CEOMOM Holiday 2017

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Holiday 2017







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Mixi Avenue produces all natural products using premium ingredients to give your hair and skin optimal nourishment.

05 Letter from the Editor 06 Fun Holiday Traditions for the Family 08 Mom with Impact: Alicia Bush, Treasured Vessels 12 Haute Momma: Celebrating Moms in Beauty 13 Jordana Woodland of Naked Princess Shares Her Beauty Trends


Meet Denise

16 Dr. Isfahan ChambersHarris: Revolutionizing the Hair Care Industry 22 Keli Smith - Kaike, Fun Skincare Your Body Will Love 34 Take the Perfect Family Photo 40 Meet Kim Landi of ModerneChild - Creating Chic Fashion For Mommy & Me 46 Nanci Bergman of ACCENT Revolutionizing the Jewelry Industry 52 Amy Hampton of Sociologie Wine Pour the Perfect Glass of Wine CEOMOM | 3

FAMILY. FUN. FESTIVITIES. Editor-in-Chief Vonna Matthews Contributing Designer Photo Editor Denise Cover Photography Kim Cover Photography Contributing Photographer Contributing Photographer Contributing Photographer Contributing Writer

Taly Melo Krystal Jackson Birdie Thompson Shea Anne Photography Dave Laus Adrienne Ingram Gina Corrie Photography Brian Lary

Editorial Office Little Elm, Texas 75068 +1-972-302-9150 | CEOMOM Magazine is published by For Her Media Little Elm, Texas 75068 | +1-972-302-9150


WISHING YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS I think I say this every issue, but our holiday issue is by far my favorite issue of the year. It culminates everything we have been working on throughout the year and serves as a celebration of all the amazing moms we get to meet. It's also our holiday gift guide. Each mom featured is founder of a company with amazing products that would be great additions to your shopping list. From impeccable wine to socially conscious beauty products to 3D jewelry to fashion fit for mothers and daughters, you will want to read every article to learn about the products created by moms for moms with discriminating taste. Of course, no CEOMOM issue would be complete without sharing the story of a mom who is making a difference in our community through selfless works that change lives. This issue, we will introduce you to Alicia Bush, founder of Treasured Vessels, a foundation that is building aftercare homes for young girls impacted by human trafficking. The fight to end human trafficking and modern day slavery is dear to my heart so it is my honor to spotlight a mom who is serving on the front lines. This holiday season, we hope you not only enjoy your current family traditions, but add some new ones. We've spotlighted a few of our favorite that are not only fun, but cost-effective. From ours to yours, we pray you have an amazing holiday season. We'll see you in the new year!

Editor-in-Chief VONNA MATTHEWS

Vonna Matthews


The holidays are the time of year families come together not only for the love and gifts, but for familiar activities that remind them of home. Traditions are embedded in the thread of our families. Traditions bring families closer together, reminding us of the many things that connect us. CEOMOM Magazine is sharing our favorite holiday traditions that are not only fun, but costeffective. We hope there are some new ones on the list you can try. Happy Holidays! Love for 12 Days of Christmas. One of the most popular holiday songs is the 12 Days of Christmas. Filled with imagery, the song reminds us that Christmas is celebrated beyond one day. For 12 days show love to your family members by creating little special moments. It doesn't always have to be with material things. The idea is to show your love with or without gifts. Here are a few ideas of Love for 12 Days of Christmas. 1. Write a note for 12 days. This may be time consuming for every family member so pick a few to write a different love note for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. The note doesn't have to be long and elaborate, but can express how you feel with few words. Hide the note in places you know it can be found. 2. Perform acts of kindness. Every day do something special for family members. It can be as simple as making hot cocoa for everyone, cleaning the house or running holiday errands. 3. Give small gifts. Big gifts can be reserved for Christmas Day, but you can give little fun gifts leading up to Christmas. It's not about the cost as much as it is the thought. This may be a good time to have fun at your local dollar store. Get creative and make everyone laugh. Have a baking contest. The holiday is about eating seasonal treats, and lots of them. Gather your family and friends to host a baking contest. Have everyone bake their favorite holiday treats and vote for your

favorites. You can create your own rules. Just remember to have fun with it. Make sure everyone provides their recipes and pass those out as gifts. Have a fun prize for the winner.

and a creative team and put together a program that will highlight the talents in the family. Have fun with it. The idea is not to discover the next big star, but to laugh and celebrate the holidays and each other.

Volunteer as a family. During the holidays we are reminded that there are so many people who are less fortunate. What better time to donate your time and/or money to organizations and ministries who are helping to change lives. Pick your favorite charity and volunteer as a family.

Reenact your favorite holiday movie and put on a show. Everyone has a favorite holiday movie. Instead of just watching the movie, create a new family tradition and reenact a scene from the movie. Use props and let family members be their favorite characters. Don't spend money on costumes. Have fun using Host your own family holiday program. whatever you have in the house. You How fun would it be to host your own can even take the scenes outside the holiday program. Appoint a director home and use the city.


Family traditions help to raise healthy children by creating consistency and stability in a child's life. We're sharing a few of our favorite that are fun and cost-effective. CEOMOM | 6

Happy Holidays! From your friends at For Her Media, providing creative solutions to companies who want to change the world

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Many Americans believe that human trafficking and modern day slavery is exclusively an international problem. Alicia Bush, founder of Treasured Vessels, is working tirelessly to dispel this misconception and provide aid to young girls who have fallen victim to this epidemic right here in North Texas. Alicia asked, “Once these young girls are rescued, where do they go?” When the answer couldn’t be found Alicia moved forward with creating a solution in the form of aftercare shelters. CEOMOM spoke with Alicia about her shelters and how they will change lives through rehabilitation and love. What is the inspiration behind Treasured Vessels? What made you move forward with starting a foundation to fight human trafficking? My husband and I became aware of human trafficking when we were both international missionaries. Along with our careers, that is a passion of ours. In learning about human trafficking and the efforts being made, we started asking questions. We learned a lot about what it is and how it happens. As we started to see traffickers being caught and girls being rescued, we asked “Where do they go?” The girls go to jail or they go back into the foster care system or back home, most likely the place they ran away from in the first place. Our continued questions were, “Do they get help? Do they go right back to school?” The answer, there is no place for them to go.


Photo Credit: Aimee Louise Photography

We have 25 acres in Collin County. We are currently raising funds to build 10 homes to house 60 girls. Four out of 5 kids trafficked are girls.

That was our inspiration for wanting to move forward with Treasured Vessels. I left my career at its pinnacle. God said, leave it all. Work for free and work harder than you ever have. We needed to bridge the gap in care for these children who live right in our community. They are in need of a place to go. We shouldn’t put the burden on the parents to understand a child that is now characterized with complex PTSD (post traumatic syndrome). We wanted to create a community where these girls can go and rest and begin to rebuild their lives and be around other youth that have been through what they’ve been through. A rehabilitative home is helpful, because it allows the children to be in a community with others who understand what they’ve been through. You are currently working on building a shelter to house, rehabilitate and heal young girls aged 12 to 17 from sex trafficking in Dallas/Fort Worth. Tell us more about the shelter. We have 25 acres in Collin County. We are currently raising funds to build 10 homes to house 60 girls. That’s where the expressed need has come from. Four out of 5 kids who are trafficked are

girls. Boys are a little more difficult to self identify. We currently do not have homes. The girls are currently going to jail or back home where they statistically end up back on the streets. Services will include academic education, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) which has shown to be effective with PTSD in veterans, art therapy, animal assisted therapy, equine therapy, and tattoo removal services to have their branding removed. Those are some of the needs survivors and victims have mentioned are really effective. We also want to serve this population with excellence. Our homes will be equipped with staff that has trauma specific training. Within 24 months of being opened, we expect to have evidenced outcome matrix associated with our residents. We want to ensure that the therapy we are providing is effective and tailored towards each individual resident. The girls will come from word of mouth and the judicial system, jail or juvenile detention. Most of our young ladies will have some sort of a relationship with law enforcement and the FBI. The judge will know about our homes. The girls will be interviewed and they will be placed appropriately in



...CARE ENOUGH TO SHARE OUR MESSAGE." our care. These girls have been held against their will. Most of the time there is psychological bondage. The girls do not know that they need to be rescued. They suffer from Stockholm syndrome, believing their captor is truly their boyfriend, caregiver, father figure and family. To convince them otherwise can sometimes be quite challenging. Other than a shelter, what are some of the products and services Treasured Vessels currently provide? We are providing education and awareness. We had a huge fundraiser event in Dallas where Elizabeth Smart was our keynote speaker. She spoke to the need of a residential place and a community. We are trying to stay in our lane and not have a vision drift and get over into lanes that are not ours. A lot of what I do is education and awareness. I went to Thailand for 2 weeks visiting an aftercare facility there. I have been trying to gather as much information as I can around the world. Thankfully, people are becoming more and more aware, but have no clue what happens with the girls when they are rescued.

What are some of the biggest misconceptions about human trafficking, specifically in the United States? One of the biggest misconceptions is that these young ladies are international victims which can be true, but is not always the case. The majority of the counted victims are born and raised right here in our country. There was a study released by UT by the Child Human Trafficking Task Force that says 79,000 children in Texas alone are at risk of being trafficked. The abduction part, being snatched off the street and put in the back of a moving car is a misconception. Only eleven percent are abducted. More often, the children are manipulated. These traffickers are master manipulators. They manipulate these children into believing that they are not worth anything more than a product. They degrade their value as a human, therefore reframing the way a vulnerable child thinks. They coerce the child, manipulate the child, and force the child to do whatever the trafficker wants them to do through threat. In other words, they don’t have to abduct them, they go willingly. How can people join the fight against human trafficking? Be aware, care and share. We want people aware, and then aware enough to care and care enough to share our message. Share what we’re doing. If they feel led to help they can give financially or volunteer at our fundraising events. Host a fundraising dinner at your home. Allow us to come in and share our message about the issue right here in North Texas. Attend our events. We believe somebody is going to write that check. We need $2 million dollars for our homes. How do you balance being a mom and wife with being a community leader? I have help. It takes a village. I know my strengths and I am keenly aware of my weaknesses. It’s really sweet for my kids to see me juggle. They get to see this is mommy. I get up early in the morning at 5 and go to the gym. I have that time to be present with myself and present in my Bible study. When I get home the kids are still sleep. It really helps for me to have that me time. We do have a nanny. She has lived with us for almost 10 years. I can’t say that I balance the CEO and mom job well, but I do have to be present. Just be mindful that these 2 or 3 days are going to be wild. Mommy being present is probably going to lack. On the fourth day, we are going to do something special together. One day a week, one of the kids and me do breakfast. Morning breakfast time has turned out to be one of the best times for us. To learn more about Alicia’s work with Treasured Vessels visit CEOMOM | 10 CEOMOM | 10

HAUTE MOMMA It's the holiday season. What better time to pamper yourself. Like most moms, you've been giving more than one hundred percent to everyone this year so now is the time for you. Get ready to usher in a new year celebrating you. In this holiday issue we are spotlighting moms in the beauty industry.

Beautiful Mom

FASHION, HAIR & SKIN For our Haute Momma segment we interviewed Jordana Woodland of Naked Princess, Dr. Isfahan Chambers-Harris of Alodia Hair Care and Keli Smith of Kaike Vegan Beauty Brand. These women are helping you take care of yourself from head to toe.

Celebrating Moms in the Beauty Industry


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Jordana's boudoir lifestyle brand combines beauty, femininity and style to create timeless loungewear, lingerie, beauty products and more. Jordana Woodland is sharing her holiday must have's and beauty secrets with CEOMOM. How would you describe your fashion style? Feminine, sexy & playful. What are your go-to’s for fashion when it comes to holiday parties and special events? You can’t go wrong with the classics: An LBD (Little Black Dress) + a bold red lip + emerald green high heels. Keep your clothing simple and elegant, but play with your accessories and makeup so you can create an entirely different look even if you’re wearing the same dress. Describe your holiday beauty routine. Moisturize and add some shimmer! My skin can get so dry during the winter so I’m vigilant about keeping my skin hydrated. After I shower, I apply a healthy amount of our moisture rich Body Souffle all over. Once that soaks in, I’ll sometimes apply a layer of our Dry Oil to give my skin a soft, healthy glow. Just before I head out the door, the final touch is a dusting of our 24K Love Dust on my arms and décolletage. There’s something about that extra touch of shimmer that just says “holiday” to me. That’s also why you’ll find our Ultra Shine Lip Gloss in my purse all season long!

What are your favorite Naked Princess holiday pieces? For Staying In: I love our Cara Maxi Gown in Emerald Green paired with our Charcoal Grey Ava Long Robe. For Going Out: I love pairing our velvet Jordana Cami with a pair of jeans and a cashmere cardigan. It’s the perfect outfit that you can dress up or down depending on what the day holds. For Holiday Parties: Our Cara Bodysuit is a glamourous and sexy base under a high waisted pencil skirt. Add a silk jacket or tailored blazer on top to show just a hint of the gorgeous lace underneath. What tips do you have for moms to take care of themselves during the hectic holiday season? Trust me, I know how hectic the holidays can be with kids…but don’t let the hectic pace keep you from taking care of yourself. You can’t perform at your very best if you’re feeling depleted! Even if it’s just 5 minutes, carve some time out every day that’s just for you to do something that you don’t HAVE to do but WANT to do. Give yourself a foot massage. Apply a face mask before going to bed. Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. Do something that feels good to you that’s just for YOU.


For holiday parties, keep your clothing simple and elegant, but play with your accessories and makeup so you can create an entirely different look...



Dr. Isfahan Chambers-Harris REVOLUTIONIZING THE HAIR CARE INDUSTRY Dr. Isfahan Chambers-Harris, a Bio-Medical Scientist and Hair Practitioner of Trichology ( I.A.T Certified) , has leveraged her background to revolutionize the hair care industry through her natural hair care line, Alodia. Alodia Hair Care not only provides organic and all natural products, but also teaches consumers how to use the products to optimize results. For Dr. Chambers-Harris, it’s not just about maintaining healthy hair, but realizing holistic wellness through education and nutrition. CEOMOM Magazine chatted with Dr. Chambers-Harris to learn more about her transition from science to hair care and how she is changing the way we take care of our hair. Tell us about your professional background. How did you transition a medical profession into a hair care line? Since I was very young, I've always loved

science. As a result, I graduated from the City University of New York- Medgar Evers College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and minored in Chemistry. I then decided to do my PhD at Morehouse School of Medicine. This enabled me to pursue my passion of studying the genetics of cardiovascular diseases. I then went on to Vanderbilt School of Medicine for a Research Fellowship studying the genetics of autoimmune disease and I also earned my Master's of Public Health. My transition into hair care really started from my personal need. In Late 2009, my hair was so damaged and brittle from 15 years of using chemical straighteners. At that time, there weren’t products in the market that fit my standards with the type of ingredients I wanted. I wanted something that was natural and that catered to my texture. So I decided to use my

science background to create something for my hair. I created my first product which is the Nourish and Grow Healthy Hair and Scalp Oil. Using it over a course of 4 to 5 months, I was so amazed at how my hair changed from being really dry to soft and moisturized. At that point I really wanted to create a hair care line, but because I was still a student at Vanderbilt, I lacked the resources necessary to create a full line. So instead, I created a YouTube channel called Alodia80, to share my tips with women like myself struggling to grow healthy hair. In 2014, I started my career as a Presidential Management Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Fellow at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda Maryland. Around this time was when my husband, a newly minted

I HAD TO LEARN TO MANAGE MY TIME AND ACCEPT THAT I AM ONLY ONE PERSON. Physician and I fully committed to creating my hair care line. It took 3 years of R&D to create the line and we officially launched in March of 2017. My career as a Biomedical Scientist has given me the skillsets and expertise needed to create and manage Alodia and its truly a perfect marriage of my two passions. What have been the biggest challenges with raising twin toddlers and starting a business? I would say the biggest challenge has been managing my time. Back when I started in 2014, I was working at the National Institute of Health in Maryland as a Presidential STEM Fellow. It is a very competitive fellowship and I was miserable. It was an amazing fellowship, but it wasn't my passion and I dreaded going to work every morning. My kids had just turned 1 and my days were very long , waking up at 5am and getting home around 5pm. Then once home I would have to take care of our boys and make dinner. Thank God I had my husband, parents and mom-in-law to help me but the stress of it all took a toll on my health. In 2016, I had to walk away from my career because it was just too much. I had to learn to manage my time and accept that I am only one person. You can really impact your health if you are not taking care of yourself. It was scary to walk away from my career and fully dedicate myself to being an entrepreneur, but it ended up being one of the best decisions I have made. With the natural hair care industry becoming saturated how does Alodia Hair stand out from competition? Alodia stands out because of our story. I started out as a PhD student on YouTube sharing my advice on healthy hair care and also sharing my life story. Viewers were able to see me as a newly married person, they saw when I moved to the various cities that we lived in to complete my biomedical training. They also saw when I became pregnant with my twins. Over the course of those few years, I was able to organically amass about 16k subscribers. So even now, as a newly started business less then 1 year old, I still have

Photo Credit: Rhea Whitney of Rhea Whitney Photography

people that DM me on Instagram that remember my story from YouTube. We are looking to continue to document Alodia's story and to re-kindle our unique relationship with our viewers and I think this above all else allows Alodia to stand out from competition. Another way that the line is different is that before I officially launched, I spent years talking to women about their hair care needs and discovered that many were confused and overwhelmed when it came to selecting products for their hair care regimens. Realizing that there was a need to make healthy hair care easy, I created 4 Style Kits. The kits contain 3-4 products and a step by step guide streamlining the wash, condition, moisturize and style process taking the guesswork out of having healthy hair. Where do you see Alodia Hair Care in 5 years? I am very excited about Alodia entering the South African market. By the time this article comes out, we will have already put on our first event in Johannesburg. We will be hosting a pop up shop event in South Africa. It is a very cosmopolitan country, however they are not being catered to with regards to hair care. There aren’t many hair care products that are being created by black women. Alodia can have a positive presence and influence on the South African market. In 5 years, I also would love to establish Alodia as the premiere natural hair care brand that focuses on holistic haircare. As a Biomedical Scientist, I have a unique understanding that hair products are only a piece of the healthy . CEOMOM | 17

BEAUTY ROUTINE: THE FIRST THING IS ALWAYS TO FOCUS ON MY DIET. INTERNALLY, I MAKE SURE I AM DRINKING ENOUGH WATER AND EATING GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES. USING ALODIA'S PRODUCTS ARE ALSO AN IMPORTANT PART OF MY ROUTINE. hair care puzzle. Having a healthy mind and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and water play major roles in healthy hair. I would like Alodia to be the leader in this area and to also create other products that focus on holistic hair care. What are your family's favorite holiday traditions? My mom’s family is from the Caribbean. We love to make our traditional Trinidadian foods like black cake and peas and rice. My dad's family is from the South and we loved my Grandma Annie's homemade yeast potato rolls and of course sweet potato pie. We also have a tradition where we do the tree trimming right after Thanksgiving. We will invite family over and make a gingerbread house and decorate the whole house. The holidays in our family are more about celebrating with one another than it is about giving gifts. Black cake has Caribbean rum and raisins and cherries and dates. I also like Ponche-de-Creme which is like eggnog. What is your beauty routine especially as it relates to your hair? The first thing is always to focus on my diet. Internally, I make sure I am drinking enough water and eating green leafy vegetables. Using Alodia's products are also an important part of my routine. I wash my hair with one of my kits every single week. Consistency is key. You can’t wash your hair once a month and expect results. I will use my Wash n Go Style kit every Sunday. The steps in the kit are the oil treatment, followed by the conditioning shampoo, then deep conditioning masque and end with the cream gel. My hair dries in a curly/coily hair style which is how I'll usually wear it for the week. Visit to learn more about Alodia Hair Care.

TRINIDADIAN BLACK CAKE RECIPE RECIPE FROM DR. ISFAHAN CHAMBERS-HARRIS My mom’s family is from the Caribbean. We love to make our traditional Trinidadian foods like black cake and peas and rice.

Fruit Mixture: 1 cup candied cherries 4 cups of raisins (a mix of golden and dark raisins) 2 cups of currents 1 cup of prunes 1 cup chopped dates 1 cup dried figs 1 teaspoon of Angostura Bitters 3 cups dark rum Combine the fruits with the Angostura Bitters and cover with the rum. Add more rum if needed. Store in a tightly covered large glass jar or container and place a cool dark place for 4 weeks or more. Replenish the rum as needed. Cake Ingredients: 2 cups of sifted white flour 1/2 teaspoon each: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened 2 cups dark brown sugar 1/4 cup of water 5 eggs 1 teaspoons of vanilla extract 1 teaspoons of almond extract Preheat Oven to 250 degrees Blend the Fruit Mixture in a blender or food processor. Sift the flour, spices, baking powder and salt together. Set aside Bring water to boil. Brown the sugar in a pan, on a low flame until caramelized, gradually add the hot water. Cool the mixture. Cream the butter and sugar mixture together. Add the eggs one at a time. Add the vanilla and almond extract. Add the sifted flour and spices to the cream mixture. Add the Fruit Mixture to the cake batter. Mix thoroughly. Butter 2 - 9-inch pans lined with buttered parchment paper and bake for 2 1/2 - 3 hours until cake is done. Remove from oven and pour more Rum on the top of each cake to saturate. Cover and store tightly. CEOMOM | 19


CHOOSE FREEDOM. REACT. Our goal is to combat human trafficking wherever we have a presence.



Photo Credit: Queensview Creative Studios

Whenever you see cake, you think fun and delicious. From birthday parties to weddings, at the center of every celebration is a cake. Keli Smith, founder of Kaike (pronounced ‘cake’), has created an all-natural, cruelty-free and vegan beauty brand that your skin will not only love, but devour. This mother of 4 handcrafts each product with one mission in mind, to give you a good, clean and fun way to have your Kaike and eat it, too. CEOMOM Magazine had the pleasure of speaking with Keli to learn more about her signature product, Frosting, and what’s next for Kaike. Tell us about your professional background. How did you transition from studying Molecular & Cellular Biology to a skincare line? What were you doing before you became a mompreneur? I am more of a free-spirited person who takes opportunities as they come. But initially, I wanted to be a doctor, specifically an OB/GYN. That’s what I went to school for. But once I started my family, I wanted to really devote my time to them. Between juggling family and pre-med classes, I discovered that I didn’t want to be a doctor anymore. I decided I didn’t want to be in school for the rest of my life. Instead, I transitioned into and began studying marketing. It was my first marketing class that affirmed that entrepreneurship was for me. I think I was the only person in class who enjoyed putting together a marketing plan. During an assignment, we each had to create a fictional business. It was then, I decided I wanted to create a business that was my own and make it a reality.

What is your favorite Kaike product and why? Right now, it‘s the Marshmallow Mask + Scrub which is one of our newest products. I have oily skin but when it gets cold outside my skin gets pretty dry, so this is its saving grace. It's my favorite because it contains marshmallow root which is the key ingredient that makes marshmallows. Not only is it a fun-loving ingredient but it also improves skin's ability to retain moisture, relieves irritation, and helps to repair the skin barrier -- which is perfect for the winter months. Because I wanted my products to be all-natural and good for you, one of the pillars Kaike adheres to is being preservative-free. I make sure there are no preservatives of any kind in every single Kaike product Where do you see Kaike in 5 years? Hopefully, in more retail locations - Target is my dream retailer for Kaike! Currently, we are increasing our imprint and because Kaike is gaining popularity, we have been adding new retailers every month or so. I want Kaike to be more accessible to people who may not be aware of what green skincare is. Right now, Kaike is in seven wholesalers and counting.

I started applying what I was learning in my own life, exploring what the natural beauty industry was missing and began putting together my own ideas which eventually became the recipe for Kaike, which launched on November 1, 2015. What have been the biggest challenges with raising 4 children and starting a business? Really finding balance between Kaike and home life has been the biggest challenge. The whole purpose with me starting the business was to be more available to my kids. It made me sad to think I could only volunteer for one field trip per class. I can’t always take off work and I really wanted to create an opportunity that allowed me to be there for my kids. That time isn’t always available so I have to be intentional to schedule the day during blocks of free time. When they are home I try to be completely devoted to them. My husband and I are very strategic with scheduling our work time so that we are free at the same time. Our oldest is 12 and we have three daughters, 8, 4 and 15 months.

Photo Credit: Kyra Littlejohn


I really want Kaike products to be a celebration of our beauty. We want our products to be multipurpose. My daughters helped me in testing and creating new products.

How would you describe the Kaike woman? The Kaike woman is someone who tries to live a healthy lifestyle not, necessarily subscribing to a specific diet, but mindful of what she eats. The Kaike woman lives a more holistic lifestyle and is young at heart. She wants something that falls in line with her natural lifestyle and joy for life -- and that's exactly what Kaike is. What are your favorite family holiday traditions? Christmas time is our favorite and Christmas Eve is a big deal by far. We go to my husband’s family’s house and then come home and put on our pajamas and make sweet treats. We eat our treats and watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and open one gift. We really look forward to Christmas Eve. It has become our favorite thing to do during the holidays. What is your skin care beauty routine? At night, I use Kaike's Cleansing Oil to remove makeup and cleanse my entire face. I use the Marshmallow Mask + Scrub 1-2 times a week. Depending on if I am experiencing a breakout, I will use Kaike's Green Tea Mask + Scrub as a spot treatment. In the morning, I will splash my face with water and apply a dime size amount of Frosting to restore any moisture I may have lost overnight. Plus, it keeps me smelling decadent all day long! To get a taste of Kaike’s signature Frosting this holiday season, visit



Talks Her New Cookbook, Working with Tyler Perry & Maintaining Balance in Hollywood Denise Boutte didn’t originally plan to be an actress, but her beauty, poise and natural talent in front of the camera propelled this Southern girl into a film and television career that has stood the test of time. Using her intuition and willingness to take chances, Denise has cultivated a diverse career that includes roles in films such as “Why Did I Get Married?,” “For the Love of Ruth,” TV One’s “Media” and television series, “Meet the Browns” and “Everybody Hates Chris.” From playing a witch to a mistress to a wife and mom, Denise has proven she has range. Not being one to focus on one industry, Denise is sharing her southern roots with her fans in the form of her new cookbook, “Southern Modified.” This wife and mom is taking her family’s favorite Louisiana recipes and creating healthier versions. CEOMOM had the chance to chat with Denise about her transition from advertising to entertainment and her many ventures outside of acting. I read that you initially did not want to be an actor. You got started by doing print campaigns for advertising clients. When did you get bit by the acting bug? What project made you think, “I can do this?” It wasn’t a matter of I didn’t want to be an actor it just hadn’t crossed my mind. I am a practical person who likes to plan. Acting wasn’t something that was on my mind growing up in a very small town in Louisiana, but the opportunity to be in front of the camera kept presenting itself. I was working in print in Dallas on a project for Fossil in their interactive department. Fossil was releasing their clothing line. Several of us in the Richardson, Texas office were scouted by a talent agency. We laughed it off but we all took meetings. Once I got a job, I started working consistently. I started getting paid for these projects. I was like, “Wow.” I started to think, “This could be a second career.”

It felt good for some reason. It was such a fish out of water situation for me, but it felt right. I met my manager who is my manager to this day through a friend from LSU. I wondered, why not me. If it feels good let’s see where this thing goes. At the time you are young and invincible with no real responsibilities. You throw caution to the wind and see what happens. I think the acting bug bit from the whole Fossil thing. You’ve done several projects with Tyler Perry such as “Why Did I Get Married?” and “Meet the Browns.” What has been the most rewarding part about working with such a media powerhouse? I think the coolest part was that we were both from very humble beginnings. I think it immediately clicked in that we had that reference. We didn’t have other folks in the arts to look up to or get advice from. We were totally fish out of water. It was a blessing being able to relate on that small town perspective. He became a mentor and an advocate for knowing and claiming your worth. He taught me the value of knowing what I bring to the table and having others respect that. When I auditioned for “Why Did I Get Married?” it was just the most mind blowing thing. Before working at the studio I had 2 credits to my name. Tyler wasn’t looking at my resume. He looks at your potential. He doesn’t let the resume distract or tell the tale. When he sees something in you he likes to cultivate it. He continued to tell me “You are meant to be here.” Don’t be enamored or fan out. His perspective on things was something that I had never experienced in my life. Coming from a faith based perspective it fuels your spirit.



You have stayed consistently busy throughout your career. What is the key to maintaining success in Hollywood? For me, I like to have some sense of control. I think having other things I can pour myself into artistically in between gigs gives me balance. If you are waiting for that next project, it can be a very long process. If you look at what everyone around you is doing you can get discouraged. In order for you not to go to that place you have to have something else that feeds your spirit in the meantime. I have always come from a business perspective. I like to create my own opportunities. My manager and I are working on several content projects together. Now with all of this streaming everyone is looking for content. We have everything from drama series to comedy series to reality. What keeps me going is knowing that I have my family unit. I don’t think I could handle this unpredictable world without them. What can we expect from your upcoming cookbook? What are some of your favorite recipes from the book? When will it be released? The cookbook is called “Southern Modified.” My co-author, Chef Jernard Wells and I met through a friend of a friend. We had a couples dinner together. We talked about how much we loved our grandparents’ southern cooking. We also discussed that we don’t cook the same way for our kids, because we are so knowledgeable about health now. We got our gears in motion and put together specific recipes to make healthy modifications for our families. Once we had a concept together it all just kinda worked. It manifested itself over about 4 months. I am a home cook. I cook by my senses. Jernard is more scientific, because he is a trained chef. It was an amazing journey to see things from a more seasoned and trained chef’s perspective. Cooking is my other comfort zone. The kitchen is my other outlet. It heals my homesickness. We are super excited. We have 70 plus recipes. My signature dish is seafood stuffed catfish. That is my go to dish. It won’t be in the cookbook, because it’s one that shouldn’t be modified. In a way I am preserving our family’s legacy. I grew up on a farm so this is how I honor my grandparents. “Southern Modified” and my low sodium seasoning, “Weeziana Girl,” will be available in November.


Acting wasn’t something that was on my mind growing up in a very small town in Louisiana, but the opportunity to be in front of the camera kept presenting itself.Â

Tell us about your role on “Stan Against Evil.” What is the show about? What is it like working on a comedy/horror show? My first gig was a horror movie. In another movie I am running through the woods in 4 inch heels do I am familiar with horror. “Stan Against Evil” was just fun. It was the first time I used CGI where you have these fictitious monsters. You create the world out of things that aren’t necessarily there. I got to get a little physical. I wanted to do something action packed. It married those 2 things that I so looked forward to. My character, Lara is a witch. She is the leader of her group. She is the badass. She is the voice of reason. She snaps everyone into action. She is commanding. She is strong. “Stan” is a parody. You as the viewer is laughing, yet it is real life for us. I also got braids. I wanted to have a totally unexpected look. I wanted to try something different, do something fun. Is work/life balance obtainable? If so, how do you balance a career in Hollywood with being a mom? Throw this myth of balance out of the window. I mean in a perfect world it would be 50/50. It’s like from one day to the next you have to shift gears accordingly. Being able to bend and adjust accordingly allows me to handle the whole family dynamic. Nowadays we have all of this technology that helps keep us organized. I grew up in a simpler time and place. Things have changed so much. I think the stability of my personal life allows me to handle the unknowns of my profession. I gotta have something firm that I can depend on in order to handle the changes. Having a child completely changes you. Your whole thought process changes. When I would get an audition pre-baby it was easier. Now with a kid I have to figure out how will baby girl get home. Her needs and wellbeing have to be taken care of before I can do what I need to do professionally. Again it is an adjustment but you have to know it’s another layer of your life that is going to take precedence and you have to be willing to flex. As long as you are willing to do that, you will know what you can handle. Visit to get more info on Denise’s cookbook “Southern Modified” and catch her on “Stan Against Evil” on IFC.





Regis and Kahran are a husband and wife duo and the imaginative forces behind Creative Soul Photography. With over 7 years of working with hundreds of children, families and brands, they specialize in lifestyle photography and authentic, visual storytelling. Their holistic approach to capturing one-of-a-kind moments has allowed their work to be featured in Essence magazine, Munaluchi Bride, MochaKid magazine, on The Real daytime talk show, on the OWN network, and more. CreativeSoul is helping you take the perfect family holiday photo with these 5 tips. From wardrobe to props to location, make this year's holiday card one to remember. You can connect with Regis and Kahran online at


Have regular holiday traditions? Incorporate those traditions into your photos! Perhaps your family gets new holiday pajamas each Christmas Eve. or maybe you add a special ornament to the tree each year. Don’t forget to photograph those traditions so that they will live in your family for years to come.



If you’re looking for nontraditional holiday family photos, creating a theme can take your photos to the next level. Think about locations, props and clothing that will help tell the story of your theme. Themes should reflect your family’s style and interests so that your entire family has fun during the shoot.



OVERSIZED PROPS Using over-sized props can add a dramatic/editorial style feel to your family photos. Your favorite craft stories often carry large ornaments, presents and other holiday decor that can create amazing props to incorporate in your photos.

DON'T FORGET THE PETS! When thinking about your holiday photos, don’t forget to incorporate those furry friends! If your pets are an integral part of your family, make sure they have a seat at your next holiday photo session. If you are worried about your pets getting in the way at your session, bring along a family friend or pet sitter who can take them away after you’ve taken a few frames with the pets. A park or outdoor setting is ideal so that they have plenty of room to roam around when done.

FESTIVE ACCESSORIES Festive accessories can spice up a regular formal photo and add an element of fun into your pictures. Holiday garland, small decorative floral picks, and small ornaments can be used as hair accessories, boutonnieres and even fun necklaces for your holiday wardrobe.



for Busy Moms Make a plan. Put together a plan that includes a list of gift recipients and items. Include any stores where you will be shopping, apps you will use and a budget.

Be creative. Think outside the box when it comes to finding gifts for friends and family. Gifts can include experiences such as cooking classes, concerts, or trips.

Be late.

Who says every gift has to be given by a specific date? It's okay to give gifts after the holiday season. Loved ones will appreciate the love.

Create a calendar. Depending on the extent of your shopping list, create a calendar that includes shopping dates and deadlines.

Create a Give back. calendar. Use the holiday season to give to those in need. Make a donation to your favorite charity in the name of your gift recipient. You may also give to your recipient's charity of choice.

Rest. Rest. Rest. Need we say more? Don't overwhelm yourself making the holiday season about gifts. Take time for yourself and rest.

Develop a budget. The budget is part of of your shopping plan. There's no reason to create financial problems during the holiday season. Develop a budget that will allow you to control costs.

Shop off peak. This is a tip to prepare you for next year's shopping. Buy holiday gifts throughout the year. Store gifts in a safe place. This will help reduce your list and save time during the hectic season.

Have fun. Have

fun. Make holiday shopping a fun, family affair. Create contests for who can find the best gifts the fastest. Attend holiday events between shopping.

POLISHED EXISTS to gather young professional women to navigate career and explore faith.



Providing Chic Fashion for Mommy & Me

Beautiful, chic and affordable are not always synonymous with girls’ fashion. Kim Landi, founder of ModerneChild Kid’s Clothing Boutique, is changing that with captivating and unique pieces for both mommy and daughter. Kim designs by the motto, “Every child should exude impeccable style.” Inspired by her own love of fashion and desire to instill confidence in her 2 daughters, Kim has created a children’s boutique that is sure to become one of your favorite. Kim shared her vision for ModerneChild with CEOMOM and what inspires each piece. What inspired you to create ModerneChild? The biggest thing was my 2 kids. I had my oldest daughter about 5 years ago, but it actually started with my second little one. I have always loved fashion. Trying to dress my own girls and find clothes that were chic and affordable was hard. I actually think it is still hard. I started working with designers to create my own stuff. The biggest thing I want people to know is I didn’t start ModerneChild to make millions. I definitely want it to be sustainable business and grow, but my greater passion is to make affordable clothes that women and girls love. There’s not a lot out there especially for moms. It was always so hard to find things that you like that was affordable. I just thought that it would be so nice to bring something like that to the marketplace. What makes ModerneChild unique from other children’s boutiques? Definitely the fashion flair that comes with it makes our boutique unique. It’s a hybrid of what moms would wear themselves and functionality. Although the items are cute and trendy, a lot of pieces can grow with your child. We have a dress that can become a t-shirt as the girl grows. You don’t feel really bad if something happens with the dress because you didn’t spend tons of money on it. Your clothes are modern, yet feminine and elegant. What is the inspiration behind each piece? Honestly the inspiration is what me and my girls are wearing at the time. We are always looking at television and fashion shows.

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I actually work with my girls a lot. I put different items on them and ask if they would wear this and how is the fabric. We really do a lot of the trial and error with them. That has helped us be successful. Moms have to want to wear it, too. It’s trying to find that happy medium. What do you hope young girls gain from wearing your designs? I think that the main thing is fashion has brought me a lot of confidence throughout the years. I am not a particularly loud person that needs to be heard, but I do express myself through my clothes. Throughout my life and career, feeling good about myself has helped me be confident in interviews and other areas of life. Fashion doesn’t have to just be for certain girls. It can be for everyone. Especially for girls who are trying to do well in school. I really want to instill that confidence. Where do you see ModerneChild in 5 years? I have a lot of big dreams. I would like us to be in a lot of different marketplaces. I would love to partner with big department stores like Nordstroms to get our pieces in there. I am only online now so getting into a retail department store would be great. We are selling some pieces on Amazon Now and I want to eventually be available in Amazon Prime. I also want to be available in other online distribution channels that may be out there. What are your must have holiday style items for your little girls? The holiday things I’m loving right now is a lot of shimmer and fur and puffs. I love all of the puffs and tassels that are a part of the winter pieces. I would love to incorporate the puffs into our winter items. What are your family’s favorite holiday traditions? With our girls we always do a family photo shoot that includes our holiday lookbook. We send that out with our Christmas cards and display them on the mantle for our annual Christmas party. This year, I am thinking about doing a tuxedo look for the girls. They will be wearing tuxedo dresses for a black and white black tie


Photo Credit: Blyss Photography


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Photo Credit: Lollipops & Slingshots Photography


Although the items are cute and trendy, a lot of pieces can grow with your child. affair theme. When we have our Christmas Eve party the theme falls in line with the pictures. What advice would you give to a mom who wants to create her own online boutique? Definitely make sure you understand the market that you are trying to reach. Design the things that you would wear yourself. Think about what is wearable and will stand out from competitors. Ask yourself what will make your pieces unique. What will make people want to wear it everyday. Never put out anything that you wouldn’t wear yourself. How do you manage being a mom, a full time public accountant and successful children’s boutique owner? I don’t sleep. I think having a strong support system enables me to do what I do. I have a very supportive husband whose job is more flexible than mine. He is there for anything I need. He is there to help with the kids a lot. I also have my mother who lives with us. She helps with anything I need. I couldn’t do it without them. For beautiful mommy and me fashion this holiday season visit

MOODY FLORALS "Honestly the inspiration is what me and my girls are wearing at the time. We are always looking at television and fashion shows."

Photo Credit: A Single Shot Photography


Nanci Bergman

Using 3D Printing to Change How You Buy Jewelry through Custom Accessories Company, ACCENT

What I love about ACCENT is the ability for folks to create something unique and custom for themselves. I wanted them to have the ability to literally just sketch their name or drawing or something that is important to them and take a picture and create a custom piece.

With a longstanding career in consumer products for companies such as Frends where she served as Director of Global Sales, Nanci Bergman understands the power of leveraging disruptive technology. Her custom accessories company ACCENT, is on a mission to empower individuals to marry their love of fashion and design to create unique jewelry pieces using 3D printing. CEOMOM caught up with Nanci to learn about her inspiration behind 3D jewelry and what’s next for ACCENT. Your jewelry pieces are beautiful! What is the inspiration behind Accent? Why 3D jewelry? What I love about ACCENT is the ability for folks to create something unique and custom for themselves. I wanted them to have the ability to literally just sketch their name or drawing or something that is important to them and take a picture and create a custom piece. It is the 3D technology and printing that allows them to do it. The customization product is proprietary software. After you have designed something and hit buy, those pieces are printed and created and delivered to your home. We just recently launched the sketch creation for pieces such as bracelets and necklaces. What you are doing is transforming any type of sketch into a necklace or a bracelet. For example, right now I love the way my 9 year old son writes his name, Dalton. I could take his name, put it on a piece of paper, take a picture and upload it to our website. You would see that turned into jewelry immediately. You then choose your metal type like rose gold. What makes Accent stand out from competitors?

There’s not a ton of companies that are combining both the customization element and 3D printing. It stands out in the sense you can pretty much create it if you imagine it in your mind’s eye. It is so easy to use. If you can take a pen and paper and imagine, you can create a piece of jewelry. What are your favorite family holiday traditions? My husband and I live in Southern California. Our parents are in Seattle and Colorado. We always travel during the holidays. We alternate the trips. We have our special things we do that are unique to Seattle one year and unique to Colorado the next year. We weave skiing into that. That’s always a part of both traditions. What’s next for Accent? I am really excited about the new sketch product. I want to grow brand awareness. I want to explain the process to consumers and explain how easy it is to use. I am confident that once people go through the process and get their first pieces they will fall in love with it, not only for them, but for their loved ones. We have to ask the million dollar question. How do you manage being an entrepreneur with being a mom? For me, it comes down to one basic rule that I hold myself to, “Be present in what I’m doing.” I know there’s always this push to multitask and do all of these things at once. When I am focused and doing my work I give all of my attention to those tasks. When it’s dinner time I don’t take my phone or my laptop. I am with my family only. To create your custom ACCENT piece this holiday season, visit



Kidstir Tiny Pies INGREDIENTS


1 apple, peeled, cored, and finely chopped

1. Mix the chopped apples, sugar, cinnamon, and orange juice in

2 tablespoons sugar

a bowl. Set it aside to get nice and juicy.

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2. Unroll the pie crust and place it on a piece of waxed paper or

2 teaspoons orange juice

plastic wrap on your countertop. Cut out twelve 2 1/2 inch

1 tablespoon butter

circles with a round cookie cutter or rim of a glass. Press each

1 pie crust (we used a store bought organic pie crust)

one into a muffin cup.

Milk and egg (for brushing on pie tops)

3. Gather the dough scraps and roll them out. Use tiny cookie cutters to make decorative shapes or cut thin strips for lattice

Hands-on time: 15 minutes


start-to-eat time: 35 minutes

4. Add 1 rounded tablespoon of filling to each cup. Dot with a tiny piece of butter. Add a top crust with slits, a pie crust star, or a lattice top. Pinch the edges with the tines of a fork to seal. 5. note Brush the mini pies with a beaten egg mixed with a little milk. Bake in a preheated oven at 375° for 15 to 17 minutes or until the filling bubbles and the crusts turn golden brown. Let the pies cool for just a few minutes in the pan, then carefully remove each one by running a sharp knife around the edges and popping it out of the pan. Makes 12 Mini Pies



DECADENT BROWNIES INGREDIENTS 2 scoops chocolate protein powder ½ cup coconut flour ½ cup arrowroot tapioca flour ½ cup Hershey’s special dark cocoa powder 1 ½ teaspoon ground flaxseed meal ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon of salt ½ cup Swerve or any sugar (or sugar substitute) of choice 3 tablespoon oil 1 cup applesauce 1 cup 0% Plain Greek yogurt ⅓ cup unsweetened almond milk or water ½ cup chocolate chips



Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray an 8x8 inch glass baking dish with non-stick spray. Add all dry ingredients to a small bowl, and stir well. Add all wet ingredients to a separate bowl and mix well. Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Mix just until combined. Fold in chocolate chips. Scoop the batter into the greased baking dish. Bake for 10-13 minutes. It should still be slightly underdone in the center.

RECIPE BY: SLOANE DAVIS Sloane Davis is a Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer who has helped thousands of people, both men and women, around the world get in to top shape both mentally and physically. Sloane has her undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts from Syracuse University and became accredited through ISSA with her degree in Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. She has been featured in People, Fitness Magazine, New Beauty Magazine, Apple News, The Daily Mail, Yahoo News, FOX Good Day New York and more. Website:

INGREDIENTS 2 cups Oat Flour 1 1/2 cups Pure Pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling) 2 cups Liquid Egg Whites 1 tsp Baking Powder 2 Tbs Cinnamon 2 Tbs Pumpkin Pie Spice 1/2 cup Sweetener of Choice




Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir until well blended. Divide mixture into sprayed mini loaf pans or bake in 1 large sprayed loaf pan. Bake for 20 minutes

RECIPE BY: SLOANE DAVIS Sloane Davis is a Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer who has helped thousands of people, both men and women, around the world get in to top shape both mentally and physically. Sloane has her undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts from Syracuse University and became accredited through ISSA with her degree in Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. She has been featured in People, Fitness Magazine, New Beauty Magazine, Apple News, The Daily Mail, Yahoo News, FOX Good Day New York and more. Website:


Amy Hampton

Sociologie Wine Pour the perfect glass of wine this holiday season What’s a great holiday soirée without a glass of impeccable wine? Amy Hampton, founder of Sociologie Wine, appreciates a great party filled with delicious food, engaging conversations among friends and that perfect glass of your favorite wine. With her desire to create a wine that symbolizes the beauty and femininity of a woman, Amy married her love of science and fabulous gatherings to give you a wine that is sure to please your discriminating taste. CEOMOM was excited to catch up with Amy to learn how she turned a beloved party favorite into a thriving wine business.

What is the inspiration behind Sociologie Wine? The inspiration is my friends and family and women in general. All of my bottles are like pearls, because I believe all women are pearls. It takes grit to glow like a pearl. They are dressed for the occasion. They are always ready for cheers and celebration. Describe the process for starting your own wine business. I was called into wine. I am a mad social scientist with a degree in biology who loves to party. I love to mix and mingle. When I look at people I see art in humanity. I would throw parties and make custom cocktails for all of my guests based on their personalities and the themes of my parties. I would greet each guest with their own custom cocktail which became a party favorite. One of my girlfriends told me to stop messing up my husband’s kitchen and do something with my drinks. I kept getting this thing inside of me that said I was called to do something creative that would bring cheer to people. I went to a trade-show with my bottles of wine in 2012. Without any connections I left with over 200 accounts.

At that time there were 3 major distributors within the USA. The wine industry is predicated on legacy and longstanding connections. No one knew me. I didn’t have a background in the wine industry. I researched and learned the three-tiered system. I was the second African American woman and the third woman to have a wine distribution license in Texas. I am the youngest woman to own a wine brand in Texas. I started researching this industry. I learned everything about the TABC and earned my license permit to carry and distribute wine so I could distribute Sociologie Wine without having a major deal with anyone at that time. I would create my wines in a winery in New Mexico and would come back to Texas and make my rounds, for example driving from Dallas to Austin to Midland to Odessa. I call it from jean to suit to cute. Tell us about your signature flavors. How did you decide on the flavors? Will you be launching any new ones soon? I love our flavors. Our 2 varieties are Blushing Rose and Red Berry. Blushing Rose is very whimsical and feminine.

She is inspired by the personality of "Charlotte" from Sex and the City. If you love Moscato and Riesling, she is your girl. She has depth and is interesting. She doesn’t leave you flat and she is bubbly. Ms. Red Berry is lovely. She is the juxtaposition between your casual and glam girl. If you love Sangria and Pinot Noir, Red Berry is for you. We have a few new blends debuting on the market. Sparkling wine, as well as a fun tropical coconut wine. We are scheduled to release both this spring. Our tropical white wine blend makes you feel like you are in St. Lucia. That is the look and feel and energy from that wine. It is approachable and elevated yet tropical. You started Sociologie Wine before becoming a mom. What was the biggest challenge making the transition from entrepreneur to mompreneur? My daughter is my angel. We took a miracle in conceiving and carrying her full term. It was very difficult. I felt like I almost had to choose between giving birth to my daughter and giving up my wine business. I was going to sell my

product and keep it moving. Then in the summer of 2014, I was 5 months pregnant when I got a call from Walmart saying they were interested in carrying my product. I knew I had to find a way to find distribution for my brand. I remember driving from Dallas to the home office of Walmart and closing a deal for 25 stores when Glazer’s began distributing my wine. I was overjoyed that I could keep my wine business and have major distribution in the USA and have my beautiful baby girl! Becoming a mom has definitely changed my business dynamic. Having to manage being a mother, a wife and a business person is a huge challenge but it’s worth it. You really don’t manage it, you just go with it and make it happen. Why does Sociologie Wine make the perfect gift for the holidays? It just greets you with a smile at the door. Most wines you have to cover up with a bag. The Sociologie Wine wrapping is already perfect. She is already adorned with her pearls. All she needs is her bow and you can just hand it over to your guests. My brand is cost is approachable by the look, feel and wine is elevated!


The inspiration is my friends and family and women in general. All of my bottles are like pearls, because I believe all women are pearls. It takes grit to glow like a pearl. They are dressed for the occasion. They are always ready for cheers and celebration.Â

Where do you see Sociologie Wine in 5 years? I see Sociologie Wine evolving into a lifestyle brand. I see being able to produce products and host major wine festivals. We just recently launched Raise Your Glass in Dallas. We are shifting our marketing approach. Now that I am a mom, I have to be very thoughtful about my time and resources. Not only financially, but with my health and well being. My goal is to gather people together and pour into partnerships to empower women and girls. Raise Your Glass is the philanthropic extension of Sociologie Wine with the levity of a party. My vision for Raise Your Glass is an international party platform. What are your family’s favorite holiday traditions? Now we get together like before. We have multiple parties. We always have the best times. We wrap the gifts the night before. We sing songs. I fill the house with good people, good music and good food! We gather everyone around the living room and watch old movies. It makes me happy, to make people feel loved, comfortable and welcomed.

You hosted Raise Your Glass Dallas Garden Party at the Texas Discovery Gardens. It looks like it was an amazing event. What is it like watching Sociologie Wine go from a party favorite among friends to a national brand that inspires so many? It is like seeing your baby walk across the graduation stage. You are nervous but you are so proud and beaming with joy. You are thinking of all of the things you had to go through to get to that point. It’s like a dream come true! When I walk through the room and see people connecting it warms my heart. It was a dream that became actualized. That is the blessing within itself. Visit to find out where you can get your bottle of Sociologie Wine this holiday season.


Jess Volinksi

Empowering Young Girls through Creativity

"I am trying to encourage creativity in a subtle way. I think a lot about creativity is self reflection."

Within the past few years adult coloring books have become all the craze. The intricate details and stress relieving capabilities have made them a go to for adults looking for a new form of expression. Jess Volinski, founder and creator of Notebook Doodles, has taken the concept of adult coloring books and created notebooks especially for young girls. Notebook Doodles are designed to promote positivity and creativity in young girls. The beautiful designs, empowering quotes and positive themes make Notebook Doodles the perfect gift for young girls. CEOMOM chatted with Jess to learn how she is using Notebook Doodles to change lives.


Tell us the inspiration behind Notebook Doodles. About 2 and half years I was seeing some of the adult coloring books come on the market. They are beautiful, but they are too complicated for kids. I wanted something that I could do with my daughter who was 7 years old at the time. I was so excited that coloring books were all the rage, but there was nothing for my daughter’s age group. I like to

solve problems. I saw this opening in the market and I thought I could do something to fill it. Around the same time, I got a call from my publisher, Fox Chapel asking if I could do coloring books for girls. Really, I was inspired by my daughter and wanting an activity we could do together. I wanted to promote positivity and creativity among young girls. What makes Notebook Doodles different from adult coloring books? The first thing that makes it different is the complexity of the images. They are not as dense and intricate as adult coloring books. Also, I am trying to get a lot of positivity and messaging geared specifically for young girls. I work with an organization called Art Goes to School. We bring a portfolio of art prints to kids in the town. I talk a lot with kids so I had a good handle on how to talk to them. I wanted girls to realize how creative they are. A lot of times they don’t realize how creative and amazing they are. Creativity is not just about a

specific talent. It’s a way of thinking and solving a problem. It’s an abstract thing to try to teach creativity. It’s having an idea and making it real. That is so empowering for kids. Adult coloring books have become more popular within the past few years. You even have your own line with Colorful Creations. Why do you think there have been so few, if any, options like your Notebook Doodles for young girls? I wonder about it. I feel like there isn’t really much out there. I think the adult books can be tempting to go towards because they are so intricate. I think it’s harder to simplify. It’s a challenge to make simpler images that are still interesting. You can still sit down and spend an hour or 2 to make them beautiful. The tween attention span isn’t there. Adult coloring books are designed to be relaxing and serve as stress relievers. What are some of the benefits of your Notebook Doodles for young girls? I am trying to encourage creativity in a subtle way. I think a lot about creativity is self reflection. What are your values? What is important? I am creating prompts for people to fill in. Maybe you are listing your dreams. Maybe you are listing things that you think are funny. What are those positive things in your life that make you individual? I am trying to get you to put yourself into the book with me. I see these as a collaboration. My books aren’t done until you take them home and you make them your own. How do you determine the messaging for each book? Which one is your favorite? I try to give a theme to each. Some are more general. I have one that is about happiness so I have a lot of quotes about that in there. My book Go Girl is all about empowerment. I will go out and search for quotes to fit the themes. I keep a library of quotes. I have an adult coloring book called Butterfly Mandala that is about change and transformation. I am a music person and I love albums. I see the books as albums. What’s next for Notebook Doodles as it relates to new designs and products? Right now, I am working on a bunch. I have a new book coming out called Adorable Pets. I did one called Super Cute of cute animals. This is a follow up to that. I am working on new products to develop creativity that I am currently pitching. You can find my books at Michaels stores nationwide, and Barnes and Noble stores have some of the titles. You may also visit to start your holiday shopping.


HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE: OUR PICKS HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR PICKS FOR 2017. OUT OF ORDER Out of Order from Endless Games is a fun new game where the answers are not as they seem. Have you heard the hit song “WES WILL COOK JOE”? Or seen the classic movie “YOUR WRIST PUMP”? How about the children’s book “FOOD FIGHT DUDE?” You may not recognize them now, but take away a letter here, add a letter there and in 5 steps the correct answer is revealed! Clues are read one at a time. Be the first to unscramble and identify the OUT OF ORDER title to win. 2 or more players; ages 10+. $19.99; /out-of-order/.

MIXI AVENUE Mixi Avenue produces all natural products using premium ingredients to give your hair and skin optimal nourishment. We love the beautiful packaging and pure ingredients. Mixi Avenue products can be used alone or with other ingredients to make the perfect skin and hair care products. Stay tuned for the holiday launch.

FUNKTIONAL WEARABLES These fashionable and fun bracelets are designed to help you stay fit without compromising your individual style. The bracelets comfortably cover your Fitbit. There are endless styles and varieties. m/

FRAMEOLOGY This online service lets you turn your favorite digital photos into framed masterpieces with the click of a button. These personal gifts are affordable and easy to use. How it works is simple. Just choose a frame on their site, upload your family photo, and make your purchase. Your photo arrives in a week.

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Nichelle Laus Shares Tips on How to Stay Fit During the Holidays and the Importance of Taking Care of Your Health


Being the mother of 4 boys and maintaining optimal fitness seems like an impossible feat, but Nichelle Laus, certified personal trainer and owner of Optimum Training Center, has made it look easy. From

police officer to nationally known fitness expert, Nichelle believes that moms must make their health a priority and uses her success as an example. Her passion is to help others realize their fitness goals. Nichelle shared some of her tips for staying fit during the holidays and her personal fitness story. Walk us through your transition from a police officer to a fitness industry powerhouse. I was always into fitness. I used to be a competitive kickboxer when I was 16 years old. It was a part of my life since I was very young. When I was a teenager I always wanted to be a police officer. I stopped kickboxing for a while. I moved my entire life because I wanted to get on as a police officer. I started my career in Ontario and stayed a police officer for 15 years. When I started my whole intention was to change lives and make a difference and change the world for the better. I found that I wasn’t changing the lives like I could be. I wasn’t making the impact that I thought I could be making. In the meantime, I started working in community policing. I started working with the youth which gave me a different connection with policing. I learned that the people I was dealing with didn’t want to be fixed. I started to do a fitness competition where you are being critiqued and judged on your physique. What I found was that I was able to use the discipline that I learned in martial arts for fitness competitions. It’s a lot of self disciplining and motivation. You learn a lot

You are consumed with being a mom all of the time, but you need to take care of yourself. You will be a better mom because of it. about yourself as a person. People would come up to me after competitions and ask, “How do you do all that? You are a mom and you work full time and you are a shift worker working at night.” When I succeeded people always wanted to know my secret. I decided to take a couple of people under my wings. I told them, “I will try to help you as long you follow the plan and do what you are told and trust the process.” The first girl I worked with lost 80 pounds. She became my poster child if you will. I realized that I was not only making physical changes but I was also changing her whole way of thinking and her process. She was more confident. People decided to come and see me to get fit. I was getting more gratification from helping people get fit than I ever did in policing. One thing led to another. From word of mouth my team grew. Now 7 years later I have become successful as a coach in the fitness industry. With 4 kids it was hard trying to juggle everything. I decided to leave my job as a police officer and do what was really calling me. I then opened up a gym and everything fell into place. What advice would you give to a mom who wants to start a new career? I would say be sure that you do your homework first. Sometimes it is really great to take the jump, but you also need to be prepared because it is definitely not easy. Financially you have to have to something saved to help make your transition happen. I need to make sure my 4 kids are fed with a roof over their heads. Make sure it is your passion, especially if you are leaving something that is secure and nice. What are the biggest obstacles moms face when trying to get or stay fit? How can they overcome those obstacles? I think for busy moms time is the biggest obstacle.

I use myself as an example. I tell them, “I can do it, and I am doing it." I walk the walk. I live my lifestyle to show them I am living proof that it is possible. Do you want it bad enough? You are consumed with being a mom all of the time, but you need to take care of yourself. You will be a better mom because of it. It is to look good and feel good. Once you look good and feel good, you have more confidence. Have a look at your general schedule per day. Try to prioritize your day and divide your tasks into what really needs to get done versus what you want to get done. You can do shorter workouts but include the exercises in those workouts with more intensity to burn more calories. I like to get up in the morning at 5:30am to do my workout. When I come back the kids don’t even know that I was missing, because they are just getting up for school. I didn’t miss any family time because they were sleeping. You are a certified personal trainer, owner of Optimum Training Center, published

fitness writer & 5x cover model, figure competitor, competition coach, kickboxing instructor and competitor, motivational speaker and of course a mom. What do you attribute to such a diverse fitness career? I have always worked really hard when I believe in something. It’s not about the money it’s about really paying it forward. Fitness really did help me as a teenager. I had a bad childhood so for me finding fitness was a way to channel my negative energy into something positive. I try to use that to help other people. As much as I can get out there and spread the word and use my motivational speeches and talks to help others, I do. I don’t give up and I keep grinding. Nothing stops me. How do you balance it all with being a mom? No matter what take some time to yourself. For me it’s a workout or time alone. Even if it’s 20 minutes. Take time for yourself to regroup and refocus. Plan your to do list


even if it is a mental to do list. Take some time out of the day that is just for you. What are your top tips for moms to stay fit during the holidays? With holidays comes indulging. You always get the after effects. If you want to try to stay on track, plan ahead. If you are going to an event and you know there is going to be really good food have a little snack or have a mini meal before you leave so you are not starving. You don’t want to be that party pooper who is not having anything, but you can choose. Avoid the high carb choices like breads and pastas and desserts and alcohol. Have something that is low calorie or low in sugar. Have a little bite or share your pumpkin pie with someone without having the guilt. What are your family’s favorite holiday traditions? My 4 boys still believe in Santa. One of our big traditions is we decorate our house and the tree together. They all have their ornaments that they have made in school. They definitely love baking the cookies and the milk and writing a letter to Santa. We always go to visit family. What we like to do is stay home and really enjoy our small family on Christmas morning. The hustle and bustle of Christmas starts in the afternoon. Visit to learn more about Nichelle's incredible fitness programs.


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