CEO Magazine Volume 21 | Issue 2

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st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021

Leading in the financial market with Amma Frimpoma Managing Director of SIC Life Savings and Loans.

Innovation solutions Vol 21 Issue 2

Celebrating South-African Womens Month 2021

"Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength." G.D Anderson A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world. From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge. #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021


st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021

Get a $2500 Ticket for FREE for a limited time! Physical Product Businesses Registration is OPEN!

Expand your Business Horizons









Where seaside memories are made P/39

















Carl Wepener shares his thoughts after test driving / P49

By Alan Samons CEO Global Group Pan African Awards winner: Arts & Culture; Continental Winner 2018 / P44


st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021

No article or part of an article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. The information provided and opinions expressed in this publication are provided in good faith but do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or editor. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the publication. However, neither the publisher not the editor can be held legally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any facts or information provided or omitted in these pages, or from any statements made in or withheld by this publication


Expand your Business Horizons





















Publisher: CEO Global Group Phone: +27828834901 Chief Executive Annelize Wepener Chief Operating Officer George Wepener Director Finance & Corporate Services Carl Wepener Head of Production/Creative Manager Lynn Richards - Rubix Cube Digital Corporate Support Yvonne Finch


st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021

No article or part of an article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. The information provided and opinions expressed in this publication are provided in good faith but do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or editor. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the publication. However, neither the publisher not the editor can be held legally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any facts or information provided or omitted in these pages, or from any statements made in or withheld by this publication WWW.CEOGLOBALGROUP.COM


The long & the short

eton s'rotid

of the Covid Fallout

In a previous editorial piece, we have mentioned and spoke about the ideological cleansing within the ANC and government that appears to have reached its zenith in the variety and scope of political intriguing stories that invariably accompany such developments has reached a new high or low depending on your view. Alas, if we look at what is happening now during COVID 19 it seems that the cleansing that we spoke of was only the pinnacle of the iceberg.


No doubt that where justice has been done, we all rejoice, and we believed that we have seen the last of the crippling corruption that plagued the South African government and SOE’s. The reality is that this is not the case as we have now seen more COVID tender fraud and even ministers and leaders of government and the private sector enriching themselves are caught out. The sadness of this is that it is at the cost of all our people that are supposed to be represented by these politicians and corporate leaders. We are consistently staggering under the onslaught of the enormity of the corruption from our socalled ethical leaders.

We are consistently staggering under the onslaught of the enormity of the corruption from our so-called ethical leaders.

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eton s'rotid

I am uncertain why this maladministration of public funds is tolerated in this country and the continent. In my reading off press releases and understanding the input from market leaders means that our economy will not be spared the worst of the shock of the financial effects of COVID.

More than 70% of our households are experiencing difficulties in making ends meet. Very few people can meet their obligations in servicing their debt.

No one is insulated from the harsh realities of COVID 19 lockdowns or the financial market crisis crippling us through COVID and corporate fraud. Let us face it, the current situation will not conjure up respect from other nations, nor will they grant loans to help stabilise our economies. We as citizens of Africa must take stringent action in exposing these culprits and ostracise them from government and business alike.


More than 70% of our households are experiencing difficulties in making ends meet. Very few people can meet their obligations in servicing their debt.


st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021

ceo 2021 l Vol 2



Innovation Solutions

Leading in the financial market with

Being a curious person and having been trained as a teacher and getting an LLB degree, made Amma Frimpomaa Dwumah a successful business person and leader by example. To be successful in the business sector, you don't have to be trained specifically for that. A myriad of experience can determine where you are going and can be put to positive use to make a difference in the market. Amma started her career as a secondary grade teacher. Three months after having her first child, she was posted to a remote area, and with her mother not being in the country, she depended on some older adults who sold under trees in the school to look after her baby during class hours. During the break period, she would rush to them, breastfeed, or cuddle the baby until the next lesson.

Amma obtained a Bachelor of Education in English Language at the University of Education, Winneba. After teaching for three years, Amma went back to studying for her LLB law degree and then worked as a lawyer for over a decade. In 2014 she joined Golden Price Savings & Loans, a micro-finance institution. She moved to the Bank of Africa, where she developed a keen interest in the financial sector. Even though she was a lawyer and in the legal services department, she used to go and spend time with Treasury to learn more!

"Although I'm not a finance person, I took time off to understudy my colleagues in the finance and risk departments at the Bank of Africa and read extensively about the industry. Initially, it was tough, especially the crisis in the financial sector. I learnt from people who had served in similar "I was a single mother and quite young, so it was positions and continue to upgrade myself to be a tough taking care of my baby and teaching at the same better person," she said. time. By my second year in school, I had another baby, and this time, my mother was around to support the "All innovation must be realistic and children and me. My mother advised that rather than practical. If we develop products that can staying at home and having babies, I should focus on furthering my education, so I went back to school when only be used on a smartphone and our clients my second child was a little over a year. By then, I had do not have access to this technology, it taught for three years and could apply for study leave," becomes useless. Ultimately, innovation she narrated.

should be aimed at specific groups, with their particular needs in mind." ceo 2021 l Vol 2



She had also taken up several courses to enhance her knowledge in the industry. The courses include a Diploma in Banking Innovations and Financial Strategies from Galilee International Management Institute, Israel; Boulder Microfinance Training Programme, Concentration in Digital Financial Services from Boulder Institute of Microfinance, Turin, Italy and Creating Innovative Practices and Strategies (ILM endorsed) from Crown Agents, London. She has also equipped herself to function well as a leader by completing a Senior Management Programme at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, United Kingdom and an Executive Education Certificate from John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Implementing Public Policy and Negotiation Strategies. "In the financial sector, you are up against some strong competitors. The key differentiators for us are that we are a government financial institution, which gives people peace of mind since they know we will not disappear! When private business institutions collapse or go bankrupt, you have no one to fall back on. Our biggest advantage is that we have strong shareholders and that the government backs us". The financial services sector is one in which women have not easily progressed into senior leadership positions. Anna is one of the few who have successfully challenged the status quo. She explains that her driving force is always telling her people that she does not know everything, and her passion is to learn even as she runs the institution.

The ability to make people feel like 'we are all in this together is part of creating success. It is not about governing from the top; She does not impose her position on her subordinates. Are there any particular areas opening up in your business sector that could be meaningfully exploited from a business perspective?

Every success we achieve is collectively for all of us.

SIC Life Savings & Loans is meaningfully exploited in the financial sector as an insurance company, working with savings and loans. SIC Life Savings & Loans want to collaborate to combine banking and insurance for our customers. Today, people have more money in their mobile wallets than in their bank accounts, because they think it is more flexible.

Amma takes her whole team along in her deliberations and decision making and gives credit where it is due. She takes all their opinions and views into account and will give reasons why she agrees or disagree, so that they can work collectively as a team.

It is not always just about the technology; it is about adapting to our customers' new trends, not what our business reviews want. Our insurance parent company brings people to banking, and we cross-sell products and increase profits. ceo 2021 l Vol 2



Amma says that banking is not just about loans. It is also about the ability to pay bills while at home or do shopping online while still drawing cash for other payments. They are constantly investigating and researching our space to see how our customers can benefit. She also states that, as innovation is often used as the panacea for all business problems, none of us are reinventing the wheel, so innovation needs to ultimately benefit the institution, the people we work with, and our customers. We should look beyond simply proposing a myriad of ideas and focus on ideas that are realistic and that will make a real difference. When it comes to innovation, there is a risk of guessing what people want, only to realise down the road that it is not what they need.

Many economic hubs have innovation, know-how and technical solutions. Still, they lack access to relevant technology, and the industry must make sure that these people also have access to innovative products and services. Amma further says that all innovation must be realistic and practical. If we develop products that can only be used on a smartphone and our clients do not have access to this technology, it becomes useless. Ultimately, innovation should be aimed at specific groups, with their particular needs in mind. She says that we need to aim to go to these communities and engage them face-to-face or through information kiosks to reach out, educate, and inform them of how we can help meet their needs. Throughout Amma's life journey, she has been recognised on several platforms for her service to humanity. In 2019, she was recognised as the best CEO for the Non-Bank Financial Sector in Ghana. In 2018, she was adjudged the runner up of Ghana Most Respected CEO. Due to her consistent hard work and impact, she was recognised in 2019 as Ghana Most Respected CEO. She has been inducted into Ghana's Female CEOS hall of fame. Under the auspices of John Agyekum Kuffuor (Former President of the Republic of Ghana), Amma was adjudged in 2021 as the Promising CEO of the Decade.


ceo 2021 l Vol 2

Submission & Nominations CEO Global 2021 Awards These awards are about YOU, your contribution, your influence and not about the organization you represent. Complete online at Please complete ALL questions in the Entry Form to speed up your route to the finalists All this documentation needs to be submitted in order for an entry to be complete


st Anniversary Celebrating 21 Years of Excellence

Expand your Business Horizon

YEARS 2001 - 2021


Adapt or Die in the covid era A culture of change

CEO Global is interviewing Amma Frimpomaa Dwumah the Managing Director of SIC Life Savings and Loans. She shares her views on the importance of change in the light of covid, and the change it will bring to the banking sector especially as far as technology-based products and outcomes are concerned. She further stresses the importance of people development and interpreting value through the eyes of the liberated customer. So much of the world seems ripe for disruption – and particularly the way commerce is conducted. What impact is this disruption having on business and governance? In many ways, disruption has been a good thing. Prior to Covid, it was tempting to simply avoid the imperative to adapt. Now, we have no choice but to confront change, and make use of technology to overcome the challenges that lie ahead of us.

What is the most valuable leadership lesson you have learnt in your career? What rings true to me is that, when you consider the 4Ps of management – perception, processes, people and projects – we need to realise that the most important of these Ps is people. We all have our perceptions, our processes to follow, and projects that need to be completed. But at the end of the day, we work with people.

Banks will not always be brick and mortar establishments, with customers walking into a physical building and doing If you as a leader can look past the results, things with paper. This causes people to worry, since it be empathetic and understand your people, leads to uncertainty around how technological changes they will give you so much more. will affect staff and their jobs. We spend most of our working hours with But now is the time to be ready and willing to adapt and colleagues, so as leaders we need to make be more productive in the way we embrace digital that count to get the best results. My channels and social media. Technology can be used to leadership quality and skills have taught me to make all of us more productive and more relevant to the treat people as human beings, and so get the business. And in many instances, Covid helped us to most from them. understand the power of these e-tools and platforms, and how to use them optimally in the business.


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There is a strong focus on equipping the youth and young professionals with leadership skills for the future. What leadership skills do you think the youth will need most in the future world of work? Covid and its after-effects have launched a new future for us. Any leader who is to survive must learn to be agile and adapt. There is no point being an expert on a world that no longer exists! Rather, we should all adopt a curious, child-like mindset that is ready and open to learn.

How will companies in the financial sector gain a competitive advantage in the future? No matter how expensive it is, all companies in this sector will need to invest in technology. Covid has shown us the importance of embracing technology, and of regarding technological investment as a standard cost of doing business. But we also need to invest in our staff to ensure that they have the necessary training and skills to use the technology at their disposal.

One of the most damaging phrases – and one that has led to the failure of many a business – is: “This is the way we’ve always done it.” If we want to succeed in the future, we need to put on a learner’s hat. If you believe that you are already expert enough, those who are ready to learn will do so, and will leave you behind.

To gain a competitive advantage, you need to sell the right service or product and adapt continually to change.

Learn to focus! There are so many distractions today – especially on the Internet and on social media – but if you are focused, you can innovate and solve problems creatively.

In terms of the next chapter, my position is a political one, and most often our time in office ends together with the time of the government that appointed me.

How does SIC Life Savings & Loans look to add value to its clients?

As far as my legacy goes, if there is anything that I have focused on in the last four years, it has been work culture, work ethic, and reminding staff that we are all working towards a common goal.

In Ghana, the banking system has three categories: commercial banks, non-bank financial services, and micro-finance institutions. Since we are a ‘nonbank’ financial institution, we deal with small and medium-sized businesses, and most of our clients are informal roadside traders who have little knowledge of or access to technology. Our ability to reach out, touch base, and see our clients face to face allows us to educate them about financial decisions. Giving sound financial advice on where to invest their money, or simply providing foundational financial education, empowers our clients to grow their money.

When the time comes for you to move on to the next chapter in your life, what legacy do you hope to leave behind?

When I joined the institution, there was a mentality that profit was irrelevant; whether we made profit or not did not matter, since we would still get paid. But this mentality has changed completely over the last years, and there is conviction among everyone that if we succeed, the profits come to all of us. This I believe is my legacy: to instil a culture of change.

There is no point being an expert in a world that no longer exists! Rather, we should all adopt a curious, child-like mindset that is ready and open to learn.


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Finally for Physical Product Businesses Registration is OPEN! Get a $2500 Ticket for FREE for a limited time! For several years now, the team at Rock Your Product®, has been working on a NEW SECRET PROJECT that is ready to be released!

They are giving out a limited amount of FREE VIP seats (valued at $2500 USD) and we secured one for you!

It is super exciting, for Physical Product Business owners, and it means unprecedented access, award-winning training, and growth for you.

Get a $2500 Ticket for FREE for a limited time!

On August 24-August 26th, 2021, Korie Minkus (founder of Rock Your Product®), Kane Minkus (founder of Industry Rockstar®), and Kevin Harrington (the original Shark from Shark Tank®) are delivering a NEW 3-Day Virtual Conference called Rock Your Product Scale! As a team, they have been featured in CBS, FOX, ABC, CNBC, Forbes, and Entrepreneur Magazine. They have trained over 3M+ Professionals in 80 different countries, and scaled product brands globally. This summit is the only one of its kind for Physical Product business owners to learn how to rapidly grow, scale, and optimize distribution channels. Rock Your Product® is the #1 Global Product Business Advisory & Growth Training Company.

You may already know Korie Minkus, founder of Rock Your Product®, but in case you do not… She has spent 30 years in the Physical Product Industry helping Business owners scale their businesses in the marketplace. She launched over 100+ brands globally and created over $1 billion in sales with Fortune 500 and emerging brand owners. There has become SO much demand for the systems and techniques Korie created for Physical Product Business owners to SCALE their companies, that she finally got a chance to develop out an ENTIRE summit that focuses on JUST that! Physical Product Business owners and their specific needs to learn award-winning practices and sequence, to scale their business.


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If I may be honest, there is really very little mentoring in the world for Physical Product business owners to learn how to do this right. Mostly everything is focused on service businesses or e-commerce. Rock Your Product® is focused on the entire business growth of a Product Business (which is what really makes successful product brands and companies).

That leaves a NOTICEABLY big gap for the tools that Physical Product business owners need to know to properly grow and scale out their companies. That is exactly why Korie created the 3 Day Rock Your Product Virtual Summit. She decoded what she has been doing to rock product brands internationally for the last 30 years. Together, Korie, Kane & Kevin Harrington, are going to present the secrets to crushing it in the marketplace with Physical Products and how to scale your Physical Product Business. They are not only going to be teaching you exactly what to do, but they are also going to be introducing you to the industry leaders in Physical Product Scaling. 10 of the Top Entrepreneurs, Mentors, Industry Legends, and Rock Your Product® board advisors will be joining them to share the techniques about what is working now in the marketplace!

They are going to bring all these "A" players together into one event to teach the secret principles behind scaling your Physical Product Business. This event is COMPLETELY new and includes COMPLETELY new and advanced never heard before content. It will be a guaranteed massive accelerator to your business, and complete with best practices and top strategies that have never been taught anywhere else by mentors like this! It also focuses on the significant opportunities and pivots that have come up over the last year due to the massive changes in the world of online and offline business growth. NOTE!!!: This is not a multi-speaker pitch fest the advisors will be sharing their secrets and GIVING away tons of free stuff throughout the event! That means an unprecedented unification of principles from a family of experts all working together under one system - to teach you how to scale your Physical Product business. THIS HAS NEVER, EVER, EVER HAPPENED BEFORE LIKE THIS!

When you register right away, you will be able to secure one of the limited time FREE VIP seats that we are giving away. Valued at $2500 – Folks! The quantity and quality of education you will receive is an unbelievable value and is an absolute no-brainer if you are in the product business. Take this seriously as they have no idea if they will ever be able to get these speakers and advisors in the same place at the same time again like this. Register now - there is limited seating on the Zoom meeting! The dates are Aug 24th-Aug 26th (put them in your calendar now!) and get ready for the best education, experiential, and immersion learning event for Physical Product Business owners on the planet!


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introduces a premium driver network for businesses The company has become a model for innovation in the courier and logistics space, and is consistently predicting niches in the market and developing its software and driver framework to accommodate growing needs.

Picup Head of Operations and HR Ashley Arendse gives us a closer look at this new division of Picup, set to launch in June 2021. “The innovation did not


stop when the country went into lockdown during

company, has introduced Picup Plus, a premium

the pandemic. In fact, it allowed the team to flesh

service aimed at businesses that require drivers

out yet another layer of their manifold success, the

to represent their brand. Picup Plus was

Picup Plus driver model.”






specifically designed for business clients that require the delivery experience to align with their customer experience strategies.

innovation in the courier and logistics space, and is consistently predicting niches in the market developing



for drivers to represent their brand and act as not only drivers, but brand ambassadors,” he adds.

The company has become a model for


“We were inspired by customers who were looking



framework to accommodate growing needs. Picup Plus works on a strict selection basis when measuring driver performance. This comprises key factors like experience, track record, internal ratings and regular customer feedback. These drivers already have a key understanding of how Picup works, their individual clients’ needs, as well as the company culture and current focus areas. They are groomed so that they understand everything about the brand so

Picup’s sophisticated technology and AI modules have been developed in a way that promotes good behaviours and the willingness to work. Arendse adds: “While we need to maintain good level of supply and demand to the driver network, we need to ensure we are rewarding drivers that are going the extra mile and want to earn more.” Drivers with higher ratings will get preference on trips, which drives positive behaviour through the network. They will offer guaranteed trustworthiness, as well as a lasting positive impression on collection and delivery.

that they can present those values and processes when they interact with the customer. ceo 2021 l Vol 12



Arendse says every Picup Plus driver will undergo extensive training through the Picup eLearning platform and attend virtual workshops. “Companies that are fully eCommerce generated have almost no face-to-face interaction with their customers, so a courier becomes the face of that brand during the last mile delivery process.” “Picup is also open to collaborating on custom driver branding. This means that drivers could have shirts and caps that reflect both Picup as well as the corporate identity of the company for which they are delivering,” he explains. Picup Plus can now also introduce specialised offerings such as facilitating payments or ID verification on delivery. Picup Pay which will be launched shortly, it will allow credit card and Snapscan payments on delivery.

“While we need to maintain good level of supply and demand to the driver network, we need to ensure we are rewarding drivers that are going the extra mile and want to earn more.” -Ashley Arendse

‘Picup Legend Network’ is a term that has become synonymous with Picup’s virtual driver culture, streamlined crowdsourced recruitment process and its strong focus on on-demand gratification. For more information visit or email

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Schools to face penalties for non-compliance Schools and other tertiary institutions store and process more personal information than most other organisations, they are by far the most affected by the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2012 (PoPIA), which comes into effect on 1 July 2021. In terms of the data protection laws, all private and public bodies processing personal information, are required to have implemented policies and procedures in order to be compliant. More concerning is that many of these institutions have heaps of old computer equipment lying in their storerooms. This equipment has huge amounts of data, not only on the pupils, but on parents and teachers as well. Reckless disposal of electronics is a huge source of illicit information and it often puts schools at risk. Xperien ITAD specialist Bridgette Vermaak warns schools to comply by ensuring that the data on all their retired electronics is erased or destroyed according to the PoPIA regulations. "Deleting files is not sufficient. Data erasure and IT asset disposal has legislative requirements, compliance to PoPIA, the National Environmental Waste Management Act 2008 (NEMWA 2008), the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)."

According to legislation, schools and other tertiary institutions are required to manage the complete destruction of all data when IT assets reach end-of-life. PoPIA requires them to practice due diligence and ensure their storerooms go through the expected data erasure techniques essential to protect company data. Schools that manage IT asset disposition internally continue to struggle with data security and proper environmental recycling. Efficient IT infrastructure life cycle management and secure IT asset disposition (ITAD) can help them maximise value at every stage of their technology investment. Effective environmental IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) services have become a legal requirement, they are no longer a luxury. It's crucial to find a professional ITAD provider that can offer data sanitisation and destruction services to protect the data. If decommissioning and data destruction is done correctly, their reputation is safe, the budget receives a much-needed boost and the leaders have peace of mind.

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Value recovery is a crucial part of the process, schools need to receive fair market value for endof-life and redundant IT equipment. Professional ITAD service providers normally offer to purchase these assets, this includes the collection, data erasure and reporting. Schools also need to implement a data protection programme that aims at helping pupils understand their responsibilities. Children must understand the implications of unauthorised publishing of personal information and images of third parties, including all social media platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram. It could cause serious harm to the school, its stakeholders and its learners. "Our offer to schools and tertiary institutions is the safe collection of redundant equipment, data erasure and reporting so that they can dispose of their IT equipment knowing that they have complied with relevant legislation and have received the best value for your redundant IT equipment," she concludes.

Our value proposition is to protect our clients’ personal information and intellectual property that resides on their computers during technology changes and at end-of-service. We manage our client’s enterprise and desktop infrastructure in a sustainable manner - across the globe. Logistical solutions are tailored to cater for our clients’ geographical spread and to negate the ever-present risk of hard-drive theft from dispositioned computers. Xperien provides cost-effective solutions to combat the challenges associated with data loss and to mitigate reputational risk. Our compliance meets the NIST 800-88, DoD 5220.22-M and CEGS criteria, particularly in terms of data-destruction processes, while adherence to the Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is core to our business.

More about Xperien ( Join the Circular Economy - Reducing the global ewaste problem and optimising the lifecycle of IT hardware. Xperien (Pty) Ltd is a leading South African IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) company. We are a passionate team of professionals who care about our planet, its people and its resources. From humble beginnings 21 years ago as a used computer dealer, we strive to make our contribution by redefining the way corporations use IT hardware. We provide our clients with secure ITAD services and have obtained ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 accreditations specifically for ITAD.

According to legislation, schools and other tertiary institutions are required to manage the complete destruction of all data when IT assets reach end-of-life.

Xperien ITAD specialist Bridgette Vermaak

ceo 2021 l Vol 2


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named a leader in Agile CMS Optimizely, a leading provider of digital experience platform solutions, was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Agile Content Management Systems. The platform received the highest possible scores in the content hub, content services, and supporting products criteria. The Forrester report noted Optimizely as "a good fit for midmarket and enterprise clients in retail, financial services, and technology." This paves the way for the delivery and optimisation of digital experiences across multi-experience customer journeys. Bluegrass Digital CEO Nick Durrant says Optimizely is the perfect solution to unlock any company's digital potential. "With over 9,000 brands worldwide that have chosen Optimizely, it is not surprising that Forrester has named it as a leader."

Bluegrass CEO Nick Durrant

The Forrester report states: "The combined company offers a range of marketing and ecommerce solutions, including the Content Cloud CMS. The addition of a testing and optimization platform (originally Optimizely) and content personalisation platform Idio have greatly boosted the company's ability to take a more agile approach to omnichannel content management." Download the Forrester report here and learn more about Optimizely's industry-recognised offerings.

"Creating digital experiences that transform your company takes data-driven decisions, continued experimentation and constant invention. Even Gartner has recognised Optimizely for the second consecutive year in the Leaders Quadrant," he wave-agile-cms Optimizely chief product officer Justin Anovick says this announcement validates the hard work behind what they have done for authoring, content modelling, and ease of access from any channel. "These advancements coupled with the solutions we've added through acquisitions have resulted in a stronger than ever digital experience platform." "The combined company offers a range of marketing and e-commerce solutions, including the Content Cloud CMS. The addition of a testing and optimization platform (originally Optimizely) and content personalisation platform Idio have greatly boosted the company's ability to take a more agile approach to omnichannel content management."

About Bluegrass Digital ( Bluegrass Digital is a leading provider of digital solutions for business. We simplify tech. We help you architect and build digital products and services, ensuring you transform and succeed in a digital world. With over 20 years of engineering experience and proven track record, Bluegrass Digital offers expert knowledge and its unique offering that is centred on service delivery excellence. Contact: Nick Durrant (021) 671 1966


ceo 2021 l Vol 2


IT by Colin Iles (Entrepreneur, strategist, disruptor)

Businesses can now ensure a higher probability of developing products and services that are market-fit - much faster and more cheaply than ever before. This is made possible by creating ‘facades’ to test on customers before investing into product development. So, 'faking-it' is a key ingredient for business success. Whether it's products or services, software or hardware, with some creative thinking and a few basic tools, there are multiple ways to use ‘facades’ to test ideas. This can be done well before the first line of code is written or the first mould is created for the production line.

There are, of course, a whole set of secondary benefits from applying the ‘façade’ approach. The compounding effect of learning faster so one can iterate, pivot or fail faster can be mind-blowing, especially if ‘facading’ is not treated as a once-off exercise. Sprint provides a concise 5-day design process, to help businesses create their own facades. However, one needn't read the book to start experimenting. Creativity is more important than learning yet another project framework. Zappos, a multi-billion-dollar online shoe and clothing retailer, is a good example. The company was acquired by Amazon for $1.2b in 2009. However, before that in 1999, the founder Nick Swinmurn had to find a way to test whether consumers would purchase shoes over the internet.

Jake Knapp, author of New York Times bestseller 'Sprint' highlights the benefit of creating cheap ‘facades’ perfectly. He illustrates what 99% of organisations do 99% of the time.

At that time, Google Venture Sprints wasn't around and neither was online shopping or ecommerce. None the less, Swinmurn was able to create a facade that Zappos was already a viable business.

They basically build stuff, wasting significant resources in development, before they expose the product to their customers. The alternative approach is to conceptualise smart ways to create just enough ‘realness’ to an idea to test on potential clients.

Swinmurn was creating a facade to test whether Americans would have enough trust and interest to buy shoes online. With no offices, no distribution, no payment mechanism, no warehousing and no staff he created the illusion that he had a real product.

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By taking photos of trainers, from the closest high-street shop, and emailing these photos to a few thousand addresses, he quickly learnt that a large enough percentage of recipients would buy shoes from him. To fulfil the orders, he would buy the shoes at full retail prices and post them. Not a cost-efficient or scalable approach for sure, but remember that’s not the goal of rapid experimentation. The goal was to learn as much as he could, as quickly as he could, to increase the probability of regularly deploying products and services that his clients would love. So, will faking it help a business make it? Absolutely, but if you're not convinced about the benefits of using facades, to drive rapid experimentation cycles, consider this. Imagine you were presented with the opportunity to invest in just one of two companies that were identical in every way but one.

More about Colin Iles ( Colin Iles is a well-known business speaker and leadership consultant. He specialises in helping courageous leaders transform their businesses, with disruptive interventions that catalyse change. Whether presenting, facilitating or consulting, Colin mixes his professional experiences with humour, deep research and eclectic ideas to ensure his audiences stretch their thinking as to where the real threats lie, and whether their organisation, their division or their teams are equipped to thrive in an exponential world. Contact: Email: Mobile:

Colin Iles +27 79 895 4453

Company A builds minimum viable products (MVPs), relying predominantly on its own experiences, assumptions and the odd market survey. Company B spends more time building facades, to help quickly design products and services, based on real client interactions and only then starts to develop MVP’s. Which company would you choose?

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Finally for Physical Product Businesses Registration is OPEN! Get a $2500 Ticket for FREE for a limited time! ceo 2021 l Vol 2




Ivermectin report By Rubin van Niekerk

Meta analysis of 60 studies on Ivermectin and Covid 19 by Bryant, published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. (Version 93 Updated 21/6/21) Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and safely used medicinally since 1981 and is FDA approved as an antiparasitic agent that has saved millions of lives. The Ivermectin family of compounds was discovered by Nobel laureates, Professor Satoshi Omura and Professor William Campbell and over 3,5 billion doses have been administered for forty years. Dr Paul Marik, a respected author and medical specialist, who has written more than 400 peer reviewed articles became the first doctor to use Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 in 2020. This is a brief synopsis of the analysis of all significant studies concerning the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. Search methods, inclusion criteria, effect extraction criteria (more serious outcomes have priority), all individual study data, PRISMA answers, and statistical methods are detailed. Random effects of meta-analysis results for all studies, for studies within each treatment stage, for mortality results, for COVID-19 case results, for viral clearance results, for peer-reviewed studies, for Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), and after exclusions are presented.

Please read the original 18 000-word comprehensive research analysis should you need more detail and insight into the methodology on • Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 76% and 85% improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis (RR 0.24 [0.140.41] and 0.15 [0.09-0.25]), with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis, restriction to peer-reviewed studies, and restriction to Randomized Controlled Trials. • 81% and 96% lower mortality is observed for early treatment and prophylaxis (RR 0.19 [0.070.54] and 0.04 [0.00-0.58]). Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, hospitalization, cases, and viral clearance. 28 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation.

The time between infection or the onset of symptoms and treatment may critically affect how well a treatment works.

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Early Treatment

Late Treatment



All Studies


85 % (7591%)

76% (5986%)

46% (2959%)



With Exclusions


87% (7593%)

78% (6984%)

54% (3368%)



Peer reviewed


88% (7095%)

77% (6286%)

38% (1555%)



Randomized Controlled Trials


83% (3995%)

69% (5777%)

40% (1160%)



96% (42100%)

81% (4693%)

61% (3876%)


Mortality Results



Percentage improvement with ivermectin treatment • Heterogeneity arises from many factors including treatment delay, population, effect measured, variants, and regimens. The consistency of positive results is remarkable. Heterogeneity is low in specific cases, for example early treatment mortality. • While many treatments have some level of efficacy, they do not replace vaccines and other measures to avoid infection. Only 27% of ivermectin studies show zero events in the treatment arm.

Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used.

• Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Not doing so increases the risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and increases mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage. • Administration with food, often not specified, may significantly increase plasma and tissue concentration. • The evidence base is much larger and has much lower conflict of interest than typically used to approve drugs. • All data to reproduce this paper and sources are in the appendix. See [Bryant, Hariyanto, Hill, Kory, Lawrie, Nardelli] for other meta analyses, all with similar results confirming effectiveness.

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Treatment time

Number of studies reporting positive effects

Total number of studies

Percentage of studies reporting positive effects

Probability of an equal or greater percentage of positive results from an ineffective treatment

Random effects meta-analysis results

Early treatment




0.0000097 1 in 103 thousand

Late treatment




0.00011 1 in 9 thousand


0.000061 1 in 16 thousand

85% improvement RR 0.15 [0.090.25] p < 0.0001

0.00000000000045 1 in 2 trillion

71% improvement RR 0.29 [0.230.38] p < 0.0001


All studies






76% improvement RR 0.24 [0.140.41] p < 0.0001 46% improvement RR 0.54 [0.410.71] p < 0.0001

Prophylaxis refers to regularly taking medication before becoming sick, to prevent or minimize infection. Early Treatment refers to treatment immediately or soon after symptoms appear, while Late Treatment refers to more delayed treatment. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT's) Random effects meta-analysis for Randomized Controlled Trial mortality results only.

Treatment time

Randomized Controlled Trials Randomized Controlled Trials (excluding late treatment)

Number of studies reporting positive effects 28


Total number of studies



Percentage of studies reporting positive effects

Probability of an equal or greater percentage of positive results from an ineffective treatment


0.0000023 1 in 430 thousand


0.000038 1 in 26 thousand

Random effects meta-analysis results

64% improvement RR 0.36 [0.260.51] p < 0.0001

75% improvement RR 0.25 [0.170.38] p < 0.0001

Table 2: Summary of RCT results. ceo 2021 l Vol 2





All studies are included in the main analysis to avoid bias in the selection of studies. This bias evaluation is based on a full analysis of each study and identifying when there is a significant chance that limitations will substantially change the outcome of the study

There are thousands of different variants of SARSCoV-2 and efficacy may depend critically on the distribution of variants encountered by the patients in a study.

Heterogeneity Heterogeneity in COVID-19 studies arises from many factors including: Treatment delay The time between infection or the onset of symptoms and treatment may critically affect how well a treatment works. For example, an antiviral may be very effective when used early but may not be effective in late-stage disease, and may even be harmful. Other medications might be beneficial for late-stage complications, while early use may not be effective or may even be harmful. Oseltamivir, for example, is generally only considered effective for influenza when used within 0-36 or 0-48 hours (McLean/Treanor) Patient demographics Details of the patient population including age and comorbidities may critically affect how well a treatment works. For example, many COVID-19 studies with relatively young low-comorbidity patients show all patients recovering quickly with or without treatment. In such cases, there is little room for an effective treatment to improve results (as in [López-Medina]).

Treatments The use of other treatments may significantly affect outcomes, including anything from supplements, other medications, or other kinds of treatment such as prone positioning. The distribution of studies will alter the outcome of a meta-analysis, consider a simplified example where everything is equal except for the treatment delay, and effectiveness decreases to zero or below with increasing delay. If many studies are using very late treatment, the outcome may be negative, even though the treatment may be very effective when used earlier. Looking at all studies is valuable for providing an overview of all research, and important to avoid cherry-picking, but the resulting estimate does not apply to specific cases such as early treatment in high-risk populations. Discussion One method to evaluate bias is to compare prospective vs. retrospective studies. Prospective studies are likely to be published regardless of the result, while retrospective studies are more likely to exhibit bias.

Effect measured Efficacy may differ significantly depending on the effect measured, for example, a treatment may be very effective at reducing mortality, but less effective at minimizing cases or hospitalization. Or treatment may not affect viral clearance while still being effective at reducing mortality. ceo 2021 l Vol 2



News coverage of ivermectin studies is extremely biased. Only one study to date has received significant press coverage in western media [LópezMedina], which is neither the largest nor the least biased study and is one of the two studies with the most critical issues as discussed earlier. • Although WHO's analysis is called a "living guideline", it is rarely updated and very out of date. As of May 14, 2021, four of the missing RCTs are known to WHO and labelled "RCTs pending data extraction" [COVID-NMA]. We added these 4, 4, 2, and one month earlier. • A single person served as Methods Chair, member of the Guidance Support Collaboration Committee, and member of the Living Systematic Review/NMA team. • Public statements from people involved in the analysis suggest substantial bias. For example, a cochair reportedly said that "the data available was sparse and likely based on chance" [Reuters]. As above, the data is comprehensive, and we estimate the probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as observed to be 1 in 2 trillion (p = 0.00000000000045). The clinical team lead refers to their analysis of ivermectin as "fighting this overuse of unproven therapies ... without evidence of efficacy" [Reuters], despite the extensive evidence of efficacy from the 60 studies by 549 scientists with 18,931 patients People involved may be more favourable to the late-stage treatment of COVID-19, for example, the co-chair recommended treating severe COVID-19 with remdesivir [Rochwerg].

In summary, although WHO's analysis predicts that over 2 million fewer people would be dead if ivermectin was used from early in the pandemic, they recommend against using outside trials. This appears to be based primarily on excluding the majority of the evidence, and by assigning bias estimates that do not match the actual risk of bias in studies. Use early in the pandemic was proposed by Kitasato University including the co-discoverer of ivermectin, Dr Satoshi Ōmura. They requested Merck conduct clinical trials of ivermectin for COVID-19 in Japan because Merck has priority to apply for an expansion of ivermectin’s indications. Merck declined [Yagisawa]. Merck Analysis Merck has recommended against ivermectin [Merck]. They stated that there is "no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies". This is contradicted by many papers and studies, including [Arévalo, Bello, Choudhury, de Melo, DiNicolantonio, DiNicolantonio (B), Errecalde, Eweas, Francés-Monerris, Heidary, Jans, Jeffreys, Kalfas, Kory, Lehrer, Li, Mody, Mountain Valley MD, Qureshi, Saha, Surnar, Udofia, Wehbe, Yesilbag, Zaidi, Zatloukal]. They state that there is "no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease". This is contradicted by many papers and studies, Merck has several conflicts of interest: • Merck has committed to giving ivermectin away for free "as much as needed, for as long as needed" in the Mectizan® Donation Program [Merck (B)], to help eliminate river blindness.

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• Merck has their own new COVID-19 treatments MK-7110 (formerly CD24Fc) [Adams] and Molnupiravir (MK-4482) [Wikipedia]. Merck has a ~$1.2B agreement to supply molnupiravir to the US government if it receives EUA or approval [Khan (B)]. • Ivermectin is off-patent, there are many manufacturers, and Merck is unlikely to be able to compete with low-cost manufacturers. • Promoting the use of low-cost off-patent medications compared to new products may be undesirable to some shareholders. • Japan requested Merck conduct clinical trials early in the pandemic and they declined. Merck may be reluctant to admit this mistake [Yagisawa]. Conclusion As expected for an effective treatment, early treatment is more successful, with an estimated reduction of 76% in the effect measured using random-effects meta-analysis (RR 0.24 [0.14-0.41]). 81% and 96% lower mortality is observed for early treatment and prophylaxis (RR 0.19 [0.07-0.54] and 0.04 [0.00-0.58]). Statistically, significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, hospitalization, cases, and viral clearance. The consistency of positive results across a wide variety of heterogeneous studies is remarkable, with 93% of the 60 studies reporting positive effects (28 statistically significant in isolation).

WHO Analysis WHO updated their treatment recommendations on 3/30/2021 [WHO]. For ivermectin they reported a mortality odds ratio of 0.19 [0.090.36] based on 7 studies with 1,419 patients. They do not specify which trials they included. The report is inconsistent, with a forest plot that only shows 4 studies with mortality results. Despite this extremely positive result, they recommended only using ivermectin in clinical trials. The analysis contains many flaws [Kory (C)]: • Of the 60 studies (31 RCTs), they only included 16. • They excluded all 14 prophylaxis studies (4 RCTs). • There was no protocol for data exclusion. • Trials included in the original UNITAID search protocol [Hill] were excluded. • They excluded all epidemiological evidence, although WHO has considered such evidence in the past. • They combine early treatment and late treatment studies and do not provide heterogeneity information. As above, early treatment is more successful, so pooling late treatment studies will obscure the effectiveness of early treatment.

WHO's analysis predicts that over 2 million fewer people would be dead if ivermectin was used from early in the pandemic, they recommend against using outside trials.

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They chose not to do subgroup analysis by disease severity across trials, although treatment delay is clearly a critical factor in COVID-19 treatment, the analysis is easily done (as above), and it is well known that the studies for ivermectin and many other treatments clearly show greater effectiveness for early treatment. • WHO downgraded the quality of trials compared to the UNITAID systematic review team [Hill] and a separate international expert guideline group that has long worked with the WHO [Bryant]. • They disregarded their own guidelines that stipulate quality assessments should be upgraded when there is evidence of a large magnitude effect (which there is), and when there is evidence of a dose-response relationship (which there is). They claim there is no dose-response relationship, while the UNITAID systematic review team found a clear relationship [Hill]. • Their risk of bias assessments do not match the actual risk of bias in studies. For example they classify [López-Medina] as low risk of bias, however this study has many issues making the results unreliable [Covid Analysis], even prompting an open letter from over 170 physicians concluding that the study is fatally flawed [Open Letter]. [Gonzalez] is also classified as low risk of bias, but is a study with very late stage severe condition high-comorbidity patients. There is a clear treatment delayresponse relationship and very late stage treatment is not expected to be as effective as early treatment. Conversely, much higher quality studies were classified as high risk of bias.

Revisions Vaccines and treatments are both extremely valuable and complementary. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. Denying the efficacy of any method increases the risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and increases mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage. We do not provide medical advice. Before taking any medication, consult a qualified physician who can provide personalized advice and details of risks and benefits based on your medical history and situation. Treatment protocols for physicians are available from the FLCCC. This report aims to inform CEO Global readers on the Continent of possible alternatives that may be cost-effective and relevant in fighting the COVID pandemic.

Rubin van Niekerk

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CEO Global 2021 Awards

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The Judge of The Labour Court found that the disciplinary code is merely a guideline and that the employee’s conduct was not only irresponsible and reckless but was inconsiderate in the extreme.

The recent dismissal of an assistant butcher working for Eskort Limited, who disobeyed COVID19 regulations and went to work knowing full and well that he had tested positive for the virus, highlights our judicial system’s firm stance on the seriousness and realities of the pandemic.

It was found that the employee ignored all health and safety warnings as well COVID-19 protocols and policies and procedures at his employer. Furthermore, the employee placed everyone he came into contact with at great risk of which he was able to have clearly foreseen.

Judge Edwin Tlhotlhalemaje overturned a previous ruling by the CCMA, that the employee be reinstated with a final written warning after initially being dismissed for charges relating to gross misconduct and gross negligence. In dealing with the matter at the Labour Court, the Judge held that employers and employees’ obligations in the face of COVID-19 or in the event of an exposure need to be reinforced.

The Judge held that it is one thing to have all the health and safety protocols on paper however these are meaningless if not taken seriously.

An important element of the matter is that the employee in question underwent COVID-19 testing and was informed of a positive result on 9 August 2020. The employee went to work the following day and was observed hugging a fellow employee as well as walking on the shop floor without a mask on. The CCMA commissioner, while acknowledging how irresponsible the employee’s conduct was, awarded that the employee be given a final written warning instead of being dismissed in line with the company’s disciplinary code.

The above case reinforces the importance of not only having the necessary COVID-19 policies and procedures in place, but also ensuring that the policies and procedures are adhered to by all parties at the workplace. As demonstrated by the finding at the Labour Court, failure to adhere to these policies could have grave consequences

Contact Invictus on 0861 737 263 for any queries/assistance regarding your policies and procedures or for us to assist you to conduct your disciplinary inquiries. ceo 2021 l Vol 2




Vaccination Policies and Latest Occupational Health and Safety Directive On 11 June 2021, the Department of Employment and Labour issued an updated occupational health and safety directive which, among other things, permits an employer to implement a mandatory workplace vaccination policy subject to specific guidelines. Despite this recent update, employers are cautioned to ensure that they do not infringe upon an employee’s constitutional right to bodily integrity and religious freedoms and beliefs.

A further requirement in terms of this latest directive is that employers must consult the relevant trade union or health and safety committee established in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Furthermore, the workplace vaccination policy must be made available for inspection by trade unions, the health and safety committee as well as an inspector.

In terms of this latest directive, within 21 days from 11 June 2021, an employer must amend their workplace plan to include the following:

In making decisions about the workplace plan, the directive requires employers to consider factors such as age of the workforce, existing comorbidities of employees, risk of transmission due to their job roles and whether there are any existing collective agreements in place on the subject.

Whether they intend on making vaccinations mandatory; Which categories of employees will be required to vaccinate; The manner in which it will adhere to the directive issued by the Department of Employment and Labour; The measures it will take to implement the vaccination of employees as and when vaccines become available; Provide employees with paid time off to be vaccinated, provided an employee shows proof of vaccination.

The directive further places an onus on the employer to educate and raise awareness among employees with regards to, among others, the nature, benefits and potential risks associated with the vaccine.

In making decisions about the workplace plan, the directive requires employers to consider factors such as age of the workforce, existing comorbidities of employees, risk of transmission due to their job roles and whether there are any existing collective agreements in place on the subject.

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An employer must be aware of the following essentials when implementing their mandatory workplace vaccination policy: Issuing of a notice to employees that inform them that they must be vaccinated as and when vaccines become available. A reminder of an employee’s right to refuse vaccination on a constitutional or medical ground. Reminder to the employee that they have the opportunity to consult with a trade union representative, a worker representative or a representative of the health and safety committee. Where reasonably practically possible, arrangements on how employees will be transported to vaccination sites. An important point is that the directive requires employers to pay for an employee’s sick leave in terms of Section 22 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act should they experience side effects after being vaccinated. Employees will not be required to submit further medical certificates as long as they are able to prove that they were vaccinated. The directive does however allow employers to make a claim on behalf of the employee in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, thus making it a viable alternative for employers wanting to reduce the potential financial burden of paying sick leave.

The introduction of a mandatory vaccination policy at the workplace will potentially be met with resistance by certain employees by virtue of a medical, constitutional or other ground. Refusals are most likely going to be common and should be dealt with in the following manner: Establish on what grounds the employee is refusing. Counsel an employee and allow them to confer with a trade union representative, a worker representative or a member of the health and safety committee so as to come to a resolution. Refer the employee for further medical evaluation where the objection is on medical grounds. This will however require the consent of the employee. If necessary, take steps to reasonably accommodate the employee by making amendments to their role or work environment in one or more of the following ways: allow them to work from home where possible, require that they self-isolate in the workplace; or require the employee to wear an N95 mask while in the workplace. Employers that intend on introducing a mandatory workplace vaccination policy should take particular cognisance of the latest directive issued by the Department of Employment and Labour on 11 June 2021. Invictus and its strategic partners are able to assist with the appropriate policies and procedures to manage compliance with the directive in the workplace.

The directive further places an onus on the employer to educate and raise awareness among employees with regards to, among others, the nature, benefits and potential risks associated with the vaccine.

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We could learn to leave things alone and rest in the awareness – the ocean – rather than being thrown around by the waves. This is what meditation practice is all about. Gelong Thubten, A Monk's Guide To Happiness


Before we get to the La Baleíne Beach House Collection, we need to first know the before and the now of the little coastal town called Paternoster. The “Then and now by Keri Harvey” sums it up perfectly. “Paternoster embodies the heart and soul of the West Coast. It’s the oldest fishing village along this coastline and a place of contrasts and seasonal colours. Festooned with dancing daisies in Spring, surrounded by waving green wheat carpets in Winter, and often dusted in heat in Summer, Paternoster is an enchanting blend of old and new worlds. The traditional fishermen here live just as they always have, subsisting on snoek and crayfish caught by hand from their colourful wooden boats. Fisher wives collect mussels and veldkool and prepare dishes to old family recipes, sharing meals with neighbours. It lends an air of community and timelessness to the little village, as does the gentle pace of life lived to tides and winds.

Paternoster – which means ‘Our Father’ in Latin – is said to have been named by shipwrecked sailors who gave thanks for making it safely to shore. Before Europeans first settled in Paternoster in the early 1800s, San hunter-gatherers had been living in the area for thousands of years, living off the rich marine resources that were readily available such as shellfish, crayfish, seals and marine birds.

The European settlers collected penguin eggs, caught crayfish and worked in the fish factory. In the late 1800s, there were two crayfish canning factories in the village, fertilizer was made from crayfish shells and there was a fish liver oil factory too; the only factory remaining is Paternoster Fisheries, which packs live crayfish for export.” Centuries later, the beauty of the West Coast continues to enchant, though there are now safer ways of reaching it than by shipwreck. Attractions include pristine white beaches; dolphin- and whalewatching; blooming nature reserves; and notable heritage sites, such as the country’s only remaining manually controlled lighthouse at Cape Columbine. Add to all this, an ever-expanding array of restaurants, in a town famous for its fresh seafood. Locals say: “You can’t choose Paternoster, it chooses you. But when it calls your name, you’ll know it for sure.” Listen if you’re summoned to the white-washed village that fringes the bay and looks like a little slice of Greece. Set in an expansive landscape, here you can breathe deeply, live simply and revel in the good life.” Part of what makes Paternoster so popular is the La Baleíne Beach House Collection.

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La Baleíne Beach House Collection is part of a hospitality portfolio featuring the award winning Strandloper Ocean Boutique Hotel, The Cottage Collection with contemporary cottages which is walking distance from the Hotel and Unique Cottages which is an up-and-coming security estate where the La Baleine professional team can help you with building your dream home. La Baleíne is an exclusive self-catering establishment where seaside memories are made. Everything presented to the client is of the best quality. When we visit such establishment, we tend to see what the institution is doing for social responsibility. We have found that social responsibility is very near and dear to the team and La Baleine supports the local animal welfare Lexi Gives Back. LEXI GIVES BACK (@lexigivesback) • Instagram photos and videos Lexi Gives Back - Home | Facebook We have had the opportunity to stay in De Rijger beach house, one of ten beach houses and studios, clustered together, with unparalleled views of the Paternoster Bay. Not only is the view of Paternoster a great attraction but the views from the La Baleine Collection is second to none. I am not only talking about the views when sitting on the patio, no, even from inside the houses the views are magnificent. I for one can never get used to the lovely beach views, sea views and the variety of wild life seen. La Baleíne Beach House Collection all have four-star Tourism Gradings and offers superb authentic Paternoster “style” with self-catering accommodation

You get everything you wish for and even more from the La Baleíne Beach House Collection. If you are serious to relax, enjoy simple village life and atmosphere with its friendly people or even explore the beach or the nearby little shops you can do so while enjoying your chosen beach house or studio. They all have a light and airy atmosphere, are superbly appointed and boast magnificent sea views and walkways to and from the expansive beachfront. All have beautiful bedrooms and bathrooms, fully equipped kitchens and the finest linen and quality towels. Each stylish beach house has its own patio and braai or barbeque facility, DSTV, Wi-Fi Internet access, undercover parking and direct access to private walkways down to the beach. La Baleíne Beach House Collection has everything and more to ensure a hassle-free holiday or break-away weekend while experiencing the authentic West Coast lifestyle. Best part is that they have houses allowing pets to join you on the relaxation and make you feel more at home. I can testify that our two dogs, Bella and Ceazer enjoyed themselves like children on the pristine beaches, running to other dogs, greeting them. Mock chasing sea birds and even nibbling on mussels washed onto the beach. Dog friendly may mean different things but at La Baleine dog friendly also means a safe environment for our pets where thy to can enjoy themselves.

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The friendly team from La Baleíne are there from the moment you arrive until you leave to assist you with your luggage, show you the house and to tell you what enjoyment you can look forward to. While sitting on the patio the rows and rows of whitewashed fishing cottages along endless stretches of a sandy coastline painted a picture of true Westcoast life. Welcome to Paternoster – tranquil West Coast village and lynchpin of the South African fishing industry. With so much to offer, it’s no wonder Paternoster is home to some of the country’s most illustrious hotels and guesthouses, as well as some lesser-known gems. La Baleíne Beach House Collection has spacious twobedroom units measuring 120m² and one-bedroom beach houses at around 50m² which allows for more than enough elbow room and lots of breathing space to make your stay even more comfortable and relaxed. The management team and their friendly and capable staff want to ensure that your stay at La Baleíne is comfortable and enjoyable. Apart from the already high standards of their beach house collection, they furthermore offer services to ensure a carefree stay and the best of West Coast hospitality. For the amazing winter season, the Exclusive Seafront beach houses are equipped with wonderful fireplaces. The rest of the beach houses are equipped with mobile electric heaters. BBQ or braai facilities are available at all the beach houses and studios. Where there is no open BBQ, a Weber braai kettle is provided. Now, this is how we pictured our stay and it is exactly what we got: Picture laid back and sunny days, long walks on the beach, a glass of crisp white wine and succulent seafood specialities and fresh mussels to nibble on while the sunsets, or cuddling up with a glass of red wine during enchanting winter spells and our dogs lying on the patio watching the sea.

Winter is referred to as the “secret season”; the fynbos nature turns into an amazing spectacle. Winter is wind-free and you can enjoy cosy evenings in front of the crackling fire. La Baleíne Beach House Collection is therefore your ideal base from which to explore this magical part of the West Coast. Unforgettable sea view, located in the historic centre of town. Here you can watch fishermen going out and marvel at the amazing bay where the sun loves to dance. Guests staying at La Baleine can enjoy discounted rates at the Elements Wellness Suite located at their sister accommodation, Strandloper Ocean Boutique Hotel. They can also book private yoga lessons to enjoy on the comfort of their patio whilst enjoying breath-taking views. Could life get better than this? Yes, it can – at La Baleíne Beach House Collection on the beach at the fisherman’s village, Paternoster. For our readers only, the team from Strandloper Ocean Boutique Hotel has offered a 20% discount on all spa treatments at the in-house Elements Wellness Suite. When booking, you should quote “CEO Global Magazine” to qualify for your discount when booking for a stay at La Baleíne Beach House Collection between 01 August 2021 and 31 October 2021. I am looking forward to spending more quality time at the La Baleíne Beach House Collection soon and will tell you about the Strandloper Ocean Beach Hotel. For more information, visit their webpage: For bookings you can reach them on

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I have grown up in an era when the “Veldskoen” or “vellies” was a well known item especially in the rural areas and the farming communities. The “velskoen” (skin shoe) also got to become popular with celebrities like David Kramer and Tolla van der Merwe wearing such shoes. I have also seen many a vellie with motorcar tires as soles of these shoes. Having had the opportunity to see some modern “velskoen” products I decided to research the industry and see if in today’s world these shoes still exists and flourish, or has modernisation also made the velskoen obsolete. Well I was surprised to find that the velskoen industry is still with us and prospering from the town of Clanwilliam. Meeting with the late Mr. Hennie du Plessis from Strassbergers shoes was really a very pleasant experience as he and his family, wife Erna (born Strassberger) and son JJ is not only stand up pillars of the Clanwilliam Community through their long years of community commitment, active involvement through local schools training in sports, the Council or the business association but also giving shoes to local cultural performers and even a pair of pink “vellies” for a donkey that had to walk through the streets of Cape Town. It was then known as the Wupperthal Institute 1830. The first Strassbergers.

The first Strassbergers, two brothers, also missionaries sons, came with the purpose to train local people in the shoe making business. They changed the name to Strassbergers in 1941 and they were pivotal to the success of the factory and its continued long term existence and success. Up to present the factory has been in the family except for a short spell between 2006 and early 2013. The factory was moved to Clanwilliam in 1954 and has become a legend and one of the most respected and well known “velskoen” manufactures in South Africa. Du Plessis became involved in 1970 and took over as Managing Director and also became a shareholder of the Company. The passionate du Plessis family lives and breathes Strassbergers shoes. Although being the oldest shoe factory in S.A. and one of only a few superior shoe manufacturing companies in Africa, Strassbergers deliver shoes of an extremely high quality. Part of their success is due to the fact that their employees are well trained and although machines are used during the manufacturing of the shoes are for all purposes still 80% handmade.

Not only did du Plessis take us on an interesting historic pilgrimage to 1834 when the first shoes were made at the Mission by German missionaries. He also took us back to when the first factory was started in Africa in Wupperthal in 1834 by missioner Johan Gotlieb Leipoldt, grandfather of the famous C Louis Leipoldt. It was then known as the Wupperthal Institute 1830. ceo 2021 l Vol 2



“We have modernised our factory as we had to adapt or die but we have ensured that we do not lose the personal touch of the handmade item and people losing their jobs through modernisation,” says du Plessis. The myth that velskoen’s are just that has been thoroughly trampled with its durable treads.

Quality and durability is easy words but then take Mr. Gert Smit, a local farmer bought a pair of boots in 1987 and wore them for 12 years. He brought them back to Strassbergers in 2000 saying he is tired of wearing them and tried his best to break them down but could not succeed and said: “Now you can have them. I want a new pair.”

Strassbergers produce a large range of shoes including the historic velskoen which are after all these years still a best seller. Following that, comes a whole range of shoes for gentleman and ladies including labourer shoes and boots, sport shoes, casual shoes and hiker’s boots. What set all of these shoes apart from any other shoes is not only the fact that they are handmade, but also the fact that they are lovingly made for Africa by South Africans and materials sourced from South Africa.

Du Plessis emphasised that although the agricultural sector has always been their strongest market that they also cater for the general public and specific sectors like hiking, golf, retail, school, etc. They are also looking at more modern shoes for the general population and to cater for seasonal preferences like suede that has come back to replace the matt look shoe. Another exclusive service is that corporate clients are welcome to discuss their specific needs or exclusive shoes that they want and such shoes are then developed exactly as specified.

“Our prices are competitive with handmade quality that is superior to any machine made product and our shoes last much longer especially due to our policy of ‘we do not hassle, we pay’. We replace any defective item immediately,” says JJ du Plessis. Exclusiveness, superior quality and durability are part and parcel of what you get from the loyal Strassbergers team when you purchase their products. Strassbergers is also proud of the fact that they are a total opposite of the industry in that their staff turnover is negligible as some of the 40 strong team members have been with Strassbergers for a number of years ranging from 16 years to 51 years. The dedicated team, some who started at the age of 16 and have been employed for up to 43 years, comes from the local population and are trained in at least two different fields of the shoe manufacturing trade to ensure that they are capable and qualified to produce quality shoes.

In the light of the Chinese market flooding the market with shoes it is like a breath of fresh air to find such dedication and patriotism from a small company such as Strassbergers in Clanwilliam that is dedicated to not only grow their brand and make a decent living for all of their employees, but to take their brand as a leader in their industry and to ensure that the African velskoen or “Vellies” builds upon the legend that it has become and also move with the modern times to ensure that all of Africa’s people can be partner to its legendary quality treads that will not stand back for it is the best quality delivered by the best people in Africa. Strassbergers big motto: “After sales service” Words of J.J. du Plessis, Hennie’s son who is now running Strassbergers: “My father always told me, it is one thing to make a shoe, but another thing to keep a customer happy. Always be more than fair towards a customer, even when in doubt.”

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as an individual

By Alan Samons CEO Global Group Pan African Awards winner: Arts & Culture; Continental Winner 2018

As I’m ageing, the prospect of my later years and retirement are becoming more and more important. This is a typical human reaction. In our younger years, we hardly pay the thought of getting old any attention. The business of being young and having fun is most important. And that is as it should be. But there comes a time when reality starts filtering through. We start focussing on our careers. We settle down. We buy property. We accumulate stuff. Perhaps even start a family. Every “grownup” action or period of life adds a layer of heaviness to our lives. Then, at some stage in our fifties, reality settles in… For me, it was the first time a young man called me ‘oom’ (uncle). I nearly died! Am I really that old? Short answer: yes. In my mind and thoughts, I might be the same person I was in my twenties, but the mirror tells a vastly different story. I still dance when no one is watching, but never in front of a mirror! Now, as a couple, the question of retirement and where my partner and I think we’ll be in another fifteen or twenty years is cropping up more and more in conversation.

We’ve even gotten our wills sorted. My dark sense of humour came to the fore when I made a file entitled “In Case Of My Death, Use This File”. The lettering has glitter glued to it. Morbidity is not my thing. Truth is, there is so much to consider when putting together an end-of-life plan. Mine is an evolving process. My file includes my will, a living will, and a few letters of instructions. You need to keep your friends and family’s contact details and your passwords are written down, so someone can inform your loved ones and friends, deactivate your social media accounts, and other necessary things. Like deleting porn from your computer and disposing of your adult toy collection… You might need to appoint a special friend if you’re single. Importantly, in our case, we have legal documents in place giving one another similar rights as spouses. Marriage is not on the cards and has never been, but we are keenly aware that we need to have a significant other appointed to take decisions should we not be in the position to do so for ourselves.

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Truth is, I try to avoid thinking about growing old. My mum will be turning eighty-nine during the time this magazine is on sale. She’s still mobile and lives in a care home where she has a flatlet and she’s still able to look after herself. She cooks, bakes, and eats like a horse. Sure, she has an ageing body and all the accompanying aches and pains, but touch wood, she’s OK for now. I shudder to think about the possibility of her going into frail care. Before moving to her current old age home, she worked at one for eleven years, so I’m intimately acquainted with those types of facilities. I certainly don’t want to end up spending the last days of my life in a nursing home among a bunch of (mostly) gossipy old women.

Another sad fact is that we live in Africa. Worldwide, especially in Europe and North America, people have the choice of going into retirement homes built especially for our community. They are rare, but they exist. Also, you’d need to be reasonably or very well-off. Here in sunny Africa, we have very limited options. Until someone with vision (and deep pockets) establish real “caring” havens for our older folk, we are all on our own. There had been a lull in the US with regards to retirement options in the past few years, but postCovid there will be several new communities established and some enlarged.

The United Kingdom has outdone the rest of the An old age home is a scary place. That is a fact for world through its far sightedness. The London pretty much every old age home. Residents and staff mayor Sadiq Khan has backed the city’s first can be vicious in both word and deed. Sure, they’ll retirement community designed for LGBTQ tell you it will all be OK, and you’d be welcomed with people with a £5.7m loan, which will be put open arms, but bear in mind these places exist to towards buying 19 flats in Vauxhall that will be make money and people – both residents and staff – made available on a shared-ownership basis from are individuals with all their own baggage, hang-ups late spring this year. The one- and two-bedroom and yes, homophobia is often one of those hang-ups. apartments will be supported by care facilities as Most old age homes are also heavily involved with well as events and activities by housing churches, so if you’re non-religious, it might not be a association Tonic Housing, which says the focus of problem, but there will always be a sense of the service will be to “celebrate LGBT+ otherness. And in my own life, I have experienced identities” while working with established first-hand their can’t care attitude for the frail. An old community organisations and support providers. age home will be the last place I’ll end up in my dotage, or so I hope. The housing association said it wanted to make the community “genuinely affirming of the lives, What most people don’t know is that care homes are histories, needs and desires of LGBT+ people”, not equipped for inmates (oops! residents) who are adding this “does not imply the exclusion of really ill and bedridden, or patients who suffer from those who do not identify as LGBT but actively dementia or Alzheimer’s. They have to move to values those who respect and celebrate LGBT+ specialised care homes. The most one can expect in people”. frail care at a regular old age home is food, regular baths, prescription medication to be given at the There had been a lull in the US with regards to correct times and, often at the very most, oxygen if retirement options in the past few years, but needed. They simply aren’t geared up for much post-Covid there will be several new more. communities established and some enlarged.

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Naturally, you’ll have to be wealthy to afford this type of housing, but it’s a giant step in the right direction to cater for specific needs and cultures. In my opinion, it should be left to the community to step up, as we did during the Aids crisis, to create the type of environments we want to live in. And that means there is scope for an NGO to be set up, and also for older gay folk to make provision in their wills for money to be left to such NGOs. Too often I’ve heard of rather wealthy individuals who pass away, either interstate or leave their wealth to family members for no other reason than that they are related. Often those same family members behaved atrociously while the person was alive. Make no mistake, I’m in no way pro NGOs with all the corruption going on, but we have to start somewhere. Why not have old age homes and orphanages grouped together? The old people get the advantage of the love of the children and the children learn their culture from the old people. It can be a win, win situation. My partner and our friends have often spoken of the possibility of buying a house in a trust. It will be simple to set up and a few friends can opt in to pay for it and form a small self-sustained community. Caregivers can be arranged if needed, as can outings such as grocery shopping and movie nights. This can easily be adapted for outlying places and villages throughout Africa.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT To meet some of the need for connectivity for our seniors, our vision should be to create an online resource to bring together people in need, with service providers like caregivers, medical professionals and even people who will provide meals free, or for a fee. We’d also like to put in place some sort of buddy system, where younger members of the community can reach out and befriend one or two of our older members and be there for them as friends and perhaps help out with shopping for groceries or small tasks. Africa is known for their old people looking after the children, but who is looking after the needs of the elderly? With families being so busy making a living it seems that the elderly has to bear the brunt by having to be happy with whatever they get. The problem is that respect and empathy by all is lacking. That should not be for they are the reason we are here today.

Growing old is scary. It’s expensive. It will be lonely. But with a bit of creativity, you can manage it with a little help from your community and friends.

Alan Samons CEO Global Group Pan African Awards winner: Arts & Culture Continental Winner 2018

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Retirement is the only time in your life when time no longer equals money.


Land Rover Defender 110 No defense needed

by Carl Wepener

The new Defender does not have to defend its title. Even being technically far advanced above the “Old Defender” it is as capable, if not more so. I believe that the new Land Rover Defender is as good or even superior to the Land Rover Discovery. If you have a love for adventure in the great outdoors, wanting a vehicle that can go just about everywhere, in style the Defender is worth considering. I have seen some comparison off-road tests between several contenders and the Defender did not have to stand back one iota. In most cases, it was the preferred vehicle for such adventures. Now that I have had the chance to experience the Land Rover Defender 110 X, I too must say that it is an excellent adventure vehicle that is happy on any terrain. Mud, sand, rutted gravel roads, potholes rocks or dongas were never a threat to its capabilities. Even wading through the water of 900mm was done with ease.

The Land Rover Defender 110 is an authentic allterrain 4x4 with incredible abilities to overcome just about any terrain. To do this Land Rover has designed the Defender with a lightweight aluminium construction that ensures rigidity in all circumstances. To further enhance this, it has independent air suspension which makes offroading so much more pleasant. Add to that the myriad of off-road specifications like low range, hill descent control, stability and traction control with a wading depth of 900mm and great approach and departure angles and you see mud, sand gravel and rocks as mere obstacles that are easily overcome. The power of the six-cylinder 3.0D motor delivering 221kW ensured that there was enough power to punch through sand, crawl over rocks and go up hills without running out of power. What amazed me is that during all of this we were enjoying absolute comfort. The 8-speed automatic gearbox is very fluid and smooth.

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Speaking of comfort, the cabin is as luxurious as any luxury sedan. The infotainment system has a touch screen and incorporates a number of its essential functions such as the 4x4 assistance systems. I liked the outside view camera’s that is essential for off-road rock driving. I enjoyed the line of sight and the high position the seats could be set to make your view so much clearer. The finishing and quality are excellent with enough and well-sized cup holders and storage spaces. However, you do have to take some time to familiarise yourself with the functions available. I urge that you do this before driving off are you may find yourself frustrated to quickly change modes or even radio stations. Space is more than adequate for all passengers and your baggage and you have options of 5-, 6or 7-seater configuration. My preference is the classic 5-seater. Airconditioning is very efficient and even available in the luggage area. The plastic covers on the floor help to keep scuffing to a minimum but parcels and dogs alike slide easily. The sunroof and alpine windows make for great light in the vehicle and it looks great. Lowering the air suspension makes it easier to get in and out even if you still have to hold on to the grab handles to hoist yourself up. We have travelled on highways, mountain passes, WHEELS AND TYRES gravel, sand and gullies and still after 700km shown a figure of 9.6 km per litre. 20" Style 5095, 5 split-spoke, Gloss Dark Grey with contrast Diamond Turned finish Now I cannot go into all of the equipment but I am Off-Road tyres listing the equipment for this specific model being INTERIOR FEATURES the Defender 3.0D X. Land Rover has also made sure that you can spec your Land Rover that it Cross car beam in Dark Grey Powder Coat Brushed conforms to your specific needs. finish Premium cabin lighting KEY FEATURES Clear-Sight interior rearview mirror5 EXTERIOR FEATURES SEATING AND INTERIOR TRIM Matrix LED headlights with signature DRL Black contrast roof and bonnet Windsor leather with Steelcut Premium Textile 14Sliding panoramic roof way heated and cooled electric memory front seats Starlight Satin Chrome exterior accents with 4-way manual headrests Orange brake callipers 40:20:40 folding, heated rear seats with centre Rear recovery eyes armrest Black roof rails ceo 2021 l Vol 2



INFOTAINMENT 10" Touchscreen with Pivi Pro2 Interactive Driver Display Smartphone Pack3 Remote4 MeridianTM Surround Sound System 700W with 14 speakers plus subwoofer Head-up Display6 DRIVER ASSISTANCE Driver Assist Pack 3D Surround Camera Driver Condition Monitor Wade Sensing Emergency Braking Six airbags including driver and passenger, side curtain and thorax CAPABILITY

With three engine options, a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbodiesel delivering 177 kW and 430 Nm, twinturbocharged 4-cylinder petrol delivering 221 kW and 400 Nm (P300) and the 3.0D X Twin-turbo delivering 291kW with 8an eight-speed automatic gearbox Land Rover caters for most wants of its clients. Already we can see the acceptance of this highly capable Defender by the numbers on the roads and also the interest was shown when we stop along the road. The Land Rover Defender is an accomplished 4x4 SUV that will have its following. Sadly, it is no longer a vehicle with basic technology that can conquer Africa without worrying that computer wizardry may leave you stranded. All in all, I enjoyed the Defender. I believe it will be a successful model for Jaguar Land Rover in a time that they need it.

Electronic Active Differential Terrain Response 2 Configurable Terrain Response All-Terrain Progress Control (ATPC) Local pricing: The new Defender 110 3.0D X sells for R1 665 000.00 and, yes you can still add extras.

All in all, I enjoyed the Defender. I believe it will be a successful model for Jaguar Land Rover in a time that they need it.

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by Carl Wepener

The Audi A7 Sportback is as far as I'm concerned one of the more attractive vehicles although it might be seen as a bit old. A very modern looking vehicle and it gives all the comforts you need. I love the way it looks even when it stands still. The price is nearly R1.5 million Rand for the three litre Turbo petrol engine. It's performance is second to none and it is a pleasure to put your foot down and just feel the brute power and all that happens while traveling in sheer luxury. The 3.0 TFSI engine is notable for its power delivery and efficiency. It produces 331 kW of power, and its specific torque is 600 Nm. Transmission is controlled via a tiptronic 7-speed gearbox. Top speed is governed at 250 km/h and acceleration is stated at 4.6 seconds. Quiet, responsive, and soothing, best describes the drivetrain of the A7. Although some of the competitors looks much more modern, I still believe the A7 Sportback is right up on the front end against its rivals.

Fuel consumption is very good for a three-litre machine although I could not get anywhere near to the manufacturers figure of 7.1 litres claimed but I got it into the early 8 litres per 100 kilometers. I thought there would not be enough space for a tall person sitting in the back, but I was proven wrong. The Audi A7 Sportback is also very practical for its purpose in that it is a great tourer. Its comfortable seating positions caters for any person driving. The view looking back can be a bit of a problem. Although there are much more modern looking vehicles like the Mercedes Benz and BMW who are seen as competitors my own preference is the styling of the A7 Sportback. It makes me think of the Jaguar XJ which even after 10 years still looks very modern and classy. As far as I am concerned the A7 Sport back is still one of the most distinguishable models and it stands out from the crowd. The new detail of the specific model makes it look totally different from the previous model. I love the lighting of the Audi and it is one of artists trademarks with its greeting sequence when you unlock the car. The other lights also stand out and makes me think of something out of Star Wars as it looks very modern and very “techno”.

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Although the A7 Sportsback don't fall in the category of a sports car to me it was a great premium tourer that delivered more than adequate power. Its road manners are excellent and due to the comfort for the driver and passengers, I could have driven this car for 24 hours without stopping. It is relaxing and a really good experience fuel consumption. Fuel consumption in town is not what we would like to see as it rose to 11.2 litres per 100 kilometers. The 73-litre fuel tank do give you a long range and that helps.

As for the driving position, you sit low in the A7 Sportback, but its size doesn’t overwhelm you and it’s particularly easy to see out of the glasshouse and park the sedan thanks to the fitment of the 4-wheel steering (option R33 050.00). It’s a car that’s easy to get to terms with, simple and untaxing to drive and comfortable during long stints behind the 'wheel.

The A7 Sportback was the first car to feature What I do not like about the Audi and VW products is Audi’s new MMI touchscreen system and the that most items found in other models as standard dual-screen setup you see here. The bottom comes as optional extras that add a lot to the price screen deals with climate controls, seat heating and thus a price from R1.2 million to R1.5 million is and becomes a sketchpad so that you can write easily reached with the optional extras like an air destinations into the navigation system. The top suspension costing R34,000.00. Is that suspension screen deals with all other functions such as worth it, yes as far as I'm concerned it is big plus it audio, vehicle settings, and apps. Android Auto and puts comfort in a totally different bracket. The A7 and Apple Carplay work seamlessly with the Sportback really travel over bumps and road system and there’s a wireless charging pad in imperfections without giving anything away in comfort the centre console. Android Auto hooked up or in roadholding. The chassis flexes more than easily to the main infotainment screen, climate enough to make it as comfortable as possible. controls dealt with on the bottom screen. As Sporty as the A7 Sportback looks it’s low on the road but Audi has a useful add on where the Audi lift itself 25 mm to ensure that you can get over speed humps. Most road conditions that you may encounter is taken in its stride, even gravel roads. Rear passengers get dual-zone climate control and 2 USB ports.

As for the quality of the cabin, the touchpoints are high-quality glass, brushed aluminium, suede and leather. The optional S sport seats (R28 350) are particularly comfortable and supportive. Beyond the touchpoints, there’s a fair amount of polished and gloss black plastic, particularly in front of the front passenger and while the plastic fits well, looks good and doesn’t rattle, it would be nice to see some upmarket materials like leather or soft-touch rubber in its place.

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Compared with the Benz CLS, the A7 Sportback feels more upmarket and classier and less of a shiny trinket. In typical Audi style, it exudes understated luxury. The A7 feels like Audi's most complete sedan. Dynamic cornering and high agility: Dynamic all-wheel steering is what makes it exceptional. As on every S model from Audi, quattro permanent all-wheel drive comes as standard on the Audi S7 Sportback. The driver can also configure the Audi drive select system to suit their driving preference. The system comes with an S-specific setup and offers the diverse modes “comfort”, “auto”, “dynamic”, “efficiency” and “individual.” The A7 Sportback is arguably the most resolved vehicle in Audi's current line-up, well, certainly as far as its sedans are concerned. The cabin is spacious, luxurious with modern tech and connectivity. It’s a pleasant space to spend time in and the A7 Sportback is well finished. The A7 Sportback’s design will appeal to most buyers. The Audi A7 Sportback is an eye catcher easily distinguishable from other Audi models.

Pricing and availability The new Audi S7 TFSI Sportback quattro Tiptronic is priced at R 1,500,500 and comes standard with the 5 year / 100 000km Audi Freeway plan, inclusive of all taxes.

Compared with the Benz CLS, the A7 Sportback feels more upmarket and classier and less of a shiny trinket. In typical Audi style, it exudes understated luxury. The A7 feels like Audi's most complete sedan.

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Peugeot 2008 Indeed, a World leader

It is not unknown that in my heyday my first serious car was a battle grey Peugeot 404 with red seats, bought for me by my father for the princely sum of R800.00 as a second vehicle to take me from Vereeniging to Mariepskop, 550 km on one tank of fuel. I did not like the looks, I wanted a Renault 16, or a Cortina or Alfa Romeo 1750, but alas. The 404 grew on me as we could go places no one else with their fancy cars could. I became a staunch Peugeot fan. Go forward 35 years and I am experiencing the ultramodern Peugeot 2008. As an enthusiastic and fierce supporter of PEUGEOT’s brand vision of an exciting future, it is the ultramodern interpretation of an instinctive and versatile driving experience. A genuine SUV in its dimensions, it clashes with a particularly powerful and distinctive style. Ultra-technological, it adopts the new generation of immersive PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® 3D, with equipment and driving aids designed by the best know-how PEUGEOT has to offer.

by Carl Wepener

The world is changing. New challenges call for new answers throughout the automotive industry. With its 210 years of history, the PEUGEOT brand is calmly pursuing its commitment in the era of the energy transition. It shows that technology and pleasure are not incompatible and that a car has the power to amaze. It turns a trip into a journey and offers everyone the mobility they need. The new PEUGEOT 2008 emerges at the heart of the compact SUV segment, contributing to what is the success of the PEUGEOT range today: affirmation through design and differentiation through innovation and technology. I yet have to find someone saying the styling is not exciting or boring. Unfamiliar, yes but what an eye-catcher with its powerful and distinctive styling. The Peugeot 2008 is a finely balanced and sleek looking SUV with excellence oozing out of it at all angles. It has strong well-balanced lines and overall clean crisp lines with a recessed windshield that makes the bonnet more horizontal, creating a strong body.

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The Peugeot 2008 sits well on its wheels, perfectly shouldered, strong, and reassuring as you should expect of a vehicle carrying the Lion as a logo. The Peugeot 2008 comes together as a modernlooking vehicle with all of the technology expected from this new player. The front incorporates a proud and straight grille, a carved bonnet and LED daytime running lights that fade under the projector to resurface below. The faceted and bold profile immediately catches the eye, with different triangular lines. The result is a lively and incisive style, representing a real technical feat for parts pressing never have flanks had as much volume! These lines end on the tailgate, for an undeniable coherence and overall homogeneity. The style is robust, and even more so with the large 17” wheels, which perfectly fill the arches. A clear upgrade in quality and elegance with the two-tone Black Diamond black headlining, black window strip and the silk-screened C-pillar on the GT. Muscular with a high beltline, the rear end includes lights connected by a black strip with dual exhaust pipes on the PureTech 96kW.

The interior is modern and does not look upmarket with its colours and materials are meticulously detailed, skilfully combining noble materials and original colours. Subtle, the doors panels decoration includes Orange (on Active) or Blue (on Allure) tampoprinting, - technical sophistication and freshness in the Allure version, with modern "Urbanoïd" light blue upholstery, - dynamic, the GT versions offer a chic atmosphere, enhanced by isolated Adamite, This cosy interior is embellished on the GT with bright decorations on the dashboard and the doors panels that have 8 colours that can be picked via the touch screen. I fell in love with the interior as it is so upbeat, modern and a “happy” place to be in. Craftsmanship is second to none and is experienced right through the interior. Although the small steering is something to get used to, but once done it seems like the most brilliant idea ever as it does not impair the view of the 3d binnacle. Driving and experiencing the interior cockpit is excellent and once you have acquainted yourself with the total driving and information layout and possibilities you cannot ask for more. There is just nothing to not like or enjoy. The spaciousness of the rear seats (a new record for the new CMP platform) makes the new PEUGEOT 2008 SUV a particularly versatile SUV. Its length of 4.30m and its wheelbase of 2.60m also give it a comfortable boot volume until 434 L (VDA V210). The modularity is ensured by a two-position floor (depending on versions) which provides a virtually flat floor once the bench is folded.

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With a variety of new storage on board, you will be able to keep everything you need daily with you. In addition to the traditional door pockets and the glove box, there is ample storage space under the front centre armrest and more in front of the gear stick. Additionally, there is more discreet storage at the bottom of the central console. There you will find the very convenient induction charging area and its lid, which in an open position can cleverly hold a smartphone. Passengers will also enjoy a passenger compartment full of sunlight thanks to the optional sunroof, offering a wide clear bay. It's opening to the outside preserves the spaciousness for people in the back. Even more technological: the new PEUGEOT iCockpit® 3D.The PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® is still based on the same fundamentals and offers flawless ergonomics for awakening the senses:

The Peugeot 2008 is loaded and there is just about nothing that you need to add. Here are some of the features to look forward to: - Drive-Assist - the lane departure avoidance system - the latest-generation automatic emergency braking, which also detects pedestrians and cyclists, day from 5km/h to 140 km/h), - active warning of involuntary lane crossing (or the roadside), - driver warning alert, recommending a break if necessary, - automatic switching of high beam, to focus even more on the road, - further recognition of signs (one-way, stop) with recommendation for speed signs, - active blind-spot monitoring, - the electric parking brake.

Information is placed in the driver's line of sight. Depending on the version, the PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® 3D instrument cluster projects it like a hologram. The indications are dynamic and animated: they get closer to the eye depending on their degree of importance or urgency, thereby increasing reactivity by around half a second. Unveiled on the new PEUGEOT 208, the PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® 3D is a real innovation, a worldfirst in the segment. It improves driving in every way: efficiency, readability, and safety are at an all-time high.

As the co-pilots of everyday life, smartphones will also be in the new 2008. Its information will be integrated into the central screen thanks to Mirror Screen compatibility including MirrorLink™ connection protocols, Apple CarPlay™ and Android Auto™.

The touch screen can be 10 inches diagonally depending on the version, and it is controlled via touch shortcuts placed next to Toggle Switches or with the new voice command.

Driving the 2008 is a pleasant experience and there is more than enough power to ensure that you have what it takes for your driving. The 2008 takes most surfaces in its stride and the cherry on top for me was when we needed to drive on gravel, or shall I say mud roads, after a cloudburst impressed me. I thought we will have to be towed out at some stage but the 2008 never faltered and even the less experienced drivers made it through without any incidences.

Accuracy and credibility abound since, in addition to sight, touch is also required when using foamed plastics on the dashboard as well as sophisticated and pleasant materials in many places. The door panels and dashboard inserts have a "carbon" look, while the EAT6 gearbox control is 100% electric ("shift and park by wire"), allowing easy and intuitive operation.

In addition to the induction charging zone, up to 4 USB sockets are available depending on the version (2 in the front including one USB-C and 2 on the back).

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EXCITING CHOICE Based on the new and efficient modular platform of the latest generation CMP (Common Modular Platform), the new PEUGEOT 2008 SUV is a multienergy vehicle. It offers the freedom to choose the type of motorization according to your needs and own uses: 100% electric, petrol, or diesel. Currently, for the South African market, we are launching with the petrol versions and will look at other possibilities such as the electric version when the market is there. To escape even further, the optional Grip Control will be connected with the hill assist descent control (HADC) to perfectly and safely control your vehicle and its trajectory on steep slopes. The range is available in 3 levels of finish: Active, Allure and GT all available in thermical. The high-end GT Line has distinctive stylistic attributes: - full LED projectors with 3-claw light signature, - diamond 17” aluminium wheels, - meticulously detailed interior: black trim, Adamite colour stitching, mood lighting, dynamic seats, aluminium pedals. Efficient and responsible: the combustion engines meet the latest Euro 6 standards.

In summary, I am pleasantly impressed with the Peugeot 2008 and as far as I am concerned it is a world-class leader that gives excellent value for money. Prices at the time of writing: 2008 SUV ACTIVE R364 900 FUEL TYPE Petrol ENGINE ACTIVE 1.2 74kW TRANSMISSION Manual 2008 SUV ACTIVE PACK R407 900 FUEL TYPE Petrol ENGINE ACTIVE 1.2 96kW TRANSMISSION Automatic 2008 SUV ALLURE R438 900 FUEL TYPE Petrol ENGINE ALLURE 1.2 96kW TRANSMISSION Automatic 2008 SUV GT R489 900 FUEL TYPE Petrol ENGINE GT 1.2 96kW TRANSMISSION Automatic Pricing may seem high given the value for money measured against competitors, you have a clear winner in 2008. I will certainly have the Peugeot 2008 on my shortlist when I am buying again.

In line with the latest Euro 6 standards, the internal combustion engines feature the latest technological advances of the PEUGEOT brand. For even more ease and driving comfort, some of these engines can be linked with the latest 6speed automatic gearbox (BVM6). The petrol engines are structured around the 3 cylinder-engine, a 1.2L engine size and adherence to the Euro 6d standard: - PureTech 74kW MT6 - PureTech 96kW AT6 Peugeot 2008 SUV is produced at the Stellantis Vigo plant in Spain.

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