result in toxic work cultures which lead to reduced productivity and reduced engagement, which ultimately impacts on a company’s culture and its bottom line.” But the good news is that in South Africa, managers are for the most part well-positioned to deal with a multigenerational work force, because managing other kinds of diversity is already core to their working reality.

“So leaders may already have some experience dealing with conflicts that can arise, and at the very least, most professionals will have a level of consciousness and awareness about issues relating to diversity. “However intergenerational issues in the workplace haven’t been given as much attention and energy as other areas of difference and diversity. As a result of being left behind in the shadows, there is often background friction manifesting in toxic behaviours that undermine and unfairly discriminate.” It is therefore essential that this area of diversity management should also be given due attention, Goodman-Bhyat says. “If the ultimate goal is a cohesive, productive environment, the strategy for managing generational diversity is nothing new. Firstly, it requires recognition of the issue and its potential consequences if left untended. Then, the approach must be to ask questions, listen, and seek to understand. “Recognise your own culture or values bias when you start making judgements about someone based on their generation or age. These days, we’re all hyper aware of the biases and consequent judgements we make due to gender or racial diversity, and generational diversity is the next area for serious attention.”

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The Expo Industry in South Africa:

An Insider’s View Craig Newman, CEO, Johannesburg Expo Centre

From MamaMagic to the Vodacom rAge Expo and HuntEx to SA Fashion Week, there are exhibitions for so many different niches in South Africa every year. And for the most part, the exhibition industry is showing no signs of slowing down.


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ne of the most recent events, Vodacom rAge, is a perfect example of the extent to which likeminded people will turn out in support of an event that plays to their unique interests. Several exhibitors reported that they did so well, they had run out of stock by day three of the event. Vodacom rAge caters to a very specific niche – the toys, gaming, sci-fi and fantasy market. According to PR Newswire, the global toys and games market is expected to expand at a Compound Annual Growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% between now and 2025. That’s just one example of a powerful niche market that’s gaining ground year-on-year. Exhibitions are focused marketing opportunities that bring your target market to you and allow you to network with your audience for ongoing sales. They’re fostering niche pocket economies everywhere. Expo trends now Other niches are also on the rise, and the exhibition circuit is a great opportunity to capitalise on consumer interest, even in a struggling economy. It’s not just the big ones that are doing well. Smaller-scale exhibitions are also seeing an increase in attendance. For example, broadcasting, entertainment and communications technology expo, Mediatech Africa, attracted 7525 visitors in July this year – a six-percent increase over last year, with 701 brands on display and 148 exhibiting companies. South Africans love a good exhibition. We’re a culture of hobbyists and weekend project collectors who love to turn up for a day out at an expo centre to consult the experts who know about the things we like, buy the latest and

greatest goods and enjoy fine fare from food trucks, donut stands and boerewors roll sellers. Having attended many varying exhibitions myself, as an industry professional and exhibition enthusiast, I can confidently say that we’re in a business that’s growing every year. Trade shows, conferences and exhibitions contribute to the local economy, boost tourism and enhance South Africa’s GDP. Exhibitions truly tap into the South African entrepreneurial spirit. An article published by Fin24 in 2018 states that visiting business delegates – many of them here for conferences or exhibitions – contribute around R115bn to our GDP annually. The feel good factor The common denominator, whether you’re at Africa Health, Discop Africa or Vodacom rAge, for the most part, is the positive energy you encounter as you wander between the stands and showpieces at most South African expos and shows. The Rand Show last year completely changed lives with a local entrepreneur making a whopping sale of over R500 000. And it’s a testament to the fact that destination shows can provide a captive audience for exhibitors. In this case, it was the Rand Show’s dedicated SMME section, activated by the South African Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. And I’m sure we can expect many more stories like this one to come. What does the future hold? New tools and technology are making the exhibition business more exciting than ever before. Dedicated event management software is making it easier for organisers and exhibitors to plan their efforts to the letter, and electronic booking or ticketing solutions have done away with human error when it comes to letting people in and out. Mobile technology is becoming more and more prevalent every year, with just about every big expo having its own dedicated app to help guests navigate their event and stay up to date with any panels, showstoppers or press events that are scheduled during an expo. Digital design and the advent of technologies such as 3D printing have made stands easier to create, set up and strike, not to mention more appealing to the eye than ever before. And if you’re not that keen on the crowds, who knows? There may be more Virtual Reality expo experiences coming up sooner rather than later. At the time of writing this, having seen the faces of the people in the crowds at the likes of the Rand Show, Vodacom rAge, the Design Indaba and more, exhibitions are still putting smiles on faces. And every year, they just get bigger and more advanced. Stay tuned for 2020’s exhibition circuit. It’s going to be the most impressive yet.

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TIMBERLAND COMMITS TO PLANT 50 MILLION TREES OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS Company launches “Nature Needs Heroes” campaign to empower the global community to be champions for the planet Global outdoor lifestyle brand Timberland recently announced a new commitment to plant 50 million trees around the world by 2025 as part of its pursuit of a greener future. This bold goal builds on Timberland’s longstanding commitment to make products responsibly, strengthen communities, and protect and enhance the outdoors. One key area of focus has been tree planting; since 2001, the brand has planted more than 10 million trees worldwide.


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ccording to new research led by Swiss University ETH Zürich, the restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation, and a worldwide planting program could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities. Trees help to clean air by removing carbon and releasing oxygen into the air; cool the air through evaporation; prevent erosion and save water, and more. Over the next five years, Timberland will support multiple re-forestation initiatives around the world in support of a greener future. “At Timberland, we’re conscious of the impact our modern way of life has on the planet. And we believe as a global lifestyle brand, and as individuals, we have a responsibility to make it better,” said Jim Pisani, global brand president, Timberland. “Trees and green spaces help improve the quality of our planet as well as individual wellbeing. Our commitment to plant trees is a real, measurable way to act upon our belief that a greener future is a better future. We encourage people everywhere to join the movement by taking their actions - small or large - to be heroes for nature.” To kick off its pledge, Timberland has launched its largest-ever global campaign, “Nature Needs Heroes,” calling on consumers around the world to join the movement by taking simple, small actions for a healthier planet. Harnessing the brand’s passion for nature and the energy of fashion, the

campaign celebrates 12 eco-heroes who are making lasting, positive change for the environment and their communities. Each hero dons new styles from the fall 2019 collection, with city greenscapes as the backdrop. The brand will also engage the global community to be heroes for nature through a series of tree planting and greening events. “We are committed to continue inspiring and equipping the world to step outside, work together and make it better. And continue driving our core business pillars of designing better products, contributing to a greener world and building stronger communities. We all have a responsibility to help preserve our world,” said Moosa Mayet, Managing Director at Timberland South Africa. The product arm of the mission aims to almost completely reduce environmental impact from various productions; the environment element is a strong commitment to reforestation and reappropriation of green areas in cities; the community goal aims to engage Timberland employees in beneficial community activities. Africa is one of the most rapidly urbanizing continents, and the demand for everyone to be environmentally conscious is escalating.

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South Africa by Christopher Palm, Chief Risk Advisor, Institute of Risk Management South Africa

is undergoing significant shifts, despite major risks The top risk in South Africa is structurally high unemployment; followed by growing income disparity and inequality, according to the 2019 IRMSA Risk Report.


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tats SA says unemployment in the first quarter of 2019 to deal with the land issue lawfully, carefully and without increased by 0,5 of a percentage point, bringing the rate damaging the country’s economy. to 27,6%. The burden of unemployment is concentrated Small groups, with their own particular agendas, are using amongst the youth between the age of 15 and 34 years. fear-mongering tactics along with ‘sophisticated psychological techniques’ and the manipulation of social media, to sow seeds Almost 4 in every 10 young people in the labour force do not of fear, discord and enmity between ordinary South Africans. have a job. The IRMSA report creates awareness of the risks facing Business and individuals must get involved in solving the the achievement of the South African country and industry major issues that currently lock people out of their futures, objectives. More than 85 experts in their fields provided opinions especially education, employment and healthcare. and profound insights for each of the top ten risks facing the Trevor Channing, head of governance and risk at the country and industry. Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA), In the IRMSA report VoxCroft Analytics specifically expressed is of the view that South Africa’s second biggest risk - growing concern that the growing disillusionment among the youth of income disparity and inequality - will threaten the majority of the South Africa could lead to a youth-driven protest movement, on six priorities in the NDP. a much larger scale than the student protest movement. It will have a direct impact on our social cohesion, Such a movement, if led and supported by other population strengthening our democracy, citizenry and functioning as a groups in the country, would hold a particular challenge for the capable and developmental state. general political stability of the country. Nerine Kahn, CEO at Employment Relations Exchange, says unemployment is possibly the highest risk to the achievement of any or all of the National Development Plan’s (NDP) objectives. We are not where we want to be, The NDP goals are targeted towards developing but we are a long way ahead of where certain aspects of the economy, but require very we once were. significant skills and education levels. IRMSA recognises the NDP as the legitimate summation of the joint goals of government and private sector; to work towards a shared and prosperous The country now needs ethical political leadership for future for the country and its people. sustainable foreign investments, and an end to wasteful expenditure for resources to be applied in ways that will Graeme Codrington, founding director of strategic insights stimulate economic growth. The country needs all sectors of firm, TomorrowToday, says South Africa is seemingly just limping society to create a united front against the national issues that along with not much changing, and yet, under the surface some are holding us back. significant shifts are taking place. The impact of fraud and corruption and State failure has shifted down the risk-list. It is now in the fourth place. South Africa top 10 overall risks In 2017 it was top of the list, and last year it was the second 1. Structurally high unemployment biggest risk facing the country. This reflects the ending of the 2. Growing income disparity and inequality Zuma-era; a decade that will be blight on the nation for some 3. Failure of governance in the public sector time to come. Last year saw the beginnings of a collective resolve 4. Unmanageable fraud and corruption to reverse the damage. 5. Inadequate and/or sub-standard education and skills Difficult decisions were made, such as raising the VAT development rate with one percentage points, replacing the boards of 6. Energy price shock key State-Owned Enterprises, dropping the nuclear deal and 7. Labour unrest and strike action tackling the land issue. 8. National political uncertainty/instability South Africa has a robust economy and currency (relative, at 9. Cyber-attacks (Algorithm shutdown of the internet of things) least, to our peer group which include countries such as Turkey, 10. Macro-economic developments Argentina, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Egypt and Nigeria). It has a stronger government than we have had for years. Six pillars of the NDP We are not where we want to be, but we are a long way 1. Mobilisation of all South Africans ahead of where we once were. 2. Active engagement of citizens in their own development The first few years of the 2020s will see a more resolute 3. Expansion of the economy & making growth inclusive approach to solving the land issue. We have no future as 4. Building of key capabilities (human, physical & institutional) a country if a vast majority of its citizens remain locked in 5. Building a capable and developmental state endemic poverty and landlessness. The ANC has pledged 6. Fostering of strong leadership throughout society.

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AGAINST ALL ODDS: Feminine Leadership by Mamphela Ramphele, Co-Founder ReimagineSA

“The world would be a better place if men thought like women.” This is the conclusion of John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio, the authors of The Athena Doctrine, published in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial meltdown – the direct result of testosterone on steroids!


e have an incongruous situation in the world today. Women are the majority in the population yet their visibility and audibility as leaders is undermined by a male dominated culture. The suppression of the feminine in both men and women is robbing the world of the Athena energy that flows from the traits that are today recognised as Emotional Intelligence. How Does One explain Feminine Leadership Against all Odds? Women like me are not what we are against all odds. We are who we are because the long-term odds are in our favour. We are swimming against the tide, but the currents are turning in our favour. We may not be as successful as we could have been in a society not dominated by a masculine cultural orientation, yet we have scaled many barriers in our paths. A lot of negative energy has, and is being expended not to push for greater excellence, but just to ensure survival. The loser is society, the future and next generations. Women leaders are sabotaged at many levels by the male dominated society to fulfil the stereotype that they are under-performing. Too much energy is lost to dealing with unnecessary distractions, but those distractions cannot be ignored. They present opportunities for learning the lessons about how to deal with perceived winners and losers in the transformation process. Harnessing the energy of potential winners creates greater momentum for change. Understanding and minimising the damage that losers can do to a process they perceive as undermining their interests is a critical success factor in any transformative process. Failure to harness these lessons would put the whole transformation agenda at greater risk. It is clear that the majority of leaders we have had, especially over the last decades at all levels of government lacked the emotional intelligence needed to think beyond the self, their patronage networks, and the short-term, in order to lead effectively in the 21st century. The same applies to some big corporations in the private sector, both here and abroad, as demonstrated by the factors that led to the 2008 global financial crisis where greed and short-termism drove a feeding frenzy.


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We need to remind ourselves that traits that are associated with the feminine in us that have enable women from ancient times, and over many generations to lead with purpose, are now sought after in the 21st century. These traits have been found to be exhibited by successful entrepreneurs, leaders, organisers, and innovators. They are: honesty, empathy, nurture, putting others before self, inclusive decision-making, patience and capacity for communication and collaboration. Drawing on the Wisdom of the Ancients Our ancient ancestors - men and women - understood that our humanity is inextricably linked to that of others – umtu ungumtu ngabanye abantu. There is no Me without the We! Our understanding of what it means to be human is enhanced and enriched by our connectedness to others. That connectedness becomes visible and tangible with a rising level of consciousness or awareness of the impact of our emotions and feelings (positive and negative) on other people. The question that was a common refrain throughout our upbringing when you did something that raised eyebrows was: Batho ba tla reng? (What will people say?) One was socialised to be sensitive to the views of others, without being subservient to those views that go against the grain of ethics and morality. The majority of boys grow up being discouraged from showing emotions and end up bottling their feelings only to explode in violent anger at great cost to the self and others. My own father used to say to my brothers: “moshimane ke draad, ga a lle” (a boy is like a piece of wire, he does not cry). I am grateful to have had the space as a girl to cry my heart out, and to laugh heartily! Psychologist, Nick Duffell, a product of British public schools, in his 2014 book warns us about the dangers of Wounded Leaders who emanate from such environments: “Men prematurely separated from home and family, from love and touch, they must speedily reinvent themselves as self-reliant pseudo-adults. Paradoxically, they then struggle to properly mature, since the child who was not allowed to grow up organically gets stranded, as it were, inside them. In consequence, an abandoned child complex within such adults ends up running the show.

The Entitled Brain is one that is over-trained in rationality, has been trained away from empathy and has mastered and normalised dissociation in its most severe dimensions; it is consequently incapable of recognising the fault in its own system.” Transforming relationships between men and women cannot be done without addressing the root cause: the manner in which men are brought up. Institutionalised forms of upbringing for men in most cultures have focussed attention on the assertion of masculine traits that are the antithesis of feminine traits. The clash of cultures between men and women is what lies behind the frightening levels of gender-based violence in our society. The bewilderment of men who are not adequately prepared for a world of equality between men and women drives many to substance abuse, and brutally violent language and social relationships. Our nation is in crisis due to our failure to build on the legacy of our struggle that was enhanced by the cultivation of a higher consciousness of what it means to be human. My generation that founded the Black Consciousness Movement in the late 1960s, learnt from our conversations, introspection, and reading of banned books including Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, that freedom starts from within. We realised that psychological freedom opens the way to mental, physical and political freedom. We realised that one cannot be free if one’s mind and spirit is trapped in the inferiority complex born of a culture of racist, maledominated oppression. We unmasked the justification of socio-economic exploitation using colour coding that has left deep scars on our psyches – black and white. We challenged the differentiation between oppressed people based on

ethnicity and colour coding and actively built black solidarity to undermine the “divide and rule” tactics that perpetuated minority dominance over the majority. We challenged white hegemony on all fronts. We reclaimed our African names, pride in our culture and languages. We promoted self-reliance and community development to model black solidarity and collaboration. The projects we started then are still standing in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo Provinces. They are a source of pride for the poor communities who co-created them. These communities have in many cases resisted the dependency syndrome plaguing other communities across our society. Raising the Level of Human Consciousness is Critical The good news is that the imperatives of the 21st century and the 4th Industrial Revolution are turning our attention back to the importance of Emotional Intelligence. As artificial intelligence drives automation and complex machine operations, there is a greater realisation of the importance of the traits that enable better communication, collaboration and empathy. These traits foster teamwork that enhances creativity and even greater innovation. We should actively resist the temptations of masculine styles of leadership in order to fit into the current establishment. The future of leadership is feminine. This is the new normal as we prepare for the 22nd century. The odds are turning in our favour. Eleanor Roosevelt reminds us that “The Future Belongs to Those who Believe in the Beauty of their Dreams.” Welcome to the future. It is here.

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As South Africans, it is in our nature to innovate and compete, and this is reflected in the products available in our local rewards market.


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Trends in

Rewards programme use turn industry on its head

The proliferation of loyalty and rewards programmes in the South African market has consumers spoilt for choice, leading to higher expectations of value and hassle-free instant gratification.

“Often, if one invests the time and effort – and frequently there are indirect costs involved too – in diligently accumulating points and working through the tiers of a traditional rewards programme, the so-called rewards one eventually earns can then only be spent at a handful of partner organisations. At the end of the day, this doesn’t feel particularly rewarding,” Valentini notes. “This is why Agility Rewards, formerly known as Zurreal he average economically active South African is Rewards, has turned the rewards industry on its head to active on eight to ten rewards programmes or loyalty deliver rewards in the true sense of the word and make it as products. Many of us carry a number of loyalty simple as possible to realise substantial value.” cards in our wallets, and increasingly we are being offered the Agility Rewards guarantees that members are rewarded convenience of mobile applications to keep track of our rewards from day one, and the simplicity of the programme means, and keep us motivated on such programmes,” said loyalty “What you see is what you get”. The standard programme marketing expert Deon Olivier at an industry think-tank recently is free to all members of Health Squared Medical Scheme, hosted by the Agility Holdings Group. and those who invest in Agility financial services products “As South Africans, it is in our nature to innovate and such as Gap cover, Primary Care health cover, Group Risk compete, and this is reflected in the products available in our and Retirement Funding, while the Agility Rewards Platinum local rewards market. As more and more of these programmes programme is available to Health Squared Medical Scheme are competing for our attention, the result has been greater members that are willing to pay a marginal contribution consumer sophistication with the public becoming far more towards obtaining enormous cash-back rewards. discerning when it comes to rewards structures, as well as the perceived value of the The free programme rewards on offer. provides straightforward We are now seeing a move towards discounts and deals on more “South Africans have than 6 000 products and services, had enough of complicated simple rewards structures, where the accessible either through the rewards programmes that value of the rewards proposition speaks Agility Rewards web-portal or via obscure any true value for itself a USSD code service. through ‘smoke and mirrors’, which has consumers “In my opinion, one of jumping through hoops for months and years to accumulate the biggest problems with most loyalty programmes is points. Instead, we are now seeing a move towards simple that their benefits are only relevant to people residing in rewards structures, where the value of the rewards proposition major cities or paying for their rewards and this effectively speaks for itself,” Olivier explains. excludes the rest of the country and less affluent Agility Channel’s Marketing, Communications and Rewards customers. Agility Rewards is further differentiated by the Director, Debbie Valentini, suggests that many of those fact that benefits are available throughout the country, making use of points-based rewards programmes should ask so whether you run a bed and breakfast in Paternoster, or themselves when last they tried to pay for something with are a farmer in a remote area of the Eastern Cape, you can redeemed loyalty points. benefit from the rewards on offer,” Valentini adds.


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Newly forged partnership set to revolutionise disposal of

hazardous medical waste in SA

The safe and effective management of healthcare waste emanating from hospitals and other healthcare facilities has long been a matter of grave concern locally and internationally.


his has been emphasised by the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that the management of healthcare waste requires increased attention and diligence to avoid adverse health outcomes associated with poor practice, including exposure to infectious agents and substances protecting the health of patients, health workers, and the general public. Now, an all-South African partnership known as Tshenolo Green Solutions (TGS) is combining the use of a new cutting-edge, locally developed on-site waste disposal technology, with a comprehensive logistic approach to medical waste disposal. This integrated healthcare risk waste (HCRW) management solution is set to change the face of healthcare waste disposal. “TGS, is a partnership between leading South African waste management company, Tshenolo Waste and local technology company Tech4Green, developers and manufacturers of the ISS T4H 480 a technology that thoroughly shreds and sterilises potentially hazardous medical waste at the premises of a healthcare facility,” explains Ivan Mzimela, managing partner of the SpesNet Global Group, the holding company of Tech4Green.


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Ivan Mzimela, Managing Partner, SpesNet Global Group

Malusi Molewa, Chief Executive Officer, Tshenolo Waste

“Tech4Green has spent five years developing, trialling and perfecting the compact ISS T4H 480 system, which is a truly ground-breaking technology able to shred waste into a completely sterile, unrecognisable pulp on the site of a healthcare facility. This pulp is made free of 99,999999% of all known pathogens and can be disposed of as specified by environmental legislation governing healthcare risk waste,” explains Mzimela. “While the system is able to meet the safe HCRW needs of any hospital, healthcare facility or medical practitioners group onsite, and is able to substantially reduce their carbon footprint, we recognised that there was a need to provide it as part of a complete end-to-end medical waste management solution for hospital groups and healthcare facilities within South Africa, thereby reducing the considerable health, safety and environmental risks that may be associated with inadequate healthcare waste management processes. “With an outstanding, almost decade-long, track record in the safe disposal of hazardous medical waste, a complete understanding of the potential risks involved in healthcare waste, and a number of impressive clients nationally, we considered Tshenolo Waste to be a natural partner, and are delighted to announce the forging of a working partnership with the company.”


Using a ‘reduce, re-use and re-cycle’ approach, Tshenolo Waste has its roots in the Northern Cape where it commenced operations in 2010. Since then it has developed a strong national footprint, offering waste management services to public and private health facilities, and other clients, including the SA National Defence Force, throughout South Africa. According to Mzimela, not only does Tshenolo Waste have impressive credentials and considerable experience within HCRW management, but it has also always placed people and enterprise development at the forefront of its activities, offers accredited training within the field and is also entirely black-owned.

“As any hospital group will know, the disposal of medical waste, which is usually outsourced, can pose an immense risk on a number of levels,” he explains. “If not correctly and safely managed, it may not only pose a risk to those who are required to work with and transport the hazardous waste, but there may also be an additional risk of healthcare waste being dumped, or disposed of in a manner that may be harmful to people and/or the environment. This can in turn pose an immense reputational risk to the hospital or healthcare group. “The environmentally friendly and safe disposal of medical waste is therefore a crucial business

“This means that the Tshenolo Waste shares numerous synergies with, and a similar vision to, Tech4Green and the broader SpesNet Group,” he observes. Commenting on the TGS partnership, board member and chief executive officer of Tshenolo Waste, Malusi Molewa, said that it was “tremendously exciting”, and that he believed it to be “an important development in the evolution of healthcare risk waste management in South Africa”. He noted that the ISS T4H 480, which has been extensively tested in medical facilities in South Africa and Botswana, both countries that have among the strictest environmental laws in the world, would enable TGS, a Level One B-BBEE company, to safely treat the majority, a minimum of 80% of healthcare risk waste, onsite. “The proven technology, which is fully compliant with all local environmental and other regulations, is therefore enabling us to follow an approach in which we treat the great majority of the HCRW at source thereby virtually eliminating potential risks to people and the environment,” notes Molewa. “With this newly introduced technology and our profound understanding of the risks that can be involved in dealing with HCRW, we are able to design a holistic end-to-end solution for any hospital, healthcare facility, or healthcare practitioner group within the country.

function and it is one that we at TGS take very seriously. We consider ourselves to be risk managers and enablers rather than simple disposers of waste. Our experts assess the waste streams of a particular healthcare facility and are then able to tailor-make a comprehensive HCRW lifecycle solution to meet the specific needs and requirements of each client. “This enables us to design a waste management process that is as cost-effective as possible and for clients to take complete control of their HCRW management and systems, meet all legislative requirements and to be more responsible corporate citizens.” “This will not only improve the safety of all of those who work, or who may come into contact, with the medical waste, but also meaningfully assists in reducing the carbon footprint of our healthcare facilities,” he notes. “TGS’s ultimate vision is a future in which healthcare waste no longer represents a hazard to human health and the wellbeing of our country and planet. Indeed, we foresee a future in which such waste is no longer ‘waste’, but raw materials which can be re-used and re-purposed into other commodities,” concludes Molewa.

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Billions at Play Explains How

Energy Underpins African economies are undergoing a transformative period. The energy sector, particularly, holds great potential to revitalise African economies and empower the growth and development. This is a subject NJ Ayuk dives into in detail in his sophomore book, Billions at Play: The Future of African Energy and Doing Deals.

the African Dream


ow available for order on Amazon, Billions at Play tells us how energy can work better for Africans. With a foreword by OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, Billions at Play sets out to answer the questions: How did Africa get here and what comes next? How do African countries and societies get the most value from their resources? What exactly can African leaders do to put their countries on a sustainable, profitable path? And how can all parties win in Africa’s energy deals of the coming decades? In a straightforward approach, the Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber outlines the fortunes and misfortunes in Africa’s petroleum industry and presents to us that Africa can learn from itself to build competitive economies. In particular, he proposes that: “If African governments, businesses, and organisations manage Africa’s oil and gas revenues wisely, we can make meaningful changes across the continent.” Using his experience and knowledge of the global energy sector, Ayuk challenges key players to be more active in developing their resources and local content skills and encourages decision-makers to put Africa’s people at the center of economic growth plans. Making the case for the petroleum industry having the power to support and transform emerging economies, he unpacks key issues including what and how Africa can learn from itself, the role of natural gas in Africa’s energy future, effective and sustainable investment strategies, strategic oil and gas revenue management and, the role of women in the African petroleum sector. The latter he insists is vital in the success of Africa’s oil and gas sector. He asserts that the low number of women


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NJ Ayuk, energy lawyer

represented in the global energy sector is an opportunity missed. “I believe this is unacceptable, short-sighted, and, frankly a real stumbling block to African countries that want to realise the full socio-economic benefits that a thriving oil and gas industry can provide.” Ayuk says that, “Africans are more than capable of making our continent successful.” However, global participation in the African energy landscape can produce greater benefits. Speaking on U.S.-Africa relations specifically, he stresses that Africa needs companies that are willing to share knowledge, technology and best practices, and businesses that are willing to form positive relationships in areas where they work. In his foreword, H.E. Barkindo describes Ayuk as a dreamer who has “taken the time to develop a detailed roadmap for realising that dream” and prompts people all over the world to take the time to read Billions at Play in order to “play a part in making his dream of petroleum-fueled economic growth, stability and improved quality of life happen for Africa.”

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Guesthouse or Hotel? Four considerations to help you make the best choice for your next business trip Have you ever stood on tiptoes in the corner of your hotel room desperately trying to catch a signal to download your mails? Or found that the guesthouse at which you’re staying is not nearly as close to the conference centre as you had thought?


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hoosing the right accommodation can make or break your business trip,” says Andrew Grunewald, Flight Centre Business (FCBT) Travel Brand Leader. “Whether you are a seasoned road warrior or a first-time business traveller, the right place to stay will allow you to conduct business efficiently and professionally, as even the smallest details can make a big difference.” Grunewald explains that business travel has historically always been associated with traditional hotels, but over the past few years, there has been a slight shift as travellers seek a more relaxed environment in guesthouses and alternative forms of accommodation. Here are a few points to consider when choosing between a hotel or a guest house on your next business trip:


Price is the number one reason why business travellers opt for guesthouses instead of hotels.

like royalty 24/7. Hotels are ideal for business travellers who are short on time, with their grab-and-go retail snacks and coffee stations in the lobby. If late-night room service is a deal breaker, stick to hotels. Location trumps all Location is the one factor that trumps all others when choosing the right place to stay for the vast majority of FCBT business travellers, according to Grunewald. “Business executives don’t want to waste time and money travelling to and from the venue or have to worry about running late to their next meeting,” he says. Traditional hotels are often situated more strategically for business meetings than smaller guesthouses, which tend to be found in more suburban settings away from the bustling cities. If business travellers have back-to-back meetings or an important conference to attend, a hotel close to the venue is without a doubt the best choice, says Grunewald. However, if the traveller has just one or two meetings and would then like to enjoy the destination at leisure on a bleisure extension, a guesthouse in the suburbs could be better suited. Do you enjoy a more personalised approach? A guesthouse is often like living as a guest in someone else’s house. Some travellers absolutely love it, others hate it. A guesthouse is often a more personal and more local choice. Along with the owners of the house, you’ll typically find a small team of long-term staff members on-site who will not hesitate to go the extra mile to take care of the traveller’s needs and who will love to have a chat with you in the dining or breakfast room. Hotels, on the other hand, come with larger teams of qualified staff that are well-trained to make sure you are treated

Wi-Fi and on-site facilities Fast WiFi alongside a mini-bar and room service is possibly one of the top reasons business travellers prefer to stay in hotels. However, many guesthouses are also stepping up these facilities. Budget Price is the number one reason why business travellers opt for guesthouses instead of hotels, according to FCBT travel managers. However, price should never be the determining factor for your choice, says Grunewald. “By booking through a travel management company such as FCBT, corporates can enjoy discounted corporate rates without the volume of bookings usually required by hotel programmes. The final verdict: Hotel or guesthouse? There is no clear-cut right or wrong answer, explains Grunewald, as much will depend on your personal preferences. At FCBT, we’ve seen that career-oriented Gen X travellers are more likely to opt for hotels whereas the younger millennials – who place a lot of importance on a healthy work-life balance – tend to prefer guesthouses. Grunewald add that the distinction between hotels and guesthouses is also started to fade. Guesthouses are starting to step up the facilities that business travellers want, while many hotels have started to personalise their offering to encourage a more homely feel.

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The new Eight Generation

by Carl Wepener

Porsche Carrera S and 4S ise

m o r p m o C t u o h t i w e c n e l Ex cel

More powerful, faster, digital – the Porsche 911 is committed to the Porsche design DNA, with a much more muscular look and an interior featuring a 10.9-inch touchscreen monitor, the new 911 is timeless – and also modern. Intelligent control and chassis elements as well as innovative assistance systems combine the masterfully uncompromising dynamism that the classic rear-engine sports car is famed for, with the demands of the digital world.


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Oliver Blume, CEO of Porsche AG: “The eighth generation of the 911 is even more powerful, even more emotional, and even more efficient than its predecessor – and also offers extensive digital features. And in spite of all the innovations, the 911 is still just what it has always been: a puristic sports car and the pulsing heart of Porsche – our icon.” The next generation of flat-six turbocharged engines has been further developed and are more powerful than ever before, with 331 kW (450 PS) in the S models. The drive efficiency has been further optimised, and emissions reduced by way of an improved injection process and a new layout for the turbochargers and charge air cooling system. Power is delivered by a newly developed eight-speed dualclutch transmission.

LIFESTYLE The top speeds are now 308 km/h (Carrera S) and 306 km/h for the Carrera 4S all-wheel-drive version. Both 911 models beat the foursecond mark for acceleration from zero to 100 km/h: the rear-wheeldrive Coupé needs 3.7 seconds and the 911 Carrera 4S with all-wheel drive just 3.6 seconds. This makes both cars 0.4 seconds faster than the previous model in each case. This advantage is increased by a further 0.2 seconds with the optional Sport Chrono Package. The 911 is setting new fastest lap times even on the toughest circuits around the world. A 911 Carrera S has completed the Nordschleife of the Nürburgring in just 7 minutes and 25 seconds – five seconds faster than the previous model. Additional highlights include Porsche Wet Mode to make driving on wet roads even safer, Night Vision Assist with thermal imaging camera, as well as comprehensive connectivity that uses swarm intelligence. The package is completed by three exclusive digital services that were unveiled with the new 911 in Los Angeles on 27 November 2018: the Porsche Road Trip app for those long-distance journeys, the Porsche 360+ personal assistant, and the web-based Porsche Impact emissions calculator to neutralise your individual carbon footprint.

mm larger here. The front end – generally 45 mm wider – revives a traditional feature of earlier 911 generations: a forward-extended bonnet with a distinctive recess in front of the windscreen. Both elements lengthen the front of the vehicle and give it a dynamic look. At the same time, the newly developed LED headlights illustrate how technology has advanced in the 911. These headlights are integrated into the wings almost seamlessly, taking the typically-911 round and upright form. Flush integration of the electrical pop-out handles in the doors emphasises the tapered and smooth side contour. The exterior mirrors have also been redesigned, and are now optimised to minimise wind noise. It is also possible to fold the mirrors in electronically. The rear of all models is dominated by the significantly wider, variable-position spoiler and the seamless, elegant light bar. The vertically arranged louvres of the air intake echo the contours of the rear window, and the centrally located third brake light has also been integrated in the intake louvres – this is not visible when the rear spoiler is extended, so a brake light has also been incorporated into the spoiler itself.

An exterior design that draws on earlier generations of the 911 The exterior design is familiar and yet undoubtedly new. The eighth-generation 911 is wider, more assertive, and more advanced. Wider wings arch over the large 20-inch wheels at the front and 21inch wheels at the rear. The rear-wheel-drive models now match the bodywork width of the existing all-wheel models. The rear axle is 44

Redesigned interior with clear lines The interior is distinctive, with clear, straight lines and recessed instruments defining the dashboard. 911 models from the 1970s provided the inspiration here as well, with the new dashboard spanning the entire width between two horizontal wing levels, just as it did in the original 911. Alongside the centrally positioned rev counter, two thin, frameless freeform displays deliver information to the driver. Now 10.9 inches in size, the centre screen of the Porsche Communication Management (PCM) can be operated quickly and without causing distraction.

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The vehicle has an extremely low understeer or oversteer tendency and therefore provides the driver with higher safety reserves, particularly with a dynamic driving style.

Below it, a docked-on control panel of five buttons – styled to look like classic toggle switches – creates the transition to the centre console with touchpad. The seats have also been completely revamped. The new design reduces the vehicle weight by around three kilogrammes, while the adapted geometry offers significantly better lateral support in the shoulder area. Although the seat is now positioned five millimetres lower and has a minimally thinner seat cushion, seating comfort has been improved overall. Sophisticated assistance systems enhance safety and comfort In a world first, Porsche has developed Wet Mode, included as standard. This function detects water on the road, preconditions the control systems accordingly and warns the driver, who can then set the car up to focus on safety by simply pushing a button or using the mode switch on the steering wheel (Sport Chrono Package). The warning and brake assist system, also fitted as standard, detects the risk of collisions with vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, and initiates a warning or emergency braking if necessary. Night Vision Assist with a thermal imaging camera is optionally available for the 911 for the first time. Adaptive cruise control, available on request, comprises automatic distance control with a stop-and-go function and reversible occupant protection. Enhanced power, greater efficiency The new 911 also brings a new generation of turbocharged flat-six engines. Advanced development has been primarily focused on further enhancing performance, alongside meeting the latest emissions standards by including a gasoline particulate filter (GPF). New, larger turbochargers with symmetrical layout and electrically controlled wastegate valves, a completely redesigned charge air cooling system, increased compression, as well as the newly


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implemented piezo injectors combine to attain engine improvements in all relevant areas: responsiveness, power, torque characteristic, efficiency and manoeuvrability. In addition to the 22 kW (30 PS) increase in power to 331 kW (450 PS) at 6,500/min, the engine offers 30 Nm higher torque, at 530 Nm between 2,300 rpm and 5,000 rpm. The new six-cylinder engine features forced induction by an almost completely new intake system. Two mirrored turbochargers replace the previously used identical parts. In addition, the compressor and turbine wheels are now arranged in mirrored configuration in relation to the engine, and therefore rotate in opposite directions. Increased efficiency: charge air coolers now under the rear lid grille. Further downstream in the intake section, compressed air flows through the two newly positioned charge air coolers, which were previously installed in the location of the air filter – they have now swapped places. Instead of being located at the sides in the rear wings, the charge air coolers are now located directly over the engine in a central position under the rear lid grille. This new position permits improved air inflow and outflow of the cooling air and the de throttling of the process air path, while the increased size of the charge air coolers significantly boosts their efficacy. Emotional sound both inside and out The unmistakable sound of the 911 also contributes to the driving pleasure of this sports car. That’s why the engineers have paid great attention to the sound balance of the intake and exhaust sides when carrying out further development. The exhaust systems have been revamped to offer a characteristic and appealing sound experience for the Porsche 911, in spite of stricter noise requirements and installation of the gasoline particulate filter. A sports exhaust is also available. While the standard system has two double tailpipes, the sports exhaust system has two oval outlets.


Completely newly developed eight-speed dual-clutch transmission The 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera 4S are being launched exclusively with the first eight-speed dual-clutch transmission (PDK) for Porsche sports cars. Compared with the seven-speed transmission of the previous models, the new PDK offers a host of improvements. The driver can directly feel the enhanced combination of comfort, performance and efficiency. All gears have new ratios: first gear is now shorter and eighth gear longer than before. This has made it possible to implement a longer final-drive ratio, thereby further reducing engine speeds in the upper gears. The result is harmonious ratio stepping and further potential for reducing fuel consumption. Maximum speed can still be achieved in sixth gear. Fast gear changes for better dynamics The new fast gearshift enables the driving dynamics of the 911 to be experienced even more intensely. This function is available for shifting up both in manual mode, and when Sport Plus is activated, also in automatic mode. As with the 911 GT sports cars, this means much shorter response times and faster gear changes. Fast gearshifts are generally used at high engine speeds and loads, and require significantly improved clutch switching during the gearshift operation. The hydraulically controlled clutch changeover takes place much faster thanks to an additional filling bypass. Sport Chrono Package with a new mode switch The Sport Chrono Package is the first choice when it comes to increasing driving performance and driving pleasure. The

package includes the new mode switch with Sport Response button and PSM Sport Mode, dynamic engine mounts, as well as the stopwatch and the Porsche Track Precision app. Driving modes are selected by means of the new mode switch in the steering wheel, and the currently active mode is displayed in the instrument cluster. The PSM Sport mode is separately switchable and adjusts the stability system to an especially sporty mode, in which ambitious drivers can get even closer to the limit range of their vehicle in a safe environment. Inspired by motor sports, the Sport Response button offers the option of setting engine and transmission responsiveness to maximum performance for 20 seconds. The Porsche Track Precision app enables measurement of lap times and driving data on race tracks; using a smartphone, this data can be recorded and managed, as well as shared and compared with other drivers. In combination with the optional Sport Chrono Package, the new Wet Mode, which is standard for all 911 models, can be selected via the mode switch. The standard Sport function can then also be activated only by means of the mode switch. Motor racing technology: mixed tyre diameter and width for the first time The chassis of the Porsche 911 sets standards for sports cars – and has done so in every generation for more than 50 years. With the chassis of the new 911, Porsche further exploits the driving dynamics potential. The basis for this is provided by the new mixed tyre configuration, with

The eighth generation of the 911 is even more powerful, even more emotional, and even more efficient than its predecessor.

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20-inch wheels on the front axle and 21-inch wheels on the rear axle. At the same time, the tyres on the rear drive axle are significantly wider than on the front wheels. This results in a track that is 46mm wider at the front of both models, as well as a 39 mm-wide track width at the rear of the 911 Carrera S. This combination enables the rear axle to build up higher lateral stability, and further improves the traction of the rearwheel-driven 911. The mixed tyres also have a considerable influence on the vehicle balance. The handling is even more neutral and controllable. The vehicle has an extremely low understeer or oversteer tendency and therefore provides the driver with higher safety reserves, particularly with a dynamic driving style. The refined chassis design is completed by the next generation of Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM), offering a significantly enhanced balance of sportiness and comfort. The PASM chassis is equipped with controlled shock absorbers as standard. It can be replaced with the PASM sports chassis, for a 10-millimetre-lowered body. Sportier and more comfortable: further developed PASM with a wider spread Porsche has extensively further developed PASM for the new 911. The latest generation of dampers features fully revised engineering. The main stage valve and the pressure chambers for the rebound and compression stage are controlled within a few milliseconds by means of a high-precision control valve that is infinitely adjustable using magnetic force. This enables precise adjustment of the damping force at any time. In addition, the Porsche chassis specialists have developed separate software controls for the new damper technology, which perfectly align the damper function to their application in the new 911. The combination of new hardware and software results in significant advantages. When needed, the new PASM offers significantly softer damping than the previous system, and therefore greater comfort both in the compression and rebound


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stage. Quick, brief stimuli in particular – for example from cobblestones – are dampened with much greater success. At the same time, the new PASM offers the opportunity to have the dampers act more firmly, resulting in significant driving dynamics advantages with respect to roll stability, road connection, steering behaviour, and possible cornering speeds. A PASM sports chassis lowered by ten millimetres is also available. The entire setup is designed specifically for enhanced driving dynamics and enables both greater agility on curves and more stability on highspeed stretches. New brake system setup with optimised brake response The new wheel sizes with further-developed tyres led to a completely new chassis setup. This resulted in renewed improvements in wet grip and dry handling as well as in rolling resistance. The spring and anti-roll bar rates are higher and the brake system operates more precisely. Because the new rear wheels can transmit a higher braking force, the diameter of the rear brake discs has been increased from 330 millimetres to 350 millimetres. The brake pedal ratio has been shortened. The pedal is now made of an organic sheet composite material consisting of steel, carbon fibre and plastics. It weighs around 300 grams less than the previous steel component. There is a more immediate brake response, and the driver can also feel a very precise pressure point because of the firm connection. Sporty drivers in particular will value this optimised feedback. The brake system modifications are rounded off by the change from a pneumatic brake booster to an electric booster. The race track-proven Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) is still optionally available for all 911 models. The ceramic brake offers low weight and practically no fading. Direct steering ratio for greater agility In order to further increase the agility and dynamic turn-in behaviour of the new 911, the steering ratio is around 11 % more direct on the standard sports cars and approximately 6 % more direct on vehicles with


optional rear-axle steering. The 911 is even more agile as a result and provides even greater driving pleasure on winding roads. A new, typically Porsche steering controller is also used for improved feedback on the steering wheel. Thanks to the enhanced algorithm, the road conditions – dry, wet or snow – can be better taken into account to achieve the desired handling. The comfort-oriented Power Steering Plus is optionally available. At low speeds, this steering operates with an adapted steering support, enabling particularly easy manoeuvring and parking. More rigid body with even higher aluminium share With the new 911, Porsche has further developed the mixed body construction throughout the vehicle and designed a completely new body structure. The steel share of 63 percent in the previous model has now been more than halved to 30 percent, for example. Apart from the front and rear aprons, the outer skin is now made fully of aluminium. The new door design, made from aluminium sheet, reduces the bodyshell weight without negatively impacting stability or quality. Adaptive aerodynamics with greater control range The enhanced active aerodynamics of the new 911 again extends the vehicle’s ability to combine energy efficiency and performance. To achieve this, the active element control strategy for the rear spoiler and cooling air flaps was modified depending on driving speed and driving mode. The new 911 now regulates its aerodynamics in the range between the efficiency-optimised Eco mode and the Performance configuration for optimum driving dynamics.The new adaptive rear spoiler makes a significant contribution to aerodynamic optimisation: it is now significantly larger and wider. With its 45-percent larger aerodynamically effective area, it offers an improved balance between drag and reduced lift.

Intelligent LED headlights for better visibility Porsche has developed a whole host of new safety and assistance systems for the new 911. The new optional LED matrix headlights with PDLS Plus catch the eye in particular. These represent the apex of Porsche lighting technology. The energy centre of the matrix headlights is made up of 84 individual LEDs which work together, with lenses positioned in front of them, and the high-power LED of the auxiliary high beam. The generated light beam corresponds in range and intensity to laser light. The light is distributed so that the driver always benefits from maximum illumination of the roadway without dazzling or disturbing other road users. The complex headlight module consists of several components that can be controlled very flexibly, and independently of each other, on the basis of camera data, navigation data and vehicle conditions. Intelligent control of light distribution means that it has also been possible to integrate additional functions that significantly increase driving comfort and safety. The system is therefore able to detect and selectively dim highly reflective traffic signs. In addition to masking oncoming traffic on a segment-by-segment basis, the Boost function also increases illumination of the vehicle’s own driving lane at the same time. This directs the driver’s view in a targeted way, thereby increasing comfort and safety. The cornering light is switched on and off with smooth transitions and therefore reduces strain on the eyes. The 911 is equipped with LED headlights from the factory as standard. These already include auxiliary high beam and dynamic range control. They form the basis for the optional headlights with PDLS Plus. The latter additionally include dynamic cornering light, high beam assist as well as motorway and fog light functions. The LED matrix headlights are a completely new development.

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Last Word


indy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres says, “In much the same way, children develop the ability to communicate and learn through the ‘tap root system’ of language - the first learning to ‘emerge’ in a young child. Language is the tap root of learning! All school subjects, including Maths, Science and Technologies, receive their ‘nutrients’ and guidance from LANGUAGE!” She explains that prioritising language development in children will ensure that they can effectively navigate all learning areas. “Reading, spelling, listening skills, writing, speaking and comprehension are essential tools for successful learning. If your child is struggling with comprehension skills (the ability to understand what they are reading or being asked to do), for example, they will struggle in all areas of learning. Just like the giant oak tree would not be able to reach its full potential without a solid tap root system, so your child would not be able to achieve learning success without developing skills in language, and particularly in comprehension of language.” So, how can you assist your child in developing a strong language tap root so that they can grow and develop to their full learning potential? Cindy provides the following tips: 1. Set the tone for learning in your home: It is important to remember that your children are learning from you, their first teacher. As best as you can, model language as an effective tool of communication. Encourage your children to use WORDS to express how they feel and what they want you to know. Avoid the use of babylanguage and slang. 2. READ, read, read: Create an environment that encourages reading. Younger children love being read to. Older children will choose to read if they see that you are reading and Have you ever gazed upon a giant oak tree? enjoying it! These majestic trees can grow as high as 21m 3. Develop comprehension skills: Ask questions and listen and as wide as 3m! In fact, the tallest oak tree to answers, without judgement. Children who fear your ever recorded was a whopping 44m high! Their reaction to their answers will shut down and avoid branches extend for many metres, shading having conversations that might trigger a negative the earth from the hot sun in Summer and reaction from you. Show interest in what they are reading or doing. Ask: Who…? What…? How…? Tell shedding their colourful leaves in the Autumn. me more. Why do you think…? Can you describe…? It is interesting to note that the grandiose oak This strategy has an added bonus – an opportunity tree started life on earth as a tiny seed. The to spend quality time connecting with your child! giant tap root system was the first part of the 4. Limit time on devices or in front of the TV: tree to emerge at germination - tiny at first, but Activities on devices do not require much thought continually expanding. It is from this giant tap and even less language skills. Children can spend many hours in mindless activities that can be root system that the magnificent oak tree receives equated to pollution in their ‘soil’. Roots cannot all the water and nutrients that it needs to grow grow effectively in polluted soil. and develop to its full potential! “LANGUAGE is the tap root of all learning. Make it your priority to assist your children in mastering these learning-essential skills,” Cindy concludes.

Language and successful learning - is it REALLY that important?


CeO 2020 Vol 20.1




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