January 2017
Author of Why My Mummy? Helping Families Cope with Cancer
5 Power Books Every Mom Should Read in 2017
On Life, Family & the Importance of Taking Care of Yourself First
C o n s c i o u s C o u t u r e Resale Event
B e I n s p i r e d T a l kf a s h i o n , b u s i n e s s , a n dl i f e wi t ho u r f e a t u r e d S t y l eB o s s e s : C h l o e&S y d n e yD a o Y v o n n eG u i d r y A n i k aJ a c k s o n T h e r e s aR o e me r N a t a s h aH a s t i n g s J o yS e wi n g
@ Ci t y Ce nt re
A p r i l 8
1 0 a m3 : 3 0 p m 1 0a m1 1a mV I PP r e S h o p w/ B r u n c h&S p e c i a l G i f t T h e me : F a s h i o nF i g h t s T r a ffic k i n g
• S h o pt h ec l o s e t s o f H o u s t o n ' s T o pb l o g g e r s a n ds t y l ei nu e n c e r s • Me e t a n ds h o pt h ec o l l e c t i o n s o f i n d e p e n d e n t d e s i g n e r s f r o m a c r o s s t h ec o u n t r y • D r a ma t i c d i s c o u n t s f r o m c o u t u r ec o n s i g n me n t a n d v i n t a g eb o u t i q u e s
C i t y C e n t r eF i v e
8 2 5T o wn&C o u n t r yL a n e , H o u s t o n , T X7 7 0 2 4 T i c k e t s &V e n d o r O p p o r t u n i t i e s @www. c o n s c i o u s c o u t u r e . n e t
T i c k e t s : $ 5 0G e n e r a l A d mi s s i o n/ $ 7 5V I P u n t i l Ma r c h1 s t ) E a r l yB i r d : $ 3 5/ $ 6 0V I P( P o r t i o no f p r o c e e d s s u p p o r t i n gU n i t e dA g a i n s t H u ma nT r a ffic k i n g# F a s h i o n F i g h t s T r a ffic k i n g
05 Letter from the Editor 06 Mom Guilt Stops Here
08 Mom with Impact: Donna Penny
Trendsetting Mom: Sara Schaer, Cofounder & CEO, Kango
20 Fit Mom: Farrah
Agado, Owner of Fit4MOM Grapevine
Haute Momma: Beauty through Nutrition - 5 Breakfast Hacks
9 New Year's Commitments Every Career Mom Should Make
5 Books Every Mom Should Read in 2017
Meet Garcelle
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Editor-in-Chief Vonna Matthews
Contributing Designer Photo Director Cover Photography Contributing Photographer Contributing Photographer
Taly Melo Krystal Jackson Ryan West Lesley Bryce Chris Willis
Editorial Office Little Elm, Texas 75068 +1-972-302-9150 | info@ceomommagazine.com CEOMOM Magazine is published by For Her Media Little Elm, Texas 75068 | +1-972-302-9150 www.ceomommagazine.com CEOMOM
Letter from the Editor
With every new year comes resolutions or as I like to call them, promises without plans. Though they are well intended, they lack substance simply because we haven't taken the time to develop an action plan. I celebrate 2017 with you. We at CEOMOM are holding up our proverbial champagne glasses to toast to the new year with new opportunities. In this issue of CEOMOM, we are encouraging you to ditch the archaic idea of resolutions for commitments that are created from passion. We want to add to your reading list by sharing our favorite power books for women. We believe now is the time to get rid of mom guilt and replace it with a new mind that celebrates the amazing mom you are. We want to help you get or stay healthy with fun tips for 2017. We are super excited to share our interview with the beautiful Garcelle Beauvais. She is a power house actress and model who believes in the power of taking care of self. Read the incredible story of Donna Penny, author of Why My Mummy?, to learn how she is helping families cope with cancer. These and more stories are a part of our January/Winter 2017 issue. Grab a cup of coffee and ring in the new year with new ideas and new opportunities. I hope this issue inspires you to embrace change and capture a new you. You deserve it.
VONNA MATTHEWS Editor-in-Chief
Vonna Matthews
MOM GUILT STOPS HERE by: Vonna Matthews
Celebrate the amazing mom you are! Mom guilt. We all have it. It derives from this notion that what we do and who we are as mothers is never enough to adequately meet the needs of our children. A little voice tells us that we aren't being everything that we should be. If we are a stay-at-home mom we feel guilt, because our children may not be spending enough time with other kids. If we are working moms, we feel guilt because our children are at daycare and we have limited time with them. Somehow, no matter what we do or the passion behind our choices, we feel guilt intertwined with thoughts of inadequacy. We create this idea of a "perfect mom" versus who we perceive ourselves to be. A "perfect mom" would have baked cupcakes from scratch instead of buying store bought ones. A "perfect mom" would not have missed her daughter's dance recital for a board meeting. A "perfect mom" would have breastfed for 18 months instead of stopping at 6. This idea of a "perfect mom" is not only unobtainable, it is unrealistic.
We live in a time where standards are higher than ever. There is this expectation of perfection for which women strive."We live in an age of high expectations that everything is a Kodak, or nowadays a Facebook, moment,� says Alan Manevitz, MD, a psychiatrist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
We live in a time where standards are higher than ever. There is this expectation of perfection for which women strive. "We live in an age of high expectations that everything is a Kodak, or nowadays a Facebook, moment,� says Alan Manevitz, MD, a psychiatrist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. The world around us tells us what kind of parents we should be. Now is the time for moms to rid themselves of guilt that is not based on actual wrongdoing. We must set our own goals as parents according to what we know is best for our children. I once read a quote that says, "The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means you already are one." Here are 6 tips to help you get rid of mom guilt. Tip 1. Strive for progress over perfection. Progression is about the journey, the small steps you take to reach a destination. Progression allows you to celebrate the moments on the way to the goal. Perfection is an unobtainable goal that is riddled with stress. Allow yourself as a mom to relish the little moments with your children rather than only focusing on the future or the daily to do's. Tip 2: Learn when you should feel guilty and when you shouldn't. Distinguish legitimate guilt from feelings of inadequacy. Not all mom guilt is bad. Feeling guilty that your child is watching too much television is valid. It prompts you to make changes in her daily routine. However, there are irrational thoughts that are based on societal standards rather than what is best for our kids. Tip 3: Stop comparing yourself to other moms. There is always going to be the mom who appears to have it all together. She is beautiful, her children are flawless and her life seems to be in perfect order. In your mind, you pale in comparison. We have a secret for you.
Nothing is as it seems. That perfect mom has her own struggles so instead of comparing yourself to her, live your own truth as a mom. Tip 4. Accept that 'mommying' is hard work. Sometimes we feel mom guilt, because we have convinced ourselves that being a parent should be easy. It is as though we are shocked by the everyday challenges of parenting. Those challenges often pull at our heart strings, causing us to feel guilt when we think we have failed. Challenges can be as small as what to feed your kids for breakfast on a busy morning to larger struggles like maintaining a family schedule that doesn't compromise quality time. No matter the size, the struggle is real. Give yourself grace and accept that parenting is not for the faint at heart. Tip 5: Stop trying to do it all. Women have mastered the art of multitasking. We wear many hats and play several roles in our personal and professional lives. We think we can do it all and become frustrated when we realize we can't. Look at your schedule in conjunction with your weekly goals and determine what is important. Don't be afraid to eliminate and/or reduce items that are more space fillers than important tasks. Tip 6: Get a strong support system. The first step to developing a strong support system is to remove judgmental moms from your inner circle. Relationships ridden with judgment and tension are seldom healthy for anyone involved. Surround yourself with positive moms who get it, moms who are not seeking perfection, but who aim to be the best they can be for their children. These are moms who understand that doing everything right is not what makes for happy children, but rather doing everything with love.
Mom with Impact: Fighting to Live
As moms, we desire to protect our children from pain. We want to shield them from harm that would diminish their sense of hope and excitement for the future. When our ability to protect them is threatened, the level of loss we feel overwhelms us, stirring up feelings of inadequacy and guilt. Donna Penny knows these feelings all too well. Donna was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time at 35 years old. After a double mastectomy, this wife and mother thought she had beat cancer only to be diagnosed again 5 years later, in 2013. This time the cancer had spread to other parts of her body and was now terminal. Given only 2 years to live, Donna is past what she calls her 'expiry date' and refuses to allow cancer to take away her passion for life. She opened a hair salon with her friends. Donna continues to live life to the fullest. Faced with the challenge of sharing her diagnosis with her son Kai, Donna searched for books to help him understand what was happening to mummy. After finding few resources, Donna decided to write her own story to help other families cope with cancer. Fighting to live, Donna is one of the most courageous and tenacious women we have met. CEOMOM Magazine is excited to share her story in hopes to inspire other moms diagnosed with cancer to fight to live.
I feel truly blessed by the amount of people who have embraced my story, and I truly hope it becomes an amazing legacy for years to come." "
We know you wrote, Why My Mummy? to explain terminal cancer to your beautiful son, Kai. Describe how writing the book has been therapeutic for you. I wrote Why My Mummy? to give hope and ease the pain of talking to your children not only about cancer, but also a terminal diagnosis. I tried so hard to find a book that Kai could relate to, but I had no luck, the books were all doom and gloom. We are very open at home when talking about my cancer as kids are so smart and they can feel when something is not right. Writing Why My Mummy? has been very emotional and real. This is why I decided to use the family photos we had taken just before I was to start chemo for the 3rd time, and my hair was to fall out. It brings the book to life having a real family and seeing our lives in print. Writing this book has made my cancer story a little easier, knowing that hopefully our story will help other people when talking about cancer. The book can be read by anyone, not just a cancer family. I believe it can put things in perspective for some families. How has Why My Mummy? impacted your relationship with your son? Kai once said to his daddy on the way to school “Out of all the mummy’s in the world “Why My Mummy” and that’s how we came up with the name of the book. Kai loves the idea that his book is helping so many families, as well as helping our own. From the heart of a mom, walk us through your second cancer diagnosis. What were your immediate thoughts and emotions? Getting my second diagnosis was absolutely devastating and being told that you probably only have 2 years to live is just mind blowing. How could this be? I did all the right things when first diagnosed like double mastectomy and chemotherapy. How could I be told that I may never get to see Kai grow up or my children get married!?! It’s shocking!!! Plus my oncologist told me I would live to be an old lady and now I’ve been told I’m dying!!!
Sitting in the doctor’s office, being told by my doctor, who has tears in her eyes, that there was no cure for me was devastating. Seeing my husband break down was the most terrifying, as I always looked to him for strength. It was just too much so I found myself holding it together for our family. I think most people who get diagnosed with a terminal illness try to be the strong one even though they feel like they are falling apart on the inside. I still wake up in the middle of the night with that dreaded feeling that I have cancer. I don’t think that will ever go away, but it does get easier with time. How have you seen other mothers and families impacted by your books? I absolutely know our book is making an impact. I’ve had so many positive reviews on my Why My Mummy? Facebook page. I actually had a man post a beautiful message about his wife having cancer and what a relief it brought to his family having our book. It is being read in schools which allows children to be more understanding of this disease and more comforting and caring to children who have sick parents. You are exhibiting so much courage and strength that is beyond admirable. What and/or who is your greatest source of strength? A lot of people tell me how courageous I am, but what I believe is true inner strength is my will and determination to be around to support other people with an illness and to let them see that I am so passionate about being alive and around for my family, especially my kids. This disease does not discriminate by age, race and gender! I have watched so many of my friends die from this disease so if I can make a small difference to someone’s life, I know I’ve done my job. Why My Mummy?" can be purchased at www.whymymummy.com. You may purchase a copy for your local school, library or hospital, and Donna and Kai will personally sign it.
"Kai loves the idea that his book is helping so many families, as well as helping our own." CEOMOM
CHOOSE FREEDOM. REACT. Our goal is to combat human trafficking wherever we have a presence.
Photo Credit: Chris Willis
Trendsetting Mom perfecting the ideal
The youngest members of our families seem to have the busiest schedules. From various practices to recitals to everyday school responsibilities, kids have a variety of activities that require them to be transported frequently. For parents with equally hectic schedules, and of course greater responsibilities, getting a kid from one place to another can be stressful. For moms living in Northern California, Sara Schaer cofounded Kango, an app that provides transportation and care for kids. Kango celebrates moms who are pursuing their dreams and kids who are discovering what their dreams are. Sara is passionate about providing a transportation service to parents that is efficient and reliable. As a mom herself, Sara believes that families should be able to do the things they love without compromising quality time with each other. With plans to expand to other cities, Kango is setting the trend in child care and transportation for kids. CEOMOM Magazine had the opportunity to speak with Sara about her role as a mom entrepreneur and future plans for Kango. I once heard a working mom say that women should not strive for balance, because it is an unrealistic goal. They should instead seek counterbalance. Do you agree? What does balance mean to you? I am a big proponent of living your life in a fulfilling way that makes you happy, as well as those around you, your family and your community.
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A book I read, Composing a Life, provided me with incredible and valuable advice. It gave examples of women who live their lives in chapters. What makes sense will be different at different seasons of your life. I think it’s about composing the right life for you that doesn’t have to be 50/50. It needs to be adapted to what your needs are. I find that personally to be the way my life as a mother and a startup founder has evolved. You've experienced great success with startups. What is the key to your success? What advice would you give to a mom who is developing her own startup? The keys to success are ongoing. There’s no beginning and end. My first advice is to have confidence in yourself, even in the face of adversity or odds stacked against you. When you have naysayers or people who say you can’t do it, go for it anyway. Do whatever you want. Take the shot. Second, don’t give up. It’s not one person or one investor or one customer or one member of the community telling you that they don’t believe in what you want to do. Push yourself. Believe in yourself. Kango is based in Northern California, but women all over the U.S. could benefit from this amazing service. Is Kango available in other states? What are your plans for expansion? We wish we could be serving people all over the U.S. We get calls and emails from all over the U.S. requesting our service. We are currently in 6 counties all over California. We have plans to expand in California. Other cities in California will come first. It is a highly regulated space. We are licensed to operate anywhere in California. We definitely want to cover the rest of the U.S. Within the next year, we will go outside of California. From beginning to end, how does the Kango app work? The Kango app can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. You sign up with an email and password. From there, you land on the Kango web page. You will see a carpool option where
you can search for parents who carpool in your area. You can book a driver on the home screen. That will allow you to enter a profile for your child. Some parents want the drivers to use a passcode for security. It allows you to give us any information regarding your child you want. Info like, make sure she has a water bottle can be added. Once you’ve created the profile, you can schedule the pick up. You can save locations where we pick up and drop off repeatedly. We also have a calendar where you can schedule rides in advance. Select 'Requests' for ride requests. We will honor same day requests. When a driver accepts a request, you get an email. You can tap your driver’s photo to see her profile. You can also see who else has used that driver. There are several other capabilities such as instant chat, photo share and messaging. When the ride is in
"Take the shot." progress. the app will notify you at various stages. You can track the ride on the app. When the child is dropped off, you get a notification. At the end, you can choose how to pay your driver through the app or let us know. You will be charged for the fare within 24 hours. What's the best lesson you learned from rejection? Don’t give up. With 500 Startups, a 4month seed program, we didn’t get in the first time. We didn’t have any revenue. Our usage numbers were small. We had a conversation about our vision and what we planned to do. Get feedback. Keep trying. Diversify your sources. Diversify your conversations. Believe in yourself. Evolve and adapt and stay true to your mission.
I read that apps like Kango are most suitable for affluent moms. Do you agree? If so, are there plans to make it more affordable or available for widespread use? We’ve observed how and who uses Kango. Families do not look at how much the ride is or whether they can afford it. They use Kango for different reasons. A family may use Kango to go back to work or prevent their children from going to daycare. Our minimum fare is $16. We try to work with families who are frequent users. We try to understand from them what their expected usage is going to be. At the early stages in this ride for kids space there are costs. No, I don’t believe it is just for affluent moms. We are taking kids to daycare so moms can work a full day. People realize it allows them to work. As long as it allows them to have a net positive, it is worth the cost. We have a broader spectrum of profiles who use Kango than people may expect. The focus is, what is this saving me as it allows me to work. We are seeing more and more families use child care with Kango. As Kango expands we will have market prices that will be in line with hourly rates. The price of a Kango ride wouldn’t be identical in Seattle versus Atlanta. Walk us through your process for raising capital for your startup. What would you do differently? What were the biggest challenges? Target the right investors and choose the right time. For example, with a service like ours, we gathered insight on the investor network in Silicon Valley and how and when to target them. Target investors who are interested in your space. Choose the right time to fundraise. Different investors have different stages they invest. 500 Startups invests earlier than others. Target according to your current stage. Keep at it. Fundraising is an intense process and takes a lot of time and talking to a lot of investors. Ask for feedback and continue down your list. Get advice from other startup founders who are in a similar stage to network for intros and get support and share experiences. Tell us a little bit about your family. I have 2 sons, 1 is 12 and the other is 14. They are Kango supporters. They have been Kango guinea pigs. My 14 year old has helped me put packets together for Kango. We have 2 working parents. One travels a lot outside of the Bay Area. Getting the kids where they need to go has been a challenge for me since they were in preschool. I have been driving kids, either my own or other people’s kids, for 14 years. I have one son who plays baseball and the other plays handball and basketball. They go to a French school since their father is French. Learn more about Sara and Kango at http://www.kangoapp.co.
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Known for her beauty and longstanding career as an actress and model, Garcelle Beauvais epitomizes what it means to be a CEO mom. She continues to reinvent herself, maintaining a career that is as diverse as her talents. One can’t discuss career and motherhood without talking balance and what it means to do it all. When CEOMOM interviewed Garcelle, actress, television personality, and game show host, about balancing family life and career, she emphasized the need for women, especially moms, to take care of ourselves first, allowing us to be better moms. CEOMOM couldn’t agree more. On July 7, 2017, you can see Garcelle in the latest Spider-Man installment, Spider-Man Homecoming. Although Garcelle couldn’t tell us much about her upcoming role in Spider-Man, we were excited to talk to her about her many other roles in shows like Hollywood Today Live and Window Warriors, as well as her most important role, mom to 3 sons, Oliver, 25 and twins, Jax and Jaid. I once heard a working mom say that women should not strive for balance, because it is an unrealistic goal. They should instead seek counterbalance. Do you agree? What does balance mean to you? Balance to me is at the end of the night when you lay down you feel like you did a good job at work and a good job with your kids. There are days I look back and think, “I did a good job.” There are other days I go to bed and I think, “I can’t do this.”
Whether it's balance or counterbalance, how do you achieve either without compromising your role as a mom? I think everything now is compromise. For me, it’s about my kids knowing that they are priority number 1. As an actor, getting a job out of town requires me to go away. I let my kids know that I am doing it for the family. I also need them to know that I have to take care of myself and fill my soul with things that make me happy. I don’t want my kids to have unrealistic views of life. They are going to be unbalanced thinking that the world revolves around them. How does your role as a mom impact your career choices as it relates to movie and television roles? I try to do things that keep me in town. The talk show that I do, Hollywood Today Live, allows me to be in town. I’ve always wanted to do a show with a talk show format, but the reason it appealed to me so much is it is shot in Los Angeles. I try not to miss the baseball games and the guitar lessons. I try to stay home as much as possible. One could say you've reinvented yourself as an entertainer. Your fans are seeing you in more diverse roles not only as an actress and model, but a television personality and game show host. What advice would you give to a mom who
believes it is too late to start a new career or reinvent her current one? You stop reinventing yourself and growing when you are in the coffin. It’s never too late. It’s never too late to fall in love. It’s never too late to be you. In Los Angeles, we are earthquake minded. We are always prepared for an earthquake. I always have things for the kids, but not for me. Sometimes moms forget ourselves. We have to make sure that we are important. Sometimes when I am reading to my kids and I’ve read a few books and they want one more, I say no. It’s time for mommy to have me time. I try to instill that in them as much as I can. What is the key to maintaining longevity in the entertainment industry while being a mom? I don’t give up. I believe that I am an artist in my soul. An artist can be a lot of things. You don’t have to be just an actor. You can be a lot of different things. I have written children’s books. Social media helps people see you in different ways. Describe a typical day in the life of Garcelle Beauvais. If it’s a weekday, I am up at 4:30 am. I stop at Starbucks at 5:05 am. I love their app which allows you to order your coffee from your phone. I kiss my kids before I leave if I have them for that week. I will get to work and start hair and makeup. We have a 7 am meeting to go over the topics we are going to talk about that day. After the meeting, I FaceTime with my kids to catch up and go over the day’s activities or just to say "I love you and have a great day." I get dressed and mic’d. Then we usually start the show. We go live at 9 am. When I am done with work at 10 am, I go food shopping and then I try to go to the gym. I find every excuse not to go to the gym. I cook dinner early so I can spend time with the kids. I could have a meeting or a script to read or an audition to prepare for. On the weekends, my kids come into bed, and we snuggle. We usually have at least 10 minutes of peace before someone is kicking someone. I know your sons have to be excited about your upcoming role in one of the most successful movie franchises to date. What can we expect from your role in Spider-Man: Homecoming? With laughter, Garcelle tells us, “Not a damn thing.” I have never been involved in anything that is this secretive. I didn’t know my role until I got on set. You have quite a few projects underway, one being “Window Warriors,” which premiered Tuesday, November 15 at 9 pm ET/PT on GSN (the Game Show Network). What can we expect from Window Warriors? It’s like Project Runway. It’s fashion for window designers. The designers are so creative. It’s art meets commerce. I am
lose " Don't yourself in motherhood.
the Heidi Klum of Window Warriors. You get to meet the designers. Macy’s is the first brand that is showcased. At the end of the series someone was crowned with a $100,000 prize and the opportunity to design a window for Macy’s for the holidays. What 5 words would your children use to describe you? Depending on the day they would say nice, fun, strict, and a good cook. They would also say that I love Swedish Fish.
We started Bottles, Bibs & Pumps lifestyle brand, because we were looking for a community of women with similar challenges related to managing motherhood and career. What advice would you give to a new mom who is discovering the challenges of striving to do it all? Build your village. Find people who are willing to help and support even if it’s just listening to you. Find your village. We can totally and should always support one another. Sophia E. Nelson says, “Find your front row." These are the women who support you no matter what. The book is called The Woman Code. Let them be there for you. Don’t lose yourself in motherhood. One day the kids will have their own lives. Have your life as they are having theirs. Let them see that you are important and your own woman. You can catch Garcelle Beauvais on Hollywood Today Live every weekday. Check your local listings for stations and times.
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Fit Mom: Staying Fit in 2017
FARRAH AGADO: FIT4MOM Fit4MOM is the country's largest fitness program for moms. Imagine a community of women with the common goal to get and stay fit through the various stages of motherhood. From the time you find out you are pregnant to years after you give birth, Fit4MOM was created to provide resources, classes, and fitness programs such as Fit4Baby's prenatal fitness classes, Stroller Strides, Body Back, and Our Village to mothers who want to get fit within a community while maintaining flexibility. Farrah Agado got connected with Fit4MOM, because of their welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere. As a franchise owner, Farrah works to uphold the Fit4MOM mission which is to help moms make strides in fitness, motherhood, and life. What is Fit4MOM? What are your products and services? FIT4MOM is a fitness program for moms in every stage of motherhood. Our programs consists of, Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, Body Back, Running Club and Our Village playgroups. Our goal is to support moms through a community while also supporting her role as a mom as her needs change with her growing baby. Our pre and postnatal fitness classes along with our playgroups provide a support system she can rely on, lean on and share her experiences with as well. Are there other companies like Fit4MOM? If so, how does your company stand out from the competition? Yes, there are other companies like FIT4MOM. I would have to say that the same still holds true as when I first found Stroller Strides 7 years ago. After a lot of research with stroller fitness programs, Stroller Strides was the only company to truly show community, support, and interest to me as an outsider. There is nothing like what Fit4MOM can offer and bring to the community. Every franchise and location opens their arms to moms no matter what stage
of motherhood and what choices they make regarding parenting. We want to be a safe place for moms to come and feel loved and valued. This is true for every class, playgroup, franchisee and instructor which really originates from our corporate staff. We are a community of moms with the sole purpose to help each mom find the strength for motherhood. What is the process to start a Fit4MOM franchise? Find out as much information as you can by talking to other franchisees in your area. Reach out. We are all willing to share our experiences with you. Meanwhile
you can go to fit4momfranchise.com to get a free brochure and join a free webinar. The free webinar will be extremely helpful with really finding out more details on owning a franchise. How did you get started with Fit4MOM? It was love at first sight. That's the short story.
came together and my husband was on board to help me follow this next step in my career and support me with this new business adventure. I am so thankful for his support and willingness to let me dive into this business which I literally fell in love with.
What tips do you have for moms who want to start a health plan in the new year? Ah, the new year. A time to take I found out I was going to be laid off at advantage of a new plan, new thoughts, my corporate job in December 2008 (Merry Christmas!) so my hunt was on to new dreams, new hope, and most importantly a new you. Take time to figure out what I would do next. I think about what you really want and be researched online for fitness classes. I knew teaching fitness would be my next intentional with what matters to you. This will spark the drive you need to dream to follow. Would I teach adults, reach your goals. Pick the 3 most kids, or both? I stumbled upon the important things to you right now, write Stroller Strides website. They were the them down and tell someone. Tell a only company at the time that replied friend, your spouse, your mom, anybody. right away to answer my questions and If people important to you know your get me signed up on the webinar. I goals they can help you and support you reached out to a neighboring franchise and took a few classes since I had no idea along the way. In regards to fitness goals, join classes, groups that you enjoy. What what an actual class looked like. After kind of fitness do you like, yoga, running, my first class I knew this was what I strength training, cardio? Join the wanted to do. Everything
classes that interest you. At FIT4MOM we offer all of these type of workouts in our classes plus we make them fun! You will not leave a class disappointed. What advice do you have for a mom who wants to get or keep her family healthy? Try new foods, read labels, and stay active. Over time my husband and I have learned to read labels to know exactly what is in the food we eat to make informed decisions about nutrition. Eating appropriate portion sizes is huge in healthy eating and can make a big difference when trying to lose or maintain weight. Also, we always make time to get our workouts in. We enjoy different things and I think this makes for a wonderful opportunity for our son to experience different kinds of fitness. Learn more about Farrah and Fit4MOM at http://grapevine.fit4mom.com/.
s k c a H t s a f k a e r B 7 1 0 2
Beauty through Nutrition: 5 Breakfast Hacks for the Family
Mornings can be the most hectic time of the day for the modern family. You're racing kids to school, parents off to work, and striving to maintain good eating habits with a daily breakfast. Let's be honest. Eating breakfast every morning can be hard to do. CEOMOM has 5 breakfast hacks that are nutritious and time saving.
OVERNIGHT OATS These oats are an easy breakfast meal, because you throw all of your ingredients in a mason jar and let them soak in the refrigerator overnight. Your base is equal parts old fashioned rolled oats, milk and yogurt. Put the rolled oats at the bottom with the milk on top. From there add any toppings you want including fruit, chia seeds, ground flaxseed, and more. Stir everything together and let it sit overnight. In the morning, add nuts to the top for crunch.
PEANUT BUTTER BALLS Peanut butter balls are packed with protein and provide much needed energy in the morning. This is another breakfast item that can be pre-made. Add peanut butter, a sugar of your choice, raisins, nuts, oatmeal and chocolate chips to make it even more kid-friendly. See the full recipe on page 28.
KEEP IT SIMPLE This is a tip that will not only save you time, but gives you permission to save the big breakfast for the weekend. With just a couple of items such as oatmeal and fruit, you can keep breakfast healthy without making it too complicated. Add a glass of milk, juice or coffee on the go, and you are ready to conquer the day.
DESSERT FOR BREAKFAST Who says that dessert is an after dinner treat only? Simple desserts such as pudding and even cheesecake can make the perfect breakfast item. Add fruit and granola to your favorite pudding flavor for a quick on-the-go meal. The best part about dessert for breakfast is not only is it a sweet pick me up, but usually it is already prepared in your refrigerator. All you need to do is dress it up a little with your favorite breakfast items. Add a beverage, and you are good to go.
FRUIT & VEGETABLE SMOOTHIE Who doesn't love smoothies? They are packed with nutrients and involve simply throwing a bunch of great items into a blender. Make your morning routine easier by preparing your smoothie the night before. You can cut up all of the items you want in the smoothie, put them in a ziplock bag and place them in the freezer until you are ready to blend them in the morning. You can also completely blend the ingredients the night before and refrigerate it until the morning. Either way, this is a quick and nutritious meal that can include your favorite fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and powders. See a full recipe on page 29.
Every Career Mom Should Make Stop mom guilt.
We've decided that 2017 is the perfect year to stop mom guilt. Mom guilt can be crippling and increase stress. Celebrate the amazing mom you are.
Rest. Rest. Rest. Let's face it. Moms are arguably the busiest people on earth. We are constantly on the go with very little time to rest. Take time to just chill. Get much needed sleep. Your mind and body will thank you.
Evaluate your inner circle. You can tell a lot about a person by the people in their circle of influence. Look at those who are closest to you to ensure you have healthy relationships.
Get a chic family planner. CEOMOM loves style. We also appreciate the art of planning. Moms often do the family planning. Why not do it in style? Find a chic family planner that you will be excited to use.
Create a Have fun. calendar. Work hard to play hard. As hard as it may be, that saying applies to moms, too. Take a day off to have fun. Enjoy your friends and family. It makes you more well rounded and reduces stress.
Develop a health plan.
Get more alone time.
Women are known for taking care of everyone else first. This year, make a commitment to take care of yourself. Spend time alone to refresh and enjoy the company of you.
Get a business mentor. It's time to take your business to the next level. One way to accomplish this is by getting a business mentor, someone who is where you want to be. Seek out a mentor and start the relationship.
Take a professional Have risk.
Take charge of your health by being intentional. Design a health plan using honesty and realism. Evaluate your current health and base a plan on you.
Step out of your comfort zone and do something professionally that not only scares you, but requires change. Your greatness depends on it.
Although we believe that reading every CEOMOM Magazine issue will be life changing, we know that there are a plethora of books that will change not only how you see your professional life and family, but how you see yourself. There is power in the written word and its ability to change minds and hearts. CEOMOM would like to add 5 of our favorite books to your 2017 reading list. The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life by Sophia A. Nelson This book was recommended by our beautiful cover mom, Garcelle Beauvais so you know it's a must read. In The Woman Code, Sophia A. Nelson, encourages women to unveil their power and realize success by recognizing and living according to certain codes. The codes exist whether we acknowledge them or not and inspire our interactions, self perceptions and decision making. The Woman Code helps us to navigate through a purposeful life, recognizing the importance of healthy woman to woman relationships. It outlines specific principles and ideas that aid women in managing life's demands such as family, career and relationships.
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso #GIRLBOSS is one of our favorite business reads. It's a business memoir by Nasty Gal founder, Sophia Amoruso. "A #GIRLBOSS is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it." Without taking herself too seriously, Sophia gives you a personal account of her climb to success. A former shoplifter and self proclaimed lover of vintage, Sophia has played it smart throughout her entrepreneurial career. She is a savvy businessperson who believes in keeping overhead low, being frugal and leveraging the power of great relationships and talent. She built Nasty Gal from an eBay store selling vintage women's clothing to a large women's fashion retailer with approximately half a million customers in over 60 countries. Composing a Life by Mary Catherine Bateson Recommended by our feature mom, Sara Schaer, Composing a Life debunks the notion that life can be lived in a straight line. It says that instead we should allow each day to unveil its richness and creativity as it presents itself. Mary Catherine Bateson tells the story of 5 unconventional women who inspire us to live our lives with a palette of possibilities. Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist There is no group that needs to declutter everyday life more than moms. We pile so much on our plates, leaving little room to relish in the precious moments of life. Through a series of essays, Shauna teaches us how to reduce busyness and replace it with quality time with friends and family. Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child: The Heart of Parenting by Dr. John Gottman Part of our roles as moms is to help our children grow into emotionally mature adults. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, explores the emotional relationship between parents and children. Gottman encourages parents to pay attention to the quality of their children's emotional interactions. He provides a 5 step coaching tool to help parents to teach their children how to identify and manage their emotions.
CEOMOM Issue 27 | 234
PEANUT BUTTER BALLS These breakfast bites are packed with energy and are perfect for the busy family. Mix together a bunch of healthy ingredients and you have an easy go to breakfast item.
INGREDIENTS 2/3 cup peanut butter 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1/2 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup ground flaxseed 2 tbsp maple syrup
1. Combine and stir all of your dry ingredients (oats, pecans, chocolate chips and ground flaxseed) together in a large bowl. 2. Add your wet ingredients (peanut butter and maple syrup). Using a wooden spoon, stir until completely mixed. 3. This will be a thick mixture. Shape into bite size balls. 4. Spread the balls out on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer for 30 minutes or until they are hardened. 5. Store them in an airtight container until you are ready to eat them. Enjoy!
VERY BERRY SMOOTHIE Start your day off with this oldie, but goodie. Combine your favorite fruits and vegetables to make a smoothie that is both healthy and delicious.
INGREDIENTS 2 cups almond milk 1 frozen banana 1 cup frozen blueberries 1/4 cup frozen strawberries 1 tbsp ground flaxseed 1/2 cup spinach
1. Place all of the ingredients in a high speed blender and mix until smooth or reaches your desired consistency. 2. Pour into a glass and garnish with fresh strawberries. 3. Add a straw. Enjoy!