CEO Global Magazine January 2022 Vol 22

Page 70




ot so fast. If you want a career and to be fulfilled and engaged at work, don’t overlook these four essential things in your job search. Because now is the time to

G.R.O.W. your career.


Recognize Your Results To leverage your existing skills, experiences, and talents to build your vocation, it is impera-

tive that you know and can articulate the advantage and impact of each of these in your hiring interviews. Results are the value you provide to your new company and the currency you will use to ap-


Get Clear If you are not clear on the experiences and ca-

ply for a position that may be considered a “stretch” for you.

pabilities you possess, it is difficult to imagine how you can

use them to guide your job search to advance in your profession.

Go back to your resume and answer the following questions for

To have the vocation of your dreams, you need to be clear. Clarity

your current position:

drives your success. Let’s do a Career + Life Walk. This is a power-

1. What were my quantitative outcomes? So what? Quantitative

ful process that enables you to methodically assess each profes-

results can be counted, measured, and expressed with numbers.

sional role and

Identify each quanti-

position through-

tative outcome, and

out your career

then ask yourself the

history, as well

“so what?” question.

as your volunteer

Numbers without

service. It is important to include your volunteer service because there may be


context allow other people to tell your story. You need to tell your own story


experiences and

and clearly com-

ap titudes you

municate the value

gained through

of the outcome you

volunteering that


can be valuable to you now.

For example, you increased supplier diversity by 35%. So what? This promoted innovation in your company through the introduc-

Open your freshly updated resume and for your most recent role

tion of new products, services, and solutions. It provided multiple

answer the following questions: What was your specific job? What

channels to source goods and services, and it drove competition

were you responsible for? What did you do? Focus on the actions

(on price and service levels) between your company’s existing and

you performed as part of your responsibilities. These are the physi-

potential vendors.

cal, tangible steps you performed. Here’s a hint: all actions start

2. What were my qualitative results? Qualitative results are

with an action verb.

descriptive and conceptual. They can be categorized based on

For example, develop, analyze, or coach. Remove any abstractions,

traits and characteristics. For example, a member of your team

assumptions, or MBA school jargon. The goal is clarity. Now, review

enhanced their communication skills to be more succinct, precise,

your response to question number three, what did you do, and

and factual in their presentations to your customers.

identify the following: Themes or clusters of actions that you want

3. What was my overall impact in the role? When I started in this

to ensure you use in your new job. Actions that intellectually stimu-

position our revenue was _________________, our customer service

lated, challenged, fulfilled, and motivated you. Repeat this process

ratings were _________________, the team’s engagement level was

for all your employment and volunteer roles. You will come back to

_________________, the team’s internal reputation was _________________

this information in the final step in the G.R.O.W. process- Where and

and the team’s contributions to the company were _________________

What else?

_________________. If some of the above items are not relevant to you


VOL 22



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