CEO Jan'15

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CEO Hears You


Can’t Wait to Get Another Copy! Great magazine! I picked it up last evening at the grocery and just finished reading it cover to cover. The look was exquisite. The subjects were timely, interesting and above all were fun to read while being informative. Thanks and I look forward to my next copy of CEO. Message from a greeting card postmarked December 2, 2014

BECEO HIND THE SCENES: ’s Holiday Pho to Sho ot




I Do...





Dear Parents,

Don’t rush the procomfortable coming to you about issues. cess; it’ll come with time. UDGH ZKHQ VKH 2QH QLJKW , OHIW P\ PRP KHDUWEURNHQ LQ HLJKWK J you know, but you really had no intention There are some things that you think I was dating a senior in high school. I is hard and stressful on us, found out didn’t have any have overlooked. Starting a business sex, and I didn’t. More importantly, I you are working so hard of having due to my actions, even heart mom’s my just like it is on you. We understand that breaking on and want, but as crazy intentions same thing that I to make sure we have everything we need I did. Your daughter might be doing the though things. material just than as this might sound – we want more LQJ WR ĘŽOO WKH YRLG RI IHHOLQJ DORQH ZKLOH VORZO\ attention and affection no ZDV GRLQJ Č…WU\ always said the We want your time, support, undivided your heart without even knowing it. She it can be hard for you to breaking to the light,â€? matter how old we are. We know that “Whatever is done in the dark will come your busy career, but what old clichĂŠ, busy with her businesses. give us these valuable things due to but I always knew she would be too and miss? you lying me making notice schedule would that my mom else is your busy in a society that I never thought twice As a young woman growing and developing her back. that you don’t. We do going behind dangerous my actions is full of technology, we know some things Now that I’m in college, I understand how even thought about doing about my safety, some things that you wouldn’t have the end of the day, my mom was worried lied to you about who she were. At Looking at our age. If your daughter has ever thought she only worried about her businesses. get too upset with her. even when I was with or where she was, please don’t HYHU\ IHPDOH IULHQG ZKRVH PRP ZDV D &(2 RU D EDFN RYHU P\ OLIH ȉV GRLQJ &RPH ,QVWHDG ĘŽQG RXW ZK\ VKHȉV GRLQJ WKH WKLQJV VKH you two can business owner did the same thing. Don’t feel guilty, embarrassed, that so her, with time repair your relato more spend to opportunity an up with ways use this as VRPH &(2V DQG or ashamed. Instead, it may be. KDYH WKDW LPSRUWDQW PRWKHU GDXJKWHU ERQG WKDW with your daughter, no matter how hard tionship daughters. we are today without entrepreneurs are missing with their Moms, remember, we wouldn’t be where XJKWHUV KDYH you that RXW WKDW WKHLU GD love 8VXDOO\ E\ WKH WLPH PRWKHUV ĘŽQG forget that the same unconditional we are ultimately you. Don’t ever been lying to them – it’s too late. As teenagers, us, we have for you too. want. What separates your have for With love, Sarah going to do what we want, when we is whether or not she can be g g girls other teenage f from d g daughter

Kelewele and Goat Kabobs for You I really enjoyed reading the articles for the December 2014 issue of CEO, especially the CEO Dish article about restaurateur Amma Gatty. Thanks for sharing the various ventures that she has pursued. Amma Gatty represents the best of women who continuously recreate opportunities for themselves and can have it all. The entrepreneurial spirit directs our footsteps to the special gifts we have within. Hope A. Glen Allen, VA

D Dear P Parents

it comes a personality to match mani Hayyes is my name, and along with focused I am. Being the younhow harddworking, sophisticated, and also taught I had to work for the gest of thhree, I was spoiled, but I was HOSHG PH JHW WR ZKHUH , DP WRGD\ WKLQJV , ZDQWHGG 7KLV OHVVRQ KDV GHĘŽQLWHO\ Kknown and made sure that I carried Throughout higgh school, I was pretty well captain of my cheer team, involved was myself in a possitive light at all times. I of my senior class. in several clubss and was even president University majoring in PsycholoCurrently, I am a freshman at Old Dominion ns. My journey will begin with gy and miinoring in Mass Communicatio followed by my masters at an ODU, from degree earning my bachelor’s a PhD. My dream career is a undeciided school, and eventually earning the opportunity to counsel me cliniccal psychologist which will allow My minor in Mass Communicadisorders. ividuals with mental indiv television or radio. Now tionns will hopefully open doors to be on I hope that I can inspire thatt I am a contributing writer to a magazine, the world, and let them girlss not only in my communityy, but around is possible. With conting you put yoour mind to hing hi mination, all goals can be achieved. ion and determ feel good,â€? ve byy the mottoo: “If you look good, you do good. feel good, and you’ll g eing said, look good, Much Love, Emani Hayes


CEO Dish Kele Wele

You: and Goat Kabobs for Ghanaian International CEO Shares Her Favorite Cuisine for the Holidays

make them tencould I boil and then fry them to When Amma opened the door, we of meat, der,� explained Gatty. The skewers identify each of the spices that permeated pan-seared or where peppers and onions are then the air. She led us to the kitchen brown. inviting fried until they turn dark we were presented a colorful and was platter of Ghanaian cuisine. There about Amma’s wild nothing was There tomato Joloff “one pot� rice, a popular from the the skewers. Instead, the spices based dish that traditionally includes coordinate beef meat conquered our palates meat of your choice: pork, chicken, any preconceived kelewele, a by coordinate, invading has or smoked fish. There was also may have had about its Beautiful Ghana native Amma Gatty which is sold by notion that we Amma’s kais the spicy plantain snack dish, been cooking since she was 7. She Mrs. gamey taste. After sampling a street vendors in her home country. to a different performer owner of Kele Wele Restaurant, is her goat bobs, we surrendered then locat- Gatty’s culinary claim, however, spective. First, it was savory and West African restaurant previously kabobs. eastern it brought some before Turnpikein tangy it became ed on Mechanicsville Amma for sale so we Henrico. Since closing Kelewele, days heat. We wished they were marinated are meat goat of cen- The chunks about asking for more! has opened a private home daycare essence usually wouldn’t feel bad that before they are boiled.The ter and runs her family security firm ground includes a mixture of garlic, ginger, to try Amma’s goat kaemploys over 105 Ghanaians. Between (ground peanuts If you would like powder suya and decloves her she has shared her frequent trips to Ghana and responsiusually has a bobs for yourself, time to and red pepper flakes).Goat bilities stateside, Amma still finds to make sure it is licious recipe. help of wild taste, so you need Story by Chaya Braxton but host her friends at home with the seasoned well. Most people grill them, her husband, Fred Gatty.

have “Flavor is everything. If it does not flavor, it is not Ghanaian,� explained it has Amma Gatty. “White rice is not rice; even a to have onions, meat and maybe the CEO little curry for color.� Members of Gatty’s team were invited to sample Mrs. favorite holiday dish – goat kabobs.

Amma’s Holiday Goat Kabobs Makes: 8 Skewers, 1 skewer = 1 serving Active Time: 25 Minutes Total Time: 1 Hour INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons of Adobo seasoning/ all purpose seasoning 4 bell peppers (all colors) cut into inch-size squares 2 tablespoons of butter Cloves (ground) 1 Garlic 1 lb of goat cubed (You can substitute for any kind of meat.) Ginger root (peeled) 1 Onion A Pinch of salt Soya powder (dry rub, found in African shops)-optional Water Wooden skewers


I really learned a lot about listening to my daughter. li I didn’t realize how being too to busy may affect our relationship. Now we have r made a rule, no phones m until after we have talked u to t one another when we come home in the evening c from school and work. f Linda White Chesterfield, VA

PREPARATION Blend ginger,onion, garlic, cloves and adobo seasoning in a blender. Pour mixture onto meat. Add enough water to ensure the meat is completely covered with the marinade. Add salt to taste. is Cook in a covered pot until meat very tender. Drain. Cut bells peppers and onions into about inch-size squares. In a large frying pan/wok, stir fry meat with peppers and onions with butter until veggies are slightly tender. a Pour contents of frying pan into tray to cool. Once warm, arrange peppers, onions and meat on skewers. Sprinkle some suya powder on each skewer(optional). Enjoy!


We’d love to hear your thoughts! Write to us: Submissions chosen for publication may be edited for length and clarity. All submissions become the property of CEO Magazine LLC and may be published, along with the individual, in any and all CEO Magazines and its affiliate companies – branded media are known or hereafter developed.


CEO Spotlight

All Fired Up


eet Amy Talley. CEO Magazine is pretty fired up to spotlight this incredible, inspiring woman, mother, wife and thriving business owner. Amy is the proud owner of All Fired Up and its three locations in the greater Richmond area.Never would Amy have imagined leaving her previous job to pursue a career running a business. Laura Stoltzfus B.A. Social Work Working However, when the opportunity presented on Masters in Social Work itself,Amy approached her practical husband, at Virginia Commonwealth Michael, expecting him to say no. He encourUniversity aged her to “Go for it!” and that is exactly what she did.Since purchasing the Carytown paint-your-own ceramic studio in 2008, she canhonestly say her life went from good to great! We had the pleasure of sitting down with Amy to get the scoop on running three locations with plans for expansion to Charlottesvilleand how she manages to keep her life running smoothly, both personally and professionally. What is one piece of advice that you would offer someone starting his or her own business as the new year begins in 2015? MeLanie K. Oliver My advice is to remember you are B.A. Public Relations and Masters capable of more than you think you are. There of Education in Human Services is no template for owning a heart-based busifrom Virginia Commonwealth ness. Be willing and prepared to wear many University hats. You may find yourself mopping floors, serving guests, being a plumber one day and a manager the next. Please share how you made the decision to purchase All Fired Up? What were the events that led up to you assuming ownership in 2008? I was joyfully teaching art to over 600 elementary students and was not even thinking about leaving the school I was at. One day a student approached me and suggested I buy a local paint-your-own pottery on Southside that was for sale. After talking it over with my husband, I began to do research, but the price they were asking at the time was out of my range. Soon after, I went on a girls’ night Candice T. Oliver out to All Fired Up in Carytown and low and B.A. of Business Administration behold there was a small for sale sign in the from Virginia Commonwealth University window. I recalled being at the very first birth6

By Heather Dunning

day party Meg and Cindy ever hosted at their shop. I saw it as a clear sign from above. That was in March, and by June2008 we were the new owners of Richmond’s well-established art studio. In the years that followed, we went on to purchase the Southside pottery studio in 2010, and in 2012 opened a new location at West Broad Village in Short Pump. What is your favorite product or service that you offer? I love our enrichment programs and summer camps. I enjoy creating and teaching these

programs for children, adults and corporate functions. In our week long camp , participants build new friendships while experimenting with different mediums from tie-dye to painting ceramics to molding pottery clay. What do you do to balance home and family life? The key for me is delegation. I have created a tier system for the business where all of my head managers and I meet once a week to discuss the needs for each location. Then it is their responsibility to share this info with their personal store teams. I have also hired a media manager to handle all of my social media and anything that comes through the web. As for my home, I am a new mom and enjoying every minute of figuring it out. I am blessed to have my beloved husband, whom I endearingly refer to as my CVO(Chief Volunteer Officer), to help out in many ways, anytime I need a hand!


CEO Home By Danny Smith



Photography by Jadien Jones & Danny Smith



anny Smith, stylist and owner, is the creative force behind Innovative Designs LLC. He will send you away for exactly one week and bring to life what you imagined or did not imagine your home could become. At least, this is what he did for one of his clients who is a double mastectomy breast cancer survivor. Danny’s cli8

ent wanted a fresh start and thought that a new design for her abode was just what she needed. Danny’s design included plush white furniture, faux fur carpeting, accented with warm hints of orange, cream, beige and brown fabrics contrasted by the landscape of calm gray walls. The designer’s most interesting creation was the abstract

art that rested above the living room sofa. They were made out of three dimensional picture frames covered in white wallpaper. We have nicknamed Danny’s fresh start creations the “Danny-Do-Over.” Take a look at his work. Contact Danny Smith at dsmith0923 for a design consultation.





here’s lots of buzz out there about what today’s generation will need as adults – new century skills, innovative thinking, even E.Q. over I.Q. As an educator, I’m often asked about what most helps children realize their potential. One of the most vital aspects is executive function. Executive function is the cognitive processes that allow us to plan for the future, control impulses and make sense of external stimuli, including sensory input. Executive function is like the conductor of the symphony in the brain. Executive functioning allows us to plan ahead, organize, set goals, focus, prioritize, self-evaluate and stick with a task when it gets tough. Executive function is also connected to working memory, our ability to ‘see ourselves in our mind’s eye.’ This is important for everything from hitting a baseball to multiplication. A fun way to help your child develop important executive function skills is to incorporate family-friendly games. Board games are great practice for burgeoning executive function skills and foster social skills, turn-taking, and cooperation. Fa-

mily interaction, through something like a family game night, is pure gold for today’s families who are often technologically connected yet socially disconnected. Here are some games to highlight: ● Labyrinth Brain-benders and mazes are wonderful tools to develop cognitive skills and Labyrinth is a fun maze game that adults and children ages 6 and up can enjoy. ● Dixit Great for parties, Dixit is a creative story-telling game that can accommodate up to six players ages 8 and up. The storyteller must make up a phrase to describe one of the cards and players must try to pick the corresponding card. ● Bohnanza Up to seven players can join in this card game, with the object of making coins by planting sets of beans and harvesting them. There is a lot of table talk, trading and deal making in this game for ages 8 and up. ● Ticket to Ride There are many variants to TTR out there, but the original edition features a map of the U.S. and Canada. Players compete to build

train routes between major cities. Up to five players can enjoy this easy to learn game. You and your family members (ages 8 and up) will brush up on geography in the process. ● Settlers of Catan One of the most popular board games in the world, Settlers of Catan features a changing map. You must gather raw resources (by trade, theft, or dice roll) and build roads, settlements, cities and armies. Three to four players can enjoy the base game version, which is suitable for ages 10 and up. You can find these games at many retailers online, such as Amazon, as well as local hobby and games stores. Both World of Mirth and One Eyed Jacques in Carytown as well as The Dragon’s Den in Short Pump have fantastic selections of family-friendly games. For more information, check out Sarah McDowell is a Montessori educator, credentialed to teach ages 2.5-12 years old. She owns and operates Montessori Center for the Child, an independent school in Southside Richmond. She is the proud parent and “swim mom” of teenagers and an avid gamer who also enjoys arts and crafts.

January Events for Families & Children Candy Bingo Friday, January 2 5:30 PM Sweet Spot, West Broad Village. Bring your friends and family for a Fun night. All ages are welcome. To reserve your spot, call 360-7760

gist, kids will dig through sand to find fossils and learn what these artifacts can tell us of an earlier time. Ticket prices are – $8.00 per child and $6.00 for members For more information, visit:

Digging for Dino’s

Target $1.00 Family Night

Saturday, January 10 10:00 am Maymont Park How big was a T-rex tooth? Did cavemen and dinosaurs exist at the same time? Children ages 4-8 learn the answers as they explore the world of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Playing the part of a paleontolo-

Friday, January 16 5:30 – 7:30 pm Children’s Museum of Richmond Central Bring the family to enjoy the Children’s Museum of Richmond on every third Friday of each month for $1.00 per person. For more information, visit:


Estelle is Back! Founder of the SWEAT Tours

Returns Home to Richmond By Chaya Braxton

How the SWEAT Tours Began After CEO’s January cover photo shoot, I reconnected with Estelle Archer at a downtown café to reflect on this past year. Estelle has returned homee to Richmond after being on the road for the last 12 2 months to follow her dreams. Estelle is the mastermind behind the SWEATT Tours where she visited all 50 states to work out withh anyone willing. She would fly to her destination, andd without RSVP or confirmation, share her location onn Instagram. Whether it was the reported 1 person inn North Dakota or 95 in California, Estelle ran the samee program: dance for 40 minutes, take a class photoo and conduct a Q&A session. “I wanted to help one person in every state,” offered Estelle. If you come to one of her classes/sessions, she will never adjourn until the very last person asks his or her question. “Sometimes classes have lasted as long as 2.5 hours,” she confirms. The concept of the SWEAT Tours began as a class of family and friends in a parking lot in Midlothian, VA. As Estelle’s class grew, she moved to downtown Richmond and opened a studio. Estelle began to publish eBooks and DVDs online. As her sales increased, so did the requests to teach classes in different states.

Estelle Gets 114,000 Followers “I told my girls in the Richmond class, I will have class here for three months and if I reach over 100,000 followers on Instagram, I will go on tour with my workouts.” With $30,000 in savings and donations from her online supporters, Estelle left Richmond, including her beloved dog, and went on tour with her sister-in-law/assistant. Estelle frequently negotiated hotel rates and solely promoted herself on Instagram. It comes as no surprise that the former cake decorator/wedding and prom dressmaker found a way to sustain herself with limited resources. On tour, Estelle’s rate was $10.00 per class – only because she had to travel. I was stunned after realizing how much she earned in North Dakota. For her, that made no difference. She said that the purpose of her tours is to give people hope.


Estelle’s Story

Estelle’s “No “ New Year’s Resolutions

“I was always overweight. I tried all types of things: diets and even sprays for my food. When I got to college, everybody else was talking to guys and I would always be the one holding the purses while my friends had fun and hung out. I was stuck with

Estelle Archer does not believe in setting New Year’s resolutions. “The statistics of people who set New Year’s resolutions are ridiculous. You have people who sign up for the gym and never go. You have people who say they are going to quit smoking and they do for a week. I don’t ever encourage people to start anything like that on a Monday, on the 1st, or anything like that. I wake up each day and I say I’m going to exercise and eat healthy.” Estelle Archer stopped weighing herself two years ago. She doesn’t count calories either. When Estelle made the decision to begin her jjourney to wellness, she parked her car and beggan to walk everywhere, no matter how far the ddistance or time it took to get there. She was hher biggest at 220 lbs and a size 16. Today, Esttelle’s weight remains unknown, but she knows tthat she wears a size 5. Estelle offers this wisdom as people embark on ttheir journey to wellness: “The only advice I have ffor people is to be consistent. If you are not conssistent, nothing will ever work. You can’t want to be tthe CEO one day and wake up the next day and call oout of work to attend a football game; then awake the next day and come to work late and the next day want to be the CEO again.”

the friend no one wanted to talk to to,”” Estelle recalls recalls. In the 90s, pedal pushers were in style, but unfortunately Estelle could not find any in her size. She remembers attending a concert with her cousins who wore the popular Capri pants; Estelle had to wear men’s cargo pants. Estelle’s depression heightened when she moved to Atlanta after college and realized that she owed over $100,000 in student loans. She would sleep all day and night, wouldn’t take her dog out and stopped washing dishes. Her mom and sister even alternated sending inspirational text messages to Estelle on the hour. At her annual checkup, the doctor revealed she was gaining 20-30 pounds per year… Estelle realized she was eating to fill a void. Things went from bad to seemingly worse when one day at work, her boss told her that she was ‘not valuable to the team but would be kept on.’ As Estelle’s story unfolded, it was difficult to hear the initial account of pain and isolation coming from the beautiful, healthy powerhouse we all see today. But this was not the end of her journey. Estelle goes on to share that same day she handed in her resignation and came back to Richmond to start what would be the beginning of her dream life.

The Next Step Estelle is excited about her return home. She is looking for a space to host classes. Stay tuned for the location and time.

Estelle’s Eect Regrettably our time together in the café came to an end. I could tell the patron who sat in the booth next to us was equally moved. When Estelle tells her story, she tells it with such intensity. If you don’t cry with her, then you will cry on the way home from meeting her. As she tells you her story of hope, she frees you to find your own.

Connect with Estelle: Estelle Archer Phone: (262) -29SWEAT Email: Website: YouTube: estelle archer Instagram: @estellearcher


CEO In The Know CEO Special Agent, Tyer, is on a mission to launch a new business in 2015. She has collected top secret industry intelligence from her informants. This is what they had to say:

Real Estate In a seller’s market, renting can be an opportunity not an obstacle. Use an experienced and knowledgeable real estate agent to help you get into the rental property you want. He or she can provide you with access to properties and programs to repair your credit and build rapport with a landlord. Emmanuella Revolus Real Estate Agent Palmer House Properties

Business Plan If you are thinking about starting a business or you have already launched one, make sure you have a business plan in place. A business plan will help you manage your cash flow better, you will stay on target and it will be easier to recognize milestones of accomplishments. If you don’t have the time or knowhow to write one, hire someone – it is worth it! You can also find templates online if you wish to take a crack at it yourself. Remember… plan, plan, plan. America James Owner Bright Minds Prep Tutoring Service

Smart Savings


When you are a business owner or a program director, it is really important to learn how to save. The day after Christmas or the week after New Year’s is the perfect time to find deals. Many stores slash their prices by 40-50%. You can also combine coupons from the Sunday paper with store discounts to get extra savings.

You don’t need a lot of disposable income to invest in a portfolio or to buy stock. You are never too young or too old to start. Investing a percentage of your savings little by little is better than not investing at all. Long term investing helps to secure against financial scarcity after retirement, especially if you are an entrepreneur. Consult with a financial advisor now; don’t wait another day.

Lorna Pope Program Director Fresh Start for Single Moms

Angelica Connolly Business Owner


Counselor’s Corner By Rachel E. Oliver

hen running a business, a CEO takes responsibility for everything. While business owners often think about the immediate needs of their company and/or clients, the possible legal implications of routine decisions are often unnoticed. The following are brief examples business owners should think about (and questions you should ask) when entering into agreements on behalf of your company: Scenario: Your business requires a defined space to get the job done. Your home office will no longer suffice, and you are looking to rent a space. Questions you should ask before signing a lease: 1. Is the landlord for this space going to require a personal guarantee for this lease? 2. Is my lease a single net, double net, or triple net?


What Type of Legal Questions Should You Ask Pertaining to Counselor’s Corner Your Business? 3. What type of insurance will I be required to carry for this space? 4. Is any other occupant of the leased space a hindrance to the business I want to operate? For example, is there a liquor store in the same development that will prevent me from opening a day care? Scenario: I know someone who provides the service or product I need for my business. I trust that person and we have a great rapport. Questions you should ask before entering into a product or service agreement with a comrade: 1. Should we have a written agreement in place? 2. What will happen if either of us does not adhere to our part of the bargain? Scenario: The type of business I own is regulated by a state body. Questions you should ask: 1. Am I up to date with all laws

(state and federal) that require compliance from my company? 2. Do I know who the head of the regulating body is to which my business should report? 3. Are there administrative laws that will affect my business? If so, where can they be found? These are only a few questions for each scenario that should be considered for your business when entering into any type of agreement. There is a popular saying in the legal community: “Ignorance is not a defense.” This means that just because you did not know something, does not mean you cannot (or will not) be held legally accountable if taken to court. If there is an aspect about running your business that you do not understand, please ask for clarification and help. I invite the readers of CEO Magazine to write in with your legal questions, and they might

be featured in the next issue: Rachel E. Oliver, a native of Richmond, VA, is an attorney practicing in Chicago, IL where her main focus is Business and Commercial Litigation.

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#ONMYWAY Hello! My name is Chaya (Hiyah) Braxton, and I am one of the editors for CEO Magazine. I am so glad that you have been enjoying the stories we have been sharing with you. Your response has warmed our hearts. We wish to share the story behind the stories of women. The #onmyway series will do just that; we will follow individuals who are on their way to a complete change. Publisher Sharon Oliver suggested we start with someone from our very own team. Guess Who? You’ve guessed right. The first #onmyway series will document my journey to wellness. I have battled with being unhealthy most of my adult life. Lately, I have begun to experience some serious health challenges which is why I made the decision to do something about it. Over the next year, I will be working out with Estelle Archer of the SWEAT Tours and my buddy Shawn Grow,


personal trainer. I have enlisted a nutritionist, my doctor, an image consultant, a counselor (because we all know how important it is to dig deep,) and an entire host of friends and family – including my spunky ten-year-old daughter. In the spirit of starting this journey, I received a makeover from Stylist Keisha Mines of Nirvana Salon. The experience was awesome, especially with the support of Nirvana staff and members of my CEO family. You can look forward to video blogs and frequent updates from me. I am warning you… it may not be pretty. In fact, it may get downright ugly. But I am ready to come out of hiding. Please join me on my journey; I am on my way. You can contact me at Love, Chaya B




Dear Parents,

There are some things that you think you know, but you really have overlooked. Starting a business is hard and stressful on us, just like it is on you. We understand that you are working so hard to make sure we have everything we need and want, but as crazy as this might sound – we want more than just material things. We want your time, support, undivided attention and affection no matter how old we are. We know that it can be hard for you to give us these valuable things due to your busy career, but what else is your busy schedule making you miss? As a young woman growing and developing in a society that is full of technology, we know some things that you don’t. We do some things that you wouldn’t have even thought about doing at our age. If your daughter has ever lied to you about who she was with or where she was, please don’t get too upset with her. Instead, find out why she’s doing the things she’s doing. Come up with ways to spend more time with her, so that you two can have that important mother-daughter bond that some CEOs and entrepreneurs are missing with their daughters. Usually, by the time mothers find out that their daughters have been lying to them – it’s too late. As teenagers, we are ultimately going to do what we want, when we want. What separates your daughter from other teenage girls is whether or not she can be

comfortable coming to you about issues. Don’t rush the process; it’ll come with time. One night I left my mom heartbroken in eighth grade when she found out I was dating a senior in high school. I had no intention of having sex, and I didn’t. More importantly, I didn’t have any intentions on breaking my mom’s heart due to my actions, even though I did. Your daughter might be doing the same thing that I was doing —trying to fill the void of feeling alone, while slowly breaking your heart without even knowing it. She always said the old cliché, “Whatever is done in the dark will come to the light,” but I always knew she would be too busy with her businesses. I never thought twice that my mom would notice me lying and going behind her back. Now that I’m in college, I understand how dangerous my actions were. At the end of the day, my mom was worried about my safety, even when I thought she only worried about her businesses. Looking back over my life, every female friend whose mom was a CEO or a business owner did the same thing. Don’t feel guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed. Instead, use this as an opportunity to repair your relationship with your daughter, no matter how hard it may be. Moms, remember, we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. Don’t ever forget that the same unconditional love that you have for us, we have for you too. With love, Sarah


mani Hayes is my name, and along with it comes a personality to match how hardworking, sophisticated, and focused I am. Being the youngest of three, I was spoiled, but I was also taught I had to work for the things I wanted. This lesson has definitely helped me get to where I am today. Throughout high school, I was pretty well known and made sure that I carried myself in a positive light at all times. I was captain of my cheer team, involved in several clubs and was even president of my senior class.

Currently, I am a freshman at Old Dominion University majoring in Psychology and minoring in Mass Communications. My journey will begin with earning my bachelor’s degree from ODU, followed by my masters at an undecided school, and eventually earning a PhD. My dream career is a clinical psychologist which will allow me the opportunity to counsel individuals with mental disorders. My minor in Mass Communications will hopefully open doors to be on television or radio. Now that I am a contributing writer to a magazine, I hope that I can inspire girls not only in my community, but around the world, and let them know that anything you put your mind to is possible. With continuous dedication and determination, all goals can be achieved. Every day I live by the motto: “If you look good, you feel good,” so with that being said, look good, feel good, and you’ll do good. Much Love, Emani Hayes


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,

What’s the Purpose of it All? By Heather Dunning appy New Year! W Whew, boy did 2014 rocket right through most of us. This month, the first month of a brand new year, marks a time when we can wake up with awareness and take the necessary steps to creating our purpose driven life. In December, we touched on the definition of divinely guided purpose, aspiring to the truest and purest reflection of our


all your to-do-lists, responsibilities and anything that may be currently pulling your focus away. Go ahead now! I will wait. Feeling a bit more relaxed? Clearer in your thoughts and connected to your body? Good! This is a state of being that makes it easier to hear your inner guidance. When we listen to our inner voice and follow the light that guides us into the

lives that contribute to the greater good of those around them. If you are anything like me, in the month of January you will make a New Year’s resolution list, and by February the list is tucked away and long forgotten. I believe that this year can be a turning point. A new marker not to be resolute, instead, to declare leaving oneself open to possibilities. What is the thing that your

higher self. How do we discover the individual answer to this timeless question? With that being said, I offer you this purposeful tool: Take a moment to step back from multi-tasking your day away and create some space for your own answer to rise up within you. Place your feet on the floor, one hand on your belly, one hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths. Begin to exhale out

undiscovered places, this is where as people, we can truly shine. The search for purpose doesn’t have to declare that something is wrong or broken in your life. Following our divine purpose is not always easy, comfortable or logical, but in the end those who have chosen to be daring and courageous and take the leap, live extraordinary lives! Lives filled with passion;

heart whispers, “Yes!” and your mind questions, “How is that even possible?” Be willing this year to step into trusting your heart’s wisdom and believing that your dream life can become your purpose driven reality. Love & Light, Heather (Purpose being fulfilled!)






CEOs On the Rise Dear Young Reader:

As little girls growing up, we’ve always had dreams of becoming a nurse, becoming a lawyer, or owning our own business. Our parents and loved ones told us that we can be anything that we want to be and now that we are young women, we sometimes limit ourselves. It’s like putting a cap over our jar of potential. Whether it is being in college and realizing that one course wasn’t for you, so you changed your major. Or maybe it was going to shadow someone currently in the field you want to be in and realizing that it is not what you expected. You have to know that you do not have to give up on your long-term goals of achieving what you want in the future. Since you’re reading this article, you’re probably thinking about becoming a CEO or an entrepreneur in the future. Why not become one now? It is possible and a lot of young women our age do it every day. It all starts by setting one realistic goal after another. Speaking of goals – it’s hard to have them if you don’t even know the definition of a goal. A goal is “something that you are trying to do or achieve” (Webster Dictionary). Some other definitions even include the idea of a person making a plan to which she is willing to commit. We like the idea of committing yourself wholeheartedly to the desires that you have for yourself. You have to

realize that making a plan means making progress. Although it may be a small progression, any progress is vital to achieving your goal. Setting a goal of being a future CEO or entrepreneur can actually start now. Just start small. What do you like to do? What are you good at doing? What can you offer to others? Or maybe what needs to be improved in the world around you? Think about these things and then figure out if there’s a way that you could provide a service that would allow you to help others and make some cash at the same time. Maybe it’s making jewelry or phone cases, doing hair, nails, eyebrows or anything that you have a desire to do that you do well. You will see that starting off with your own small business can be a bit challenging just like it will be if you become a CEO in the future. Working hard, staying focused and being determined will definitely help you achieve your goals. I’m sure that by setting goals for yourself, you will reach your long-term goal of becoming a CEO or an entrepreneur – if that is what you want to do. If we can do it, we know you can too. Until next time, Sarah & Emani

PS: We hope you are doing well and fixing the relationships that mean the most to you. We are still here for you, daughters, and you too moms. Please continue to send us topics to discuss and questions to answer:


An evening of exquisite art viewing and purchasing to support the initiatives of


at The Hippodrome Theater



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